The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 23, 1877, Image 2

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    11 bang $it.
AT.r.AXY, OREGON", FE 12,-1877.
On the '20th iust., the fcfenate- and 4
House being in joint session, continued 1
the count of the electoral vote by Mates I
in aipnaueiicai oraer unui ucnigan i
i i . , - "y i
was reached, when objection was made 1
bj Tucker to the eleven voles of that
State being counted tor Hayes because
one Uenton ITanchet, who had been
elected as an elector and who was in
eligible becauee he held at Hie time
and still hold, tho ottoo of TT S. Com.
mibsiouer. had absented himself lrorn
the electoral college and his place been
filled by said college, which selected
Daniel Li. Croesman to fill "Iris place,
The Senate tlien retired to allow each
House to consider the matter. Sonth
moved that the House take a recess
until the next day. The: motion was
lost 192 nays to 59 ayes.-, .lencks'
substitute tor Tucker'6 resolution, which
Was that llanchet, not having exercised
the duties f office tor twelve year, the
vote of the elector objected to should
be counted, was adopted. : In the Senate
it was resolved that the evidence was
not sufficient to justify the exclusion of
the vote of Crossman. The Senate,
having been notified of the action of the
House in the matter, proceeded to the
hall of the House to resume tho count.
The vote of Michigan was then counted
for Hayes and Wheeler, Then follow
ed the count of States, without objec
tion, until Nevada was reached, when
Springer objected to TJ. M. Daggett,
one of the electors, on the ground that
at the time of his appointment he was
holding the office of U. S. Commission
er. As Daggett 6tated before the House
committee on powers and privileges that
lie resigned the office on the 6th of No
vember, the objection of Sprenger did
, iot stand good. The .Senate again
withdrew. At 11:45 the two Houses
-again met, and the tellers announced
that as both Houses had . agreed, the
vote of Nevada would bo counted for
Hayes and Wheeler. Then followed
in succession, without objection, the
State of New Hampshire New Jersey,
New York, N. Carolina and Oho. The
- President of the Senate then opened and
handed to the tellers the vote of Ore-
gan, when objection being " made, the
.Senate retired. Alt objections having
been presented to the electoral commis-
eioii in the case of Oregon, that matter
is now undergoing investigation. ; '
. . ;
"' Democrats, we thik, will not make
at strong fight over Oregon, which was
reached in the count ou Tuesday. Of
Courso South Carolina will go to the
commission, .although there ; isn't a
thread fbr . the Democracy to hang a
hope upon. They have been compelled
to acknowledge, after a most thorough
investigation, that Hayes received an
overwhelming majority of the iopular
vote, and the revolutionists . only urge
4he matter to consnme time.' Wiscon
slu, the last Stao on the .list,, when
called, will cause a sharp fight, probab
ly, as the old charge of ineligibility will
be raised. Ot course there is reallv
-nothing in the charge, and it is just
probable that enough sensible Demo
crats in the House may be found to unite
with the Republicans,' and , thai body
will agree to cast the vote" where it
rightfully and legally belongs, for Hayes
and Wheeler, and then the fight will be
over. . As we have said . from the
first, Hayes will be inaugnrated Presi
dent, W'heeler will take hn seat as
Vice President, and the Country will
con be moving along as though there
had been no election troubles.
Among other statesmen 'who " have,
.gained a national reputation by their
, great "ability and continued and unwea
ried labors to serve the people honestly
and Well, WG iiotice the iiamer 6f our
honored Senator, John II. Mitchell,
mentioned as a probable member of
1 President Hayes' Cabinet. Virile we
are convinced that Senator -Mitchell
...would fill any., portfolio, offered him by
thePresident with honor and distinction,,
yet we strenuously object s to his accept
ing a position Jo the Cabinet., The peo
pie of Oregon can not dou without him,
ia the U. S. Senate. : lie has beon as
. true as, steel to Oregon ; lie has been
untiring in his labors in-her behalf, and
. has done more for us in , the short time
' lie has occupied a scat in tho Senate
fchan a regiment of his traducers could
or would do in a thousand- years. -" For
l ability; zeal Dd hone6ti integrity m tho
line of official dutyj, MFtchell has not a
r- v.swperior Jin CJongrces. ': No, Senator
MitcTie!! must continue to represent Or
,'Son we .iLavn't . a. man in the Stata
. that can at all compare with him ui
' etatesmsrsLip, in' usefnlncffs, or iu fnflu.
encev . '.'" .
Senator Kelly, hi Ids explanation of
tlie cipher telegram, Fays ho could not
read the cipher, and ; lie bclievea, Pat
rick's explanation t it.r If -be had
known when he was nicning it that
he - was -eiHlorstHg bribery, lie iovcr
would have signed" his name ! Honest
old man who will believe Kelly gu'hy
01 conniving at uriuury aner m.n
' '' '1' i Tt.- l.' !.:. I .
confession? And yet it will strike ev.
erybody as a little singular that Kelly
should ask that a certain telegram be
answered in cipher!
Holland, who undertook to "reform'
Cincinnati tor I iuen, says that he liaci
an : from t'Jiicaga named Hums,
with a gang of twelve men ; a man
named Fairchild, from Pittaburg, with
eight men ; .Mike Gleason, from ew
York, with eighteen men, and that these
fortyone men cast about fioe hundred
cotes ! lie ( II ollawl) received $1,000
from the Democratic committee, and
was promised ni"ie from individual pol"
iticians who agreed to give the money !
The dispatch signed "governor,"
sent live days before Cronin was erant-
cd a certificate as an elector, stated that
he (Grover) would "decide every point
in favor of the Democratic elector, and
grant certificate accordingly Wlien
Grover was before the Orej'pn commit
tee as a witness, he swore that ho had
given no information to any person what
ever as to what his action would be in
issuing electoral certificates prior to the
day on which the matter was willed !
From a Washington special to the
Tribune we learn that the Kepublicaii
Senators hold a caucus tho first of the
week, at which it was determined that
if the Democrats shonld determine to
filibuster in the House to prevent the
completion ot tho count of the electoral
vote, it would be the duty of the Presi
dent of the Senate, some time before the
4th of March, in joint convention if pos
sible, and if not, tlicn in the Senate, to
complete the count and declare Hayes
For the part whicli Senator Ivelly
took in the Oregon electoral : bribery,
tlie Democrats talk of expellii g him
from that body. Poor Kelly! Had
the rascality attempted by
Ivelly, Grover, Cronin and Chad wick
proved a success, you wouldn't have
heard a whisper from Democrats about
expelling Kelly! Toor Kelly! Poor
dog Tray !
A TO TA L fa IL UllE.
"Usufruct" and his pals have, after
having plnyed the most desjerale and
infamously wicked game ever attempted
in politics, lost every trick. Morally
and politically "Usufruct" is a total
wreck. His infamy has buried him so
deep that it will take the last trump to
resurrect him. !
VATCHES. AVasiiixgtox, Feb. 14. Senate
committee on elections held until very
late this evening for tlie examination of
F. 15. and A. W. SliaV,; of De
troit, Michigan, who have had business
transactions-with J. Hi Xi Patrick, of
Omaha, and who had oommnnicated
with him by telegraph ' in cipher tor
seme years past. , j he key to the cipher
i i .i I l.u tf
ueu y uiwn h: hupiu i.smi
dictionary,-, and by aid o this key, the
following translations of cipher., dis-
patclies relative to the, Oregon electoral
case were made : , ., v , ,
PonTLAJn, N"ovember 28.
W. T. Pelton, 15 Gramrrrercy Park
New York : Certificate will be issued
to one Democrat. Must purchase Re
publican elector to recognize ' and act
with tlie Democrat and secure vote and
prevent troubled Deposit $ 1 0,000 to
rny ercdit with Kootrtz 'f-Bron., Wall
street. - Answer.- - .T. ll.i NPatricki ; -
1 fully endorse this." Jas. Ki Kelly.
; v. Poktland, November 30.
, W T. Pelton, 15 Grammercy. ParR,
New. York : Governor all right with
out reward. .Will issue certificate
Tuesday; Thia wcret.. r Republicans
threaten, if cert ifica to is issued, to ig
nore tho Democratic and cause vacancy,
and thus defeat the action of tlie Gov
ernor. , One elector t must , bo paid to
.recognize ;,thc i 'Democrat,. and. secure a
majority., Have employed lawyerj."fee;
S3.000. Will take 85,000 for Rebubli-
can elector uf, raise money. Can't
make - lee contingent. , Sail .Saturday.
I Kelly and Bellinger- willact Comma
nicato with them. - Must act prompt.
"'' (No signatare.) .
- Poktt.anp," December 2.
W, T. Pelton, 15 Grammercy, !Park,
New- York :-r Impossible ; to convene
legislatare. - left before telegraph mr
rived. Isn't draw the 8. Deposit
with Cbarlea. Diamond, , 115 Liberty
street, to order liush & Ladd, Salem
Must have it Monday, Can't . under.
tand laughable Everett house last year
telegram. K. for P.- '
PoKTUiifD, ' Dec 3. "
' - W. T. Pelton 15 Grammercy Park :
I will be at Grand Hotel,-San Francis
co, Monday ; be at Salt Lake City three
days or thereabouts. Have to borrow
money on my individual ' responsibility,
in trust you can replace it.. Kt
Nkw "YoKK, Nov. 29.
J. IT. N. Patrick, Portland Ogn :
Know how soon will Governor decide
certificate. It yon make obligation
contingent on result in March, it can be
done incremable slightly if necessary
(No signature,
.-""it Nkw York, Dec. 1
J. H. N. Patrick : Can't you send
special messenger and convene legisla
ture by Tuesday, and-; elect cjecloi
Necessary expense would lie paid. ?eo
jircx-eedings of other States telegraphed
you. Consult the Governor and Sena-
tor. Answer., H-O signature.;
Sax 1'jJANt iso, Dec. G.
Hon. Jas. K. Kelly , The 8 depos
ited a - directed this morning. J Let no
technicality prevent winning. - Use
your discretion. (No signature.)
Xkw YonK.Dec. 3.
Hon. James K. KeUy : Telegraph
Hemlock go ahead. You shall be re
imbursed. Do not fail. All important.
Advise progress. (No; signature.)
The cinhcr dispatch sent from Oregon
Dec. 1 to Samuel J. Tilden, and signed
"Gabble," is translated by Senate com
mittee on privileges and elections with
the aid of a. key turnished by Shaw, of
Detroit, to read as follows: ,
, .,rv:v(? Poktuvxi, Dec. 1.
S.-.f. Tilden, New Yuik-I shall de
cide every point in case of jxstoiliee
elector in lavor of the liigest Demo,
cratic elector, and grant, certificate ac-cordingl)-
on the ' morning of the 6th
lust. ContuJeutial. Sigiie!)
jemoc'hat.s ox the situation.
The Tribimt'it Washington special of
the says:, .
Thuroian has said that, the Demo
crats ' could, not' rely upon him in any
revolntionarj stl;emp.
Uayard remarkei tilibnsteiing would
add iniamv to their defeat.
McDonald, in defending the action
of the l5emoci n tic caucus, said nothing
was plainer than the line of duty tor
tlie Democratic parly. The decision of
the commission could not bo moredis-
tastefnl to any one than to him j Imt he
was never cut out for a revolutionist1
and to resist its results would be revo
lution. -
Jeremiah Black declares revolution
impossible and useless, and on this
point he agrees 'with his old Republican
friend, I le and Groesback, who have
been bronght here as secial eonnse!,
tell some of their hot-headed' friends
that they have not n word ot fault to
find with the tribunal. Thero are very
grave questions to be considered on both
sides; that it is a serious thing to go be
hind the Governor's certifn ate in ques
tions ot this sort ; and that if such a
precedent is once established it may
lead to the destruction of the republic.
The Democratic members of the com
mission generally acted since Friday
like the lionorablo higli-munlc-il men
they have been believed to be, and none
of them give encouragement to any des
perate expedient.
Grover's chances to procure a seat in
the U. S. Senate, since the publication
of the cipher dispatches, are very thin
indeed. If Grover's guilt shallhe made
any plainer, he will hardly be able; to
keep out of the penitentiary.
'.Ttwlge Strong?" of Portland," is a gootl
jovlnl old fellow, for a Democratic politi
cian. It so hnppencd that a week or so
jigo the Judge was coming to Albany, and
a prominent Republican of Albany was
coming up on the s.-mie train. After dis
cussing politics. jind various other maiters
for some tunc, the Judge rcninrkeJ jlhat he
was going to Albany to collect some money
due him. , At this our Albnny friend re
joined that he supposed Strong and hi
political friends had as much money as
they wanted. - The Judge an astute law
yer, and cntight the idea instantly. lie re
plied tliat tiiey had not got the money
that Cronin had to Lave Silhree. thousand
dollars to enable him to comprehend the
proper course for hint to pursue that they
had to pay tho Oregouian fellows three
thousand more that 3 rover ' and Kelly's
Incidental expenses had to be paid, and I lint
this left so little they sent it frvii to Gram
mercjf jaJi. TuU, rernttuled, our Albinv
e,,, v ot y ilme widd, ruini
thus : A number of yeirs ago, a promi
nent Democratic politician, then a i-esidcii
of Tahiti county, on his way home at thj
eridT of apMiticnf campaign 'iropjw-d at
stage station between here and Salem, and
la company with several fYiciidsJrrgoi glori
ously drunk. The story of the spree be
coming of general publicity, annoyed our
Democratic friend, who made considerable
pretensions Wptetyr On meeting a gentle
man of Uie opposition. Jthis .was, before the
days of Ecpublioaulsno), lie undertook to
explain the matter by saying the whole
party only haf a'plhTt ITikffHlskyaiHl
that, after takiii;4'iinl'pifeccjUicy;
left half the trhixly in the bottle! The oppo
sftfonrman snidrbe'w6i1Jbelfevtf4I the
story except concerning the whisky left in
the hhttle. ;fwljje Strotjr insists irlmt his
ImmK are clean that II til, Cronin & Co.,
got nHthe money HtfiAfl teassem baak !
THe ladierdf f ltipfetliocllst .Chtnrefi pro- .
pose having a lau-and testival, for tlie beu
eftt ottielr Chareh - in . about a monthi
One of tlie evenings JQneen,Esther" will
be prodiK-ed, to? the great delight of , 'our
people We have no doubt. - h-yrcn i
". ', ' "-' ' m 'r "' : ut "'ui;!I -,
Xw KMUMruEaq.PckJeivtio,
G. W. CP. oftlie Grand Kiicampmcut of
IsQ.OjFjOf prenHwHluJ3titntean Kn
campmeiit at Myrtle Creek. Douglas coun
ty, on '"VednesdayrMreb'14th7l877. '1
, 'Thc report" of the; prdceedlngs 'rtf the
Temperance Alliance in this 'issue of tlie
Kegistkr, was furnished by Mr. Jay Xi,
'BlalrT.JIe gesTOetHt k''W(ttKuid
at the buiinessi ' ' '-'-
.. J, .., K. Weatherford aud bride, Ivalter
Turrell and Jolm Parker, the three former
from California, the latter from Washing
ton City arrived hero ou tlie noon train
Money Received. Yesterday Mrsi
Walter Monteith received $4,401, the
amount due on policy ot deceased husbant
In the Mutual LlfeNew York'CTl ord
inal policy was $4,000, the accunn)latieu
being $401: The agent of tWcotfiparryv
Mr. Win. Morgan, paid over the money
yesterday "V '
lAnn Engine was oa ,tl rpurid Monday 1
. " :'-'. ": 1 ! . ': - l- " ?- I
sue was reaiiy ior wofk. xuis naswtausc
slie" had hot ' water "liTher twilef to iaf 1
with. ' W itlf a lteater tho water in liC boil
er could al ways be kept hot, ready for work
as soon as the suction and ; hose' could be
a tt ached. ' i ' . ; ' -'' r
SiTvtMBn,rsG,-i-'A t meeting of the
T-adies Aid Society wif! "Iks held at Mrs.
Dr. Miller's, on 'Waslilnatou1 street, this
(Friday) alternoon at 2 o'elock. - A full at- 1
tenlance isfpecially desired, as business of '.
the greatest mirortanejBjnwait.s y no acwon.
oftlie Society.
Mrs. I.. E. BLAfN, Pres.
I v.TcC.WHAT;Yoc Watst. trST6Wred
is asent tor CoriiveUs improved self fitting
cliart for cutting out dresses for ladies,
misses and children doubtless the bestand
cheapest.' system , yet nyeuted Jy this
chart a perfect fit M warrauteA erery time.
Call orkkwslrWJWeetlJdbauy, for
furllier information, v. .-,- :
At llAUiusiarno. The necessary dispen
sation having . 1een granted by Grand
Worthy Chief Patriarch, .t. F. Backeitsto,
an Eucamjunetit of I.O.O.F. will be insti
tuted at llarrisbnrg, in this county, . hy
D.D.G.C.P.. !- J. Walton, of Eugene fJity,
W e Are not inforiiMM,! as to the precise time,
but suppose it will be early the coming
Tiiasks. Two's are under obligations
to their First Assistant Foreman George
Ihirkhart for takinz ttieir5'elnine to die tire
on Jloflday lit good time. At tlie first tap j
of tlie bell, Geoi-ge Jumped on to his wagon
and drove like mad for the engine house,
caught up with tlie engine, hitched on and
took it to tlie fire in a jiffy. Owing to the
muddy 'j conditloujof : the?road indithe
weight of the steamer, the boys could not
have possibly roatlji U time Uiey .Uid un
aided. Z J"j. " W
Tin: Xkw Maxacoiknt. The City
Dru; Store, iindc'r the tnanagenient of Iir.
X. Ilentoii, and Mr. G. B. Ueiitoii, lms un
dergone a thorough overhauling, making
it one ot the most attractive places in the
it.y. Dr. X. Henton, late of Iowa, has
beci regularly engaged in tlie pnictioe of
medluiiie for Oiirty-one years, and in ,, the
drug business since 1855, and is, therefbiv,
thorooglily proficient s in tlie busiuess.
Ijirgoi additiona have hecn made to- tho
stock In the way of fresh drugs medicines,
etc., which the gentlemauly nuuiagcrs will
sell clear down to those patronizing them.
Call and see them at corner ot First and
Ellsworth streets after reading their card
in thi paper.
r. : - .i
sidewalk on the ra.-t side of the Central
School property., Tlie walk Iws. apparently
rc.-n taKct. rrp oy pan..- ..,. s
me j r.-j -
OUC llirowu ulitcr iirii tri -ncitn,
a dangerous place for pedestrians. It is
somebody's duty to replace tliat walk, and
they should perform that duty at once.
Some one will break a leg one of those dark
night while trying to cross that wreck of
a sidewalk, ami the city mignt oe caiieu
upon to pungle several thousaml dollars lor
its negligence in the matter. Some one in
authority should attend to the matter at
-Y0tJJ ftOftfc'S ClJKtfeTlAN ASSOCU-
Xios.-TFollo lng are the .officers elect of
the Associ.ftto:i : PrCJ-faenf; IV. tl.Gnntmi;
1ce PrcskMif3Mr3. Adda'Maltedflie
brduScereray, J. WiBlaln; Financial
Secretary, II. E. Sox ; Treasurer, Adda
Goltra. Board of Managers President,
Vice PresidentwFhianuial Secretary, Treas
urer, Libbie Irvine, Ir, Callaway and Miss
Gilbert." Trustees President', Yfee'PresI
deBtiKl fiecrelaryi Delegates to tlwTVm
perance Allintiee", which convened in tills
city on itlia- 21st, were ieleeted-to-wit:
MessrijlliSox and W: JlBIaint -Jl'he
Associationhawseeuretl two elegant
rooms in Samirel lliller's new brick ou the
corjiert,of X'crry and Secont streets . vvhleh
vil te JeQed ;ipr reaClf fac&oapancs
iiyfabotitj one month. The .ite6ciation
meets Sattnxlay evening next n ttiI p. P.
Cliirthl w.lrilho wish arcidiaHy
invited to at tend and enroll their names,
no, forgitting to bring the necessary fee.
Batttst CrtrfSCtt FNJlKii f "W Piuii
TieMiewBapflstwirrchf eft "Werner o
Filth aad Ij-oustitets was damaged to the
. extent of from $ 400 to! f J5Wl.on 'Mohdyv
about noon, by flrc. The tire caught froui
a wooti-slied on the south end, and is gen
crallybelievfttlo have been the fleets of
IA ishes lef i tfJftjaofl-sjieia ifolHii) on
Sat unlay., Tlie Are had coniujujiicated to
leading the ood-li?d noe-fHijriing
along the east side ail south Mid rof the
building., burning the library e church ree-
ortl. Organ, the pahrft, sofa, etc; The win
CiOWiK flllft' MaiHffi'nii1!!). etr.DulA, k'..n
pretty thprougjhly barnedr,,l'.fhetTvwas
n mass or nrc when fJie engine gos there ;
the church had commenced uruing vlgor
"otisfy oil i the south end and past' da:above
tIo brick work; aiid ieri or flftwn' ,!trhiutes
later aud the churcl) would have been be-'
yond -redemptiwl-rwater, ..wouldn't, have
saved.jft", -s Both engines were on the ffrouud
at about tlia sftina 4iier, ana fJiere was
probably mt ft S'd'lp.Set ween
them hi throwing water. The flre'boys
worked wfi.h"wirl4"n:fuiatis( Incredible
short space of time the riv wa-oiit. Vi ,
: . ,....v.. . . . .j, Y f 1 .--.. fZ .
InT.inn counfy;;Fcbrrsary?istTj,J3Z7, by
Rev. A. J. Uunsakcr, Mr. I. ll.-Woodand
Miss Adda Sperry both of 1inn county.
- - -- ; ' " ' "'
..kfiHT(--e vs ,' - 'if- a p-v:t5-r - .
T-tr . -t ... . -v. ... mans. , 4 ....... (
Of Jolm beard, a daughter. : - .-j
I UrPKR Cascades, Feb. 9, 1877.
S , Boats ate running again, having
terrible downstream winds. Rube Fields
went np to Qrabam's yesterday after the
remainder of his logs. lie secured the raft
above the house, -but the wind was so
strong List "Hlght That it broke the raft all
same place iThey were scattered all along
the beach, and the first logs brought down
were nTTpcTctffnof a ptrtlcTcr IWYe
niaining on them. VA.'VV.
Last Sunday night Jim - Wiley was,
awakened froirr slleep by the growling and
barking of the dogs, and he and his brother
George and Mr-,TercklovVeut out to see
wfiat was the cause of. the disturbance.
After getting out of the house Wiley saw
some object about thirty feet from him, and
not knowhig wjiat it w,ns J0, picked P a
quilting frame and started for it. Ap
proaching a little nearer, he discovered it
was a cougar, and about tlie same time the
animal sprang at Jiiiri.' s W'iiey.jstrnck at
tlie cougar, hitting it a terrible blow on the
head, breaking the frame, when tlie dogs
went for "it. The cougar caught one of the
dogs and pulled it over the fence and made
off toward tlie, river, followed by jnert- and
dog. The cougar was soon treed, -.when
Tereklow shot it through the heart. It
measured a litth over six feet. The tips
of both ears had been frozen off or bitten
ofl", and botli upper tushes were broken off.
It was very thin and poor. From the signs
next morning it was discovered that the
house, approaching within a lew stens of
thcTron5 dooW 1 :
This lias,, been a very singular winter,
j.UJe weather being very, cold,,-ice running
m the river, but no' snow.1 Has been an
unusual good winter lor stock in thi eec-
lion. , ' J . I'.., rt-,;.'.-
Who is President. :' .' : ,"
. T.khaxox, Feb. IS, 1S77
Kr. Rrorsnm :L;ast cteinus Hm
ncssett one of the grandest social1 hops of
the sen son. j Hi JJ t Crea d, jhians gor jp -J, I r .
Jolm Fronk, prompter;' Mr. " George'
Wheeler, doorkeojier, witli orders not to
ndmit any one not likely to have fifty cents'
in" hi pocket' JSTnslct'waS .fttrriihed by
Trot. O. Slierrits. of SodnviHe. and wasex
ecntcd with such nbfTIfy that it was not
confined to the ha71,but found Its' "wJfyThfo
the streets whore yonng f-lks. meeting,
could not pass one another withontexecut
ing a step fo its soul "inspiring stiiims t
Young ann" old enjhyibd thetnselves hugely;
participating in the ,"Hg7it fantastic" mitif
the wee ?ma' honrs, ' . win n Mr; G. W..
anwing other ditTicnlt perftrmances. ' gave
'us the 4'pigwn wrng." fo the delight of all
I)chohTcrs. l'lic party then, with many
thanks to the manager, separated, hoping
for a renewal of the happy time. , ,.
! A ?ooi Time. The surprise party at
ut fi hnr
the lare number partiefpath.S.
The surprise was iu honor of Sir. Siinijson,
la rrtatire of the Doctor's from Illinois
who haft amioniiced life hitentioniot start
ing for tlie old Sucker State the. next- lay.
Although taken completely by surprise tlw
hospitalities ot the Doctor's honse were at
once and fi.ccly esteuded to the merry
party, and fun and johirity, reigned, until
i htto ,lie ; Ut
i i yiMqaMi
j Xcw To-Day
ftiibhMteci isro.
Mow Xjiocatioxl
:! ::-':;:"IleW;.II.oom
ETew StockandJ
TIIK UXDERSKiXED bavin? ptirthascd tho
onttra aiockof A t'arotlxsr A Co., and
placed it under tlw mnnsgemtHitof Pr.S. Hen
ton, late of Iowa, assisted by . H. lienton,
who are now reHrtintr ami adiiinr xtenivB
aillitioiiH of new stock, and frjm tlielr long: cx
lociiuueAn(t tboi-ougU knowledge of tlie tmst
ntMS in all iin rrit Kjiii-tnient.-4, fuel iisnrt-Hl
tliat wu shull be able to i.iinlup tull aatWAtctlmi
to Hll who may favor us with tlit'ir pinroiwwe.
Our prescription tle)irliiicnt wil" at nil times
l? eoiKlueieil ly nimt eminently iiiuMilieil tor
the rcsiionsible imfl important work.
s comfairy jftfite tn'w dtjzenr or Aiimnv
anlltnlWIrlfn(roulftJ; wheitln-ecd of any
tliiti u.iully kept, in ttralrt!(vs drug houses to
cullon u, corner of First and KJlswortli tets.
1 AVW, ol aa.4817. ,, t i.W.eiUA,W.
- , . f mi A Ln ! li i Z Mi i u mm ff
A t ii in Intra tor tittle or Keal Kfttntc.
NOTICK 'tSB KTtBBY UlVjf (LImiI &i under,
signed, Adiuiuistmtnr of the- estate- of
Philip Low, U censed, will, on tho 24tli diiy of
Jfnret. 7?f Hot wee flo iKHira tjM'- oplock: A.
M. jib 4ovkHt l W.3,fllttieVmriisilpoi'
lnthccttj of Albany. Linn County. Oregon,
offer for wile, at pnbito auction, to tho liizlicst
i ljiUU'rtlw.followiiif' i-eal estate, to-witi
nie one uquHurauM iui naif oj icv isiiow
ing : The fi-Hctional nort henst i( of the north
Miwt. X, and tUc southeast X ofthc northeast X
of wtion 2t. and Ihe fractional west M of the
uortfe wt ml yenrtlMreMt -of tli-oittlu
wuat ki of seotiorj tovrnnllip 14 sonth
"riinea West Willntnette meridian: containlna
Ai-o uio-ctjiMn ucuvtu-u m-!uufc or T I1C 101.
k-wst ownft1 tll EU dtM Nfct irMftlAtiA. clai in.
; real estate: JKtginning at the nortn-
thence In an ' duiterly dh-ertion on the sonth
iMjnmJiny of.
to the
uutM UeMfcl coiicr ot 'Baid jefewm. tiinw nort h
m the eastern lioundary of twid claim U.7'J
chains to the intersection of said line between
scetlons Uftinl ri,-tlent, wontal
Hon to the cornet of sections 13.
alms MMMt
rt Ihiico sout a?Obg74rwtB)Kcs fr4t0f)iitlns,
L mln. went 9.l cnalns U the place otbcith
t nonce west " enains, inence somn t ojr-
lll.ll.iwau.r . .r.TT
??a ibWn; an of said prop-
Terms of stilo, sola com one nait casn in
hand and onn half in six mouths, secttreil fcv
Alljnny, yb. 23.iKJ.23va Aiimintstmtor. .
' i ' AdniiMltrtfl-ri loiheieJ.' '
L m'm , .' -f .at--, 1 V'--.'-- I
TVTOTTCH HEREBY , iV:V that. J xfti
XN derslgned, Iavld Frrrtimn,- h: twn-, y aft ,
order of the (Vmn-fv Contt -of L4im oonuty, O
egon, n;ade at the ffebninry term thcueofl 1B77,
'duly appointed AntntstmtoroftKo estate of
Squire Montffotncry, deceased, anfl alf'pereons
tinvinjr claims apalnst said estate are hereby
requested to present theni; duly rfll, to
tho ijrdersigTied at his place of business In AK
liany In Linn count y, Or 'goit, -within six
nion t lis from the date hereof.
Kcbiuary 111, 1877. PA,VLU FEOMAX.
John 'xtxtxjsi-i,
Groceries, Teas, Proyis'n's,
'oiree, Spices, Dried Fruits, Ac, &c ,
gT Kverj'tliltn? nice andresli,
Office in Pnrrish's nrick Tlloe. r,eorncrof First,
ntvl Feri'V strojt"t Iteaitlenec tin corner of
Fifth ami Terr wt rt'ot. Otltec-honrs from S to
12 o'clock a. M., aaii lo-( o'clock 1'. M. 4Sv7
VTifTBTR IS TfltRBY GIVEN that, the School
J.' fax foiHhd yMr 1STS, is tine ami the sum 3
will he laiimOil dtdltantHMit unless, fuid l)V the
seeonfl Monday of March, 1S7T. anil if ill taxes
are mt ntil lv that time it- will tx? mv duty to
cert .ty a list of delinquents to tlteCmmty Clerk
of .ihn county. T-imn saiil cemiticate the
t'ountv :ierk will isuea wiirmnt to tlie Sheritf
f the afcutMiiid comity and itwill be his Unty
tJevy ami collut t t:t!U i:ix. : ''" ;
iff i J. WinrXEYt Sthoo" Clet-k.
summtm s.
'.. ' J 1 J
qifT PtfrQ . - """' ZSTZL
All 'fmportaaV i Parts iaaic"'ef ' lUCiT,
acl 33uraolo as Iroa can bo.
ITevor Clogs c? Clclso3 ca' StuVbla or
5 'J?
A nT.iv-cr fort ire. tli it? or fortr lmrscs abreast
I.ilil'Ht PralT nt-hitie in nf-. r
" itromlcsrst Ktfturi wlil sxr KlI kti ofj
lrulu, wet or dry.
"7Jak evei'y'feihrN- !oxamftti rirr'" aiuH
t'ultivatoi- Ix-foio pur-hnlnK an Kustciii !-!
errnie.' For fuiiwvvwi itiR nuarer
. ?.i -.. . jAJfKN jiUERRILL, ,"
Hsjrrlstourg, Oregon.
IHirnarj- ff, ls;7--2( "s ...
"WTLL praetk-p in all lli; Courts in the State
Vs t (H'ii--i "rotMV blick, iivcr JmIiI'ii
lsardwarcsioi-r. " " n!9v9
NOTXCK is ticrelr? jtlvcn toallporsohwliom
soever. not to im'rc-bae of John I. Ilnrd a
i-ertnlnfTOTMiseorv mofeof tic amount of 77S.
S9,CTnml neccihber Kltli, IS7tj,Hnd dm; .Inly
1st, 1S77, bv the undei-sutnecl le said Murd, as
the makers thereof hold mild c hi i ins and set
offs against the holder. Jolin-lUIInrd. !
Fehrnnrj-1, !A-nI8v.9 r,i,fW-
roil, SALK !
Dwellings or Business Houses,
SITUATED In the business part of tho city-r
two lots, in block Nos a, in Iha ity ft .tm
nv, iJi-egon, on the coi-noi' of i'ci-i-y awd Waier
streets, near the i:ity Stilts; steamboat landing
and O. A S. R. It-i KiJte oi lotf "I
IOO tei on Ferfy street t "
132 feet on Water Ktrect, . "
with buildings tlicreoH?PT,s-1 "K 's.limfi , ;
Jnquire oil tha premises forpartletlrs.
' inuS- J.iiAf EOKp.
A Ibany, Or,, Jan, 9v gif:l$1S , , ; t .;
In tlie Citiciiit Court of fl'OStatdof 6gn fpv
the comity of Linn. 5,.iiv,'i i i
iUuttiu K. UHfcutv pinuvtm, va,,t,reeaiKirrj' ji-i.
ker, dcl'cinlam, . . . . ,.;;. ....
To tiretrnliei-i-y 15Hkcr, f Ko nliove-namcd de
lant : In tho name of t he State of Oretfoji
i are hereby required to ttpptMO and str' -
cntiipliiint ul; tl'O aUovc plnintiir in tho
tt.hnvc.ciit it led Coiii-f . lirvA fa fHewMh tneCkitk
of said Court, within ion (lay fwitji the (late of
t he service of t his eotmoon opun you if served
In Linn county, Oregon; but if served in ntty
otljtie conntj- in the Slate of 0egpn,thei!i ituV
i lt1 tiii I J in uiuiwwu,'ivp'ii,iiHii .law,
in "twenty days frpm tlje date of bo iM?rvlce of
this summons npttti'yAMt unit If stun'Od by pub,
lication, then on or Imtow. the ttrHt.iy of the
next term of sari JPM't, to-witi SItu-tdi 14 1H774:
and vou are lierebv ilotfned that if you fuU to
appear and answer. s;ilil complaint, ns here
reinired, the plftlnt.tff wilt apply to tHfl Cot
fcir the relief demanded and ptii txi for in t
Land or&Vbd for in the I
Jll imp I m i-.mi I nin i y,F,rmi,i ,iitii-
lff, and lUv'cuslo-ty 0F1 Uo tssua ef said marri
age. JlUJirilUEY & HEWITT. -"
Attorneys for PIW....
- PnlUf,hed lv ontler of li. 1J. 11uir, Judge "of -
Hc;irit 'yHt'.ottlMW,t?i Wio ftr tiiu
I Janio 7nl8vlrt
I I'm i"ij'' '111'! I
" 1
7 i s
n t
'Wi-t'jjit.iae!1 fitate'iir Oroiaitt'11.. , : ' i
To A rizona MTTr ftieT tUa ;ai..
riae I w i fu dui d.
von are
tho 10
nnmeft, noirnn fllo In theolhoe of the t'-erkof
saifl CouVou oRlntfoio the lsi day of the tiectt
rculiuUeiBUtoaAi4ijiialt JUJ.nn County, te
WU the nd Sionday of Miuvh 177, and vou
s.1iarit.voHfil tlmtrif om aij it iippemi
aB.Mirwwi-wiionipiasat.fts knretti nii-ed.
ltef deinaudiHl in his comiitiilnt wii,.i, ia
solution of the lnail-iage contract lieretofoi-u
existing liotreojvyojB Hmi phUntur. ftnt fpu a
divorce from and To? costs and disburscmcnt
pfthls wniti,and Umt tlnssnnimOBs ie pjHtilsUtsd
hyorder-of Ilojf. K. i-. Mwtsa,-Ju-iurf u eakl ;
t ourt,uiadu at Cttambers in Sak in thmSfithday ,
...(in., inn. ,, i' Ij,ll, MUNTANtt
Altoiuer for pi'ff.
. . , ; v.. ... j
4Miufraft VUiir4ittttc. Of .Oregon. i4 . . . . -it.. -:K .in ; (,vJ
phlUf liio above na, od",FM " f
IKM'tlbV rMIIlirrifl tltAlnlCnrl npl --md . W - .
vo entitled suit in tb tint , ii i f, - '
The grand jury have found a true
bill against Don 1'iatt, of the Washing
ton Sunday Capitol, fcr advising the
assassination of Hayes and the general
massacre of Republicans. Grant seem
determined to make treason odious for
it is certainly better that one.oreven tei
thousand such traitors as Piattshouldi
pull hemp, than the nation should be
thrown into adarphy ty iiclf jjdwardly
and mtamous appeals to tne Dascsi. pab-
sions oi maiiKinu.
Condensed L.!ghliiin?.
,Ppitt lbffd Ihaf U, ent no ci
pher telegrams during the campaign.
The Sitnday I Capitol advocates the
assalsrnatlon tif Hayes and the hanging"
ot carpet-baggers. .
.Tlie telegraph - informs us that the
Democratic leaders are opposed to any
revolutionary measures.
Although the .'Soothf -Carolina com-
njittee' has discovered many inacenra-
cies, they are not of sufficient lmport
ance to change the general result.
It is feared tlie Sultan is suffering
with paralysis of tho brain.
"The' nunnerien 'of Rnssift have receiv
ed order.i to be in readiness to take care
"of the pounded C ,X7 G,;
IStockley, Rep;,' has been re-elected
Mayor of riiiladelphia by 4,000 major
Inspector General Thriel was knock
otidownatx nobbed Io New York on
thcSOth. " -
''(rant . will G3o ill in his power to-'
punisJv Doti lSalt. fir publishing an in
rlammntory article advising the assassi
'latiot-feflajesj -g t,tu-4
I .The Russianarmy .J15.000 strong,
souui; oi ine i aucasus is reauv w iim.. -
. It is rumored that Scrvia has been in
formed that f the Russian : army will
pass through: that vtcrritory vfiUiin ten.
'yrie banking house of King & Sbn
New York was robl-ed ot two tin boxes
J;irtjiMnrg jb)irfbfj piotgagea etc., on
the lth. .
A Jawyer named T)ryden, attorney
forTitdmollissQOi i wliisky stills, shot
and seriously wotjnded Col. FretlMjer,.
revenue a ireni, ' ''
t 'Xortjiern ' and' Western DemocratSf
speak ot tlc Republican members of the
elcatoral commission as purjnrers scoun
drels, etc., and say they want the com
mission broken up.
Rear Admiral Chas. IT. Davis, of tlior
observatory, died ou the 18th inst.
. The total amount of the Senate snn i
dry civil appropriation bill is $14'.000i
000. t --j
Democrats at Washington will prob
ably filibuster in order to defeat the in
auguration of Ilaj'os-..
(iTan"'will not interfere m the Louu
siana matter, leaving it. to .llayes.
i here is -niversal growling among7
the Democrats at -Judge Davis, and- at
tiiose who elected him to the Senate. '
si The? RephlifiCTiiktrfevery where c'alm
that the Presidential question is settled
and that-Hayes will betuauguratcd.
Immense deposits of guano ara vejkOPtr
ed in ;reru. 4 t uru
Gortina has entered Matamoras with
10,000 men, aud cace ni ce more reigns
ia Thr R t ifxspr.p pf-if jcictnA
0. . PLtJMER,
f -.!--, -aad or. At. sir its
tPaiiiX Oils? CHass.
Cr rrescrlptlona a Specialty."
At the Id WbkT, fii-st St., near Washington.
Albany, Jan. 12, 1877-nIGv3 --
..f..t 'ijorjiai.e s 9
A'vrrrf rn?rri 'a'TiCK trf5f ness lot ;.vfoo fret
iOfkttKt'4orHujro Sooiit and Vah;tm
Mttietf. Albany. - Al Unsim. no i lor ami Mw
rhitMrj-, toprtrt bcr wit m tort, of r fnrWrtwwylaiS-dct-3,
wleclbi"ro.wa harrotrs. Ac., .-. mVt in ttm
sold otrencap for c.-tsft, fn msiiwtif. of rv
moval on ntx-ount of sickness. KTrfprf rc on t tm
pi-. inlon of yjv- r-nn'TXAX COi
. vmm 1 1- 1 1 ii 41 n y i mm , nm
VTmCr IS IIETtBT UIVEX that the ml
XV dersigTied 1 ns Iwn Cnly appointed Ad
lalnlstmtor of tbeestateof ,l.l. Bar, deceased,
by an oitler Of thcComjIy Court of'Ltnn coun
ty, Orojron. and all pot-sons having cluiina
iiattistsatd estate nro herebv renulnol to om.
I sunt the same duly verlflol to the undersigned
pnt his residence In Llnit eounty, within lx
February IK, 1877. -4 v - 'W, C FOREST,
fof rhiraWifj, CfeanHncsR a d Adtnnicnt, n'
l-avutj& i?y. ':V,,il!t,r.. ;. '.:-
W cliaUcngp eouiparl&jV -tt ft artw 'Vud every
on trial, if desired, at vMUnofaotnrt-rs risk.
tn2lTvnel ln oncweck-tt not etitl rely satuJ
vr a ."3 j mat a.t j PMciatif a m aur
- f tsi i.Wi'lf'.1CPOSjStif
t'oiutiierefal-fct.; Bfeyt Ontpm.
J.eslund Mont P!f"ile In-
' II " I I'M M " rormttMou
I I I" ijAI,fx
r 'l! ! I" "'H tm" great Indian W
y-: IJ jj tm "vrllf nlnvt ly fnHrt'l in t
i' -rTn- I !. 1- l,nnosti -('hwin.
tti tint1 ''
tn r-! gg I ft VI?.
n.rtn Bfcr .
tl- I Win.'
I tA-
niinsr. -
JtHUiUiuUieil ia IMT. JittYi R i
Dioutu.-tUi iwr.,. Wouljly, 3 ,
too. 41 iUA, l.AO-rl)CjU-,fiJd. -f
li!rlc uupy, icts. ' . , .
t II. ilailkb, ri"nor,CUcyeiint.lVyo.