IP CAL. I II VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, FEBRUARY 23v 1877. NO. 22. 1 BUSINESS CaKDS. john connnn, BANKING Ezohangs 0f3.ce, ALBANY, OKXUOJI. 1 EFOSlTS KKCKIVKD SUBJECT TO 1 J check at (tight. ... Interest allowed M time deposits in coin. KTchanxo on Portland, Sau Francisco, ..n.t vw York, for sale at lowest rates. 'iin.iktn4 niiota and oromntlv remitted. Refer to H. W. Corfcett, Ilenry Failing, W. S. iJWl't. nankins hoars from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. 1, WJl-22v3 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in BUY GOODS, CLOTinna, C30SO..ES, BOOTS a SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS &M0YER3, VAG9KS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Alimny. Oftpi. ii0v7 ii. j. norciiixox, ., li.V3CTE OF THE r.MVEKKITT VT Mv .Heal Coilesre of New York, late member of Heilevieu II--splta! Medical t;l iotro. New York. Ofkic-b In A.Carothers A. Co. 'a drug store, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOTICS MISTAXt'KD. THE BAT TEAslmU. 1.1 YES, a no is rLOiTJsmxfi like ories i bav tree. Thankful for past favors, n.i wishlns to merit the continuance of the.mrae.the BAY TEAM will always be imtv, and easily fnnnd, to do anv hnnhnjc -Iih1n ihft ettv limits, for a nmalh; t-ompensnt ion. EiJ'" el t very .f UMd aKuerlalljr, 4.s.kjui.ii. 2uv5 Proortotor. St. Charles Hotel, Csrner jN'nstiingtett " First Ktot ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. ,i. ....... rtn-nt1,fvfl llimuifhout. The best the market affords always on the table. Free (ssrh sad from the Ifoiwt-. I II (E NIX MEDICAL. . W. WILCOX, Homoeopa tl i io iPliyssieiaii. .FFICE with tr. E. II. fJrtffin.'First street. ' Alba specialty t J sltuui-r. ttreiror.. riir Chrontcl diseases a Jt. S. CALLAWAY, 31. -t m. ITI B A PHALTJCE OF MEDICINE FOt XX. twenty-eight years. In the stateaoi inuiois. Indiana and Iowa, fens permanently located In Albany, orosron. uriii-r. n-t. . ......- titer's Dru Store. RESIIEXCK-Cornor of Unnhroirwrr and Ktehtu streets, northeast of railroad depot. Yn501 J. lixsei: II ill, m. OFFICE -At Bell A Parker's new dm store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-41 LEGAL. Vf . O. PIPER, F. M. MILIAR, Notary Public. john schmeer, Livery tFee& Stable PIPER iiillep-, Attorneys at Ijh.av, Al"baaT, Oregon. Office In mrrtsli Brfefc, first door oiTtHc rig-lit, uimtnlrs. WILL PRACTICE in tlie diOercnt courts of the state. Special attention given to the collection of all claims entrusted to (mr eare, and prompt returns made. Investigation .r iJib.d i oxv.-vHiic.iiiif. and all Probate Slut- tcrs carefully and punctually aiienauu iu. 1. K. 3i. BUt'KBl'BX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, iaiOWNSVILLE, LINN CO OJJN. JOHN BRIG GS 'PARES Tins OPTO KTCNITT TO INFORM A hlstriends and the pnblio generally, tliut he Is now settled in tola NEW BUSINESS HOUSE; on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper A Co , where can be found as great an assortment and as large a stock of Stoves and Hanges as can be found in any one house this side of Portland, and at as IO w -a. - xitici:. ALSO JETXJncjz& cA? Pipes, CMtIron, Bras & Knamelcd j great variety. Also,' Tin, Sheet Iron, CialYanlzeU Iron, atnd CopiMTirarc, alwavs on hand, and made to order, AT LI- 1NS RATE. GteULI on Albany, October 23, 1875-Sv DEAI.EJl IN fcroeeries & ProTislons,1 'ALBANY, OUEGON. lr AS Jl'ST OPENED HIS NEW iROC FR 11 !ttim4hinent on cornor oi ticwnnn and Hi-st atrvet. with a fresh suwk of tiros-ori-. lvikiB. Candies, Clears, 1o- hro. Jsc. to whlen Ite invites iuc nucu tiHS of our citizens. In i-onneotion with the store he will keep o iialicrv. an." will slwavs nave m naiio n - fu'.i sn;;!y of fresb bread, crackers, Ac. CRNEK WASttlKUTON KICST STS., JLXS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CIVRRIACiES, TSITGIK, iiajk J horses to let on reamnkabte terms. Horses Ooarueu oy iiw uiiy o, - -v-. i a lii hnvpwuwdf the Kywt rigs ever turn ed out of a livery stable In Albany. uerals. . , G.vc n,e a t.t wuen N MAIWHALL. A1'"V .March 10, 187friv8 J. c. rowrxt. POWELL & FLIXX, Attorau t oBHIir ms utw man. i 'ail and see inc. February W-44v4 JOHN SCHMEER. ALBANY FOl'NDHY And Machine Shop! ALPANY, OREGON, Manufactures Steaci Engines, 1 Flour and Saw It III JlacUin- WOOD WOKKING And AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all kinus of " IROX AND HASH CASTINS. Pnrticnlar attention paid to reilrin all kinds of machinery. T... B. ROYAL H V3 OPENED Rartwr Shon on First street one iuor west of Thompson A Irv ina's Jiar- HAHDWAHE! BOLTS, all sizes and descrip tion.. A- irVnernl M1ELF IIARI- WABE-41 run aiMl comii.-c - sortruent. Stoics, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin. (tamer. Zinc and Sheet Iron, Cow, Zinc mi on band for sale. The Goldsmith Range, THE BEST MA HE. CROCKERY WARE, Tke largpst and mort complete assortment in i no ciiy OILS Iveepsall kinds of & VHITE LEAD. The Fluent & Iurest Liquor Always on band, t be sold for medicinal uses, r ttcpntrtax dwue ucally, at short notice. i ana AKiuTti'. ri,rtI1T First street, Albany. Oregon. nSIvf "?on a "o. heto. by elose attention to b i.eU .o tiWit a continnance of tlie same. ill keey constantly on hand a fnU supply of Prrbnnrry ralr Oils, tun best assortment in town. Come and see "Aloany, Or, February 23, 18J6-23v8 Physician and Surgeon, BROWNSVILLE, OREtiON. ' m.vx.e. . Amw Ktere. " 27 vS m - w Bath House & Barber 51.jp. CT- 4 OB I .i...v , . I Mqii of A loan l i . " t i M4miu,M nesto'ir bitu'for the ra seven year m ,and hopet tbt f.it.urMs fontlnnntlon of tbelr favors, w Tim accommodation of transient customer ti-ieBds in tue upper part of town, he I Ai -Saloon, where a good workman will a.w fs n .nion lanen to wniv upon PyT""i , JXtc.U.187. JOE WF,1 Jt. It. JicF AKLAND. WJt- MORGAN MOH6AN Jt'BtFAuHSD, ESAl ESTATE AGE11CY! I AND . EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, f E ARK PREPARED TO EMI V , grtnt. and others good "i7"! nd small homesteads ( Lif " tid f. r onst ies. Fri i vie ftd siJ W Miit p- JKSMtr wwwrty. botb twd utv , tons of ll wPy , Sitft CO do mow too A fjtswon UHn THE ART KiF.nATITE. rriiitiMK y ImikI. I'riniins "5 slew. Irtntitig from tyjie. Or from block-i I'y tlte ream. frit!titiff 1: blaci:. i l'riotiiijs Ii wiiite. j Printing in color. ' Ot sombre or briglit. ' IVmtlnp tor nwtvliant, , i Aittl iaiifl agents. to ; I'rin'iiig iornnr. t Wlio have printing to do. IMnting for bankers Klerks, nm?l ioneerx, -PrlutiiM; for druggists For tk-akirs in wares. Printin; for draper. For Rtocerf, for all Who want printing done. And will come aul see "Coll."' Printing of pamphlets Or bigger book, too ; In tact, tliere are few thing But what we can do.- Printing of placard, Priming of bills Printing of carte-notes For stores ot for mills ; Printing of labels, All colors or use, sirs, , Especially fit for Webfoot prod jccrs. Pilntlng ot forms AH iwt you can get LijE-l. cotamercial, Or "House to be let. " I ROM FT ATTENTION IVO TO business. ALL i ..AND. Ueltors la Claaaarery, Albany, Oregon. Collections mauc veyanccs promptly ancnucu to. and ron-1-3 CENTS' FURNISHING GOODS Fall & Winter Styles. MISCELLAXEOUS. Pietures and Picture anic. - E. 13. Eunroi Would announce to the cltteens of Allwnr and ,-i.-iiott-t hut he is nretmred to fnrnih all kinds of PICTTC RE FKAX'ES to order, at slwwt not t Ice. IMetnres rraraett. ana oiu irnnira - athlsotliee on First street, one door wast of Broadoioui. ana teave y"i ""J"' 7 - W. R. GltAIIAH, LATE OF MtCtllOANl Merchant Tailor, KEEPS nlwavs on hand ooesKins 1 w-"' Vestinas,etc a larjter and better sts-k than ever leTor broulit to this market. Cuts and umkes to orSer all stylesttf Clothlnft for men and tovs,at reasonable rates, jcuu.ru n- tc'inx suurfaction. , .... Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, tatelv oc-cuplt-d by Ir. E. O. buiith. 2-v8 ON HANDITCOHSTAKTLY RECEIY'M XORTU PACIFIC MUTUAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, Portland, Oregon. Capital, $100,000. Geld Coin Basis. In 187 f. P. WANNER MAX, President. Km ll'AfKA-BV'SH, Vlre I'rcs. 1. W. WAKEFIELn, Secretory. w. h 1UADO, Treasurer. HV. H. EFF1UEI!, Attorney. J. E.. Ql'lCKESBVUIt Uen. Ajrt. IIILL&TTSTIX, Special Agents, Albany, Oregon. . ,:. SYMPATHY. Oh. mqt hers whose clilldren are sleeping. Thank God by their pillows to-night. And pray for the mothers now weeping O'er tlie pillows se smooth and so white; Where bright little heads oftTrare lain. Ami soft little cheeks have been pressed; viu mothers, who know not this pain. lake courage to War all tlie rest. For the smnber-whiged angel is going With pitiless flight o'er the land. And we wake in the morn, never knowing What he ere tlie night may rtenntnd. Yes, to-night, while owr dttriiiig are sleep- ng . Tliere's tunny a soft little bed Who pillows are moistened with weeping x or the loss of one dear little neau. Tlxre are hearts on whose innermost altar Tliere is notliine bat ashes to-iitrht. Tliere- are rolees hose 'tones- eatlly fitlterT And dim eyes that shrink from the light. tii, tnoi tiers, nnos? etiiiiiren are sieejinig. AS ve oenci to eareos the frtlr heatta. Prav, iray for tbeinothera new weeping ... .t :.! BMya.K HffU tawr Furniture Eooms. ...AT... L E. BUI'S In Kromuii'a Sew Block, F1KST STREET, ALBANY. Begs leave to announce to the citizens of this eltv and surrounding country, that he has open ed'a Inrge stock of , Jb IJ jfc-I!X'X LI -IHLE3 ! i Kt.ii. iintr lirtrtv- orvtnnied bv lr. Plum- mer'adnv stove, on First street, where can be Irtid, mi most reasonable terms. Parlor Seta, ISedroqut $uit, 6oraay Lonngea. Knsy Cliuirs, Center Xablen, Wliatuots, DeHk, Book-cases, Safe. Wardrobes, and In fact everytwnff etse neeoeo 10 4.0 TO UOt,SEliKEl,. My eoods arc we made and of tho very Latent and llanioinet JMj ies. PHICES WAY DOWN eS-FlENlTL"KE tnanulactured to order, at tir"Furniture repaired and put in good shape on short notice. Give ttJC actt.ii. m. . . Alltaiiy, Kov. 20, 1S73 10va lI- 1- Car. I. iVe-Well, 1 mere were six emnes. nw in 1 Tlie best snot. o : seeonu oesc, 4- Tr ov T1IK I . ... .. . ... Resolutions on (lis Dents T ant Uttle Friend and Scholar, Ilcrschucl SUtea WnritEs. This SuiiJav Sdiool. leelhhr deeply the loss of one ot its ineinbera who will uu niiwi oy us esjieciaiiy nisteaener, JtcsdlretU That while we bow hi humble submission to the infinite wfll of Him who holds the issue of life and denth hi hfe hand. Vet we would mourn with thoe who have suO'ered this most anecting ois pensation iir'divine providence, whereby tlie liousehokl pet list been cut down at the tender age of eight year. Jfcsolred. That we tender our neart reit sympathy to the bereaved parents brother and sister, and commend tliein for consola tion to Him who ordereth all things for the best, and whose cliastlsetueuU are meted out in uierey. Ileolred. That a copy of tliese resolutions be furnished the parents of the departed, anu aiso 10 ine city jjapers ior piiuinainun. Yes fjarting from the friends we love, Faith points us to a world above, Where kitidred souls together dwell. And hear no more tlie word, farewell. ADDIE MANSFIELD, -Supt. Baptist S. S. MORE CIPBEK TELEGRAMS. Washcgtos, Feb. I. The Senate committee to-day translated tlie fof lowing cipher messages ? sew Yokk, Decemoer Hon. Jus K. Kelly Is your matter oer . tain f There must be no mistake. All de- , pends on you. Place no reflanee on any lavoraoie rv ports iron tnrec nouiuwarvi sonneter. Anawerqolck. (Jo Stgnatare.) , Kovember2&. W. T. Pelton. Kew York WW bottom less loose any elector in convincing Ieino- crats i Sjtate answer. - r , If ew York. December S. lion. James K. Kelly Telegraphed P. last night and to-day. Have 11 reply f . Has he left? Answer. So Signature.) : Poktlaki. Oregon. Dec I. W. T. Pelton, New York No time to convene the legUlatnre. Can manage with fcnr thuml to present. Mt have w by Monday certain. Have ehaa. Dim on, II & liberty street, telegraph 10 Bosh, banker, at Salem. This will secure the Democratic vote. All are at work here. Can't fair. Can't do more. Will sail In the morning. Answer Kelly in 'cipher. ... Cfo Signature.) December 1, 1876. Dr. Geo. J-. Miller. Omalia After piece simply can't ; few can 0 nothing more Sail steamer Elder morning. (No Signature.) New York. Dec. 1. Hon. Jas. K. Kelly. Portland, Oregon Telegraph, herdsman P's direction of your self follow examined around can't charge it herdsman no nsel when will preach, des tination what rhall be done-. (No Sfgnatarc.) Shaw, of Detroit, who furnfehed the key, testified that In a few instances It was Im possible to translate certain words In the? dispatches by the key. All translations, were made word by word and from the cipher dlspatclies as lbntH hi the printed; testimony relative to the Oregon ease. . . condensed Llgbtnlnff, Safe Deposit Uotloo EXt IT Gk. m THE METZLER CHAIR THIS IS TO INFORM THE PFBLIC THAT no ebalr Koes from my tactery without my mime nnm It. All ot tiers arc mio lumm and should he so rejzarded. All persons art hereby wuniol airalnsf attempting auy suet imposition upon ! omf lKTA1R. Jrflerson, Or., Jan. 21. 1876. A complete stock of ail the LATEST STYLES IN CLOTHING ..AXI. Gcntlciucn's Underwear. IHIOTS, rMBKELLA-S OVERSHOES. NECK TIES, OVER A EES, L.OYES, ETC. EVERYBODY BUYS THEM. Extra Sizes of Clothing a Specialty. Cg Orders taken for Clothing Shirts?, 4-c, and FITS WAKlt ASTKD. fair lmre of custom resp-ct fully solicited. I.. E. I!EAI.. AiUiny, Oregon, Soveiuber 21, 1870-v Harmoay.TuOroiHu-Mss and SiBgffli.- ' SiK-cial attention given to VOICE CULTUKE. HWIN't; concluded to make ' permanent residence, all who desire a thorough knowledge of MM can now lmve an opportunity. PIXO AXO OKGAXS TL'ixraecl and,Kepairea Leave your address at Mr.Foshay'smnsic.and liook storn. or nt Mr. Ilnrr's music store, and 1 will call at your reitenee., p SEW ELI- Albany, Auj;ust 4, 1876-45 TTAVlMi Jt'KT RECEIVE! A I. AJL : AKI-ESniP- iviBt of theclrated new style Combined In-tll and Broadcast - STATESHIX KlUn DRILL, direct frotothe fctry. atu now oflorms extra I inducements to the fiuftnwrs of Oregon. Most of the best farmers in the Slate arc now using them. . - - ".....,. 1.. hnTtmr seed nl an mcreaseu j-tnax v ". Is lle resnlt rf drtlUlnr. Can be used eioay stti as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. Ttw STATESWA ORAIX 1RILI. has been Kreatly Improved for this year. Ware room at my Blacksmith Phop, eornerof Socund and Ellswortfc streetsy Alliawy, Ot-w. FRANK. WOOD. . Marett 31, 1876-2 Inconorated Feb. 4, 173. Capital. f-,. VmOK STOUE! Corner First and- Washington streets Altxm;y 7 Oi'egcnt. PrcIdc-it, S. A. BAWSOX. Mipcrhitendciit,'A. 3. JOUXSON A.K.IOAKl, M. 3III.I.FK, J. HUEY1KN, , , . Ji N. CAvASIOM, ' A. BUAUW, H. A. Aunwsf. ; Ladies' Variety. Emporium. HBS. H. J. HYDE Keeps cosstastly on hand German Zephyr Cttnras. Threml, P"", es attii Cn-tr IhMiery, Mumped Good, f c., Ac-, tc. , Abo, Agent for r- Warner's ll-ulih Cornet ! ChilcPa V.ist ! and' Matlnni Foye- Corset fesliirt ripiox-ter'. l-i?r French ftamping done to order. KJaSTBroadaibin St., opiosUe Post OfBcei30 v 1 Pigeos Match .A pigeon match was shot on Satwday afternoon last in the soutliern fnbnrbs of out city, which Indi cates that we have some pretty good "wing allots" hereabouts. The shooting was to 1 be at twenty-one yards rise, boundaries j eighty yards, caeh shootu-t to have three shots tor which he paid twenty-five cents I per sliot, the entrance fee being $2 each. were third I bet, $-2. Following Is the score j Orin Ttubarts .. ... W. B. Scott M. S. Monteith.. D. It. Monteith Wesley Baltimore Orin Rnbarti having killed his birds got away with the first prize ; Y. B. I Scott, second prize. 3Iesrs. AL S. and D. ; B. Slonteith and N . B. Sprenger having "tietl." proceeded to "saw off, when ppretiger was tleclaretl winner of the third prize. ' GROCi:iai, Etc. See card of Mr. John Buwh, dealer In Groceries Provisions, Teas, Coffees, Green and Ined Fruits, Iamps, Chimneys, Candies ami in met 1 lots and slathers of icters you want, and which you cm obtainat low rates, lie keeps about as good a efgar as you ever smoked. to, and is a liberal dealer genei I ally. Trj' him. First door west of the Kec.istfjj office on First street. Ill Oil 0 0 1 O10 0 0 1 0 0 0 three New Jewelry Sokt.. Major While, late of Corvallls has opened a jewelry store hi Foster's btrrhlfng on First street, where he will be happy to see all who wish to .mn-lisae watches, clocks or jcwelrj", or wlo wish any repairs to time-pieces, I Call on the Majo. etc DK Fox ' -DL.APIIC DEEDS, - Seatly eosuted. Call af Ihe Register OScc Aeemswantett. Outfit TBL'E ACO., Aiurasta,Mc. Itnr fa.iiltia for r "'"'', , W also- M usKrtal at-w t. tHWp)y 1 Bnta4iaiaisiraiu.niPdiart. ti Albany, ifaty ISO, t-. u -!-- ' m f a at home, A terms free. OTCRUINCO' EXPRESS FROM . VIA ' - ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Y GOODS! CTolItius, Hardware, CroeHcrjr, Groceries, Farm Implements , and Maenliierjr, Ate, &c. it t-nn"sell on eomwlwi8 ail kinds I Unoas, starKetaote i-tvuirt, , - A range that meeU every reqiureinent and satisfies every demand made upon It he Itiehmond Range. ! It lias no equal among stove or ranges, The only place trt cret one Is at W. II. McFarland's, next to the Bank. "1 - '' GARBIHER ilatslaa and SSQTlgg Kfcil&Sas. .."oaacsM twi rttw) (4 A-lbanr and arrO,""rneoQ.,tr .ieWsrlt tbf U.?jlZtJM :. r?Tan5S tliti.lMUoa la all oSa " t tha usamrmm offlos iwcmsUy gt(ent4 to. Apply j, A?;xv AtxSX CO. Km tllAHn WftlV Hrll inn ' - "j work e ally em a;Vwen doK teday du SSi? nrt h.orae. t.i r.itrnUb yoa a cewn- ... , wt-' " nt twttiir thn s ?J2rnciK Address (IIWD. 10 isu - , iBLfi Co., AgasW, Maine. nittv9.j Printing done quhily. isaia scyiu-n or neat. : At Ua Bkchsteb Printlng-olicc, Corner ot First and Ferry Street. PZJ03IPT Petlverr, at LtTlna Uates, mmtn ixsiiHit mit tt deli wrr bostiw t MrTtawto Stin, I betr. tove 10 announce to Ua 3t I W9 ftflxt bMt- a of Albany, tliat k.ii,'Sl NtrMrts an sxlweM and Jot d win b Ufiwy "rrB a who way iv "til -mm ka twmwOy aMwadaA t OHiuTs ujay be left at tlM Dni mateaCBea TneGrjPAKXt. rtui Wei" a, rare A "." Enna at Orwla'a StM, mm returning on TUSJSATS and IXISATS. All ISeuiI Entrusted to my Care Promptly Attended To. JAS. A.- STERLING. BOOK STORE YnEVntKMX OF DISEASE ! THE FOE OF PAIN To 3Ian iiiicl I3on.-st , , IM THE HK."H OU . T IlKLPTHOSC WHO TRY TO llEUf TllEM- fELVES. Mrs. Day is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing, and as she lias only net labor to denenal upon tor at livelihood and for the support of her children, she adks the kind people of this eity who may have work which tliey wish done to give lier a trial. - This is a case which should Interest all our uenevolent dfeposecl elt'wensv lict any who have work of this kind whleh tliey wish done take It to Mr. Day. ' - -' The Miners' Trust and Bank suspended on the TCth. lVela.n who wounded Packard was erased with drink at the time ot the sboot- i"S- ifnTi TfolTand has adinltted that he re- eeivud money from New York with whicU to buy votes in c-uicinnaui. . ..h Sonatnr Snencer has introduced a bill to make a new territory, to be called Lincoln, In the Black Hills country. - I I'he suit concerninc the- Galena and GhT- cngo stock, bronght against Tilden has bectk dismissed by Judge Sedgwick. . Ex Gov. Palmer, of Illinois, has been . subpwuaed to give evidence Ux tUa Louisia na ease. D. 31. Gllfford, of Chicago-, was beftire the Senate committee t-dy Feb. I6thr wlio testified tliat Spearing and LRtlefldld, in con versa tton witl witness iu New Or leans stated they had been approaclieft by proininent uemocrats, among tnera uov. -Pal us r. of Illinois, to tell lor money t)at they knew almut the returning board Littlclleld said lie had- been approaclied by Palmer, anu eouiu get f-iu-uuu ior squeal ing. IJttletlctd having alluded totraudslu Vernon pnrisli, witness Asked hlus It he had' any papers to support lila statement. He replied he had prodHCcd-a paper nrhleb he said was a eepy of tlie Vernoi porKh re- tnrno, remarking that no U'dirt think tbo paper aiDountcti to umcn. j.ittictteid sales the Democrats would give $50,000, and Spearing said $100,000 lor It, JLittlefleltl said it was necessary to act tliat night, liavitigbeen summoned before the commit tee hi New Orleans, and meant to rrrrr away ; said if witness didn't go into tho scheme lie liau an arrangement pending with Democrats who would elose with him in a stiecnlatiati and divide : said J udce Davenport, of loway wonld- manage mat ters for hiri. Witness tetegraplted Allison tlie followBie afterooMi. reeelveO reply and snowed it thenv It ran tliat It is safe to consult Ilowe. ami ir that cannot be done to come ou to Washington. They objected! to witness going to ilowe, but he did so and told ISowe what lie heard. Mowe re plied tlie committee were there to-expos all frauds; that the best thing witness could do would be to expose all be knew.. Witness was going to-1 exits, and suggest ed to-Senator Wadlelgh he might hear from LfUlencld in Washington- u aciiclgn said lie was sorry Llttletbdd could wot be brought before tlie New Odeaus eoesmtttee; that Tie would sooner Tilden were Inaugu rated than that tiaye oe elected Dy rraua. Witness traveled with Uolilns to Mnn Anto nio; called at his rootrv, and lie hsd talked with Lit tletield atwt Spearing. W ltness ad vised hln te have aot hitig to do- wkh- them-, ,t it was a dead-beat plan to-make money; replied it had gone too- tar for tliat. V Jutlge Murray, of St. Lonls, liad been telegraphed, and they must have' money to go to St. Louis. Spearing and Little fleltl went away together iu a car, but Col lins ennte hack after a few davs. Llttlefield, stated to witness that Gov. Wells had clv- eti eheclt to each clerk f the returning board for $2,500. outside their salaries, and had only ottered hint a petty collectorship, and titan lie felt in&ultedv atid this was a good chance to get even, and lie could make a good rceula tion out of it besides. un motion or aicuonatu, ine sergeant' at-nrms - was directed to subptEna Gov. Paamer, aud the committee adjourned. . , ALBANY, WO. FOIIAY, w- rsT.RH IV MISf;ElXAS EOC f U echonl Books, Blank Books, stationery lanov Articles. Ac. ... Hook Imported to order, at shortest pns,W0 .nofL'e f , vuw Atieltao, JFrvOt Growers t 1 npifB prKECTORs of Tmr aibw nrcri A. Co. beg to announce that they, will pat tlie Faetorv la onmration aa anon aa rail aad Veic- etabieM ready for nsa, and will pay cash for tbaaamwwliweuolirstmd. , Boxes will be furnished to all for tho purpose of hrinartntt their fnitt In tho factory. . Fmlt should be ptakied from the tree and not" brobnd. . - IWlMWhn nlnmi should Im Tmrt icnlac to. BOOKS, t gatner toeta outoni taey peoomc too niw. A. K. AJUoStl, iTrualdcnt Secretary. . ,.. . Albany, July S8, lS7t-8ni muv 11 x. -ri.t?-t nt this Instuntion. will 1 oTin on MONDAY. SKPTEMBkJt K Wr with the following' r- '' reeeilty r Inetrewtloei 1 and Professor of Mental and Moral IJev. L. J POWtl.UA. iIroeorot Matll ernaticannd Natncul ts-iences. . It. II. HEWITT, A. rrotcssor oi Lnnnutwnw. .- r. MISS MAK1A IKVlSIq iracm-i J tlepartment. , - Miss KLVA BBEYMAN, Teacher of Instru mental Mnsle. ' , . , ix. B. KICK, M,D Lecturer ,0a rhysmlogy and Hygiene. ' ' n'iA"'.'-?lUl !;iJ" ceieniaa' " '"' .' Tint Term heptins September , , ! feennd Terra bewinaeiovetnljer ia.18.8. Third Terra bews January 8;1s77, Toerth Term begins April lOT."t.' Vacat ion of one week Sarin thelwlklnys. " CIosihk eerdscs of the school year, Jnee 15, t7l art'yvww r l' - ' ftawef Tumtsv,, rnaT pmitww. itOTn.".. isja et,mx i"t-ww fcAci' CSLiilL m . a. 1-.aoir- 11 e lr""V"IL. ntshar Ijitiirand read-tVhm.thr..d tt and Morai Setences, prr term. . IS on French snd German, eaeto, extra.. .. .. lnstmntnl lassie... ' I JK Vseof I'ino. Incidentals Tnitlon Id U cases required in advanee. Fnnctual aHendancfl. neatness, vtroinntne ss and Kcntlcmanly and lndylikc rt,"" bnexpeetod from all who may hecoineiw ijijrrs Of the schools. l-J. VOvtta.1-.- OREGON. a-mni MAS HTOeB THE. TWBT V KAIt. . Tbx U nnsore it will net ne&T. Do-lame nau it u-Ul no eare. no-aehev so pain, that atflict the htmian body, or tlie Bwly HT a horse or otlier domestic animal, that does not yield to Its uiazie touch, t A bottle atW -2.V!. 56-. er Y 00, lias often saved tlie llt Ot mtliuin oenig, iuiu nnifreu w, llfo and usefulness many a ncaluable korse. : ' vct wnssr. it ritt ctkbt ' RlieumaiUm. Burns,: Sea Ids. Brulsesv Cut, Frost-bites, Swellings Contracted' Cords, Paiu in the Back, Lumbago, Sciatica. Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, WonudSy Ulcers.' '-;:; V - - ; ;. , 'v"oai"',AwiAijl.1 !T,"'WIlAlrrWE? i Knavhi. Oalla Sores.- Swlny. i ltrtig Bone, : Wlodgaluv, BVg : Head, PoU Kviir Humors aod Sores, LacseHese, Swelllnrs ScratcheSr Distemper , StiUiucssy atrauis. Soaeness. ODen. Sores- ' 2!V8 SABfMUSiS r Mfij.ineuT. Mrs, Cross is seU'ar her excellent stock of millinery at test te Mast room ferher timnense Invoice of Spring and Swnnaer styles. The ladies cannot do better than to Took fTirorRrh- her. good, and secure bargains while they are to oe inaa. - a nini to nie wise m sutaivient. watocvrioai oar raPiWisiemiir. rpHS copartnership heretofnre evistinff ho- X -1 ween John Hum and . r. Sct.tiemctr, nn iter the name of Hurd A HettleiiMUK ii dissolv- ed. All aoeounts dao tlie late flrmmnstbepaid ised to-colloot and receipt mr the same. . r. hKril.KSMK, .-W. OAWSsOS. December is, laao-ulSual Strayed from the subscriber, about tour months sineo,- a young cow. about tour year old; lijghtf red to color ; ends of twrna- coiite iose .together In trout of racer SXHxl eouditieu when last seen. Said aid mat was lormerlv ewnen by Pror. tso, or this city, who purchased her e Mr.' John isoni. a liberal rewurd will be etwa to any one elving lufocmatkm se tha h ean - - - , . Chas. Bocksahim ' Albany1, Or.. Dee. , 8k IvxewThmt iHtut haa been- dfcewrmT tftree miles from. Ssntlar fTosav. the beatt on the eoast except from the Wellington, mine 1 Worft on tne eofTerdam at sanimaltllas- beew sitn " Vletoria enongh to cofftsrdam head on. . . JTr. Dlx, ofGTencoe, intends puUlng up a carding W at Ilillboio , - 7 TIE DUEL, Tliey met hi the snow, with, theiv second - orotinUr And the mau wltli tlie lonsest legs meas ured the ground. And with, great big ftotee pistuels they bla-arcd away. And May be miaseu Bennett and Bennett luissecrasay.' Then they madly reloaded their arUireree ; Tlieur courage and beldtieaft was aandsoBie Til taltliig tliir pTaees tfcey delayed net m v ,. hit Benaett."- Then tlie seeonds eae up an deeTapedl Na.; je4to-tt. thing woukl iNm S "taeyB took a drink and shoot hand. ttoBerdmAtr erde. and marched - The YamhUI County Women's SurTt-; Aviation has Been holding at very itar-tlno-session at McMiunvtiie. If to pert nS.m b. at Amity on the ftr . ed- nesday in May. A schooner of fifty fret let.th- vt keel to." being huilt at KuipireCity. SjjMIWW