The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 16, 1877, Image 2

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JJ.1.J UHgigMj-
JM&3g gUgisttr.
On the 12th, at the joJot roeling of
v-ongresa, the pres,dig officer announc-
trat, as the two Hoim f ad llot yet
w..irrea m ordering otlrerwi., tlie
vote ot Florida wouM now be counted
o conformity with the decision of tbe
commission. Scaler Allison then an.
uounceJ tliat Florida had given four
tcs for K. B. Hayes, as President,
nd four rotes for Win. A.
V wo President. Tbe Vice President
then proceeded with the
mencing with Georgia. No objection
being wade to Georgia her eleven elec
toral votes were given to Tiiden and
Hendricks. Next came in succesgion
the State of Illinois, with twenlyne
Totes for Hayes and Wheeler, Indiana,
-with fifteen votes for Tiiden and Hen
Jrieks, Iowa, with eleven votes ror
Hayes and Wheeler, Kansas, with five
votes for Hayes and Wheeler, Kentucky
with twelve votes for Tiiden and Hen
dricks. TLen came the certificate from
.Louisiana, Fhowing eight votes for
Hayes and Wheeler two certificates
having been received, one by mail and
corresponding one by Messenger
Thomas C. Anderson of the returning
board, both properly authenticated by
Kel'ogg as Governor. Two otl ipr vr
tificatcs were also received, authenticat
es by JUcEncry as Governor, certifying
- me election of Tiiden and Hendricks.
A third certificate was then presented,
authenticated by the Secretary of State,
certifying to the election ,f eight
-electors for Hayes and Wheeler. .A
toarth certificate was then received
received by mail no corresponding one
having been received by messenger
certifying that John Smith had been
chosen elector from the fourth district,
John Smith No 2 from the second dis
trict, John Smith No 3 from the third
district, etc., and that the eight John
Smiths had cast their votes for Peter
Cooiier of New York, and Sam Carey
of Ohio. As the paper was manifestly
burlesque, it was omitted from the
proceedings of the joint convention.
Objection to all the certificates being
made, the Electoral Commission with"
- drew to decide mh
... -va cicvwiB WBH3
legally and la wfuUy entitled to. cast
r"c lonaa. &o far as counted
Hayes and Wheeler have fifty votes in
the Electoral College, while Tiiden
iienancks nave fifty-seven.
Mr. Chad wick, Secretary of Stale, is
sues his proclamation declaring himself
Governor of the State of Oregon. The
proclamation is signed "S.F. Chad wick,
Covernor; By tho Governor, S. F.
tiadwick, Secretary of State." The
Constitution ot the State ot Oregon
eays that "in case of the removal of the
-Governor from office, or his death, res-
. Jgnation or inability to discharge the
duties of the office, the same shall de
volve upon the Secretary df State."
As the same Constitution declares that
no person shall hold more than one lu
crative office at the same time, Chad,
certainly will not claim that he fs Gov
ernor as well as Secretary of State !
And yet he has signed his proclamation
in both capacities ! It is just possible
that Stevey is running altogether on
"by-laws," and hopes in thefe unsettled
times to get away with the "honors"
and profits of both positions. It is hard
to tell what a ring Democrat won't do
these days.
We see it stated that some of the
leading Democratic politicians are ad
vising the Democrats composing the
electoral commission to resign ! The
Democrats have had their own way in
the matter ot making the electoral
commission ; they had the majority and
unless they had voted for the bill au
thorizes such a commission it could
never have been formed ; but, as this
-commission seems to be determined to
do its duty honestly in the premises
finding Hayes and Wheeler elected,
the choice ot the people, they will so
announce your honest Democratic pol
iticians would like to disorganize and
destroy the work of their own hands!
But we don't believe such counsels will
prevail, but the rote will be counted,
nd the Republican candidates duly
declared elected. 'Bah.
Apparently oar entire population
(male) turned out yesterday afternoon
to witness the Chinese exhibition on
First street. The most terriffio beating
of gongs, etc, aided by thousands of
exploding fire-crackerf, bombs, etc.,
created such a din that we began to
think the "wah" had really commenced.
This thing may be fun for the boys but
its getting terrible old with os, and
we'd willingly sell oar interest in the
how for a last year's almanac Give
us a rest. ,-"... .- ,. -
TLe telegraph on Thursday brought
tho news that tbe treasonable, murder
ing Democracy have assassinated Gov.
Packard, of Louisiana.
In 1872 Sec. Chad wick gave to each
of tlie Presidential electors a certificate
of their election. In 1877 he handed
all tlie certificates (in one envelope) to
Croirin, who was not elected and had no
title to them under the sun ! And this
is why little Chad, has lost prestige in
his own party as well an the Republi
can. Secretary, now Governor Chad
wick, has cooked his political goose in
fact he' burned it to a cinder ! Poor
It lias been said that "Democrats die,
but they never resign office." But it
it is really true as is reported, that Bill
Watkinds has resigned his office of Su
perintendent of the Penitentiary, then
for once at least the saving above quot
ed is untrue. Thfi nlaoo maAa varMl nr.
by Watkhnl's resignation or removal
has been filled by the appointment of
Capt. IS. t. Burch, ot Polk county
We are in hopes that the
new Super-
intendent will be
an improvement on
the old.
In New York on the 13th ITenrv II
Boddice commenced suit against Samu
el J. I lid en at special terra ot the Su
preme Court. Plaintiff" sues for a co
partnership accounting in a pool in rail
road stock in 18G41 and for soft nnn
j - - rwwjww
which it is aliened the defendant wn.
overpaid under misapprehension as to
Lato dates say that the Sioux under
Sitting Bull and Crazy Horse are verv
anxious to make peace, and of course to
be allowed to come into the Agencies
and be clothed and led ! The reverses
they have met with of late at the hands
of the soldiers, but more particularly
their sufferings from cold awl hunger,
have admonished them that it is about
time to make "peace," get filled up, re
blanketed and armed that they may be
better prepared to do good ecalping !
Give the poor Indian another chance,
An exchange directs attention to the
fact that the compromise bill mav not
be constitutional, but when five judges
of the supreme court have acted under
its provisions a maiorilv of the nnnrt
have declared it constitutional, and
there you are, you know. The framers
of the measure were careful to have it
declared constitutional by the highest
judicial tribunal in the country, by the
simple enfbrcemenfot its provisions.
On the 13th there were 76,000 stran
gers, in New Orleans, called there to
witness the carnival on that day.
The programme ot the day was fully
earned out, the subject of the process"
sion being "history ot the military prog
ress of the world." The period of time
covered was from 1,500 years before
Christ to date. It was a brilliant af
fair, requiring twenty-four cars to rep
resent the different scenes.
At the telegrapher's ball held in Chi
cago on the 12th, music was transmit
ted over tho wires, by means of Elisha
Gray's telephone, from Milwaukee, with
great success. The wires were run into
the several newspaper offices, and the
prints enjoyed the newest luxury mu
sic by telegraph. This is indeed a fast
The suspicion of corruption in the
manner of Grover's election to the Sen
ate is so strong, that that body will be
compelled to investigate the matter. It
is confidently asserted by those who
are supposed to know whereof they
speak, that so great will be the
amount of corruption disclosed, ' that
Grover will be excluded from a seat in
that august body. And then this base
fraud will crawl into his hole and pull
the hole in after him.
In the matter ot the Louisiana vote.
the Democrats claim that two of the
Hayes electors were ineligible, as the v
held office at the time they were elect
ed. The tact will be shown that both
the electors resigned their offices, and
the board, afterwards, elected them to
fill vacancies. The Democratic Con-
gressmen y oppose the counting of
the rote for Hayes to let themselves
down easy. After each terrible threats
of blood and carnage they must do some
thing to show they have a little cour
age left.
It is now charged that Ben Franklin
asked to be appointed distributor of the
very "stamps" that caused the trouble
between the colonies and Great Britain.
resulting in the independence of Ameri
ca ! Shoot the fiend that would thn
attempt to destroy the faith of Amen.
cans in their Revolutionary fathers.
The electoral commission were still
considering Louisiana on Wednesday,
and may not arrive at a vote nntil-to.
day. Democrats concede the election of
Hayes and Wheeler.
The State Journal has entered upon
its fourteenth year. The Journal is
right politically, and deserves the suc
cess it has met at the hands of a gener
ous and appreciative people. Long life
to it.
Mr. A. B. Cosper, a resident of
Salem for the past fourteen years, died
on Sunday evening last, after a linger
ing illness, regretted by numerous
Condensed Lightning.
Prof. King made a balloon ascension
during the .Memphis carnival on the
. Lerdo looks upon Diaz as a deserter,
bat ei dorses his payment of $300,000
to the United States.
Caroline Lambert, 101 years old, died
from injuries received by her clothes
catching fire at Omaha on the 12th.
Ira Gi fiord, of Iowa,- denies that he
offered Littlefield $100,000 to suppress
evidence concerning the Louisiana
L.t. McTntvre. of tho 9A TT S! Infant
ry, was killed in Frog Mountains, Geor
gia, on the 12tb, by illicit distillers in
ambush. .
Chaffee has produced proofs of his
eligibility satisfactory to Democrats.
' It is said that Grant will be made
President of the - Darien caual corpora
tion. The Southern Pacific railroad on the
Western end will probably cross the
Colorado in March.
Kelly does not think tho principles
laid down in the Florida case cover Or
egon. He thinks Hayes and Wheehy
will be inaugurated.
Uneasiness on the stock exchange
and Paris bourse is intensified byfu
mors that Russia will precipitate the
conflict. Negotiations with MonUne
gro aro suspended. I
The Pope is reported as displeased
at the reply of the Cardinals concerning
the resumption of the Vatican coansel.
Deaths from warn are reported near
Madras' India. The numbers receiving
relief have further decreased, 40;000 in
Madras and 25,000 in Bombay.
Russian advices confirm the report
that the number of arrests made of Com
munists and Nihilist conspirators in
Moscow and neighborhood are increas
es daily. Russians ara disirlKiiti.irr
notices in Poland; threatening with se
vere Minishtnent all who loin tho Tnrlr-
iljh army.
Three prisoners in the Wasco county
Mayor Charmon, of Oregon City, lias re
signed. A little son of Mrs. Bert Woods was
drowned last week in the I.uckinmnte.
The Astortan says Bishop Morris has
just completed a summer residence at As
toria. Fishing and other establishments at Up.
per Astoria will employ over C,000 hands
during the coming season.
A burplar robbed a Pendleton saloon last
week off 5. the receipts of a week (?), by
prying open the door.
T. C IhlTennort nt. rVtlTav la
prit mill night and day. He has 1,000
"orrr-is m nonr on nana. The same Dave
unm uatuiieu ZUU nogs.
A Union comity "rough" tried to "snoiP
a party at buminerville and left a laree
: ... " wiiim as evidence or ina
bility to carry out his little game. - The
Tiiior is sun picking ins teeth.
The Eugene correspondent of the Orego-
nian says : A couple of Albany "sharps'
came up to Eugene recentlv for a nm nf
laro. One of our boys got hold of their
cards, punched a few holes In thmn
the next train took" our Albany friends
Methodist revival meetings at ftlrmnl.
A devil fish twelve feet in length was re
cently caught In Seattle. The Intelligencer
,, ' " ''.' ui a imiitiug IUIH2 to DC
called a fish.
A man at Walla Walla made a bargain
rortnree a rinks for two bits, and after val
ue received, passed In payment tea cents
aim ui luic Ulfc, -
Tlie Chimacum bridsre a wooden struc
ture BOO feet long recently erected saves
Ave miles travel in going from Port Town
aanrl tr thnt nlara
The O. S. N. Co. is buildinc a new boat
at (Jenio to take the place of the Yakima
which was condemned last summer.
The cattle men and sheen owners ot
Eastern Oregon are holding meetings as to
winch nave the best right to the grazing
vT. G. nendricks, ot Eugene City, adver
tises tor mas for completing the second and
third stories of the State university at that
Mr. John Smith informed the corresnon-
dent of the Mountaineer that he has found
CTold bearing nnartz on a hran)i a
Hood river.
The firemen of Olyrapla will clve a mas
querade on the 19th Inst.
The Dispatch warns the nublic aeatnst a
professional swindler who has been travel
ing in Oregon and Washington under the
name of Meyers.
On the morning of the 8th Inst. Jim Oal-
htgher,XStellacoom tinner, was found dead
In his shop. It was a game between him
and whisky, and he lost.
SeatHe hoodlums don't like noetic and
dramatic readings. A gentleman under
took to give an entertainment of that kind
there. Alld WIH QrrwtfHl witY a ehsvmai. r
. - "- n ' 'i v
over-ripe vegetables.
Tlie schooner Oregonlan Is a total wreck.
A grange hall will be erected at Sbedds,
next summer.
The vessel reported lost at Taqulna Bay
proves to be the schooner Mist.
The store of Mr. John Bay. of Corvallts.
was robbed of $25 on the night of the 3d
And now they want a tri-weeklv mat
from HermansvillA in thn mmith nf tiu r-r
TlieCorvallls Gaeelte says Benton county
Was the first bn nv In fnll nil ta trm f v..
- , J -- VMU MV
State for the year 1870.
Tlie Statesman says it is estimated 4150-
000 will be expended in opening up the utstrict mis summer.
Mrv U Part'cular!y lively at Seattle.
Seattle n"i".Bow -Suror on a casein the
Inst in n Coort' was fincd on tfle lst
WrisonnVnTi0,300 and one nth'
tempt of eol county jal1' for con-
ln leaving rhe contempt consisted
tliereby SvaiMrt120,n for a me,U' and
Tliat nieai !!? atl,,B the verdict of the jury,
him. Was terribly expensive to
Vef of &JSUTaS Pointed D. W. Seel
TI TT ' S- commissioner.
Snake and'oiP01-13 lce a11 one the
inhe and Clearwater, and the rivers ris-
Un1tedeSte,S,elg,tee,, territorial and four
at BoUe a.P Sner3 in tne Penitentiary
An Italian .
restaurant at f ""' w,L.Im' ,OHS kept a
that a fortn i nas oe'" notified
of a relativeTn ItaialleUt0hCrby t,ledeath
of a relative in Italy.
ine alia Walla Watchman is responsi
ble for the statement that Mr. J. D. Cala-
S?n hiiin, ,hf VIci,,,ty of Mllto.i.
Kad of FS!?6" reaso"- 'rom one
neaa ot Egyptian wheat." aftfr reservinir
Charles Carr, wto carries the mall and
express from Floifiice, Idaho, to meet the
expressman on thj mountain, on his trip a
couple of weeks, in a storm wamlerei
Iroui the trail and became so lost ami be
wildered that he ch'd not again find it and
remained out all Hight, but succeeded the
next day to reach Florence in a dilapidated
The Port Townspnd Argus says : On
last Tuesday morning: as the bark Camden
was on her vy up the Straits, and when
offClalam Bay, the second mate, Mr. Fred
Brrtt, was thrown overboard by the action
or the spanker boom and lost. The acci
dent occuned about five o'clock, mid al
though tho bark was immediately hove to
and a boat lowered to aid the unfortunate
man, yet in the darkness it was Impossible
to obrain any clue to bis whereabouts. It
is probable that, as h was thickly clad,
and not knowing how to swim, he sank in
stantly. Mr. Brett was a native of New
York, aged about 25 years, and U highly
spoken of by Capt. Robinsou as a good sea
man and capable officer.
The Salem Statesman says, on authority
of leading physicians, that dipthei ia is rap
idly ' disappearing since the clear cold
weather has given way to our regular
The East Oreganian of Ffbmarv 10th
siys : The first boat of the season plowed
the waters of the Upper Columbia on Mon
day, and strange to say is only freight was
two barrels of whii-kv. Certainly, those
East Orcgouiaus know -hat is needed
first. ,
The IIoshBots" Masqcerawe Bali,
Wednesday ,;nlght was a sncc. ss, we are
intonned, tlroughont. The attendance
was good, the number of masquers being
larger than vas expected, under f he cir
cumstances. 'As our columns are unusual
ly crowded this week, we have only room
to give tue ntmes on parties in attendance
Who assumed disguises and tbe character
assumed ;
Minnie Leffltr, Uppur-ten. .
Philip TvefHet, Black Joe, bro. to Sambo.
Frank Wheeler, Sambo, bro. toBlk Joe.
Nettie Merrick, Kustic Maidun.
Ida Webber. Page.
Fiont Parker, American Flag.
Annie Parker, Carrtboo Huntress.
Sophia Van VT.'odle. Flag-bearer.
Mary- Parker, Orio.i, fiat school girl.
Roe Parker, Ilarvest.
Virgil Parker, Big Injtm-
Annie Mansfield, State Riijlil Deni&crat.
Annie Griffin, Albany Register.
Myra, Mansfield, Fiery-tongues.
Adolph Senders, Postillion.
Ida Strong. Rustic Lass.
Will Webber, Pocahontas.
Josie and Caddie Clark, Twin Ballet
Mrs. Cox, Flirt.
Ruby Unrd, Willy Daly.
L. if. Liggett- Genero.
Harry Parker, Page.
Mrs. Canon, Snow Storm.
Mrs. Circle. Highland Lass.
Carrie Circle, Chambermaid,
- Joe Webber, Jr., Domino.
Mrs. Weller, Ballet Girl.
Maggie Daniels, Ballet Girl.
Max Baumgart, Yankee. .
Sosh Taylor, Col, Demar.
John Herren, Plantation Bitters.
Frank Purdom, Red Domino.
Geo. Kizer, Blue Domino.
Mc Monteith, Son ot Erin.
Sig Fox, The Devil.
Mrs. Rogers and Mrs. Moore. Two Or
Sam Cowen, Granger.
Jennie Spangler, Fire Girl.
Susan Wiley, Broom Girl.
Mrs. E. Mealey, Mouse-trap Girl.
Mrs. J. M. Frook, IrUu Girl.
Miss L. Colborn; Pop-corn Girl.
Maggie Fronk, Bed Ridlnghood. -
Mrs. C L. Colburn, S. R. D.
A. C. Sutherland, Female Suffragist.
D. C. Moore, Female Suffragist.
C. C. Cherry, F. Wilton the famous
clown. 1
A. Harris, Mat Austin the famous
clown. -- -
Star Mealy, Yankee.
Kate Cowen, Italian Brigand.
Nellie Hacklcman, Undine.
Flora Cowen, Cupid. ;
D. B. Monteith, Old Ned.
Mout Monteith, Aunt Dinah.
W. B. Scott, Fireman.
Nettle Hurd, Cigar Girl of Cuba
Clara Hurd, Fascinating Swell.
J. A. Crouch, Capt. Jack.
Henry Backinsto, Turk.
Ike Fox, Othello.
Del. -Rogers. "Cant, ttnrflot:
of Ceremonies.
Ladies' and Misses Hats Tim rimflin-
ing Stock at half nrlce. i Women's
1-sboes, uome odd stock, to low that you
vuu 1, mom ro ivenr l.J .
WiiKELEii, at Sbedd.
Boots, Boots for the rainr aR.
both kip and guirjKerubber a r.ah nnni..
Tery lovr, at the ready pay store in Shedd.
Dramatical Entebthvw t .
College Imnrovcmont Soeletv t..
dcfliiitely ioslpoticd.
Remaining in tlie Post Office. Albany.
I-inri county, Oregon, Feb. 15th, 1877.
Persons calling: for these letters must give
the date on which they were advertised.
Brvant. Thoa
Hurley, John
Carter, Henry
Clark. II J
Coy. Mrs Belle
Fenton, Hough
Fisher, Iaac
Griswold, MrsC
Hamilton, Chas
Hinds. Nthnn
Mowry, Henry
Miller. Henrv
Slmttuck, J V
Southern. B D
Snyder, M
Smith. .1 R
Turner, Will ,
Wolf, Harrison
Hill, Miss Mattie
Pkosfkcttve Crops. An all-wise prov
idence has leen specially kind to the peo
ple of tlie "Willamette Valley durlne the
P,e OI t,le vvuiamerte v aney tiuring cue
, Present Winter, which, so far. has been un-
precetlented in every way. We have had
no snowfall, and the sunshine and rainfall
have lieell about equally distributed, and
thus the gronud generally put in proper
condition for the plow. Tills being the
state of the weather, our farmers have not
necessarily lost mm-h ot the time because
of inclemency, hut have lieeti busy nearly
the entire winter in getting their ground In
readiness for seeding. Uudei tliese favor
able circumstances a larger nrea of ground
will be under cultivation than at any pre
vious season, and with a continuation of
good weather Linn county will uirn out.
the coming fall, the largest crop ever rald
.within her borders by 'many thousands -of
busltels. The nresent indications, then.
point to a most successful season for the
igriculturist, everything, so far, being fa
vorable and pointing to such a result. The
unsettled condition of Europe is also favor
able to us. a, if no general war shall re
sult from the present threatening condition
of affairs, the great preparations made by
the several Governments interested has
drawn largely from tlie agriculturists of
those States. leaving them short handed ;
and should the season prove ever so favor
able, the want ot farm laborers in the agri
cultural districts will lessen the area n-ually
cropped, thus reducing the aggregate yield
more or less largely. As long as these
Foreign Governments are compelled to re
main on a war footing, so long will there
be an unn-iml demand from each for bread
stuffs; ami the longer this condition of
thing-s rem;! ins the less able will lie the sev
eral countries lo provide, within tlielr n- n
borders, the luees-iaries ileui:iticlnl by the
maintenance officii large holies of n.
Viewerl in thW itohr, rht-rffnre. the onr
ior.k fir the VViHantefte jarsner. in the way
ot fi iiui ;,rit't (': i i- gniin.. was neV'"" bet
ter. W it !i rliis pnipeet. nsiil as we havi
sai I t-ftnif. bl.AUftl i:h i roSat)-tlie tljiej-t
Winter Oregnti lias ever known, our firm-
ers .-lionlil le the happiest men in the Na
tion, not forgetting to relurri thanks to an
overruling providence for the vast benefits
thus conferred.
TION Organized at the Conrt Uone lat
Stiturdrty nijrlif. The offieers are : Presi
dent. W. H. Gaston, with a lady Vice
PresMt-nl from each church in the city ;
Secretary. J. W, Bhiiit; Treanr r. Miss
Ada Goltra ; Ksecntiye Committee, one
from each ilmrch (we didts't get the names);
Finance Committee. Messrs. J. T. Jl'ate,
W. R. Blain and II. E. Sox. The Associ
ation expects to rent the two fine rooms In
Mr. Sam'l Miller's new brick, on corner of
Ferry and Second sfreet3. The citizens M
Albany, we hope, will see to it that the
Association ia property and efficiently niu
taineu 7 Ibcm, and much good may be
effect ed.
Phizes Awarded.-At the masquerade
ball Wednestliiy night, tlie coinmitteit on
prizes awarded Mr. .Totin Crunch, snperin
femlent of ti'legraph ciistrnctioii, the gen
tleman's prize a misf.tiiiing best the char
acter Rjuiuod 'Capfin Jack." Mr.
John Sp;inler wa audnlcrl the lady's
prize. Stie fMiti'ied the character ot a
fire girl", and sn-mlncd It well.
j in- ut. i progressive man. mill llierer
fore keeps him ll thot'nighly posted in all
the latest and best modes lor dental opera
lioiig. It is nol to be wondered nt. there
fore, that his business contliuvilly lncreAsea
I-, i i . . . - -
kikI becomes more and morn In.-mii...
When you want work done, eiye the Dr. a
A CorNCIPENCE. Lnt week we r an
account of similar nccid.nts happening to
two different yoiinjr Indies), each named
'Pa-l. Each broke the name arm by a fall,
on the same day, within a few minutes of
the same hour ot the day. The parties are
not related,' and they liye in different parts
of tlie city. Both are reported as convales
cing. A Good Selection. Capt. Matthews
was elected ni-l.t wntili by the Cltv CoimoU
at it meeting Tuesday night. We are in
clined lo the opinion that a lietler selection
conld not have been made, and we believe
the Captain will Ive the most general eat-
All Interested In the Tonne Peo
ple's Chri.-4i.iii Asocintioti are requested
to meet at tbe U. P. Chtnxh on Fridav
(this) evening. Come out.
rrtori.AiAi uM bt the ootrrxor.
T" nil whiim thes'e pn''iic shall come :
VVHVKFA?. Tile llii.4ll--io-i,fl
elected fccr-'Hpy of tbe Stufe of On-g -mi.'-fir
:t ierl of time nor yet expired. Iiyl
lug b.-. ii iionr. il !,v n.v'. I.. K. Onv-r of
hi rt -ijiirn iiui or ttiH oltic.. ,,f Oov,-i in.r of"
the,-.if Oivgnit. n tnktf ffit-it on ntf.
Brst nay ot relirinrv. A I. l-(77. and rc-
qiu sis In ; i-r i tftti !!- I iiavor. to
take po-'-"'iii f Che- Executive office. It
reconlj and archive i
1 hen-tore. I. Stenben P. flimlwl..!- A
issue thi liroclaination. and notitV uii
whom lr ruav miin-i-n. rhu f rll.l u
.. .... ..... . ..... .i
the offli-e ot Goveniw nf the State Ore-
(Hill HWSflo Vmqllit.. tlM !,......! .
v... ..r, .... ,F-inni,m ,i
Governor Grover. on Ihe flr day of Feb.
rnary. a. u. ion. ami wui iiencetortii tljo.
charge the dtKles anil exen-Ie the potverx
ncrtalninar thereto, nn'll my successor kIih II
have been' coiistiuitioually elected ant
lit lixtilihnnv n'tiAmnf T Uavo, tiamuni.
signed my name aiKl caned the seal of the
Otitic iu tic n ui a, M at tins j , t 3t itTIll.
State of Oregon, this first day of February.
A. D. 1877. S. F. CHADWICK,
j. . . .Governor.
L. 8. f By the Governor.
' S. F. CnAD-mcK, Scc'y of State.
New To-Da)',
OfllfH in PttrrUVllHllrlnlr 111.' Mrnim-AfriMt
and Ferry streets. Residence on corner of
Fifth and Ferry streets. Office hours from 8 to
12 o'clock a. m., and 1 to 5 o'clock v. ac , I46v7
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE IS 1IEREBY ;iVfi5 that the on
jloraiKned I a beeti daly appointed Ad
mimstrator of tlie es-ate of J.T. Ray. deceaned.
bran orderof tHeConnivilntin m tin.n..:
t Oregon, and all persons having clalinn
airaiiiHt Maid estate are hereby required to jre
eiit tb wine duly verltle t to tlie undersigned
at his residence in Linn county, wilbin six
months from the date hereof.
February 16, 1877. -4w W. C. FOREX. '
Adniinlstrntor's Notice.
NOTICE IS HKBEBY (5IVES that the tin
dersianed. l.a 1 1 has iieen, by an
order of the Conntv -ort or L,inn counts-. Or
egon, made at the February term thereof. 1877.
July unpointed A luiiniHi mtor of the.s a:eof
SquiiB Moiitoinery. leceasej, and ail persons
havinx cianuM ajainst saia estate are hereby
i-eques-ed to present them, duly vt ritied, to
j he unders itmvd at hi PAl of business in Al
oany, tn I.tnn com ty, or kod. within six
months from the date hereof w"mn six
.. 1 cbrpary ltt, 1877. IA VIP KB iMAS.
NOTICE 18 It EH BY GIVEN that the School
, L"" .for ",e. 'ear ls7''' ' lJu anfl the nm i
will be deemed delinquent unless nni l by the
second Monday of March. 1877, an 1 if mild taxes
are not paid by that time it will lie mv datv to
cart Ay ailsr of deiinqnents to tlie Can'my clerk
of Linn county. Upon said cert i dual e the
Count j Clerk will lssuea warrant to the Sheriff
of the aferesai i county an d it will be hia duty
lo levy mid collect sai I axes.
J- J- WHITNEY, Schoo: Clerk.
February 16, 1877.-w
All Important Part3 maia of EIC2T,
aa& DnraTsle as Iron can to.
wi.iIo La notion.
tferer Clc?3 or Clwlios 05. StuoUs or
Arranged fortwo.threpor fonr boraes abreast
Mali :esi I'-raft Mavhine in use.
I'uveM an:l eii:sn. 1 thi-irrnnnit.
Eroa icnt scileia will sow all kinds of
IHia, wet or ury. .
W A R-
I ak every farmer to exnmfne mv Seeder and
CmtivRior leim-e rnrchn"in! an 'Kten ilav
chine. For fori bcr pan ten. ar addren
ffnrpisburff, Oregon,
Febrnary 9, 1877-2tv
WILL praotloe 1n nil the Cour'a In the S'a'fl.
UFricr. in Frauian'a brick, over I o id's
hardware store.
"VTOTirtE fs h.-rty vl-n foal? mrwne whom-
li Wiever. not 10 rmn-l'a- ot Jcihn I: Hnrl a
t-srtain moini'son- noe nf -he amouiir of 778.
St?, wxecn'ed l-eceni'ter 16: b, 187S, and due Juiy
1st. Jo77. hy the mvIersUrnetl lo said Hur l, as
the in'"lers therpof hoid valid ciatins and set
otTs fti'atXi tb- hol-ler. John V. Hur l.
Fehmary I. T877-iil9v
Valuable 13 Liillir-
Dwellings or Business Hoa
SITUATED In the business part of the city
I wo lots, in block No. 3, in the city of All,
ny, Oreston.on the corner of Furry mid Water
-I!rA9,',e?,D '1? clJy MI,I" ieaa&oat landing
and O. A J. R. 11 Size of lots :
loo r, t on Ferry str et i
US lt-1 on Hmtr ktieet,
with Hnilrllmra , v,aHun
Inquire on the prumiaes for partlcnTars.
Alliany, Or., Jan. 26, 1877-Wv9 . .. ..?
hUM.tfOSi .
tbeneou,n?vr,Lt,?,0nn,'t f f O"0" fOT
kedefen.lHnVter' plam,,ff' vs- Greenberry Ba-
n,L!'fc',iMS.ry B. above-named de
f&n.lant: In the name of the S ate of Oregon.
the if" q,,,V"e'J ' al'ar "d answer
IB wiiunlatnt oi ilie a'tovu plainliir In l tin
fXMr?;u"n ,"OW,"n nl?w, hiciel k
r Sonrt w,11m ten days fi-nm .he dale or
the service ot uniuion uwn yon If s?rvl
In Linn county, o.o.i ; Oni U I my
this summons ,Y " .ST?""
L 17 Wt
- .ik-h mi i intve!i tor in niu
the Inmi
till. UUd thictl--i:. K l.. , ,
.-. ia.,.,i,tij, fjtl. 1 Im'I U . ..m , .. I
"f" HL.Ml'IH if .v . iii-u-n-i
Pnh!!. '. A-tornovH iorJ.'ir.
In 1ie Clrenb f'oni-t of the S ate of Oi-p-n,.
fortheeotin vof Linn o-u.e ot vmg&n
ASSna-l&t8Ufl: Vt
fendHI,?.1.:- ;S v. named de-
yon are here'.,- ivnnlr li SJ?r,SS2;
the eotnniaint of i be iiiovn nani r.iiS.V?f r
name.!, now on fll InTi.V. "Z Af!"-.'?
named, now on flle in tlmnmoe ot tbS r- i7
said Court, on or I
;.,7, i vr .1 r""s the
wli. iheseoond Monday of Mart lM777nrKfvm
are hereby bo-tned that a. yen fail to
and answer sH comnlaln , ni, herein rnn2
the plains will annly ,o 't,
liefdeimndodlnhls couinlnlnt, which ! Ta tn?
Bolnllon.of tbe marrlaae mnt'raet haretofom
Sf'ifL, between you and plaintiff, and fo?a
divorce from and for cohi and H?.ZJ.?.L.
of t hl suit and that this Mimmonata pihThVd
by order of Hon. r p. Boise, JndiTe of sVUd
of iVn'P l Cham,,e i Salem thfsMthdy
ot Jan.. itfi. l ji it iNTivyp '
janJ6-77nlev88 AttoSSSn. '
0- A- PLU2II1EH,
,. t" Prescription epeclltsr.3
At the Old Stand, First ST- near Washington.
Albany, Jan. 13, 1877-nl6v -- '"
AVERY IESIR BLK b9lneS lot 64 100 fort
on the comer f Second and Was!ilnsrtoo
out nrf' lAixit nnr vim a mid tri iui mi vi
htnorv, to-tnor with a lot or wrnnore, m
erft, whnel'arfowH. barrows. Ac. c all p 09 -
mnvat on nccount
Ill'IIIUVlim" HH- VW-1I, ms--t.
nova rn owtftttnt nf nIrtrnUt KnaUtre On ID9
Albany. J. 19. 1877-nl7
Dusoirnosr .r pabtSewhip.
THE CO-PARTNERSHIP heretofore eslstln
between Connd Meyer and J. roXj, under
thatlnn name f Meyer Fox, in Uie Grocery
hnelnew., wns dissolyeil by niatnal eonent on
Ihe 8th of January, 1877. All :onns1d" ""'4
Arm must be pal'l " 1 Vnrd JV!" " 5" 11.
Jan.'M. 1877 -ln ... J- fol
Adjustable U Spring.. Bed.
-V Luxurious Bed 1
With only KinKlr Mattresal
For Durability, Clean lines and AdjostmeMlt
baa no equal.
It la Economical and Noiseless.'
W challenge cnmnarlson mi'h any and every
other Bprintf Beu.
Takb a.v A,ijUs(abe Spring Eed
on trial, if desire I, at the niannfactnrera rink,
to ba returiiod in on. week It not entirely eatu
Fall alxe 96 OO Hre-tklies 99 OO
Mle 4 OO I
. W. B. M0?l,
Proprietor mid Maanfactartr,
nl3m3 . Coniu ei-ciai-8t., Salem, Oregon, .
r. n.
DtSSrSO AjfCBt at AIMuy.
Latesl and Mott Itelfalile lrf
formation a.ol i BL.AOK
HILLS. Not'thej-n Womln(t
iui'! ihe jtre-it. Indian Wur
wi'I niwft'.s iw.fnnnrl in thn
Cidc&t i-ar!et. Cheapest.
In tue j .r " fLrnl IifcST FA-
C'inF..vyr '"!, PEK in Wyo-
7 ailv. 1 a
n '- ln M-'tr wwk.v. 3
o. l -tt mo. il. .u 1 vetir. fc.iO
intri? i'Op . Iw c-
U. Cii-AtVi.-. F'lb.isnei-. Cheyenne, Wyo
Have I'X"
Mountain ;2SiIxxx5
11 II E I 31 A T I JI .
Selected and prthered1 rm te-fntrs nf the
Sierra Nevathi Mimtirah-. The h-al foiu
in tlie hotter rlimafei, whew rtry, roitahi
'filly jwr of fesin r jfn.rt colnrwlttw.
the iro(H-rtie of wrih-haryintRlnl URaiul
liealinp. wsid epfiiry artrti-rrd t the
waul oOh. v.-iii in ca f Iis.z dis-eflMe-
flint fitrrt'ntnlU:x, . '
Tie Mgtr estini.-rre r-iMi fn Spaiii-f
fibveetl nH-u if tn imii.l of ii iiH-tlicinirl
qnwliliex iiKtoilr-it from the .name they
gate f ft. ;iny yers ajn Yerluo-auta,
or "Ht-rh of (be Saint".' The .native ot
Southern Oregon and Northeru Valitbruia,
have ii-ed it iiiiiiieiiiortmtty a Khentnarkr
rentnly. Tli! vb- j;ivirt--fm -fo the re
jriin where gpnvn hfti- irt-r ami prizftt
it as ihmtt n-tt Inujr nuxIWine. For m
linw fltey rl!-d it I-m VVrrf; ha g3T
vaircdilc tefinini.bls ss tt ft virtues in
curing Ilt-tirii;tfi-ni.
When von i.jien one f onr packageft.
keep it excluded Iroiu the air as lumh as
I have ed It hi my family for fonr or
five year, ant) regard it as oie t tbe- bef
family iiMilU-iiie e ever mert. A thct
nre t maiinfnctnn-d froui il iu CinviuiiatL.
and sold at 75 -, I -r oniirw. A sioglw
oim fir itacKaes trvtke eitrfct wnrrs ot '
tiovfann IiWli is worth- f5i The shrnb
frotH whirb tbi valnwIWe uardTeiite U Jpttll
ereI. I Hfr fintvl fa narrow belt, of
Mintry fu Southern Oregon. nhtiVaNvnj; hrr
t'rdrni VVS.1 V,llt,it.itu .. Sti .
to Ju. ve been gtrtht-rerf froos Mow I
tlKusan'a of yenranirnt aiu-f the rrr.n ex-.'
tracted and .afM i Earyp ud la Tire b.
fore the times Cf Solomoiy.
Testimonial. '
'Dr. Nh-kUti. of Kiigehe City, sayi :
"Yir Balm i one ! the best preserved
herbs I ever saw. and is worth) of a liiglier
price than 3-011 put iioti it."
Eev. S. K. Raymond, of Oakland, Ore
gon, sayaj "I went to California to ret riv
er from Consumption. The Dot-tor there .
trave me up, anil told me if I. had anv
frieiMl I wished to see I bail better go and
s f hem, as I t-oold live bur a little w.blle.'
longer. On my way to Oregon I eorc- .
nit-iu-ed n-lnjr Slnti-.talii Balm; it helped -me;
I continued its ite until it cured trie of
la- disease.' - -t ',
Mr. VT. T. Oborue. of Engeno'citv,
sa-K : -I know a young man whoapieared
l lie in the la-t stafi-s of riuiiiinntlnii
aii.t by using Mountain Bhjui or Verbasan-'-t
i he hi i-aitie a heaithy young man,'
Joseph P. Moore.-.Ksq.. of MflvUle. Cat.,
siyj; "I I, .1 vi-i. i-i -it nt-iiiaimid with the
fdirnli kiinwii a-i.y, i lia-aiita for ,20 veurc
ami know ir to ! a very vahiaide medicine, i
wiMi mr tne l,iiii; aiui XiI-llillatl-ln.,,
Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & Welton, Rett
1 1 Wlv s l"vt- been acquaint.
d wlilnbsbraU knwn. us YerlatiMiita
for many years iua know it to be a ereat
Lung medicine. .
RwifclHHi Bock Point. Jackson county. or
"d..i down. I took a tith?fairof
-...vmi f"o. am? cbwed the leaf wore
or less, and h mr or five days it cleaned
m.y ,H" tuHifoiaely. and I resumed
raonths, tny iunjjp btili seem well.
A. B. C.
rSkFor sale ad tho drug stores of Bell A
rarkcr, and John Fosliay. 7vV'
a Til.