The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, February 09, 1877, Image 3

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GOld in N'ew Yotk, 105 " ''
Legal tenders, 9495c.
Wheat, V bushel.
Oats, 37&g V bushel.
Butter, 25c ? pound.
Eggs 13c 1 dozen.
Chickens, 2 3033 00 V dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 6Vc net.
Bacou Sides, 13c; hams, 15c; shoulders,
So. " '
Dried apples, c; plums. 12c.
Liverpool wheat market Feb. 6 : Av
erage. 10s 5d310s8d;.cUib, 10adlls8d.
Special Notices.
MvsiCal. Miss 't!e Piperteachcr ol
Vocal and Instrumental muslo, has recent
ly located In Afiaiiy.'siid. prepared to give
lessons in the above named branches. Has
had several years experience In teaching,
and can give the beet of references. 4
AT IIoms. Dr. O.- W. Gray has re
turned from hU Centpntilsi trip, and can
now be found Xtjfts office,- in the Parrlsh
brick, up stairs by-all who -desire dental
work of any Mini. .
. 4Cv7.
Evervone, at limes, feels tlie necessity of a
restorative of the vital powers, depressed by
mental or bo Illy exhaustion. In such condi
tion., let every one, instead of flylne to the' al
cohol!" or medicinal wiimulanf. wh'ch roust
le followed hv-.depreeslon equal to their ex
citement, relhvtgorate hl deranged svsrem
by t he natural t on ic cletnen t s of the PKt VI am
6YKCP. Sold by. ay, druggist. feb
Vuaollrltid Testimony.
FAtltrikLtH Me.; AprlLM, 1864.
Gentlemen Seeing numerous certificate in
the Maine Fttrmrr, endorsing the merit ot the
Creal Lung lictuedy, - WliTAR's IiALAM OF
Wild CnucRV, I au .Induced and I tuke great
rileasure in irlvlrig publicity to the great", ctire
t occowiplUhed In my family In tlio year 1S5S.
During the summer of that year my son, Henry
A. Archer, now postmaster in' this place, was
attacked with spitting of blood, cough, 'weak
ties of lulls', and general debility, so much ao
that our family physician declared him to bav
a -seated consumption." Be was under roedd
cal treatment for a number of months, but re
ceived no benefit from it. At length .from the
solicitation of himself, and others, I was In
duced to rmrcnaas-one bottle of WtaTAKt Blf
sax cr Wild Crerkt. which benefitted hlia
so much I obtained another, which la a short
time restored him to his usual state Of health.
1 cau snfelv recomend this remedy to others la
like condition,' for it Is, I think, aU It purports
The above statement, gentlemen, ts my "Yol
untnrv offering to joujn tavor of j our Balsam,
anu n at your uispesai. as ever, yours.
feb ASEKIir Ancura.
Disease CJrows Apace,
Like an ill mind, and cannot be mastered too
early. W hat is a trilling; attack of sickness to
day mfty, if unattended to. become a serious
rae in a week. Small aliments should ba
nipped In the hid befnru they blossom intu fu
uioan uisiaatca,- linns a'ttin was atenoea
to, many a heavy bill for medical attenlanee
uiij,'lit be avoided. When the liver is disorder
ed, the slots.-h foul, the bowe.a utis' muted, or
the nerves disturbed, report should at once be
had to that supreme remedy. Hosteller's Stom,
sell Bitter", a few doses of which will restore
healtliv action and put the system in Perfect
orderJ It is a wise precaution to"fceep ibis In
compamble preventative In the house, since It
rbeck-t, with unrivalled promptitude, disorders
wntcn uree'i ot new tar more dangerous, ana in
their latest devclopmcuia axe themseivesof en
Intnl. feb
riMPI.ES.-I will mall (free! the recipe for
prensringa simple cgetaxie uainituat win re
move Tan. Freckles. Pimples and Blotches.
leaving the skiu .oft, c!ir and beautiful : ab-o
instructions for producing a luxuriant growth
ot itairori a bald head or smooth face. Address
B.n. t ftndelf A Co., box 5121. 2.O. 5 Wooster-St.,
New York. tontSva
TO roSNCAPTIVCf.-Thf advertiser hav
ing been permanently cured of that dread dis
ease, Coiihuii rvtlrm, by & simple remedy, is an x
lous to make known to Ills fellow siitferers the
means of cure. To ail who desire it. he will
send a copy 'of the prescription used (free of
ctiarj.-ei. wnn 111c uirocilcitu ior pre paring ann
using the same, which they will end a sure
cure tor Consumption. Asi b ma, Bronchiti,Ac.
Parties wishing t hoi prescript ion will nlease ad
dress Rev. E. A. WlLoow.m Fcnn St., Williams.
Uurg. X. Y. lav9j ton3v
Errort of o h. A gentleman who suf-
fpred for year from Nervous Uebility, Prema
ture lecay, andall-tBeeaectsofyouthrtilindrs-creiiou
will, for the sake of sotTertng humanity,
nd free to all who need It-, the recipe and di
rection for makintf 1 lie simple remedy by which
he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit 'by
the advertiser's experience van do so by ad
dresslrn; in prrtect eonudeuoe, JolUt S.OUOEM,
41 Cedar Sc., .Vtw Yoric ' osSvS
The Peatple Waal Proof.
There is no medicine prescribed by phyl
cians, or old by Druggists, that carries such
evidence of its -succe and superior virtue as
ftwutt's UtHMA- Sykup for severe Coughs
Coldsettled on the brest. Consumption, or
any dinease f thoTliroat or LunvtP. A proof
cl that tact tSf thar any person afflicted, can iret
a Situip:e Bottle for 1 eentsand try its superior
effects liefore buying tha regular size at 75
cents. It has lately been introduced in ibis
country from iermanv. and its wonderful
cure are asfonlshimr everyone that use It.-
inw ooses-wm relieve ally case irv u.
Sold by all druggist. nWmS
nemrsnber Thl.
ow Is the timeof year for Pneumonia, Lung
Fever, Coughs, (.'olds, and fatal results of pre
disposition lo Consumption and other Throat
and I.unj IMsenses. ItcMHEfc'it Ukbmajk
3st p bei:a used In this neighborhood for
the past two or three vcara without a single
iHtlun! tocure. If yon have not used this med
icine yourself, so 10 our Di-uggiat in this city
and ask him of Its wonderful success among
Ids customers. Three dose-, -will relieve the
worst c se. If you have no fnitb in any medi
elne. just try a Sample IV n tie of BSCHEK'
I'EKMA.s Svki p for 10 c-tin mcl try it. ttegu
Mr size bottle 75,oenls. bmlnsglcct scnosb
to save 73 cents. nlmS
To tjwhrt'-are tntfering from the errors and
Indiscretions of youth;. nervous weakness, early
decay, loss of manhood. c, I will send a recipe
tliat will cure you. FREE OF CHAltOK. This
'feat re.medv was discovered by a missionary
in South Anfertaa.. fiend aself-aldressed enve
loiie to the Kkv. T. iKXAti, Biatioa 1,
aiUt Jluume, JS'eva York. nSvS.
One Thomas cat. If be steps out
To tnatae a juVrilee,
Can ralse-tiie lialr on man or bear,
And tlie Cict U known to toe.
This is probably In reply to the question,
"Where are. the votrs who staid away from
the polls? ' '
Some were down in jersey.
Some had gone ont'west.
Some had gotffl to iwavcrj.
Oh, do pull down your vest.
The author of tha. folkrwUig must have
been "clear eone: '' h
The sur l out to-nlte. '
. The cole I In. the bin : -l j. . ... .
Come toy love tpf th lit '
' Anjex me yon eyes a vrlokln,' -
It yon ha ve never ptit up a stove. Just try
U and then you will swear this Is true :
He ftimrf and foamed fir full an hour,': :
IlHvoieaiid language both weresourj
But he got tfyi sfove np flnally.
And his VBre Uku1s0 "atoye
inV' Umit
This Isably phlosophf , f
op a,.Vhi feas hjKD H?rosJ) fi
mill : .V'.- .
' Since debt Is the curse of creation,
' And Jje the creation ot debt,
m WS iiareinatlon , ; r' '?
, , j) '"U coinJorjing urtuilM can w get?
i bdSi-rowJua bebs a. bal odor.
Ten pve where one oily will lendt
Von tiuinot live on brattdy and soda,
'udre uotppljr to a jieiKl.
Well enctmrh for the day Ts thdevil
Ki!oiSh tor the evil the darr
"f RO thedevil.
If tlaix' vjmi'I (he dll to par.
Groceries and Provisions !
- ' -
First Door West of S. E. Younsi, First Street, Albany, dtn.
Cbeap for Oasli.
MJlMMOTII warehouse,
At root or Lyon Street, opposite Depot onO.t C. Railroad,
Will store Grain and General Merchandise at Lowett Rates.
AIBaKT, Oregon, Jan., Is77-15v9
Tin, Copper audi
i 9ies( floor Co the Bamls.
v as.
j Tlie ttancla.rd Organ Ti'iumphant-
Following U a copy of a Western Union telegram received by Sherman A Hyde, San
Francisco: ;
New York. September 29. 1 &7B.
Petonbet Pelton A Co., of New York, have received DIPLOMA of HONOR and
JlfiPAL of AWARD tor the
123 First Street, Portland. Oregon.
f1" Cull ancfte ftbn.
Ta th Wsrblne Ontas. We are now
prerired to fnrsWy air ctoases with constant
employment at home, the whole of tuo time,
or tor their tspase AiKfinent. Iluslnass new,
liKbt and lu-olliable. Vt-rsons of eii her ae eaat
IV ern from SO cents toJSi per evening. -and a
oroTvort iopal eo m by dpvot Ing heir w hole time
jo the buaines. Boj-s and girls earn nearly as
tnucii as men- That JJ wbe See t his nmloo may
send their addresM, and teat the bnsineaa we
make this urtrexaJlaied enters To auch a are
Sot well aatlsned we Kjl semd one dollar to pay
for the trouble of writing. Full particulars,
samples worth several doGara to commence
arark on. and a eopv of Hoineaud Fireside, one
of the largest end best Illustrated Publications,
all sent free "y msU. Reader, if you want per
i)7nnt. r.roQtable work, address firoaGK
"ill of ACo., Portland, faujg., toWvO.;
Skeetiron Ware !
BKAltx IN Croeerles Prowtatome, Tofcsteeo,
1 irnra. uuery, t roearry. mi wosa ausal
H Ulew parti Tint Mn Albsay, Or.
OrncE or "ucocr Wattfact!? a Co.,
ruwr- AAtf TAVUlfrb BIS.,':
Pobtj.a. Ok,4 January 33, W77.
Special 3fotlocv
X. of our ouatoiners, and to all persona desir
ing to purchase oar oslebrated sawmg m
ehineavwe resneetfullv notifs ttinm thai i,
Messrs. TITOS BBO& are our agents for Alba-
n v anu unnaniuy, ano toac I Dev. or U. IS,
WOtVERTON, Esq., are fully authorized to
ooUectand Bottle natstaoding accounta for us.
jue etngcr Jtanuiacturirvr uouinen. .
' M. W. PARMOVg.
Manager Oregon end W. T.
Letter from a Postmaster."- '
. "AXTtocH, III., Dec 1, 1ST.
"Messrs. J.-B. Boss A Co.:
My wife Has, for along time, been a terrible
sutTerer from Rheumatism. She has tried many
physielansand many remedies. TliiusBljs thing
winch has given her relief isCcntnur Liniment
1 am rejoiced to say tbis.liaa.cured her., I jjiu
aolnj;. what I can to extend its s:ilc. '
1 ! - -. w. b. nrsa. .
This is sample of many thousand testimony
ala received, of wonderf uf cures etfocred by the
Centaur Liniment. The ingredients of this ar
ticle ere published around each bottle.. It. con
tains Witch Hazel, Mentha. Arnicru-Rock Oil,
Carbolic, and ingredients hitherto little known
It is an indisputable fact tliat the Centaur Lini
ment Is performing more cures of dwellings.
Stiff Joints, Eruptions. Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, Caked Breasts. Lock-taw, Ac, than nil
the other Liniments, Embrocations, Extracts,
Salves, Oint ments and plasters now in use.
For Toothache, Earache,. Weak JSaoar, Itch and
Cutaneous Eruptions, it is admU-ablev Jit cures
burns and scalds without a scar: Extracts poi
sons from bitea and stings, and heals frost-bites
and ehillblains. In a abort time. No family can
afford to be without the Centaur Liniment,
white wrapper. ..3- z- .
The Cen taar Llulment, Yellow .Weapper,
Is adapted to the tough skin, muscles and flesh
of the animal creation. Its effects upon arveie
cases of Spavin, Sweeny, Wind Gull, Big Head
and Foil Evil, are little less than marvelous.
Messrs. 1. McClure Co., Ilrngsrlsta. corner of
Elm and Front stroets.-Cincinnati. hio, soy :
"In our neighborhood a number of teamsters
are uting the Centaur Liniment.- They pro
nounce it superior to anything they have ever
used. We sell as high as four to five dozen bot
tles per month to these teamsters,
- We have thousands of similar testrmonlajs. '
For Wounds. OaUs, Scratches. Ring-bone. Ac.,
and for Screw Worm in sheep it- lavr no- rival.
Farmers, Uvery-men and stock-raisers, have in
this Liniment a remedy which Is worth a hun
dred times Its cost.
Laboratory ot J. B. Rose A Co.,
46 Dey street, New York.
Mothers may nave rest and their liabics may
have health, if they will use Cantoiia tor Wind
Colic, Worms. Feveriahness. Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It is entirely a vege
table preparation, and contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
take as honor, and neither gags nor gripes.
Ir. E. Dlmoch, of Iiupont, O.. says:
"I am ulnK Castorla in Viv practice with, the
most signal benefits and happy result.
Ihis is what every one savs: Mot nurses in
Xew York Cltv use the Castoria. It isprepnred
by Messrs. J. B. Rose A Co.. 40 Ucy street. New
Y ork, successors to Samuel Pitcher, M. D. S0S
C n J On per day at homo. Maniples won h $1
PJ ill (Pall free. Stiksom fc Co.. Portlnnd. Me.
SEND Kc to G. P. Rt)WElL A Co., New York."
for Pamphlet of K)0 pages, containing 3,000
newsmpers, and estimates showing cost of ad
veratr. . 2fr-8y ...
xxeavr, (or I willapenk of exceUsat
POIS't HTRACT-Tha reat Teaetaate PafJB
lleatreyer. aa been in use over shire
- yes, and for cleanliaes and prompt cara
tiva virtues cannot be excelled.
CHilCSEN. No family cau afford to be wTtiout
rula Extract
Accii dents.
Coataaiona, Cats. MDraiua. ara rellevs
almost Instantly by external application.
Promptly relieve bains or Bams, Heal da..
McsnsmH, vaaBBca,
Bellas Feleoa, Cerna,
etc. Arnsta in
flamation, reduces swellings, stops bleeding.
rein,, umviuraLmnun uns nptnir,
ftMalEWEAKlESSiS. It always relieves pate
111 the back audlouu,fnlhiess and pressing paia
in the head, nausea, vertigo: -II
lIUCOBRHffA Unas no equal. AH kinds of mU
cerationa to which ladies are anhieet arw
promptly cored. FsJler details uybook accom-
panylDg each bottle.
'Had or bleediaw meet nromnt rriUf
and ready core. Ho case, howaver chsonicor '
oiMitnate. can long soeist its regular use. -VARICOSE
VE1SS. It is the euly'sme cure for-
this distreasiuK and dangerons condition.
KID NET DISEASES. It has bo. equal for.prtma..
BLEED I MB front any cause. 1or this la a ape
ciMe. It has saved hnndreds of lives when all
other remedies failed 10 arrest -oleediag from
nose, stomaeh, langs, and elsewhere.
RMEfiMATISM, RE0RAL8IA, Twothaeho aussl
Earache are all alike lel.eredj and oftea per
manentlr enred. :
PHYSICIANS of aU schooU who are- acquainted
with Fsml'IUtTMt .f VtltelrHsMl rec.
ommead itia their practice. Wehave lettersoC
commendation from hundreda of Physicians,
many of whom order It tor use far their owa
practice. la sdditioa to the foregoitig. they
order its tue for Hsrelllan of all kinds,
Sninsy, Mere Tkroat, lafiamaa Teaaila,
tnple and chronic lioxrbrm. Catarrh,
(for which it is a specific,) Chilblains, FrosC
od Feet, Stinge mt laseetavJHaoaaitoaa.
c-. Chapped BaadavFace,' and indeed
aD mwaer of skin diseases. "
TOILET tfSXReasovesHo(eaeBebBeas,
. and triin artina-t heais Con,' Ersyliis,,
and Fiaapleaw It rtvf, inHtfdtvua, and rs '
Jrtska, while woo dwlally JunDtvviDjr the .
Cosaplexioa. -'- - -
TO f A8MEBS. Pond rexrror. ' Ko (Hock ' Livery Mancan sffonitp be without
' It. It Unsed by tn the Leading Llwtry SUhiee,
Street Kailroads and first 'Horsemen in New
York City, ltbas wsotUlfor ftprsdna, Bara -
raeeo or .Haddle - ChnMnwu-.tMiOnesa, ..
Heratehee, HwelUaC'etr, Car ararlava I
'- gldlaaj, PWeasaea ta, Cole Irtat 1 baa, -C
Uil livColds, c tc Ua rangeeXactioa is wide, .
-' and the relief it affords is so prompt thstrtt la
Snvalnsble in every Farav-vard-weweU a te
erery Fsrm -bouse. Let it be tiled once, and-
6ACJI5S. Pand'a Extract bas-heee ImiUwd;.
Toe genuine article has the words Poade Ex
tract blown in each bqule. It .a. prepared by -the
only peraons livtast who ever knew bote ' .
to prepare It. pronely... . Refuse alt oilier pre- -parations
of Witch Basel, This la tbe only
article used by Physicians, and ("the boepu
tals of this eontitry-aBd Sarone.' - - -
KiSTfiiT "Affs ist gf pvm'f-msAer..
ra pamphlet -fortnveent fne 'on Sppl
hVtt FOS mVOKCE. '
In the Circuit Court of the State bf Oregon for
- Linn eonnty'
Luclnda Ambler, plalnUff,- VSult in Equity
vs. 1 ". for
John X. Ambler.-defondant. ) - ' IHvoree.
To John -A. Ambler, the -defendant above
named In tbe name of tbe State of Oregon :
You are hereby required to appcaf and answer
the complaint of the. -plalo tiff above named in
tbe above entitled court, now on file with the
Clerk of said courts with In ten dava from the
date of theerviceef tb Is mimuions on yon if
served in Linn county, Oregon, but If service is
made In any other eonnty In said State then
within t wenty nays from tbe date of snob serv
ice: and tf served bwpubllrati0n, then yon are
required to appear and answer by the first day
of the next regular term of said eonrt, after
publication- hereof for six weeks, which term
commences on the , ..
Second Monday of ifarck, 187Z,
or Judgment for want of aucb answer .will be
taken- against you. Ton are further notifted
that if you fail to armear and answer as above
required, the olaintlff.wlll anply to .the court
for tbe relief demanded tn the complaint, uod
costs and diabursuMsnts of this'euit.-
Attorneys for pltT. .
Pabllsbed for six weeks In the ALDAhT Keo
tattR, by order of ' R. P. SolsevJudge of said
court, made at cbanjoer Tec. 11(1873.. rul3v9w 6
ALBANY, OREGON, FEB. 9s, 1377.
The Rflioious Meetings That hay
been held in this eity nightly at the Court
Boose for several weeis past, hare been
and still ara producing good fruit In the
awakening and conversion of the uugodly,
and in the revival of christians generally.
The pastors of the several churches of tlie
city have taken their regular tarns in hav
ing charge of the meetings, with the excep
tion only of the pastor of the Episcopal
church. The meetings, whttb are held
every night except Sunday night are grow
ing In Interest and power. In addition to
the night meetings, neon-day prayer meet
ings are held dally on TTfrst street, In tl-e
boildtng next to Or. Lister's store. These
meetings are also well attended. A female
prayer meeting Is held dally at 2 o'clock
p. u.,8hd a yotHig folks' prayer meeting,
also held dally, at 9 o'clock r. M. At tlie
Court Ilouse each evening a short sermon
is preached, after which those who are
seeking rfltglou are invited to make it
known. The music is first rate, a piano
and organ accompanying the voices.
Camilla Urso. The advance agent of
the celebrated violinist, Camilla Urso, and
troupe, called on us Tuesday. The com
pany is desirous of giving a concert tn this
city, and will do so about the middle ot
next month, provided they are assnrl of
sufficient patronage to warrant their doing
it. Mr. Luer left a subscription paper at
Mr. Barr's music store, where all those de
sirous of seeing and hearing the celebrated
violinist can call and make such desire
manifest by subscribing for tickets. If a
sufficient number ot tickets are sold, then
we shall have the pleasure of hearintr the
troupe. Arrangements will be made,
should the troupe decide to come, for a boat
to briirg down and return the Corvallis
people, thus enabling the lovers of music
in that city to enjoy the least with us. We
suppose there will be no difficulty in secur
ing the necessary subscrlption,as our people
dearly lore first class music such as this
troupe affords.
Siterrill's Iron Cultivator and
Seeder Is probably the best machine offer
ed farmers for the work it is intended to
do. It is simple, strong, and being con
structed of the best material, all the . im
portant parts being of iron, It ts very dura
ble and calculated to be almost indestructi
ble with anything like reasonable handling.
It can be adjusted to any required depth
while in motien, never clogs or chokes on
stftbble or "trashy" ground, and will sow
all kinds of grain, whether the grain be
wet or dry. . Every machine Is warranted.
Added to all thi., the machine was Invent
ed by the builder, Mr. James Sherrill, an
old resident ot Linn county, who builds
them at Ilairisbufg, By patronizing him
you not only get the best, but the money
yon pay for the machine remains In Ore
gon, in Linn county, and aids in building
up the county. Rend the advertisement in
this Issue. -
Ffll From the Tradj. A young man
named Patterson Crozier, a resident ot New
York, a recent arrival in Oregon, one day
last week fell from the train, between Hal
sey and Shedd, cutting a tearful cash on
his bead, badly -.bruising his hips, and
breaking his right arm. Tfo was taken
with a feeling or faintness and stepped out
on to the platform for air, when a sudden
lurch threw liim from the car. He is a
member of the I.O.O.F., and as soon as
this fact was made known- the order had
him conveyed to this city where he will re
ceive all the necessary attention. -
Aetna. Mr. Jay W. Blaln has been ap
pointed agent for Linn county for the sale
of the Aetna Sewing .Machine, one of the
standard shuttle machines that has stood
the test of years, giving entire satisfaction
to' all who have used them. For the pres
ent the machines can be seen at L. E.
Blain's clothing store In Froman- new
fbrick. First street, where you are invited
to call and see them.
Gold Discovered. We learn tliat par
ties recently discovered gold on tlm Cali
pooia, near Brownsville, In what they be
lieve to be paying quantities. A quarts
ledge' was also discovered, and several
pounds of the rock (cropping) sent to Port
land for assay. If ore in pay ing quantities
should be tound from an' assay ot the rock,"
Brownsville will soon' have a ' mining ex
citement. We hope the rock may prove
'rich. . .....: ,. - - .
. Help those who try to help Them
selves. Mrs. Day is prepared to do all
kinds of plain sewing, and-as she has only
her labor to depend upon for a livelihood
and for the snpport of her children, she
asks the kind people of this city who may
have work, which they wish done to give
her a. trial. ,Tlii3 is a case .which slionld'
Interest all our benevolent disposed citizens.
Let any who Have work of this kind which
they wish done take It to Mrs. Day. :
' '. A PoorUntportcsAtE. A lad named
Howard, aged about twelve, died, and was
burled on Sunday; the Immediate cansa of
his death was scarlet fever.- The nntertw
nate youth was an idiots of violent dWposi
tion, so much so that It Is reported tliat ha
lias required tbe closest vigibi nee of his
parents since he was four years of age-
Bargains in MiLLiXERT. Mrs. Cross la
selling her excellent stock of millinery at
cost, to make room for Iter immense invoice
of Spring and Summer styles. Tbe ladles
cannot do better than to look through her
good, and secure bargains while they are
to-be had. A hint to the wiso i sufficient.
Howard Northrup, of Portland;' was to,
the city Monday and Tuesday. Howard is
just as full of life and jolarlry as in the
years when the "HonoriScabilitmdajutati
boqne Society' was in its prime.
Our regalareorrespoiident sends the fol
lowing on Wednesday r
The Fair and Festival supersedes all oth
er gossip In town. A mammoth balloon Is
being constructed for the evening, to be
sent np with, torpedoes, bombshells and
Chinese Are crackers attached to it, which
will explode high up in tbe midnight heav
ens. Our new district school ts being gener
ally patronized. Prof, P. A. Jaorrls. prin
cipal, and Miss Ada Hamilton, l$Unt.
Quite a number of new houses will be
erected here the coming Summer.
A large hotel is talked of, to be erected
early during the coming season.
Messrs. Settlemeir Dawson are mak
ing preparations to saw a million feet of
lumber by next fall, at their new mill.
Mr. MeFarland, your gentlemanly towns- .
man and real estate agent, gave us a call
last week, meeting with tbe members of
the layette tte on Sa turds y night, and visit
ing the different Sunday Schools, on Sun
day, -in company with some of our neigh
bor's daughters. The Judge fc a el ever
gentleman, fully able to carry himself safe
ty through the rough and ruggeti journey
of life. ......
The Lebanon Mills are shipping flour on
the Santlam Canal again.
Our perambulating posteOiee has taken
licndqunrters again down town in one of
Bond's hotel rooms. S. H. Ciaughton, otir
accotmuodatlng postmaster, does not pro
pose, since the formation of the electoral
tribunal, to give up the offlee to. Powers,
the Tllden appointee, as Hayes la now sure
to win. SosaysSn-
T he ladles are making quite a number of
fine quilts, to be drawn for on the evening
of the 11th instant.
John Frouk has erected a new blacksmith
shop in town, which makes four shops for.
Lebanon.- . .
Dr. D. W. Ballard has been attending
patients successfully In your city during
tlie past week. The Dr. rides day and
night. :
Grassridoe. Or., Jan. 25, 1877.
Ed. Register: Thinking that perhaps
a few lines trom this part of tlie county
would Interest yonr readers, I send you
tlie following items :
We are having pleasant weather at pres
ent, and the farmers are taking advantage
of it, and are doing a large amount ot
plowing; bat the sawmill men do not ap
preciate the good weather so much it has
not rained enough to raise the river to a
sufficient bight for rafting logs down to the
mills, and consequently the mills have been
idle the greatest part of the winter. There
is a debating society in good working order
at Powell's school-house, with fifteen mem
bers and the following ofHocrS: Francis
M. Powell, President; Amos D. Combs,
Vice President, and George A. Powell,
Secretary and Treasurer.
. As one of our . young men was going to
spelling school the other evening, in .com
pany with three or four young ladies, the
wagon they were in was upset by running
over a stump by the side of the road, and
spilled the occupants' out on the ground.
Fortunately no damage was done, an 'after
getting the wagon right, side up, they pro
ceeded on their way to spelling school, a
muddier and ft is to-be hoped' a wiser com
pany of y oungsters. .
Tours Respectfully.
Come again,-Sats ; you'll bo welcome
Ed.) . .
Vegetables. We are indebted to Mr.
Logman, the excellent gardener, lor a sup
ply of Kohi-rabi, raddishes "and turnips.
Mr. Logman will fnrnlsh all who- desire
with early, vegetables etc., as Be is making
the production of vegetables for the Jable a
specialty and none understand the busi
ness better.
A New Industry. Mr. John A. Mc
Knight lias been busily engaged tor some
time past in cutting cord wood, at the head
of tlie Canal on the San Ham river, which
he intends, early the. coming spring, float
ing down to this city en the bosom of the
Santiam Canal.
Arm Broken. Miss Hallle Paul, cftmgh
ter of W. A.. Ful. Scio, who lias been re
siding at Mr. E. B. Purdom's in this cltj,
attending College, fell down stairs on Sun
day, breaking her right arm at tlie wrist.
Dr. Rice gave the necessary attention, and
the patient will soon be all right again.
Another' Arsf Broken. The first ot
die week a little daughter of Mr. Paul,
who but lately became a resident of this
eity, fell and broke the left arm, as we are
informed; between tlie elbow and shoulder.
The little one is about ten years of age.
: Personal. Dr. Harper and' wife," of
Kansas, relatives of Dr. Gray, arrived in
this city on Tuesday.- He has come to take
up his residenee in Oregon, and we hope
our citizens- will extend, as usual, the wel
come handl
. Religious. Rev. L. J. Powell, of this-
efty, will preach on Sunday next at Trinity
V. E Church, near Knox Butte, at 11 a.
H. All are inritedV . '
Rev. S. Heininger; ef Salem, will preach
at the Evangelical Church on Sunday next,
at It o'clock a. m. ; .
t Purchases a Machwe. The Ladies
AM' Society have purchased an-Aetna sew
ing machine for the use of the. Society.
This Is an evidence of the popularity of the
Bachlne.. T- ' J : '
. M. E. Social Meets at our Bouse this
T. M. at 5 o'clock. A general attendance
i requested, as there's plenty of work on
hand. By order of the President.
Mrs. Joe Purdou having commenced
suit for divorce, the ensfcody ot the child
was'awarded to Joe nntrlf the March term
f the Circuit Court, by J udge Bois.
Weather these mornings tolerable cool
Cool enough. " ' 15
Local matters surprisingly, thin. v
Billy Watkiad fi the present night
watch, j v -f;
City Council meets next Tuesday eight.
"nose ball Wetlnestlay night.
St. Valentine's day comes o Wednes
day, f -.' '
Mrs. Dr. Griffin ia reported trmch tu
p roved by lier trip to CalKbrnia. f " '
Turnips and I aridities have Wea gmwlag
right along daring the winter. ;
Get yoer valentine ready, ' , ' ,
Quite a number of persons have snAde -professton
of religion and united with oft
of the several churches of the dry slue fhe
revival meetings commenced. .
Sherrill's Caltivatot' slid Seeded CfU
away with all of them.
- Van Vactor la fixing to aurf'Jfe the
boys. We wotit tell." ' "
L. E. Blatn has received those new stylo
box-toed boots, and they are efegnnt. Ho
is also tn receipt of an Invoice M jjQilf
fbrnla Mfg. Co.'s gloves. Ibe complete:,
best made and neatest buckskin gTeVe tn tbo
market. He has alt tbe ditferentTtyTea,
for riding, driving, ete. Go and see those -gloves
if yon waJLto be raptured-.
The storeroom formerly, occupied by. thsv . ,
City Drng Store, on First streetT. Has. .been
refitted and painted, and new loots as neat
as a pin. It Is to be filled, we are tnlorm
ed, by a large stock of millinery goods." '
The roads generally are much better tliaa
usual at this time of year. ' "."
.The noon-day prayer-meettngs sre -weir .,.-';
Shall we have the Urso troupe here noit -mouth
? . . . , '
The city treasury Is "lnlr of empty.' i
The time approaches when a fellow boy
for bis churn's sister a highly ernsenautal
valentine, the great center of atcrsctloft
of which is a picture of Use fitblesl boy.who'
baa decidedly more wings than overcoat.
Tbe man who "absorbs" liquor lightly Is
called a 'Durham,'"' because be belongs to
the "short-horn" breed. ;
An ex. says t People havnl beguTr-to
Oh for St. Va-lentEnc 70ayM uuch
There are so many who still owe for Chrfst
nasf , , ,
:- Mule deer are said to be, plentiful about -the
loot-liUls. . ' , ' ,' ."
We arc Indebted to Mr. Win. Morgan
for a liandy blotter and calendar combined, -WiU
always looks put for bis friends."
Frank Wilton has beeu playing to $dr
audiences a portion ot the week. ' &
Sickness abating In this city. T
The Womans' Suffra ge Convention meel
in this city on Tnesday. : - s
Prf. Hewitt's wife and child both re
ported very ill on Wednesday.
Two of Harry Godley's children, Annie
aged nine, and Fred, aged eleven, are sltk,
with scarlet fever. .
Mi-s. M. J. Hyde, who has been sick of
fever tor several days, Is reported Improving-
Those new tyle boofc at L. E. Blatu'o
are the liandoinest that ever came to tUl
market. "' ' ' ;
The Ladies Aid Society mccU on the
first Thursday In March at Dr. Stewarts,
A full attendance Is requested.
We acknowledge an invitation to tier
maaquenide on tlie evening of the 14th.-"
Gradwoltl lias a good, large stoclt of
goods and sells most reasonable. See- his
Eggs at l'Sc per dozen is cheap enongh
The contract for erecting handsome .
bell-tower for tlie M. E. Church will rei
ably Iks let to-day. Tt will add muck tfq-
the looks of the building when finished.' . ' '
Days getting longer- V i , ,
Our ichoolVare well stteniUd sn to
prosperous condit,iom , . . , , ; ; -
Ed. Bautn has soUl out antl projwses to
start tor San Franclseo soon, where be wf if .
make bis home for the future. EeTcr Ursv
good boy. too. . ; - . ts
- Sam '1 Miller's little daughter, Edna, wa.
buried on Saturday. She was a sweet little '
girl, agetl' about two years. Sue died en
Friday last, of scarlet fever. ; . "
Dr. Griffin and wife returned' fron Cali
fornia on Wednesday. - '
' Miss S. -French, Mrs. MeCIungli sister r -returned
to this city from Callfbru la, where
she has spent several weeks visiting, wv
Wethiestlay :. f,,....."
Fred! Banty has been eonflned to Ws
room- for some dayi, very' HI, but we Jfcarn "
he Is better at present, '
One thing about a wooden pomp is- ft .
don't rrees Iea8t tDe MoUen
kopf makes. They are easy to handle, sail'
are desirable to have In tbe family; .
Jennie L- ?fts:ont aged eleven years,
daughter of Joseph Ixon, died at Lbetien.
on Tuesday of diphtheria, and was bttriedr -at
tlie cemetery In-this city yesterday.
Eight members of Mr. Cheadle's ttmlly .
near Sodavllle. have been cured" 'of dlpb- r
tlierla by tlie fl ee nee of soda water from "-'.
Sodavllle. '. . " . frV
. The Woman Suffrage Associiitioa eoai- .
mences its annual session In Uil city ot
Tuesday at 10 o'clock A. sc., at the Court
House. ; - - ' . ' . :' : s. ' ;
...-,, BIEa( r,i-. .'
At 8odaville, Jan. 31t. 187T, tbe InftsiS
son of W. R. and Mary B. Jones,- aged
montha and 15 daysr '--"
An Oppcwtsnvtt fox tstk ArTLicyn".
Two or more ot tbe anrgeone of the Na
tional Snrgical I nsfitute will visit Portland)
Oregon, rooms at tlie Cosmopolitan Hotels
February the 14th to SYst, inclusive, where
they will be pleased to see their many old"
pasienta in Oregon and. Wasliington Ter
rttory. and' as many new ones as may
it to theirmteresrs to avail tiiemsclves f .
this opportunity to be cured at bome.
This IttBtirntinil Is anriwaled hi the world,
in the cure of deformities, pralysla,pilee.
fistula. Ac.. Ac. They will bring with
them apparatus for all kinds of deformities.
- - "- - - ' -; twxa---,
11 ':;
The Richmond Rauge is ' 'grrat wood
caver, and as It tbrowa oat leas boat than
any other good range or stove, it 1 way
up tor Summer use. c .
: 'Ti 1 o . '
Boots, Boots for tlie rainy season,
both kjp and gumgerubbi-r a frcb supply,
very, low, at the rcadr pay toic in Srhedd.
; '