f-tTT. TCjnii .in iii mi iwiiiil m im r , TrS rcl Y1frrd$$V& S win. ik " . i .m f kf V.vT. .iaT'' OlaTJME IX; ALBANY,.", KFEBRXIARXi, X877. NO. 20. OliEGO f UK ?: BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, B AN K J N G -AND- Exchange Office, ALBANY, OlttUOX. BF.rORITS RECEIVED SU3JECT TO check at siK'-it. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange- on l'ortlaud, San Francisco, nd New York, for sale at lowest rates. -Collections maOennd prompt lvrcniitted. Refers o II. W. Corfcctt, Henry Failing, tW.Madd. Hanking hours from S A. M. to '4 P. M. Albany, Feb. J, Id71-22v3 II. JT. BOl'fiHTOX, 31. !., GitAnrATE or Tire vxTVEitsrnr Medical Colleire of New York, lute TneTiiixr of Belicvien H pital Medical Col lojje. New York. Okkice-Ih A. Carotliors . ' A Uo.s drug store, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOTICS OlSTAXtKl). THE BAY TEAM STILL LIVES, A SB IS FIaHJRISIIIXG LIKE fiBKES jt. hay tree. Thankful for vast favors, j' nl wishing to merit the continuance ot ' rb mine, the BAY TEAM will nlwavsbe icalv. and eaily found, to do any hauling . iiliin The city limits, for a reaonalle - mnennttan. S3T0 elivery of oorf h !kpeelIty. A. N. AliXOI.D. 2ovi Pronrietor JOHN SCHMEER, Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON". . RASJi ST 'IPEXKI' IIISNEW tSROCF.R cita'.ii.huietit on corner of Ellsworth and Fii-s. s reets. with a fresh stock of v t.roaerie". Provisions. Candies, Ulsmrs. To liKn. e.,-n whKHi he inviios the atten - tioti of our ci-ixena. - In nnw'io with 'hestorehewillkeop s ji 1-ikery, an.! will always have on hand a luli supply-of fresh Uread, crackers, Ac. fST Call nn-J see ne. - JOIIS SCITMEER. i Fe!puary 15-'24v4 ALliANV FOUNDRY ix c li i 1 8 Ii o r , tt " - - . AlXASY. OP.KGON", "f v.?f icturs tekra Eagiucs, Flts-tr s.nd Saw 32acSiin- ' .tootj. TTorvKixo t - j? ! And ASSlSULTUSALftlACHlNERY, . ,;,, , And all kin as of i -" IBB MD BtV CASTIAOS. ""- Particular attention na.Ul to rcmh-Vnc all : -v kinds of machinery. 41 v3 L. B. KOYAlL. "IT AS OPEXED a Earlwr Shop on First Rtrc-et XT. one door west of Thompson Alrviux shar- fressshon, wh'ere he will he pleased cl meet all ho wish work in his line. Thankful for past fMtrnnaw, be hope by close attention to Imsi- i I1M to merit a continuance of the same. Will keepcOtitantly on hand a fall supplj-or " ' ler foolery and Ilatr Oils, the best assortment in town. Come and see Me. Albany, Or., February 25, lSTft-S3v8 Physician and Surgeon, BBOWNSnLLE, OREGON. -omrM the Prni Rtore." 27v8 Bath Bouse &Barber SI 3p. 'rpifB rXDER3IGNEI WOTJLT Til.3. ECT . JL folly thank the citizens of Alban at I vl cinitv for the Ulei-al patronage bestor J ot - him tor the past seven years, and hope : f r im fntnre eonttnnation ot tnetriavors. e nn tcnmmodtflon of transient oustom'rr tin -frluads In the npner nart of town, he t.i. ipen ed a neat little shop next door to Tay.o iros Saloon, where a oo1 workman wiil n j Bbi n atten lanee to wait upo't patrons. Pec. 11. 174. JOE WEI & 3. D. McFARl.aXl. f 1VM. MOUOAX. , . UlOJICi A3B &, 3acFAlKL,A I, SEAL? ESTATE AGENCY !! ; E M PL.0 Y M EN T OFFICE, Jtiii to Wi lla, Tarso A To Cypres t .' flegr Albany, Oregon- , W BlARE PKKPAEED TO FCRX1MI EMI Brant an 3 others oOd liarwihi hi farms n .Vn.i h,unmt.n'lili) Lttin and auiomuiif eoaoMes. Furn in value and 9tee to suit pur- Al. ol'y. 9i'iyf bo1 Improved and nn lnro rl. L 4 K-j;'1-i T!i:-;ns'aT-1 city nronerty. and collec tion i ol a'! kiiiif. n-o:;ir'ly atten led to. O'tr n-tii i"" (v t -iwrbin? wlllctia'ce its -1' 'matm Wr'Sotn-. -srOo 'hara any other Ar?"ntv iivilut SiiiMI iirouf !U. . . - --W iiito 1Hiv x-eusTacri-"" .o ttte employ mn'' Tl Snrtr fttvijawe .i'?ptn'trnent. , Albany. Mfty 1'itf.t - i Uu.ii3 uu 1S.it!U 2Suiiuiiii."i. WB THB lfxDEKI(SXKI ISEG LEAVE TO annooitce 'o he cltb'xnH of Al'wny and imrTon1h.r m?mry tnar.-lMi'tnsr tmnnlie'f onr Ivewwttti ih -netrV-KSNlrv ?ueUinry for ral inr mi4 removing birUdiivjx. wowrai lya all time to receive ov'ler for sn'ch work, which wo will do l-uort orier at lovreft rate?. We nfmMvremfre atifirtion tn all work tmder fJrski iB a-.iierB.mis!TF.B oince prompt )y itttutvd;p. aApplv to., s : . v Or., April 23. 1875. agu7 1999 per-- a're-it orwnpurioiti la lh llwtlinw V' ramDi. txi t. 'tt w l'lnt to Jkrs flay rtsTh in hetr mvn lrx-nhMeo na--e tMmon pintn hfive; Ktt-t-Mw, . pleaant (1 hotHentbie.A W' omen, and lov and Kills to wol!itsiiiW. Wo . will furnish you a com plete Ontfft free. The business navs better than anyThlna-ele. We wHtlwae, exoenae or start tnst "yo. i .Particular free. Write and wee. Farmer and mechanic, their sons and dangh tei and all c!aw- i of paying work at home, should write to u al-out the work at tni. "Now H tlm tinw. Iou't delay. Addre Tur K& Co., A -jut-. I;,, Maine, Iu3tiv9.i SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, v VTblesIe and Rot aU Dealer in DRY GOODS, - -CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS j PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Orejroii. Terms : Oasli. n20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington nail First fcts., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS." ITouse newlv furnished throughout. Tle liesi the market KlTords always on the table. I'ree t'oaeb iu and froui the Home. I' II !TV I 1X1 Livery iFeed Stable COKNEE WAsruSCTOX Jt FIIIST STS., AXS.' MAUSilALL, Proprietor. CARRT.VOEP. lirGGIES. HACKS & RADDLE horses to let on reasonable terms, lloi'ses lorded bv the day or week. I wiil have uue of t he invest ris ever turn ed nut of n Hverv Btnble in Albany. &4f- HEARSE and carriages furnished for fu nerals. One m ft esl! when vou want fo ri le. AN. MAliiJIALL. Alban- .March 10, liTO-'i'.v HARDWARE.! tion-, A: enoral SiLE." IIAUJLt l'A3ii: :i full uiid coinplt'lc i;s artmcnt. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin. Copor, ZIe aM Sheet.. Iron, on tiaivl foi 11. Thi Gsld.sailtii Ran: inE BHST MALE. e, CROCKERY WARS, The larost and most complete assortment in 'tueclty. Kee-wnll kinds of OILS &, WHITE LEAD. XIe riiscst & Purest Iiiqnor Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses. Caevalrins done poatly, at short notice, and WAiatA.l.TEi. J. tiiAl I111L,. First street, Ai'any, Oregon. n-27vS TKE AI1T I'jqtKV ATIT t. . .; Printing by hand. . . .. lTlinlit!r l.y steam, I'ritilitig front 'V)P. Or from l:lock.-i by the ream. " Printing: iti ol.nrli. ,s" " Priiitior in white, . Pritilivi in color, Ot sombre or bright. Printing tor merchant1. And land agents, too ; : ,s JViii'itig tpr any, Who luive printing to do. Printing for h.inkei-51, C'Icrks auctioneers, .Printing for druggists, " ' For dealers in wares. Printing for drftpcr. Forgiocers. for all - Who want printing done. And will come and see ''COLL." Printing of pamphlet!?. Or bigger hooks, too ; Xn tact, there are few tilings But whttt we can do. Printing of placards, : Printing of bills, t Printing of carte-note For stores or for niillsj Pri'iting of labels'. All color or ne. sirs, - .Especially tit fr . ' Wetifoot producers. Priiiting of forms . '' . " AH sorts you can get Lrf-gnl.' vominercinl. Or "-House to be let. " r I'riitlitig done quickly, , ".. Bo!.l. -tyti-ii or near. At the KfcGlSTKR Prititlng-ollce, Ciruer ot First and Ferry Street'.' PStOJSPX 5elivcrr, at Living II VTXO lwnieht (rat t he delivsry hnsinss of Mr. l.i'WiyW-irrf-rr; 1 he-r leave Toannotmerrto tne citizens and ioinofw its ox .nut-iny, mai - u,. t ha hi re-ta an ex iii-ess and job wagon and will lie happy to serve all who may -jive me a'call. - j" j- ' , An 'order wilt b; ptoniptiy altcndod to af rea-'onttbie rate. . . . Ordera may be lelt at tne Lrng oioru ui uou t Parker. ATEfllL TAEKEU. BOOK STORE VO::i fscf.: posiiA't,';: TEAT.EIt IX ML-STELLAXEOUR BOOKS, J Selool J?o--Us, Blank Books, Stationery lancy Art teles, iMil-s imported to order, at hortcft jwis-ume not ice. "jii jO MEDICAL; a. w.witcos;, Homoeopathic I?li'sieian. OFFICE with Jtr.'K. "K. SrUttn,'Fjt street, Alhany, ureijor.. 5ChronioJ diseases a specialty. 26v8 J. S. CALLAWAY, 31. !., AFTER a RRACTTCE'OF MEDICINE FOR twenty-ourlit venrs, in the statesof Illinois, Indiana and lows, has permanently located in Albany, Oregon. "FFICK At- ,1 r. Pluut mer's lrn Store. RKSIIF.JfCK CoiTier if Montgomery ud Eighth streets, northst of railroad dejxrt. - lT8h50 J. LI'SEY IIlL.r.,"3I. ! ' OFFICE At Bell ' Parker's new drns store. RESIDENCE Sceoud street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 LEGAL. W. G. PIPER, F. M. MILLER, : Sotary Public. KPBR'-fis HILLEIl, Attorneys at .Ltt-vv", v Al"bany, Orcson. Ofliee in FnrriKli Krlck. first door on e rtnltt, ujt-Mtau-s. Ttni-I PRACTICE in the dlftcrent courts of T the State, fept-etal ntrontion Kiven to the collection of all claims entrusted to our care, and urompt, returnt made, fejsr Inventtjation ot mien, t.onveyanciii, anti an rroixttc jiai- tcrs tmefully and punetiisiUy attended to. . it. it. x. Hi.A itni tt.x, ATTOHXEY AT. LAW, BKOWXSVILLE, LINK CO OGX. T1KM:T AITESllOSi U1V. TO AU. 2iv9 a 1 bn-int'ss. J. C. POWTLIi. I. FLISS. Attorneys A- Counc ilors nt I.i vr oudKo. lienors an naitevry, Albany, Oregon. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. IS Ml$CJLLAXOrs Pietures anl Pieturc Frames. E. 13. IUIIOOaI Would nnnonnce to the citizen? of Albany nnd viointt v.tltut he U imMWreil to furnish all kitid of I'lCTCHL I'KAl in oitter.iit nn -votioe Piei tires i'tumed, and old fntmcs rerwirod 4 'h at hiodice on bust street, one iiour wit Broadaibin, and leave your oi-.1i t."' (T. ATE (F MUIirOANJ reiolii"int Tailor. IvKv tli:m ever '-iori' brni'v;!); ;o in market. - u' s an ma 'O "(! a!' ' yieot (::ol!inr for inti nrl ixix rt, r an'ile mtca, iraamrt- Shon-nn Fi'-it r.-'tt . -'-.(-!' ' o City Mnr- Notice jDZ.'t2? t . : THE FtlETZLER CHAIR THIS TO TXFOIIM TTTK ri'd-IC TIT AT noUair ifoea from my tactcry vitUout my namt1! ntxm if. Ailoi hersai'C faisc imilHt ion-i aii'1 iionl1 hi? ao rcsmdcil. Al fKTsona nrt IktwUv.. warned turniiiHt nitompliiig uny sucL impositiou iiihii ihv cufjtomi-. - - J. H. METZLKR. JctTorson, Or., Jan. 21, 1STC, c T EYERYBODT BUYS- f HEM. HAVnCCf JUST EF.CEl" EI A T.Attf.E SU1P iiCnt of tbeceiv'.iraled new at ylu Combined IrillHiid lroadt-a-t STTESa1 graix drill, diivct from the fhetorr.'ftm now offcrtiis extra inducements to the tiu tnors of Oregon. .Moat, of the best farmei-s in the Slate are now using yliem. . . - Saving seed and an increased yield of grain is t he result of drilling. . . . C'nn be used equally well as a ' - - Drill or Broadcast Scetler. The STATES3TAX lift ATX BRILL hits been ?rreif v ltimmvp.il for t bift vent. - ' Wareroouis at uiy Clacksmith Phop, corner of second and tllBWOrtlt BtreetSj Aioany, ui-egon FRAXK WOOD. -Mai-CD. 31, 187G--28 :.-'.";... FOIl ... BLANK DEEDS, ; . , , ' .. Keatly executed , , ; ,4 , . . Call ii ("hp '.Reffistcr Office f r)a a'ty at home. Agents wanted, onttit it t eniii 1 1 ee TK.CJC &COAuguta.Sle. STERLir.CS' EXPRESS 'onn-rtliifr wttii l , Farvo . I JHrf l firwin H -taiiuu, on --"'- '.'. I ; retnrnin-g ortL -"- . -i . - .. " . ft, . AII Business KiilriisteU to. my Care Proitintiy ( Attegdcd o. '- Patronage cf tls.3 Pu"bUs Solicited. JAS., A. SiERLIXO:' - Dee'.,fS78-nnv3 rrtfF: TVTTtir',,TVR "Ot TfTB ALD-lCltr F-ftlTFF X 'o V in iitinovinc that tlicy wiil Tint th liw-orv inorfra io miii'iw Fruit and VgJ e'a'iisii"' i-u.l. ji.ri:- aim win pay caap, Tiic-Mrne -vhr-n -iKvei-eff.. ' noxe t ii -I 'ij.j.iinitie 1 to ali for the purpose l 'rin2 ? tnotfirwiis'o tne ute-ory. Frnt- uho'.i! J be pitted from' the trees and no rr,iiet.' ' ' ' - nt.Hed.- " ' 1 - '' - .- l ?nrtu' tuivfne plnms-hould bo particular to i her tbeia before iUoy imeome ;oo rioe.. ALLKX PACKER, P gat A. X. AnsotD.- 1'iesident.' Serrcttirv. Alkmny. July a4 lc7S-tf4 1 .JOHNBRKJGS TAKES TlIIS PPOUTtKITY TO IXFOHM liin friends anil the phblio generally, tuut is now settled in bis T . KEW BUSl&ESS HOUSE, on tita old stand nrxtloor to r . C. TTarpcr A Co , wnere ctvn be iotinu as great, an assortment and as large stock of fj : .-- , Stoves ahd? Eanges n cnrile fonnd ir ariy one lionse this side''' of i'ortuiuu, ana ai as vv j, - - LOW 'JL price: , -ALSO , r . r rn eft? 3Pg3, Casttroii, ISrasa&Entimclctl ' In great variety, Also, ' Till, vi;.--' Sheet Iron, ? jialvtuilicl Iron, ' . , - '.(Coporwure, always On hand, and made to order, AT 11V lXi;'KATE a.:? :.v;-- ; v . ... Call oil JStm. 4 Albany, October 22, 1875r-5v8 , .;..ai... GEUTS' FUBKlSKIPiCi GOOBS OS HAHDIC01ISTAKTLY RECEIY'KG ........AT........ En frojaanS ScW Iljock, mST UTREKT, Al.B AST. A conijiTelc siock of all llie LATEST STYLES CLOTHING .'..".t".AXl., Gentlcnieirs trtdervvciir. BOOT3, UUCn ELLAS, OTKTISIIOES, NECK TIK, OVERALLS, CLOVES, ETC. Zxtrc iscs ci QotIiis.g a Specialty. ' CSif Orlers taken for Ciofhine, !5Uirt Ac, llll l f ITS WAUltASTtB. , f A Hdr hare of ctt?tom respectfully solicited. - J'" : I,, i:. r.i..iiv. Alhany, Oregon, Jsovetubcr -J, lij7u-9va Incorporated Feb. -iriST.V Capital. 420,009. UlTidHi'J STORE ! Corner First and Washington streets, Albany, : Oregon.1 . Presidc-al, S. A. DAWSOX. fKperintenJeut, At J. JOIl!0. DIBUTORS: A. K.-IMXKY,3fTfc" M.MIIXKR, ' iii.kvikm, J. -. nt..n, , . 4AASOS, At 1SI.KV1.11S, i H. A. ItAWSO.M. Wholesale and Retail Dealers In Clothing, Ilardwavc, Croekery, Ciroceries, Farm Implements ii and lUaeltinery, 5t c. . Io. lmv and wTl oft eomlnissfcm all kinds of uoods, aiarketaiiioi-rouuee, c . . HOC. i!4, lVi-UvuiU -.. . .1 V..-J i . 1 ALBANY ALBANY, OREaOX. T'lrE FALTTFrrt'M Of this rhafltntToh vrin X iM-gin on MONDAY, KEt'TUMIIKK t; 1SJ7B, wab'tlieioUowuitf. f -"j e. . . . -. v . H--" finenl ty or fmHtraettom t " IJev. U. W. 8TKATTOX, A. M., l'residcnt. and PVoJessorof.Identaiand Moral Sciene : T lte'. Jj. y FOVVKLL, A- M .rroresaor ot Math Croat fen imn1 XattffHl ?k'ienee ' ' - ' 1 ' II. II. milVITT, A. AL, rroft ssor of Ancient I.f)ngTtage.' . - - - Min-MARIA IimxE, Teacher Of Primarj' Denai-tmont. w V ' r ' Miss ELVA 15I5EVMAX, Teacher of InsU-n- mnf:il Mnw. - DIfc KItJKvlI-.lX, Lecturer on Pbjtsiology and Irj-giene. ,..;.. & .-"i Xr- Calendar i , - Fii-5t. Term tMrfntSlenteniMr 4. 17. - t . iwm'l ittui hute.ina November 18, 1S7(J. . -i.l T bird Term mucins Jan nary 20. 1977.- -, , lonrth Term hesnis Apnl ,1H77. '" " ' i Viinmtinn of One- week liurlna tltholidft-S. C'Kfeiug exui'uitxnof the schooi yew, June 1S.7. , ' ' , "'..' "'' ?" Ttatei of Tuition ( 1 Pmmahv Dfpaistmfnt, per term ....... . 00 'Stixxux RKOLlfctt Btust itis,ti:irm:-is 00 Uiuut tt liiiAW irE. iiKJluding 1'repiwato- . ry Latin and llroel 11 00 OoEtrxitAT. ioiiVfirt!r Hierlier .Iitln and Greek, Advunc tl Matlu-inatloa, andJ Mental and Moral Pcioncos, per term.. 13 Of) French and flPTmnn, each, extra... S 00 Ittwpi memal Mu!e..'."'1'."-'-'-''-----"'"" Lso of i'utno. ....... : 8 00 Inci len'uls .......- - &0 Tuition in all caw required in advance. PiiTtetnnl dttnndawo; unttiKw promptness n.nd'ftontlemaalyahd Indyithe-deportment -will bx cxne-'tcj liutiiall nln uuiv lniimteipittilTni i of the school. L. J. I'OWLLL. E i XOItTII. PACIFIC MUTUAL r LIFE ASSOCIATION, Portland, Oregon. Capital, $100,000. : ta Coin Basis. JP. WAASEHMAX, Prenldeut. E. H;AiEXBtISSM, Vice Ire.' I. W. WAKEFIELIl, Seeretary. W. N L4DD, Treaanrer. W. H. K-F17(UEB, Attorney. . J. L, tl'ACTKElSVSIl, tirn. As. II ALL, & TUSTIX ' Spcelal Agents -T Albany, Oregon. decl3nl2v9 Furniture Eooms. lings leave to nnnonnee to Iho citizens of this city and mirroundtngcpuntry, wiat lie naaopen ed a larjre wtoek of i. 11 A-TST1.'.' 8J JULES Z in Hie lmildiiisr latelv occupied ly lr. Plnin- tncr'sdra; store, on First street, where can lie had, on mbt reasonable terms, Parlor Sets, 7 Iletla-oom. &ui, . Sfiis, . r . ' tin.) 4Ti;iirK. Cesiler XaSIex, Whatnotii, ;. IJesRa,, ISook-easex, - Safes, ' ., AVarIroIe, and in fact rvcrvthtntj else needed to CiO XO HOI fsKIiKLPlIVO. My goods are well made and of the very Latest anil Ilandsoiuest Mjles. PRICES WAY DOWN. C3-rFUKXITrHE manufactured to order, at abort notice. fcSfKurnittire repaired and put. in good 3hape on snort 1101 ici:. -tiiye nje a call. P. S. DI'XC1XC!. Albany, Kov. 2fl, 1873 10 vs - Prof; G. I. IS'e-vvell, . TEA CI I Eli OF THE Hariiiony. Tliorongli-ljassaiifl Singing. Special attention given to ! VOICE CULTURE. nAVIXti concluded to make ALBANY my puruianent resident, ail who desire a thorough knowledge of Jluiie can now have an opportunity. i-l PIAXOS AND- ORG1XS - Tuned ancl XL5T.irecl Leave vonr address at "Jfr.FbshavVniusicand hook store, or at Mr. Ilavr's intuiic More, and I m ill call at j our reidenee. Albany, Augttst 4, ISfli-ta - f . - . , . ' Ladies' Variety Emporium. , 2iL J. HYDE K EEP3 CONSTANTLY OX HAND: i- .V German Z&php Canvix. Tfirnd. Pin, 1 ' XeMles, Jinttons, ISkoI Hair Stritrfi- -e ftl Vrli,'JIogierifr, stamped t : , -W.", tic, die, ic. ; : ' Also, Agent for Dr. Warner's ' ' Health Corset! " Cliild's Waist I and Madam Foye's Corset Skirt Sixpiorter. eB"French -"tamping done to'order.' i- 'r laaBroadalbin St., opposite PostOiHcv)fJir Bji-'JAlhti1MilMiaiAMMIiaiailH THE ESEMY OF DISEASE : THE FOE OF PAIN - KTIUUBASDOLO,, ; ; " HTtTSTiUSO V LIN I MEN whi it has vroon the tit or YEARN. - ; ' - -' "There is no sore it will not heal,' no lame new. t will oot.cure, jio ache. to pain, tlwt afflict the human body,- or the btnly of a horse or other dotatestte animal,''- that- does not yield, to Us ulajic touctu - A bottle i costin2 2iic. buc. or ifl no, has ottcn jayeu the life of a human- liciug, and restored to life and usefulness many a valuable horse. - p. I'OK MKN, IT WIIJbCl'HE . i Rheumatism. Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Cuts, Frost-bites. Swelling. Contracted Cord Pain in tlwi l?:ick,-Iumbagtv Sciatica, ChUblniiis, , Jstratus, . Sprains, , Still' Jolutts Sore Nipples, Ernpt!on. .Fains, Woftnds, Ulcers.- ' . ' i-'J f'f . 5 FOB A'Kt HI At iT'wnx CtBE Spavi, OalH ai4 Sores, Jswinny, King Bone, tVlndgalls. Rig Heatli Foil "Evil. iniwioN sitrt Hore, Litrneiies Swelliiija, Scratrhes. . Distemner . . Stillness. eStram. Soreness, Open Sores V . . 2v8 MSSKH.CTIOJH -4r: tStlPABT-VfaWlllUP. THE copartnership,- heretofore existing the-; tween John Hmtl and 1. F. SettJemeir, un dertbename of Hurd A flettlemfehvto rtlswlv- ed. A II accounts due the late 11 nil must be paid toSettlemetrA Dawson, wlio alone are an t nor izod toeoltoot and receipt for the Katne. - i , ;. r. f:tti.kmkir. i (i. W. I.WM)N. Hecvmlicr IS. Is7tj-iil3iul LOCAL MATTERS. rug 'hot i tit at LAuairs: 1 v I knew a fiinny little boy. The happlef t tret born J 1 Ills face Is like a beam ot joy, , Although his clothes are torn. -i ' . .; : ' I saw litm tumble on his nose, And waited tor a groan ; " 4 But bow he laughed T Do yoa snppOfle lie strnck hia funny bone , r There's sunshine in . each .. word f1Je speaks. His laugh is Rometttfnff grand ; i t Its ripples overrun his cheeks, , Like waves on snowy sand. ; ' lie laujrlis the moment he awakes,' And till the day is done ; The school-room for a joke be takes, -His lessons are but fun. Xo matter how the day may go, 1 - You cannot make hirri cry ; "' 1 ' ; He's worth a dozen boys I know, , , . Who pout, and mope, and sigh. Pardoxed. Dr. C. Q. Glass, sentenced to the penitentiary from Portland in the fall of 1873, for the crime of 'nwmslagh- ter," was pardoned out of that institution on Wednesday of last week. The grounds of his pardon were that petitions were filed containing some eighteen hundred names ; sigfied also by all of the grand jury who four.d the indictment and eigltt of the petit who tried the cause. Glass had only about one more year to serve. He has rendered valuable services to the State during his imprisonment. j Wm. Brown, arrc3ted on suspicion of j having to do with Mte beating of Richard- son, late nlghlwatch, 'was acquitted after I trial J:tt week. Rlclutrdson seems to have uo idea wholiandled Iiim so ronghly i PEn'OXAL. Sfr. I). Vf. C. Brltf, agent of the Ecifnfjftl , gave ns a call on Saturday. The Eravgel is an eiglit-page paper, and is devoted to the interests of the Baptist Church. A range that meets every requirement and satisfies every demand made upon it- lie Richmond Range, It has no equal among stoves or ranges. The only place to get one is at W. II. McFarland's, next to the Bank ' - ? " Tlicre will be some gay costumes worn at the' masquerade ball in this burg on the 14th, as we happen to know. " " Election' at Wiieelek'c. For a -fair election and an honest count, goto W heel er?, at feiietiii. In I.inn count v, .Ion. 2S(h. 1S77. bvlev. T. 1. South,. Mi'. James E. Wilson and Miss Alnrv E. Charlton. ; IA1VT- BEWARD. i St raved from the subscriber, about four months since, , a voting row, about tour years old, light red in color; ends of horns come e.lose together in front .'of face; in good condition when last pccn.: Said ani mal was formerly owned Dy i"rr. Sox, of tins city, who purchaser! her or Mr, John Isom. A liberal reward will be kiven to any one giving information so that t can obtufn her. - . - ' - - ClIAS. BOrtlGAUTJES. Albany, Or.. Dee. 8, 1S70. - MOHE Ol.'EGQJS' TXLEGJttAJLS. . WAsinxGTOX, Feb. . 2 Tn the Oregon electoral Inrjuiry to-day the following tele grams were introduced:. '.. , :. , Omaiia. Xeb Xov. 23. Jj. r. G rover, Salem. Oregon. -Man left Omnha to see you will artive Monday j delay action. - -i - " " o . (Signeil) tibiU. h.. A1ILL.EU. -"s . v 'TJec.! CUli To Col. TV". T. Pelton. New York" Glory to God. Hold on to one electoral vote in Oregon, i have 100,000 merr to back H up. . (Signed) COHSE-. - . - WasiiixgtOx, Dec.- 8. .To Judge Strong, Saleai,- Oregon. Til den has 185. including one from Oregon. 4 (Signed) - A. S. JIE WITT. a- ( ;-Salem. Oregon. Dec. ? ; " To Teter Donolioe, J!Cew .York. I ap preciate the sentiments expressed. Thanks for congratulations.-" ' ' (Signed) J. F. GROVER. To Cbl. W. T. Pelton, Iff OrwfrnerCy Park, Xew York. Ignorant whole busi ness partner powerful moti ves to fidelity on Gonld order cannot to be through A. Kountze twelve wall or myself or. both Kountze TihleniMi Kepublican reliable De yoiKl doubt last resort protect everybody ami use fJnivis.. Answer, -. , i - GEO. 1, STILLER, !Tlierc were"" no marrks" on the dispatch sigtied "Corse"' to Indicate tlie place from which it was sent,, but it was undoubtedly from Gen. John M. Corse, of Chicago, who was engaged, H is alleged, iu recruiting for the snpport or 1 Helen journals. The Idaho legislature, adjourned last wee "in considerable sickness IS reported at Bobe City recently amoug cbtlUreii.' , The Olympian, reports times Im'pl-oYtng ana mcney matters not quite bo-smngeni. . The litlfj)Rtton about a part of the towa site ot Seattle ns termmiueu ii n uecaiou in favor of the city. Three hundred famflRw have lately been added - to the population- ot- the region round abont Col lax, w . i , The hew town of Colfax, W;T., sftpports three schools - It is one of the most thrlV. htg towns in the Interior, Gov.-Biayman, of Idaho,' baa reappoint ed John Iluntoon as territorial Treasurer and Joseph Perrault""il's Territorial Con troller ; and the Legislative Council have couiirmea the appointtiients Tlie citizens of Lewiston, Idaho, refused to vote a tax to main tain their1 publ Ic school. whereupon tlie local paper proceeds to bless mem ni.a intMijiuuui uciieuiciioti. ThevBcTTingham Bay' jfoft" says that a man namea ueorge uouston icit Suliome. some time ago, lor his home in tiic country ami nas not necn neai-u or since. As he had Itccn drinking, it is supposed lie lost a sea of sanguinary cotc. f&witl j.7 -I wa-v i,IKl lrl:a. Mrs, Skinner - . . "yt,. V T.lnlr AM 1?Akt,tn. . Mr----;:. "- "r7-r: Jame ftbtibinWet Nftlional 'atlntwf, has been missing for t three dayt bal there is no anxiety aronnd his. Jmju? to learn his fate. His wife Jcnows wjiftt caused bim to disappear,5 and ? slid "la wnimg to let him set a good- read tm come back. Kobbui" married A joy f widow about four months ago, nnd thef fiad not been wedded two ' weeks Vhen he pave hef a beating,1 SheoverIoo1cd it then; thinking lie - would soonn ton down, but iu a week more he blacked her eyes. In brief, Kobbins turned out to be a brute of a husband, ard the ex-widow bad the aympatliy orf- air the neighbors. ,, bhe is said to b meek and humble iu spirit, and. Iiobbina Lad no excuse for bis brntality." Four of five days ago he 'knocked tier down and started off, up town; and-tTio wiffr crawled over to n iutclH,i to tee about . having Kobbms arrested.; The batcher, who weighs one hnndrea and ninetjr ponuds and has a fist Tike a maul, knew a better way than going-to tho police, and he nntolded a plan.: j ,v' . When Robbing reached . homo, that evening the bous was dark and" the bn tclier, dressed in wTornaii's clot lies end with hw jawa tied npsat in tho rock inghair. t ,, r:jt K j: 4lVby in blazes isn't supper ready? , bowled Robbins, as"' he Etood Jn th door.: '" ' "-'; : r.:ri..T h Tlie butcher groaned.'; W ' !i ' "Grunting around again, are yoa,f shouted Robbins. "What's the matter now?" " The botcher groaned again. "Yon feel too hightoned to answer me, do you J" growled the wifu-bcater "Well, we'll see about that." Just tak this, will yoti FT I ! H lie struck out," but the , duisc! butcher caught bis wrist, sprang, txpt and there was fun in that cottage ' lie chtiked Robbins almost to death, tied him up in Iiard knots and nntiod him, drew him aropnd by the heels and hair and. finally picked , him , np and . tosseq him over the fence into the mud. Tho wite-beater had kept np a steady yelling from the first attack, and ss he rote from the mud and sped down the street ho seemed to think that Sitting Bully whole fighting- force were after Mm, At eleven oVlock lhnt'tiight Tie entered! a M ichigan avenue saloon and told - story about sis men robbing him, and half'an hour later, as he was prowling around a sbed to find a place to sleep policeman heard bim saying ; j "Nose smashed, eyes banged Op, sow throat, brniped alt,. over, and awful sleepy! What a deceiving person widoiv woman it-!"- Detroit lrte Cjxtjexnial liiscciT.- ilake good, corn mush, just as if you were going to eat it with hulk. When it is luke-' warm take a rjtiait of it, work ift flout enough . to make a . atiff dotfgft.-fciaWef into bipcnita, put m your bake pan and set in a warm place over Jight ; bake in a verv hot " even, and you have the best anrf sweetest bicoits yoa ever at Eat white lSot. fof breakfasts --? t-y:' - Fbost I CAKE-One cup of aglrfs, two even tablespoonfuls of, butter, fev en tablespoonfuls of milk, yelks of four, eggs, one and "two-thirds eupff of flour one teaspoonful of soda, two of creatfs" of tartar ; bake mi layers and put ftokt ing between. - l east Duns. To one pint of warm,, . milk add two cups of yeast, one cup of sugar, and flonr enough to make a" thht batter ; the next mortiins; add one-half cup of butter, two cups ot sugar,- .one . and one-half pounds .of currents, ami flour enough to mould np : let it jfise" three lionrs and bake ip small cakes. . Broilkd SjftiRftEf.. Skin the sfiuif . rel, open down the back; wash thoroogh- iy, aim wipe ury wun a towi, i-u is on a gridiron over slow fire and cook until Render. ; Beaton wrtli salt ntf ,. popper while oqkn& .:Serve4,'lwin melted Antler1 port red over it. Very tender and delicnoaK.' " ... Pot Colx PtP"Dfxd.--SoaTt fTw ' of three . lto'irs two raarUi 1 of popfxsd corn, popped nice and light, iu thre, mnta of milk, add two ears. two4bifd cup of sugar, a1t tfnd epice. Bake oie and one-halt honrs.- o ' "i ,. : : . - ; - r- ... ' .' .. ' a si f-fi.? rr Woman's Rio HT8;--Mis8 Trcsidepti fi'TIow wimmen And mate traslj generals ly : I am Tier to-day for llib porpose of discussing woinan7s rights feeussinej her wrongs and cussing the men, I , ueueve sexes were createu ; jjerivciiy enuaT,l rth the wimmen a littfc more equal than the men, I also belicTe Cn, world rouId o-ny Jbejiappief Jjajr had never existed. jLn a.faUure,fQag ws a Bticct'sSj. And T bless my stars' that mv. nfotTieras a woman j AppTaaseQ1 !t" not only roai ntaia these- principk, btii also hittles hnst)flfnd ; besides. .Tbey suy man was created first. - Well 'epoad -be was, ainft first experiments alway failures i it I waa-.a, bettms man I would bet $2 5CL they arehThe m decent thing abont him - was a rib, and,, tnat went to make something better. Applause. 5 And then they threw in- to onf face abont eating Ian apple, v Y " t bet fi ve dollars, that Adam boosted .ber s up tne tree ana oniy gave net tne cor, And bat , did jhe' do when te wa fourkl out ? 'True to' bii raacuT'.na ia stioctff," be sneaked behind Eve's Gra cian bend and said 'It wasn't me J . j twas ber ;" and the woman badtoifi'.'i- cr evcrything mean, and raoCLcr it; tc What we want .ia tho tauC-t, C j ' ballot we are bound to have, if ra 1st s z to let down onr back hair til trxvit i-i 0 i V s -