is )4POLL. i VAN OLEVE, mm tat C CteriKf Vrr am JUmte. ADTAJTCE. ' OlM 0V Six innnthft i... .....".... 90 to emus ox Twciitv.eftrh nw.. . . . ... 1 BO . - -. . -..... mens ornu. tt SiJT1 tslde of I.lnn county will tm .r.'1 irtra i 70 for thrar-i -1 ttKi amount of postage per annum whicH we arc roqnlred to pv on each paper tue A&cut for On , . toijov mueiuui inning rlto.liM Hd reoeip for ubaerfptkma , I? '2..R otrk in the localities mentioned : ' ?'f-irk Hume. lirownnvllle. Avs.?J?- .. CmwfordKvUto. .. . ToHinlrlm .................. ...naiserv. .Harrisburjr o.rt. uTignton ttrtU A- Whwlei A Go twra. Smttb A Bmafield , i Thos-H. Kuynolds. .. ....... wmnon, Shedd. .Junction City. ...Scio. Salem. 1r -'. -J - .JANUARY 86, 1877. EDITORIALS FROM THE TILDEN s'Tbe.,, Lebaubn ':j5fet a redhot mi rsAJeiuocrauc paper, editea oy JJr.,Kob- -n L. a White, one of the redhotteat Dorriocrats in Tennessee, does not take 'J kindly to the stuff furnished from the Tilden Literary Bureau in New York, I the benefit ot &e rural Democratic jfcy press. These editorials were sent to V .Democratic journal regularly daring the canvass, arid aresLill beiag furnished. xn Dr. White says : j '.C ' -! For several months past we hare -J been in weekly receipt or a printed sheet, headed M Original aod selected matter - for the country press, wherein extracts twi frora leading papers alternated with i a dditoriaU on the political situation"lhe whole being generously furnished gratis f -- to the rural roosters for whose especial behoof it was prepared. Now, the MereUd, albeit not especially distin. guisbed tor the brilliancy or the pro fundity ot its editorial matter, has an .aversion to the printing of anything as a original which is not the product of its own personal Faber and so the "edi torials"' aforesaid were quietly inurnod . in the depths of the waste-basket. It seems, however, that some ot our con temporaries were less squeamtsbed, and promptly availed themselves of this new patent for editoriaUwriting-made-asy at least, the following, which we find in the Chicago Tribune, would seem to indicate that state of tacts : -"A gentleman in Tennessee, who has access to an extensive country exchange list sends us a large envelope filled with editorials from Tennessee and Mississip pi papers. It afforded considerable amusement to take oat ot the big euve r lope, one alter - the other, nineteen 'leaders, all of them commencing When the wisest of modern Massachusetts statesmen said, etc It exhibited, howl ever, considerable poverty of mental re . sources on the part ot the Franklin, . (Teno,) Review and Jourtial,lha Milan (Teno.,) JJzchange, the Hernando, Press and Times, the Holly Snrinza. fMisS.- TtrrMYrtjr th Rrnvna. , Vllle. fTenn.. Democrat, thm TVrM inn. villa, (Tcun.,) JSTeto Era, and the other -dozen sheets, to find the same editorial in the earae week as the leading edito- . riai or tnem au. - Peejciums Uaised. The State Ag ricultural Society give u two purses of 50Q each at the SUte Fair next Fall one for two year okls. runninzadash -of one mile, and one for three year olds - trotting a dash of one mile and repeat. The first in the trotting race to receive $400, two-thirds of , the remainder to the second horse and the balanou to the third. Entries will dose by the first of May. The premiums on bones thr9agh the different classes have been rarad tn 33- per cent. The Percheron and Cly- classes nave oeea maaed to tbe list. There will ba five as follows : "Single dash of a mile f 100; wm uiito lor two year oiaa, fouu ; one mile heats 3 in 5. 500 two mila hmt $500. In addition to this there will be tour crottm? raoM tnr 5JV mtrtn '..".jgaaad total oftlOO.' r- r GEOVE2P3 MUDDLE. A Georgian who thoroughly compre ' bends tbe sitnaUon, aod.' is something poet, sends the following to the "If hell was raked, damnation scraped, All thieves raked in a huddle ; Would be nowhere, brought in compare v i T ; Groyers thieving muddle. - : AH hell outdone, by Oregon,"- 1 While Tilden nlava tha GAAU ; Let Carthage burn, with Rome in turn, ' O . 1 . t. - JJI.MI uw wuv iwi suits uw riuuie r One of our religious exchanges warns fta . readers asaioBt "moral saabAs r Some arc named : : There is the pilot snake, who leads the young into places of evil resort ; the ribbon snake, that 7 implants love for finery and fashion ; the ruig snake, that inclines the heart " to a love of jewelry ; the black snake, tbat ajmeraaa nKanutM iKa minor aiiu ;.f j Mug ituwujuu j uae auuer, wnico nia. , A ! " calumny ; the boaoenstriotor, which ' crorrres itself with eating? and drinltiner . ! ccutgs reputation ; tbe adder, which his. y-t v K 'f ' 7 n , . .and final I v the -devil, that crreat mtS ( .and finally the devil, that great serj pecb , jeware or soaaes. ,. f , ; s i : ' The St. Louis HtxniUican says tKS "South isat as solid as it was, ; Yes. the South is solid solid for peace, and so war foolishness over a Presidential election fcrt the-benefit of Northern speculators and Southen grave-dig- Mr. Cleary, ? of Idaho . ceucty, has been by a majority of one, address tbe. House barefooted.. Himt MU BT TBI When Grover, ot Oregon, under the direction of Tilden, undertook to steal a vote for the sham "reformer' the Democrats called it "taking the bull by the horns. . Recently, Grover left his home on tbe far-off Pacific coast for Washington, for the purpose of convinc ing the world of hiB greatness. He brought along with him his man Pat. Cronin, and tlie two expected to create a sensation. The N. Y. Tribune trifles with the great men thus lightly: , 4 And so we fear that disappointment awaits the Oregon procession. Ttey will not create a sensation. But they will have the ratisfaction, to say the least, of being congratulated on having "taken the bull by the horns. The Democratic party always does that. When Jefferson Davis and the rest took tbe bull by the horns in 1861, the party stood off and admired, bo it did when Vallaudingham took the bull by the horns ; so when Andrew Jackson did ; so when Tweed did in 1868 iu the New York election ; so when Thomas W. Dorr did in Rhode Island vears aero: so when the Border Ruffans did in Kansas, and the draft rioters in New York. There never was a party that stood so ready to appland taking the bull by the horns as this one. And thea after all, suppose a fellow does find himself on his back over tbe fence, with a sore head and torn clothes, there must be considerable satisfaction in having some of the most distinguished persons in the land looking down at him through their eye-glasses and remarking "Well, it was a noble thing in him to Uke the bull by the horns. And if to this is added the mild delight ot having read over to him before he gets up a mile and a-halt of solid argument by a Cincinnatti lawyer, proving conclusive, ly that the bull had no business to be there, what can a fellow ask more in this world of unappreciated philanthro py and unrequited toil ? These Oregon gentlemen now are entitled to eympa. thy. They ought to have it, together with the usual mileace den. We suereest ti.t int.IjMj r; to Washington to cre&to a. tAnaiini. ;n which they will be disappointed, tnav present themselves at GrammenT Park as the persons who took the bull hv thn horns. And the verv last that Rnv llden can do will ha. afW them over lansuidlv with Sill rYVmiir eye and saying, Well, you look so!' " mem 10 a inner. And he may pay them mileage. Who knows ? la the Wrong; Bed. A married Johnnv went mamhine home blind drunk the other nitrht tn! thought he was climbing into The win. aow or ins house, but got into the hog pen instead, where a fat porker lay quietly snoozing. Taking off his clothes, lie hung them quietly over the trongh, and laid himself down bmuta hia Betsy." as he thonsht. AfW mimhl. ing awhile at Betsy for breathing so loud, he besran feelim? around for tha cover, and soliloquized : "Mighty euros. Kiver mart a fallen on er floor probbly un'eT bed. I say, ol ooman ! Low yer got yerselt fixed. Bess? f eels ofiel curus missels! Zis is a remarkable eoincicurrence ! Old pal aa saddlv changed ainm lax1 mat Wunner werezer 'ed. (Gets hold of tbe hog's tail.) "Ha-ha-hic, I say, Bess, how yer got yer hair fixed ? Beats all twia'ed squirled like a heathen Jinnee, ie's unwrap it. It's tierhtern so'm I. Disgustin' hair. Don care a way to wear if it's stvle or not 's gc t to come down. Say, wliere's yer nose. Strange you had a nose. Now, look yere, ol ooman, this hie foolishness's perceeded fur 'uough. Perduce that now, or '11 ki hie you outer bed." i The man's wife, attracted by the noise, appeared upon tbe scene at t his critical moment, and managed to get her inebriated lord into tbe house, be muttering the while : ! " A t's not right; Bess -take' vantage ray feeble condisbun to turn me outer house an home. Be sorry for zis w en yer get hie sober. From tbe OreKonian. ! . , VALOB. VaJi'cotjvbb, W.T Jan. 17, 1877. Cant. Stronsr. it seems. besina to talk fight in regard to tbe inauguration of Tilden. it need be. Ha is a verv yond representative of the fighting croakers ot the North. Of course, thev would all fight if need be. but tha diffirmltv ia they can not see the necessity when the time to fight arrives. Has the Judge foreotten a littln nim(M tint oc curred in Clarke county, W- T during tne ioaian war ot loos? lie must re- memoerthe battle tought foy himself - - near Strong's battle ground about 13 miles from Vancouver where this lusty valorous "Captaiu ' with a company of volunteers bad such a. nerilona and deadly engagement with what after. waras proved to be a small, party ot squaws scouring tbe woods in search ot berries. Seeing some signs of Indians near the 1 v ' : : . -"w ot his officers : "Certain it is will alt be killed F Immediately he and bis company made a safe retreat back to Vancouver, tbe squaws following hard after, hoping to dispose of their berries to the ootnpany of men, and crying. Ia! Iat Tica berries? Hiaa i cwin dshou man : aui (ne berry j pickers oould not ride fast enough to I disnose of a sinorle barrv. Porh,n clatawa Boston man I" But the berry I . o tl - - wuv I Cantain was not hnnonrv fnr fama that time; but be made a successful and timely retreat. Not a man was ftuuea or wounded. Truly yours, I ; : ORLANDO. A gentleman well " posted in the fi nancial condition of Owyhee writes: "Only 130 poll-tax receipts sold in Owvhee eonntv. Two hnndrsad dava charged and allowed for assessing at $8 m. .luilui . . 11TL. poor country, out of h 1 could stand il ? TAKIMI SUBeoI(jr. It is all riirhf. tor tlm TTnn T$ l - C " " '.HI . U Slote to lncr Ills' 'michtv Hnf!nt- m...,. the country and say g. fi for good fellow c. u. ror casn aon, ana s. m- tor sour mash, but such little eccentricities don't wear well in the family circle. A for ward youth of fourteen, whi-se parents live ou Myrtle avenue, entered the home the other day and remarked to his mother : . , - 4Is dinner ready, and if not, why in t. (thunder) and 1. (lightning) ain't it?" "What do you mean V ehe slowly inquired. "I mean that yon had better t. a. 1. (tread around lively), he answered. She didn't, say any more, but when the father came home to dinner, she quietly informed him that young Napo leon was picking up slang. I "Is, eh ? 111 see about that," and he called tbe boy in and inquired : "Napoleon, where were ) you last evening ?" I "Oh, down at the c g. for a little while." "What do you mean by o. g. ?" de manded the father. j "Why, corner grocery of course., You see, I have g. U h. (got the habit) ot ab breviating my words.' j , "I see you have," mured the father as he rose up.' "You will p. a.m. (pi ease accompany me) to the wood-shed f They had a little physical exercise oui mere, tne rattier holding the balance of power, and the son doing all the high stepping and dancing. When the show naa adjourned, the father said : "ftow, a. i. m. don't let me) ever hear any more of your slang." 'Not a. b. w. (another blessed word," sighed the boy, as he sat down on a lump of Briar ilill and wiiwd hia oo away." Detroit Free -Press. Without Hekls C.hiW boys and girls, mu-t wear shoes wih out heels. So tashun demands, ai.d all who desire tbe healthy physical devel opment of the rising generation will rejoice in the comfortable mandate. This fashion prevails abroad, and mothers who have lived or trave'ed in European countries fee the advantage of it, and most invariably adopt it for their children. Thus the moi-t stylish, dressed boys and girls wear buttoned shoes without heels, and their feet are allowed to develop u nature intended. It is to be hoped that the fashion may not only become universal, but that it may never again be superseded by those unsightly protuberances that, especially in children, interfere with the symmet rical growth of the foot and prevent the ease of life when the habits are formed which result in permanent awk wardness or ease. A Grave Mistakb. As a resident of Woodward avenue stood at his gate yesterday morning, a boy about thirteen years old came along with a snow-shovel on his shoulder. j i " Ha ! b y come here -want a job?" called the gentleman. ! "Sir 1" answered the boy with great dignity. "Pitch the snow off my walk and I'll give you a quarter," continued the Avenuer. "Sir ! you don't know me," said the lad as he marched on. "I am on my way to clear the walks in front of my tattler's fourteen lots np here. All oar eighteen horses are lame, and our gold mounted snow-plow itf out of order, or else you wouldn't see me carrying this shovel around. Im offering five dol. lars to any one who will carry it up as far as Parsons street. A Fox Stort. The York (Penn.) Daily says a farmer set a trap to catch a cunning fox which had been annoying bim considerably by iu midnight visits among the poultry. For fourteen suc cessive hU to it, ; he fonnd ti e trap sprung, a 6tick of wood between if jaws, and the bait eaten up. The cir cumstance, so often repeated, surprised him. There were no other tracks to he seen but his own and those of the fox, and who sprung the trap was a question that puzzled him sorely. By continuing to re bait his trap, he hoped to catch the author of tbe mischief. On the fif teenth night he found a fine old fox hung to it by tjie nose, and in his mouth was a stick of wood 1 Lamps. Sometimes a wick becomes too short to carry np the kerosene, and the lamp goes out. If you have not time to put in a new wick, a piece of cotton rsg pinned on below will answer every purpose, and become a good feed, er. If a hole should become broken in ( the glass chimney, paste on a piece of I VMS VkAV- eslflYIAla 4ff Art '- lit ifittlA a 9. w in o r ivi 1 w ui'iivi au Ta memejit, ri4 it win answer itn putpce well for a long time, or until yon get a i ; wiiicuiucw 1.1 its tisriieiB of lamps become gnmmv, and prevent the wicks moving freely. Boil them in suds over the tire a short time, and they will become entirely clean, and work well. A, bill has been introduced in the Idaho Legislature which provides that butchers shall keep a daily record of all ..1.1 V - a . a 1 Kwignierea dt uiera : trie iitme Dougnt, ana that all persons who shall slaughter cattle shall keep the hide ready for inspection, witltont mutila tion for thirty days. Decidedly rough on bovine thieves. The sexton ot St. Stanislaus's Polish Church, Milwaukee, was beset with an appetite for alcohol, and the trustees agreed with him that $5 should be de ducted from his wages every time be got drunk. In one month these fines equaled his salary, and as the trustees held him to the bargain be has sued them tor his regnlar pay. . A woman ia visiting her parents in Newburyport, Mass., who is wearing the same bonnet she wore when she was married and went to Texas ve years ago. ; v-.-.-n' ' ". . Washington City is full ot pickpock ets. (No disrespect to Congress.) iif llf 1 ' - 1 - f Tlliial WAS RUE FALSE! "She's as beautiful Mr. Mortimer. as Hebe!" said "Indeed !" said his nephew's wife, ratner iainiiy. "Eyes deep blue, like midsummer hair lustrous as flaxen gold teeth like twin rows A pearls," pursued the middle-aged gentleman. "She must be very pretty, said Mrs. Mortimer, junior. "Pretty." echoed the old bachelor. "Pretty's no word for it." "And young?" - "Well, not so very," admitted Mr. Mortimer. "She's five and thirty, but she has the complexion of eighteen." "That'n easily accounted tor," said Harry the nephew. "What with, 'Cream ot Roses,' 'Baths of Pearls, and 'Balms of Venus,' people can have what ever complexion they please nowadays, provided they've cot the monev to tav tor it." "Nonsense !" snapped Mr. Mortimer, sitting un verv straight, and lookinc around with a general air of defiance. s ii my Aure;ia would condesend to such petty artifices as that I She's pu rity, frankness, siugle-mindel artlessuess itselt!" "Oh P said Harry, "is she?" "Certainly jhe is." said the senior. msv j wu iiiina 1 uuiiiu tove a woman who was made up as an actress ?" "People do,", said Harry, dubiously. 'But not people t.t my standard," re torted his uncle, loftily. Aod Mrs. Harry thought remorsefully of the little china pwder pot, with its downy puff, with which she used to "cool down" her complexion on hot days. "But really," thought poor little Mrs. Harry, "one don't want to look as if one were van ished all over, or dipped in a jar of boiling oil, liko the forty thieves in the Arabian Nights." "Harry," said she, when Uncle Mor timer had taken his leave, "do you really think its wrong to use a dab of powder in the hot weather?" "Nonsense," said Harrv, with an iq. ward elevation of his handsome Grecian nose. "I dareay that desperate old maid that Uncle .Mortimer is going to many is painted like a Jezebel." "O. Harry." "Sims says so. And Sims knows her Miss Anrelia Hopkins, that's her name. And she's wagered a diamond bracelet with one of her friends that she will be married leflre ChnVtmas. I woidef what sort of a wife that'll be for Uncle Morty I" "But, Harry, why don't you tell bim ?" crii-d the litt'e wife. "Because, my dear, he's too tar gone to believe a word of it." "Oh, dear!" sighed Mrs. Mortimer. "And of course he'll withdraw your little allowance now." "Of course," admitted her husband with a grimace. "It's too bad," sighed Mrs. Mortimer. "Jnt when you've lost your clerkship, and little Effie needs sea-air, and Aunt t'hristiuia lias written to a-k it we ca-i lend her money enough to send little lame Charlie to that famous London surgeon. ' hings always go contrary, doi.'i they, Harry?" "Don't tret, my pet," said Harry Mortimer, careless y stroking tbe golden head that bent so low. "It'll all be right, if Uncle Morty should get mar ried. I'll find something to do, if it's nothing better than sawing wood or haulii.g in coal." But as he went out, gaily whistling, to keep up a brave exterior, he did wish, nvt earnestly, in his secret heart, that Miss Aurelia Hopkins hadn't seen fit to cast her siren spells over the heart of the rich bachelor uncle; whose heir apparent he had always been. "If I believed, honestly and truly, that she would make him happy' thought Harry, "I wouldn't grudge his money to tier. But I don't believe any thing of the sort." . Litt'e Effie had the toothache next day. Mrs. Mortimer clasped her hands in despair. "Oh, Harry," she said to her hus band, "I'm afraid she'll have to have that tcoth out!" "Very well." said Harry. "Take her to the dentist's." "Oh, Harry, I daren't ." faltered the little woman, who could not endure to see a fly killed or a mouse drowned. "xhen I will." said Harry, laughing. .The dentist, a dapper little man, smelling of scented soap, and orris root tooth powder, was engaged just at the moment of their entrance, but would be at liberty presently. Little Effie sat down, quaking and trembling, in an easy chair. "Oh, tpa," faltered she, "I wish there wasn't any snch thing as teeth. Mr. Mortimer, taking up a newspajier at that moment, chanced to knock a little paste-board box off the mantel a pasteboard box neatly tinctured with a ring of india rubber. "Hollo P'eaid Mr. Mortimer, "what's this? I hope I haven't done any harm. 'Miss Aurelia Hopkins!" ho repeated, reading a pencil inscription on -the lid. "Yes," said the little dentist, hurry ing to the rescue Miss Hopkins' new set. Ought to have been sent yester day." .. ; "New set ?" vaguely repeated Harry. "Set of wlrtit? "Of teeth, to be sure, uppers and lowers,' said the dentist. "Ah, you may look surprised, but I make teeth tor om of our very best society. A nd if you yourself should ever require Yes, yes, I'm coming, sir," j And tbe man of molars, hurried back to his inner sanctum. When little Effie's malignant tooth was safely drawn, and Harry Mortimer had paid reluctantly, he paused a min ute on the threshold. "Ab, by the way," said he "I'm go ing directly past Miss Hopkins' house you're probably aware that she's to be married to my uncle next mouth and if it would be any accomodation to you I could leave those teeth for her." "Much obliged, Pro sure," said the dentist. "If you would take the trouble I've only one errand boy, and he is so unreliable and forgetful that I sometimes scarcely know which way to tu'n much obliged. Here they are, sir.' So Mr. Harry Mortimer stiode off, chuckling to himself, with Miss Aurelia Hopkins' teeth in his hand. He glanced at his watch. It was just aliout the hour at which his infatu ated elderly relative was accustomed to leave bouquets, books, or bonbons at the door of his inamorata. "It I cou'd oniy catch him," thonght Harry. And, as if sent by some kindly fate in answer to his inward aspiration, Uncle Mortimer came briskly trotting around the corner at that very second. He did not see his nephew. How should he when he had u eyes for any thing but the front drawing-room win dow, at which "the lair Aurelie was smiling a sugar-welcome? But I Iarry beckoned to a boy who was flattening his nose in front of a ba ker's window, and whispered a message in his ear, accompanying it with a tee. "Yezzir," said the boy, and darted across the street like an arrow lrom a bow. "If yon please, sir," said he boldly, addressing the astonished old bachelor, just as he had mounted the second stone step of the flight. "I'm from Bid come's, the dentist, with Miss Hopkiu' teeth." : "Miss Ho) .kin's what?" demanded the astonished bachelor. "Teeth, sir," bawled the boy; and as the elderly gentleman yet recoiled from the little pasteboard box he sprang nimbly up the steps and pulled the hell. "Miss Hopkins' teeth," said he thrust ing the parcel into the hand of a blue ribboned maid servant. "Mary Ann," said Mr. Mortimer, addressing the maid in accents of solemn a (juration, tell me ti e tiu:h. Does your mistress wear. fal e teeth?" "I.awk, sir," tittered Mary Ann. "Answer me, Mary Ann." lint Mary Ann, with a second giggle, endeavored to escaie. But Mr. Morti mer made a gasp at the box. Mary Ann, leal and loyal to her mistress's in terests, resisted, and the upshot ot the matter was that the little box came in two, and out rolled the grinning set of "upiers and lowers" an undeniable ivory lac'. Mr. Mortimer jumped hack. Mary Ann uttered an eleetrie shriek, and Mr. Harry Mortimer, who had watched the tableau from the other side of the street, knew that it was time tor him to beat a retreat, and he beat it accordingly. Uncle Mortimer came to his nephew's house that evening. "Harry, my boy," said he, "it's alt over my wedding, 1 mean. I's np." "Is it?" said sympathetic Harry. "Don't allude to the subject again," said Mr. Mortimer. "She's treacher ous! I'ye been deceived all through. I darpsay the rest of hr is as false as er but no matter. I am disenchanted at last. I have bidden Iter an eternal aJuMi !' After all this it is hardly necessary to say that Mr. Bidcome is no longer Miss Anrelia Hopkins' dentist. And the diamond bracelet wager is hopelessly hist. t 'ORRESPOXDEXCE "WITH A CORPSE. - Some weeks ago a young scapegrace in Virginia t'lty, who' had left the pa rental roof in New York under a c'ond iu 1865, concluded to put up a job on the old gentleman and make a raise. He 1 accordingly te'rgraphed to his fath er iu New York : Mr. : Your son Walter was killed in the Con. Virginia mine this morning by a fallii.gcage. What shah we do with the n mains? M. L. Barker. Almost immedia'ely a telegraphic order came-for $150 aiid the laconic re ply: "Bury them" The fictitious Mr. L. Barker frze to the $150 and went on a royal spree, and a few weeks after ward wrote to his father over his real name as follows: Dear Father : I have just learned that an infamous scoundrel named Bar ker sent you a fictitious account of my death and swindled you out of $150. He also borrowed $85 from me and 'eft the country. I write to inform you that I am yet alive, and long to see the old parental root again. I am in somewhat reduced circiimstaiM es, the accumula tions of the last five years having been swept away a disastrous stock opera tion -and it you would rpare me $200 I will be ever thankful for yonr favor. Give my love to all. Your affectionate o. Walteb. A few days later the young man received the following: My dear Son: 1 have buried you once, and that's at end of it. I decline having any more transactions with a corpse. Yours iu flesh, s Fathkb. The old man evidently knew whereof he spoke. One of the teachers in. the public schools in Milwaukee recently pu i-hed a little boy for some misdemeanor by in flicting two or three blow 'ipon his head with a small ratau after which he was sent to his seat. As he sat down he leaned his head on the desk, and one ot the other children said had tainted. He was immedi ttely raised up by the teacher, when it was found he was dead. No blame is attached to the teacher, however, as the pun shment was vpry light and could not have injured him bodily; but it is supposed the child had some functional derangement which the excitement ot the punishment fatally hastened. The "telepb- ins" has had another successful trial between Boston and Sa lem, the slightest whisper at the lit ton end of the wire being heard distinctly in Sa'em. When an ordinary tone was used the speaker at : either end was readily recognized by the noise. The experiment was also tried between Bos ton and, North Conway, a distance of 143 miles, and conversation carried on without difficulty. : An attempt to converse over 200 miles of wire was a failure, the words being unintelligible, but Professor Bell, the inventor, at tributes tbe failure to the use ot an electro magnet intended only for a twenty mile circuit. A TOl-GII STORY. There lives in New Hampshire a man named Joe, a fellow noted for the tough lies he can tell. Joe called in at Hol ttyi's lately and found him almost chok ed with smoke, when he suggested "you don't know as much about manVnng smoky chimnies as I do 'Squire or yH,'d cure 'em. -Ah!" said Ho'ton, Z?1 eer """ky chimney cured ?" "Seen it !H thiidc 1 have I had the worsf. in Seaboard county and I cured it a little too much." "How was that f asked Holton. "Why you see I built a little house out at Wolfe Hollow ten or twelve years ago. Jim Bush, the fellow that built thediimney. kept blind drunk three-quarters of the time and crazy the other. I told him I thought he would have something wrong; but he stuck to it and finished the house. Well, we moved in built a fire next morning to boil the tea-kettle. All of the smoke came t hrough the room and went out of the windows; not a bit went through the flues. We tried it for two or three day, but it got worse and worse. By and by it came on to rain, and the rain began to come d..wn the chimney. It put the tire out in a minute, and directly iiegau to come down by the fiatl-full. We had to get the baby oil the floor as soon as we cou'd or it would have been drowned. In fifteen minutes the water stood knee deep on the floor. I pretty soon saw what wad the matter. The drunken cusa had put the chimney wrong end up aisl it drawed downwards. It gathered all the rain within a hundred yards, and poured it down by hucketlulls" "Well that was unfortunate," remarked HoV ton ; "but what in the world did you do with the house? Surely you i-ever cured the chimney? "DidnH I though," answered old Jie, "yea I did." "How? asked Iloltou. "Tun.ed it the other end up," answered tlie incorrigible, "and then you ought to have seen it draw ! That was the way I cured it too much.' "Drew too much?" asked Hilton. "Well 'Squire, you may j.tdge for yourself," said old "Joe. "Pretty soou after we got the chimney down the other end up, I missed one of the chairs from the room, and directly I seed an other of them shooting toward the fire place. Next went the table, and I see the back log going np. TIkhi I grab bed the old woman under one arm and the baby under the other, and started ; but ju.-t as I got to the dor I seed the cat going across the flar bavk wards, holding 011 to the carpet; yelling awful ly. It wasn't no use. I just see her going over the top of the chimney and that was the last of her." "Welt, nat did you do then f asked Holton; "ot course you could not live in such a house." "Couldn't I though ?" said Joe. "But I did. I put a poultice ou the jamb ot the fireplace and that drawed t'other way, so we had no more trouble." GOVCKSOR HAYES. The only sae rn'e in reading news. paiers is getting to be not to be'ieve the news. One of the latest Euroean illustrations Af the necessity ot such a rule is the reported conversation be tween the Marquis of Salisbury and Prince Bismaik. The rej.rter forgot to mention which of the two confided the conversation to him. On' cur vide of the water some of the mst striking Iools of the necessity of the rule are found in the publication of the inten tions of Mr. Hayes, should he become President, and the plans by which his election is to lie assured. No man cer tainly ever passed through so tierce a political campaign in this country more unscathed in every way than Governor Hayes. He said nothing, wrote noth ing, and did nothing which was uuhe. coming a selt-respectiug gentleman who was a t-audidate for the Chief Magistra cy. There were those who were dis pleased with his tranquil reticence, and who wished him to "take a position or "express his views," or "show his pleasure or displeasuie." Mr. Hayes, ou the contrary, knew that whatever he said or did could only be interpreted aa the word or deed of a candidate, and he maintained the true dignity of his position. It he had been irainated, as was al eged, without a sufficient knowl edge ot bim 011 tlie rt ot the people, he knew very well that what hdid af ter his nomination would properly have vry little weight. This was shown by Mr. Ti Men's letter on the payment of Southern claims. Its effect was to con firm the reality of danger. Since he would not speak f the Dem ocrats in disjiair declared that he could not speak, that he had no opii ions, no character; and Mr. Dorsheimer even ventured to say, contemptuously, that he believed Mr. Haves had been a corpo ral, or major, or captain, or something in the war. Since the election, and pe nding the lawful dee aratiou of the result, Mr. Hayes has been equally re served. But the iugenioo purveyors of news have informed us of his interviews with Mr. Lamar and ot his undoubted Southern policy. That if lie should be the President he has already a 8 nth ern policy there is no doubt, for he an nounced it iu his letter of acceptance There is equally no doubt of his having a gei eral olicy in regard to the execu tive patronage. He has annonnced it unequivocally iu the same letter. It is iu both cases the policy of reason and good sense, and tlie policy demanded by the platform upon which he was nominated. We believe that Mr. Hayes will de cline tlie Presidency unless lie is con vinced that he is fairly and lawfully elected. If, in case of his e'eciion, any body should claim to have "put him through," we are much in error if Mr. Hayes does not poiut out to him his mistake. There has never been the least :eason to suppose that lie does not understand the situation quite as well as anybody else, nor that he .would not carry into tlie Presidency the same spir it that he has shown in every important epoch ot his life. Harpers Weekly. 11 -.a 1 It Is only by labor that thonght can be made healthy and only by thought that labor can be made happy, and the two cannot be eeperatcd with impunity. DISAPPOJNTFD DEMOCRATS. As a reward for electing Tilden the Democratic Tweeds and Morrissey's were to have the privilege of plunder ingthe county ; but the election of Hayes cuts off all such hopes, and renders them furious and ready to enter upon almost any villainous scheme that prom, ises, tor a time at least, to give them spoils. Io tlie language of an exchange: These men who have 'exhausted their own resources and those of their friends men who have been . inpoverished by wasteful extravagancies and business in- -competence men who' are mortgaged for more than they were ever worth, and whose credit and character lutve disappeared with their means, have as a last resort from tlie dreadful alternative ot working tor a living, taken to poli tics ; have figured iu war c'ubs ; spent 11 1 : u tncrjr wuiu uurtuw in icti-iiij uuui mers ; and having thus planted and wat ered tlie seed, expected it to ripen into an office under the sunshine, of Demo .....i .1 . ... is indeed a serioir matter, for, if 1 1 aye is inaugurated,-they , will be compel ed to work for a living, and Uey think of work as a Laplander dors ot a bathr that it is sure death. ! They swarm iu every State and city, and infest the re motest hamlets, their kangry eyes fixed on the pet office which as all that occu pies their minds, and all their calcula tions run on how much they can make out of the fees and stealings. We know that tlkeir need is very sore, and we shall not be surprised if, iu the anguish of their disappointment, hundreds ot them should die of a broken heart on . reading the news of Hays Inauguration. But we do not think that their exifr from this world wiil be any serious blow to those who remain ; and we are very eertain that the honest, Ivent, preoe loving citizens uf America, who hare no personal greed to serve iu politic andv who do- not depend for tlieir 00 the spoils of office, are not goh'g to set to work to cut each other's throats because a tew hundred hungry wolves are barred out from the Treasury doora where they have been barking fux so many years. Wa nra Our AatlpatfcsT , It is a popn'ar error that prevailed fifty years ago, and is more or hess cur. rent still, that our antipodes are the Chinese. Now, tlie truth is, our anti podes, if we have any, are move than three thousand mi es from any part of" China. A little reflection will show that if a might line extend from any point iu the Northern Hemisphere and through the centre of tlie earth it roust meet the opposite surface as far south of the equator as the starting-point was north ot that circle. Hence we should find our atpodes at about 40 deg. south latitude, and, of course, at a lon gitude differ ing from ours by 180 deg. I said onr antipodes, if we have any, for it so happens that the whole region antipodal to this we occupy lies in the southern portion of the . lidiau Ocean, with scarcely an island to hold an anti-pode- Tle country mt nearly anti podal to this is Western Australia, and to make the location more definite, it may be stated that Albany, a town and seaport in the southwestern part of" West Australia, is antipodal to a point in the Atlantic Ocean, about five hun dred m i'es east of! Norfolk, Va., and that the island ot St, Paul, lying mid way between Australia and the Cape of 3ood Hope, is antipodal to a point in Eastern Colorado, not far from Pike' Peak, or Coloiado City. All men are not: lionuba Kui - - niUQ- meit are home less than others. There isn't much red tape io the En glish army. If a soldier wants a pair of shoes his application must pass four teen different signatures. Il would have ben worth whi!e for Harriet Beeetier Stowe to remain North until January 15th for tlie sake of slid ing down hill ou plank. Tweed wiU soon pick up hit lost avoirdupois. Fried oysters thtee tiroes per day and regular hours tor eorainj home night will do tlie work. An American lady can dress nicety in Paris on $300 per year, if she will be. co- lent with six pairs ot stockings, bonnet and a belt ribbon. - . .... Walker, the Ami Masonie candidate for President got 75 votes in Ohio which, says the Trinity Journal givea us tlie census ot Uie number ot id iota not under restraint in the Buckeye State. ... : .. ti ' J A gentleman presented a lace collar to the t bject of his adoration, and in s jocular way said, "Do not let any one else rumple it." "No dear" said the lady, "I will uke it off." To change the latest style of ladyV hat is readily accomplished bow by a mply unshipping tlie bustle and trans, ferring it to the , top of the wearer, had. A tremendous "Amen" from his vast congregation followed Mr. Sporgeoa prayer the other day that the Turke might soou be driven out of Europe, audi the whole of tle Mohammedan power swept away from, the face of the earttw - Cbarlks MTell me, Laura, why that sadneM f TaII m . .t... . ! of care ? Why Km fled that look oi glaum: ma my iace was wont to wear?" 1 WitA "Charles, tis l dissemble; mllm tA M . r - j wear rrown, for I've lost my largest hair-pin. ud my chingnou's coming down P Be frugal, not mean patient, not subtle ; complaisant, not servile ; active in business, but not its slave. There are also tour other habits that are essential. Iy necessary to the happy management of temporal concern ; these are puoctu a.ity, accuracy, steadiness aud dispatch.