4iu 1 .3 'FOB -Sakej -Miv Thomas vJ.- SafTord j .offers for sale lliose two valuable business i - lots on Ferrv below Fii-st street, ai present! occupied by liU blncksniiUt and carriage shpp. They are extra l:trge lots being 100x122 feet, and w ill In; sold at a bargain; Oil! and see Mr. S.i fibril, on the premise?; The 'entertainment at the College Friday ni"ht should not be forgotten." " - , j .HAKIUEB. .', Tw this cif y. Jan. 25th,' at 'the. residence t .of. I. -. l'owell. Mr. W . K. H.-trdinan and Mi- El! O. Ov-rho!.er, by Elder J. A. Powell all of ,. Linn county.- FINANCE "AND COMMERCE Gold in New Yoik,3p?iJi 1 . . Legal tenders, 35oio. 1 "n ' Wheat,' $1 bushel'. " " ' Oatse-pbmheK ' Butter. 25e pound. " 25 dozen. , ; ...j Ohiekeus, $2 50a?3 001? down. 15eefon foot,. 3c ; pork,"do., GXc net.'., Bneoii Sides," l3e; hams, 15c; shoulders, sc. ':-"ti ; ' ::: -' ' Dried apples. Gc; plum, 12e..: ' Liverpool wlicat market, Jan. 25 : Av enge, 10sl0d(311s0J; ohtb. Ilsldlls5l. Kpccial Notices. Mcs-ical. "Miss Xettie Piper, teacher of Vocal and lpstrntueut:U'm.uic, lias recent ly located hi Alh-uvyVud prepared, to Rive lesion in tUu above named branches, lias had several years rxnerictiec in, teaching, and can givo tlte-beitof references. 4 AT IIomf.. Dr. G. W. Grav has re turned from bis Centennial trip, and can now be found at his office, in the Parrish brick, up stairs, by all who desire dental work of any kind. 4'3v7. ' i PlMI'tm.-twill mail (free) the rccioe for preparing a simple Veisrctat!e Balm that will re move T:m. f reckles. Pimples and : Kiotclies. lt,4viiiir i lie skin soft, clear and beautHui: also instruction for pi-oducliij. n l-.txnria.nt crrowth ot hair on a liald head or smooth faico.. Ad.ires.-i Bon. Vsindeir & Co., bos No. 5 Wooster-Sr., New York. - " V , tonl3.9 , o j TO rOSSt MFTIVri. -The advert iser.Tiar insr been permanently cured of Uiat drend dis ease, Consiin ption, by a simple remedy, tsan.x ious to make known jo his fellow snfl-erei-s the mean ot cure. To nil who desire it, he will send a copy of the pt-e-icription used (free of charsrei. with the directions for preparing and mint; th, ratine, which they will Hint a sure mire for Consnumtion. Athnui, Bronchitis, Ae. Parties wishing the prescription will rieae ad dress Kev. K. A.AVii-mn,1s4 Peiinit.,Vilii:im-bnrg-, N. V. Hys lon43v9 Erroni of Ya th. .V pentlrman who suf fered for years from Swt uus I 'ebitity. Prema. ture lleeav, undnll thceit'i'cts of ycnthf'il imlis. i re Hon wil 1 , for t lie sob e of sn tt r i n tl h u man i t v. Mnd free fo all who nee 1 if. the recipe nnd di rection for ruukinjr the simple remedy by which heitM cured. Sutferrs wishing to profit by 1 lie nil vert itord expH-ience cn 'lo o 1 'y a' 1-Oi-esslntf In p;-rrect conflduuee, John 11- OunEjt, CirSI.,X(jTorl. E43v9 Tle People Want Proof. There Is no medicine presorilied by physi rin, or sold by rm?ni"to, that earries sucli evidence of its succe nnd snperior rirtni; as Kosc utE'.-i German Sykup for severe Coughs. 'oids settled on the brest, CoiiRtimptlou, or n disease of t he Throat or Lnn?!. A proof ot that fact Is that any person afflicted, cun get a S.tmp.'e IlocHe lor H cents and try itssajxTior effeots tiefre billing the reirulur size at 73 cents. It -.a lafely leen introduced in this eonntry from tJcrmany, and its wonderful enres are Hsroninhinir everyone that ti it. Three doses wiil relieve unv case. Try bold fov all drugsists. nlSm3 Itemrmticr This. - Sow Mttwtimenf yenr torrnrnnwrali, I-tirfj Fever. Congtis, Vot-ts. ar(f ta-al refnlts of pre !!spotoi?ion to t'onsumption and otlier Throat n.mt I.nn Iisc!es. BIIIi:'a iti;AK STEtT has been scd in this nei(rhlorh.od tor th rat. two or three years without a single - failure to cure. If you lnwe not used this med icine yourself, ero to your Irnsir1st In this crtty and ask him ot is wonderful Ptieccss itmon hi customer. Three dose- will relievo the worst. cse. If von have no faith in nv medi eine, Jujit bu' Sample Hot tie of BoaHEfil Geeman Smu v for lOo nts nnd trv It. Kagti larsize lioitie 73 cents. Ion't neglect a eon,?h to save 7j ecu is. , . - . ( . nliuiS ' rXo cliange iu J.iveriKiol markets since last report. . '; A CAKD. - To all who are nufferins from the errors ftnit 5ndlscret Ions of voiuli . nervous weakness, esrly decav, loss f iiianliood. fte.. I will send a iveipo that ill cure you, FREB OK CUA1UJK. This grreat rernedv was discovered by a missionary la Soitth America. Senl a elf-addrosed enve lonc to th Rev. Josteu T. lsAS, SUUion i, JtiWe IIoitsr; &rw York. ti8v9. Pond's - Extract. Never have we seen, or heard ot even h single instance tof listtIfiictiott 17 This wp a-crine totiie ! aire tint has always been 'taken to claim no more for the Ke"medy than it would cer- ; totf nerform. - " On tlie other band, flew facts -are being elicited of Its curative virtues w-newoi. - rection. These nctc jfaefs" nre recited in aumerovis letters we have receiyetl. : volun teered by a host of corresMtident pro esional"artt! la y who have been prompted solelr by the " surprise and gratitude they haTe"c4tber!xpt,rieiei r-wlnesed frpui tbe use t PoJr.t lis tret. I 3i- :te ; Jan , nappy Intlaenre of ireat Kpeelfle. e For the preservatioo of recovery of health and strength, the diet shotikl be wbolwonie and nittritious. When k hapifMis that the allanaentary processes ji re disturbed by Im proper or "half masticated iooH. the :best 'remedy for the" eil remits of aBni 113 tlo tigestive -organs is Hostelter" Stomach Bitters, a iiact 1 op-ceabJe. prompt ml gentle retnt-dy'tor' flyspep.ifa; anl for the billiout and eTaettatire trregtifarittes which result from it. T,he Jtver and boweb, ht common with -tbo stomach,, experience Its lieneficeui iriltueiHse. ; Tlie' refuse of tbe rtem tcarriecT Off throngh its natural outlet, a healthr flw and ecretfert! the 1 WIe la prouoteana powerful impetus i given to assimilation it conBeuence 'Of its ue. It healthfttlly stimnlatcs the b!jU- - aer ai4 kidney wli they re- Inactive, . mI by it took: and regulating aetioo fbrti- ,fles the systeta gainst malai iu. ,'. jan. ; - 'rtoo 'rr. AT'::oxcii';t J!"'" ; If a tithe of tbefiltd?timonials - now on - liind of the vahae of Dr. Wfettr' Balsam of Wild Cherry should be pwblfahetl. no " one would stop to read ibe bulky volnme. Ask any drftggiuand he will tell von that this Bitlawl U a real blessing to all affected with throat or lnntr diseases. All kindred affection's, including- BronoDUis, tore Ttuwit: foun lloaraonesv. rams in the Chest, and Bleeding of the Langs, yield to its wonderful ower. ' We advise anj- on - - tired f eperwBeBtlitg5 wttb jPUywetans' ' .' prescriptlous or- quack metliciiies to drop lul use this Balsam of lid H- Cfeerrv.; Sold by all druggists, i. ' : Jan - ia oftea felt hy persons who, cannot locate ' any particular tllsease. r tliey 4 work.- Jt TK.rfimM lahnr; it ther "wane, tney sowi tin mo, it'll pfftwtti become a - bordtft'- aud even joys are uVtunied by the shadoAV of tbU weaknefts wweii istatitovcr uteir ura. . Rix-oio-ie is liar! Koraetlmes to Stilllllliints Ot danwmm eharacteri ;The' "adviee of ' jfrbysiieUkDs to letntVn from ttctfve labor pro ...T Uieea no. happy rosult. f AVhy ? ; Penman ,-"Syrp will do this very thing. Like the efectrie current, it permeates the entire sys- - tent, atnt hatmontzing with the corporeai ffcj- fnctioii,it raisei :up the enfeebled and t--fi- bringAh color to tlio dieek, again, ! and '. hope to the despondent. It-does its work "V. "promptly and well, roid by all rlruggit. j-a " rocenes and i f ALWAYS TO BE FOUXD AT , ;"WILLIAM VAUyACTOE'S, K lrst Door Wont or 8. E. Youiik's, First Street, Aitutuy, Ogn. ?V C3lioetr for C3,sii- I3I-.LITS', SOX fc OO., STORAGE AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS J MAMMOTH WAREHOUSE, At foot of I.you Street, oppoMiie Depot on O. C Kallrond, - ., , ... o . Will store drain nnd General , ALBasi, OresQD, Jn-, 1S77-13V9 , , - Wl H- McFAJRLAND, -SEAI.EBS PUMPS AND HOSE; -MANUFACTURES- Tin, Copper and aGEKT TOE THE T2S SSST H7 ALBANY, Kext iloor to tbe Bnnh. mm mmt A. F. SMITH Sf CO., AGENTS 0! FRONT STREET, Tixe Standard Following is a conr of a Western Union T .. ' ' X . in.!. .1 lrj1."",- J " '' ' JJ-1--'; --j; " "' " 1 1 , ' ' .."T.rr:.: f '''?' jiyMMMMMMMWwwLii!ss!si tVtJKMlM. y- 5: -. rfc-: s.-"ifc rvS5easir! :?fe"F"-';';''-'-- J ; v . . ; WEBEH 1 s- ; i Francisco . New Tokk. September 20. 187B. Pelonbet. Pelton & Co.. of New York, have received DIPLOMA of HONOR and MEDAL of AWARD tor the j CELEBRATED STANDARD ORGAN D. W- PRENTICE, AGENT.1 I 123 W. C. TWEBDALE, ( ; 3T Call and sm him. T the Working Owm.-We are now prenared to furtrish all el:nsse9 With eousiant iuiployrBentathotBe,tho whole of tbe tinie or for tbeir npnm moments. Business new, un wnmiin. PersAnsAf either sex eat- n w iiitfl to itA nt'.r even insr. itntl A A t proportional sum by aevxmng ineir wmno much as men. That oil who see this notice may send their address, ami test the bnineswe tuako this unparalleled otferr -To aucto aa are not well satisfied we will send one dollar Vy lor the tronbleof writing TmmS sample worth severs ' rtotoreS!S on worfe on, and a copy of Itbme and "r "e of tbe airiest and U ui' lV r: all wit freo by muil. dcT'Jf,SS W";,b?)F ....,.... nrnfitsrtto work, address. V"."1 fciL!sr.o At O .I'ortland, M-Uno. -. inaW j Provisions! Merchandise at Lowest Rates. I"- 3 Sheotiron Ware ! CELEBRATED TSS WZLD, dec76nlt FOR THE PIANO, POKTLAXD, OBECOS. rX x' i ui m i li ixnt telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, San First Street, Portland. OrcgiMi. ? ,a t. rn nt f.'iwilrt. Proivtsfonfl. ToTMieCO. ClK-nra, Cutlery, rocKery. iu tnwmuo M UlOW W are, rira Altas, Or. NOTUBE Is hereby given lo A . McEntire. who istndebted to Hnrd-ASotUetnelron noteof U and interest from Sept.. i ; 10 muinm u.n.h.n.1) mi Aivnnnt of sifKX uta Charles In- erahnm. oalanoe on note of about $32, which Is endorsed to Uurd & PettHjoieir by Samuel Mil ? . . p. a. Hlnmrner. flnrrmnt of 3H 48 : to a rt. Barnes, order of 0; to Fred. Gi-af.ae- oonnt of SIS SO: r J, B. Wallace. account of jo, -v.. ov nr ottbe.rof tbnm. th said debtors. shwU hot. pay over to any person or persons who maviold said claim or claims nntll tb whole of 'ald amounts shall be endorsed as credit on a certain promissory not of 778 59,hearintr date liecemlier M, lS7a and due July 1. 177, e?p- ecnted byGorge W. Dawson andOeorge EettlcmeirO John I Jlnrrt. t.lV. , - i SFTTLEMEIR & TAWhO. This ISth day of lec., l7-nlvlnpl Centaur -J y letter fnom a rostmaster. . , -AyTiocti, Ix.ito, Dec 1, 187. . Mfsns. J. B. Kobe Co.: "f v wife has. for a l.osr time, been a tenible smBrer from Khenmat isin. She Jias t ried many ph vstciansand many remedies. Tlieonly thing which has KiVen her relief is Centaur Liniment 1 mil rejoiced to say this has cured her. I nm doing what I can to extend Its sale. W. II. IttXG. This isnsampleof many thousand testimoni als received, of wonderlnt eores effected by the Centaur Liniment. The ingredients of this ar ticle are published around each boitle. It con tains Witch Hazel. Mentha. Arnica. Rock Otl, Carbolic, and tmrredlents hit herto Mtt Ic known It is an lniuspuiawe loct timt tno centnor l.ini ment la performing more cures or Pwelltnp:s, St iff Joints. Ki-nnt ions, Rheumatism. Seuraljiia Hctatiea, iKm isrensts. L.ocK-iaw. ., t nan an tint other l.iniinents, ttinurocatlons. t.xtmcts, Salves. Ointments and tiltisters now in ns. For Toothaelie. Earaehe, Weak Back, Itch nnd Cutaneous Eruptions, it is admirable. It cures bumsand scalds wtihont n sear. F.xti-nets rii- 80ns from bites and siinijs.nnd hettls frost-bites and chillblains. in a short time. No family can niford to bo without the Centaur L.iniiiient, white wrapper. n The Centaur I.liiimpii t, Tellow TTrapper, Is adapted to Iho f onsih skin, mnsoles and flesh of the animal creation. Its effects upon sevete eases of Spavin, S'veeny, Wind (vail. Biff Head and Poll Evil, are liitle less than marvelons. Messrs. J. MeCiure &Co., Irnsttists. corner of Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, say : "In our neighborhood a number of tenmsters are ufinsr tlie Centaur Liniment. They pro nounce it superior to anything they have ever used. We sell as high as four to five dozen bot tles per month to 1 hese teamsters." We have thousands of similnr testimonials. For Wounds. Galls, Scratches. Ring-bone, &e., and for Screw Worm in sheep It has no rival. Farmers, llverv-men and si oek-ra'tsers. have in this Liniment a remedy which la worth a hun dred times its cost. ' Laboratory ot J. B. Hose & Co.. 46 Dcy street, New York. PITCHER'S C ASTORIA. Mothers may have rest and their liabies mo v have health. If thev will nse i astoria tor ina Colic. Worms. Fe ve'rishness. Sore Month, Cronp, or Stomach Complaints. It is entirely a vefre table pre rairation. and contains neither miner al, morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to take as iioncv,uni neither Raes nor gripes. -rr. K. IHm'oeli. of lliinont. O.. savs: 'I am ustnir Castoria In mv practice with the most signal bencfltB and happy result." liiis is what tjverv one tys: Jlont nurses In Kow York Cltv use the Castoria. It Is prepared bv Messrs. J. B. Rose Co., 44 rey street. New York, 3uccc3ui-s to Stinuel Pitcbei-, H. l. sovx $5 to $20 per day at home. Samples wort h 1 free. Stinson A Co., Portland, Me. C! bN D rc to J P. noWKl.L A CO., New York, O for Pamphlet of ltXJ naices. containing 3.000 newsnnpers, and estimates showing cost of ad- vernsmsr. - 2svKy it Hear, tor I wfifkiteak of excellent Utinsta." POnS'S CXTH AC v Tbo ureat Vegetable Pahs tetryer. las bceu in use over thirty years, and for cleanliness nnd prompt Cura tive virtues cannot bo excelled. CHILDREN.. No family can afford to be w...ioat I'onil's Kxtrnct. Accidents, Braises, (.'OBtuKionn, Cats, ISpralns. are relieved almost instantly by external application. PrumptTy relieves pains or Hnrns, s-flds, Kxcoriarions, Ciitifinffs Old 8ores, Iloils, Felons, Corns, etc. Arrests in fUmation. reduces r welling", tops bleeding, temnra diw-olorntioiisnndlie-ils rmidlr. FEN ALE WEASSnS5S.-It nlw.ij-s-rellev. s rain iu .he back nadloias.faihieas aud preasing pain in the had. nausea, vertigo. IX LEUCORRHCA it ha r.o enont. All kinds of nl. ctruliiKs to which liiies are stibject are promptly cured, r uilcr dctaus;n book accom panying eacb bottle. 'blind or bleertins meet promnt relief ana reaay cure. io case, However crtirmic or obstinate, cm long rasistlts regular nst. . VAS1CCSE VEIMS. 'tis the only enre ; cure for ma aisrrassin sno anncerooscotinuion tmn DISEASES.- -It liianoequl lorprma- liet-.l cure. BLI&91SS from r.ry cinse. : Porthls is a nc cihc. It has saved linndreds of lives when all otlit-r remedies failed to erreot oleeding front rtose, tttvtnaclif tnnsrs, end clSHWhcre. RHEUMATISM, niljSALPiA, Toothticho and luracb tro k11 (dike ltl.evea, and often per lasuently cared. PHTSieiAHS of ell fcbools- wliB ars ecjunlnted wutt fund's Extract Mitch tiazel n.o omineuditin lheirpract.ee. We have letters ot commendatin- froin hundreds of Physicians, many of whom ord-r it tor ree ia their own prsctice. In addition to tha foreaoit'S, they order its tu tor Ciweiiinps of ell Kinds, talsy, lor Tbrnnf, Inflamed Tonslbv : - -Fiatpie and chronic IMarrticen, f'ntarrk, (for'Tvhlcti it is a pperinc,) ItiillfcluJiu; I--rest-el X'eet, Ht.inga cf Inserts, Jloeanitoes. etc.. Chapped Ilnnils, 1-ace, mid Indeed r.U mmnrr of f-kin diseases. - - TCILET USE. Removes Soreness, Ronafaaess uml (Ninnrtinst hesls t'wts, raptlous, find Pimples. 1 1 rcri w., iiwiyorei and re -; fri-hv, -waila wonderfully Ccnprovlry the f'omtilexion TO FA'SWEaS. font's ixttV.eT. TTo Stoek ; lt;erdt.r,noLivery!ancanntord to be Without . it. 1 1 W used by i U Uie Leading Livery Stables, 8treet l-'alirosd cud first Horsemen In New , York City. It has no euuul for Sprains, II nr- - " ma or twaddle Clinfinar", Hlillsess, Heratchesj S welilnffs,Cct, Iirerations, Illeediiic I'ucuuioniR, Cuitr, Uiarrba-a Chills, Colds, ete. Itsrangeof action is wide, aad ttiu relief it ofibi fls is so prompt that it Is Invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as m very F-irtn -bonse. Let it be tried once, and yoii will r.jver be wlthont it. . CABJIO. Pond's Extract l.as neen lmltatert Tue genuine: itrticle hsstheworda Poml'a Ex tract hlomn in each bottle. It .8 prepared by' the only persons Ifvinir Who ever knew how to prcpur j it propcilr. Kef use nil other pre- pnrations at Witch HbsL article used br Physicians This is tbe only article used by Physicians, end J-toe hospfc ...tsjs ot this eonntry sndEorope. . ; H1$T0RT ARB OSEi OF FGKO'S EXTRACT, tals of this conotry and Enrol ns, m,!& cmfkn in uaapnier. lorTu. wm Trce oa apnuwiiuu u S Maiden SI IT FOB BIVORCE. In the Circuit Corrrf of the State of Oregon for I. tno county. , Luclnda Ambler, plHintirr, . Sult in Equity - ' vs. i - lor John A. Ambler, defendant, i I - Divorce. To John A. Atnbler, the defendant above named In tha liaxna of the Statu of Orearon : You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint of the nlaintifT above natnod ir the above cmtit led conrt, now oir file wit d the Clerk of said court, within ten days from -the dateof tbe service of tMs summons o you If served in Linn county, Oregon, hot if service is made In any other connfy .in saW State then within 1 went j iavs from t be date of such serv ice; and if served bv publication, then yon are required to appear and answer by the first day of the next regular term of said court, after publication hereof for six weeks, which term commences on tbe ., -i - i - Seetind Monday of HartA, 1877. . OTttidgroent for want of such answer win bo taken against. - yon. Ton are further notified that if vou fail to appear and answer as above required, the plain mf will apply to tha court ; for the relief demandoa in the com plaint, and csts and diabursments of this suit. : . ... , Attornevs tor plff. PuilMliea fov six weelcB in tlie Albany Rea istkb, by order of E. P. Boise, Judge of nald i court, made at chamber tHsc. 1 1. Ih7. In I3v 9 w6 OFr iCIAU CITY PAPER, ALBANY, OREGON, JAN. 2GV 1871 LQO&L MAOEES, Tue ATtf.mtted Jail DFxrrEnT. Our- jail contains ttve prisoners, to-wit : NeiJ, , to be , hung to-day ' for murder j Moyc, torge'ry; McFarland,- murderous assault Cave, ; perjury and Dodson, , larceny. About noon on 'Tuesday, 'the jjoard, Qco. Cline, noticed that tlie prisoners' made an unusual amount of noise, and he immedi-. ately informed Sheriff Uerren 0f the ".tact, and that he feared something was wrong. Tlie Sheriff told him to order the prisoners Kioto their cells and keep tbetn - there until he could leave his office at the Court House, when he would examfne into the matter. Shortly afterwards 'the Sheriff went into the jail, and soon found a hole pretty well advanced Into tlie side-Wall of -the privy; and ufter inquiry of tlie prisoners aud further search, a chisel" was lotind with which the work had been done. 'An auger hole Wad been bored Into the floor ' of the privy, probably for ventilation ; the pris-, oners had tied a string to the clilseir end to the other end of the string had tied a; nail, and whenever they quit work jor any cause tney dropped tlie chisel into tne auger hole down into the vaults the nail at the end of the string keeping it suspended until another cliance was given to use it, while the nail was covered fiotn observa tion by Joose, damp paper with which the floor was-strewn.- The work was proba bly done by McFarland and Cave. Tlie chisel had been recently sharpened, and w3 what is called a morticing chisel. How the chisel was introduced into the jail is not certainly known. We know that the Sheriff has used the utmost dili gence In looking after the safe-keeping as well as comfort of his prisoners, and so far no prisoner Incarcerated in our county jail since he came into office, lias escaped And the probability is they"!! all be there when wanted. Fersonal. ilr. J. Tyler and wife were to leave as yesterday for Portland, where they take the outgoing steamer forCalifor nla. Mrs. Tyler's health is poor, and by advice of ber physician the change is made. We in company with Mr. and Mrs. Tyler's many friends' hope the ehttnge may prove all that can be hoped, and that they may be able to return to Oregon again in tbe enjoyment of the best of health. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Price take the out going steamer this week for California, where we undersland George proposes to practice his' profession, dentistry. Success and happiness attend them. . Mr. Payne of Seattle, W.T., son-in-law of Father Freel.ind, spent several days in the city during thU and last week, visiting relatives and friend'). ; ; . Dr. Hin ton and wife, late of Salern, have become residents of this city. The Dr. 3s purchased an Interest" In - tlie drug hott'e lately owned by Mr. Saltmarsh. Gns. Lay ton, wife aud family, of Cor. vallis, came down the first of tlie week, on business and pleasure. AcQtTrTEt,T. J. Black, manager of the Farmers' Store, Hal.sey, on trial in this city last week for forgery, was acquited. The evidence showed that Mr. Black had drawn a note in lavor ot tiawiey, iJoua.dc cjo.. Portland, for a machine, at Halsey, and had then taken it to the parties getting the machine for signature. - Tliere was still a balance due Hawley, Dodd A Co., which was, by instructions of said H., D. & Co., to have been paid down, but as the parties were not prepared, by , common consent Mr. Black Included this additional amount in the note. Tlie ink nsed in this altera tion of the note was different from that ned in the original drawing of the note, but was identical "with that used by' the parties signing it, showing that the altera tion and the signatures were made with the same ink, and of course at the same time. . ... Fine Stock. Our stockmen will be pleased to Iearu that Mr. Myer. of Ashland, Southern Oregon, proposes ' to make the coming seaon in this and Marion counties with "White rr'tnee," and "Fleflty," the latter a young horse purchased by htm in tlio East last season,, and thought by many to be the best horse in his stable. , Linn county is specially fortunate in getting the services ot such splendid animals, and our stockmen and furmefS will not be slow, we believe, to take advantage of the ppporto nity thus afforded to Improve their stock. S. MoNTGoHiEiir Who died at his resi dence in this city on Tuesday, was forty f onr years of age He came to Oregon in 1SG0, from Garret eonnfy,- Ky. Mont., as he was familiarly called, during life, was honored at various times by his fellow citizens with offices of public trust, and was, nt the time of his death, one pf tlie school directors of this district. Ilia last hours were spent in preparations for the great hereafter. Peace to his asbesv The net receipts of thci! entertainment given at the Opera nouso on Tuesday night, by Mr. nnd Mrs. Frank Wilton, for the benefit of the Albany Fire Department, was not as large as the occasion or the play merited" perliapi, being only about $53 but - then fiftv-t hree dollars are hot to be sneezed ' at, especially as the pepartment treasury was extremely low, . , ,a . - Sr-IONG ANft Summer STTLts.--lr, -Wv R. Graham will receive by the incoming steamer the finest stock 1 of French, Eng lish and American cloths fort gentlemen's clothing, ever brought to this city. ' As tailor Mr. Graham haa" few equals, aud a fiishtmiahio suit m.tde from a piece, of the hew goods in his shop will Just set a man np all over. ' uo ana see uww guwi- . , til ...- f. ;. '. i ii - ' - -. i Board of Delegates Meet at Weath- erford's ofilce af 7 p. M- A fill attendsnee U required.' . ' . ' - ' - fiC I'AnAOItAMLEXJit r t The entertainment at the Pacific Opera House Tuesday evening last, 'given by the AVilton troupe for; the .benefit i t ; Albany Fire , Department . was, largely .attended,' and gave splendid satisfaction.,, , - -AV, ay eU wUl tie hung in tlie Jail yard abput the hour of one o'clock this afternoon, ' unless :"execTltive, clemency should Interfere j of which there U now no hope. ) The eecytiaOT. will .doubtless at tract a large number of people, to this city ;c Van Vector ia buildiug up an irumenoe trade ii; Uie grocery and provisipfl.lipe..i You ought ; to see those new styles of stoves at John, Briggs1, place,,aa well at hia large assortment of useful and ornamental wares for tlie dining room and .kitchen, , Fat, nicely, dressed ducks for a bit apiece is clieap enough for anybody, i We understand Uiat Thomaa Monte ithf proprietor of the City Mills, has secured water from the Santiam Canal, which wilt be brought to the mills through a ditch down Fe rry street, saj ditch to bp dug the coming spring; What magnificent weather. A note from Ilarrlsburg, daWaftiiafJngigj aKplWty. !ri Stevs .(Ttiiainaa nt ttila twiint. vprv . . . . 2?d. sys : j'('Business at this point very, dull, and tlie weather colder than blazes I" The lumber for tbe construction, .of tbe steeple on vtha -M. E., Church ,1s on the grooud, and the; work ,will soon be com- mencetU ' : s r-.f J Ubi ? ;: Mr. II. C. Clement is filling tlie office ot Chorister In the M. E. Sunday School most acceptably, ' i -. --- - Fred Graf has an elegant display Of funi& tore at his new place on First, east of Broadalbln street, " f Mrs. M, J. Hyde has a most excellent assortment of goods needed by tlie ladies. You will be surprised at tlie extreme low figures at which sho sells goods, upon call ing and examining her-stock. -Father Royal, reported as hick' unto death last week, has weathered tbe storm and hopes are now entertained of his en tire recovery. Mr. G. W. Huff, of Eockport, Indiana, gave us a call on Tuesday. He is selling "The Brotherhood, a work of special interest to threelinkcrs. See special notice of the Singer Manu facturing Co. elsewhere In this Issue. The Singer still continues to lead in die sewing machine business. Mrs. Cross has a fine display of millinery which she is offering at cost. Call and examine now. , ; .. . , W. K. Xeil and those In Jail with him came within an ace of leaving the Jailor to run the premises alone last Tuesday. Who furnished the tools. Is the query? With a less attentive Jailor than Doc. nerren, Xeil might now have been at large. , The Ladies' Social of the M. E. Church meets at Mrs. Julia Dawson's, on .Third Street, between Elsworth and Broadalbln, tliis afternoon at 2 o'clock. Miss Greer, of Corvallis, has been visit ing relatives In this city during tlie week. Orgeana Encampment this evening at 0:30 sharp. - " - " . The attendance nt the Opera House Tues day cvpfitng, on the occasion of the benefit given to A. F. Department', we are in formed,, was the largest of the season. We believe the union meetings at tlie Court House are gaining in interest, and the prayers aud faithful work of the people of God are growing in strength and power. Squire Montgomery, an old and- Widely known citizen of this city, died on Tues day at his residence, after an illness of two or three weeks. He was burled by the Fire Department, of which lie was an ex empt, on Wednesday afternoon. " See the new line of boots at Blaln's he is determined to have the very latest and handsomest stylea-In tbe various lines in which he deals. ' .: .. The copy of Constitution and. By-Laws for the Government of Linn. Engine Co., No. 2, are in the hands ot the printer, and will be printed and placed in the hands of the Secretary of the Company in time tor the next regular meeting. -! . f Tlu. Life and Adventures of W. Ki Nell" have just been Issued in pamphlet form, and can be obtained at either of the book stores or at this office. Price, 25c per copy. - ,-', The Wilton troupe have been giving performances at fhe Opera House during the week to good houses. -. . There will be an entertainment at the College chapel on the evening of February 22d, under the atssplces t of the College Imp. Soc. ' . " , . 2?ot much show for skating in this neck o Woods this winter. .Such, beautiful snn- ehiny days ! fit!... v,,t ., ""' Tlie College entertainment this evening promises to be the best Tf the seasoB. ' The Union meetings at the Court Ilettse during the .week have. been largely attend ed. . -r :-d tl If you know of anybody , that baa lost a bine locket in which aro 'twb likenesses,' and attached to which is a small gokl chain, tell them t6 call and interview our County Trcasnrer, Mr. Grigsby. - Hell torn It over to the owner with pleasure. The locket Is only valuable as a keepsake: '. Linn countytax this year is $63,000, half of which has been collected. , Frank Wilton has gone to Corvallis, to entertain tiiem with theatrteals,: and tell doit well.- , .Ks. -., -. "Goodness! the fire la out, J tWfgtit it Was very cold." Beaor,,8hal? get, my overcoat and put on yon?1 Miss B.oe Oh, no; but (glancing at the clock) hadn't yon better put it on yotrrself?"' ? . Wm. Kay Neil Was bora In Indiana on the 27th day ot January I838;' uml there fore would have been thirty-nine yearfctd to-raorrow- - 1 Good brtttcx is.fig&fri rscarce In ifhts joa. Vet good. SDc; common, 2$c per" pound. , That a blessing It is" said a bard-work ing Chicago Emeralder, 'that night nlver comes on tui late in the day, when man ia tired ami can't work any more, at all, at v The patent airtp attached to tbe bottom of the door to; keep out rain w snow, is way np. Carter A Co manufacture it-' .Ot. GtArgelontetth wHo d1e4 St U. 18JT, waa bpru lu tbeyear 1810, of Saotdk parentage, in Broadaluin, aionteosnary couotyve-nfr York Ha waa Wpufcht 9 by parents who-jrere noted lor their chris tian piety. "They were'rrgld Fiesbytarl ana, nnd theh ton aariy imbibed tha cam religions principles, which remained t8t impalred to him patil death, lie amtgnt ed in. . an early day to tka. Waai 4 aval aulte x number of years' , In lllteota. than Tflpved - to lecpnsiB, HhB there tor A abort time when, la tbe nil of tSSm, b mftved fa Iowa,, aud finally settled fet. War ren county, where it waa -my fortanct tram a little boy, to be associated with hl. At the breaking ou of tbe war his aoa waa one p hp flr?r to," enlst' and being of a weak ccrnstittrtlon, soon fell a prey to "ease.' i T1U was blow frora which hm .tie yet "wholly .tecoV0rei;. for hi wai ft noblo boy and the idol of his r parent. 114 waa the friend ot ail young people, Children were always sore of hia sympathy, lor ho would never tire 01 answering toetr enn lsirqnestfons, arid no efiorU wer tT spared to amuse'them : and while he Would ho waa also a tnaa of stern prfnciplev HLs great love of newspaper-reading acquaint-; -ed him with aDItBe topics of tha day. IJ wsa r strong Kepublicau and & atainjc anpporter of bis cottntry. '; At his death bo bed Only been a resident of Oregon for two; years and four wontas My pe i tnado-i qturs to, dUpel the shades ot gloom that ids rcijjoxal has. sbed,rowpd lls .relatkxia, especially his family, fur he was the kukw est of husbands and fathers, and whila cannot comfort their aching bearta, I would remind theni of the'wlse dispensation of kind providence who would remove their treasure from tbem, Uiat thel Heart may be weaned from the aliurementa of thU world, and their aflWctfoos directed" above the etorm-clouda of woe and bltternea in cident to this life, where they may all, bo yond the dark, cold river, be united nevef again to part. ; i T. M. Caevawat, - i "Dojc'tKmsMt BAET.M-rTh BocLet ter Union goes after those ladles who Insist on kissing every baby they come across, and pronounces tiffs promiscuous kissing of children a "pestilent practice," and say "we use the word advisedly, and It fa mild to the occasion. "Murderous would be tho proper word, did the kissers know tlie mis chief they do. Yes, madam, murderocs, and we are speaking to' you. Do yon re member calling on your dear friend Mrs. Brown, the other day, with a strip of flan nel round your neck? And when littlo Flora came dancing into the room dido's you pounce npon Iter demonstratively, call Iter a precious little pet and kiss ber f Then you serenely proceeded to describe tbe dreadful sore throat i that kept yon from prayer meeting the night before. Yon had no designs on the. dear child's life, we know; nevertheless, you killed ber! Killed her as surely as it you had fed ber with strvchnlne or arsenic. Your carelessness was f&tel; Two or ithree days after tbe little pet began to complain of a sore throat, too. Tbe symptoms gtew rapidly alaravt ingj and when the doctor came the . single word diphtheria 'sufficed to. explain then all. To-lay a little mound ia the sole me mento of your visit. Of coarse tbe another does not suspect and would not dare to sus pect you of any instrumentality in her bo reavement. Phe charges it to a mysterious Providence. : "The doctor says nothing to disturb the dUmion ? that would be Impo litic, if not cruel; but to an outsider he la free to say that tbe child's death was dost direct! v to yonr stupidity. Those are pre cisely his words ; and who shall say. under the circumstances, that they are not Justi fiable?" , -IJ.. . :- , To nx HcNO.W.Kay jell will to-day be hung in the yard of our county Jail for the crime of murder. At the late term ot tlie Linn County, Circuit -Conrt Neil waa found guilty of tlie murder of Seth Whrppbr nayes, at nalsey, on tlie first day of No vember, 1876V The friends of Ketl have '. done everything In their power to secare s commutation .of tlie death sentence and have failed. There now seems no possible chance for him to escape hia sentence. Ev ery preparation baa been Vnade by tho Slierlfribr tho occasion.' As the exeentSoa will take place la the enclosure in the rear of the Jail, every one that wishes can see H. as the fence 4s not high enough to prevent the vision. ...The opinion prevails that large n timber of people wDl be to the city to-day.-: a u- ;v MASQt'EttAPE. The first, annual qnerade i ball given-bythe hose companies of Albany Fire Department, take place at the Paciae Qpera, Houae on , Wednesday evening, Feb. 14 187Y,,.For particoIaTS see adverUaement oleesibere to the Bjdgzs teh. - .The boys anticipate a way op ttme, . and are making - most extensive 'prepara tions to entertain and make the time pane pleasant! to: all who attend. , Tberell be some gay old maskers on the floor on that occasion yoa better peliere. ; ThrreH be no end to the fori, aud everybody TTgo that dances -" -' i, . JJeinalntng in the "Post Office. Albany. Linn con nty, Oregon. :Jan. 25th, 1877. r-ersons catling ror tnese letters snnst give the date on which tliev Were advertised. Baker, James V. ; ; MeCloud, E Barge, Harvey, r? p.' Mirier,- Jacob C Baker, K Fj r-f i a M illerf Miss Sarah Berry. AW ; Miller, Miss Ella Brm.rremrr, ?T ohn II Mtller, Mrs Eliza Calkins. W F; w ; :i? Hence, 8 J ' Cachem, Miss E1U . , Overholser, Ella S . Cbristie,MiesD4Jpha'Ttounds. Morris George, Mrs Snsan A Story, Mrs Kncy K Hougham, J T -! ! Scott, Charles Hninphrey, O 'Hf Sovern, James Marten. Mrs Jennie Watson, John rT Mitchell, Charles F . ' ; , t IV If. ItAYMOJTD, P.M. Tftt fcAi -Ari)f Sosrrt.-Tfie new cers eleet are f piesldeaf, " Jf rs. L. E. Blairtj Vice Fresiflen Itrt. Chrte. Hoock; Secretary.'Mrs. TX.'V. "Brown; Treaanrer, Mrs.-"SamUet E.' loung The Society meets nextTbUrIafternoon at 2 o'clock, February fsC at the residence of Mrs. Dr. . MlHef. All are invited to attend and en- roll their names, j " -1 : '.' ' '. ' LESAt.-iMeasr Humphrey Hewitt have associated themselves togethet in the practtee of lanr. Botb are talented1, pains taking and com'petenf. and'any businesa entrusted to .their care will receive tfce most careful attetjtfon. Succrra to the neMT i