i.isr or urixici Remaining in Hie Tost OlV.oo. Alb.niv. Linn county. Oregon. Jan. 18th, 1S70. Persons calling for these letters must give tlio date on which they were advertised. Bauni, Joseph Hall. Mr (Miller) fobbey. GM Hall & TikMii Churchman, W Knowles. .Io-lin.i A Curtis. Albert Lewis, Franklin Cnshman. W More. CnrtH Pitkin, Miss Emma McFadden, Wm Dinsmore. Martin MeConneliy, Moore Davis..) K Miller, Mrs El mini Davis, Miss Hatty Shmnerv, M B Frakis, K Stone. S "! Gearhart. Mr Jane WlUtUiole, J tint yes. Mrs K "Wilson, Lent Hiuer, Mrs Almlra mard ; H. ItAYMOXD, P, M ConnECTlON. Through mistake' in nnP report of the. election of oncers of the M. K. Sunday School for 1S77, the names of two ol the officers elect were not given us, to-wit : Miss Annie Griffin, Organist, and Mr, L. B. Royal, Chorister. . As Td Sickness. Kev. J. 1'. Do Vore, hist week reports having visited about three hundred families in this city. - He found oniy ten or eleven sick persons, nine of whom wen? children. The Lapils" Sociaulk Of the M. E. Church, meets at 2 o'clock P. M. to-day at Mrs. Ford's. Wiieei.ei:, at Sukud Wi'.l sell cloth- ing, of which he has a goods of all kinds, bg ;ood stock, also drv ' goous oi an Ktiius, noois, snoes, etc., etc.. very low to you or any FINANCE A?cD COMMERCE Gold in Xew Yoik, 10:5" a . Legal tenders, 03i01o. Wheat. !?d V bushel. Oats, 37 '..e V bushel. Butter. -230"? pound. Kggs, 20c 1 dozen. Chickens, $2 50i$3 CO? dozen. Beef on foot, So ; pork, do., C4c net. Bacon Sides, 13c; hams, 15c; shoulders. Sc. . Dried apples, Go; plums, 12c. Liverpool wheat market, Jan. la : Av erage, lOslOdamOd; club, llsldSlIsOd. Special ISetiee. Moical. MUs Xctlk' Piper, teacher ol Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent ly located in Albany, and prepared to give lessons in tho above named branches. Has had several years experience iu teaching, and can rive tho best of references: 4 At Home. Dr. G. W. Gray lias re turned from his Centennia trip, and can now be found at his ollice, in the Parrish brick, up stairs, by all who desire dental work of any kind. 4 Iv". Poxu'3 Extkact. Never have wc seen, or heard ot even a tingle instance of Oissati-fuclioti.! This we ascribe to the ctire that has always leeii taken to chum no More for the Kemedy than it would ojr t'tinhi perform. On the other hand, new f.ict are being elicited of its curative virtues in now di rections. These "neir f.tct' are recited in numerous letters we have received, volun teered by a host of correspondents pro fessional and l:iy--swio have been prt-inptect solely by the surprise and gratitude they have either experienced or v itnesscd from the n-.c ol Pond's Hxttaet. jau Jloppy Iufiisence uf (crc( Sipeoifie. For tlie preservation of recovery ol health and strength, the diet should be wholesome and nutritious. When it happen thut the alianieutary processes ;ire di-turbed by im proper or half masticated food, the best remedy for the evil re-nits of alu-ing Hie digestive organ? is ilu-elrcr's .Stomach Bitters, a most agreeable, prompt and gentle remedy tor 'iysjw'p-isi, :m! for the billious and evacuative irregularities which result from it. The liver and bowels, in commoit with the stomach, experience its benelieent , influences. The refuse of the system is carried off through its natural outlet, a healthy flow and secretion ot the bile is promoted, and a powerful impetus Is given to assimilation in consequence of its use. It healthfully stimulates the blad der and kidneys when they are inactive, and hy its tonic and regulating action forti iles the system ngciinsi imdaria. jan. DO IT AT OXC: ! J If a tithe of the testimonials r.ow on Land of tho value of Lr. YVitar"s Balsam k. - , i i.'.z l ue would stop to read the bulky volume. Atk any druggist and he will tell yon thi7 thisI5alsm U a. real blessing to ali a ffeetiI with throat or lnig diseases. AH kindred affections, incluiiing Uronehitis, Sore Throat. Croup, Hoarseness, Pains in the Chest, and Bleeding of the Lungs, yield to its wonderful jwiwer. We advise any one tired of experimenting with Physicians' prescriptions or quack mwlk-ines to drop them at onee and use tfcis Balsam of Wild Cherry. Sold hy all druggists. jau A 5-ens ef YVeKrlno Is often felt fy persons who cannot locate ny particular disease. :, If they work, it becomes labor; it they walk, they soon tire; mental dibits become a burden, and even joys are dimmed by the shadow oi" this weakness whieh is cast over their lives. Recourse is had sometimes to stimulants ot ' a dangerous . character. The advice of physicians to letrain trom active labor pro- , duces no happy result. . Why? Peruvian Kyrup i will do "this very thing. Like the electric current, it permeates the entire sys tem, and harmonizing with the corporeal functions, it raisea up Uie enfeebled :k1 brings the color to the check again, and hope to the despondent. It clues its work promptly and well. Sold by all druggists. ! ' - .." m, ArcrsT Fi.owEii. T he most tnJf ernblc . - Temgs in the world are those snnvriiig from lj-sfcpsia and Liver 0mplaint. ", More tUau evenr:y-tive per cent of the peo ' pie In tlie United iatetes nre- ntflieted with these two diseases and their etlects: kucIi "' as Sour Stomach, Sick Headache, Habitual - Oostlreness, Palpitation of the Heart. Heart-burn, AVater-brasIw gnawing nd burning piins at the pit. of the Stomach, Yellow Skin; Coated Tongue nnd disngree , nble taste in the moutli, cofning up of food after eating, low spirits, &c. Go to your lmggist and get a 75 cent bottle of Aiupwt J"lovfi or Usui n pie IoU!e fir 10 cents. Try , it Two lose will reliove' youv? Agents, Crane & Brighant, wholesale . druggii4s, Han Francisco. .ii5iii3 . Cvt this, out It Mav Save Yotrn JjlVK. 'lliere is no person living but what suffers more or Ies with Lung Disenses, Couhs. t:ids or Consumption, v4 some M-ould die rather than pay 75 ee'nts for a bottle of medicine tlwt would cure tlicm. Dr. A. Dosr'ien Herman Syrup lias lately Iieen iiitrtxluced In this cottnrry from ier manjvund its wondrous cuius astonishes every one that try it. If you doubt what we say iu print, cut this out and take it to your DruggUt, and get a sample bottle for it) cent and try it. Two doses will relieve you. licguhtr size 73 cents. 5v'.nii.l rocenes an ALWAYS TO US: 5't3'.J5 AT WILLIAM VAFVACTOH'S, ITrnt Door W'cl or S. 12. You!is', I'irst Street, Albntiy, Ogn. ISX.-.-VI3V, SOX & CO., STOHAGE AfJD COMMISSION MERCHANTS J MAMMOTH WAREUOUSE, At loot of ln Klrcct, oiCNSe !te:ot on O. A- v. R.iJlronct, 1 o Will Mure ir:i8i i'-n! (Jeiurul eriliajullsc at Lowest Eliites AtBAXY, Oroson, Jan-, 1S77-1jvU ! " W jMvFAB. TJL i-jij:.l,tKS PU3IPS AND HOSE; -MA IT'ACTirr.ES- Tin," Copper and WEBER ! " ' " i A'iL.NI hjX TH1-: CELEBRATE! mi g ; m p nt 1 p iii fif$ h f$ P" W tvm I i - - ! i J ALBANY, j: .: OHEGOX. ) ' Sxt doer to tin? I'.ai-.U. Jec73rsll . 1 A. F. SMITH $ CO., - V... " AGENTS FOIl .TilS TTIio tiTiclrixcl OT-Ljfrii rX"'i'ini3i)liti.it. I o . r Following is a copy of a" Western Union telegram received by Sherman Si Ilyde, San Francisco : j i I Xew YoitK. September 29, 1S76. IVIonlxt. Pel ton & Co.. of ,N'cw York, hive received MI'l.OJIA of JlOXOli anu MEDAL of AWABU lor th . r:r CELEBR AT'D STANDARD ojRGAN D. V. PRENTICE, AGSFST, 123 First &l reel, rtSaud. Oregon. C5 rs r rv r r . . r o r . 1o M'orliUs); (las, -j- We nro nuvr pretmrctto lunns.li all classes ' villi eoiisinnt eniployinrait nt home, the whote tit tlie time, or lor i heir wp:ir monuni.; KhsItics nt?w, Jiflit hiv! iroltiitble,"Pei"sonsof ciitvi-r six easi ly earn tYiuii.'.u tx-uis in f, jicr evening; mi l a projHirlional sum hy devoliu' tlH'ir wiiote lime to ttie tniieHS. ltoy nt trirH iarn nearly a miteh us men. That kit who ee;tUii noiiet iu:iy seii'i llu-ir ai'lress. and let the business make tins nMmllokul oUisr: To nuelv as are not weli siKiMliel we U! wurt one loil:ir to pay tor tho tronWo of writing. Fail iwirtienlrns, hitmnles woi-Tli hvm'i1 itollnrw to eo:mioiiio work vn. iimiI a copy t I tome ami Kn-osMe. one ot the lursr;t unit 1m;sT lllust in'l ltllietiHiH, nil sent liv by in-iil. ti-'tor, if yon mint peiv iiianeni. tr-oriinlrfe work, a'lttress, (koicor Stinm4x &('.)., i'oi lianii, Iuinu. niiivlK msseLrnox or -oiakt?skrs3iii. rFIIE eopnrf nrrsTitfr lirc'tofore exifci:i;t lo- X John H'O-rt and i. K. hettleim'ir. n- ! ih-rthe nnine, of llrd A rt'.ttlem!ir, in .diswolv- j fi. All avcounM due tlip lute 1ii nmiut l)f imid j to Setik-meir A IHiti hou. lu tt!on are nut nor- j lxcl to eolieel tui'l reeeint '.for smmi'. , tl. K. MCTH.KMKIii. : ;. SV, (i.iWsON. Pl'lVtlllllT IS. !S7(Mll;ilul I ' i a rovisions in- hftNU Sheet-iron Ware ! PIAN AdEiinintrator'n Ttotlce. "VTOTICE is hereby given that the nnder--LN signed. Si th S. liay?, has beeti, by an order ot" the County (,'ourt of Linn con'uty, Oregon, made :t the November term thercs of, lSTli. dtiiy appointed administrntttr ot the estate ot Setb W: flay,' deceased, and all persons1 having clainw against said es tate, are hereby required to fuesent thehi, duly verified, to Uie imdersiiictl at his place of bus'ns in llalsey, iiu.iim coimtj', Oregon, within six' moniifs front tlie da-te hereof. SETII ,S. ...TIAYS, ; Admlstrsitor Datcd. Dec. 1,137G. tilOi'J , Vy. V TWEEDAM3, '" lKAI.ltll 15 . ' CI i-ocerio3, l,xoviTii& , Tobacco, flKarSi Cutlery C'roc! rry,niMl Wood cl'lllow Ware, ALU ANY, onEGON. g:jr-Cr rtf him. itvi i j i 1 i Centaur Liniments. Letter from a I'vat matter. "AXTtocir, In,., Dee. 1, 1874. "Mfssiis. J. B. Rose Co.: "Mv ito I.ms, tor a lo-iiff time, been a terrible sii tie re r IVoni Kliemi!ii ism. She has tried many plivsu-iansatid thany reinelies. Theoiily thinx vliifli lias jji 'eu her relief is Centaur Liniment I am re.ioiced to wiy this has cured her. I niu Uoiiijj what 1 can to extend its bale W. II. KING. This tJ n saniyilc of many tliousiind testimorvi als iveeived. ul wondi'i iul cares effected liy t he t'entaurl.iiiiinent. Tlie inrit'rtients of this ar ticle tire imhliwhud armind each boitle. H con tains Witch Hazel, Mentha. Arnica. P.oek tiil, t'nrho'.ie, and iiifiieilii nts hit herio little known It Is an indisputable tvA Hint, the Centaur Lini ment is performing more cures of .swelnnns, St ill . Joints, Lrnn! ions, Ulieninatism. Xeural(jia isciatiea, Cak-.d I!reas:s, Lock-Jaw, Jte., tl.aii ali the other Liniments. Kuihrocatioiis. Kxtracta, Salves. OiniiueiitH and niasti'i-snow imiyf. l"or Toot hacliK, LmtocIic, Weak Ilaek.ltch and Cutaneous Eruptions, it aliniralilt. It cures burns and scal'.ls wil hout a sear. Kxtraots ioi- sons from bites and siintrs, and heals frost-bites and ehi!ll)!ains, in a short time. No family can niford to lxi without the Centaur Liniment, white wrapper. Tlie Centaur Liniment, Yellow Wrapper, is adapted totlie tonsjh sVin. muscles and- flesh of the animal creation, l's elteelsupon seveie wol Spavin, s-veenv. Wind tiall, I!ur Head nnd roll Kvil. are lim; k-ss ilian nuirveloiis. Messrs. J. AlcClure & o., Drn-'slsts, oornerof Elm and Front stiwta, ( inciniuiti. hio, sav : -In our nei'hlmrliool a iiuhiIht of teams'ters are usin the Centaur Liniment. Thev pro nounce ir superior to nnytlilns thev have ever used. We sell as hijh as four to five dozen bot tles per month to these teamsters." We have tlion-iands of similar testimonials. I or Wounds, (.nils. Scratches. Hing-bone, Ac., an l for Screw Worm in sheep it has no rival. r'nrniers, livery-men and ("lock-raiser, have in this i.tniiiient a remedy which ii worth a bun. dreJ times its cost. Laboratory ot J. 11. Hose & Co., 48 IKy street, New "i oik. ITCIIEKS C ASTORIA. Mothers mav have rest and thuir Inibies mav have tmilth. if they will nst t'astoria tor Wind Colie- Worms. Keveri!uiess.Soif Mouth, Croup, orSiouiah Com;:aIiit.- It is cnt itvlv n vtsti table pre"Hra:ion. and contains neither miner al, .morphine, nor n !c-. .1 ml. Ji is us leasnut to tfilce fs linru'v. aitt nePber prnjrs nor prripes. lr. K. HiiuiK h. ol 1 upont, O.. fays: 'I am u'u -tstor':a m mv pi-.ictiee wilh the most ci'rniil ix netlts an.) tiappy result." 1 his is what every otic btiv:" Most nurses in Xew York City ue the Castoria. It istui-p:rod hy Messrs. J. $. l;o-e 4 Co , 4') i v street. New York, succcbseis to S iiuuel PUcLer, M. D. 33vS t1 l (fori tmr day at tioniu. Satiiples "worth 41 J I J Li Jrcu jriNscix A Co., I'oitland, Me. Sfcxnax-To c. r. iiowkll & co.,xew voTk. tor Pamphlet or lao pa-es. con lain m r 3.000 newsimiers, un l estimates showing cost of ud vernsm asvjTi- AictniI-ijr!tiorrs Aotioc. "iV"tTICK is hereby fji von thnt the undoTAln - etl.'W . H. (iiiliin. was duly appointed hv an order of the Conn; j- Court of Linn count v. Ore gon, duly made at. the October term of paid court. IsTO.the ndministiator of the estateof Set ma Morris, late of Linn countv, Oreiron, now; deccnse.I: and nil persons havinfr claims against mid estate ore. heivt.v required to pro. sent hem to the undersine i. at his residence in Allmnv, Ore;on. rimy veritled, within six months from the date hereof. W. H.tiou'KA, Administrator. Novera'ier 17, 1 7(5.-4 vr - IOTICK is hereby driven to A. McKnt ire. w lio A is lmleTiied to Ilurd Settjemeiron noteof si 1.. end interest -f : om Sen! .. iX7 : to William limn jatih. on account of si '3 ; to Charles In frrahaui. balance on note of about ?12. which is endorsed to linr I Se.ttlemeir by Samuel Mil ler: to O. 1 S. I'luniiner. account of -.G 4S; to C . O. Jiai nes. order of to Fred, tiraf. ne cpunt of 1H 50; io J. v.. Wallace, account of fzo, that they or either of them, tbesnld debtors, shall not pay over toany jier.son or nersonswho may boll said claim or claims until tbo wlKie of said nmouufc ball lie endorsefl as credit on a eerlain iromissorv nott of $778 09, hearinir date lleceiiilKT Iti. lSTil and due Jnlv 1. Is77, ex ecuted by Oeorae W. lui.wsxiu aiid Gisorce F. bculemcir to John 1) Hunt. SKTT1-KMK1R ft PAWSOX. This 18!h tluy of Dec., 18;(i-nl3o!)inl sriT ion iiv;k. In the Circuit Court of th State of Oregon for Linn comity. : LuciuOa Ambler, pialmitr, iui in Eouily vs. I for John A. Ambler, defendant, j ' Iiivorce. To John A. Ainbter. tho rlefendant aliove named In tlm name of the State of Oregon : on are hereby required to atmenr nnd answer the complaint of the ti!tintiiTabove named in the aoovu entitled conrt; now mi. rile with the Clerk of said court, within ten- duv from the date ot t lie service of this summons on von if served in Linn county, Oregon, but if serwico is made m any other countv in aid State then wiihml went iiHys from tlie date of such serv lee: and if served by pulilicai ion, then v on are required to appear and answer by the first tiny of the next regular term of Mid conrt. after publication hereot for six Weeks, which term' coiumenees on the Second jyiowlay of '3Img!i,' 1S77,1". i or iudgrment for wnnt of such hriwer Trill lie taken aaint you.' You are further notified that if you lull to Hprw?riuid answer as rIhwo required, the plain; iir will apply to the court lor the relief demanded in the 'Complaint, nnd costs and dislmi-Hmcnt-i of this snit. , l'UWKU. & FMXK. ,'',"' - Attorney fir tltr. FublIoed for gix weeks In t ho ALBANY im ITt:n, by order of K. r. Uolse, .ludire of wild court, made at chamber Deo. U,1S7J. : lnl3v'J6 XOItTEI IMC'iriC..,. MITIAL LIFE ASSOCIATION, Iortluntl, Oregon, i CaBital, $1G0,CC0. Gold ; Coin' Basis. Incorporated ' lfc7l. , ' . WAMntIl, President. - K. tf'A-KIIl2lMiir, Vice Prett. , I. XV WAKKFIELl Mceretury. ' W. H Ultl), Trenwrer. ;: i ' ir. :i rirjt, Aiiorurj. .' . 3. I.. CJl At-WrJWiU'MI, Urn. Agrl. Special Ascnls, . Albany, Orrj;. deelniiv9 OFrlCIAL CITY PAPER. ALBANY, qjJEGOX, JAN. 19, ; 1877. LOCAL MATTERS. Attlmptei) llouiiEiiY. Last Sunday evening, during the absence of Judge Powell anil family, wlio were attending tliurcli, some big footed tbiet entered bis residence, in the western part of the city, and went ''thronsrb it" in searcb of coin. Every door in the house, we believe, was fastened save and except the front door, which, as bus been the almost invariable custom, was left unlocked. Tlie thief en tered the front door ami made right for the J ti'lge's bed-room. A lamp set 1100:1 the bureau, ttnlightcd, and the thief either took off or knocked off iu the dark the chimney of the lamp, as it lay on the car pet when tlie lamily returned. He then commenced ruuiaging the drawers of the bureau, burning lucifer matches (a full supply ot which be seemed to have on hand, as the floor ot tlie bed-room was strewn with them, probably a little more than halt-bnrned), to aid him in bis search. As the matches etnlted but a dim light, it would not be so apt to attract .attention as, if he had lighted the Jam p. From the bu reau he went to the bed, and pawed that over to his satisfaction. lie then went In to the bed-room occupied by the Judge's oldest soil, and gave that a thorough search. From there he went after the what-not standing in the parlor and the bed in the same room, thoroughly ransacking both, and wherever he went through that house ho left the imprint ot two immense feet feet that were encased in huge boots or shoes that were soaked iu mud, which oozed off of them, upon the carpets, leaving a btain that reonircd energetic scrnbbing to remove on Monday. Although the thief made a general search through the house, leaving quantities of stubs of partly burn ed niatel es in every room, he had bis "pains for his trouble," as there was neither money or jewelry there lor him to carry off, and so far the family have miss ed nothing of value. It may be just as well for our police officers to keep a sharp look out for these night prowlers, and per haps next lime they won't getoffso easily. EXTKACTS FIlOM A 1'mVATK I.ETTLK. From a letter received from a former citi zen of tliis city, now a resident of Michigan, we take the liberty of making a tew ex tracts: "tVe arc very much pleased with tlie weekly visits of the KEGisTrn. Mrs. VT. says wc can not get along without it, so send it alnr.g tor another year. Wc en-jo3- our new field of labor wondrously. Tl.e snow is two and a half feet deep, and the weather not extremely cold; so we en joy the sleighiitf; very much. 'We have had fine sleighing for about six weeks, and there is 110 appearance of a change in the weather. Ihiring tlie mouth of December we had some pretty cold weather lor Oie goniaus, but these Michiindcrs are used to it, and say it is just the kind ol winter weather we want.' Times are not quite so dull here as they were some months ago. Tlie election, of Gov. Hayes and the pros pect of a foreign war 'have revived its again.' Xot that we favor war in any country; no, no; we are for peace anil good will among all men everywhere, yet every bojy knows the ren!t of a foreign war up on the business interests of our own country. Surely the election of Gov. Hayes should be received gladly and hailed with joy by all the good people in the United States, llomanisiii cannot triumpirin this land. The I,ord reigns, and we will trust in him forever. AVe arc having excellent meetings in MarcelJns. Many have professed conversion and others are seeking mercy. - Over sixty have been' re ceived into the church since conference, and tweuty were at the altar last night ( Jan. 4). The influence ot the great meeting held in Chicago has been felt all over these West ern States. Ministers who attended the Moody and Sankey meetings came back with hearts all aflame with the love of Christ, and revival meetings are being held in nearly all the churches. p I see by the llEGi-STLR that the churches in Al bany arc earnestly at work I mean in get ting up festivals and looking out tor, the finances. I hope all will now go to work for the salvation of souls. God b!es3 all the churches in Albany." :;;v. ( Bi ll 1-911 tuk CoLi.Lor.. Tlie College entertainment on the 23th inst.. is for the purpose of securing the irccer,snry funds for the purchase of a bell. The need for a bell on the College building is so iiatent to all thatjiothing from ns i necewary to make nny one "see it." The lact tliat a bell la demanded being grantedr it only - remains for out citizen? to show their li-toal liberal ity by eomifig out en masse, and filling the chapel of tlie College, thin ltmiishing the funds needed for its purchase, audtnjoyihg a pleasant evening. Let's all gcf. ; r " A lTavhsome Weekly Is theAetf 1'orfi Family Stch-y Paper. It is. an eight-page paper, neatly printed and illustrated, filled with interesting tind liistrnef ive rpadlng. Price, $3 per annum. In addition to tho paper the.proprietors projose giving a copy of Shakespeare free to each subscriber to be furnished in weekly parts. And tiere's an opportunity to get a copy of tho works of the great bard and a weekly paper,: all for3.' Send to X. LMonrco & Co., 71 Deck man street, "N. Y. , .. : . . , - STOkmy; The rain commenced jdecend ing on Monday, slow and .easy like, just as if it "had ."eouie 'to "slay."' . Shortly" after dark of Monday 'night the wind got'wp on itshlndlegs, and lor awhile i?ratW"RoMe howl" while the-chuck 4 came- down in solid sheets and- about; the' wettest rain that ever Went a vis'uing, (00. It was a good night for travelers to stay at home. '- f" , ' V. ' At (he t'tiiotl f3 rati ere StnrA tngs tw fonnrl j a lot of those splendid Lawtqn blackbenies, ' sent It? ntaiket by Mr. I. M.-Cook; College Entertainment. On Friday evening, Jan. 2Stli, Albany Collegiate In stitute will give an entertainment for the benefit of that institution, with the follow ing ritOGRAJtlME : Anthem. ., . ; I'm yer. Music by College Band. Kecitatiou bv I.elia White. . Keeitationby Annie Powell. Music Inst'mtneiital. -- Kecitation by T.Ida Rumbatigh. . Essay by Archie Gaines. llecitation by Carrie Clark. . ' Music Duet, '-Slowly aud soltly music should flow. Kecitatlon by Fannie Plummer. l)eelaination by Everett Smith. Jec!a tnation by Jesse Barker. Itecitatton by Angle MeCulloch. Mime by College Baud. Jtecitation by Maggie Fronk. Declamation by Ira Taylor. Es,y by Addie Goltm. Itecitiition bv Annie Althouse. Music Quartette, "Scatter Seeds.' Dialogue lloli-Nobbing. . Music Instrumental. Itecitation by Bertie Enos. Essay by Annie Geisendorfer. Mu-ie by College Band. liecitation by llellen Crawford. , Iteeitation by Kova Van Vactor. Iteeitation by Tinv Mouteith. liecitation by Kos'a Dannals. Music Dm t, "Where is Heaveti?" lX'clamation by Dean Wheeler. Essay by Georsrie Peters. . J'ecitatiou by Fannie. Strahan. Music by College -Hand. ",' leclamation by James' Powell. r l)eclaiation by Charlie Euos. lec;atnationi by Edwin VanCleve. leelaination by Edward! Powell. Declamation by Freddie Miller. - :" Music 'There's a sigh in the heart." Dialogue "Escaping the draft." Music by College Band. . Essay by Elia Ketebmn. ,!' : . A Song by Fannie Stralian. -Music "Swinging 'neath the old apple tree." liecitation by licit ie Thompson. Kss'iy by Maggie Foster. J X Music by College Band. Dialogue "Courtship -under difficul ties." Music ''Boat glee." ; Eecitstion by If ettie Miller. . Oration by George McKuight. Festival at Lebanon. -The ladies of Eebanon propose giving a festival on Wednesday evening, February 14th, for the purpose of raking fund to purchase 'an organ lor the C. 1 Sabbath School of Leb anon. The exercises of the evening will consist of choice vocal and instrumental music, interspersed with tableaux, charades and other amusing entertainments. -At the close of these exercises, various articles will be offered for sale. There will also be a "grab-bag," ring-cake," post-oflice, etc., to fill in the titue and give all a chance to enjoy their full share of pleasure. Of course, there will 1 refreshments for all who desire them,- such as oysters, lee cream, hot Coffee, pies, cakes, and all the delicacies calculated to facinate the epicu rean. Extensive preparations are being made for the accommodation of all who may come. All are Invited to attend. ; . : x. : At the Dei-ot We are requested by railroad authorities to'call the attention of parents to the dangers that children who arc allowed fo go to the -depot daHy-tire in. curring by their want of judgment. The little Shavers get on to the cars the moment they stop, mount clear to the roof and race around like mad, running the risk ot falling to the ground or between the cars and being mangled or crippled for life. Then when the train starts a number will cling to tlie cars, jumping offafter the train is under full headway. The o.Hcer.5 of the road are daily fearing some dreadful acci dent to these little shavers ami are doing what they can to prevent it, but unless the pa rents aid them by keeping the children trom the depot, some one wiil have a crip pled if not a dead boy, sure. The Wilton-Tkoete Gave their -first entertainment in this ciry on Wednesday1 evening, at the Opera House, to a fair au dience. The press of Southern Oregon was unanimous so far as we observed in ita commendations of the troupe, and they done them but simple justice, as those who witnessed the entertainment Wednesday night can testify. They gfve an entertain ment that will please and entertain, and those who attend once will desire to do so again.. They gave an entertainment last evening and we suppose will give another this evening, but we are not advised as to tlie matter. However, if they do, go. Woman Suffrage ; Meeting; -rr The members ofj the Woman Suffrage Associa tion of Linn county, and others, are re quested to meet at the residence of Mrs. Enper on Saturday, January 20th, (to-morrow), at 2 o'clock r. for the purpose of making arrangement for the annual meet ing ot the OregonState Association, which will meet here about, the miJdle of Febru ary tiest, f which dne notice will lie given. ' " ' ' " -''. "-: ' ' lUVjDD.GlUT. The i SawteJIe dramatic troujje gave an entertainment at the Opera House In thi city last, Friday bight, winch Was largely, attended.' ? The eVening was probably the coldest ef.the season, aud AJted a draw liaek i lotT to ,neton anil -ndience.,; Tlie "Two Orphans," however, (were got away within gooit shape; "but hr.tl the weatjicr b!e"n warmer the piny wotd l doubtless have been renitefci much better,' " ': ': --' i--: i., -i" Everj once and a-while! yoti'lj see tiw Marshal with his long-handlefl e-hovel scraping the acctimttlatcd' tntid trom the crosswalks, mtich to the delight of pedestri ans, especially the ladies Albany . never had it more attentive Marshal than the pres cut lucuinbetit of the o'llce. - . i' - i ';:: t : ' Tootusome. AVe are indebted to Hon r. M. Cook r.ir a jar of I. twton blackber ries, put tip for winter's use by Lis -excellent wire. They were most esjcellentour old friend struck us just where wa live wheii he made u the above present. . Loug may he waive. - ' ' .; - . , The ladies of the .Cumberland . rresbyte rlan Cliurch of Lebanon give a grand festi val in that village 011 the evening of Wed nesday, February lltlu . The best of music will lie fnruuliHl. iiMirnmoni.i 1 '. while titbleanx. charatles, etc., will add to mv ii" 11e1.11 111,11'jiiicill. I'ARAGUAMLETS. - Bonds are Improving, that is the mud gets thinner with each rainfall I The crop prospect in Linn comity Is per fectly grand, nnd everybody feels better. Jay Blain went to Eugene City the first of the week. f If you want good oak firewood go to Perry Spink. "Father Eoyal is very ill indeed, as Is re ported, with bnt little hope of recovery. Miss Lucv Spink, who died on Monday of diphtheria, was about ten years of ge. As onr better half retai ned on Tuesday we are not keeping ''bach" any more. Salivacal tune lor an old smoker spit toon I Tlie fare on the river from this city to CorvalIi3 Is only 50 ccnta per passenger. Tuesday was dark and eloomy. with slight rainfall. , The heavy rains of the fiist of the week, stopped the plowing in some sections. Mr. Inman, of Salem, made as a pleasant call Tuesday. - ; Masquerade at Harrisburg on .the even ing of February 14th, St. Valentine's day. The last Harper has been received, and from it we see Cronin lias hU nose In It. Where should you feel for tlie poor la your pocket, to be sure ! II a tree were to break a " window, the proper exclamation would be, -Tre-mend-us!" ; .I, ;- .- ; .... Bring iu your job printing we are pre pared to do it in good shape on short notice. , Owing to the high winds and the heavy fall of chuck Monday night, the attendance at the Conrt House was pot large. ' Tlie political excitement is gradually dy ing out and other matters are engaging the attention of the people. ,,..f , Mr. Stearns, editor of the Portland Bee, Portland, was in the, city Tuesday and Wednesday. " ' ' - ; , - v Reveral handsome dwellings are going up in various portions of tlie city. Me chanics busy. ; -,! : ; .f!) .Mr. S. Montgomery, who lias been very ill indeed, is reported by his physician. Dr. It. C. Hill, to be out of danger. Mart. Brown's Illness having -taken a favorable turn, hopes are now. entertained of an early recovery. . , ' - , L. ;,.; The union meetings at the Court House during the week have been well attended, and, we. hope, are producing good results. .. Mr. Black, of llalsey, was on trial In this city yesterday, accused 'of forgery. HIa f rityids Say the prosecution have 110 case. The Sawtelle dramatic troupe are report ed as "drawing" well in Portland where they are at present playing. Mis Lucy Spink, daughter of our towns man, Mr. P. W. Spink, died on Monday ot diphtheria, and was consigned to the tomb on Thursday. . . : I? The City of Salem and tfie Orient came down from CorvallU Tuesday morning and as each seemed to be anxious to reach our city fipt, they made good time. The College entertainment on tlie 26th will be a most interesting one, as ne may see by reference to the programme else where iu this issue. Look out for the entertainment at tlie College on the 2'2d Inst. Great prepara tions are being made and it will be a soo eess. " - : The difference between a fashionable bonnet and a fashionable hat is described -thuss One is worn over Uie ear and the other over the nape ol the neck. Todd's Yerbasanta Is in demand, large quantities having been sold daring the last tew weeks. You can get it at Ben & Par-" ker's, or at J. Foshay's, drug stores. Enbe Raltmarsh lias sold bis drng estab lishment to parties from Salem. The sale was made necessary by Mr. Saltmarsh's bad health. ; . t 1 Tell your neighbors everywhere to call aa once and subscribe for the Register $ -and if in business you wish to thrive, In iu pages you roust advertise. , Tlie Xucleiu complains that Ilarrisburg lms her quota of hoodlums who liavn't de cency or sense enough to behave themselves when permitted to attend places of public amusement. CastoroiHem.,-,-j Our people should see that the doors and window3are securely fastened before leav ing their residences for even a short time, as f.-om every direction comes the report of the work of tlie "light fingered gentry. " Putnam & Co. offer for salo a etcara en gine and boiler, a desirable business lot, a lot of machinery, furtiitnre, ladders, wheel barrows, harrows, . &c. . See d in this issue. '- - '; : i I ,.i;; A remonstrance slsmed bv 88Tvron- mostly residents ot Hon' countv. lias been reeeivedat the Governor s office against commuting the death penalty .o"f "W. K. Jseil to imprisonment'for life. - We understand that the union WHnn. In the Court House mav ltist Tar a. mnnth or more, but eacli pastor wilt hold services ju ins ennrcu oti buuday, J moraines and eveuings.", ' H;yt 'r y:-v Major White, of CorvanK -came down on Tuesday, i Too Major has": been suffer ing from a severe attack of Infltunmiitnrv Hietiniatism for weeks, but we are glad to kv,ow ue xs mucti improveil iq condition at present, with, hopeVof apecdy recovery. Several car loads bt wli'eat were shipped from Tangent and llalsey to Magnolia Mills, tlie Urst of tho week, this city. Mr. it., 1 osier nas purchased about all the ' .wheat .there ..was left hi those two places, lie via next move on to Peoria, and gob- uiu up me wticai ol that section. t A team belonging to "'Father . Marks nn away vitli hWn on Satuday, throwing hint vuv i me wagon ana bnilsing him about the Ticad consfdcratly. , Mr: M". 1? between 75 and SO years of age, and hewTll feel tlie cnecrs or Ms harried retreat from the wag oi more severely tlwn a younger man. f Aoout the .niiddlo of next, month the AVoman's Suffnige Association of the State wllj meet in this city. As it i expected tltere will.be a large attendance and a grand , lime, the meiwbwri of tlie Lint conwty association are to meet at Mrs. Ln per's to-moTTOAv to make ft til arrangementa for Ihe mretitig. cntcrbiintnent of gnerts, cte. All interested will please take notice. I - I' t. if --xu-