The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, January 19, 1877, Image 2

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tsimmtimfff. rni ,.,..,,, n,- ' LAiflA aJja,i,., i - .yjgMp.- ' .... ' .' m" - . --,,, ,' ' j .. ;
1 n 1 n v e i
It Las not been many wccl:s since
redbot" Democrats were asserting that
the inauguration of Hayes meant "war,
contusion, money panic, the general
stoppage of business, foreclosure of
mortgages, Tuin to the whole Nation,
followed by want and woe of the uiost
deplorable kind !" and all the time they
Gid uot believe a word they said. We
tay thai no solvent Democrat of average
sense, no matter how often he may have
repeated assertions similar to the above,
believed any such trouble, kvould be
brought about. There isn't a solcettt
Democrat in Oregon or elsewhere, with
averaga common sense, who takes
enough stock in assertions as above
quoted who will take 90 cents on the
dollar for his property or business in
case Hayes is inaugurated President of
the United States ! There isn't a solv
ent business man in the country who
feels the least apprehension that Gov.
.Hayes, the President elect, or the Republican-party,
will commit any illegal
act or lend aid to any unconstitutional
measure calculated to throw the coun
try ido revolution. The Republican
vartv all over the Union hassitnrlv an
nounced that it will in the future, as in
the past, stand by its legal rights, and
uiwtr no circumstances win fecit uy any
other than legal measures to gain these
rights. ' And ricrht here is the marked
difference between the Republican and
Democratic parties. Instead of pro
- posing to submit qiiietly to the will of
fllA rir.-iril-i o miiln t-m-wii mt thf ltil
" lot, Democrats of every state and con
dition, at3 all degrees of idiocy, ever
since the announcement of Hayes.' elec
tion, have labored, in season and out of
season, to unsettle the business of the
eountry by announcing their determina
tion to inaugurate Gov. Tilden Presi
dent cf the Uiiited State?, right or
wrone and thrcateinn:, in case ot op-
, position to the Democratic progvamme,
to force it through though it cost the
destruction of the Union and bathed a
continent in blood ! f
in :. .1 :.. J:.-.- i 1
j nia, iiicn, is tne uiiiercncu uuin itii i
the Republican and the Democratic
party the fi rmer appeals to the Con
. stitution and laws for the settlement of
all controversies, while the latter seek
by intimidation and threats ot civil war
to overrida the - Constitution and the
Dut as we said before, the men who
assert their positive belief in coming
1 . t . 1 L-in. ,rwtiv (lionici-timcFii'Aoe mot.'
KS&WA..tvA ..'V. V II jlllll.Jlltm.VAl ......
tioned, don't believe their own asser
tions, the people don't believe there'll
be civil war, and the country moves
along just as though the predic'ionsaud
threats of defeated politicians had never
been uttered. And Hayes will be in-
' augarated, greenbacks will advance to
par,' tte war debt will be paid, the
. -country will prosper as it never has be
fore, and these whilom blood-tubs will
. be as anxious to prove themselves
worthy ot office under, Hayes as they
xovr are eager to prove themselves the
.inca to fill fat positions under Tilden
ginning to be developed I; that it is as
far West as it could get for the Pacific
ocean ; that it has a line of sea coast
exceeded in area by but one or two
other States ; that the climate is talu
brious, with no extremes of cither heat
or cold, and that it is a State in which
crops were never known to fail. I?y
looking up the authorities, wc say, the
deuizeus ot tie East will learn these
facts, and more, and thiy will have a
desire to see and partake of the bless
ings ot so great a State, and they will
come as they never have before, and
settling down in our rich valleys and
along the borders of out beautiful riv
ers, or delving in the bowels of our
huge mountains 'for the gold and silver
that awaits the sturdy miner, they will
aid in developing our vast resources,
thus hurrying us on to the time in the
now no distant future when Oregon
will be known as one of the richest,
most influential and populous States in
this Nation.
Condcnsctl UfftitniiiSf.
Hon. James G. Blaine Las been elec
ted Senator from Maine for both the
long and short terms, the vote standing
in the Senate, Blaine 26 and Haines
2; in the House, Blaii.c 113, Haines
3 l,a strictly party vote in both branches.
Hon. Win. Windoru has been re-elected
U. S. Senator from Minnesota, for
the six years, beginning March 4, 1877.
Hon. JohnVk. Logan is probably U.
S. Senator elect from Illinois. On the
lGth, the Speaker of the House declar
ed that Logan, having received a ma
jority of all the voles cast, was; the
choice of the House for Senator. In
the Senate the vote stood : Logan 20,
Palmer 22, Anderson 7, Washburne 1.
Senator Ferry flatly denies that he
will resign the Presidency of the Senate.
The Boston Journal says that Gov.
Hayes received 2,170,393 votes more
than President Lincoln did in 1SC0, 1,-
826,023 more than he did in 1SG4, 1
U"iy,0t2 more than ten. Orant did in
18GS, and 448,641 more than Grant in
1872. This shows that the Republican
iartv never was so strons as in the
Centennial year.
In November last the Republican
party polled a much larger vote in the
Northern Slates, save and except
Maine and Vermont, than it ever did
before, the total Republican gain in
said Northern States being 337,000
' Ex-U. fc. Senator E. T.. Shipley, of
Massachusetts, is dead.
' Balloting for Senators still continues
by both Legislatures of Louisiana.
! Senator Key, ot Tennessee, will with
draw from the Senatorial cutest,
i Neibur Pasha has accepted the Fortes
offer ot the Governorship of Bulgaria.
! An accident on the East Buffalo
railroad killed two laborers and wound
ed three.
Father James II. Wilbur has beerf
appointed Indian Agent at Yakima,
W. T.
The damage done at Cincinnati by
the ice giving away will aggregate iul
ly 100,000.
A fire on the night of the 14th at
Edeuburg, Pa., de.-tn.iycd 25 buildii gs;
loss about 165,000.
Hughes tfc Co., put and call stock
brokers, San Francisco, suspended pay
ment last Saturday.
The famine in India is alarming. It
is estimated that by April one million
persons will require reaef.
The statement that Prof. Seelve, of
Massachusetts, would accept the Seua-
torship is without toundatiOu.
The story is revived about the sale
of Cou federate bonds in London. It is
said they sold for 4io to 5o, and under.
John II. Lick has been appointed ad
ministrator of the estate of .lames Lick,
Thus John II. licks out the other Licks.
Gen. Jurozo, a prominent military
officer of the Ledro Government, was
shot an Monterey on the 15th by order
of Diaz.
Two thousand men will soon be at
work on the Southern Pacific railroad.
James Gordon, it is said, has sailed
for Earope, leaving Miss May behind.
The Exchange Bank, Scranton. Pa.,
burned Saturday at an expense of $100,
000. Californians are rejoiced over the
commencement of rains in some parts of
the State.
Over 2,000,000 of deficiency appro
priations are reported to the present ses
sion ot Congress.
A man and his child were burned to
death in their dwelling at Cianberry
Park, N. J., on Saturday last.
The President has re-appointed Wm.
J. Murtagh to the Washington Loard of
Police Commissioners.
San Pablo, aetoss the bay from San
Francisco, was nearly half destroyed on
the afternoon of tie 13th.
A field of floating ice three fourths of
The county scrip of Columbia county, j Several weeks ago Mr. Dan Levins, of
YV". T., is at par with currency notes. Canyonville, purchased a lot !of Lucky
Quite a successful revival is in progress
at the Methodist Church in Olympia.
The PotoVi mine, near Silver City, ts
turning out much richer rock than ever
did before. . ,
Thomas P. Jackson, a miner at Bingham,
L'tah, was accidentally killed there a few
days ago.
Some sixty tons of Empire rock will he
crushed at the Shociibar mill, Owyhee, in
a few days. . ' :
A man named L." Rlggins, a herder in
the eflipioy ol Burke & McCallum, of I'res-
tjueeiv mining stock from Mr. W. S. Mis
euer, of Oakland, and gave his note, as he
Supposed, lor $1,400 in payment for the
same. It is now discovered that in his
it hurry ot drawing ui the note Mr. Levins
accidentally added an extra cipher, and the
note now c:ills lor $14,000, and is reported
to be in the hands of a third party.
The Douglas Independent says the latest
from the Esther mine up to Wednesday
last.. At that time the mill was running
along uninterrupted, and doing excellent
work. A 'clean up" will be made about
the last of the present month, and fine re
sult's are. anticipated. The miners are at
work on the lower tunnel on a ledge over
cott, Arizona, was shot dead in a quarrel j five feet In width, instead of three feet as
last week.
'Colonel" Broadhead (colored), of Boze
man. Montana, attempted suicide recently
by drinking a pint of coal oil. An emetic
restored bint, i 1
We learn that a new quarterly journal,
devoted to I because of education, will soon
appear in Olympia. It will only make the
eighth paper published in that place.
The estate of Mr. E S. Fowler, decoa.ed.
of Fort Townsen'd. has been appraised at
$3,000. One-third of this be bequeaths to
his wife and the balance i3 distributed
reported by the I'luituenler of last week
Eight dittcreut assays have been made of
rock taken from this" level, nnd the assays
show that the ore runs all the way trom
$'.) in gold per tin to $144 in silver across
the ledge. The last ledge is well defined,
and gives sm-h evidence a to lead to the
eoncln-io:i that it is the main lode, and i
rich enough to make nabobs of each indi
vidual stockholder.
Oirienn will doubtless have a large immi
gration from California . this year on ac
count of the threatened drouth in that
State Drouth never uU'eets ("m'S0", nor
do' the crops ever fail.
The treasurer ot Marion county has paid
among his it lends. : $1-2.000 of the tax due from that county to
A chopper at Meeker s upper canip on j tbe State,
the Fnyallup recently bad his heel almost j a public iustai'aMon followed by a ball
cut off with an axe. Another man cut his :; an,i spper, was given by the Masons of
loot so nauiy tnac ne vni Do laid up Tor ; Baker City on the '27ih lUt.
irom tour to six weeks. i , ,,, ,
... ... . . I Yamhill comity lias paid
THE CO-IMIITXERSmP heretofore exist in )
bet ween Conra'l Meyer a.iU J. Kox, under -
tlie fli-iii name -f .Meyer x Fox, m the wooery
bnsinesH, was di-ssolj-eil by mutual consent on
the 8th of January, 1S77. All accounts due said
firm must tie pant to 'Hirul Meyer, w ho will
par nil demands against said iii ui upon presen
tation. I'OM'.All JlEYtK.
Jan. 12. 1S77.-11U J. 1'oX.
A&justabio Spring Sod.
B.iBTITrS PATEST, June '21, lTO.
. i
j. Luxurious Bed I
With Only a Single 3St tress I ,
For Durability, Cleanliness nnd Adjustment, it
has no equul.
It Is Economical aisd Xoiselcfcs.
We challenge comparison with any and every
. ., . . other hprniu lieu.
TAKE AV Adjustable Spring Bed
on trinl, If desired, at the manufacturers' risk,
to be returned In one wetsk if not entirely satis
factory. PRICKS t
Full Mlzv.. 87 no I I wo-thirds
N1UK1-- 3 OO I
lrepritora nul Slauufacturers,
nl3ni3 Coniir erciai-st., fia'cm, Oregon
86 OO
i the I.ufa vette Smiii.iv School were elected.
j Mrs. M. 12. Tim-hank, Superintendent ;
The man who collects poll tax in Osvy
liee county i an expensive luxury to. the
people. His doings the past year were as j
over to ths
,v ..,.... '" vi.,' announces ; St;Uc Tl t,a,n,.,M. ,i,e nn of 9,500 as part
that t!. bill introduced by Porter, of the ; of hof. of le Statc I!IX08.
Council, to appropriate (500 lor the pur- j Cn ,ast Slll,(,a le f:jowIllg 0hleers of
iuvsa M nil (-i-lllticr i ( resmiri'R nl ijlutir.
I - "
ha heen reported on fa vorahiy by the coin.
mittee on territorial aflairs.
Ir-. Iloliersr, A-istant Supi-rkiteiiueut ;
Mi-s Joda Dixon. Secretin y.
Mr. J. I.. Heurbiee, of I.afayrtte. killed
a 1 If ..-..L- i.-l.;..1i munciti'crl iivtimti
fellows: Xiunhi r of poll taxed. 1J0 at $2 ; . ', . . , ' . . " ,
each; income J.-2'iO. Xm.iber of ,la vs time i mche from tip to tip. nnd it body, fur
charged for, 200, at Crf a day, 1.000, and v)'aa nl'iuwt as large as a man s fi-t.
miieao'e 'f fl,r- '"'feail ot hems (lie usual color,
'''', T , ., , . ! reseinliled very much that of the badger.-
lhe bait Lake Tribune says there is an j Its w,.rt. :, jinosi. a quarter of uu inch
eternal fitness in things. Rut what is i in length and yvry sharp,
more ali?u:d than to hear a Morinon cider J Ochoco has a flurishiiir school.
whistle'-lloiv.e. Sweet Ilome."as he stamU j The Oregon Sentinel U now twentj'-slx
on the corner in doubt as to which of his ..., ,
. , , , i .- i vear old.
titnc wives ha eimujih coal and a lied ion ;. '
in the hon e to keep him warm overnight. ! Dallas To'.k comity, wants a oan!;.
'I'Iip iiimnn l;iil' 111.. T!..I!e TV.-lk mii.e. ! Faro.
Owyhee district, are improving daily. The 1 Ast:.rin wants somebody
led-v at the bottom of the shaft, about ISO f s da work at Ator"a
feet Irom the surface, which is l ing work- j It is said lion. Mr. Hosier's speech at
ed now. is turning; out splendid ore Oper- ! Kosebm-j;, .Tan. Sth'. to the "unteri itied"
ations are heinp pro-peded ilh vigor, and i)t.mcracv. closed the meet in?;,
plentv- of jioid bars ill bo tuiuta out in . " . . ,
ti.c coming few month. Ator!u wants to set nu of tho Chinese
liev. Mr. Kca. of Tort Towusetwl. rc- ; rcrtion of her population. The first thing
ceiv. d trom an old friend, the Ilev. W. II. i '!''t lhe place lias not wanted to monopo-
l'axton, D.D., pastor ol the First IVcsby
rt..i,. -l... ...a, 17; r. i. ....... n... "r..-.. -v.i-t
kind note, Inciiwl'iutr a check h.r $500. 'to j ' tn Bh"ws- ,,1,K'h to t,le d5?"at
help compu te the church Imildin.s: in that ! of the respectable portion of the audience,
lauir. It is to st;i-1 a iirenhuius 1 u rtart... nfHowhiiii. was corrall-
a roue wiae ana tour mues long swept i library in connect ion witn inu tnurcii
to start a
r. S. Ol'X.MKU,-Agent at Albany.
Sewing SSnciiines IScpairetl.
fAOUXTnY PEOri.E will plen!?" leave their
v machines ;u uiu j--.eiiuuu jiuiw.
Mnrfainfrs for 25 OO.
I sell s-eeond-liand machines, of any pmlar
make thoionahly reruire i ami a'most as t;ood
as new. Try ouo- AVtll remaiii in one
inniif!.. P hWAIM .J. M'l..Cki
ducl'iil, from San Francisco
in tne
Lnlesl and Most Reliable In
formation iiliont the BLACK
lill.t-S. Norilirrn V rnuiin
and the ureut Indian W'iir
w-iil ahavs le found in the
Oldest Lanccsf,' t'lienix-st
ai-.a oiiM i'A-
Estublished in 117. Tally, fl a T J" 7 , ,
monih-SUa vetir. AVit klv, 3 S$ 1 1 1 ft
mo. $1-G mo. Sl.r.0 1 year. Ji.r.0
jsinirie eM-, 10 c.
H. Ox.iVj'-K k, i'uMi'iier, Clieyenne, Wvo.
The l:oollnni
element of Eiifene turn
Yc-f-terclay's dispatches say tbat the
Senate and House Committees have
virtually agreed on a plan to verify and
count the electoral vote. This is the
substance of the agreement as reported :
A tribunal of arbitration is to be ap
pointed, to consist ot five Judges oi the
Supreme Court, to be selected in the
order of their length of service on the
bench. To this arbitration is to be sub
mitted all questions of law and equity
arising out of contested returns as to
which is the. proper return to be count
ed.' Their decision, however, is not
final, but is to be left to revision by
Congress. The two houses are to brief
ly debate it and then vote upon it, and
it both do not agree to Tejcct it, then
it is to remain, and the return submitted
tor such vote u to be counted tor a
valid electoral vote. The arbitrators
are to act co-ordinately directly with
the two houses of Congress, through
the President of the Senate, and thede
cision submitted by the former is to be
past .Louisville, Ky., 011 tenntlay
The Wellaud Va'e Manufacturing
Co.'s woiks at St. Calh riuos, Ontario,
illuminated $120,000 worth on Satur
day last. i
A speck of war in rates looms up be
tween the" Atlantic and Pacific and the
V. U. Telegraph Companies iu tho
Secretary Chandler has recalled his
recent decision iu the Last C hance min
ing claim case. A final decision will be
made soon.
The schooner Undo Ale went to
pieces on Point San Quentin, and the
J.ritifh ship Ihirlmere was grounded
on the fiats near Butcher Point, San
Francisco harbor, on the 13th.
A soldier was killed on Sunday in a
row with civilians at Sydney, Jeb.
About twenty of his comrades opened
fire upon a saloon in revenge, but were
arrested by the patrol before it was de
The breaking up of the ice on the
Ohio river has destroyed score" of lnats
costing hvndredr of thousands of dol
Eastern dates chronicle the most ter
rific snow storms that have occurred for
years, causing detention ot trains and
great suffering.
The Seattle Trib ne ot the 10th says:
A southerly wind ot consid. table violence
iiioke out last, evening and raged fur an
hour or tio in a wav unusual and surpris
ing Q'e a uuuilrt-rof boys bv-t their li.:t f flty
which, with such a wind and in a iiiirht of i
such i'itchv (i dkiiess, were on timsta i.ees
of more than ordinary dicotntort and vex
ation. "
The Owy!c A-nhir.rT c 'ays : '-Ciias. S.
IVck made Ids appearance at our olUVe
Thursday with n huge hag of crude bullion, j
being lieaviei almost than he could stagger I
under. He informed us that he would not
take $3,000 in coi.i for it. j
The notorious Jack Wijririns, who was i
j ed and '-bull ilnwd" by the ladies of that
t tiince. He won't sell anv more tangle-
P&eiHo ; Papers,
: -After all, Grover's attempt to steal
one ot Oregon's Electoral votes for Til
den is likely to be productive of some
good, in a way, too, that the tool Gro
.vcr never tliought of. This nefarious
- scheme has. come to the notice ot the
whole country, of coarse, and has thus' It both the Senate and the House de-
directed the attention of thousands of cide to reverse, then the return involved
in it is not to be counted. The whole
plan, it is expected, will bo submitted
to Congress.
people to this country, a great majority
. ' of whom doubtless had not the faintest
idea of where on the map to . look for
the State of Oregon, and a much less
idea of her resources and possibilities.
Thus it is that, all through our little
Governor's attempted rascality, Oregon
, has become the center of attraction, the
observed of all observers, and'thousands
I- of people, have been busy seeking infor-
, tnalion in regard to the Pacific State
licr population, industries, geographical
position , prod uctione, etc., etc. and the
information thus gained can not - but
prove beneficial to the future growth
and prosperity of tha State. They will
learn that- the soil of Oregon is nn
' -" equalled iii richness and productiveness ;
- that she can not be beaten for the large
crops and. the excellent quality of her
i . n.i,n : i-.v.
T she beats the world ; that in the way
of fruit, such as applesy pears, plums,
i cherries, and the small fruits, sbe has j jtussU.
n. cnnorlor. either as to anility or a nan- 1 Turkey,
w " l - I 4 1 9
ttty ; that we have thousands of acres
' 'ot tbe finest of timber, pine, t, cedar,
' " osk, etc: ; that we have natneroua wa
ter courses permeating the State in
s- 6 -ery direction, affording unlimited wa-
ter power J of its great and 1 growing
fisheries j of its mountains of iron and
- copper ; of its vast richness in gold and
tlv ex-bearing quartz, only now just be
Charley Howard got his fingers severely
cut by a circular saw in A shland last week.
The Coquille Black Sand Mining Compa
ny has filed articles for an increase of its
passed upon separately by each' House, Capital stock from $400,000 to 1750,000.
hut announced to the ioint convention. V4 year old son of A. A. Bonney, of
Jtygn vaney, wanreu mree uiues away
from home the other day alone, but was
found the next day all right.
Mr. Joseph Day, first brakesman on the
Cclilo road, fell from the train on Friday
of last week, just as it was nearing Celiio,
and was seriously injured.
Snow on the summit of the Cascades at
the MeKcnzie wagon road crossing, at last
accounts was but two inches in depth, the
road being in good condition.
The amount of beet canned at Kinney's
Astoria cannery since September 1st is 10.
500 cases. The amount of mutton canned
i 500 cases. Operations this season have
closed. . ' ' ' "
A horned owl was recently captured near
Tacoma which had killed two turkeys and j
about 40 chickens for one man.
Seven vessels have been at Port Blakely,
during the whole of last week, loading
lumber, and twoalso at Freeport.
The shipments of Seatt le coal during the
first thirteeu days of January ran tip to 5,
700 tons, or, not including one Sunday not
worked, at the rate of 475 tons a day.
The Intelligencer says the ship Eldorado,
which was towed out from Seattleon Tues
day of last week, loaded with 1.850 tons of
Seattle coal, came near being wrecked that
night. The Oolidh towed her down to
Iungeness, and immediately after leaving
her, at 11 P. M., she was struck by a heavy
southeast squall, which terminated in one
of the heaviest gales of the season. The
ship was driven back before the gale to
Port Townsend bay, having her forsnil and
fortopsail carried away. On reaching the
bay, she dropped anchor in about fourteen
fathoms of water, but dragged them until
she was nearly ashore. - At this juncture
the Mastic eame to tier assistance in good
time, but owing to the heavy wind she was
obliged to slip her starboard anchor and
chain. Tliis will probably be recovered
Two other vessels, the Adelaide Cooper and
NorOtweift, as we are told, were blown back
from the straits into the Sound, but were
The threatening aspect which the
Eastern question has assumed: since the
war broke out between Turkey on one
hand, and Servia and Montenegro on
the other, has again turned i public at
tention towards Russia and the result ot
the Crimean war. Attacked at that
time by four powerful nations, when
she was illy prepared for war in every
way, with bad roads, over, which men
and munitions had to be transported
for immense distances, it is not to be
wondered at that ene was individually
the greater loser ot men. The losses of
the five belligerents in men and money
may be set down as follows :
Men. ' Money (golf'.)
..200.000 $ 400.000,000
. 2,000
.. 35,000
sentenced to death for the murder of Dutch
John in Salt Lake City, has been granted
a new trial by the supreme court, to w hich
the case was appealed. Wiggins is to lie
tried again in the 3d district court ol Utah.
The Walla Walla valley and the Snake
river country, is becoming somewhat noted
tor raising flax seed. The past year tlicre
lias lk-en about 75.000 bushels; 60.000 of
this was raised in the Snake river country,
and 15.000 iilhe Walla Walla valley.
At the meeting of the stockholders of
the Puget Pound Telegraph Company, held
at Seattle on the Sth inst., they were rep
resented by 200 votes. The old board of
trustees were ir-elected. viz : O. V. Oer
rish, 1). C. Ii Rothschild. 'Cyrus Walker.
Win. Kenton. Marshall P-linn. The hoard
of directors is constituted as Kvllows : O.
F. Gerrish. president ; Cyrus Walker,
treasurer; -I. -). II. Van Bokke'en, secre
tary ; li. Itobinson, superintendent.
From the Seattle Tribune: Tr; Port
Gamble saw mill cut in 17(3, 40.000.C00
feet ol cumber. 13.000.000 laths, loaded S3
ships, and bought (bv the Pnaet Kill Co:)
54.000.000 feet ot saw; logs. At Port Brake
Jy. 30.000.000 feet of lumber, and 10.000.
000 laths were- cut and 70 cargoes se'it
abroad. The reort from Port j.udtow is
20.000.000 feet cut. Schooners and bark
etitiues of ail aggregate tonage of 1.000
were built at that place from lumber cut in
tMvf mill.
The Seattle Dispatch savs : II. O. Thorn
ton on Wednesday night found a cannon
ball on the hill above the lava beds, imbed
ded in An old tree about twenty inches. It
is supposed to lie a relict of the Indian war
Of 1353. When old Seattle manned his ca
noes and Went forth to tackle St. Mta-y's,
Guert Gansevoort turned looe In big der
ringers ar him. and the old chief concluded
naval warfare wasu t his lorte
The Seattle Dispatch thinks the couccn-
.Iration ofa Russian fleet in San Francisco,
bode no good to Victoria in case of an An
do-Russian war. mid suggests that, as there
are probably two millions of English mon-
leg" to tlttt V.OVS.
Boys at Dallas are in tlie hahlt of visit
ing houses during the alts, nee of the m'ii
of .in evening, and frightening the
women. Give Vtn a whipping.
Col. Xesmith Iris purchased a ffalf inter
est in lhe Dixie tr Eag'e grist mills. my
ing therefor 0.000. The Col. uvidently
has visions"' ofa railroad in his "mind's
O'ympia was vi.-itcd by a terrific storm
last, Tuesday night.
Snohomish and Whatcom counties are
being rapidly settled up.
nnilE (inn ofMontncvie McCnllcy, Lebanon
A. in-., disoive l in Xovemlcr Jt. AH notes
iu favor !-:iii (inn u? In that dare are in pos
seslon ot ll. JM uiiey tor coiieeiion. no re
niiot.4 iniiiiediinc- Vavaieut of 1lio same
Tbosc tnteroHtcd will p'icai take notice anJ
net acvorauigiy.
Lebanon, Or., tec. 11, lS7ilm
Wo H:ivo IT.
When you wUb .
J . I'll I
Visiting Cards,
Business Cards,
England.... ,
Sardinia.... .
889,000 $2,315,000,000
Col. Miles telegraphs that on the 18lh
three companies of 5th infantry, under
X.icutenant Baldwin, tband : Sitting
Bull's camp on the lied water, and de
feated him with the loss of all property
in tbe camp, besides sixty males and
ponies. The Indians escaped with lit
tle else than what tliey iiad- od. their
ersons..: '
ev in the luniks at Victoria, the safety of
which would be Jeopardized by such it war.
would it ot be a good idea for those banks
tn start branches in Washington territory.
and loan their money then- where there is
no lack ot investments till after the dan
gers of war are over?
A gentleman in Seattle, who is said to
know where a ' deposit of gold and silver
hid awavrm soma island in the- Pacific by
pirates, has been sent for to goto Sun Fran
cisco to lead an expedition to the place:
ho to reeeive the most handsome remuner
ation for his services,
The Roseburg Plaindealer was shown last
week some very rich Ore taken from a ledge
recentlv discovered on Kane's creek. The
ledge i thought to be extensive, and ha
been traced quite a distance, bat as yet lit
tle prospecting has been -done, me ore
shown is ef a bluish grey color, and gold
can plainly be seen in the rock. The dis
coverers think they have a rich thing.
A letter from Table Rock, Jacksou coun
ty, says t; 'Already wheat and gr iss
can be seen peeping up from where it has
been slumbering for so long a time. There
lias been but a small amount ot grain sown
this past fall, btittnuch ground lias been
prepared for spring Bowing. With such a
promising season many anticipate a heavy
Wood thieves infest Vancouver, and tha.
ain't the only place they operate.
Articles of iucorporntion were filed by
the Young-Men's Christian Association at
Seattle recently.
Tiip latest delicacy at Olympia Is fried
potatoes served at church sociables.
Murphy, that's thin ! i
'Mr. Ilallett has one mile of. road graded
near the new town of Puyallup. Fvery-
tbing is progressing finely. j
The citizens of Sealt-le "keep a stiff
upper tip and are hopeful for tlie fiitme.
The chief want is monej". !
All the papers have something to say
about the "lieautiful" and "nice" weather.
Inst as though everybody did't know it.
FnyaHnp hop raisers are; just, a little
down at the mouth." They, estimate
that they, collectively, lost S75.000 by not
selling their iiops at home for 22 cents per
pound. f i
Hugh A. Earr, was arrested last Monday
at Roseburg for passing counterfeit money.
lie paid out about ?40 to merchant of that
place. In hi carpet was found 130 pieces
more, lie was.arresretl aria nao nn exam
ination before a Justice Yu.d wasdisi barged,
oulv to !e again arrested by a deputy U.
S. Marshal. ,
The literary society nt Olympia played
an operatic burlesque of "Romeo and
Juliet." It will probably turn out that
Rome-o's -and Juli-et up the proceeds of
the" entertainment.
Elling Olsiug, a Swede,! vas' pinned to
tbe ground by a tree falling on him, near
Puyallup. It rerptired tlie united efforts of
seven men and a yoke of oxen to role it oft"
ot his body. His right shoulder was-dis-loeated
and his left leg broken in two
places. '
Hop. The 'hose-boys"; of l"s. and 2"s
give a hop nt .the Opera House in tliis city
on the evening of February 11th. It'll be
way up, you know. - :
. .Y3EE A ' SA1TTA ; OS,
Boxxntain Balm
T22:: 'a-jsiio.vr ash
K IS K V M A T I S I2 .,
Selected and gathered on tbe spurs of the
Sierra u v;ul;i Mountain. Tin: leaf found
in the hotter climate, when dry. contains
littv per cent, of resin or gold colored gtiin.
the in-operlie of which are stimulating and
healing, and cnccial! v ndai.tnl to lhe
wants of tlie system in case of Lung dis
ease and libciiiiiatis.'.i.
Tlie higli estimate which the Spanish
placed upon it on ac ortnt of its medicinal !
finalities is manifest Irom the name they
gave to it. many yor ao Yerbasanta.
or 'Herb of the" Saints." The natives ot
Southern Oregon and Northern California
have used it immemoriaily a a Kheunialic
remedy. 'I'll", while pojiulatiou in the re
gion where it grows h ive used mid prized
it as a throat and lung medicine. For it
time they called it I. ung ced; but give
valuable testimonials as to its virtues in
curing Rheumatism.
When vou open one of our packages,
keen it excluded Ii'Oin the air as much as
possible. . i ; ...
I hav( ued it in mv family for four or
five year, and regard it as one ot the best
family medicines we ever used. A tinct
ure i manufactured from it in Cincinnati,
and sold at 75 cents per oun-e. A single
one nf our packages make eight ounces ot
tincture, which is worth 5. '1 lie shrub
fiom which this valuable medicine i gath
ered, is only found in a narrow belt of
country in Southern Oregon, and along the
Sierra Nevada Mountain, and is supposed
to have liee.ii gathered from Mount Oilead
tliousaiuls t years .-igo. auu tbe gn.n ex
tracted and sold in 'Egypt and in Tire be
fore the times ot boiomou.
Bill Heads,
Letter Heads
Ball Tickets,
Horse CiUs,
New To-E)aj"
AVERY 7DESIR ABLE bnainess lot SfixlOO feet
nn Mie cninurif ssetond nnfl Vi'anhingron
Met, AltMtny. Alo, Kn:tne, Boiler and Slu-
wuiiiry, lo -einer witn a lot or fumilure, Inrt
du.1'?' wlieeltiarrowB. barrows. Ac. Ac. all 10 be
sold off ebeao for cash, tn oonseqne.m-Q of re
moval on account of alckneg. Knanlre on the
pieiuisesof PITTS A.M& CO.
Albany, Jan. 19, 1877-nlT '
Dr. Nieklin, ot 'Euscno City, savs:
'Your i?aim i one of the best preserved
ileitis I ever saw. 'nnd Is. worthy ofa higher
price ttiaii yon put upon n." -
; I?ev. S. K. IJaymond, of Oakland, Ore'
gou. say : '-I went to California to recov
er from Consumption. The Doctors there
gave ine up, aiul loM me if I had any
friend I wisheil to see I had better ro and
nee theiu. as 1 could live Vmf a little while
longer. On mv way to Oregon I con;
nu iiced using Mom. tain Balm; it -helped
me; I continued its useful) til it cured me of
the disease.'
Mr. AV. T. Osborne, of Eugene Cily.
says : "I know a young man who appeared
to be in the last stages of consumption,
ami by using Mountain Il.ilni or Yerbasan
ta he became a healthy young man." -
. Joseph P. Moore. Esq.. ofMilville. Cab,
say: '-1 have bet n acquainted with the
shrub known as Yei basanta for 20 vears,
nnd know it to be a very valuable medicine,
both for the Lungs and Rheumatism."
Mr. Kimball, ot Kimball & WcJton, Red
Blufls. Cal.,: says-: "-I have heen acquaint
ed with the shrub known as ' Ycrbasanta,
for many year,' and know it to be a great
Lung medicine."
I left Missouri with Iho' consumption.
Reached Rock Point. Jackson county. Or.,
and wa taken down. I took a tincture Of
Mountain Balm, ami chewed the leaf more
or les. nnd in four or five flays' it cleaned
out my lungs handsomely, and I resumed
my; journey ; and now, alter several
mouths, my lungs still seem well, t
'.- .;'' A. B.C.
or in tact anything in the
calHnt tli
Paints, Oils! Glass.;
IjT Piescri-gtio-aa a S-pecialty,"3
At the Old Stand, First St., Tienr "Washington.
Albanv. Jan. 13..1S77-nltlv-9
"VFor sale at tlMrdrug stores of Bell &
Parker, and John Foshay. - -7v'J
u A CAKI).
To all who are Bnfrerln from tlie errors and
indiacretlomi of jroutli. ncrrous i-caUnoB9, emiy
aoeay, loss of manhood. Ac.., I will twndarecipo
that will euro you. FltEE. OF Oil A RGB: Tliis
trreat remedy was discovered by a missionary
In South America. Send u self-addressed enve
lope to the It kv. JosKi'il T, Is man. Slat ton Z,
nrp oirn
ULU 10 I in
' 4 'if