Halse'v. From a correspondent we learn that Halsey is growing right along. The Grange Store is doing a land office business, employing four or five clerks con stantly to wait on customers. Other busi ness enterprises are-'flourishing, ami tlie town is growing and expanding. notwith- Mantling hard times. Ciiijjstmas. The 'mit" foil almost continuously on Monday, but it seemed to make little .diflcrenee to pedestrians, who kept promenading the streets all day. visit ing stores, swapping talk, and to fill ap pearances enjoying themselves..'"' YV'c don't remember to liave seen a more general ob servance of, Christmas-day in tills city. Foi? SA1.K, Flt.l" JJi.oou Dr.uKsnnn:! Pigs. -Parties desiring to secure lull blood j Berkshire lifirs. should call on Mr. J. f. Keed, who has a small tiiiraber ot pure Berkshire, four months old, which lie will wll tow. Parties can"caty at Mr. Heed's resilience In this city, or leave '-orders r.t the Grange Union Store, Albany Oregon. M. E. Qi Airi Kjn.Y Mketini:. Kev. 1. M. Starr. Presiding Elder ot this District. will liold the second tjuarterly meeting ot'j the present Conference year. :ir the M. 1'. j Church in this cit v. On Saturday and Sim- j luy next, loe. .'.nth and :)t. All are in-; vitetl. Thanks. Dr. Jeo. U". Gray, Snperhi-j tontlent. of the I'. I. S. S.. wishes us to ex- tend his ho.nTfolt thanks to the teachers "t if j Ids Sabbath School for the presentation j gluing m the Christmas tree; of a mngnili- 'ent allium, as a testimony ot their regard , jind esteem. It is a most elegant present. ; and the I M: is very proud of it. Everybody insures in tlie North Pacific Mutual I.ife Insurance Co.. represented by Messrs. Hall it Tnstin. of this city. 15y the way. we learn that Mr. I In II is doing n heavy business for the ' Company' in this comity, everybody apparently taking poli cies. !ood enoush. Faii: Wakmm:. AT! persons knowing : i tltemsclves indebted to Dp." E. (. Smith. ; ! i an? requested lo come forward and settle ' at once. And tlmt'r yon forgot it. ! llememlier the turkey and oyster dinner at the Opera Ilnitsi; next Monday, from 1J! to 2 o'clock, and the sociable in the cve:;- K.xiiK Ffi:S.i;i-:: A second-hand range or cook stove for sale, with all the n'ece sary furniture. For particulars call at this office. i: A C.UI. As Pastor. I hereby express thanks to all who assisted in our Chri.-t-l luas entertainment at the M. K. Church. J. F. De Vt.i.-K. lon"t forget the donation party at thp M. K. parsonage thisI'rjday; evening, Ie- vmbcr2Wh," 1S7;. Let every friend of j the leistorand family attend well heeled. J Prof. Warren, of Portland, casne upon j Memday. sM-udiii the. time pleasantly i ffmong old friends until Thursday, when ; be returned to Portland, his present rest- i deuce." ! AVe were pleaded to receive a call from j lir .,r i .1.,.. i '1. IMIIIIUIt .M I..lIUWII, I'll A UtTT ,.l . The Dr. is kept busy night jiiuI day by the nnustml amount ol sickness prevailing in Ids dtocea.se. FINANCE AND COMMERCE Gold in New Yotk. loT'.C "'"''"' Iegal tenders. .)2"i'.KJc. Wheat. $1 bushel. Oats, "7cc V bushel. Hotter. 25e pojitid. gg, :50c"-? flozn. Chickens, $2 oO .'? 00 t' tyeit. Jleef on foot, ."Je ; pork, tlo., (k; net. Bacon Sides, l.'Se; hatusLV; shoulders. Dried apples, tie; plums, lie. Liverpool wheat market. Iec 27: Av-! cnt-e, ' lOs'.Kl-ailsJd; club. Jlstfd&ll S, had several years experience in teaching, and cm give the bet of references. Co., G'tssr1dge'3f ill-f have a largts quan tity of dressed flooring and rustic for sale at Wheelet's, corner of Second and Klls wbrth streets. It is superior lumber, and will be sold at low rates. At Home. Dr. G. W. Gray has re turned from his Centennial trip, and can now be found at his ollice, in the Parrish brick, tip stairs, by all who desire denkil work of any kind. ' ' ' ' 4v7. BniKlors fSEEVlCKrt. Ilev. J. F. IX; Yore will hnM sfirvices in the brown M. K. eliurcli in Ills' cSty -on -SabHath, monnins evening. Sun. ySslvl at2::J0P. M. Imyer meetitjf eaeli Thurlav evening. August Fr.OWKi:. 'l'he ino-t-nii eralle bemgsltn ihe worhl. those sulli-ring frotn fJysiTepsii and , JJrcr Complaint Mor thair seventy-live ier cenof the peo ple In the United Staf are aiflicted with tliese tf.( diseases an4. tlieijr eStets aich as Sour StomaclC Sick Ueadacbe. Habitual tJostiveness, Palpitation of the Heart. Heart -burn. Water-brash, gnawing and burning pains at the pit of ti; Stomach, Yellow Skin, Coated Tongue ami disagree able taste in the mouth, coming up of-food alter eating, low spirits. &e. Go to your Droggist and get a 7.cent bottle of Am.'"' Flairs or a sample' bottle for 10 cents. Try it T wo. doses wiU relieve, yon.- Agetit Crape-; J5t i(;?iiia, wbolesttle di iiggNts. Nin t'ranciifco. u5m3 ' CtTT tiim out It Mav Savk Yoi it J-IFE. Tliere is no person living but what suffers more or less with Iting Diseases. Coughs. (Old or Consumption, vet couiyfi nuuinwfc m--ifm ,mwr m- 4 feULn lirrJ Dottle ot raemetne ttutt would enre them. Dr. A. JiOKrhen' is Uertivin. tigrut has lately been introduced in this country from Ger many, and i-WrtrQil cufe astonishes -ery one tlia try it. If yon doubt what we sav in print, cut this out and take it to your Druggist, and get a sample bottle for 10 cent-sand try it. Two doses will relieve yon. Keular mt1"AKuU 7xM. - - ! Special Xollcc. ... ., -1 tfVS"-??8 ' ygCHy- tiiSliH. MrsirAl.. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ol flWMfj--- Wl W Ytiwil and Instrumental music, has recent- '11 .' .' Mjr ly located in Albany, and prepared to give i'g ?:'J ''fjiBf PL ' fiSf lessons in the above named brunches. Has y..!,, tgU.,:- s- -e-.. w- .fek-gy -&w T"y (feJL roceries and Provisions! ALWAYS TO KK FOrXl) AT WILLIAM VAlWACTOIt'S, Firm Io!r YVwi or s. r.. Voting, Eirl JStrt-el, Albany, Ogn. STORAGE AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTS ; MA MMOTH WABJJHO USB, At fool I" I.joti Mri ct, :pit..i!. l-)xt on O. A Knilroiiil, o- Will -tori.' iinxla stm" (Ut-ncrsil ;t3t'rrf:itiIi :it LohcsI ECnttvs. A i.r. A n x. Jan., lS77-!."iv'J W. 11. McFARLANJ), ukai.i r IT MPS AND HOSE; -M AXl'KACTl'KES p? Oovv and ;i:nt tmk ALIIAXY, rSext ;,xr to ti:e Itii:. I. F -Jt- agents WEBER 130 I'UOXT STUEET, TIio Standard Orjyan -o- Pollowing is a copy of a Western Union telegram received by Sherman & Hyde, Sail Francisco: t . ' New YoiiK. September 'ill. 1S7(5. PeJotiliet. 1'elton & Co., of New Yorkv have received DIPLOMA of JIONOii anu MKDAI of AWAI1D tor the . , CELEBRATU) STANDARD 'ORGAN D. W. PRENTICE, AGENT, I First Slrct-t, "rla!iI. rfgon. w -. tv ? j 1 ' T . t l c i t e ii t a i To the VrUtiia: t lmw.-Hc are now prcmircU to Jurnish till clusse with constant enii'tloymeii! sit iiouie, th whole, of the time, or for Hum sjntte moiin.'iits. nusinens new, li 'ht ami frifimlle. l'ersonsof either easi Iv'earii i'roin ."i0 cents to ." p.-r evonins. mid u tirot ort ioniU sum ly (levtit t n t liei r w hole t ime io tins biisiniws. Itoyn niel urirls earn nearly iw Biucli s nn. That nil who see this notice limy m-nil their luhltw. and tt tlw Imsiness we inuku ihtH uiitwnUkrletl offer: To sm-h tut are not weu-safislied w will wild one dollar to for thu, tmuhio of wrltinsr. Kill! imrticnhins Mmtli.s worth several iiollnr- to enimenee work on,milrflivl Hoiiieand Ki-siile, one of the largest unU !est illitstrii'ert Publications, nil wut frtti Iv mail, liejeler, if you wnnf per manent, lllOUIlinie WOIK. nnuress, is liNHo.v S&Uk, l'orl liuul, Maine. n2v?.J UIKSOLVTIOX OF COPAnTSEBSIIIP. T!IK corinrtnershlp liercfofore. exitins lw L tween John Muni Brtd tJ. K. tottlsuieir. un der the iiiiniu of limit & Settleniwir, i Uissolv fd All uecoimt due the lute linn m list he paid to Set i leineir A IHiwson. who n lone are ant nor Uud iocmcct and fcci.i,... for '1faaUt " , L W. U.VWH1N. '. IVcuiubuc lS,'ltrn'Wit At- CO., us is- Shestiron "Vare ! t t:i.;:i;i:.Tkt iu: (let "'lilt SMITH Sf- CO., roil Tin: PIANO, I'ORTL.UD, OKLUO.V. Triumphant. AImiiilNlrUr" 'ot(r. TVTOT1CK is hereby given that the under XtI signed. Setii S. Ilayf, has been, by an order of the Comity Court of I.itin comity, Oregon, made at the Nowftiber term there of, 1S70, duly appointed Administrator ot the estate ot Seth W. Hays, deceased, and all persons having claims ag;hist Silid es tate, are beitby requiretl to present tliem, duly wrltletk ,io the . tmderiguefL '. his place of business in Ibtlsey, ki I.imi count-, Oregon, within six months, from, the date hereof. ft Kill S. HAYS. Achnistnitor -Dated, De. l, l!S70. ' . nlOvil W. C, TWEEAIJE ' DKAUKlt ra . . j G voc? ci'ieK J?i'0 vision . Tobnrro, licnr. C'ntlepjr Crwk' rrmid WwdA Willow Wret ALDANY, OREGON. Cult ami hiiiu- I iit 3 ' i ' I Centaur iniments. Letter fftnu a Prnt-HHiler. ' ' "A.NTtocil, It,i.., Pee. 1, ls?4. "Mkssks. .1. TS. Uosk & Co.: "My wife lius. for a time, 1een h terrilile snrt'erer fioni lltieuniat ism. She has t i ied many. pljvHieiniiHHini umiiy ivmeilies. 'i lieonly iliinjr wliieli h:m si -en her n'lit-t is t eiitam- l.iiiinicnt 1 11111 i-eioiitstl to siiy this tins onreil her. t nui Uoiiijr what I enn to extent! itsnrtle. i . W. II. lHNti. This is n Smnirfeof many thotistoul lestiinoni ills received, ot womlertnl cures elteeteil l.v nu. t:entanr l.ininivnt. The iny reilu iits of this nr. tfLle ini- puWiMheil urouiitl each lioitle. I con tains Witeli Haze, Mentha. A rniei. 1,'iH-k Oil. Cnholii' iiml inifi-eilients hitherto tittle known It isn rnilispnlHtile I'aet that the Centaur Lini ment is ix.-ilin cuoitf more tmw of MviiltinK, St ill' Joints. Kritpt ions. 1,'Iiemiiat isni, Nenniluiit SeintU'iu t:kel Hreusts, I.oek-jtiw, te than nil the ollii'i- I.iiiinicints. Ktnbrot n t ions. Kxlravis. Sjilves.t lint mi'iits mnl lilnsters now in nst . KorTiMitliache. KiU'ai'he, Wink Itaek, 1 t-li anil Cutaneous Eruptions, It itiliniinlie. It euren lni!-ns ami i-al'ls wilhont u si-ar. V.W raets i-oi-soiis from liiiesnml st tiifis.an't hinls lYost-liiteti anil ihiinTains, in a short lime. No fauiilyeiin ailonl to lo without the Cenluur Liniment, wliite wrap'i 'l Iie'eiilaor I.inimeiil, Yellow Wrapper, is a'la-ire I to I he tonsil skin, umst a's mid tlesh of the animal emit ion. Its eitects Uion seviae t-ass ni siiji vin. .SH-fenv. Winii a!l. Iti'j Heail tin t Poll Kvil.are little' less than tinirvejons. .Messrs. !. Mi l'luivAt n., i n-ntr-rists. ciii iH-rof Kim 1 Ki-ont strMfs. t'iuelntuitl. Ihto. say : 'in Mir ma- hhorhoo'l a numlier ot' 1 viuistt-rs are urinir the C!ntnm Liniment. Thi-v pro iinitntM-' it suiwrior to nn t hin t hry lia vir i-vrr useil. We si'll as Jii'rli rts four to tivtMlozen liI tles er month to tlu-st ltunlstrs.'', ' We have t hoasawls if simitar testimonials. I-'ir Wounds. ialls. Si-mtt-luvs, Hin-lHiinr. ,Ve., aii'l for Sj-ivw Worm inlieelt has no rival. Farmers, livi-ry-iuen itnl sto-k-itisiM'f, laive in ttiis i.hiiineiit 11 n'liie'.iy wtiii h Is worth it hnn itrcil times ilscosi. j J.abonttory of .T. 15. Pos & Co., ; iii l'e street. New York. PITCHER'S Iimvp bt'itltli. if l lii'y w ill list- ':tstriii tor Wiixl ili, Vi'hi, cr'hmsSiv Motitli. Cinp r suni1fc-! i 'mn!:mifs !i i rniin ly n vic tablw pwr:mit ion, uml -onl:iii; m illuT sninvr iil, inorilm. nor ak'olinl. It is as ili':is;mt lo iitki a- 1hiiiv. aixi nt'it hr itor rijH'S. I r. K. Imiidh Ii. of u?Hmf . K. snys : "rum iisinir t'astoria in my pniciit-o will tlie most signal Iwn-!!!1 ait'l littpy n'stjlr.' I hi is wliut every am' siv: Most imrss in "New York t'ltv usfit lie 'aioria. It ispn'jvtn I ty Me-Ht-i. .1. H. n X '., H'. I y Hiiii, e w York, sum'Sjiois it) .JtMimrl l'ftelter, M. 'i'vH TITIS IlKOTHERS, have jrs-r i:ei kivi;i A iVcxv and Larc 3 voice T EWELRY, AikI wilt' Nell nt Hie FuIlowinK Trice! s Coin silver, 2 oz. 1". H. ISarflott AVHltSam Wateft, tin: ench iifhlrtional ounce ! Ml. KUrht-tbiy Scth Thomas Clocks from $s- 09to 12 lt. - Anrl :ilt otlmr Kiwis irr pivivrt!nn. TlHionly house alMv i'ortlauil tluit Beeps tile ' SALTZMAX WATCH. Uoocbt Kolcl, Eiigrnvnt Frev of CTMirjje, BY Mil. KVERET. .. I'ntet ical watch-nmker and Jeweler, late of ( al ifonihi Wilteh Co., uiul the only engraver in Albany. AGKXTS FOll 'THE SINGER SEWING MACHINE. . A jroo'1 nssortment of Sewing Machine N'ee tlles axl attiulmH-nts. . 4 TITI S CKOS. tK tfl tO(l PrUav ut home. Samples worth 1 tP J IU kPZtl) free, stixkon V.. Poft-lanil, Me. SEN I 25 to ii. I'TfuWELl A (.')..New York, for Pamphlet, of lot) juices, eintMlniiiflt 3,000 newspnpet-8, and estttaated howin!t cost of ail vertlsiug. . ssvsy. - ' . Administrator's Kotice. NOTICE Is tw-ivhy jiven flint ,fhe nndersifcn cl, W. If. ;oltra, was dulv i))ohitert by an order of vho (lor.ury Court of Linu eonnt v; On jion.dnlv made at the Octlolxr term of said court. 1 ft. a. the ndiulnitttrator of tlie eHtaterif, Selina Morris, late of Linn oonntv, Oregon, now dweaseU; aiul, all persons liaviiiB- claims ajrainst said estate arc hereliv inquired to pre sent then to tlie nnderslgnod. at his residenoo In Albany, Oregon, dnlv verified, within nix months from the date Horeof. f W". ir. noT.TUA, AdminiRtrator. November I", l7.-4w , - , : . - i iKTOTIOE. NOTICE is lwrefnsivnt to A;McKnflre.'wno ... lH wtlcbtcd ftnrd Settltwncir on note or Jlin and interest fronj SeptI87B: to Wlllimn Humlmuph, on account of Ka ; to ClWvrles Iti pralwm, Iwlanrn on nofo of aboitt 32, whlcti is "ndorsd to Hrtrd A Settlemolr bv Xmmiel Mil Vk,0, P- Plommf r. aeemm't of ten 4S ; to I.. O. llumcs. order of io: to Fred, tiraf, ae count of l so; to J. B. Wllaepjic-onnt of tan, if, y or eitlierof t hum, th said debtors, shall not pay over twanv person orvxvrsons who may hold said claim or claims until the whoto of all arnomits shall be endorsed as crellt on a certalrt ffotnlssnrv nott of 77 S9, liearina late titicnurfier Hi, isTfi and dtie Julr 1. M7, ex ecuted by ;eoitre. w. liawstin atid tieorso K. S'ttlcmeir to John D llnr'l -., , ' "KTTI.KMKIB H.WVSON. 1 Uii ISMi day ol lec. Ib7t)-n ISvDin 1 i 1 It 1 V 1Y P rtft f4 av i i' V i V ,IJ ni l ! ! OFFICIAL CITY PAPER. .. DI'.O. 2'.)i I87.'i..' A MSA XV, OUKGOX, LOCAL MATTERS. CUIUSTM '.1.V FESTIVITIES. A'nle eiilef niel einnnnron )xrr, Christ litas comes hut once a year! ts as trite a couplet now as when it was first writfen ; and our citizens," fully appre ciating the 'situatton.''' entered into the festivities usual to fuch occasions with the. heartiest good will. The. exercises in the evening at the various churches were most interesting, and of course secured the larg est nftenfiott. The j:,?rT!ST cni iioti Was most beautifully decorated inside with evergreens. f?n each side and through the center. A number of beautiful crosses :md wreaths, made ot evergreen, were ta be t i seen in various parts ol the room. Over the pulpit was placed the beautiful motto, worked in evergreen. '(Jlorv toCtid in tht1 Highest,"' and just lieneath it. in ters. "God is Love." On the rig1 ilr li t- wcru ' thu words, "Peace on Karth ;n oft the left the expression of the angel to John in j in Patmos, ".Wor.-hip God." On either side of tlie pulpit was a tree, not lieariug twelve manner of fruits, nor were their leaves for the "healing otthe nations." but they bore ninny valuable presents, which proved to be very gratifying to many pres. ent. Alter the assembling of the people. ; numbering between three and four hundred, the exercises commenced about 7 r. M.. conducted by Deacon Piifus Thompson, consisting of the following programme, the singing being conducted by Prof. J. P. Newell : Singing by ! he school. Prayer by Kev. A. .1. -lltuisacker. Sinning by the siliool. Address hy !,-. K. i Hill. Kecitation by Barbara, Myer, -S:tnt;l Clans will come." Recitation by Dolly Ilantu. Sin;ing bv the school. Thtn followed xha ineontiition of tlio Fnmk lltirklmrt; Ai.-t.nnt Stewardess, pre.-iciit-- nmtihoi hi ncurly four Imtulnn! j Mr?. Mry 3IcConnc;II ; Florn, Mr. Susan in all. During tlie entire time the best of i CJiurchlll : Iniottn,' Mrs. p. Fronian ; liehavior was ob-erved. The (Ore?:, Trs. IJotline ; Gatekeoir, S. Kro- m v iv ix'ii. ! man. Tlie nujniber.s ol the -Lodge jvutook an rarly hour" Monday evonin-. un.. j oI a basket dinner and spent n mast enjoy. crowded tar !cyond its seating capacity. ja ' c ,llnc"- ff ' . by tht; attcmlants and friends of the Sunday j Uaitist Svmiav Snioor. C't'iNVKNTK'ijf. School. Two trees bad lieen irovidei. i A Hnptist Snntbiy School Cotivtrliti'on winch were loatleil down' w ith presents, j will be held at Oregon City oil the third whilst a 'large number were placed else- ' week in Jahnary. openfng on Tuesday where, there being absolutely no room left evenhig. Jan. Ulth, and eontiniifng two or on the trees to li.-mg them. There were i three tlays. Some of tlie liest PjieaRers in probably live htmdntt presents distribnted. the churehes or Oregon are expected to The decoration was hea ntifttl, consisting of j present esays or addrpsses on living topic; an arch with mottoes; large star with mot- ! which will lie freely discnsscd by the eon toes; monograms and wreaths of evergreen. ventFou. fhurehes are requested to send1 trimmetl with little ilags. as well as an ar- ! tlelegites. and all intefesferf are Invited to ray of trimming all arouml the church. , rontc. The hospitality f the chnrclr as The decoi-itiitn and geiM-ral arrangements for the evening n-fleeted credit on the offi cers of the Sund:iy School and the Commit tee who distributed the presents. Kvery one present seemed to be well pleased, more especially those who were so liber ally remembered on tlie trees. The orna mentation will remain in the churclt. with the exception of the trees, until Spring, in a'l likelihood. At the r. t. ciirr.ni a good audience was assembled at an early j sible, we understand. Ere lon$thc money hour on Christmas evening. The literary fin- this wheat will be paid out, putting in part was short, novel and very interesting, j circulation many thousands ol dollars, re eonsisMng of a short prayeK and a few j lieving. at least to some extent, tint sfrhi very appropriate remarks by the pastor, ! geney now prevailing fu money matters av. S. Irvme. I). I).. '"Merrr Christ- mas." by fourteen small children, eacb child reciting a vcrse and. air anthem by the church choir. At the close of theexer cises. Kris Kringle himself in cwtume, :rp leared and distribnted the presents and not a member of the Sunday School was missed. The church was decorated with lestooning and very nppropn.-tte mottoes. j The trees were on each side of the pulpit. j with a wire drawn from one to the other, on which was made a grand display ot j .scarfs, handkerchiefs, etc., while directly under it stood the pulpit, with its load of silver, toilet sets, glassware, etc. tine ofj the nrincinal events of the evpninr was a present to tlie Superintendent. Dr. Geo. W. Gray, ot a large and beautiful album, from the members of the school, thus show ing their appreciation of his services in that capacity tor the last few years. ' Tak- jug it altogether it nvas n" crand sueee.. , " . , , fe ' showing that the several committees havinw " """' v... . , me iig.it peopie in the right place. pi a . ' ST- l'Al'L'S CIIl lK'jr. We have no report trom this ebnrtfh; bnt learn that the presents were satisfactory, and an enjoyable time had by the large number in attendance . There was no celebrat ion. wo lielieve, at either the Evangelictil or - Episeopttl Churches. At the . , , CALVAKY CriUIICH, the Cl'.ristmas festival went ofl'in the usual jileasant manner. Xot only the members of t he school proper were present, ' but every vacant place hi the church was filled with parents and other friends. The room had been beantUully decorated, uuden tlie direction ot the Misses Cminer and TJbbie Althouse, and M"essr3. Oastoii, Ferry and Sox. BesWes tfVe qsnal garlands of ever green upon the wal.s, heavy festoons were sprung from difTcrrrit points to centers in the ceiling. . A eross wreathed in. mrrtie, with the lutein!. -U II. grouped ia crown about.the top, filled the ventral space' behind the organ" and choin Over tnearch was displayed the single motto, -Glory to God itt tlie Highest, on earth peace, good will to meu." t,The rtandsomu Christhias trees at the right and left of" tlie pulpit phitform; were heavily loaded, with not less thaw two htmdred gtfts. from par cuts and children, tetiehefs and scholars. and ol her frientls. The pastor and wife- were kindly remembered witli many nleas- I ant testimonials of reg.ird and encourage- "t. After everybtKly had Teen matle happy in the way ot giving ami reeeivh.g. the pastor made a bnel adtiress. Air. liiow as Callowav recited an original poem, anrf the "Merry Chrfrtmas" services wet elos - nl n itb a few aniproprlare remarks by the fonner Siie!'iMfeiiden. Prof. 1. K Warren, and-the dtwcologv- . Finis. Nkw Tkai'A As Monday next is New Years day. a day set apart by custom, al most from time jmroemoriirl. in the which gentlemen make rails on their lady friends, partaking of their hospitality, it lieoomes a matter of inferest a-mang the gentlemen ot this-city to know jnrst Wh among the-I-.idies are going to receive c:llers keep open house on next Montfay afternoon. The genej-al expression among thor gentle men U abont this : Wherever tflio doors are ojkmi wintViW-hlinds ami etfrtalns drawn back, and a stfnmor decorating the "pizaro." with sloshins of good grub in sight, it'll ho taken for granted they'll be welcome and there'll be the place to hang up-the- usual 6 mimifes and' T.adresr he prewired M.tTT. UlLDSOL ItKIOKTKIl KTLI.KA. Tlie Posehmg intlfj,f,nh-i,t says : "A party who was aciuaiutef with the nofeiT 5?ntt. liledsoe while, in the Oregon penfteritinf3 passed through this city dfiring the week, 1 fe inftH ined ns that Uledsoe is dead was ",lot fi'cott, Arizona, by a man named Sloctnn. about six weeRs ago. Matt, had ' been drinking heavily, and wuile in an in ; toxica toil condition v?ent into SlOcum's i saloon, ranting and swearing, and coin : meneed breaking Ihe tumblers on the conn- '"'I smashing tip the Ltr fixtures. Slocum cnnituaudiug him to desist, and llledsoe paying not the slightest attention ; to bis commands, drew a revoiverand shot ' him tlettil. We suppress the name ot our iutorinanr, (who wirnesstl Miitt.'s death. Ciianu Pi:.n:iEfJi!.vxt:iK. At a meeting of Grand Prairie (J range. No. 10. P. of II., for the annual election, held on Saturday last, the officers elected were as follows r Worthy blaster. Win. Anderson ; Overseer, Thomas Fronr.in ; Lecturer. Mrs. Annie Reed ; Treasurer, Olney Fry. Jr. ; Steward, Reason McConuell ; Assistant Steward. ! Oregon City will lie extendetl to all.. W. Carey .Johnson, llev. .1. T. Jltilf, llev. I). ! .1. Pierce, committee. ; ( ii.m;i:i II.vnps. Xearly or quite every bushel of wheat stored in this city last fall, has been sold within the last few days by the producer, either to our warehouse men or to houses below. The Farmers' Warehouse, llain. Sox & Co., and prob ably others, who purchased wheat, have sold, and are shipping below as last as pos fn T,it. ik lmvn (.tl niei-e. The Dii'iitiiekia .t Biiowxsvir.r.x. This malady has made fearful havoc of the young in Rrownsvilfo. No less than twen ty children have died with it there within the last two months, all of them, with one exception, under ten years of age. The exception was a child of fourteen. There were live deaths between Friday of last week and Monday' of the pit-sent week tm ee 'a.vi:- A,11 neatl of ttecreasmg, tho malady seems to be .gaining in strength, a"'1 is now attacking older persons. Some f"""! have lost as many a three chil- turclu 11 l proving a ureamui scourge, aud the end is not yet. Last S.vnnmv Xkiut The Young Folks and Old Folks had a way up party at the residence of Dr. D. Tlicc. A VfIHlf ertt t-.n1 1 fllll lfl7TT tVMV lllltffxl 111 i ," .' . ,r ii- c. v mock maniage, bv Tlev. II. A . Sti-atton. , . , , - . ... who,' to his agreeable surprise, received the r - TOHtabfc lnarria,e fee hicoin. The happy ...,.,. . eonpSe, with their friends, took a long bridal "tower."' walking from the Dr.'s residence to the O. C. Itailroad depotr where they took the ears, returning on the railroad switch to the street running south of tlie point from wWeh tney pfartetl'. There was just busl.ela of ftm. tlie fable was most bountifully supplied, the host and hostess, most alf:rfje mid joily. and everybotly seemed to be on the top- rornirf of happiness. DlKECTOKS El.KCTKJl. Ijtft JTonday evening the stockholders xfLiftn Engine Co.. -'Xo.. 2, met at the lioose of the said Engine Co-, and elected" GV Ar. Gray, SL Thompson, .T. V. McCoy, Fiiink WoocTs and A. B. Morris Directors for 1S77, Them was rather a slim attendance of stockholtlers, owing to the Christmas trees. Ball, etc.. on that evening. TE3TPKBASCK. Bart. II. Allen; State Deputy, I.Oj1.T will address the citizens of Einn county an the times and. places mentioned ns follows r SodavUlar on tlie evening of Jan. 2d, J87". Pleasant Valley-School-house," evening, fTan, 3d. Cyrus Grange Hall, evening. .Tan. 4tli. Jordan Talley. evening, Jan. 5tlr. He will orgaulzo lodges wherever le siretl. '. .. Jsbwork lias kept iw busy during tlw week. 'We are turning out letter and- bill heads, cards, circulars, etc., in neat style at reasonable lov fiarcs for coin. COJUiJiV l-OXL K.WK FL'UM llliO XS t V1LLK.. r r.liQW-NSVH.1,1.;, Dec. 25lh. 187G. Eihtois Kwsistnu : lliig Cliristriins day. the day on which it is believed tHe-Clirist-child was born into tlie world; and Which all christians celebrate as a day of rejoicing in commemoration ot tliat morn ing when the angels from lienven pro claimed pence on earth and good wtli to " men, is tie of sadness and mort:lng to-mam- ; weeping fii titer and mofner in oor ijuict villnge. The grim destioyer is in deed in onrmitJst. mid the Angel ot Death' lias with noiseless step entered tfce halls of the rich as well ns Che cottage of the poor, plucked ft'-oiivDheiiee the choieest buds ami flower, ana earrfcd them .Twny.to tlie silent mansions of the dea. But deatlr Hives a shining mark, and We are lain to believe that, through tlie grrfleringg amt death or the ChriBtehad. these bnds aiui flowers will bud antf bloom agtiln mnr brightly in fhe smilrglm ot neaven. never more Do fade atitf die. Three of the oldest eiiildren of JU Powell .-Hiti wife liave fteen called away and" but one is left three angels In Heav en, and ontr jit tie- ba' leta t tJiem out earth. Three of .fonii Cwi!niitghams clilldfeti .. have obei'etl tlie summons two- of then even now await their consignment to th tomb anil one is left, though ttr low long. (Jotl only knows.. S. IT. Vestcott lias lost two, and is him self very near the ether shore. ' Ov C. Thompsoti Ir.vt tost one,, and' w Ihiow not whose way neat be munmoned How trite t is that "in-tbe midst ot life we are in deaf h."'' Ieatli i tndee.tT reaping a iTci i harvest here, but we trust .all the MieaVi?s Wilf be garnered-in tlie storehonser of (1ml. ' There hs nothrng talked' of Here- bnt death, and conseqnenWy I can write, of nothing else, Your.r O. R. F.wow. r.r.TTEn rlUiMA 'niA VELixevote JiE.SfOXVEXT. . i itaiey. or., Dec.arj; jsth. Ei. 15 EorsTEit : -I arrived at hls placer on the 20th fust. After providing for my little horse, I bore my letter of introduc tion to Mr. Black, the gentlemanly Super intendent of the Grange Store at this place. His business was such that he really ap peared not to have any time to dewte to any one outide of his customers. Tbl store is doing an immense business, keep ing some four or five men. busy waiting upon customers. , In the afternoon T lotle out to Aaror Cbndras where I took twelve application, Xext Tay went in the direction of Wert Point, passrng j tlirongTi a fine farmrng eonntry. whli good bouses, Ixtnts. efc,' The farmers generally have made gooifnse of the past two or threw wefks. I lavr seen from two to four plows going on most of the farms. Some are done, etliers lialf done, anil so on.' As my business ta. whir farmers, T talked freely with tRem whont fctrm hiterest ae well as "aisnrawce, Tfcey -are to a imtai in fine spirias say then will he at least eme-third more acreage in rjh the eomfng. season tbttn the last, aud wftfc fitvorable weafher the Italsey' wareliorfteff cannot give them storage room for theft grain, and are jubilant ever tlie ( expeeto tion of tlie coming crop bringing a gootl" . price. I never was more hospitably en? tertaiued. both fiiyself and horse, free eff . charge. The- only difficulty iti ; traveliiig frotw lionse to house in places is tlie absence ot , net!essary gates ia many places kail te lay , down the fences, . i . Having secured' application. to trie amount of twenty thousand dollars, with m good prospect fiit ten or flfCeen more, we lieaired" for Halsey. I fcel eotifldent that at kstst one hundred Ifconsmid dollar may be seemed in this vicinity liespectftillyr . V F. II. . LI XX COUXTY lilliLE SOCIETY Agreeable to previous announcement, business meeting of Elnn Comity Bible Society was held in the FT. P. Clinreh ew Satnnlay ! evening. Dee. 23d, Rev. Dr. Irvine presiding, Mr. J. Coftaer acting as Secretary., , . ".- The report ot ilr.. Foshay,' Depeltary Agent, was submitted and appreted. Tb rejiort shows tTiat the deposBtary fe -well supplied wltlv bibles- and otner book, which erm be pnrchnsetl at actual eoet, The meeting adjourned to attend annnal meeting of the Society, appointed tor Sab bath evening hi the Ctlurt House. 4 On Siibbath cveuing Dec. 24th, the Conrt nonse was closely filled 'with onr eltizettSr . there being uu other church services, prob ably, in tlie eity, KeT. S, G, Irvine, President of the Soeiety, In tlie eliatr. The exercises were epened with prayer, after which Kev. .S. Bowersox, paster of tb Evangelical Church, made a very eloquent and ableatlirress in belialf of tlie d&trfbi' tion o the bible. He w followed by ProC Powellr of Albany Cel legate Infttl tute, liev. T. B.AVhite. peeler et the M. E. Cbuivli Sontb, anl Kev. V. C. Uetsle, State Agent, in Iiiteresting addresses, after which a collectioif was taken iwv wTtich amonuted, added- to the boek -seh dnrlng the year, to $Stl 3A. The coinntittee appoiutad ta nominate officers fiir the ensuing year, made the fol lowing report, whieh was adopted :. iTesident, Kev. H. W. Stmt ton. Viee Presitlent, Ke. J. F. De Vore. Seerelarj', Rev. J. Bowetnox. , Treasurer, Kev. T. Ik White. Depositary Agent, Mr. J, Foeliay, , Executive Cemmlttee Kev. K. C. irfiT, Dr. J. P, Tate, F. M. Miller, E. B. I'm domatid E. II. Montanye. ; : ' ' The-meeting adjourned subject to tlW call of tlie Chairman of the Executive Cera mittee. ..a, F. M. MilKKB. !: ii--; .-.;:t Clir. Kx Com- ,s-.: The Pr.ACi:. If yon want an elegant suit of clothing mltable for making XeW Yearn calls er to get married in. I.. E. Blain lias tiltetu, ac Iesn price (lian yot ever heard of before in I bib eity. Go and! ask Blaiti about it. . ' n i i