VOLUME IX. ALBANY, OREGON, DECEMBER 8, 187G. NO. 11, BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, B A N KIN G -AXI Exchange Office, AI.ItANY, OKEtiON. Deposits received suiuect to chock lit siffht. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, .Sun Francisco, and New York, lor sale at ktwest rates. Collections mndeand prom ptlyremit tod. Refers to 11. W. Corbet t, Henry Fulling, W.S. I .arid, -v -ISiUiTihur hours from 8 A. M. to I; M. AUmuy, Feb. 1, 171-223 A. CAROTIIERS & GO., -Dealers iu- I IIKIK AI,S, OIM, l'AIXTS, DYES UCASN, UXPS KT"., All the itopnlar S PATEXT FINE CUTLERY. CIGAUS, TOBACCO, xotioxs rtitrrsiEKY, Hut Toilet' 4ol. Particular care and promptness civen riiysicians' prescriptions and Family lec A. CAKOTHERS CO. Albany, Oregon-fvO II. J. JBOrIITOX, 51. !., GHll!.TK THE I'XIVEHSITY Medical College of New York, lute niemltcr of llellevicu ibwpital Medical C'ol fc.tfe, Sew York. Okfm-k lit A. Carotiiors A Co.'s iXt'liS Store, Alliaiiy, Oregon. ijTI3500TlC. 1ISTAXCLI. THE BAY TEAM STIIJL LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKEAfittEKN lay tree. Thankful lor favors, ami wishiiv.r to merit the continuance ot lite same, the 15AY TEAM will always!; ready, and caspy found, to do any hauling : willVtu lite city limits, for ;l reasonable t-ompLiti ion. i3 el ivory of I-immLs aimiall) . A. X. AHNOU). SvS Proprietor. Iilc I Piles WHY" PAY' THIS DAMAGING AXD troublesome complaint cannot -be cured, when so many evidences of siiece?3 ittti;ht Im; placed iM'iore yon every day cm. of supftosed hopeless eases? Your physician informs you that the lonceryoii iillow the complain"! to exist, you lessen your chances for tcllef. Esrtcnce tuts 'auyitlthix in ictl cisv. A. C'arotliers & Co.'m Pile 1'ills ami Ointment Ate ftH they are reeommcndei to bo. "Will cure Chronic, I.iindand lileedinif Piles in a, very short liiuc.and arc cnm-nimit la ui . This preitirut ion is stilt by mail or ex iwess to any point within the United states at l 50 per package. ' Address. A. CAROTHER.S & CO., S7 v5 Box 33, All niny, Oregon. The Eugene firemen are making ar rangements for a grand ball ut Lane's Hall on Christmas eve. flOHN SCHMEER, IEALK1I IN Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HJS NEW GROCER establishment on coriutr of Ellsworth und First sirceis. with" a fresh slock ot I Jrocerics, Provisions, Candies, Cigars, To licco. &e., to which he invites the attea tioii of our citizens. In connection with the store he wi!l keep a, Bakery, and will always have on hand a ull supply pf frcdU, broad, crackers, &c. Cr Call and po me. JOHX SC1I MEEK February 16-54V4 ALBANY FOUNpilY And achine S i 9 A. r. CnEBBY fSprictor, ALBANY, CREGOX, Blanufaclures Steam Engines, flour and Saw Mill Maclilti cry, WOOD WOKKIXG " And " AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY And all kinus of IRON AI BAfiS C'ASTIXUS. Particular attention paid torcpat""n5, kinds of machinery. 41v3 3E3,r"fcox 3&TqLO i L. 33. ROYAL HAS OPEXED a linrber Shop on First ut root one door westqf Thompson AlrVlns'shar netwshop, where he will le pkmsed to meet all who wlh work in his line. Thaukfnl for pat patronage, he hopes hy close nttentitm to ltti nesn to merit a continuance of the wune. YVUl keep connuintly on lumd a full supply of Perfinnerjr mid Ifair Olla the beat assortment In town. Come and see Albany, Or., February 2- 1876-2pv8 S. C. STOXE, M. Physician and Surgeon, BUOWXSVILLE, OliKfONV OFFICE At the Ttriis; Nfore. 27v8 Eatli House & liarlipr SI THE UXDEURIGNEU WOUI.T UT A rtT fullv thank t he ett wL',V-' IV,'. V cinltyfor the lltKuul it.mna ,1 liim tor the past seven years. aVi h,,,,f ? vl nit tll (hi nneoinmoiiation ol tntnsU-nt. ciiKtomer "'i-' !ki loi town, tie I a j.ii'ii N !.'; 1 ill.. Uili.ia, n.i-r. .1 n : U 1K toloou, here a f;xd workman will li ,'lltin.llnuJ..i.i.. . w ubi !;. 11, lo;t- JOE WR3 ;iK SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, YVholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany, Oregon. Tox'itx.s : Cash. n20v7 St. Charles Hotel, Corner Wnsliinstou nI l'Irstt Sis., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. ITone newly furnished tlironirhout. The Ixrsl Hie market allortls always on the table. Free CoiU'Ii tu and fisu lite IIoiin-.-. S. C. IIAKi'ER & CO., .-Healers In JZ X. GOODS. t'lotliitiT, lttsot i nntl Slxtev, llatx, trrwe- ri-s, Fane.v t.ooiW, 'lioi;s, Slioltius ntl I'istols, Aails, KoK, !3rrurM, YVal paper, YVootl Itntl YVillow Ware, Trmiks and V;lis;-, I'oeUet tlleiy, ie., Af., Sold very low- either for cash, or to prompt Pay n.t: i:;c cttsioniefd tut time. vT Furniture Warerooms. FI1KL CillAF, nAVTN'tJ pmvliased the entire interest of G. t'ollar in Ihe late tirm of Graf tt t:oilar, in the furniiure business, takes this opportunity to iv i urn his thanks to t he cilizcns of Albany and vicinity who have so trenerously ltatron ized him' in the past, and resjH'ct fulty nsk a com in em ice ol' t he suiih. ietAi! kinds of In r nitnrc kejil on hand and manufactured loonier at lowest rates. fEKl) UltAF. Alhanv, Nov. 13-v8;i3 I:i3u:' aJJtl 3aYiis Suiltlsiisr. WKTHF. t'Xl)Ei;sIt;XEi) r.lZG LE AVE TO amionnce to tin" citizens of AiUmy and siiiToundiiiiC country that, havinv supplied our selves wiili the ntt:ssary macliinery for rais ing and removina buildings, we are ready at all times to livcivc orders for such work, which we will tlo in short or !er at lowest rates. We irnarantce entire satisiaction in all work, under taken bv ns. th-dci-s U.it tit the TIi.oiSTER ofTice prompt ly nttenled to. Apply to. Alba, IJAXTV, AI.T.EX t:0. Or., April 23. 1ST... Jt;v7 X 1 1 JZ NIX LiveryiFeed Stable COJINKU M-.VK5I!.GT.X & FIliST KTS., AAS. JIARSliALL, Proprietor. CAiisiiAOEs, r,ft;;iKs. hacks saddle horses to let on rce..-o!iuble terms. Horses iMiartled by 1 he day or week. I will have sonic of the gayest rirs ever turn ed out of a livery stable in Albany. lir.y- IlliAlkSE'and carriages furnished for fu nerals. Give me a call when you want to ride. ASS. MAltSIIALL. AUn:tv .March in, l7-2iv8 HAEDWAEE ! li.ui. . svuvrnl toilV.iA' KIAICI W A II 1-1 :j full and complete a Mortiiiviit. Stoves, Tiiwiire, Pumps, Hose. Tin. Copinr, Zinc and Sleet Iron, on hand for sale. The Goldsmith Range, THE 15 EST MADE- CROCKERY VARE, Tlus largest and most eomiilete assortment in t'ueciiy. Kee;is all kinds of OILS & VH1TE LEAD. ' XIic I'incHt & Inrct I3iiors Always on hand, to lxj sold for medicinal uses. Cif'Rcpnirlnsr done neully, at short noliee, and WAKHAKTKP. J. GKADYVOIfL. First street, AHwny.Oreson. ii27vS WATCiniAREfl & JRWELER, rv Corner FlrMt :uitl Ferry Nts., AEBASV, OKIAM p,"'"''""-4 YVutehcs, Clocks, fcilvcr and Plated YVare, and Jewelry of every description and of the liest manufactories, on hand for sale at fair rates. 6" Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a eiKM-lalty. ' . " , &iy Jewelry, etc., repaired and cleaned on short not ice lit living lutes. t-4rGive me a call, and see for yourself.3 March 3, l7(J-24vS 1 J. l. MCFAK1.AXD. WJJ. MOUfJAX. MOUtiAV & iTleFAItrA'I, REAL ESTATE AGEPJCYM AMU ! EMPLOYMENT! OFFICE, Xest Door to Wei Is, FttrifO A V Express Ofliee, Allwmy, Orejfoii. WTH A1!H HKKPARfci TO FCBS1S1I KMI- V srrauts and others .mm1 Itarfjaiiis in farms and small homestead! in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and size to suit pur chasers. . Also, etty propcri-i:, both improved and un inmroveti. Uentiufarmsand city proper! y, and coileo tmitsolHiJ kintis. prupiptlv nttended to. Our facilities tor advert lsin! will enable us to do morft for our atrotis tlian any other Asre.ncy In Ihe ntale in our Hue. YVe als4 p-ay stattcial ai ten lion to t unemploy ment and latior exchange, department, Albany, May Ulf. : ' ' " ; FRIENDS! CITIZENS ! ! COUNTRYMEN ! ! ! LEND US YOUR TRADE ! WE II AYT5 JCST OPENED OCT A NEW and fresh assortment of GEOCERIES, PROVISIONiS, Ac, in Dr. Tate's new brick, First street, where wo would be pleased to serve you with any thing in our line. Our stock was selected in San Francisco, by MR. JOHA 11ARKOWS, well known in this city, and we feel safe in Griiarazxtooixis satisfaction to all who lavor as with their it ronafje. We will endeavor to keep on hand a full sup ply of in their season, nt all times. fou are invited to call and seens. T 1 M:b Jt TATE. Albany, May 5, 75-33 5. W. WILCOX, IToinooopaMiio lhysicmn. OFFICE with Dr. K. II. Griftin.Tirst slreet, A llianj-, Oivgon. Sfcjy chronicJ discuses a speeiitltj". 20v8 3. S. CALLAWAY, 31. I., A FTEU A PKACTICK OF MEDICINE FOK t wenly-tiibt years, in tiieslalcsof Illinois, Indiana a'nd lnwiu has 7Mrniantntly located in Alhany. 4refn. (tFKlt'K -At Dr. Piuiu mcr's Dr'inr sioie. TIES1DEXCE forucr of MonttTomerv and Eighth streets, northeast of niib-dad dtiikit. i vssii.yj IS VlilX Y 13 O I Y BUYS THEM HAVING .ICPT l'ECKIVKD A I-AHGE IU' ineni of thccelebrated new style Combined iniil and Broadcast STATES.! AA GRATA DRILL, direct from the factory, am now orti-rins extra inducements lo the farmers of Oregon. Most of the best farmers in Ihe Suite are now usinjt them. savincr seed and an Increased yield of grain is the result of drilling. Can be used e-xnally well as a Ij-53! or Broat'easl Seeder. The PTATK?MAN ;RAIX DliILL has been jrrinrlv imprtivetl for tieis year. WttrertHims at my liUicksmith SV.op, ornerof Second and ElLstn ortll streets, Alljjiny, Oivgon. 2'XiAXIi WOOD. M"arcn 31, 170-23 I 3S. SIILLTIES, Attorney, tit I -ixav, Albany, Oreiii. Otlice in Fromnn's Ithick. Prompt attention friven to collections, conveyances ami exami nat ion of titles, i'roljatc business a sjccialty. v.m8 J. B. . Iil littl ItN, ATTOllNEY AT LAAV, j;i:)WNSVILLE. I.1XX CO., OGN. IJROMPT ATTE3iTKS IE5I TO AU business. 22vt J. C. 1-uWKI.I.. I I'UlXJJ. roWET.I, & FL1XN, Attorney A: 'Mnfllr nt l.itw awl So. lieztorH in 1'liaat'iry, Albiiiiy, Oit'on. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended to. 1-8 J. I.IXSEV HILL, I., OFFICE - At ISell & Parkei's new rtruif store. KKSII:EX"K Stvond street, bet ween rail road and Montgomery. S-li . I. S. PL131MEK, Mf, I. OFFICE At. rtniir store of C. A. Plnmmcr, First t., near Washington. Kxkiiiknck Opposite the C P; Church, Albany, Oregon. Nov 3, T(5-v9ntt lifttirct und I'lclure Frame, E. 13. IUltOOr Would announce to the citizens of Alltnny and vicimtv.t lmt he is pivtiared t o furnisli all kinds of PICTURE FItA.VES to order.at short Mtiee. Pict tires framed, and old frames rnmltwd 't' athisort1 on First street, ona door "Vjst of llL'oadulbiii, and lejive yonr order St-7 PROMPT Iellvery, ut Living f-. Itatest. HAVING Ixmjrht out t he delivery business' ol Mr. Lewis Stimson, 1 beg leave to announce to tne citizen and business men of Albany, that I have on the streets an express and Job'wajron and will be happy to serve all w ho may jjive nieacnll. AH orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates, orders may be left at the Drug Store of Bell A. VIIlCilL. PAKIIEE. XV. It. fiRAIIAJI, (LATE OF 3IIC1IKIAN) Merchant Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Tocskins,C'.vssimt!rea Vest intrs, etc., a lnrKcr and better stock than ever l:fore bronjrlit. to this market. Cuts and makes to order all st ylesof Clothing for mm and boys, nt reasonable rates, kiuuuh- ittnu s;ti I tiuTiittn Shop on First streo,t, next door to City Mar kct. lately oeetipiud by Dr. E. O. Smith. 2ovi $399! 'ant 1)0 made bv even- na-ent e very nioii I h in the business we furnish, but those willimc lo work ran eusilvcnrn adoxen dol lars a day ri-rht in their own localities. Have no nxnn to explain here. liusiness pleasant and honontble. Women, and 1kvs and girls do as well as men. W"e will furnish you a com plete Outllt free. The business pa ys better than anything else. Wcwilllwar CMiense of start ing yon. Particulars free. Write and see. Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daugh ters, and all classes in need ot" payinir work at home, should write to lis about the work at once. Now Is the time. Don't delay. Address Tki kA Co., Agitata, Maine. niiivS. FOB BLANK DEEDS, Neatly e&eutcd, Cali at the ! Register OlHee $12 a clay at home. Afreets wanted. Outfit t.!rmsfrK5. TRUE &CO., Austista.Me. THE "AUCR." Once upon an evening bleary, "While I sat me dreamy, dreary, In the sunshine thinking over Thing3 that passed In days of yore ; While I nodded, nearly sleeping, Gently came a something creeping Up my back like water leapiug Leaping upward from the floor; "Tis a cooling breeze," I muttered, 'From the regions 'nearb the floor Only this and nothing more !" Ah ! distinctly I remember It was in that wet September, "When the earth and every member Of creation that it bore ' Had for tlayrf and weeks been soaking Iu the meanest, most provoking Foggy rains that, without joking. AV'e had ever seen bwbre ; So I knew It must be very Cold and dump beneath the floor Very cold beneath the floor J So I sat me nearly napping Jn Ihe sunshine, stretching, gaping,' Craving water, but delighted With the breeze from 'ueath the floor; Till I found me waxing colder, And the stretching growing bolder, And myself a feeling older Older than I'd felt before; Feeling that my joints were stifler Than they were in days of yore Stifler than they'd been before ! All along my back the creeping Soon gave place to rushing, leaping. As ifcountless frozen demons Had concluded to explore All the cavities "the varmints !" 'Twist nic and my nether garments, Up into my hair and downward Through my bnoU into the floor; Then I found myself a-shaking. Gently first but more and more Kvery moment move and more. 'Twas the "ager."" And it shook me In my very clothe, and took me Shaken to the kitchen every Place where tliere was warmth in store; Shaking till the dishes clattered. Shaking till the tea was spattered, Sinking, and with all my warming Feeling colder than before ; Shaking till it had exhausted All its powers to shake me more Till it could not shake me more ! Then it rested till the morrow, Then resumed, with all the Iwrror That it had the face to borrow, Shaking, shaking as before; And from that TTiy 1n September- Day that I shall long remember It has made diurnal visits, Shaking, shaking on so sore ! Shaking oft" my hoots, and shaking 3Ie to bed, it nothing more Fully this and nothing more ! i And to-day the fewallows flitting Hound my cottage see me sitting Moodily within the sunshine Just inside my silent door Waiting for the "nger," seeming Like a man forever dreaming ; And the sunlight on me streaming Throws no shadow on the floor For I am too thin and sallow : To make shadows on the floor Xary shadow any more ! Aueedole of n XewfoniKlland Doir. A gentleman connected with the New foundland fishery was once possessed of a dog ot singular fidelity and sagacity. On one occasion a boat and a crew in his. cm ploy were in circumstances of consider able peril, just outside a line ot breakers, which owing to spina change in wind or weather hail, since tiic departure of the boat, rentlcrcd the return passage through them most hazardous. I The spectators on the shore were quite unable to render any assistance to their frii;tid afloat. Much time had been spent, and the danger seem ed to increase rather tlian dimiuish. Our friend, the dog, looked on for a length ' of time, evidently aware of there being great cause for anxiety in those around. Pres ently, however, he took to the water, and made his way through to the boat. The crew supposed he wished to join them, and made various attempts to induce him to come aboard, but no I ho would not go Within their reach, but continued swim ming about a short distance from them. After a while, and several comments on the conduct of the doggone, pt thp . hands suddenly divined his apparent meaning s "Give him the end of a rope," he said; '"that is what he wants." The rope was thrown the dog sehsed the end in an in stant, turned round, and made straight for the shore ; where a few minutes after wards, boat and crew thanks Jp the intel ligence of their four-footed friend were placed safe and undamaged. Was there no reasoning here? No acting with a view to an end, or for a given motive ? Or was it nothing but ordinary instinct? A PoM iiKDL Magnet. Prof. Smythe was once lecturing on natural philosophy, and in the course nt his experiments he introduced one of Carrington's most pow erful magnets, with which he attracted a block of iron from a distance of two feet. "Can any ot yon conceive a greater at tractive power?" the lecturer demanded. "1 ken," answered a voice from the audience. ' Not a natural terrestrial object?" "Yaas, sir." The professor challenged the man who had spoken to name the thing. Then up rose oi l Seth Wiuilt t. He was a genius in his way, and original. Said he: "I ken give ye the facts, "sfjiiirej and ye can judge for yourself, W hen I were a young iiwn,. thar were a little' piece o' nateral magnet, done up in kaliker and dimity, as was called Betsey Jane. She could draw tne fourteen miles eveiy Sun day. Sakes alive! it were jest nn -nateral as slidin' down hill. Thar wa'n t no re sistin' her. That ere magnet o' yourn is pooty good, but 'taint a circumstance to the one "at draw'd ue." Says the Nucleus : "We are behind this week, and wo don't care who knows it wo h.iye a right to bu-rlts a girl." THE COLLEGE, In company with a tew others it was our pleasure to pay a vistt to the College on last Friday afternoon. The building is a ljery commodious one, -and nicely located. Preparations are under way tp ornament the groundi with shade and evergreen trees, which will greatly atld to the beauty and appearance of the institution. As this was the usual time for rhetorical exercises, we fcmntl Prof. Powell, witli his able assistant teachers and students, all as sembled in the chapel. Thp exercises con sisted of essays, recitations and songs. Space will hardly admit of speaking of the different . perfonp.ers and the merits of their performance ; suffice it to say, nil ac quitted themselves creditably. It - might not be amiss to mention that Miss Maggie Foster and Anna Clark, wjUh .one or .two others, rendered their pieces in a highly pleasing and satisfactory way. They seemed perfectly at ease, and entered with spirit and feeling into their recitations. Some ol the essays showed that much time and thought had been given in their prepa ration. The singing was entered into by the entire school, and was fully appreciated by the visitors present. The school numbers some one hundred and fifty pupils, and is gradually increas ing. Prof. Powell is sparing no effort to build up the College and make it prosper ous and successful, and worthy the patron age of the people and those who desire a more lilwral education. At the close ot the exercises Rev. J . F. De Vore made some very appropriate and pointed remarks, which were fully appre ciated by the students. The visit was a pleasant one, and we hoiK! often to have the pleasure of renew ing the same. A VISITOR. IIai-sey Items. From the Nucleus of Nov. 20th we get these items : Ilalsey Is still sending wheat off to Portland. Mr. Sherman Powell is home again after an absence of Some months, at Walla Walla where he has been for his health which is much better. Some little interest seems to be taken in regard to our municipal election, which will fake place next week. Quite a num ber of candidates lor the various offices are talked of. Quite a little melee took place between one of our principal merchants and the railroad agent the other- day, through some misunderstanding no bones broken. The Rey. 1. 1. Driver has been holding quite a revival here all hist week, and still going on. New bouses still going up, notwithstand ing the bad weather. One of our young nimrods did pretty well the other day, shooting 20 geese by tiring both barrels of his gun at a flock. Land is getting scarce down here it seems, for about one-third is water. Where is that Swamp Land Ring? MST-KEWARD, Strayed from the subscriber, about four months since, a young cow, about tour years old, light red in color; ends of horns come close together in front of face ; in good condition when last seen. Said ani mal was formerly owned by Prof. Sox, of this city, who purchased her of Mr. John Tsom. A liberal reward will be given to anj- one giving information so that I can obtain her. Also, on Monday, November Gth, 1S7C, infant's blue cape, embroidered in white; lost between this pity and my farm on the Calipoola. Any one returning the capp to me, or leaving it at the Registeu office, will be suitably rewarded. CHAS. BQCnfJARDES. Albany, Or., Dec. 8, 1S7G. Resigned. E. O. Hyde lias resigned his position as teacher in the Central pub lie school, for the purpose ot attending medical lectures at Salem. Mr. Hyde made a most efficient teacher. The Di rectors have appointed Mr. D. V. S. Reed, a gentleman well qualified to fill the posi tion, tp take his place. The Directors have shown the best of judgment; in this matter, and their action will meet unani mous approval. AViixamette College. Dr. D. M. Jones, ot this city, Professor ot Materia Medica and Therapeutics in the medical department of Willamette College, Salem, will deliver the annual address before that body on Monday evening, December 18th. The public are Invited. Quite a number of the Doctor's friends in this city will go down to Salem on the occasion referred to. For the information of the craft we would state that the brass band at Browns ville Is the largest in the State, nuaibering 2J pieces, (is follows: Cornets, 8; altos, 5 ; tenor, 3 ; baritone, 1 ; Bfl bass, 1 ; Eft contra bass. 3. One bass drum, 2 snare drums aud 1 pair cymbals, says the Nucleus. . An intelligent youth, recently engaged in a commercial office, made out a shipping bill for "f'ourty" barrels of liour. His employer called' his attention to an error in the spelling of forty. "Sure enough," replied the promising clerk, ?'I left out the jA." j . Rev. I, D. Driver, "of the M. E, Church, gaye notice that he would commence a series ot revival meetings at narrisburg on last Saturday. r MAnSIEO. At Brownsville, Nov. 36th, 1S7G, by Rev. J. McKinncy. M. L, Scaggs and MKs Annie Welch. REFtTtucAN Convention. Tlie Repub lican City Convention met on Saturday evening last, at the Pacific Opera House, and was called to order by Coll. Van Cleve. On motion, David Froman was elected Chairman, and Messrs. AV. II. Dodd and C. E. Wolverton, Secretaries. On motion, the Chair appointed Messrs. D. M. Thompson, Jas. II. Foster and Capt Humphrey as Committee on Order of Bus iness. - V In a few momenta the Committee re ported the following. " ORDER OF BUSINESS : 1, Nomhiatiotts for Mayor.: 2, Nominations for Councilmen. 3, Nominations for Recorder. 4, Nominations for Marshal. 5, Nominations for Treasurer, and the report was adopted, r Nominations being in order, the follow ing gentlemen, after quite a contest, were successful t For Mayor Dr. J. P. Tate nominated by acclamation. ' For Council Conrad Meyer, Samuel Mil ler, G. W. Gray, Nathan Bond, G. F. Simpson and J. B. AVyatfc, For Recorder AV.O. Palmer. For Marshal F. M. AVcstfall. For Treasurer AV. S. Peters. The Chairman then appointed Messrs. L. E. Blaiii. D. M. Thompson and Coll. Van Cleve as the Republican City Central Committee, when the Convention adjourn ed. A Successful Surgical Operation. On Thursday ot last week Dr. G. A- Whit ney performed an operation for the curva ture of the spine, never before performed tin this coast ; in fact, the operation, I,s an entire ew thing in surge-. It was per formed on Marion AValker, the little son of Isora AValker. Some years ago the lit tle lad received a fall, which resulted In a "crookpd back," and to cure this deformi ty the operation was undertaken. Dr. Harris, assisted Dr. AVhitney. So far the operation promises to be a perfect success, and Dr. Whitney has added largely to his reputation as a skillful and well informed surgeon. The Dr. is now a resideut of Philomath, Benton county. Smalliox. The Eugene G word of last Saturday says: "Out on Siencer creek there are three or tourcasesof smallpox re ported with a prospect ot a good crop, as, if reports are true, it was pretty liberally distributed at a singing school some days since. AA'hether the cases reported as Emn 1! pox arc such or not, tliere is a vast deal of talk and a great demand for vac cine virus and vacant houses for hospitals and quarrantine uses. A Huge Beet. Judge D. P. Porter, of Shedd, on Saturday, presented us with a big red beet, of the turnip variety, that measured two feet and one-hall inch iu cir cumference, which we consider rather larg er than common, even for beets. If there is anybody in these parts that lias raised a larger beer, let them send it in, and we'll acknowledge it. Bunions and Corns Should be freely bathed from time to time with Pond's Ex tract, and what is still better, a compress ot the same shqnld be laid "over the afflict ed parts, and kept in place over night by a suitable bandage, this should be reiiented every night for one week. Half a tea spoonful should be taken inwardly eveiy three hours during the first three days, He was. not a scientist, but he was mod est, and when a young man asked him at the tea table what was meant by ornithor hyncus he frowned, and reminded him that there arc soms things which should not be mentioned before ladies. AV. F. Settlemier, ot Prairie City, made us a pleasant call the first of the week. Mr. Settlemeir i3 looking in splendid con dition, and speaks in glowing terms of the John Day country. If there is any victim of an eruptive mal ady who despairs of reliefi let him abandon his despondency. . So long as it Is possible for him to, obtain Glenn's Sulphur Soap he lieed entertain no' doubts respecting the possibility of his being cured. Charles Van Lew, of Linden, N. Y., is seventeen yeare old, weighs eleven pounds, and is seventeen inches high ; but he refuses all offers from showmen. Monday was a cold, foggy, cloudy, dis agreeable day, and as the saloons were closed, there was no chance, apparently, lor the boys to lire np. , Rev Mr. Dunning, has resigned as pastor at Seattle, and accepted a call to Coryallis, Oregon. The Election On Monday passed off with less than usual excitement. Ear fflnrka of Batter Cows. John Shattuck, a noted butter dairy-man of Chenango couuty. N. Y said at the. late convention of the New York htate Dairymans Association, that he had found tlie color on the inside the ear to be an lnT fallible guide in the selection of a good butr tercow. If the skin on the inside the ear is of a rich yellow color, the cow was sure to give a good quantity ot milk; that is milk rich in butter. He said in all his ex lerience lie had never known this sign to fajl. J. AV". North, in the Maine Fanner, gives some further information concerning the subject. He observes that cows pro ducing very high colored butter have a large amount ot the ear secretion, in many instances the whole internal surface being covered with a thick orange colored, oily matter ; on the other hand, the light-color ed butter makers present a scanty, thin and pale yellow secretion, in some cases found only at the bottom of the ear. His theory is that every animal has the power of se creting a ceitaiu amount of this yellow pigment, u Hie quantity be sufficiently large, secretion -will take place freely in the tnamary glands, the ear and skin. v - -r . .. TawCONCEBT Given by the Method is Sunday School, at the church, last Monday night, was a grand treat to all in attend ance. The turn out, owing to the election excitement, and other causes, was not very large, but was select and appreciative, The singing by the school was, in every instance, first rate, showing an improve ment over previous meetings. The taluta tory, by Master Fred Miller, was excellent in matter and delivery, evidencing elocu tionary powers of no mean degree, An original essay, by Miss Rumbaugh, entitl ed : "Origin, Progress and Design of Sunday Schools, " gave evidence ot . a. thorough acquaintance with the subject. The recitation, by a class of twenty-four, was very Interesting; the little ones com, pastng the class acquitted themselves well indeed., Recitation by wee Clara Boyal, a little .Miss4Mrrdfy -ihttfr BTghy '' wa just splendid the little darling reciting her piece with the ease and grace of an old band at the business., The qunf tet, "The Old Man Dreams," by Misses Piper and Gilbert, and Messrs. Miller aud Royal, was most-excellently rendered... Eddie Piper came next in a recitation, spoken in a clearydlstlnct voice. Eddie is a "chip of the old block," and will make his mark in the world, sure. In place Oi, the solo, by Mr. Haffenden, aa appeared, on the programme, owing to the absence of Mr. II., Johnnie Goltra deliyered "Tribute" to the Dead" in memory of lid tie May Mollenkppf, a member of the school, who was buried but & flays be fore. It was very appropriate and well delivered. The recitation, by J. Miller's Bible Class of young ladles, was a new and very interesting feature of the concert, The quartet, "Shepherd of thine Israel, lead me," by Miss Piper, Mrs. Miller,, and Messrs. J. Miller and L. B. Royal, was a. grand piece of music grandly gendered. The recitation, by Miss Mary Pp-well, was, like everything undertaken by thU young lady, perfect. The spit, by M,Iss. Piper, was the grand feature ot the evening, and; places Miss Piper among the first mnaiva.) artists on this coast. AVith a most thorough musical education and a splendid voice, the future is full of possibilities for Miss Piper., AVith singing by the school, the M. E. 8. S. Concert for December closed. In many respects it was the best concert of the year, notwithstanding the fact that many who, participated in it had but little if any prac tice previous to the evening of the enter tainment. The ; Superintendent, officers, and teachers of the schftol deserve the high est praise for their efforts to cut,crlaiii the friends of the school, and at the fame time to build up and make it more effective for. good. i ' ."'!'" ; Result. The Democrats worked like beavers on Monday, wh'de Republicans, as a general thing, took but very little inter est in tho election beyond voting. Follow ing is the result : i Mayor A. Parker, Dem. ' Councilmen Nathan Bond, Conrad Meyer, J, B. AA'yatt, Reps. ; L. C. Rlcej Joe AVebber, Jason AVheeler, Dems. ! EecorderL. II. Mjmtanyp, pem. Marshal P. M. Westtall, Rep,' " j Ttreasurer AV. S. Peters, Rep. The Republicans elect five and the Detn, ocrats five. The Republicans have two paying offices, the Democrats one. Alto gether the city lias secured a good city board, and while we are sorry that tha necessaray effort was not nsed by Republi cans to elect the entire ticket, we fire. rrnly glad that we have a city board composed, of men who will, we believe, conscienti ously do their duty under the law. Closh. A Huge Beet-1-Massivb Potatoes. On Monday our friend Mr. John Larkin, who lives about six miles from Browns ville, on the headwaters pf IJnghes' Ffeek, in this county, brought into our office the largest beet we haye yet seen. This mam moth beet measured three leet ona and three-quarter inches in circumference, and weighed twenty-two pounds. Its a whopr per, and no mistake. Mr. Larkiu also brought in 40 potatoes, of the Garnet Chill variety, which,! together, weighed 6 pounds ! The forty potatoes measure ona bushel. Mr. Larkin took them just as they came from the potatoe hole be think f be liad picked and sorted from the wbola lot, he might have secured a still better showing. A It is Mr. L. has the blggesf potatoes so far as heard from. I At the Fair Thursday night eight gallon of Ice cream were sold n abqut two boprs, , although the evening was nono of the, warmest. '' I AVp make our best bow to Mr. Henry Beiding tor a big fat goose, presented, last, week.. Henry is a brick. ; A Remarkable Care AA'ept Toavxpenp, Vt., May 14, 1SGQ. : Messrs. S. V. ForyyxE & Sons: - Gentlemen Several years since I took severe cold, which settled on my lungs, where it remained without relaxation. I was then iu Massachusetts, and growing worse and becoming unable tq attend, M my business I returned home and corn- -menced searching in earnest for some med icine which would! restore my lost health. I consulted physicians, I tried many reme dies, but obtained no help, but daily grew worse. I had a terrible cough, and raised a good deal of blood. I had profuse ntghf sweats, and severe pain In my side. I con tinued in this state tor months, and became so weak that it was with great difficulty I ; could walk, when I was, adyfaed to try, Wlstar's Balsam ot AVild Cherry, and to my great joy I soon lound tliat this remedy had arrested the disease. I continued to, use the Balsam to tho extent of five footf'"-, and have since then experienced t!''1' culty of the lungs : I believe the Balsam saved my lite, and I shall ever hold it iu high estimation. GsQ yours truly Lewis rnFJ.p.