The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 01, 1876, Image 3

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' Gold In New Yoik, 109
Jx-gal tenders, OOSOlaC.
Wheat, 75c busliel .
Oats 37jC V busliel.
Butter, 2.c 1? pound., 30c dozen.
Chickens $2 50S$3 00 dozen
jecfoii foot, 3c ; pork, do., Cc ncti -Bacon
Sides, 13c; listing 13c; shoulders
- 1 iried apples, Cc; plums, Via.
Liverpool wlieat market, Nov. 22! Av
erage, 10s4dil0s0d; club, 1 0sCdai0sOd.
Special Notices.
Musical. Miss Xettie Piper, teacher of
Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent
ly located In Albany, and prepared to give
lessons In the above named branches. Has
had several years experience In teaching
ami can give the best of references. 4
KVi.teNint LcMtivat. Messrs. Conn &
10o., Mill, have a large qtian
'Uty of dressed flooring and rustic for sale
ttt Wheelei's, corner of Second ami Ells
worth streets. It Is superior lumber, and
will be sold at low rate.
At Homt.. Dr. G. W. Gray has re
turned from his Centennial trip, audi can
now be found at his office, in tlie
brick, up stairs, by all who desire dental
work of any kind. "' 4Gv7.
- HkLirioi-s SKitvu'3fe Rev. S. F. lr"ore vr-Kl
liold services in the lirovrn M. K. church in this
city on Sahlmth, morning and evening. Snn
ilny School nt 4:30 1. M. Prayer lnectlns each
Thursday evening.
Skcikk Onk. W. ir. McFarland has
received a new invoice of stoves--, ranges,
etc. lie keeps an iimneue stock of every
thing in his line, pumps', tin, copper and
-licet iron wares, lead and iron pipe, etc.
which he is prepared to sell extremely
low. Try him on, and you'll find him a
fair dealer and a perfect gentleman.
Ai'Oi ST The most mi-erahle
beings in the world are those suffering
from Dyspepsia and Liver. Complaint.
More than seventy-five per cent of the peo
plo in the United States are afflicted willi
ihese two disea-n and their effects: such
as Sour Stomach. Sick I leadaclie. Habitual
C-ostiveiiess, Palpitation, of the Heart,
Heart -burn. Water-brash, gnawing and
burning pains at I he pit of tlie Stomach.
Yellow Skin. Cost led Tongue ami disagree
able taste in tlie month, coming up of food
alter ealing. hv.v spirits, Stc. tlo to your
I iruggist and get a 75 cent. Iiottle of A"
yititrer or a sample bottle for 10 cents. Try
it Two doses will relieve you. Agents,
Crane & Brigham, wholesale druggist.
San Francisco. iijni.'J
C it this out It 51 ay Savk Yon:
Live. There is no person living but what
sutlers more or less with Lung Diseases.
Con;li. "olds or Consmiiption. yet some
' would die rather than pay 75 cents for a
Iiottle of medicine that would cure them.
Dr. .A. JS'ixcheu's UerwtM Syrup has lately
lieen introduced in this country from Ger
many, ami its wondrous cures astonishes
every one.thaf try it. If you doubt what
we say in 'print, cut this out and take it to
vour irurrist. and get a sample Imttle for
10 cent ai.d try it. Twodoses will relieve
you. Regular size 75 cents. dv'Jui.'i
. A Rcmnrfenfele .
West Towxsend, Vt.. May 14, 1SG0.
Messiss. S. W. Fowi.k & Sons:
Gentlemen Several years since I took a
severe cold, which settled on my lungs,
where it remained without relaxation. I
was tlien in Massachusetts, and growing
worse and becoming unable to attend to
my business I ret urncd -home and com
menced searching in earnest lorsomc men
ieine which would restore my lost health
I cousulted physicians, I tried many reine-
utesv out no help, but uany grew
worse. I hail a terrible cough, and raised
a good deal of blood. 1 had protuse night
sweats, and severe-pain in my side. 1 con
tinued in this state lor months, and became
so weak that it was with great difficulty I
could walk, wlien I was advised to try
Wistar's Italsam ot Wild Oherry. ainl to
my great joy I soon found that this remedy
liad arrest wl tlie. disease. .1 continued to
use tlie Balsam to tlie extent of five bottles,
and Iiave since hen experienml no dilll
.culty of the lungs I believe the Balsam
saved my life, .and I sliall ever hold it in
high estimation. nov
Yours truly I-kwis rm:ws.
A Volmlil! Xfdlftil Treats.
TIkj Coition for 1S77 of tlie sterling Sleil
fcal Annual, known as llostettcr's Alma
iiae, U no-v ready and may be obtaim-d.
rn f vi- ixt ' dnicrtrists and
t-ountry dealers I ti all parts of the tTiJ?od
HtatesaiHl lirttuu AHKirua. aim iiKieeu in
every drfllzad portion of tlie Western
llemlsirfiere. Ct eomWues, wfth tlie sou ml
4Set practical advice -for tlie preservation
and restoration of bealtii, ft large amount
ot interesting and amusing Hgltt reading
and tlie calendar, astronomical calculations.
chronologcal Iteins, &e., are prepared with
reat care, and will be found entirely accu
rate. Tlie Issue f Hostetter"s Almanac
for 1S77 will probably be the largest edition
of a medical work ever nublislied in any
country. Tlie proprietors. Messrs. Hos
tetter & Smith, rittsburg. Pa., on receipt
of a two cent stamp will forward a copy by
mail to any person who cannot procure one
In liis neighborhood.
. . a'card.....,; .
To all w ho are safferiug from. Hkj crrrara ami
IndirjciKtiona of youth, nervous weakncsenrly
deoy; loss of manhood. Ae-V I will sead a recilie
that will cure you, FBEK OK CHARGE. Thin
grort rented y ras dlsoovcrcct by a 'nilaslonary
in South America. Send a scltaddresscd enve
lope to the IIkv. JofiKra T. IS MAS, .Station J,
JBiWe il'tur, A'etc York. n8v9.
flic Chicagd Journal's Dea Uoincs
special says : Gen. Tuttle, just retoniotl
from Louisiana, represents that Intimkhi
tioiT by social ostracism is so gresit in tlie
South that It is astonishing auy Republican
vote were cast. Tlie colored people are
aroused, and if arms were obtained, blood
shed wouU be the result.
Colfax cites a case of a voting man
named Young wlio was elected to Congress
before lie was 25, but was not sworn in un
til he arrived at that age, no one contest
ing his seat, as having bearing on tlie
Oregon and Vermont postmaster cases.
THE AKKl'At ELECTION- ,f officers of the
City of Allmny, in J,inn county, Oregon,
for th year 1K77, will lt! held at tiro -Mirt
ItoiiMH in wuil city, lcceiiiler 4lh, 187(1. Tolls
-M ill lHi.)nncl ut nine oVkx-k in hc nuirnhiK
Hd cloe at wven o'clm:k in the eveuiiiji. The
foikiwirn; oillcers are to lc elected :
IJiie Mayor.
thi Keuonler.
i tie Trrtisurer.
Ano ):i)Hhul, and
mx A Ivierineu.
J aied at Albany. tUUi Villi day of Novnuilasr,
jiivH 1'jty Kocoivleri
TIIK Averill Paint is the Oliifst ami fciost Keliahle Mixcit lainr.
We Imrp tt'simuiiiiiils from owners of the lioesl rolUeiices in I lie con nt y, sliou ing tliat it Is ull
that la claimed for il by thu manufacturers.
If "STou xxo Qoing tc 3Ea,lja.t,
Call and examine samples, and eoimmro prices lx-fore purchasing elsewhere, fSr A full nssort
uieitt of shades kept constantly on liund. 3!v8
A. CAKOTIICns & CO., Fiilst St.
- AN!)
Ollbi- lor
Tlirc.tltcrs, Htndcrs, Itiers, Mowers, Wn;s, Ifink.CN, Plow,
Will store Dmiii. Woo!, and General
MAMMOTH WAKl'.HOI'SK Head of Baker
Al.BA.NV,(Mi"ii)n, July It, ISTO-KJvS
X his friends mid the imhhc guiienilly, that
he is now setUed in his
on tin: !! ?luiil mxt ilwrto I". ('. HuilMr A i'n .
u lu'iv t-si fttitml rc;ii mi ajsiri ine-at uiitl
us lufjc ;t suck of
Stoves and Eanges
nc;iM 'o ffmrnl in any one hoiifc this side of
l'ort hmlf uiiil ai ad
C& 2?ipCS,
Ca!tirH, I5ras& Unasncltul
in irciit variety. Als,
Micet IrH,
:ilv:miv:cl Iron,
alwav on hand, mid n;nde to order, AT 1.1 V
Oa.ll on Slim.
Al'imj , K;to!H'i- -il, ls7.Vi d
Till; EM-.51I' r OlSllASC !
To Jliin unci Iloat
There is no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
alliict the human body, or the Ixxly of a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not yield to its inajjic tench. A Iiottle
costing 25c. 50c. or if 1 n, has often saveil
the life of a human In-ing. and restonil to
life and usefulness many a valuable horse.
Rhcmnatism. Burns. Scalds. Bruises. Cuts,
Frost-bites, Swellings. Contracted t 'ord.s.
Pain in the Hack, Lumbago. Sciatica.
Chilblain, Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints,
Sore Nipples, Kruptious, l'ains, Wounds,
L" Iccr3.
ros AMMAI.S, IT win, tXUE
Spavin. (Jails and Sores. Swiiui3r, Ring
Bone, Wiinlgalls, Big Head, Toll Evil.
Humors and Sores, Lameness, Swellings,
Scnitclies, DUtemper Stia'ness, Strains.
Soreness, Oien Sores 2t;vS
. .,i I........ i. ai
.U Wbli free. Stikson A Co., t'ovtlimd. Me.
LiKM 3.e to t;, I. BOW tl.K CO., cw l OI K.
k5 ior laniiii!t of Jrt) pies, contBinln? n,0(iO
iie.wsTl!r9, aui wUMlHUm (Hiowins; e09t of ad
vertising Wvsy
Purniture Booms.
llea leave to announce to the citizens of this
city and siu-KMindin count rj-, tliat hchasopen
d' lnrslfM'k ot'
In ttiu 1uillinv lalelv occupied ly lr. I'lnin
iiktV Uimir Kfi-c, on Firt slroet, wliero cut be
had. on most rcwsonahle terms,
Iarlor Sei.,
Jlctlrooia Suits.
Siixny Clialrn,
Cenler Tables,
and in fact fvciTtliin? 1 nwlcd to
My goods are well made and of the very
Latest and II him! somen Stj Ic.
rirn'RKlTCKE inanofactured to order, at
Bhort notice.
ejifrrni-nitare repttuwaanu pui jngiwuui
on short notice.
Albany, Kov. 2. 1S75 10v
? ? P ? ? f? ! ??
' J 'f i H i
To WorKtnx O"". We arn now
prvnared lo furnish ull classes with constant
employment nt homo, the w-holo of tbe time,
or lor ilicir sjnii-e iiioiiiciits. BuHinerts now.
Hwlil and pmWtuhle. lVrsonsof ell her Hex easi
ly earn from ail cents to per eveninsci anil a
prooorlionui mini ly devoting 1 heir whole lime
to the luisincais. lvys anl irirls eni-n nnulv ns
imifh dsnieii. Tliat all who mt; this iiotiec may
Moii't their address, unit lest the business we
make this nnr-nraliclcd oiler : To xnch as are
not well satisfied wo will send one dollar to pty
fir the trouble of wriUnar. Full lvot icnlars,
BHinplcd worlh sevcnsl doliui-s lo coinmeiice
work on, mid a copy of liouicuiid Kin-side, one
o I I ho l:irtie( and Ir-si lllusimled i'ntilUatlions,
.ill sent tree l.y ' ih K.-adcr. if ou wai.l :r
iiiHiicnl oroiihtl.lo work, suldrcsw, 0-j.iok
ai.Nojc Aco fonluud, ihtiiic. InJtivn.)
- -
ivr., ivr,
' .
Merchandise at Lowest J?nt?s.
and byon atrects, at lH-pot of O. & C. It. U. Co.
Albany Book Store.
School ItiMiks, i;Unik liooks,Stationery
Fiinuy A nicies, Ac.
Hooks iiiiMrted to order, at short est ws
silile nolice. vjii30
Ol'OCMfio.-, ll'OA-i.:iOTlSi-,
Tubarrii, CIvrarM, 'tit.lcry Cmtk
cry, mid WMMl!t AVillow Ware,
tTCaU mul see lorn. 21 5
A Acn .tad JLarge Invoice
J E W E E H Y ,
Ami will Nell at the Follow lit; IrK-es s
Coin silver. 2 ftz. I. S. Itarfkttt 'Wnltlrani
Watch, 21 mi: each addit ional ounce fill.
Kiht-dav Seih Thomas Clocks from s 00 to
1-2 no.
And all oilier proods in proportion.
The only house alxjve l'onland that keeps
Uoods f-olrt, EiirraveI Free of hnre,
I'mclical watch-maker and Jeweler, late o! Cal
ifornia Watch Co., and the only engraver in
A goo I assortment of Sewing Machine Nee
dles and aituchmciits.
TiTrs nnos.
PrOunce & Coimissiou Merchant,
Wiirchousc at footof Ellsworth street,
100,000 EitBliels of Giain.
SACKS furnished free to those whostore with
me. und for wile to others at the lowest market
C-ir Will always pay the highest market price
fortirnin. C. 1. tifMi'liOX.
Albany, July 28, lSTC-Snli
a. of iufornihig the puhlic that their
sitroitert within three nl'les of I.elianon, near
therintl.iin river on Hamilton Creek, ia now
running, and is cutting daily from eight to tell
Uionstuid iittet of exeellent
Xii andPine IniialCl'
which we olfcr for salo as ,
All hills for lmnher prompt ly fllled. in the
sturtest posMihle time, and delivered, tf deuired.
on reiisonahle terms.
Addn-ss orders to
ausi"jlS-S , lclwiioit, uregou.
JiUWlliomted Feb. 4, 1S7.". Capital. 30,000.
Corner Firet and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oregon.
IrciIcnt, S. A. DAWSOX.
Supcrintondeut, A. JT, JOIIMS02M
A. . IXMIXK1', M. MIl.I.EU,
N,'AO.M, A. KI.KVI.Wi,
. A. HAWMISi. f
Wholesale and Hclall IJealcrs in
CTotliiii, Hartlwarc, Crockery,
CJroeericn, Farm liuplciuciila
und Muchincr)', &f., &f.
Alo, buy and sell on conunlsaion all kblda of
0mh1m, Murkutahlu l'roduce, &v. :
Hue 2i, l7j.Hvauj -.
New To-Dai".
iV. G. PIPEll,
AUorhcj- and C6urielor-at-av,
AlltlJiV, onixsojf.
SPriciAl. ATTENTION will tw plvcn to all
matters of hnsiness inti-usted to tiis care.
. Olllce ia farrish's Brick Bh, with Capt. X.
B. IIumphre3'. n99
NO., 9,
at PACifid crsaA KOtTSE, C1T
Tlmrsaay Evening, Doc. 7, 1S73.
P. C. nARPKit, wm. II. Miller,
Wm. Petkks.
.1. 1. llAnms. MART ANORI,,
f5. F. SlMPSoy, C. .'. Cukiiky,
M. 8. MONTK1TH. 3VIAKT AsutL,.
lilie CoimaiMeo of Arrangements will spare
no vtins to l-etider this alliiir a rinn l success.
!ood music has heon siH-uifl, and thecclebrat
xi prof. FAUlilslI, of Portland, will act as
TICK KTS, 2.50.
.AN I?
Fall & "Winter Styles.
l e. mm,
In Fi'dinan's IVcav IS look,
A complete stock of all the
Gentlemen's Underwear.
Ezrtra Sizes of ClotiiiiLg' & Specialty.
E.Or lcrs taken for Clothing-, Shirts, Ac,
A fiilrsluirrof custom resiKtfnlly solicited.
Allainy, Oregon, Novcnilter 24, ls7G-v
Adiuliiislrnlur'H Male or Ileal Kstnte.
NOTICE5 is herelty Riven that. VHo nnderslgn
cd. n'tniinistnitor of-the est:tto of l'liiliip
tov, decctised, will, on
Srdtinhiy, Decn,rr 23?, 1S76,
lictwcifn Ihc houi-s of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock i. ;m. of said day, nt the Court House
doorin tliccityof Alhnny, Linncountj'.Oi-eson,
orfcr for silc at pulilic auction to the highest
hidder, the following described real estate, to
wit : :
1 Bejrinninsr at a stake 30rolssouthof north
west corner of Jolm Im ton's laud claim, noti-tii-ation
No. lsiii, claim No. 57, in township No.
11. soulh rniiRe 4 west in I. inn county, Oregon,
running thence east 111 chains, tlience south 10
chains, thence west lo chains, thence north 1')
chains to the place of beginning, containing 10
2 AIso. the 1 equal undivided half of the fo!
kwhif?: The fractional northeast A of the north
east anil the southeast, k of the nortlicast A'
of section "il, and the frael tonal west 'A of the
northwest J aixl tin northwest it of the south
west il ot swiion 22, in loM-nsliip.14 south mne
1 west Willametle meridian, containing; KiO
acres mow or less.
3 -Also, the equal undivided one half of the
following real estate : Ik-inninif at the north
wis t corner of the Ell donation land claim, no
tiliention 2la, clsim 1:1, in township 14 south,
rane 2 west Willamette nKTidian, running
thence in an easterly ilirection on Ihe south
Umnilnry of said cUtim ohiiins to 1 he south
east corner of said clnini, theme north on the
eastern lioundary of raid -cJaim 21.7D to the
intirsictin of said llnclHJtwet'ii sections l.- and
22, thence went along said s4c.tiou to the corner
of sections 1, Uk 21 and 22, thence south 7" 4V
west B 4S-UII1 chains, thence west 17.07 chains,
tlienc sonth 7 4.V west 8.31 chains to the place
of beprinniiiK, containing (CJ acres more or less,
except in$r ten acres of the last mentioned and
Ueserilied tract or parcel of lad hereliefore con
veyed hy deed to John Sloan, all of said proper
ty hein situate in I Ann county. Oregon.
4 Also, the following real estate, to-wit: The
donation land claim of Philip Low, notification
No.5S2:f in township 12 south ranges west. Linn
county. Oregon, except ing SO acres heretofore
sold and conveyed by deed to Martin J,uper,
said part remaining unsold and lielonging to
the estate of Philip Low, containing about 7ti
acres more or less.
Terms of Salk. Gold coin, one-half rash In
hand, one-hulf in six mouths, secured by a
mortgage ou the premises sold.
Nov. 17, 187S-8VS Administrator.
The Republicans of Albany will meet
in convention at Granger's Hall (over J .
GradwohPs store), on Satukuat Evening,
December 21, 1876, nt 7 o'clock sharp, for
the purpose ot placing In nomination a lull
ticket to be voted tor at the next annual
municipal election which occurs ou Mon
ilfiy, December 4th, 1S7G. .
I By order EEP.CE5fr.COM.
I Albany, Or., Xov. 21, 1S70.
i E.We are authorised to annonnce DA
VID MORGAX as a candidate lor the
office of City Marshal, Subject to the decis
ion ot the IteiHtblienn City Convention.
; Si-eciai. Mkjtosg. Tlie lady members
of the M. E. Church, and lady friends, are
requested to meet at the rarsonage. at 2
o'clock Friday afternoon -to-day. Don't
forget. : -
i.Tlie damnrjes tlone to all parties by the
lire lat week . have been appraised, and
only await the sanction of theagpiitsof the
insurance companies to be paid.
i " " '.'-
Sunday School ConckkT At thu M.
E. Church, on Monday evening next, De
cember Itti; at 7 o'clock, wltu tlie follow
ing ITSOOKAStME :: .
Singing by the School.
Singing by the School. -
Salutatory by Fred MillerT
Recitation by Bertha F'ord.'
Original Essay "Origin, Progress and
Design of Sunday Scliobls" by Miss Rum
banghi Recitation by a' class of twenty-four
Recitation by Clara Royal.
Quartet "The Old Man Dreams' by
Miss Pijier, Miss Gilbert, Messrs. Jacob
Miller and Ilaflcudcn.
Singing by the School.
Recitation by Ed. Piper.
Solo by Mr. Jlaffenden.
Recitation by J. Miller's bible class of
young ladies.
Quartet "Shepherd of thine Israel, lead
me" by Miss Piper, Mrs. Miller Messrs.
J. Miller and T,. B. Royal.
Recitation by Miss Mary Powell.
Solo by Miss Piper.
Singing by the School.
To Pick. From. Below we give the
names of a few who have been talked of as
candidates, and who may le presented to
the Republican City Convention to-morrow
night for nomination : ';.-'-.
Sam 'I E. Young, Dave Fronian, Dr.
Tate, Dave Thompson. Mr. Wyatt. T. E.
Bluin, Dr. Gray and others are talked of
in connection with the nomination for
The reported candidates for Mnrslial are:
F. M. Westfail, David Morgan. Mr. Clark
and John Berry. John Althouse has
friends who are working for him.
For Recorder we have Win. Morgan, AV.
O. Palmer, E. B. Purdom, JolTn Ilannon.
and others.
For Ciry Treasurer we have D.-D. Gray,
W. C. Twcedale and Winn Peters.
For Councilmen there are a large num
ber spoken of, any of whom would serve
the city honestly and well.
A young lady named Harris, living at
Sheriff Herren's, left home last Saturday
without warning, taking nothing but the
clothing she had ou. As she did not re
turn, and as she acted somewhat strangely
liefore leaving, it was feared that she was
demented, and while in this condition had
destroyed her life, and search for her was
commenced. She was not found until
Wednesday, when, as expected, she was
suffering from a bewildered brain. She
will doubtless be sent to the Asylum.
Rumor has it that an effort will be made
to get np a "citizen's ticket'' to be voted
for on Monday. If it is possible tor our
Iieinocraf ic friends to get the advantage of
tlie Republican majority in this city by
such a move, they'll do it. Bnt the Re
publicans of this city are not going to be
caught by such bait. Mind tliat.
The M. E. Sunday School monthly con
cert for IhHjember comes oft" at the church
Monday night next. Admission, 25c. The
money thus obtained is to be used in pay
ing for the new additions recently made to
the S. S. Library.
Our friend and ex-Sheriff, Bob Irvine,
has been re-elected Chief Marshal by the
Board of Managers of the Oregon Agricult
ural Soeietj-. Bob made the best Martha I
the Society ever had, and his re-appotnt-meut
is a deserved compliment.
Moye, the forger, arrived in this city, in
charge of John Parker, on Monday, and
now occupies space In the county jail. He
says the amount he obtained was so small
he had no idea of being followed and
brought back.
Rf.pit.i.icas Crrr Convention Meets
to-morrow (Saturday) evening, at Granger
Hall, over Mr. Gradwohl'a store, to place
in nomination a ticket to be elected on
Monday." A general attendance of Repub
licans Is desired.
On the Advance Price of wheat.
Still on tlie bedrock price for nil kinds of
merchandise, at Wheeler's store. Consult
your own interest and' go where yon1 get
the best value for yonr money or" produce.
The block on which stands tlie St. Charles
Hotel, and tlie brick now occupied by the
Union Grange Store, belonging to the es
tate of tlie late Henry. Meyer, will be sold
some time during the winter.
The Thanksgiving Festival and Fair,
given by the Ladies. Aid Society at the
Opera House last night was well attended,
and thoroughly enjoyed by air in attend
ance. " - ; ; - " " ' "
. Linn Engine ' Company's new engine
house, on Ellsworth, between First and
Second Streets, is up and occupied. Here
after the little steamer will be prepared for
fires by having hot water always on hand.
Our cotcmporary lost lib temper last
week, and swears if he cau't meet us in ar
gument he will publish a letter that will
"damn" us ! Don't let anything spoil tliat
you can prove.
With the Yaquina Bay Railroad we
would have cheap freights and all tlie sur
plus produce of the central valley would
command nearly one-third higher figures
than now.
Wm. Scttlcmeir, of John Day country,
Eastern Oregon, Is now in this "settle
ment" visiting relatives and friends. Bill
has made It pan out in the John Day val
le3'. and he likes it much. -. , ,
A Gknti-kmax. In the last Issue of his
daily, onr coteniporary (who Is a warm
friend of ours, perliaps), claims that ho is a
gentleman! Ahem! Wall! J-e-r-u-s-a-1-e-m
! '
Dkaix Tho Cocktail Mccrtiner. alias
Daily Itemoarat, Is dead, it ceased to exUt
because of lack of iKit rouago. ' As it- was
1 valueless, nobody luouius.-
ust ol' lUrrruKft
Reril.itiiing in tlie . Post ,Ofllcp. Albany,
Linn county, Oregon. Xov. 30th, 1S7C.
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date on which they were advertisedl ,
Allpliin. Miss Mary Howe, J E
Archie. B K Holmes. I-dn II
Cheshire. T J Isohi. J
Cox. J 1) MeCully. AC . .
Cyrus, William' MeCrhokpr,; Miss E
Flaugher, John , Jteaser. Elisher
Furrows. Mrs E Scott, Wniiarri
Foster, John B Soder, Bart'.
Green, Dr Hen rf Ste wa rt. Tliomas W
Greene, AS White, Hiram,
Ilouchin, FM WiuterV David
Markets. Markets quiet with few vari
ations since last quotations. Butter is
quoted at 30c. eggs 30c, while wheat has
slid up to SOc per bushel, with reported
sales two or three cents higher. The bread
stuffs market goes up or down, according
as the reports from Europe favor war or
The contest for nomination for the offices
of Beeortler, Marshal and Treasurer prom
ises to lie warm to-morrow night. The"
balance of the city offices will probably go
begging. .
Printers will know we Iiave had a pleas
ant time this week, when we state tliat we
have been casting new rollers ! Our office
Is "stuck up' some.
Lebanon Lodge, I.O.O.F., has made
prepa rations to entertain one hundred
guests at the dedication ol their new Hall
to-day. .
Thanks. We are under obligations to
the managers for a complimentary" to
Linn Engine Co. "s ball, which comes off
next Thursday evening.
There is one little rooster attending Al
bany Collegiate Institute of whom it Is re
ported he has two chills each day, but he
won't stop going to school. He's a brick.
If the Yaquina Bay Railroad was now In
running order, our producers could sell
tlit-ir wheat at from $1 05 to 1 07 per
bushel, present San Francisco prices.
We have been pushed with job work dur
ing the week, and have not been able to
give as much attention to our paper as we
would like.
Thanksgiving Sebsion At the Baptist
Church, by Rev. Mr. White, of the M. E.
Church South, was listened to with Interest
b3 the large congregation in attendance.
Ri:rri:i.iCANS Nominate good, solid,
trustworthy men for the Uifiercnt city offi
ces to-morrow night, and they will be
elected. .
We are now Inxuriatring, eacli night and
morning, fn ctehSip,- da'mp; Shilling fogS-
the kind of fogs tfhr.f freeze fhe b!orU" ill a
man's veins in no titm.
Mr. Peterson had an iiisurauce of $1,100
on the two bniidings bnmcd last week.
Tlie appraisers gave him more than that
amount as damages.
Tlie Santiam Canal Co. Iiave put In a
hydrauire ram at Foster's mill, which forces
water into the St. Charles from the Santiam
river. This U a good scheme.
Tyler & Tate al ways keep fresh groceries
and provisions, and everything else kept
in a well regulated grocery store, and they
arc good boys to with.
Gradwohl has a large stock of desirable
goods, including groceries, dry goods, hard
ware, ranges, stoves, tin ware, etc. Call
aivl see.
A few days ago, wo arn sorry to learn,
Mrs. Luther Elkins was stricken with par
alysis, affecting one entire side of the body.
The roads through the county are des
perately muddy, and no one is better ac
quainted with this f-ict than our physicians.
Some sickness reported, and the doctors
are compelled to strike ont at all times ot
the night or day.
Remember the S. S. Concert at the M.
E. Chnrch Monday night, and go. Only
two bits admission.
Christmas Is coming, and Titus Bros, are
supplied' Wftfi all kinds of jewelry, etc,
spcciaMy'adapted for presents.
Tlie west side of Jolin Briggs' building,
burned in the fire" last Week,- has been re-"
Tiie;A"rf3ws ealls on tlie eo'pIe of Har-
risburg to agitate on fhe" Calipooia' Cahal'
Wlicat qiioted'at 80c a bushel. At San
Francisco on Tuesday, wlieat was quoted
at $2 05O2 12 per 100 pounds.
Mr. Jolm Briggs was awarded $340 fire
damages on his business house, by the ap
praiser, on Wednesday.
Leighton Bin in has some of tlie liand-
eomest slippct s you ever saw. Take a look
at them.
New goods at Foshay's-among the rest
some of the wnynppcst diaries that ever
went anywhere.
Opposition in the milk business is get
ting warm. Two bits per gallon Is all tlie
"lacteal" costs at present.
Dlptlicria lias been troubling members of
the editor's family for a week or more, and
has not entirely disappeared at Oils writing.
Christmas tree at the M. E. Church
Christmas night for the benefit, of the chil
dren attending the Sunday School.
Brownsville Woolen Mills are crowding
work right along, running part of the ma
chinery night and day.
' The Oild Fellows of Lebanon dedicate
their new hall this evening. A large num
ber of three linkers go from this city.
Friend Matthews Is fitting up the Che
nickcta, Salem, in grand style.
HarrisburgUus are to- uiuftt a grand ball
Willamette at good boating stage.
City election transpirts next' Moiidayi I
.Dave Froman. Is talked'of' as a candidate'
for Mayor'.' . Dave lias been there before.
... - ' .
pur new job type pets away with any-"
thing ever seen in these diggings. Tryni.
JoeJ Webber gave an ojrsfer supper toa'
few friends Tuesday night."
' . : i .-
AI. Wheeled of Shedd, was liV tile city'
oh WednesdayV
Weatiier Cool and frosty since the ra jrt'
ceased. .
The execution of K.Xelt transpires three'
weeks from' ttMlayV j
Two's ball' promises be way lip. It'
comes off next' Thursday evening.
Mr. J. B. ScraffonlIate i of Pdlk coifnty,
Is now a resident of this 'cit
J. B. Comstock, of Pass Creek,' was iii'
the city yesterday.
Everybody goes to Lebanon to-night.'
Miss Lizzie iVc'stlakfe baa been very III''
for some days.' .
Slathers of wheat sold at nalscy List'
week. . ;
Grand ball at Lebanon this evening, at
Oild Fellows hall.
Fifteen deatlis from dlplhdrTa" reported;
at Brownsville last week.' lihs ii fearftii!
Sfeahi boats are making' regular trips ai'
far tip tlie Willamette as Corvallis.
Tony Xoltner, of the Portland Standard
called Wednesday.'
The Brass Band at Lebanon is resting'
we learn. . -
The latest trom Jack Titus was to the efV
feet that he was enjoying-good healthy nttd1
hadn't lost any slieep.'
Brass Band fercr is the latest at BrowrfsS'
Edward I line, a1 correspondent of
tlie Liverpool Mercury, ih a comrKo-"
nication to that pnper speaks as fbl-"
"I am willing to risk my reputation',
as a public man if the worst case of
small-pox cannot be effectually enred in,
three days, simply by cream ot tartar.
This ia the sore and never-failing rem
edy : One ounce ot cream ot tartar dis
solved in a pint of boiling water, to bo
drank when cold at short intervals. It
can be taken at any time, a id; is a'pi'e-'
yentive' as well as a curatiVe - It.!
known to have cured iu a' hundred'
thousand cases without a failure. ,1
have myself restored hindreds by'thiaf
means. It never leaves a mark, . neve'
causes blindnc&,- sSid always pwerrti?
tedtorts lingering!
EXcrrixo soexr.
Tlie N. Y. Tribune New OrleanV
special of November 28tli, eays : Mra.
Pinkstoii's evidence! in Oilacbita par
ish, was given to-day, ahd created a'
marked sensation. It was pickeiiiiigMrr1
details. The Democratic counsel pnv'
fessed great surprise at tlie testimony.
The testimony was very accurate, and'
carried conviction even to tnd reluctant'
Democrats, some of whom' expressed'
belief in its truth. Cross-examination
only fortified tlie' liortitile tale.- 3oV.'
Palmer got up from his chair as tliis4
womans story was finished and said:
If tills story is false, those who prepared' .
it for this poor woman should bo hang
ed ; bnt if, as I firmly believe, it ia true;
those who can perpetrate such atrocities
should be executed without mercy. T
will spend ten thotisand dollars tb ter-
ret oat this cane. It lowks true.' Thi
poor woman has been most cruelly
wronged. Tue Democrats tried in vain
to pacify Gov. Palmer, who was great- -excited.
McG Iain filed' a' reddest tliat thV
tally slioets ' Bafon l'ogue';
whicli liad been ordered' telegraphed'
tor Saturday, bnt which were not tele-- .
graphed', for on account of a lack ot -hinds,
be sent for now, and money for
that purpose was deposited by the Dem
ocrats. Throngh " the ignorance of the
commissioners of election, the documents
were boxed up. , This- mistake wilt
cause the throwing' out of the ballot un-
less tally slieels are procured. There
are Democratic' majorities in this par
ish. The board went ; into'e'xecutive sev
sion and examined Bienville, West;
Baton Iiogue, Bossier, Cad well, Carrol
Claj'borne, Jefferson, Morehouse, Ra--pides,
Bed Kiver, St. Iandry, Webrter
and Wenn parishes, and the 1st, 2dy
4th, 5th, Clh, 7th, 8lh, 9th, 11th, lSlh
15th and 17th wards or tho parish ot
New : Orleans, and laid them over for'
future action there being' piotests and'
contests in each case. In the 7th ward
ot New Orleans parish the stipe visor
throws out the votes of poll where" -there
j Was a majority of 173 for the'
Tildcn electors, on the ground tliat tlie"
vote had not been counted and letnrnnd'
within 24- hours aitcr- the close of the
election.- ,
The Pioneers or' Soutlierti Oi-egoif or5-' '
ganized at JacksonviHe-' last week.-.
Permanent ofticcrs wcw put iu iniitia-
tion and eleotcnl; r follows : Juhn E.
Boss, pret.idnt ; Willi Iloflman, eore
Ury ; U. b. llaykui treasuivr.