The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, December 01, 1876, Image 2

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    C 1 'rt n m 2l1 ri 4 t v
TUe Presidential Contest
Uaycs ami AVliceler Elected
Without Doubt.
.oniMiuuu. Tor Haj c.
Telegrams of November 28tl, from
Florida, state that the voteot that State
has been counted, and the 1 1 ayes elec
tors declared elected. Ror !
Louisiana, despite intimidation, fraud
nd the most fieudibh, co! J -blooded
tnunlero ever recorded, committed by
' reti rm" Democrats, has given a good
majority for IIa-es. Three 'rorsl
Jov. Hayes said, a day or two ago,
that it elected the peoplo need not fear
bat that he onll be inaugurated.
Says the Oregon ian : No one who
reads the New Orleans dispatches this
morning will wor.der at the agitation
f Gv. Palmer and those other North
ern Democrats who heard the story of
Jra. l'inkt-ton. In all tlie annals of
"Crime and cruelty there is nothing more
liorrible, if anything equaling in brutali
ty and fiendisliucss the conduct of the
tnob whose doings she has narrated.
Governor Palmer says well, when he
declares it is a broader question than
of President making; that il is a ques
tion of humanity. That is, and has
been fbr a long time, in the minds of a
large proportion of the Republican par
ty, the real and the only vital issue in
the contest between the jarties.
MOCRACY. Rumor pays that Se ator Kelly,
ays the Oregonian, has failed in his
efforts to induce the Governor to issue
certificate of election to one of the
Democratic candidates fbr elector, and
we are reliably informed that attorneys
have been employed to commence in the
proper court the proceedings necessary
to determine whether Watts is eligible)
and if not wiiether tliero is a vacancy
or will tlie Democrat having the high
t vote be entitled to a seat in the
Electoral College.
Affairs are in a pretty muddle in
South Carolina. Fifty-nine Republi
can members of the Legislature have
met and organized at the State House,
while sixty-odd Democrats claiming to
be members e'ect of the same body, have
met and organized at a hal in Colum
bia. Two legislatures fbr one State is
good. How the muddle will be settled
remains to be seen.
According to Edward McPherson,
late Clerk of the House of Repre
sentatives, acknowledged authority on
parliamentary law, and Congressional
precedents, the President of the IT. S.
Senate has no discretion but to an
nounce the vote as he receives it.
Senator Kelly is back in Oregon, in
stead of being at - Washington, scrying
his country at a huge salary. He says
he is clearly of the opinion that Dr.
Watts should not be granted a certifi
cate, as elector, we suppose because he
plashed the Democracy so unmercifully
daring the canvass.
Gen. JicKenzie, with 1,000 troops,
met the Cheyennes, 500 strong, Nov.
25th, and went for them. At last ac
counts twenty Indians were killed, but
the Indians had not sunendered.
- t i
The value ot the Centennial build
ings at , Philadelphia is estimated at
55,794,000, and that of their contents
at $97,343,350, making a total of
9 104,820,350. It is believed that there
has never been an aggregation of pro
ducts of all the arts and trades of such
immense value as that in Philadelphia.
"Professor" Dixon, who performed
the "living burial" feat recently at BeU
veden, South Carolina, died, of fever a
, few days " ago, and was buried in the
identical cofSn which he used in per
forming bis trick.
Official returns from Curry county
. give Hayes electors 131 votes each,
' Tildeb 129 ; Williams, 131, Lane, 128.
Cooper and Carey got three votes.
The latest from Florida indicates the
election ot Hayes electors by 38 votes
which is whittling it down pretty close.
Trie Iter. Joseph Cook, in his Boston
lectors on evolution, declared that . the
Izw flat all living beings must have
two parents is not universal, and in
stance.! the fct that drone bees bave
oolj one parent, the mother.
Democratic Intimidation, Out
rage una iriurucr no longer
denied In Louisiana.
The testimony before the IJoard of
State Canvassers of Louisiana, on No
vember 29th, by Mrs. Pinkston, of the
horrid outrages perpetrated upon her,
the murder of her husband and the
butchery of the infant at her breast, in
which ten leading white Democrats
of Louisiana participated, was so con
vincing that not only ex-Gov. Palmer,
Lyman Trumbull, Gen. Geo. IS. Smith,
and others espresso! themselves thor
oughly convinced, but even Southern
Democrats were compelled to acknowl
edge that there had been outrages com
mitted. Rut to enable our readers to
thoroughly understand the matter we
give the entire te'egram, as follows :
New YoftK, Nov. 29. The Times1
New Orleans special says a startling:
scene occured before the returning board
to-day. Four witnesses were examined.
AH had been wantonly shot because of
tlieir Republican principles. Fonrwere
brought to the city on cots. Their
names are Ben. James, Eaton Long
wood, II. Burrell and Kliza Pinkston.
During the latter's painful recital of
her wrongs, of her husband s emascula
tion, and then killed before' her eyes, of
her babe whose throat was cut in her
arras, ct her own cashed breast ana
limbs, and finally of outrage of her per
son by ten white Democrats. Ex-Gov,
John M. Palmer, of Illinois, leaped
from his chair and said with wrath, "If
this t-tnry be false, those that prejared it
tor this onr woman shonld be hanged,
but as I firmly believe it is true, the
wretches who can perpetrate such atro.
cities should be executed without mercy.
I will spend ten thousand dollars to
ferret out this case. It looks, true j this
poor woman has certainly beer cruelly
wronged. 1 he question is broader now
than President making ; it is one of
humanity. It she has toM the trntl
Sheridan should come back at once and
hold with a grip of iron . tl.e people
who can see such infamy without re.
nionttrance even m their public print
Gov. Talmer was greatly excited while
making these remarks, and astounded
the Louisiana Democrats, who tried in
vain to racily him. Gen. Geo. i-
Smith, of Wisconsin, also exhibited
much excitement, and turning upon the
local Democrats and said, 'you have
deceived us." Suljscquently Trumbull,
who was absent from the room during
the woman's
recital, concurred with
(Jen. Palmer. The demoralization of
the Democrats here is complete, not
only because of the facts disclosed, but
because of the names of leading Demo
crats who are exposed in detail as mur
derers and ravisLers. Other .fitnesses,
men and women who had cruelly suf
fered, are yet to take the stand. To
night, the chief of jKilice has been com
pelled to station a force around ' the
domicile within which Mrs. Pinkston
lies prostrate in bed. A turbulent Dem
ocratic crowd is assembled and loud
with menaces. At last it is evident
that Northern Democrats cannot return
liome and sneer down the Southern
Democratic outrages as myths. Testi
mony which John Sherman. Gen. Gar
field, Eugene Hale, Gen. While, Court
land Parker, E. W. Stoughton and
Judge Kelly will furnish the North, will
startle the whole country. Following
is in substance, Mrs. Pinkston's state
ment : On Saturday night, the 4th,
Henry Pinkston, a respectable colored
man, who was known in Island district
of Ouachita parish, went to his cabin
after, as he stated, having held a con
sultation regarding the election with a
number ot Republican leaders. He
was known in the parish as a steadfast
and somewhat demonstrative Republi
can, but fearing for his life he had re
cently joined a Democratic club. Ac
cording to the sworn statement of his
wife, which is now before me, he went
quietly to bed on the night in question,
not fearing or apprehending any danger.
At about three o'clock next morning, a
number ot men, who, from their voices
were known to be white, came to
the cabin and knocking at the
door, said "come out here Pinkston,
your Yankee friends want to take you
to Monroe." To this Mrs. Pinkston,
who thonght she recognized the voice
of the speaker, replied : "You are no
Yankee: you are Dr. Young." A man
named Gogan, who was afterwards rec
ognized by Mrs. Pinkston, immediately
answered, "Dr. Yonng is not in the
parish." After few words more ot no
importance had passed between the ter.
rifled woman and the men outside,
Gocan broke down the door, and
number ot armed meo, among whom
Mrs. Pinkston recognized Vr,
Billy Parks, Gogan, Frank Durham,
Buck Baker, and others, rushed into
the room. They went up to the bed
where Pinkston was lying and dragging
him out on the floor cried. "Yon will
vote no more Radical tickets." Here
Buck Baker said. "We must tend to
the woman, too." They then com
menccd firing their pistols at Pinkston.
He felT; his wife screamed, and one of
them struck her over the bead with
heavy navy revolver. . She was cut and
shot in several places. Her jaw was
oroten but she did not die. When she
hal been tended to the men tcok her
husband, tied a handkerchief over his
mouth, and carried his bleeding body
out ot the house. There they killed
him. Before lie died he becrsred them
to spare his life, saying, "I will vote the
Democratic ticket, sure " "No " said
one ot them, "God damn your nigger
heart, you have fooled us long enough;
now you must die." Having killed ber
husband, the men next turned to the
wue. iier miantlayatherside. Tbey
cut its throat from ear to ear and threw
the dead body into -a nond im, t
They left tle cabin and bleeding child!
less widow of their victims. She saw
mora no more. There are
2.167 T?
publican voters in the narish
Henry Pinkston lived, but nniv 7i
mem weut to uie pons on election day.
The official vote of Illinois gives
Ilaye 278,282 j Tilden, 258,001;
Cooper, 17,109. Hayes over Tilden.
19,631. The Legislature stands, on
joint ballot, 101 Republicans, 08 Dem
ocrats, S.Independents, with two seats
contested which may increase tlie Re
publican majority to 103, and decrease
the entire opposition to 100.
Tennessee gave Tilden 133,166;
Hayes, 99,566.
Indiana gave Hayes 208,111 ; Coop
er, 9,543 ; Tilden, 213,526.
Kansas gave Hayes 78,332; Tilden,
37,902. Hayes majority, 40,430.
Minesota gave Hayes 72,962 ; Til
den, 48,799. Republican majority,
The proclamation ot Gov. Brogden,
of North Carolina, gives Tilden 16,178
majority, with three counties not yet
heard from officially. The Republicans
of North Carolina declare the State
has gone for Hayes and they will con-
test. They have iudubitable evidence
of immense Democratic frauds which
they can easily prove, since Democrats
have been off their guard, believing
Republicans had conceded the State.
Condensed Lightning.
The potato crop is suffering by blight
in Ireland.
Russia is making many preparations
for emergencies.
The total nnmlier of Spanish troops
in Cuba up to the 27th, was 25,000.
The text of the new Turkish consti
tution has been submitted to the Powers.
A million dollars in gold was shipped
from England to the United States on
the 27th.
News from Calcutta says that 251,-
000 people perished in the East India
cyclone, recently.
James Whiteside, Lord Chief Justice
of the Court of the Queen's Bench,
Ireland, died on the 25'h, aged 68.
Five Americans who were insulted
and assaulted by lexicaii officers, were
thrown into prison and heavily fined.
The Czar has informed the Servian
General, Poctoroii that Russians who
took part with the Servians will lose
nothing thereby.
Ellis, the New York bant defaulter,
i in St. Johns, ami detectives cannot
take him away because of there being
no treaty.
The marriage of Mrs. Ives, daughter
of, John Lathrop Motley, to Sir Wil
liam G. G. Vernon Harcourt, member
of parliment fbr Oxford, will be cele
brated at Westminster Abbey Satur
day next.
The estimates of the Treasury De
partment are not yet completed.
Ex-Senator Foote ridicules the idea
ot the Presidential vote being decided
by Congress.
Mayor Wickham will appoint John
Kelly Comptroller, vice Green, The
latter will resist.
Budd Doblo left Omaha for
Francisco with Goldsmith Maid
other trotters on the 27th.
President Wells, of the Louisiana
returning board, declined to hear any
protests on the 27 th.
Gen. Banning, chairman of the com
mission to reorganize the army, has
arrived at Washington.
Democrats are accused of glaring
frauds in North Carolina. Tilden's
majority is about 11,000. j
A German named Opperman killed
his wile and cut his own throat, at Al
leghaney City, Pa., on the 27th.
Judge Knijht, of St. Louis, accident
ally shot and killed himself on the 27 th
inst. Some think it was a suicide.
Troops were to be stationed at the
State House in Columbia on Tuesday,
the day of Legislature conveuing,
Wade Hampton's sister's house was
set on fire and destroyed by an incendi
ary, near Columbia, on Friday night.
The officers at- Fort Leavenworth
scout the idea that troops are being
concentrated at Washington and New
Ex-U. S. Senator Osborne says that
Democratic majorities were made by
tamperiug with the returns and . intimi
Republicans claim tliat evidences of
such fraud bave been discovered in
Louisiana that leave no doubt of Re
publican victory.
Four people were burned to death in
Chicago on the 27th by the burning of
some frame structures used for saloons
and restaurants.
Eliza Pinkston has arrived at New
Orleans, and states that her husband
and baby were murdered by bull-dosere,
and she was left for dead.
Subscriptions in St. Petersburg and
Moscow alone to the loan of a hundred
million roubles, asked by an imperial
ukase of Nov. 18th, exceed that amount.
Bismarck refused to receive the Turk
ish Ambassador, Edhim Pabha. Edhim
Pasha is said to be fixed in his views,
I and war may possibly result from a
I conference with him.
Tildon's official majority in Georgia
is 85,085.
The imprisoned board says it has tie
law on its side.
The Republicans hate no attorney
before the Louisiana board.
The Louisiana board will probably
finish its labors by Saturday.
Got, Sterns has taken oath that he
does not want to count the returns.
Times dispatches from Florida say
Democrats expect only to carry the
State ticket. ;; .
Intense excitement exists in South
Carolina over what the Legislature may
do on Tuesday.
The MetcalCFrost contested election
case in St. Louis shows fraud on the
part of the Democrats.
St. Louis Republicans recommend
Wm. R. Morrison for Speaker of the
House of Representatives.
A Republican messenger to the
Southern Florida counties was driven
back by the Democrats.
The Morning itar ad vises the South
to prepare fbr another struggle, "and
never submit to the seating of Packard.
Gen. Graftt has ordered Gen. Ruger
in South Carolina; to sustain Gov.
Chamberlain until otherwise directed.
The Louisiana board has decided that
protests will not be entertained after re
turns have been sent to clerks for com
putation. Republican politicians at Washing
ton say that the South Carolina court
exceeded its authority by imprisoning
the canvassing board.
Man ton Marble says he never con
ceded Florida to the Bepublicans, but
on the contrary, is sure the- Democrats
there have now the day.
Webster and Hamilton, who went
south from Ta'lahassee to look into a I
leged Democratic frauds, wero arrested
by Democratic reformers.
Southern Democrats are daily in re
ceipt of telegrams from the North and
West, calling on thtm to stand firm and
they shall be supported to the utmost.
The five memlters ot the South Car
olina returning ftoard have been sent to
jail by order of the cnrt. Their names
arc Corduza, Dunn,-Payne, Purvis, and
The Democrats are trying to defeat
One of t! e Republican electors in Penn
sylvania, Samuel W. Starkweather,
because of a sligLt mistake in printing
on some of the tickets.
At noon on Monday the Florid;;
board of canvassers meet. Five Demo
crats and three Republicans have been
invited. The result will be mainly reach
ed before the 6thot December. , - '
It is feared that the Democrats will
attempt to inaugurate Wade Hampton
on Tuesday, and that the Republicans
will attempt to do the same thing with
Chamberlain. The general govern
ment will be asked to decide between
the two. .
A Teport says Gcv. Hendricks, Gov.
Tilden, ex-Gov. Curtin, Hon. S. Hewett
and wife, and Mrs. Hendricks dined
with Hon. Peter Cooper. Gov. Hen
dricks leaves for home in a few days.
The following statement wa made by
Gov. Hendricks : lie didn't come for
the purpose of holding a conference ;
he states that he is so perfectly convirc-
ed that the feelrnp; ot the honest men
throughout the country is so general
that Tilden has been elected, that the
sense of justice ot the country, irrespec
tive of party, is so 6trong that corrupt
canvassing boards of the South won't
dare set public opinion at defiance ; and
if they make the attempt they will fail
in their purpose. Oh !
The South Carolina Supreme Court
on the 25th decided to issue certificates
to members from Laurens and Edjje-
The Russian fleet has sailed from
Naples : destination unknown.
The Ducliesn of Edinburgh has been
delivered ot a daughter at Malta. morally bound to,sup-
port Russia- in the "coming conference'.
The line of demarcation between the
Turks and Monte negr ins is two kilome
tres wide.
The Servian Ministry will resign.
The present ministry will carry on the
government provisionally.
A severe flood ruined a great deal of
property in Central America last week.
The cocoa interest suffered most heavily.
D. M. Frost, ot Missouri, a Demo
cratic Elector, is said to be ineligible
because he was a Confederate General.
He claims that President Johnson par
doned him.
The Times' Washington special says:
The Oregon . ''elector is beginning to
trouble the Republicans sorely. They
bave heard that Gov. G rover will com
mission a Democratic elector, and are
looking around to see how the diffi
culty can be met. They talk of sup
pressing the result in North Carolina
until definate news comes from Oregon.
It Grover gives the Democratic elector
a certificate, then the Republican Gov
ernor of North Carolina will refuse a
certificate to a North Carolina Demo
cratic elector. .;
Vmlim Stokers.
Great anxiety exists in California in
regard to the Oregon postmaster case.
A fire in San Francisco on the 25th,
destroyed $6,000 worth of property.
Lewisville, Polk county, wants a
harness maker
The Beach mines, in Coos countyj
show a good "color
The pork harvest will be - very 'heavy
in Polk county.
Ed. Casey is President of the Dallas
board ot trustees.
Ballance on hand in the Dallas town
treasury is $11 90.
Wheat sold for 78 cents a bushel at
Eugene City last week.
It is proposed to organize a society
of Minnesotians at Astoria.
More houses or fewer people, is the
way things stand now at Dallas.
The new flouring mills at Indepen
dence is almost ready tor wheat.
Inrlenza has become an epidemic with
the Douglass county children.
But a small amount of the Polk
county tax has thus far been paid.
A new church bell is to be bought
by Dallas people, by subscription.
Joseph Beezley, of Lone Rock, Was
co county, lost 500 sheep last week.
The first boat of the season reached
Lafayette on Tuesday of last week.
Major Tower, of Empire City, killed
eighteen wild geese in one day last
The second term of the Roseburg
Academy will begin December 4th.
A grist and saw mill will soon be
built by subscription at Dora, Douglas
The work ot improving the Cascades
will lie commenced about the 1st of
O'd I lob, the Astoria dog belonging
to Cant. Wass, has jroiie where the
good dog go.
Twelve Independence men have gone
to investigate the Wasco county silver
I VIIelier was rnn over by a
tr.'iin near
Oakland last week and
The sacrament of matrimony is being
very well attended to by the Yoncalla
lys and girls.
Eddie liariic, of I Josebur, fell fr;n
a fence one day last week and broke his
The Dalles firemen are gying to give
a "Kingjoiu" masquerade on January
the first.
G. B. Riggs has purchased the mail
route between Dallas and Salem of Mr.
James Logan.
Seven thousand six hundred sacks C"
wheat were shipjcd from Dayton in one
day of last week.
Six thousand shares ot the Esther
Mining Company were sold in Roseburg
on Wednesday last.
Dallas has more side-walks, it is said,
than any other town of the same size on
the Pacific coast.
Axsom, the sole saloon keeper at
Dallas, has succumbed.
Brigman and Dickinson wrestled for
a "Y" at Yoncalla last week, and Dick
inson wants his money back.
Reed & Lone sent down 175 sugar
pine logs on the North Umpqna fbr the
mill at Gardiner one day last week.
Mr. Ilurlburt, of Douglas county,
raised 70 bushels of corn to the acre
One ear was ten inches long with 26
rows ot plump grain.
A carrot measuring three feet in
length and eight inches in circumference
is the way Tom Beale of Douglas coun
ty, raise csFculents.
The Polk county Telegram has been
revived by Mr. and Mrs. W.JA. Wheel
er, who will change its name to the Polk
county Tribune.
The man who laid his hands on his
wife in Astoria last week, in a way that
was fined 25 and costs.
R. C. Kemp, oL Dallas, 'got, caught
in a water wheel one day last week,
and would have "gone the way of all
flesh" but for timely assistance.
Mr. R. R. Rounds, reports gathering
six "Blue Mashehich" potatoes that
weighed twenty-four pounds.
Mr. David Ilushey, of Douglas coun
ty, has about sixty acres of a wheat field
in which the grain is at least two inches
in height and growing finely,
An insane man named Cuttlcton on
25th, attempted to kill several people
in Austin, but was frustrated. Ho is
now in jail.
An intoxicated section man was run
over at Wadswortb on the 25th, cutt
ing off one of his legs. Recovery
Alfred W. Buchanan, in the auditory
department of Wells, Fargo fc Co.,
committed suicide in San Francisco by
shooting himself on the 26th inst.
Leviathan won the trotting race at
San Francisco on tho25th. Best time,
Flood & O'Brien sold $2,000,000
worth of fine silver to Lindcrmau in
Sau Fiancisco on the 25th
A little Roseburg boy named Mat
thews, is developing a nervous disease
in his sleep which leads him to shake
pillows and go through other peculiar
ant cs.
Draw poker was played in Roseburg
one flight last weeK, notwithstanding
the strict gambling law. The poker
was drawn frofn rtndef the stove fend
dropped on st belligerent s head.
The Dallas town treasurer's report
shows that since January 1, 1876, he
has received from all sources $797 33,
paid out since that time $285 43, leav-
Sng a balance in the' treasury of $1 1 90
Five cases of varioloid Sre reported
this week on Spencer Creek, at what is
known as the "Old Iladley place.'
The parties affected are Marion Hamil
ton and wife, John Hodges and two in
The Indians camped near Dallas have
most emphatically warned some of the
whites not to enter their camp again,
and threaten to make it exceedingly hot
for them if they don't heed the warning.
An old man who had been working
for Mr. Holmes, ot Polk county, rode
away on one ot the latter's horses last
week; borrowed a gun from Hon. Ben.
Hayden, which he pawned, and "now
is where nobody knows."
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wheeler who
have taken charge of the Polk county
Telegram, say : "As to politics, we
consider the political pool too muddy
for us too dabble in to any very great
extent." Oh dear!
The first "case" under the new liquor
law was tried in Columbia county last
week. The witness, when asked what
he was doing in the saloon, replied that
he went in to change his. breath. That
settled the question. -
Lewisville has now two stores, two
blacksmith sTiops, one wagon shop, one
drug store, one cooper shop, one meat
market, one boot factory, one furniture
factory, one hotel, one physician and
surgeon, o:iC barber, two professors of
music, and one dancing master, also a
Grange and a I-lge ot l.O O.F.
The Democratic caucus have thns
far failed to make a nomination. Sen
ator Morgan and Mr. Pugh are candi
dates. Xcw ToDy.
"fVTO'ncTi V hereby given that the nnuVr--i-l
signed. Sell S.f lays, ha In-eii. by
order of the Comity Cnnt of J-inn vonuty,
Orpjoii. made at lite XovcwiIer iru there
of, 1S7(J, dnly appointed adniiiiMtraJor ot
the estate ol Setli W. Hays, deceased, and
all persons luivin claims against said es
tate, are liereby leqiiircd to present tliein.
duly verified, to tlte undersigned at his
place of business in HaJsey, in Linn comity.
Oregon, within six months front tlie date
hereof. SKTH . HAYS.
Admisf rotor
Dated, Dec. 1, 1S7C. nl0r9
AdniinijilralOf's Koticp.
"VfOTICK lirreby riven 1 lm i lift fllfdtff mz1
Jl evl, w . I
11. i;ltm. was duly itiqwomwl b aj
; Comity iTottrt of l.imi OU" y, . "
.lull- n.utii it tii-tiilMi- ti-m ttt mill
court, lrfits, the administrator of tile eHiftteiff
Selina Mrris, late of Linn comity, Oregon,
now iloeeaseil: anl alt )x;xii9 liavlntf eiaims
ucaiiiHt said eslate am hereby required to pre
sent tliem to tlie nuderwhrned. at Ills residence
in Allianv, Onion, dnly verified, within six
months from the date livivof.
W. II.tiiH.TltA, Administrator.
Xovemlier 17, lK7fi.-4wr
TMIK FALL 'i'KRM of tliiw Institution will
J. Uvin on MONDAY. SKPTKM15KIJ 4, l."K,
with the following
Faculty of I:itru-tioii s
ll.-.v. II. W. STKATTON. A. M.. l'nsstdeiit.
mil Professor of Mental and Monti Science
IJttv. L. J 1'OWKI.L.A. M..l"rolonsorot Mutti-
ematics and Natural Sciences.
II. II. 1IKWITT, A. Al., Professor or Ancient
Miss MA 151 A IK1K, Tcncncr oi j-rimurj-
MIsk KI.VA IfKEYMAX, Teacher of Instru
mental Music. '
H. is. ItU'K, M. I Lecturer on i-nysioiogy
and Hygiene.
Calendar s
First Term liesins Septemlier 4. ls"rt.
Second Term lupins Novenilier IS. 1S76.
Third Term liesjins Jannary , 1S77.
Fourth Term lies'"" April !, 1X77.
ViwMtiou iifniiH week dmiiur the holldav.
'losing exercises of the school year, Juno W,
RiiIm or Tuition s
Primary Dembtmext, per term... 00
CuMMUN ENUI.IMI BKAjtriOM, per term.. 8 00
rv 1 .;i f i it ii 1 1 1 4 iil-ek . .......... . It 00
llltANl'llKS.inclllulll!r 1 rclHiralO-
Coi.i.koiatk. iiicltKltm: Higher Jjttm and
tireck. Advanced Mat lieniat lcs. ami
Mental and Moral Science, lier tenu.. 13 00
French and (jcriiinn, each, extra 3 o
Instrumental Music... 11 00
of l'iuiio...... .3 00
Incidentals ftu
Tuition hi all cases reunired in advance.
l'unctiml attendance, lieutiicss, promptness
and ircntlc manlv and ladvltke deportment, will
lie c.HH-teil from all who'may liecome memliers
of the school. , . -L. J. rOWKLL.
Prof. Gt. X. Newell,
Harmony. Tboron Wass mi Siniii.
Special attention given to
HAVING concluded to make AI.BA1SY my
permanent residence, all who desire a
t horotifih knowledge of Hnle can now bave
an opiHM't unity.
Timed nnd. Repaired
Leave your address at Mr. Foshayls musicand
book store, or at Mr. Ilarr's music store, and I
will call lit your residence.
Albany, August 4, 1876-45
Attention, Fruit Crowew!
The nntECTons of the alpks fkitit
Co. heg to announce that they will put t lie
Factory In operation as soon as Fruit and V e
et allies are ready for use, and will pay eal or
the same when delivered.
Boxes will lie furnished to all for tlH piirpo"
ofhrtnging their frnit to the factory.
Fruit should be picked from the trees and not
brnised. ,
l'artieshaviner plums should bo particular to
gather them belore itiey-iiyoonie ioo J'lT:-
Secret nrv.
Albuny.Muly ay, ls7ti-aii4t
Following is tlie latest report we liave"
been able to obtain before Itoing to press "
with regard to the Presidential election :
II it yes. Tildem
Alnb.ima m..... i 1(1
Arkansas..,. ' 0
Connecticut a 0
Cnlnrmlo it
California ............. tf -
l)elaV;ife., .. , w. v 3
Florida.... ........ . 4.. 4 1 4-
Georgia It
Indiana ,,n tzn '19
Iowa t.a 4tt. a mt sit 11
Illinois .wi ....... tt:t .... 2t
Kentucky tm :m it:: it, -1.
Kansas. .. :::. .w.. :::. .. j 5
Louisiana ..... . . Jti t 8
Maine j j vw. 7
Maryland ,t t:u - 8
Massachusetts ..,... .. IJf
Missf-ssippl .... t:
Minnesota.. j 8
Missouri .I., .t.4 14.. ii.. ' X9
Michigan .i. .m mt m. Jl " '
XewYorliii..J 3
Jieit Jrscy ,,.i 9
Nebraska. ,. . m, ,,it .... ; JT
Nevada..... . .... . Jf
New Iianishire.... . .... h .
North Carolina ........ .. ' 1C
IVuiisylviiniii .i
Kluxie Island..
South Carolina .
Tennessee .. i. .
Texas.... .... .
Virginia. ....
West Virginih.
Vermont .... ..
JVew To-Day
Wo Have IT,
IVXcmritairi Haluip
to curs, meA5J or
i i
KilKl M AT I 31 .
KftTtrfcf? .Tii.'T jr.7fte.- tf cm I fie apttn nf tm
Sivr! 'VeVHdst .ioitJi!j. ; '1'Jik lel ffjltnil
in I'm iHJtte? rHrea, wbrw dry, rrqitaint
fifty per ret. vf re.ff or M mbm firm,
the prrfpert.'es of wffcliplfnffrtiif wmI
imxl'mjC. jjimI fprfMjr Tt1teit fw it
wants of tisc jyiteti rrs vf lmg H
ea.e ami ltbwutntUin.
The high "tiiii:ilt yrhUS lix TfftrM
plaeed ittoti it on account of It wedftin!
i;ialitie is nianileft Irom the t;(iwr Ifcfjf
nve to it. tnativ re'ir ai?o YcriKt!",
or -Herb of the" Saints." The natives yt
Sonthern )rejon nnd Northerti t.'iiHfon:i.-t
luive ichhI inniiiieinoi iaily s jiitetnuaiie;
remedy. The while pojiiilaiioti In the n
cioii w here It grows liave used nnd prixeil
U as a throat and lung nut Heine. For
time they failed it Lniijr V eetl; bttt giro
valuable feslitnonial as to its virtue in
curing; Kite iim:itisn.
When vn open one f ir paekages.
keep it excluded trom the air as uiuch a
I have nsetl it in my fiindly Ibr foir nr
live year.', and reard it as: one ot llw Int
frttuily medicines we ever 'llsetl. A -tim"t-tue
is nniiiiifactiired from it itt Cineiiinatl.
ami soitl at 73 cents rfr onm-e. A single
one of our ptieka;e nisiku eie;ht ontieot of
tincttin. which Is worth $5. " Tlw slinib
fiom which this valuable medtcine Is gath
ered. U only found hi . a i narrow belt of
eonnlry in .Southern Oregon. ntKl along lite
Sierra Nevada Mountain, and is npinwcd
to have lieeli rilhcrel from Mount (iilend
lliou-ands ol years ago, and tlie g;u c
traeti-d and sold in Kgypt and 111 Tire bo
foiv the time of Sulomoiu ' t
Dr. Nleklin, oi Eugene Cily, myiz
"Your Italm is one ot the bt-st prwrrvctt
ln-rhs I ever saw. and i worthy of a higljer
price tlmn yon put upon H." ' .
T!pv. S. K. Ttneinoiid. of Oakl.-iiui. Onp'
goiii. says : '"I went to California to recov
er !froin Consimiptitm. Tlie I m tor there
gave me iix, anil told me if i liad any
fi-iends I wIsIkh! to see I liad beirer go ami
see them, as I could live but a little while
longer. On mv way to Orct" 1 cons
nHHiccd . u-inji ifotinbdii Jtalm; it Jielped
me; I continued its itse until it en red m of
tlo disctifH:.'
Mr. iV. T. Osborne, of Engine Ctrjr,
says : "I know a young man whoupiered
to be in the last L-iges of coitsniitlous.'
and by using Motiiitahi A'erbasau
ta lie bectime a healthy young man. .
Joseph P. Moore, Esq, of Mllville. Cal-.
6ny : "I have Nti acquainted with tb
slirub known a Yerbtixanbt for 20 j-earst,
and know it to be a very valuable medicine,
both for the Lungs anil lUieuuintlsm."
Mr. Kimball, ol Kimball & Welton, Ked.
Bluflt. Cal. iv8 : "1 lve been acquaint-.
ed with the shrub known as Yerbasantn
for many yea rs, and know it to be a grcaa
Lung medicine."
'I lett Missouri with the consumption.
Keaclied Itock Point, Jackson county, Or.,
and was taken down. 1 took a tincture ot
Mountain Italm, and clicwed tlie leaf more
or less, and in four or tive days it cleaned
out my lungs handsomely, and I resumed,
my journey ; and now, alter several,
months, my lungs still seem well.
A. B. C.
C'".For wile at the drug stored of 1V-I1 &.
Parker, and Joim Fosbay. 7v0 '