The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, November 24, 1876, Image 3

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Gold in New Yoik. lOO-t
Legal tender. 90491c.
Wheat. 75c 1? bushel.
Oatss 37 t$e busliel.
Butter. 25c pound.
Kggs, 30c ? dozen.
Chickens. $2 50S$3 00 "P dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 6c net.
Bacon Sides, 13c; haras, 15c; shoulder?,
Dried apple, 6c; plums, 12c.
Liverpool wheat market, Nov. 22: Av
erage, KMkitSlOsCd; club, 10s6d10.i9d. .
Special Notice.
McsicaL. Miss Nettie Piper, teacher ot
Vocal and Ii-strtihiental music, has recent
ly located In Albany, ami prepared to give
lesson In tiie above imnHd branches. Has
had several year experience In teaching,
and can give the best of references. 4
SPLE-SDID Lumber. Messrs. Conn &
Co.. Grassridge Mills, hare a large qtian
tity of dressed flooring and rustle fr ?ale
t iVheelei?, corner of Sei-ond and Ell
'ttt-ft1i afreets. It is superior lumber, and
trill be sold at low rates. v
a rtv.. -Dr. G. W. Grav has re
turned fnna hi Centennial trip, and can j
,nw i r.uiw! Mf lilt niBiv. in me x a-n-su :
brick, up rtairs. by all who de4re dental
work of any kind. - 3v7.
Aj-j-.tiMgcs tuatvicjDB. HevJ. V. De.Vure.wlll
bold 'services la the bi-own 5r."K.nsb.-tn this
city on tMibttath, mornlnjr and evening. Sun
flay School at i:$i e. it Prayer meeUn-r cacti
Tuur3ay evening
Si-jCvkr One W. II. MeFarland has
received a new Invoice of stoves, ranges,
etc He keeps an Immense stock of every
thing in his line. puiups. tin. copper and
tlteet iron wares, lend and iron pipe, etc.
which he is props red to- sell extremely
low. . Try him on. ail you'll find hiin a
fair dealer and a perfWt gentleman.
Arot"ST Flower. Tin- most miserable
bcpig In the world are those sufft-rlng
fninP Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint.
More titan -event v-livo Jkt cent of the peo
ple in the United State are a Hi it-ted with
these two diseases -unl their effect: such
as Sour Stomach. Sick Headache. Habitual
Coiivnes. r.ilpitTttto.j of the Heart.
Hyart-lnirii. V.'afer-lirash. gnawing and
liilrninsr :iiiis at the pit of the Stomach.
Yi-IInvv S!iit. Com led 'I'ongue and ilis.-iyree-ohh.
t.-i--ti- iii the iiu unli. eomiiiir tin of foml
after eaii.ig. low spirits. Ac. io to your I
lrnggi-t and g-t a 75 cent Imttle of Anii t
f- i'H' er or: sample lxtl !e tor 1U cent. ry
it Two lse will relieve you Ageni,
tane & Ki ili:im. wholesale druggists.
S:iii Francisco. i.5ui3
Oct tit oct-t-It May Save Yocn
I.1FK. There i no mtoii living but wlmt
suffer more or les with Lung Diseases.
Couali. 'old or Coiisumpf ion, y-t some
wiln'.il die rather than p:iy 73 cent for a
hottle f meiliciue that would cure them.
J)r. A. T't e Germ" a &;imp has Intel)
lieeu intrmhuvd in tlii country from Ger
many, ami it wo: id roil ctive ii-toni-lns
every one that try it. If you doulit wlwt
wj- av in print, iut this out and take ir to
your Dmgirisf, and g-t a amp!e hot tie fir
10 cent trv it. Two doses will relieve
I cent ai.d trv it.
Ilegtuar ize 75 itnts
The rertt-tlau Syrup!
Vitalizes and enriches the h'ood. tme up
the systt-ju." Iju'iIiI np the" lirokeu-down."
cureit" Dyspepsia. Liver Complaints. Drop
sy. Chronic Diarrli-ra. Boils. Nervous Af
fection. Chills ami Fevers. Humors. Loss
of Constitutional Vigor. Di-K;:ies ot tfie
Kidneys and Blailler.' Female Com'ainrs.
and all dies origiimti'ig in a IkmI state
Of the Bhwid. or necompaiiied by Debility
Or a low state ot llie system,
i Caution! Be nre yon get the Peruvian
Syrup. One dollar and two lill:irs a hot
tie. Prepared by Seth VV. Fowle. & Sons.
8 Harrison Ave".. Boston. Sold by lrng
- gist gem?rally. - tiov
It yon voted wth the niajoiity, aiiI
therefore consider yourst-!f an ava lahle
candidate for a cabinet office r a juist
office. you should tnanifes your hatis
f act ion with the- result 1V buying an
elegant suit at Wheeler's. H, on the
contrary, you cast "your ballot ' on the
losieg sice, and leol "imcoriimon ptMr,"
you will b- tnticli relieveil by f1 tivvinp-
the wnne cotire. Thi-i
like V ines-ar l Jitters, is
. .
;--ol tor ail
To all who are sufferinir from llie errors and
Indiscretions of youth, nervous weak net, early
decay, loss of manhood. Ac, I will send a recipe
that will cure yon. FREE OF CII AKGK. This
great remedy was discovered by a missionary
. in South America. Send a self-addressed cn ve
lorie to the Rev. JcHEPB T. Ismax, Station I,
Bible Hutue. Ifiic York. n8v9.
New To-Day.
A9 -b!ii intra (a r's Sale or Keal Estate.
NOTICE 1 heret-y Vien that the -sndersiljm-e
t. administrator of llie estate of Philiip '
Low, Uccead, wii!, on
tietween the honrs of 9 o'clock Aiji. and 4 -'
o'clock P. M. of said lu,at 1 he Court Honse
door in theciiy of AHwny, Linn county. Oregon.
- otter for sale si. rm:"i a'"c too to the highest
bidder, the foi:ow ilia dcscid'.wd real estate, to-, ,
. 1 Beirfniilrnr at a n-akeSOrods -onlhof nor!l- ;
west corner of Jolm La Jon's wnd cinun. nra 1
flca'ion No. 1S13. cjiiin So. A7-, in township- No. ;
- 11. won h rai.jje.4wes In Linn cotimy.Oi'ejon.
rnnninz thence east 10 t-lmin. them son h 10 ;
cbttinn, thence wewi 10 chains, ihence nor h 1 -chains
to the.jilaceof beiSinniiiK. consainms 10 -
SAIki. 1 he 1 equR! Undivided lWtlf Of the fol-lowlo--
The. fractional nonhea' H of 1 lienor h
east 1 and 'he in lieas: it of the northeast H
v trfsieciion1Sl.andilMsfi-Be.iona west H of 'ho
. nonhwext Jg and 1 he nort tiwwt X of 1 h aoif h-'""wea-t
M ot stsciion 22. in township 14-son. h rnntfo
1 west Wi.iauiotto n-a.ilian, cnmainlng lt0
acres more or . ,
3 -Also, the equal nndivlted one lialf of the
are: Bi'tiinnin at the nor-h- ;
-vntcnrncrnfilie Kll rtonation antrt C'alm. no-lrtf-.ion
SU-S.Ciiim-13. In townshin Usoulh.
rwi-ce t west Wi.inette tnencuan, running
t hence In an terly d i reel Ion on t he south
besandary of -aid claim 39 Mclialnto he-ou.h-east
eornerof atd ciaiin. Ihentje north on the
nuiwit tjonndary of satd cminj :-.p !-
L.i-tin. nrufd Hnnlmiwuen sections Hand
sections 1 .. 1. SI and-iS. thence f?'
fhen0, h ."WeSrS chal-lie plHc
exceptlnif ten acres of the last mentionta anu
HH"'" " a
aescrtiiea iraci or parcetoi hcihwi
veyed by deed to John S.oan. all of said prope.-
- ty Uetna aitnale in lAan county. Ore-ton.
4 Also, the foiJowinn real es ate. to-wit. 1 ho
donation Sand claim of Philip lxiw.not ideal ion
- No. 623 in township 13 south r nte3 west.Linn
. county, Oregon, exceptinx SO acre bcrelofoi-e
-- aoll and conveyed by deed to Martin Xuier,
. . . ' i f ..!rl anil iwtttFl niT tO
-' 1 he estate of Phiiip lx, containing about 78
acres more or less. . . . .
Tkbms of Salk.-Gold coin, one-half cash In
Jiund, one-half in aix months, secured D- a
juort-fuge on the premises
'T. 17..1?7fi-f--
THE ilverill Faint is the Oldest and Most Reliable Mixed Paint.
We have testimonials from owners of t lie lincst residences in the county, sho Ing that It ia all
that Is claimed for it by the manufacturers.
If "3TOU XC5 O-oixxs to X,xx-t,
Call and examine sample, and compare price? before purchasing elsewhere. EafA full assort
tueut of shades kept constantly on hand. 39v8
GjRAIiY, l umber, wool,
OfFex- lor
Thrc-Siers, Slenders, ncftS'crs, Jlotves-., Wr.jfttu, EaUe,
Uiirrows, &t, &c.
. o
Xj?" Will store Grain. Woo!, and General
ar.nn'OTIf VAR:f I'eE-Head of Er.'-tir
AiB.iY, Oregon. July ll, l"7a-43vS
X hi friend and the pubiii; genuially. Unit
he ia l:ow seltie'J. to his
on thcold s'and next doortoP.C. Harper Co ,
wbora we.i tie found a yivui, an ii&ioiMueiit an. I
as iu.'jje a siot;lc of
Stoves and Banges
as can liefonn I la any one house this side of
Portland, and R' n
low i:izic:i2.
C:istirii, SSrass &. KiiaiieSc3
in groat vuriets-. Also,
SUeei Il-OM,
olwnvs on hand, and made to order, AT I.1V-
ixi; ha riis
AP-Htiy, October -2, l?c7-.-.S
To Mnn aiicl
14 til: unXD n
There i no sore it wi'i not heal, no lame
ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
a III let the human liodw or the body of a
horse or othi-r domestic Mtiisnal. tlntt iloes
not vielil to its uiaj-:c touch. A bottle
costing 25v. 50e. or ,1 (V). has often saved
the life of a huinaii being, and restored to
life and usefulness many a valuable horse.
Rheumatism, Burns. Scalds. Bniie.. Cuts,
Frost-bites, Swelling-, Contracted ("ords.
Pain in the Back. Lumbago. Sciatica,
t.hilblaius. Strain, frprains. Stift Joints.
Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds,
Snavin. Galls and Sorps Swinnv. Kitig
i Bone. Wmdgills. lig Head. Poll Evil.
Humors and Sores. Lameiics. Swellinirs.
.n,,,.ie Distempet Stiffii.-8S, Strains.
Soreness. Oieii Sores 2jv8
I Mil III H HP I II III I 1 1 "1 1 1 I II IP IlililPH
$5 tfl $20
lnr yay at nome. fuiinie! on n i
free. Stijsos & C'ti.-. Portlnnd. Me.
SK"SP 2K5 to C V. RDWKIJi CU.. Nw York,
for Pamphlet of liKl paes, eontaimns 3.IKH)
new-npers, and estimates show 113 cost of ad
vert isin. 28v8y
Furniture Eooms.
Itezf leave to annotmce,o the citizens of this
ctfy and snrronndin-r country, that he has open
ed a lfit-r n-k of
in the huiMin-r !a'c!y oec-.niieil by 1C, Plum
nierV dnvr wore, on First street, whero- can lie
lid.-on most reasonable temw.
Parlor Sets,
Bedroom Suits.
Soft). -
E-"atiy Chufrw,
Center Tablet,
lc-!tti, -
and in fact evervthtiiff else needed to
. O 'I'O II O lU S U ti. UK i.
My Kls are well made and of t he very
Intent mid Handsomest Style!-.
FCRJfJTURE manuJactniwd to order, at
short notice.
fiirnif arc repaired and put in good shape
on short notice.
Give me a call. .
Albany, Nov. SO. 187.i 10v8
"t T T T T I T T T T t! -
To the Wrl,.HS H,s..-W, nr. now
or lor their siKire tnoments. TSusihess new,
liirht and nrofltahte. Personsof cither sex nasi-
Iv earn from SO cents to per eveninar. and a
pronor! tonal sum by devotins their whole time
to the business. Boys and itirls earn nearly as
much a men. That ail who see this notice may
mud their address, and test the bnine9a we
make this nnraralleled offer : To such a are
not wel' satisfle 1 we will send one dollar to nay
for the trouble of writimr. Full iwrticulars,
amnlM worth several dollars to commence
work on. and aco-y of Home and Fireside, one
of the larjrest ami nest innstra'ea I'noncations,
I all sent tree oy m-tii
j manent, protituhle
' srts A " oitl
ail sent free oy mill, tieauer, n yon wanifHir-
i wort,. Hi"rv"ts, i.r.oiM.
land. Maine. tniUvCM
Itrchahdise ut toueH T.--lii.
and Lye.; street?, a! lej-ot of o. & C. it. b. Co.
Albany. Book Store.
SviUooi ISooks, Bink iiool-s.Stationery
1'unciV Articles. e.
UoiJks i ui ported to ordv-r, al shortest rios
si'jic nori-c. vCrnSO
DEALE't 1?-
Oi-occrios, l-i'o vi.3ioi"it
Tobacco, t'lsars. Cutlery Crofk
fry.sud iVuod & Willow Wave,
ZSTCalt and ee h im. 2til
A 'ey :a!5S f-iat-je Invoice'
ate!ios Glacfcs,
J K W 11 JL, R Y,'
And will Siill nt ttte following I'rica:
Cohi silver. 2 ax. P. S. T!a;-t!ctt VTaltham
Watch. s-2I Co; each ad-iitionai ounce i r0.
Eiatit-dav iSt-.b Tliomas Ciocks from S3 00 to
S1'2 i.
nd all other -too Is in proportion.
Tha oiilv house a'xive I'oriianJ that keeps
UoaflLi Sold, l:iisrrVLd Free of Cbttrge,
Practlctil wntch-makcr and Jeweler. late of Cal
ifornia Watch Co., and the only engraver in
A "foo 1 assortment, of Sewing M;icliine Ncc
illcsand !'i;achaicitt-.
N'OTICK t hereby eiven that by virtue of
an ordi-r of t h-IViUi-ty ( ourt w ithin and
fr tin-county of Linn, State of r-:cn. duly
made an-1 euicred of ret-onl in said Court on
1 he 8; h day of August , lS7(i. hi the mutter of
the es'atc of William li. Gils-on, det--ascd. I.
Williiiin Clymer. retnaininjrexecntorof theinst
will and testament of the said William B. Gil
son, decea-ed. will, on
)-.atimlB.v Suti niter II. 1ST.
At thet'ouri Honsedoor, in lhecitvof Albanv,
in said I.inn count v, lielweiri the houi-s of'O
oVIoek in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, to-wif. at the h.mrof 1 o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, otter for sale at public
auction the following- descriled real estate bc-
loniriii.-r to t lie estate of said W tlliam H. Clilson.
dceeus'd, to wit : The east third of the sou'h
haif of the donation land claim of Thomax S.
Summers and Kliza Summers, known as Noti
fication No 2.:J4 anil claim No. :. in Township
11 Homli of Unlike 1 west, and claim No. 70, in
TownsinNo. 12 wmth of ItonMre 2 west of the
Wiilauieitc McHdian and lyinjj in the county
of Linn. Siate of oretron, and bounded as fol
lows: Beuinninn nt a point on the cast line of
said claim lift v-t hree chains nud thirty-three
links south ot the nortlwast corner of said
claim and rnunmjf thence west twenty clmins,
lieni-e south thirty-eight chains and eishty
flve links, thence east twenty chains, thence
north thirty-cif-ht chninsnnd eishty-tlve links
to the placo of bej-intiiuf?. and containin-r
70 6.1-ltiO acres less-' 4-10i acres in town lots
lierc-ofore sold leaving G9 30100 acres more or
Terms : Said real esiate will he sold forjrold
coin of ilrts I'nifed Slate, lo paid
ilnvn on i he day of sale and the remainder in
site inonihs, with intermt thereon, at the" rale
ot 10 per cent, per antintn,. payment to be se
cured by mortKage on the premise
Rcmaininji Esccn'or of lat will and
tesinment of W. B.-Gilaon, deceased.
E. N. Ia.J)Y, Att'y for Ei'r. , oct7n29
Special Notice.
The above pronenv entirelv surrounds the
noted MIDA NPiM.W m forfavllle celebrat
ed for the curative properties of its waters.
' Prodacs & Comiissioa Merchant, !
Warehouse at foot of Ellsworth street,
lOO OOO Bushels f Grain.
SACKS fdrnlshod free to those who store with
me, and for sale to others at the lowest market
KsfcrWiH always aj toe burliest market price
fort.imin. C. li. SIMPSON.
Albany, July 28. lS76-8n44
Attention, Fruit Growers!
JL Co. bej tounnonnce that they will put thel
Factory In operation as soon as Fruit and vetc
ctahies are ready for use. and will pay cash foe
the same when delivered. i
Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose
of bringing their fruit to the factory.
Fruit should be picked from the trees and nojt
braised. i
Parties bavimr plnms should he particular to
gather tbeia before tuey become too nne.
A. X. Aknoi.i, Freident.
Pecretarv. ,
Allmnv. July SH, Ittfe-nn-l I
1 h yi -jt Si3 t -m it a 4 if v
fTWe are authorised to announce' DA
VID MORGAX as a candidate lor the
office of City Marshal, subject to the decis
ion ot the Republican City Contention.
DtsaPTRoCS FtRE. The alarm of fire
rang out about four o'clock Wednesday
morning, jlist at the hour when most peo
ple sleep soundest. It took longer than
ttnal to arouse our citizens to the fact that
there was an actual and veriNble fire, but
when they did appreciate the fact they har
ried to the "front" with great nnnnimi-y.
The fire was found to be In the two one
story frame buildings oil the corner of Fer
ry and First streets, the corner -building
occupied by Chas. Bourgnnles. watches,
jewelry, etc.. while the adjoining building
wa occupied by Geo. Weller as a suloou.
Engine Xo. 1 was on the ground first, tak
ing water at the cistern at the intersection
of First and Ferry streets, within a few
feet ot the fire, and was soon throwing
water; but the fire had gained ctich head
way that it was found Impossible to save
flic building", and all the. energies' of the
Fire Department were directed to save Mr.
John Bngg? elegant new two-story 'frame
bu-int-ss L"Bfl that joined the Lnrulug
building; on the cast It was a hot content
between the engine r.MO the. fire for the
mastery, one time the whom Side f,T '
a ji
the new building was apparently- a solid I
sheet ot flame, and it was. thought impossi- j
b!e to save it; hut One! saw the' danger,
and although their engine stood so close to
the fire that the heat blistered the paint on
that portion next to the fire, yet. they
buckled to it. redoubled their, exertions,
and eventually got control ot the tire. At
this juncture Linn Engine Co.'s steamer,
which had been '-set" nt the ditch just below
First on Brondalbin, but had met with
some bad luck, delaying her getting into
working older, came into action, throwing
two stream of water, and the firu wa sub
dued in a jifiy. The fire turned .through
the sidi; g to ttie plastering in two or three
places on Mr. Briggs' building, and the
whole side and a portion of the front black
ened pud charred. The greater portion of
the goods in Mr. Briggs stove emj-oriiiin
were removed to the street, white the good.
lett in the building were more or less dam
aged bv the water, the greatest damage, of
course, lieing to the building. We suppose
hi loss will probably be at least one thou
sand dollars. Mr. Bonrgardes was carry
ing a stock that two mouth ago invoiced
nearly or quite $'3,000; on this he had an
insurance of $3,500. Lithe saloon was a
billiard table. Imt fixtures, etc.. valued at
1.200. on which there is an insurance of
$:;00. Mr. Briggs is lnlly insured. The
building destroyed were old frames the
property of Mr. Peterson, and were not
insured so tar a we cau learn. .The actual
loses will probably not fiot up more than
six thousand dollars. The buildings direct
ly opposite, one of them the property ot
Mr. J. Gradwohl, were damaged to some
extent by the rrea! heat. The fire seem?
to have originated between the two build
ings, and was caused by a defective fine,
the bursting of j, coal oil lamp that was
kept burning during the nigl.t. incendia
rism, "spontaneous combustion, " or some
other cause. Each reader can take his
choice as to the origin of the fire we con
fess our inability to give any positive in
formation on the matter.
Dkoppkd Dead. Early Monday morn
ing John Dehr.ore, or as he was more gen
erally known ""One-eyed John," dropped
dead at or near the corner of. First and
Ferry streets. John, was In search ot hi
bitters"' when overtaken by the grim
monster. "When deceased fell to the
ground, parties near supposing him
laboring under the in flue nee of drink.
picked him np ami started for the city cala
boose ; but upon arriving at One's engine
house, ami laying him down for a moment.
it was discovert d that, instead of a drun
ken man they were carrying an inanimate
piece of clay. The Coroner was notified.
who immediately summoned a jury. The
hotly was examined by Dr. D. M. Jones,
and from his evidence, and that ot other
testimony, the jury found that deceased
came to his death by apoplex, superin
duced by intemperance. John had been a
hard drinker for some years past, and had
at one time been -declared-'! j common
drunkard by the Common Council, ami sa
loon keepers warned not to furnish him
with liquor. Deceased was an hjoffensive
ierson, his only fault s far as1 we know
living his inordinate love of strong drink
Thus another of God's creature's has gone
down to fill a drunkard's -gravo in the
prime of life, being only about forty-three
years old. And yet in the light of his ex
ample men will go on partaking of the
flowing bowl, assured that sooner or later
it will destroy them body and soul. How
many more in this community are follow
ing in the footsteps of John LWlmore ?
No Excuse for his Lying -Some one
handed hi a notice tor publication In regard
to one of the college societies. - The matter
was published as handed to its, whereupon
the weak-headed little fellow that writes
tue suiy whisky puffs for the UocKtau ao-vei-User
accuses us of lying. ' Of course it Is
a feather in the cap of this Cheeky little
nondescript to be able to boast that ho has
found the slightest error in the columns ot
the Register and he makes the met of it
by outright lying in regard to it a per
fectly natural fh'ng for him, nowever, its
the truth from him is the grand exception.
while lying is his normal condition, his
whole stock In trade. This beiiipr the case
we snppose he Will continue lying and
wallowing in hi own filth. ,
Pome more moonlight nights.
Haxl Albany Lodok 3STo. 4. I.O.O.F.. )
November 22d, 1870. 5
Again the angel of death has entered
within our portals and claimed its reward.
Bro. J. H. Don t hit. P. G. L, after a brief
yet painful illness was. on the 23th day of
October. 1876, called from his labors oh.
earth to a seat In the Supreme Lodge
above. . ?
Ilia membership with t!iU Lodge bears
even date with the Charter itself, which Is
dated July 2(3th. 1954. Bro. Donthit was
an upright, high-minded citizen, and one
that was often honored by his countrymen
with positions of honor and trust; a good
neighbnr. kind and affectionate f ither and
an earnest Odd Fellow, one that has occu
pied the highest position In the gift of Jhis
brethren ot the jurisdiction of the Grand
Lodge of Oregon, and one of the chief
architects of Albany Lo-lge No. 4. One
that mahitnined. supported and Jjept togeth
er our brotherhood when llie gloom of
despondency cast its dark shadows oyer
the banner of Friendship. Love and Truth,
by his word of wisdom and prophecies of
a brighter sky in the future. Yes,, our re
warded Patriarch has gone gone to join
comrades that crossed before. The silver
chord of life is broken, and the mortal re
mains rest beneath the sod of the valiey.
His wise counsel and words of truth will be
heard no more within the bounds of the
three links. But his works will live long
aftei, and his word of whe doings will
shine with renewed-ltiMurc in years to
come, and his memory will ever remain
fre'l) in the hearts of his brethren.
, Brother, in token of the memory and in
respect of the eminent services of Bro. J.
II. Donthit. P. G. M., we recommend that.
TIA ll-ll- I liu.l ,r-n n -.i- I.n
"- " '""""""K --m i
permu oi uiiriy nays, nt.ti tnar ti e
Charter and Lodge furniture be draped In
mourning for a like period, and that this
memoriaii! be spread on the minutes, and
that a copy be furnished the fitnlly of our
deceased Brother, and that a copy be fur
nished the dry papers for publication.
11. C CLARK.
At the hist regular convocation of Baylev
Chapter R. A. M.. the following resolu
tions were unauimnttdy adopted:
Ham. or Chapter )
So. 1. R A. M. 5
Wfu-nrrAS. It hath pleased the All-wi-e
Supreme Architect of the universe to re
move from our mid-t bv death, onr worthy
Companion. Past. H- P. Geo. R. Helm';
then fore, be it
Res'ilrcl. That in this sad affliction we
recognize the hand of Him w ho doeth all
things well.
J.'esnl .(?, That to hi licreavcd wile and
orphan lioy. we tender, as a Chapter, our
mo--f heartfelt sympathy and condolence
in this sad dispensation of Divine Provi
dence, which has removed from their dome-!
;c circle the hnsliantl and fuller to
whom they looked' lor council and guid
ance. .'es-'.'ri?. That tts a token of e'tecm to
our departed companion, the Chapter, be
draped and the companion thereof wear
the usual badge of mourning for thirty
days. j
EesiJreO. That an attested copy: of these
resolutions 1- presented to the family of
our deceased companion, and handed the
ciiv papers .for ptihiicf.rion.
Ki hx & Miller's Patent Cc-mrisep
Harrow a'ni Pulverizer. Tin U an
age of invention, and the best minds of the
country arc constant!- bending their ener
gies to discover new agents, new labor-'
saving machinery and implements calcu
lated to lessen the expenditure of human
mncle. And the fact that every useful
invention offered to the public is . well re
ceived, and the inventor paid, as a gener
al tiling;, munificently for his brain-labor.
an added stimulus to others to study
out improvements on implements already
Invented, or to add something entirely
new to the labor-saving machinery of the
world. After much study and thought
Messrs. Kntin & Miller, of this city, have
succeeded in putting together what they
call a "combined Harrow and Pulverizer,"
which seems fair to supercede all other
similar inventions. It possesses a number
of advantages over any other implement
of the kind, and should be seen bv every
farmer in the county It is cheap, durable. '
md cm bo built light or' heavy to accoin--
module the desires of all. Not the least
among its recommendations Is its entire
simplicity in fact, to onr view, this is one
of its chief excellencies. The model ex
hibited to us contains seventy teeth. The
harrow consists of a heavy framework of
wood, nearly .square. Passing through
the sides of this frame, and just inside, is
an iron rod ; this rod passes through the
upper end of six bars of, wood. 2 inches
thick by a foot wide, confaiuirg the harrow-teeth.
These bars or sect ions pass
out under and beyond the hinder part of
the frame, and the weight of this part of
the frame, together with the weight ot the
driver, whose seat is attached to the frame,
rests upon them. As each bar or section
acts independently of its fellow, no matter
how uneven the ground, all will be harrow
ed alike. Our farmers should call at Harry
Knlin's shop and examine the model of the
new implement each for himself, that he
may judge ot its value as a labor saver.
Artificial Stone Company. -On Tues
day Judge Piper drew up articles incorpo
rating the Albany Artificial Stone Com
pany, with the follow ing named gentlemen
as Incorporators : Charles O. Barnes.
Milton Hale, L. C. Rice, Ashby Pierce
and W. F. Hall. Capital stoclt 3.000, In
shares of $25- eachl This is another In
dustry that will doubtless add to the im
portance and welJbelng of the city.
The President has pardoned Tompkins,
nanson. Bramlette and White, incarcer
ated for four years in the penitentiary,
charged with robbing the U. S. mails.
Subsequent events proving that they were
not the guilty parties, tliey have been giv
en their freedom. Better late than never.
The Republicans of Albany will meet
in convention at Granger Hall (over J.
0 rad wold's store), on Satcrdat Evkninq
December 2d. 137S. at 7 o'clock sharp, for
the pnrpo-e oi placing In nomination a full
ticket to be voted lor at the next annual
municipal election w hich occurs on Holi
day. December 4tb, 1376.
By order REP. CENT. COM.
Albany, Or., Nov. 24, 1S76.
NICE Stock. M r. L. E. Blaln open
ed out ia the clothing business. In Fro
man's new block, in the room lately occu
pied by Ben Kohn. Mr. Blaln has
a splendid new stock, which he is now
receiving, and in a few days will have a
store full of the latest styles ot clothing,
gentlemen's underwear, etc.. etc. A place
exclusively devoted to this branch of busi
ness has long been a desideratum, and gen
tlemen will be delighted to learn that they
now have a place where can he' obtained
the latest and nobbiest styles of clothing,
etc.. in such quantities as to assure every
oi:e a 'choice. Extra sizes of clothing, and
g-u:eral underwear, will" be kept, and If
g. ntlemen wish a particular Color. si2c or
quality of co'nt, pant, thirt, etc.. by call
lug at Blatu's and leaving tils 'order, lie
can he accommodated in short order. As
Leightoti is one ot the best boys hi A meriea.
and thoroughly understands his business,
we predict for him a good share of trade
from-the start. Sre ad. In this Issue.
Tnn Largest Yet. On Tuesday llr. J.
M. Marks brought into our sanctum a sack
of potatoes .that fur quality and size geU
away with any of them. The potatoes are
the product of Mr. Marks' farm, a short
distance from Lebanon, and are called the
Garnet Chili. The potatoes averaged 1 V
pound each, the forty potatoes weiging
sixty pon id. Mr. M irk r iied quite
a large amount of these ground apples,
and there are lew if any small ones in the
lot ; genera l'y they are large, and we can
testify that they are as good ns they arc
large. They come, from the pot white and
mealy, mnkbig a very attractive and
tempt !iijr di-h.
Legal. See the professional card of
Judge TV. G. Piper. In this lue. The
Tudjje has been engaged hi the practice of
law In Indiana for many years, where he
enjoyed the confidence of the leading legal
ttunds of the State: and when it was known
that lie was coming to Oregon to make a
new home, the members of the Bar, Irre
spective of party, tin I red in recommending
him to the peojile in whatever section he
might cast his lot. as an accomplished law
yer and a gentleman without reproach.
The Judge's abilities have already been
recognized, and he is walking right into a
lucrative practice. Success to him.
Gkand Success. The fiilh anniversary
of 'he Erodclphian Society, held at the Col
lege on Wednesday night, was a complete
success in every particular. The house
was crowded, and the entire entertainment
greeted with uproarious applaue. We
have seldom had the pleasure -of attending
a literary entertainment where each part
WTts o well and carefully carried -through.
We are specially proud of the success of the
Erodelphians. who gtow better and better
with time and experience.
To make enr little steamer more effective.-
a heating apparatus must be added to
her outfit. From cold-water it takes sev minutes to get up steam, and an Im
mense amount of harm can be done or pre
vented in five or ten minutes. No. are
erecting an engine house where the neces
sary preparations can be made and the
steamer kept always ready for business.
Let our citizens aid the boys in putting up
the building, and they . will sleep all the
more securely hereafter.
Two's First Annual Ball. Linn
Engine Catnpany gives its first annual ball
at the Opera House on Thursday evening,
December 7th, 137f$. From the advertise
ment elswhere in this issue it will bo Feen
that the committees are composed of the
foremost gentlemen of the city, which is a
guarantee that nothing will le neglected
to make the affair pleasant and agreeable
to all.
ChkiStmas Tree For the benefit of
those attending the M. E. Sunday School,
on Monday evening. December 25th," at
the church. Of course those having chil
dren attending the school will desire to
hang, presents on the tree for their children.
The tree w ill alsi be free to all who- wish
to confer favor on their friends. Let
everybody put something on the tree.
The Republicans of the city will meet iu
Granger hall, over G rad wold's store, on
the evening of Saturday, December 2d.
1378, to nominate a ticket to be elected on
the Monday following. We want the best
men hi the party as candidates and :o se
cure these miht have a general turn- out of
the Republican voters of the city. Both
Conventions come off on the same night.
A Tip-top Lanplorp. We se-e fvom
Thursday Statesman that Mr. S. Mat
thews, who for the past two years has aid
ed in conducting the St. Charles Hotel, of
tht city, so admirably,- has leased the Che-mek-:t;i
Hotel. Salem. We can assure the
Salt-mites that in Mr. M. they have one ot
the best hotel men in the . business, a gen
tleman who will win friends wherever he
may go. Success to the Chenieketa under
the guidance of Mr. Matthews is certain.
On Monday, as a result of the general
belief that Hayes was to be the next Presi
dent, wheat hopped up to 76 cents per
buslwl. The cei talntr that Hayes Is elect
ed will restore immediate confidence, and
gold will go down, while the prices of
produce will advance, and a new era of
prosperity will be ushered in
Th entertainment of the Erodeiphian
Society on Wednesday evening,' at the
College, was lai gely attended. It was one
of the best entertainments ever given by
the Society.
Remaining in the Post Office. Albanv,
Linn county. Oregon, Nov. 23d, 1S7$.
Persons calling for these letters must glw
the date on which tliey were advertised.
Beam. J B Price, O
Coppock. John Pickerel. Miss S A
FarloW, Miss Llda Parrish. tVm BT
Howden. John Reld, Thomas C
Howser,George M 2 Selcle, William
Latnonr. W Tennlson. W J
V,1,,r' Wl,a" Thomas. OP
Miller.CC Vaughn, Lew i
Morg-in, Orlando Whltton. W D
Marshell, John White. Hiram
Penland, LE Wilson, Chass
Prof. -White, ot Portland, and Wtn
Arlington, the burnt cork artist, have
formed a partnership, and will soon pro
ceed up the valley giving entertainment.
S. S. Concert On Monday 'evening
December 4th, at the M. E. Church. Ad
mittance. 25c for all persons over fourteen
years of age. Proceeds to pny the present
indebtedness on the library.
Religious. The sermon at 11 a. m". ori
Sabbath, in the U. P. Church, will be on
the subject of 'the dead raised by the
voice of tlie Son ot God," by the pastor
Rev S. G. Irvine. AH are invited.
SpecIal Meeti-g. The lady men-tern
cf the M. E. Church, and lady friends, are
requested to meet at the parsonage, at 2
o'clock Friday afternoon-s-to-day. Don't
forget. j . . '-'.' '; '
- A new milk wagon has- lieen started, and'
milk has fallen in price. 25c per gallon be
ing the quotation At this price it don'5
pay to keep a cow.
Mrs. J - B. Comley tins returned to hef
horn! In this city from Hood River, where
she spent some months visiting her daugh
ter, j
I)ive Morgan announces himself' as an
aspirant ; for the rffiee of City Marshal.
Dave is a first class man. and would make
a No. 1 ofllcc-r.
A large crowd of boys and men were'
busily poking among the debris left by the
fire on the corner of Ferry anil First streets-
all tl:ty Wednesday and yesteaday
f - -
Joe Blain says he knows where there's
jnsf lots of that "buttermilk silver"' country.
We're goln' pards with him, perhaps.. -
Call at Kuhn!. wagon shoo and take a
look nt. the new Invention for pnlvertztng
p'owed ground. It's a very oompleta
Capt. Smith, of Warm Springs, arrived
in this city on Wednesday, going on to
Peprin. ; ;
Hon. L N. Smith i (-topping at Warm
SpringsJ and Is reported Improving greatly
in looks and health.
Thanksgiving turkej-s should be about
ripe, at this juncture in the affairs ot this
We have a large stock cf bill-head pa
pers, and can do a neat job sooner'n qulck,
lowcr than anybody.
. F. M- Wftta!l has made a good.Marsliaf,
receiving the encomiums ot all.
The river was going down gradually
The ladies favor ns with a call occasion-'
ally, which fills us full of proud.
Sew ToDaj
w. a. piPEit,
Ationsey and Counselor-sU-Law,
alb ax y, onrcox.
SPECIAL ATTENTION win he given to all
matters of bnxinexs intrusted to" hi rare.
Office in Parrish Brick Click, with Cant. N.
B. Humphrey. i . n0v9
Thursday Evonltg1, Doe.- -l?7Q
P. c. Harper. Wst. II. MiLLEKi-
P. H. Raymond, Wm. Peteru,
M. S. Monteitu, K. A. Foster.
L. Ma tin is. MirtAkgei,
W. II. Maksfi-elt-i. t'. C Cherry.
J. K. Weathertobd.
O. F. STMPBOV. C. C. CukrrV,
M.S. MOSTEITH. Mart Angel,
J. K. Weathekford.
The Committee of Arrnnjement will spare
no pains to render this affair a irrond success.
tjoo-1 mnsfe ha been secured, and thocelehrat.
ed PROF. PARRISH, of Portland, will act ad
TICKETS, 42.50.
' .... ....axd .-. . : y-
Fall & "Winter Styles.
In Frotnan'is New Block,
A complete stock of alitTarf'. --
Gentlemen's Underwear.
Extra Sizoa cf Clothing a EpaaUitr.
ES3- Orflers taken for Clotblna, Shirts, tc,
and rira WABiuMtD. .
A fair hare of custom respectfully solicited. -
. .. . K.. E. BLAIX
Ail-any, Ori-gon, "November Si, l-l7fi-9ci