The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 20, 1876, Image 3

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    V -
Will speak at the Court House Monday
night. All are invited.
Gold In tfeV Yoik, 111.
Legal tenders, 8ftl90.c
Wheat. 66c $ bushel.
Oats 37,c V bushel.
butter, T pound.
, Eggs, dozen.
Chickens $ S0S$3 JDO H dozen.,
fceef on foot, 3c pork, do , 6c net.
BaconSides, l3c; hams 13c shoulders,
5ei .
lied apples 6e; plums, lie.
Liverpool wheat market, Oct. 17th. AV
rage, i0sd10s5d? club 10s4d10s3d.
Wheat tn this market Is 66c per bushel
The rain fell In torrents Tuesday night.
Business tolerable fair during tho week.
WnV. Gird has gone to Benton county,
to pok after his farmingiiiterests there.
Gm. Layton and family, of Corvallis,
were down on a visit last week.
A. J. Fry ami family, of Brownsville,
have moved to tlie Klickitat valley, W. T,
See notice of executors sale elsewhere in
thla Issue. Sale on the 20th ot November.
Tlie ditch ilown Broadalhiu street is
being flumed for a block or two.
Judge Denny, of Portland, was tn the
city on Sunday.
Since the rainfall the general health has
been improved.
Nate Bauni ha returned from San Fran
cisco. S. E. Young, keeps tlie Dooley Yeast
A London telegram dated October 18th.
say: Wheat firmer; spring 9s odCSOs 6d.
A. L. Moye, the note forger, was a red-
hot Tilden man.
Heavy fall of liail between one and two
.o'clock yesterday p. m.
. The St. Charles Hotel continues to grow
In popularity and patronage.
Wheat ha advanced a few cents in this
market since our last.
A fair supply of .good butter in the mar
ket at 30c per pound.
"Prudent business men. after making
their premises as. secure as possible, and
employing the greatest vigilance a ml c:i re
to prevent loss by fire, feel eay only when
they have their property well insured. Onr
farmer would do well to more generally
follow this example. As the danger trom
fire iu the country is less than in the city,
. proportionately lower arc the rates of in
surance. If Mr. Iiomainc. near Harris
fonrg. whose leirn and farm machinery was
recently destroyi-d by fire, had followed
this best of ail established business princi
ples, he would now sleep sounder than he
does. Farmrrs who wish such security
Will do well to call on Mr. J. D. McFar
land, agent for the North British, flic
strongest fire insurance company doing bu
siness on the eoast,
The Republican party comes to you with
its record open, and asks every man. wo
man, and child iu tlie broad country to read
its every word. Anil I say to yon that
there is not a line, a paragraph, or a page
ot that record that is not only an honor to
the Kefrtiblican party but to the human
race. On every iage. of that record is writ
ten some great and glorious action, done
either for the liberty of man or the preser
vation of our common country. We a-k
everybody to read its every word. The
Democratic party comes before yon with
ita record closed, recording every blot and
blur and stain and treason and slander and
malignity, and ask you not to read a
single word, but be kind enough te take its
infamous promise for the future. Allow
me to s.-iv here that character good char
acter rests UK)ii a record awl not upon a
prospectus. Col. fngersoll at Cooper Insti
tute. .
Dr. 3. TV. Watts, Republican candidate
for Presidential Elector, and Hon. E-A.
Croat a, Democratic candidate, will address
their iellbv-eitizens the political issues
at tie daj tt the following tinea and
Salem ,,. ....
Oregon City .. . .
Monmouth .,, ...
Dallas .... .;
McMinnville .... .
Lafayette... X
forest Grove .
Portland ... .
. ... Oct.
,40. 7;30
21, 7:30
24. 7;30
25, I ,
23. 7s30
23, 7j30
S3. 7,-30
" At ilOstEDf. O. W. Gray re
tartied from bi Centennial trip, ti can
now be found at his oSice. In the Prrisi
brick, up stabra. by all who desire dental
wric of any nd. f46r7. '
Ck5jtRBCTioS.-We were in error last week
tn stating that&e Iixtatm elet3tio would
occur on Taeaiay te 3d, as our readers no
dotibi learned by other artieleti lu tlie same
pnper ; but there wag no mistake in
wbat we said about Wlieeler store at
gfcedd. There la no discount bat ra&er
premium on what we said about that,
Stkam ESCiSB ano Boi. If TOM
want to pHrebase good etem engine and
boOer, srery cbeap, apply to E; Carter A
Co., at Uieir sasb and door factory in Al
bany 16 horse power. r: '
aniocaEBVicEa. Bev. J. ? DeVore will
bold aerviaes ta the brown M. E, cbarch in this
eity n ISabbatk. nornlns and evening. Kan.
day Setxjol at t0 P. M, Prayer otcetlasi cscii
Thunxlay vntnr.
W. S. Ml F KRX, ajsd The well known Stove
Dealer, Is agent for the Justly celebrated Itlclt
mond Saage, numa&ctared at Norwich, Conn.
Tbia is now acknowledged to be the bett tand
tnact eaonomiottl oooklng apparatua in the world.
Tho public are invited to call and examine this i
bcjiutlful and useful article. A One stocit or
pnssps, tinware and eooklng ntcr.sils of every
cable kind, constantly on hand, or pvo t
ortJT at the lowest Jiving Cites.
T'!E Averill Paint Is the Oldest and Most fcelinble Mixed Paint.
We nave testimonials from owners of the finest residences in the county, show ing that it is nil
that tit claimed for it hy the manufacturers. ,
XjT You tx-o 3rolxx& to Saixxt,
Call and examine milc, nnd compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. t-JT A fnll assort
ment of slut-lea kept constantly oil liuiid. 3!v8
A. CABOT11ERS & CO., Fihst Sr.
15LAIN, SOZt C. OO-,
OlFer- lor Sit:e:
Tliretihcrs, HenUcrs, Renpcn, JJoncm, Wagon, "aiitu,
Harrows &., &v.
Will slore Grain. Woo!, ami (ieucral
SIANXOTII WAKElIOl'fcE-Headof Bilker
AiBOiY, Oregon, July 14, Is7d-13v8
-J! t ijjmSTWs ,
No time to write advertisement
this week. Will
A his friends and the public jjeneraily, that 1
ne is now seiutra in l.ia
on the old stand next dtor!o P.C Harper S Co ,
where can be fonnd as great un as.soi-1 incut and
as Ittifsje u stock of
Stoves and Eanges
as can be found in any one bouse this side of
Portland, and at as
Castiron, Brasa & Enameled
in great variety. Also,
SJjcct Sforj,
Ciulvatiiyctl Iron,
alwr.vs on band, and made to order, AT LIV
Call cp X-T1ttV.
Albany, October 22, 1S73-5v8
To .Man ajid Beast
Tliere is no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
a8ict the human body, or the body of a
horse or other domestic animalthat does
not yield to its mazic tmieh. A bottle
costing 25c. 50c. or $1 00, lias often saved
Oie life of a human being, and restored to
ufb and usefulness many a valuable horse.
roe ara, it whx cjke
Rhetimatisui. Barns. Scalds. Brtiises. Cuts,
Frost-bites. Swellings. Contracted Cords
Pain in the Back. Lumbago. Sciatica.
Chilbltilns. Stmins, Sprains, StifT Joints,
Sore Xipples. Eruptions, Pains, Wounds,
Ulcer. - '
ran ammam, irwut .
Spavin. Galls and Sores,
Bone. WliKlgttlls, Big Head. Poll KviC
Humors and Sores, Lameness, Swellings,
Scratches, DUtemper Stiffness, 8tra,i',i'
Soreness, Open Sores - 23vs
$5 10 W ttrtt Co" Portland, Mc.
Q EXT ivsti (i. P. ROWEIX & CO.. New York.
O for Pamphlet of 1H0 paK-. containing a,KK)
newsriaiwra, and estimates sbowmw orjst adr
Wrtiniug, - svjy
E3 loirs,
Merchandise at Loir est R.rtrs.
and Lvon streets, at Pepot ofO. A C. R. K. Co.
throw it in sight
San -Prancisco.
! A!bany store"
.S:hMil Rooks, ICiiuk Hooks, Stat lonery
anc;y srticle, Ae. .
lloiks imsxrtesd to or(lcr,at slioiiest pos
sible notice.'. v5n30
XV. C. XWiS2:jAt.E,
Ci i oeer-iets, Io-ision? ,
Toliareo, 'lprH, C'uilery t'rocli
ery, r:I Wood & Willow Ware,
ZOtItnnrl ae him. 24rS
Furniture Eooms.
Betrs leave to announce to the citizens of this
city and surrounding country, that he baa open
ed a lnrtre stock of
in the bnildint? lately occupied by l;r. Plnm
tner's drnjr store, on Ftrst street, where can le
had. on most reassionable terms,
Parlor Sets,
tJjtrm Suits.
Sofas, :
fiouiigr-. j
Easy Chains,
tenter Tubles,;
Wliatnota, j
Siafcs. i
nnsl In fact evfrvthinT els npodeil to
My good.4 are well made und of the very
Fittest a:i& fiJHiitlsoisiestt Styles.
prices IY royx.
eSTTCBNITCKK manuJaeturea to order, at
Bhol-t not ice.
feirPurniture rejiairod und put In goodshape
on short nut ice.
tiive me a call. '
i s. sr:i'Xi..
Allxmy. Kov.20. ims iOva
no ehar Koes from my factcry without uiy
mime upon It. All others are IhIsa) imitations,
and should be so regarded. All perssop are
hisreby warned aeainst at tempting any such
iiunosiiion upon my eastonvrs.
Jefferson, .Or., Jan. 21, 1876,
T ttve Hnrhl cinmi. urn are now
prei'ared to fnrnisti all classes with constant
employment at Iwnie. the whole of tho tltoe,
or for their spare moments. Unknots new,
lUcht and ttrofitahlc. Persons of eltlierx easi
ly earn from 5V cent a to .' per evenino;'. and a
proixirliomjl sum by dovotma their whole time
to the business. Itoys and Kirls earn nearly as
ranch asmen. Tliat all who twte titin notice may
send their address, and test the business we
make this nnreiff.lleled onerj tTo sueb as are
not well satistied we will send one dollar to iy
for tho trouble of writing. Pull particulars,
samples worth seveinl dollars to commence
work on.audacotwof Hotneand Fireside, one
of the largest and best Illustrated Pnblieations,
all sent free by nvtU. Keader, if you want per
manent, pro dt able wor!T addreus, (itoitGK
fSTXNtioN &Co., Portland, Maine. In26v9.j
Keatly cxeciited, t
Csill nt Hie Registet: Ofiicc
Aamfaitttrator's Nnle of Keal Estate.
-JOTICE is hereby given 'tat the understen
ed administrator of the estute of Philip
low, deceased, will, on
Sirturthnj. iclo:r 21.sf, 1S7C,
letvecii the hours of 0 o'clock A. 51. and 4
O'clo-I; v. .. of U1 dnv. at the Court Houe
d.K.rin ;iieeit vtif Albany, iJim county, Oregon,
otrer 1'orsuient pn!li ;ii:c'ft.ti to the lilfthext
il-tei-, the rolktwin tK-sc-l.xd ital estate, to
w it r
Beginning at a stake 3'irnjs :oiltli of north
west comer of John La'i.-n's land e!:ui, noti
fication Jso. 11(. ciaiin So. :7. in township o.
11. south rar.fie 4 west in l.inn county, reon,
running tlienc; east lu chains,-1 hence south Id
chains, thetice west Jo chains, tin-nee nrin Hi
chuins ;o the place of UeKinninjj, coutamSn- lu
Alo, the one equal rin divided half of the fot- '1 lie lriu-tloiiHi noi i ncii i -
Also, the eqnal undivided one half of the fol
lowing rea; usn;e: H irinniiK; at the north
west corner of the K!l donation land claim, mi-
t mention 2.j, c! ami .;, in mwiifmo
raiiRf 2 west. Wi!intm;:te meridian, ninnma !
Ihenee in an ea-teriv dhx'et ion on t he son! h . -jr
boundary r.l sijiid claim ;K 22cliain totlsesotit it- , -
east conicr of ssaidoiaini.i hence north on the j
eastcin tlmunrturr ot will claim 21.79 to the (.
Iiitersetw Ion ot sul'l line nci ween sieciioiis wnii'i
'ii. tlicnce we-t uloesr said wvtion to the corner
of sx-ciiotiH 1", and 21, t hence son'h 7J -l.i'
west B 4U-10 ' ch!iin. iheiue west 17.U7 cha'ns,
thence wmtli JJ 45 west i.:ll t liains to the pince
of Ijeinniiiii, coniainins? "i neres more or less.
cxcontinsT ten acres of t he las.t ment knit d and
dcKi ilied tract or!of land hereindore con
veyed !y deJ to John ali of sajd pro;e:'-tv'fu-ini
situate in i,inn tunrnty, Orson.
" Also, the following real estate, to-vi;: The
donation land c'aiui of Phii't) i.ow,iol i;ka! ie.
No. wtj in towiisiiin 12 soul li r . njre. o wiM.I.tnn
ctmnty. Orciron. cxC-epiinr so acres hcn-:ot'oi-e
sol'l aii-i conveyel !y deed to Martin l.uper,
ssiid pjirt roiuainiuK unsold and telontjum- Hi
1 he estate of -Philip i.evr. Citn luininy aiiout 7i'
Horcs more (ir ie-S. -. '
Ti kms of SAL,K.--iold l oin, one-half ;-si--h in
hand, onc-ha'f in six motitlv, sisc.ured iy a
mortgage on ihc preuiises sold.
1AV1I FROM AN, 1S7i"i-."Iv8 Adiiiinisita'.or.
Iucorpomted Feb. t, 1S7S. Capital, 0,Ui.
Corner First and Washington streets.
A1. Tinny, : Oregon.
IrcaScojt, A. DAV.'S:V..
a. s. . s:y, zi.'Mii.i.r.rt,
J. ftj.KVi:v:, 3. t;;::o.
S, t'AA.W.M, A. 5iI.KVS.t2,
K. A. iiAlV.V?.
Whnlcsile- and Kebitt Pcalcrs In
C3ot?s5;:y, KnUrare, Croclierj:,
Groverifti, Xarsn IlKi!ct:ie5sts
unci 3IiicJs!taery, Ac., &.v.
Also, bny and sell on commission all kinds of
Goods. Markefubie Produce, Ac.
Pec. 21, IXT.VUvSinr.
exix i i oirs yAi.i: or i::ai. kviate.
VTOriCK is hereby stiven thnt by virtue of
a. . an ordi-r of t lie Count y i. otirt within ani
for thecoumy of l.inii, s-ati' of Oregon, ctn'y
niash and en terer.l of rcoi-d in sai.l Court ijn
the S;h day of Aiisi-nsr, IsT.t. in the nia'.ter ot'
the esttve" of W'ii.iani H. (itson. lUxs'iis!. I.
William c'lymer. lyimiinii.Kexwmorof tlwn
w ii! and tcs'anu'nt of the sjnd Y islmni 11. i,n-
son, dccoasesi. will. n
r-iiitti-tSny, ovvmirer II. IS7B,
At the Court House door, in the ci! v of Albany,
in said I.'tnn county, beiv.etsi the hours of 9
o'clock in ihe forensmn assd i o'cl'K'k in Tlie
attcmoon, tf-wi, at the H.inr of lo'csock in th..
n f T .-nof n of ssii.l Oss- 4iit-:- fttv vsi'n RT rnii!ic
anc'.i'in t lie ftnti-winsi df-riii.d it-;il efn?e in
losi-ms Ki t lie esiai." ot fai t v lisiatn i;. i.itso:..
ileeeas.-sl. to wit The esist thiivl of the fsuth
haif of tlie fjoiiotion Ismd ciaiin of T hom.'ss St.
Su inmers nnsl -f Siinmicrs. fnown as Noti
iistation No. -J.tVM and etniiti No. silt, in Township
It! hontti of lans.-e 1 west, and ciaiin No. ?a. in
TownsipNti. V wmtll of Iiansstc t: u,t of the
Willamette Mei-idian anl lyinr in Ihe cinntr
of I. inn. state of Orcscon. and hounded as fol
lows: BefdnniniT at a point on the east line of
said claim tlfiy-ihiee chains and thirty-three
links south of the mih-east isomer of snii.l.
claim and rutenvc thence west twenty chains,
thence south thirty-ci;ht chains and ei;rhty
live links, thence cast twenty chains, tle-nc-north
thirty- isht chains nn 1 cikM j-H ve links
to the place of bosriTiiiimr. and containing
T;l ti.-100 acres icss i 4.--l'.n re-res in town lots
heretofore sold leaving O 2a-h)0 acres more or
Terms : Said rea.t estate will he sold for jrold
coin of the Cnitesl Statov, one-haif to be paid
down on the day of sale and the remainder in
fix months, wltli interest i hereon at the rate
ot 10 per ci-nt. per annum, iaviiient to be se
cured bv lnortRaife on the rncmises
ReinaininsT K?tecsior-of iast will and
testament of W. B. tiiisun, doceiiscl.
E. N. Taxu, Att'y for Ktv'r. oct7n2v9
Specinl Xotice.
Tlie above pronertv entirely surrounds the
noted Ml Hi A M'iilNO at oivllIe, celebrat
ed tor t lie curat ive properties of its waters.
Homo JI.autUefjEircs.
i'umiisare now luanutacturi d in Alliany.
Having had 11 years' experience in the business
of maniu'actui in M'ooden I'timiw, I have nv
hesitancy in saying that I can suit evcrybody
t hut. apply.
Katlsfiietioji Guaranteed. Every Ptimj)
The wooden pump will Throw more water
with less labor, and is less liable to fret out of
repaid and is less expensive, than any other
Pump now in use. They ure now sold cheaper
than ever before in the market. They can be.
had in mv factory in Charley Simpson's ware
house. Albany, or orders can" he left wiih P. C.
Harper & Co . and they will he promptly tilled.
Columbus Cowan i authorized h me to sell
niy pumps, aud put them in welts.
Albany, Ausj. 1, 1870-47 vSm!!
In the Circuit Court of the S'.ateof Oregon for
I.lnn conntv.
A. IT. Marshall, r:n!ntixr. tw, G. J. Gray, de
fendant, v s. " "
To u. J. (iray the above named defendant :
In the name of Hie State of Oregon : Yon are
hereby required to aptx-crand answer the com
plaint of the aliove plaint ill", in the above en
titled Court, now on fllo with the Clerk of said
Court, within ten days from the date of the
ierviee of thia summons upon you if served in
JUinn county, Orearon ; but if served in any
other county in ihetsiait ot Oregon, then with
in twenty days from tiie date of the service of
this summons upon vou, or if served bv publi
cation then on or lxi'fore tho first day 'of next
term of said Court, to-wit,
Monday, Octolcr 23c7, 187G,
And yon are hereby not iiied that if yon fail to
upierand answer said complaint as hereby
required, the plaintiir will tnko judgment
naivbist you for the sum of Sl.OCiO, Cnited States
gold coin, with imereet thereon in like gold
coin from the 25th day of February, 1S7., at the
rate or one per cent, tier month, and the costs
aud disbursements o( this action.
Sept. 7. IS7. Attv forPiff.
Published by order of Hon. R. l Bobie, Jude
of said Court, for t.ix weeks, in the' Albany
Reoistek, which order ucai-s date September
7th. 1876. iirjCvSwri.
ILiTxmTbex-1 Lumber 2
of in farm in.; the public that their
situated within three mitos of Wnon, near
the hahtitui) river on Hamilton Creek, is now
running, and is cutting daily from eight to ten
thousand feet of exceiie.nt .-
Iix arcllire Hxxmilei
hich we offer for sale aa
All bills for lumber promptly filled. In tho
shortest possible uum,auU delivered, it' desjiivd,
on reasonable terms.
Address orders to
aug2348v8 Lebanon, Oregoii.
1Af day at home. Agents wanted. Oiitdt.
O fC terwisfrcc. Tlil'J?; A Cl.,,Vgiista,Me,
k amlthesonihctist m i too noriiiii. . Xo ,lnV, ,,,, " v, "li ' "T; ; :
section SI, and the Sf. be South- f (1) west of the Willame A me-
nth west X and tneiioitnwest pt .ncsouin ,. Hiln. , ,in ,.,.,..,, -,n
est M ot section 22. m townalun I wu n nrnKe - - """" " ; ;7. .
we.t Willnmutte lneiSJiiHi, eouiauimg ioo ,.,.!,,,,,',.,,,, ,'"'V "", ....V
6 ST5 rf
Sew To-Dhj,
Eifculor'j Kale.
"VTOTICB is hereby striven that J'. Svlvese.r
i.'l Mi.ier, i:i-t-.itoi-oftlielast will and testa-
ment and estate of L. It. Mmer,lecesecl. wis!,
under ami hy viiim- of l he isut hsui: v in nr.!
vested as such exemtor !v th- iist wiiiun-l
testament o! s:t l !,. u. 1 1 1). r. t!i-.i.-a-t tin 1
the statute in suvb en, jim.t'stt.ul t-? i.u-il. oti j
.r ...... , -
at the Court Honse I'.oor ii I.lnn eoim: v, Oio
ffon, between the hours of nine o'clock "tn tlie
forenoon ansl tour o'clock in the afternoon of
ssm.I day. ! a; public auction to the highest,
bldderall the i istrhf. title and interest of the
said Ii. Miller, deceased, lit the time of his
death, in and to the fcllowinsr d esc ri tied real
properi v, to-wit :
j tract ot land Known as the donation laud
approved seeurii y, nenrniL' Interes' at ten jer
cent. n,n- annam. SYI.VfTEU MM.I.l li,
Ocfi.n.4 . l Kxeeutor.
. i. Jewell,
hirin 3117. TiioroaSii- ass and $wu.
clai attention given !
HAVINi: eoneiutled to mul.c ALBANY lay
pciinssiH'Tit residcni-e, a it who desi.'c a
lh4irnu;;h knowledge of 3(ii6ie can now have
an opptji-.uiiiiy.
i: is I t i:v.:t )t.s :
Messrs. Jno. Hris, .!. It. Watt, lr. tiriliin,
Ir. Whilney, and nir.ny tit hers.
J.irave yenr address at Mr. Foslia 's nutsicatid
hook store, or at Mr. Ifcirr's music store, and I
will cull at your residence.
PliOF. 5. P. NKWELL.
Ailjany, .n.s;-tist 4, l:-7ti-f.
ALBANY, OitKCON, OC T. 20, l-5t'.
r A 3 Si W A 52 S A' S .
An I iaiend to fnjfuf In Mste other
!)t!sli:pw wiiie, I eall tl.e attention of all
tSwise persa::., ruowizcK- B-aselvef iii
U - tit. I to nss, Iy note or account, kk! ak.
tiiat ilivs "-te iocKard nd settle tt-.e
stame wittiiii ; EX 1.A1X frcfn Oils f ate,
olticcviise the s.une will Le hsiiiOed loan
Attorney Tor otleetfosi. '. IJAt'31.
Albmry, Oresu,Ovt 23, ISCC.
A Bus Sv.'iNin.K. A young man calling
btin-e'f A. 1 4. Move, came here from Cali
fornia about two mouths ago. and made
his bead jttarfer at the drug and hook store
of Mr. duo. Foshay. lie at once com
menced a vigorous canvass for the sale of
organs and other miuical instruments, and
proved so active and efVk'k-nt in the hus tlt it lie Fiteoreded i:i making large
sales through the adjacent country. A
slo..t time ago he called m Ben. Kohn. a
i-ietvlsa ;,t un lir-t street, nnd saying that
Itp tlesjivil To leave at o-ice for California,
offered ut-s (in peivoits in the country,
for vtitiotis -ntn-. as b,- staled, (of musical
i instrtitii'.i.tA so'd?y l.ini lo-tlte p.'iCfves.
B' li exttmSiied the notes, all on ptirtie
well known to him, ami as the notes were
due in a few weeks. Ben invested in the
notes to tlm.numi'.nt of $2. 200. getting them
at a discount. After securing the money.
Move packed his vaiise and moKiidcred.
Nothing wrng was suspected until the time
for paying the notes drew nigh, win n Mr.
Kohn corchidod best to let the parties
kttow that be held their paper and Hint
the time of payment was drawing near.
In answer to his iettej-s came replies deny
ing ever having given any notes to Mr.
Moyc. After making the necessary in
quiries M. Kohn found that beheld a
batch of worthier- paper the notes all be
ing forgeries. Some of the parties on
whom Ihe notes wiredrawn had purchased
goods of Move, but had generally paid the
cash when the said goods were delivered.
It seems to he a complete swindle, and we
are sorry for Ben. Move is described as
a tall, slim, light complected man, aged
about 25 years, and when he left here wore
a suit of black and a stovepipe bat. A ce
watd is offered for information that will
lend to his arrest.
State Faiu Phemiums. Frank Wood,
of this cily. made six entries at the State
Fair, and got away with the first premium
in each case. His gang plows, which re
ceived the first premium at the California
fairs, received the fh't premium at the
State Fair hist week. The Statesman
Force feed Drill got away w'rrh the bronze
medal, while the Eclipse Fan Blower,
"and a patent window lock recoiled tlie first
premium. Frank also exhibited fiv ounces
of gold dust, taken from his celebrated
Greenhorn bar diggings in this county,
which was pronounced the purest ever
cleaned up in the State. Of course Frank
feels way up.
A Dollar for Wheat. The value, of
a bushel of wheat, now selling for about
05c, applied to the purchase of clothing,
dry goods, boots and shoes, etc.. etc., is
nearly, and in some cases, quite, equal to
that of Ihe same quantity of wheat a lew
years ago. then selling for a dollar. For
particulars call at the ready pay store in
Shedd, Wheeler will explain it, and show
you how egg, butter, chickens, dried fruit,
etc., etc., are now worth more than ever
Coal at Y actin a. A few days ago
Messrs. V. B. Towner and Benj. Sloop, of
Yaqulna Bay, discovered a new coal vein
on Depot Slough, three or four miles from
Cape Fau'weather and some six miles
from Toledo. The vein or ledge, where it
crops out, is about five root thick, and will
be easily worked. "We are indebted to Dr.
Whitney, who returned trom the Bay on
Tuesday, lor a specimen ot the coal. AVe
wish the discoverers. Dr. Whitney, and all
interested, a big thing in coal. May it
prove a real bonanza.
. It is reported that Otto Fox, of Fox
Bros., this city, has purchased an interest
in a cigar and tobacco house in San Fran
cisco, and will take up ids residence in
that citv. Success to Olio.
t Claim Of I-.Illwh A I'.el'n. -v bobicr Vo i rt-t itti
Stili. Ahead. At tlie lire tournament
on the State Fair grounds on -Thursday of
last week, Albany Engine Company No.
1. ot this city, cot away with both prizes,
aggregating $2.10. There were three hand
engines petered, to-wit : Albany Xo. 1,
Albany ; Tiger Xo. 5, Portland ; Tiger
Xo. 2, Salem. Tlie llrst premium, !fl30
was tor the enirine throwing water fnrthest.
Albany No. 1 threw TOO feet 2H inches ;
Tiger Xo. 2 threw 131 teet 2'i inches, and
Tiger Xo. 5. Portland, threw I feet II .1.,
inches, piviust Ihe premium to onr l.oys by
six feci. 'J'lto second premium. IC1. was
for the engine intiKitijj the best time in rnn
tAv, one ipinrter of a miie, seilins their
ehfjino tilid tlirowlnj; one hutnlred feet of
so!M water through two hundred and fitty
feet' of bno'. AH.any Xo. 1 made tlie trip
iii two iidtiitte and sscccnuds ; Tij?er?io.
2. Salem. minutes an 1 II 'j second;
Tiger Xo. Portland. 2 iniimtes and 2'i
seconds AHiany bealiij; Port laud twenty
four seconds, and l)c;ttin5 Salc'm one min
ute and six at.d one-halt seci'mds. Albany
Tire Department stands at. tho head of the
business on the North Pacilift? co tst. Linn
ICnglnc C'omjiany N'n. 2. of this city, hav
ing tak"ii the gold medal tit th-tirc coiites-t
in I'ortlaud, for. tenm lire . engines?. I:i-t.
ftilv ; Tlie e.vcitenicut over the 'contest
had hardly subsided when one of our lioys
was. fiantered for 'a foot-race. " Xolbing
loth, he got himself ready in a ji fly. Walk
ed into the ring, and beat his opponent, ten
or fifteen feet in u hundred yard-. The
fii't of the business is, outsiders are begin
ning to understand that when Albany pri-pos-ei-;
to go f.r a premium no others need
apply. Albany has the longest pole and
propose to knock i he historical persimmon
whenever it st.'its her. Mind that.
On It. Dan ('Mark. Presidential Elector
on the Greenback ticket, appeared at Si io
on Wednesday, the day appointed by Dr.
Watts and .Judge C'r mill in wh'cb to dis
cuss the political situation, and a-ked that
be be given a show in the discussion. The
privilege asked was courteously granted,
and .Mr. (Mark delivered a three-quarters
oi an hour s'i ih to the general satisfac
tion of tlie greenback party of the Forks.
Tiif. J:i.i:k Biphon. Our townsman.
Mr. W. D. Bidding, got away with the
blue ribbon at the State Fair for his ntnn
nf.u'ture of brooms. We always knew Mr.
B"s brooms were hard to beat, and we are
g'tul their excellence has thus ' publicly
been noticed. By the ay. we are tinder
obligations to Mrs. Beltlmg. who made us
a present of the premium broom, bine rib
bon and all. We're proud of that broom.
Eeniem'ior that .Judge Piper, at the re
quest of the Executive Committee, will
address the Hayes and Wheeler . Club this
evening, nt M:e Court House, and thnt
everybody is cordially inviteil to come and
liear an elopietit address. The ladies are
specially invited.
Mrs Ncifie Piper, late of Indiana, a
inr-st vttccessl'ul teacher of vocal and in
ftrumeufa! imiMc. offers her services to
those wishing to become proficients in
music. Her recommendations are of the
very best, and we rc satisfied she will give
entire satitlactinn.
Thc Lucky Queen minijig- company,
near Jacksonville, have purchased a $10.
000 mill which is now on the road from
Portland to the mines. It will not be long
before the rock crudiins: budness will com
mence, when money is expected to flow in
In a continuous stream-into the pockets of
the hiekv owners.
Bonds extract Thousands oi physi..
chins of all schools Allopathic, Honifco
ptithie. Botanic nnd Eclectic arc in the
habit of prescribing Bond's Extract and
liear testimony to its many "virtues as a
Pain Destroyer, and to its almost miracu
lous healing properties Sold by all drug
girt. The perspiration to great extent depu
rates the Blood, that D, it carries otfits im
purities. If the pores become obstructed
those impurities, when they do not remain
latent in the circulation, cause eruptions.
The remedy lor this shite ot tilings is
Glenn's Sulphur Soap.
Skci uk One. W.' H. McFarland has
received a new invoice of stoves, ranges,
etc. He keeps nn immense t-tock of every
thing in his line. pumps, tin, copper aud
sheet iron wares, lead and iron pipe, etc.
which he is prepared to sell t-xtremely
low. Try him on, and you'll find him a
fair dealer and a perfect gentleman.
Cl.t'B Mi.etinc; Friday night this
evening. Judge W. G. Piper, of Indiana,
will address the Club.' Judge Piper is one
of the strong inen of Indiana, nd he will
make a rousing speech this evening. Let
theCctirt House lie crowded. The Glee
Club will be on hand with splendid music.
James Elkins, who arrived from Ochoco
last Saturday, with his family, brought in
fifteen head ot as fine cattle as this county
has seen for some lime. Mr. Elkins was
three weeks making the trip. Stock inter
ests lu Ochocowere way up.
During the storm of Tuesday night the
big Hayes and Wheeler banner bad to be
taken down to keep it from carrying oiT
the buildings to which it was attached .
Two of onr citizens were "taken up"' try
ing to hold it down.
Musical. Miss Xettie Piper, teacher ot
Vocal and Instrumental music, has recent
ly located in Albany, and prepared to give
lessons in the above named branches. Has
had several years experience in teaching,
and can give the best of references. 4
W. B. Higby, Esq., tit Corvallis, and
Capt. X. 15. Humphrey, of this city, ad
dressed the Hayes and Wheeler Club of
Lebanon last evening. They have a splen
did Glee Club there, and wc doubt not that
a way up time was had. .
Senator Mitchell passed through this city
on Tuesday to Corvallis, returning and
taking the southern tr.iin on "Wednesday.
llev. Mr. Starr, the first pastor ot the'
Congregational church of this city, will'
preach at the Calvary church next Sunday.
Rev. Starr at present is a resident of lien
icia, California, aud is bore for a few" days'"
on business.
Ex-Corfnty Commissioner' Cox, arrived'
in this city on Tuesday. ' after a three'
month's absence'- iii I ho Eatern . States.
itr. Cox 'did i.ot isit I'hiladdphia while'
ab-ent. and therefore could not tell us any-'
thii.g about the grand Centennial from'
actual observation. .
Pi i;ONAt. Jntlge" W. . PitK-r and'
faiui'V. of Iiidbuia. arrival hi onr cifj' a"
few days ago, and lias taken up a residence '
an'ior''n. diilge Pijwr filled a number'
of prominent offices in Indiana, where lie'
was counted as one of the be-'t lawyers at'
the bar. We welcome him to a residence'
among in.
For great curiosities don't fill to call aiuF
see the. display of fossils on . Jlmadalblit
street. in the nripis lately occupied by'
Mrs. S. A. .Jolm as a millinery shop,nov
open daily for the inspection of the public.''
"We very 'seldom get iti a " way.
but when'evor it iloes happen we throw it
fi" -In-sight at . once. The attack is rather
heavy tliit week, but we may never have"
another until the next Centennial.
L:it week Mr. John AHhotlse and Mrs.
Kate Cranor, both ot this city, were united
in marriage. They have tho he.t' wishe
of the entire community far their future
welfare and happiness.
. The sociable on Wednesday evening at"
the M. E. parsonage, was a most enjoya
ble affair'. Eev. .1. F. Do Vore and wite'
know to a ty-t just how lo entertain tlielf
Dr. Goo. Price, late of California, step
son of Dr.. J. P. Tafe-. arrived iu this city
on a visit Tuesday. George looks younger
and handsomer than, he did when he left,
nearly four years ago.1
The Albany Collegiate Institute is largely'
attended, and under the efficient manage-'
moitt of Prof. Powell and his able assis
tants, is rapidly gaining iu usefulness and
the general esteem.
The first of the week Mart. Payne and'
wife started, in his own conveyance, over
land for California. Mr. Payne is it
feeble health, nnd the trip is undertaker,
for her benefit.
While snow storms to such extent as to
delay railway trains are reported in the
Eastern States, we are luxuriating in tlie
first gentle drops of winter.
Our old friend Jim Sberrill. of Harris
burg, got away with the blue ribbon for
the cultivator and seed sower recently pat
ented bv him. It is a good inachi'ue;-
We are under special obligations to Mrs.
I. McCiung tor a basket of huge arid lusci
ous grapes, presented .last Saturday.' A
thousand thanks. .
M r. Gradwolu can supply you "with the
Goldsmith range, which he pronounces
the best in the market, lie also- has m
house lull of c'ioice goods.
Prof. Xewell is meeting with good suc
cess, having a large number or pupils iu
his musical class. He is a most excellent
teacher of vocal and instrumental musio.
Judge Miller, of Keosauqua. Van Bitten
county." Iowa, arrived in this citv last'
Tuesday. The judge came out to look at
Oregon, and may conclude to stay.
Mrs. J:is. Finlayson was a victim of the
light fingered gentry at the State Fair oa
Saturday morning, losing her purse con
taining money .and railroad ticket.
If the present complications in Europe
result in a gigantic war, as now seems
most probable, wheat will advance in price,
probably approaching a good price at once.-
Faik Wapning. X. Iiaum gives notice
to those indebted to him that lie must
have his money within fen days. Those
interested should heed this warning;
Our City dads have secured fifteen or
twenty of tho new gas-making street lamp.
Judiciously placed they will be ft g-o-o-d'
Mrs. Ike Sprenger, of Dalles, who had'
been visiting in this city tor some days,
started for her home in the front of t!l8
week. "
Donley's Yeast Powder is the latest out.
and tve believe it is the best we have seen.
For sale at Brush's grocery store.
Marshal Westlall has been improving
certain cross and side walks renewing'
them for the winter rains.
Mr. fi. Canon and family are getting
ready to move to Walla Walla valley, to
spend tho coming Winter all for health.
Good winter apples have been selling
from wagons at three bits per bushel, dur
ing the week.
The rainstorm of the past few days is
reported unusually severe throughout the
State. '
Mrs. linj Hiond, wife of the P. M. is now
acting as Deputy Postmaster and she
makes a most efficient one. you bet.
Morgan & McFarland, real estate agents,,
liave some of the best and most valuable'
land in I.inu county on sale.
.Tas. II. Foster had the misfortune to
have liis pockets picked during tlie State
Fair. '
On the 8th inst., at tlie residence of John'
Layton. by llev. J.Bowersox, Mr. Charle
A. Dick and Miss Rebecca M. Layton, boths
of I.inu county. .
On the I alb Inst., by Kev. J. F. Do Yonv
Mr. E. II. Anderson, ot Corvallis, and!
Miss if. F. Skcels. ol Albany..