The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, October 13, 1876, Image 2

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We have re-itivon1a: from owners of the linest
that ia claimed for it by the manufacturers.
""EST "STotji. a,ro Grolzi
Call an 1 fxnmiiiH -sample. :md compare prices liefore purchasing rlscw here. E5 A : sort
iwii! of shaJ.: kci't n:tii.v n huud. 1 3
A. CASlOTKEiiS & CO., Fins. St.
JfeatU'rs, IS'ners, powers. Was
Harrows. &c, &e.
Will store Grain. VVooi. ami General
MAMMOTH ITAltrnorSF- lT-ad of Baker
ALBAiY, Oivgon, J;:ly U, 1S7WJV3
9 IT, f
No time to write advertisement
this week.
A. his friends an t the pnte.ic generally, that
lie is now settled in his
on the old s'an-1 hex' uprio V. C. Harper ACo , i
where fan he iomv.5 a- gr at an assort men tana
us large a stock of
Stoves and Eanges
curt be foiin-3 in any one hotie this side of
Portlumt, and at
JPiitti t& Pipes,
ui great variety. Also,
Slieet Iron,
alrauizcd Iron,
Coppenvarc, ;
a-ltrays on liautt, anJ ma'Je to ordor, AT LIV-
OXl on 3EIixrx.
Albany, Oct oler 22, I75-5v8
To "Man ttitcl least
wmn has stood tui; test or 40
There U no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not cure, no actie. no pain, that
afflict the human-body, or the body of a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not yield to its maic touch. A bottle
orating 35c COc. or ft 00, has otten saved
tiie life of a human being, and restored to
life and usefulness many a valuable horse.
Rhenmatism, Bunts, Sea ids. Bnilscts Guts,
Frost-bites, Svi-ellinsfJ, Contracted CordsL
Palu -in the Back, Lumbago. Sciatica,
Chilblains, strains. Sprains. Stiff Joints,
Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds,
SpaTiti, Galls and Sore. Swinnv, King
Bone, Windfalls, Big Headr Poll Evii.
Humors and Sores, Lameness, Swellings,
rcratoues, uistemper dimness, f5trainn.
Soreness. Open Sores 25 v8
r f. rsfi jiei-dav at home, isampiea worth il
$3 IJ tree. fiTtKto A Co., Portland, Me.
C F.KT M to C V. ROWKLL & CQ..NewYork,
iJ for Pamphlet of 100 jufs, containing 3,(K0
ncwspfters, aii't esuinaie ncr mw ctoui. o u-vertisiusr.-
. .vfcjr , , -v
juid Mo-it RclUib'e Mixed Pain.
rot - iiieisccs in the count v, show ing ihat it is all
Hakes, Plows,
Merchandise at IsnrcM i?.;f-s.
unit L-roa street', at Hcpot of O. & C. R
K. Co.
-- . I -
throw it in sight
& EYD!
lap- Francisn.
Albany Book Store.
j.o. Fosnir,
XJ fk;hool Ilooks, Dlunk Books, Stutionery
t'anor Articles, &c.
. ISooks importod to order, at shortest pos
sible notK-e. v5n30
O i"oceries, , Provisions ,
Tobarro, t'tifttra. Cutlery Crock
ery, and Wood Sc Willow Ware,
6SP OailantI tee him. 34tfi
Purnituro Rooms.
j Begs-- leave f o announce to the citizens of this
j city and surroundingcountry.thathehasopen
i ed a large stoek of
I Jb iU JLHL3WXfr SJ JbtlES !
i in the building lateiv occupied by lir. Plum
i mer' drug store, on First street, where can be
had, on most reosonaolc terms,
I'arJop Sett,
filmlrooin SiiJii,"
j l.anj- . uairs,
i Center Tables,
and in fact evcrvtlMng else needed to
two TO SIOtSS:3iIJEIXli.
My goods ate well made and of tho very
Latest and EJaiiJomest Stylca.
ppjces v.Jay down.
fli-i-FUKNITUKK manufactured to order, at
obOtl notice- - . . .. . ,
ifr-F.urnitur5 ivimired and put in good shape
on short potior.
Albany, Nov. 26, 175 lOvS.
DffotioeBact x -
no chair goes from my factory without my
name upon ft. All others are lalse imitations,
and should bo so regarded. All persons are
hereiiy warned against at tempting any mtu
inIxsition upon my customer. '
Jefferson, Or., Ja-n. 21, 1876.
To th Wurhliw Clam. We are now
prepared to furnish all classes with constant
employment at borne, tbe whole of the time,
iv vr neir spare moments. Business new,
Hnt and profitable. Persons of either sex easi
ly earn from 50 cents to $r, per evening, and a
proportional anm by devoting their whole time
to the business Boys and nirls earn nearly as
much as men. ITmt all who see this notice may
end their address, and teat the business we
make this unparalleled offer: To auch as are
not well satistled we will send one dollar to pay
,TonL of wr'"r. Full particulars,
samples worth several dollars to commence
TiL ,n and. o Home and Fireside, oue
of the lai-gest and best Illustrated Publications.
an sent free n;
free by DWU. Header, if you want per
t, profifablo work, address, tir.OKGB
n iCo., Portland, Maine. ntWvO.J
Z", . . .i"'',t'J'e worn, aaoress, Geokge
S3 1 .BU,
-. . '. FOR. ..
Ketly executed,
Call at tlifi Register Ofiiee
IhC if X
Aamlnistrntor'n Nle of Real llMtate.
"VTOTICE Is herebv friven fiat the ttnderslrn
X ed administrator of the estate of Philip
Low, aecenhed, will, on
Saturday, Octcter 21sf, 1S76,
between the honr of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock jv M. of naid day, at the Court House
doorintlieeityof AHmtiy, l.itin eounty.OiVRon,
OtTer for sale ftt public unci Ion to the highest
bkt'ler, ihu follow iu dtfscrioed real estate, to
wn :
Ht'ffinninir at a "take 30 rods onth of north
west corner of John La ton's lnnd claim, noti-
Ileal ion No. Witt, claim So. 57. in township No. i
11. souih ranire 4 west in Linn countv. Oieaon.
runnin.tlicncceast 10 chains, thence south lo
chains, tlience west 10 chains, thence north 10
chains to the place of begiuuiug, containing 10
Also, tho one equal undivided half of the fol
lowing: The fractional northeast X of the north
cast and the southeast X of the northeast Jf
of sectional, and the fractional west S. of the
northwest if and the northwest If of the south
west ol sect ion 22. in township 14 south rane
2 west Willamette nieiirtinn, containing 160
acres more or less.
Aso, the equal undivided one half of the fol
m egual mvuvisca one nan oi tue soi- i
wa. estate: Beifinnluw at the north- I
int rof the Kll donation land claim no- i
n !SUM. clini4a. in township H south,
we t c or
1 incut ion
range a west Willamette meridian, running
thence in an easterly direct ion on the south
boundary of sai 1 claim 39 .22cha ins to t he soul h
cast corner of said claim, l hence north on the
cnsleru lKinlurv of Miid claim 21.79 to the
-Intersection of said line between sections l'and
ii. iIicikx aionif said scut ion to tho. corner
of stations l-. It). 21 iindiJ, thence south 7" ii'
west ! 4S-10) chains, ihcnce west 17.U7 chains,
thutice fnnih 7J 45' weit U.31 chains to the place
of lcinninyr, contuinint; 02 acres more or less,
excepting ten acres of t he last mentioned and
described t met or parv-el of laud herebefore con
veyed by deed to J0in S.oati, all of said proio
ty being situate in Linn county, Orejron.
Also, the following real estate, to-wit: The
donation land claim of Philip Low,uot mention
No. fiSKS in township 1 south r ne3 west.Linn
county, Oregon, except Ing 80 acres heretofore
sold and conveyed by deed to Martin Luper,
said part rcifniininij unsold and te!onsrin to
the estate of Philip Low , containing about 70
acres more or less.
Ti rms of Sale. Gold coin, one-half cash in
hand, one-half in six months, secured by a
mortgage on the premises sold.
Sept 1), 1S7o-,j1v3 Administrator.
Incorporated Feb. 4, IBT i. Capital. 20,000.
Corner Fust and Wasliington sJreetB,
AlTouiiy, : Oregon.
Prcsidf'jt, S. A. JUAWSOX.
saperiiitenrfens, A. S. JOSSXSO."
. S. I.OOXK1,
J. 5;ij;ivs
S. A
1. Mil l,F,
3. . IKi:i
A. 1'l.r.VI.TSS,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Clotliiug-, IlarvlHare. Croc&crj
4iroc-er!cs, "Fstn Izuplcuienln
end "SSaeJiinvrj", &c, &e.
Also, bny and so'.l on cfimmision all kinds ol
floods. Marketable Produce, Ac.
IXc SI, 1S75-14-. rin-.ti
"VJOI'ICE is hereby Riven that by virtue ot
i.'i an order of the County Court within and
for the county of Linn. State of Oretron, duly
mad' and entered of record in said Court oil
the 8th day of August, ls7n. in the matter I
the estate of William B. Giison. deceas"d. i.
William Clyinor, retllainnlgxecniorof the las
will and testuuient of the said Wiliiam B. Gil
son, dci-ea-e:l. will, on
KaiiartiKj. TVovensfcer II, IS76.
At the Court House cloor, m theeitv of Albany,
in said Linn county, between the hour of H
o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'cloc-k in the
afternoon, to-wit, sit tiie of 1 c 'clock in the
afternoon of said i!ay, offer for sa'e at publit
auction the following desc-ribn.i real estate 1m
longing to the esta'e of said William B. CJilson.
(Icwuiio wit : The cast third of the soutli
half of the donation land claim of Thomas S
Summers anil Eliya Summers, known as Noti-
lUation No. i.lilrt iin.l clnini No. .", in Towushii'
1-2 south of Kange 1 west, and claim No. 70, in
TownstpNo. 1J so,;;It of Bunge 2 west of the
Willamette Meridian and lying in the oonntj
of Linn, state of n-rgon. and bounrled as fol
lows: Beginning at a point on the east line of
said claim lift v-three chains and t hirty-thret
links south of the north-east corner of sai1
c-!aim nnfl ruuinng thence west twenty chain,
thence south thirty-eight cbtiins and c1ght
five links, theuce. east twenty chains, Ihenc
north thirty-eight chains and 'eighty-five link
to the place of beginning, and 'containin
70 6.V-1C0 acres less i 4-10 acres in town !
heretofore sold leaving 63 20-100 acres more o
Terms : Said real csrate will be sold for jroi''
coin of the United States, one-half to be pai '
down on the day of sale and the remainder ii
six months, with inlercst thereon at the ra'e
of 10 per cent, per annum, payment to be se
cured by mortgage on the rremics
Remaining Exeenor of last will and
testament of W. B. Oilson, deceased.
E. Tasdv, Att'y for Ex'r. Loet7n2v9
Special Jsotiee.
The above prtmcnv entirelv surrounds the
noted NO DA MRlVJ at fcod'nvllle- celelnat
ed for the curative properties of its waters.
jjJL Pumps are now- manufactured in Albany.
Having had 14 years' experience 'n the business
of manufaetnring Wooden Pumps, I have no
hesitancy in saying mat i can suit eveiytxxty
i nat appiy.
Sutisfitctlon Gnarantecii. Every Pnmp
narraniea. .
The wooden pump will throw more water
with less lanor, ana is tess iiaoie to get out oi
re.nuir. and. is less expensive, than any other
Pump now in use. They are now sold cheaper
than ever before In the market. They can tie
had in mv factory in Charley Simpson's ware-
nouse, Aioany, or oruers c-an oe leit wiin i . j.
Hnrner & Co . and they will lo protuntlv filled.
Columbus Cowan Is authorized b me to sell
mv numns. ana mil tlieill m wens.
Albany, Aug. 18, 1876-v8m3
fol 5MO8.
In the Circuit Court of the Stateof Oregon for
Linn countv.
A. II. Marshall. Plaintiff, vs. Q. J. Gray, De
To G. .J. firav the above named dtlendant:
Tn th name of the State of Oresron : You are
hereby required to appear and answer the cora-
piaini ot j no Itmivc nmnini'i ",, i,.M.ti Crni t now- on tile with the Clerk of said
Court, within ten davs frm the date of the
service of this summons upon you If served in
Linn couuty, oreson ; but If served in any
ntlwrmuniv in tile State ol Oreaon. then with
in twenty days from the date of the service of
this summons upon vim, or if served by publi
cation then ou or befom tho first day of next
term of said Court, to-wit,
Monday, October 23:7, 187G,
And you arc herebv notified that if you fail to
appear Snd ansver said complaint ns hereby
required, tho plaintiff will twko Jufbrment
against von for the sum of tl 000, L nited States
cold com, with interest thereon In like gold
coin from the S5th day of February, 1875, at the
rate of one per cent, per month, and the costs
and disbursements of this pHKEY
Sept 7 1876.- A'It forPtff.
Published by order cf Hon. R. P. Boise, Judge
of said Court, for kits weeks, in the Albany
Register, which order bears date September
7tn. 1876. nbOvSws.
Lninlbex 2 Liuinber I
- ' . 1"; . .
A. of lutonuiiig tin. jjuuiit. iuav
situated wtthin three-mile of Lebanon, near
tbertantlam river on Hamilton Creek, is now
runninff. and is cuuing daily from eisht to ten j
thousand leeicnexcwiieui. .
IPxv andPine:lCumber
'..which we offer for sale as
All bills for lumber PPt3y51lrrtiS,tde
shortest possible time,and delivered, if desired.
on reasonable terms. ; . ,i
Address orders to - " ' .
ang'J5i8v8 . - Ixsbanon, Oregon. ;
O a r a dny at home. Aen ts wanted, put fit
i 1 Z . lints fr e, TRIJ K A C-. A ujTUBUfcMe,
In the Cironlt C;ourt of the State of Oregon,
for the comity of Linn.
Thomas B. Unines, Plain tiff, vs. IndionaHllts
Leonard, wife, and Williftm Leoi.urdt husbaad.
Defendants. '
Suit in eqnitv to remove clond from title.
To Indiana llilts Leonard and William Leon
ard, the abo e named defendants-In the name
of the State of Oregon : Von and each of you
are herebv required to appear and answer the
comprint ol the above named plaintiff in the
nliovo entitled court, now on file with the Clerk
of snlit mnrt. within If n davs from the date of
this service upon you, if served in Linn county;
but if served in any other county in tie State
of Oregon, then wif hin twenty clays from the
uateoi tne service oi tnis summons uiii you .
or if served by publication of this summons,
then you are required to answer the said com
plaint by the first dav of tho next regular term
of said court, to beholden In Linn county, Ore
gon, to-wit,
Monday, October 23d, 1676,
and you are hereby notified that if you fail to
appear and answer said complaint as hereby
required, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for tiie relief demanded in nis complaint.
wnicu 19 that you cancel a mortgage given
" .," J"" -
Jy Plaintirt on 160 acres o
Pe.J3 '?, " fee,.s"lm?!e,
J" March, 18i 1, to Indiana Hil
oi lunu oi wnicu
in Linn county.
iltstnow Leonard),
to secure the navment by plaintlfftodefendant
(Indiana Hilts, now Leonard), of the sum ot
$1,000.00 in U.S. gold coin, with ten per cent,
interest, whicli sum has been paid in full, and
which mortgage, uncanceled, is a cloud upon
plaintiff's title aforesaid, and for one hundred
dollars damages ; a'so, for costs and disburs
ments of lUis suit to be taxed.
Attorneys for plff.
Published by order of the Honorable B. F.
Bonham, Judge of said court, which order is
dated August 5th, 1B70. auglln4CvS
Can't be made by every agent
everv month in the business we
furnish, but those w'lling to
work can easily earn a dozen dol
lars a day right in their own localities. Have
no room to explain here. Business pleasant
and honorable. Womeu, and boys and girls do
as well as men. Wo will furnish you a com
plete Outfit free. The business pays better than
anything el. We will bear exixjnse of start
ing jou. Partieulai-s free. Write and see.
Farmers and mechanics, their sons and daugh
ters, and nil c'nsscs in need of imj ing work at
home, should write to ns aiMiut the work at
once. Now is t he time. Don'i tlelav. Address
Titt E & Co., Agusta, Jtlaine. " n26v9.J
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
fie county of Linn.
Alfred Wolvertou, Plaintiff, vs. R. J. Wolver
ton, defendant.
To R. J. Wolvertou, the above named defend
ant :
In the name of the State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to appear and answer I he com
ilaini of theabovepiatniitfin thealiovc entitled
court, now on file with the Clerk of said court,
wi- hin ten days from the datc-of t.he servicre of
this summons aMin yon if served in Linn coun
ty, Oregon : lui if served in nnv other eoitnf
in the State of Oregon. then within wen'y days
f rmti 1 lie date of the service of this sunin en--nnon
you : and if served by publication, hen
on or before the first dav of the next term of
said court, to-wir, Monday. October 23d. 1S76:
and you are hereby no'tlletl that if you fail to
aipear and answer said cotnn:aint, a hereby
required, the plaint iti wiil apply to the Comi
for the rijlief detuantled in the' complaint, to
wi',a d'tssoltnion ol 'lie londs of nta'rimony
xisiing between von and iilnintiff and for the
-are and cusiodv of ihe mlm.r clildi-en named
herein, to-wp .".John J.. Elizabeth J.. Fred. W
und Geo. A. Wolverton.
Attorncv forpl'lf.
Published bv order of Hon. B. F. Bonham
Indge of said Court, made this 8th day of
August, 1876. . auglln6v8
THE FALL Ti.nM of this institution will
begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMUiiil t, 1S7H,
with the following;
Faculty of Instruction :
Jcev. H. W. 8TRATTON. A. -M., President,
and Professor of Menial an I Moral science
liev. L. J 1'OWtLI, A. M.. Professor ot Math
emariesand Natural Sciences.
H. II. HEWITT. A. M., Professor of Ancient
Mis MAKIA IRVINE, Teacher of Primarj
Miss ELVA BREYilAX, Tc-acher of Instru
mental MUSIC.
I). 1!. RICE, M. P., Lecturer on Physiolog)
and Hygiuuc.
First Term lupins Septem'icr 4, 1S78.
Seecmd Term begins Novemtwr Hi, 1871?.
Third Term begins January 2!. Id77.
Fourth Term begins April 1377.
Vacation of one we'k during the holiduvs.
Closing exercises of the school year, June li,
is, i.
liatea of Tuition t
Primary Pfpartment. per term t oo
(iM5tuN Knolimi Uka nc hks, per term . . o K
lliuutit BKAKim-s.inelnaing Preparato
ry Iitin and Greek 11
Ct ttWiiATE, including Higher Latin and
Greek, Advanc it Ma: lieiuai ic-s, and
Mental and Moral Sciences, tier term.. 13 !
Fi-enc-h anri Gei'tnan, each, cxt in. 3 m
Insirumen'ai Music 11 I
s.- of Piano 3
liici--ien"als -.
Tuition in aTl caes required in advance. -Punctual
at ieii'tanee. nea'ness, pronm'.ne
and gem lemauly an I la lyiike. i'.etvn incut w
lee.xpected Iroiuail who mav become memt.-e
of tne school. L.J.POWELL
Produce & Commission Merchant,
Warehouse at foot of Ells won h st reet.
A store .
100,000 Bushels f Grain
SACKS furnished free to those who store with
me, and for sale to others at the lowest uiarke.
jy-Will always paj the highest market price
for Grain. - C. D. SIMPSON.
Albany, July 28, lS76-8n
A IVew and farge Invoice
. ": 1 ' OF
And will Sell tt the Followinar Prices t
Coin silver. 2 or. P. S. Bartlett Waltham
Waieh. 21 00; each additional ounce ti SO.
KUrht-dav Be tit Thomas Clocks from SS 00 to
13 00.
. Ana all otner boohs in proportion.
The only bouse above Portland that keeps
Woods Sld, EnifrHveH Free of Cbisrcei
Practical watch-maker and Jeweler, late of Cal
ifornia Watch Co., and tbe only engraver in
A (rood assortment of Sewing Machine Nee
dles and attachments.
BuKiness College,
1 V guaranty of success for persons In all pup.
suits of life. The ...
sent free to any address.
4!vSm.H Lock box 104.
Prof. Gr. 3P. Newell,
Harmony. Ttorcngli-liass ani Sinens.
Special attentionig4ren to
HAVIXfl concluded to make ALBaHY nay
Permanent rewidi'iic-. ull wlin rifHiim n
thorough knowledge of JHuMc can now have
an opportunity.
Messrs. Jno. Erieera. J. H. Wcntt. Tlr nrifHn
Dr. Wliitney, and many others.
Leave VOUr address lit Mr. Cnshnvamnalennrt
book store, or at Mr. Barr's music store, and I
" uiu mi j our iKMuriHT! .
Albany, August t, 1876-46
JlToi? Sale 2
AXarge Body of Rich Land for
Sale Cheap.
uOu 300 acres in cultivation everv acta sus
ceptible of cultivation well watered. Has a
nnon Iiaiioa hnnt ami rVHEmn l. n Mtl
mj urn ii, mm .ut iiuuncs uuirm txii
under fence, and lying within 9 miles of a rail
road station. Allirood ar ass orcmin land. The
rmiro intut. w ui oe soiu cneap. inquire or
a. A. JUHJ.S.
Aug 3074-48v7 Albany, Oregon.
ALBANY, OREGON, 0 T. 11, 1870.
Some of the Oregon Tihieti papers
are blowing about tho "peaceful and
quiet election in Georgia." Aa there
was positively no opposition to the Dem
ocratic ticket in Georgia, what on earth
was there to prevent a quiet election ?
What we OJmplain of is this-, whenever
the "Republicans of the Smith place a
ticket in the fieM and Mippi.rt it, they
are shot down murdered iucoM blnmi.
ctiuhlicftiis should be protected in all
their rights in th? Southern States as
a 1 parties are in the Northern k tates
in every tnrl ot litis broaii Union the
relisjifiw, political a- el civil rights o'
every citizen hoiihl tie respected ; and
the Republican party, staiidii.g by the
Cont-titution and the "Old I lag, toy
they nntst and kiqII he respected.
i ti il the present fe' spirit ot murder
and hate is put down in the South a
bitter now as durii.g the war there
seems to be no hope ot peaceful elections
whenever the Republicans attempt to
asvert tl.e rights guaranteed them by
the Constitution.
The Republican party comes to yon with
its record open. nl a'K everv man. wo
man, and child in Hie hnwtd country ton-ait
its everv word. And 1 say to yon that
there is not a line, a paragraph, or a pn
nt tjiat record that is not only an honor to
the Republican nartv hut to the hntnuii
race. On every page of that record is wrir-
en some great aii't pioriotis acfioii, none
either for the lihertV of man or trie preser
vation of our common i-ountrv- We a-k
"Vervhodv to. read it everv xvorrt.- Thi
Democratic party comes before yon with
its record closed, recording every blot and
blur and stain a"d treason and slander and
inalisriiitv. and nk von not to rend a
-ingle word, htir he kind enough te take ir-
iifaiiKins ptniiiies tor the tuture. Allo
ie to say here that character gool clmr
icter re-r upon a record and not upon :
rospccltis. ". Injer:-"ll f Cotij er In.
CORTiECTIOK. We were In error hit vn'
in stating flint the lndhl'itl e'ection wopttl
occur on Tnesdty the 3d. as our renders
d'uiht learned hv other articles hi the :nn-
psper; but t lie re was i.o mistake In
what we said ahont Wheeler'i store nf
hi-dd. There Is no discount hut rather a
retnittm on what we said about Uiat.
As an off-e to Clav and Julian we
present T. C. Littlej-dtn, of Oswego
N". Y.. a delecrate to the St. Lonis mn
veiition, now out for ITayen and
Whee'er. ITe made a telling speech
he other day to his tieightMir of both
parties, giving his rea ons for the chance.
Tie "was sent to St. Louis to nppone
Tilden's nomination." The same reasotu.
which shon'd prevent the nomination
now forbade him to support him. He
had not kept his reform promises, made
false returns, declared the war a failure
spoke no w rd, gave not a dime to aid
the toverment, fails to prosecute the
Hrook'yn rirg, he would call the Union
soldiers trespassers and : would pay
couthern war claims, and he sa nomi
oa ted by John Morrissey. Besides, the
t emocrats ot JNf w York nave neeit
forced to nominate a rnnegade Repub
lican tor Governor. Mr. L. promised to
take the field as soon as his health will
Condensed Lightning,
Montenegro, having lost 4,000 men.
is in favor ot peace.
, Two hundred Cerman gunmakers
have been hired by "-ervia.
Quebec has sent $300 to the Pavan.
nah yellow fever sufferer.
Fifty fJerman volunteers have recent
ly joined the Servian array.
Circassian bandi have .recently burn.
ed and sacked 18 Turkinh vi'lages.
The Austrian Government, fearing
Russia, is rapidly preparing for war.
Gen. Martinez Campoa has been ap.
pointed Governor General of Cuba.
Thirty-seven steamers with their car.
goes are reported lost on the Labrador
Kussia is arming and doing every,
thing that might show her hostility!? to
Russia does not wish to go to war,
only wanting to ece Servia Independent.
The commencement ot hostilities with
Russia would be welcomed by the
The Montenegrin government is eaid
to favor peace although the people are
strong for war.
The contract for the Cuban loan of
15,000,000 piastres has been awarded
to the bank of Tactile.
Russia saves she will do her utmost
to prevent Ser ia from continuing the
The neutrality of Greece is insisted
upon by the president of the council ot
Gen. Tohemayoft telegraphs that the
Turks horribly muti ate and torture j
Servian prisoners. : .
Tiie Servians worsted the Turks at
Kliuloch on the 4th. Three hundred
homes were burned.
The differences between Spain and
the United States have been settled and
and an amicable feeling prevails.
I he Porte is unable to control the
mob of bloodthirsty Turks., the
1'ritish ambassador, is disgusted. '
King Senla, of tiie Transvaal Repub
lic, has defeated the Dutch troojs and
threatens a wholesale massacre of the
K. A. Woodward, late partner of
William M. ""'weed, had been arrested
in Chicago under the name of A. Wa'-
lace of Liverpool
Fully 500 people were turned away
from the Moody and r-atikev meant org
at Chicago on the 4th cn account of
the crowd. '
Judge Hoar has been nominated to
Cit.grei by the Massachusetts Demo
crats of the 7th district notwithstand
ing Hen. Rutler's ojpositiin.
There were 91,000 paid admissions
:tt the l.'hiladelphia Centennial on the
4th iiwt. Total cash admission during
"epteir.ber 82.130,991.
ITe-rv Clay won the 2:30 class race
at ''incinatti on tls? 4th in 2:30 as the
time. The 2:26 race was won by
White' Stocki ngs; best time 2:24 L.
""weiity-rive ' Indians have raided
around Neuces and Sabine river taking
100 horses and ki ling three white men.
Citizens and troops are in pursuit.
In a drunken row in a suburb of
'crouton. Pa., on the 4th, Reese James
killed a saloon keeper, Edward Jame,
and a man named Carwood by stabbing.
In response to a call previously made
the voters of Santiam Precinct, Linn
county, Oregon, met on the 30th day of
eptember, and after organizing a strong
reenback Club, ui.ited in a call to all
the citizens of Oregan, irrespective ot
pat parly affiliations, who are opposed
to tiie further enoroachnients of capital
ii tl e riglrs of"lab r, to the control of
ie ' 'over.mei.t.hy a Viondlu ldiiig -alo.
aiv.l y, a. d are wi ling to ntand ai d
. ik with ihe Nafioi al ('reenback In
iciei dent party in re.cuing the ("Jov
r tnci t t'roiii the hands of speculator:
h i) po itical montt'tiMuks, to meet at
Ie City ofSalem in in as a convention
nt 10 o'clock a. m., on Monday, Oolo-'
lu r the 16lh. 1876. for the immune of
'hiKising an Indeieiideiit Electora
ticket, a State eutral Committee and
erfecting the State organization of the
independent Giwtthack party of Oregon,
The call is signed by the following
per ions: LI. r, Urabtree, John Wat-
kins. F. M. Crabtree.F. M. Laniel
- rank rabtree, S. G. Corwin, J. R
outli, Thomas I lilies, II. A. Ilolmai
t.ewiti rfruiirt r, I , li. South. J. J. Dor
ris, ..tames (rabtree, Willis dam.
-lames Lindley, SI. D. I'-yland, F. M.
-mith, J. M. South, C L. ChamleiB
J. Ilanlt.Td. C. W. Curl, W. C Foren,
L. Smith, Seth Roc'we-l, Stephen
Carml, T. Deakius, T. J. Hekzel. (ier
ial Stringer, S A. Strii gcr, J. M, Ilas-
s er, J. T. Grisham, J. A. Plummer, T.
J. Rose, L. W. Kinzer, and Newton
Seymur, throughout his letter, has
no word of compliment for the chosen
standard-bearer of his party. He makes
the best appeal he can in behalf of a
qualified success ot the Democracy, but
he does not praise the candidates.
A neat office for reporters has been
fitted up in the north wing of the pa
vilion at the State Fair.
7wo - additional policemen for ! the
Fair Grounds have been appointed by
t!ie Salem i ity Councd. salary $75 a
m uith.
About fifty team daily nn'oad thpir
wheat at the tarmei' warehouse at
Salem, and about 100 loads are ben g
daily received at Kinney mi is
Watkina who wan so fearfully t
I raged by one VY'hiterqao and wham I e
tried to kill iu the talerti court bouse
has beeo pardoned by Gov, orover.
j Some salmon are taken on the to.
quilleby Indiausbutthesea lions are
bo numerous at the moutii ot wie river
that the' fish are eaten up or scared
away by them. Ti citizens are talk
ing of clubbing togiether to shoot the.
seals and sea lions to protect the fish.
There is to be a iriile trotting race a
Boise City for $75 od the 7th , inst.
The Fanny l ake inras to have been
launched at Seattle o n the 3d inst.
The Chilberjrbro oa factory has been
moved jrora "Seattle to OJympia.
A coople of China men have been art
rested for selling wl ilsky to Indiana.
Preserving choke cherries keep Idaho
housewives busy at; this season.
Territorial warninls dated prior to
January 31bt will lie paid on present-.
Paine Bros., of Walla tv la, have
2,700 bushels of wheat in their ware '
Over twenty he irses '" are training al
the Boise City t rack tor the coming;
races. '
There have beon 24 beer and 52 re
tail licenses granted at Seattle since
January. . j; T---
Miltord Offut, living near Olympus,
iilled a liear wlh hatchet last , week.
Mr. ' Durgiii, ot- making
large quantities ot vinegar Iroro wilted
Tiie deaf mute magician speaks, and
is a grand 'bllkerer" accordiug to the
Idaho World.
Sorghum is being manufactured in
Walla Walla Valley thia season in
arge quantities. .
- Five hundred barrels of Sandwich
lsianu sugar arnveu i nuuu'v ui
week on the bark am len.
W. A. loug of Whitman comity
threshed 1,200 bushels of wheat from
20 acres of laud this season.
Not a single fight occurred am-ng
the boys at the Walla Walla fair,
strul thftv'ra oroni liovs tMi."
The Grand Lodge of -Free Masoi m
tor Washington 'l"erritcry convened at."
Olytnpia on Thursday.
i nere nave oeen o marriages so ip
this year at Seatt'e, Girls there under
stand the privilege of leap year.
Seattle is much duller now than &
year ago this time. '
The Seattle is the only coal mine
now running.
Two prizes have been offered for the.
excellence of composition, for compe
tition by Seattle public school children
While the placer diggings are on the
decline in the Leesburg I'asin, Idaho, at
1 rairie gulch and Leon creex, quartz ia
claiming n ore attention.
The grangere ot Lemhi valley have
raised unusually large crops, .A sum
mer. The yield will be in excess of the
demand of the country. ' i m
The Walla Walla Statesi . saysj
'Vancouver has the name of being a
very quiet place f r retired sleepers, and
and in consequence two bands have
oeii employed to a waken them on time,
Mr. Ieisou, the ferryman between
'ort Tuwiiscnd and Whitley Island,
picked up a man iu a skiff wlui had
been tor tliree days and two nights
without food. He was almost dead
when found but kind treatment Boon
brought him aroni.d.
There are $1,650,000 in trade dollars
:iow on the Pacific
Js'ewi-jn Booth has written that he
will remain in Indiana.
John Lick, son of the late James,
eft Lebanon, Pa., for San Francisco on
the 3d inst, ; -
Mrs. Ledwidge was burned to death
in her horee, on the 4th inst,, at Santa
'losa. Cal. '
Consolidated Virginia lias declared
divideid of $2 a share, aggregating
$1,800,000. " ''-
1 Slake Pilkiugton has been elected
California State lecturer in place of J,
VV- A. Wright of the P. of II.
An immense concourse of people and
many societies accimpa ied James.
Lick's remains to the cemetery at San,
Lrauciscoon the 4th instant.
F, W ilbut.G. W. Warshon, Jas.
Reed, F. Wilson & Co. were acquitted
on the 4th, of the charge of murdering
Chinamen on Trout creek, Nevada,
i The new grand stand at the Fair
Grounds is 150 feet in height. ' ....
; There are now 40 blooded horses,
training at the State Tajr Grounds.
I apt. $ ichenor reports finding caune",
coal 25 miles troth Port Or;Kd,
Several families of caoipers at th
l air t roundsr
j Eleven Walla Walla race horsey
have arrived at tha Unou cpuuty fair
giinda. ' ,: V ,
A dead whale was washed shprft
last week near the mouth, of t,he Co-
qille. ' ,,Ur . ' ' '
A s"kating rink and dancing hall
being put up on the State Fair Grounds.
K. IL Dean & 'o.. ot Marshtield'
have shipped 1,700,000 fee? pt ujnhr
in the part SO days. ' "'-
MrJ A. Ladd shot and kitlad Tbrun-
as Tones . in - Union county Jaiit week
about some rent trouble'.'-'- 1' "
Three photograph galleries will assay
to get money from the ''Rubea at
State Fair this time. , - .; - -y