The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 15, 1876, Image 3

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rTMlE LVCPlll Fo.lXl't Is the Oldest stld Most Reliable Mixed Paint.
We have testimonials Horn wueij 0f tne finest residences xu the county, showing tliat it is all
that is claimed tor it by the manufacturers.
If "S"ou xx"o 3-oxa.s to JEzxTXt9
Call anil examine samples, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. EST A full assort
ment of shades kept constantly on band. 89v 8
A. CAROTIIEKS & CO., Fiust.St.
Remaining in the Post Office. Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, Sept. 14th, 1876.
Persons calling; for these letters must (rive
the date on which they were advertised.
Bennington, Joseph Hodes, Mrs
Brad ly, Joseph James, Steven G
Coitas. Miss Georgie Johnson, OS
Cornelius, Wm. Jenkins, Henry
Clark, Clarence, John
Combs, J N Murphy, Robert (3)
Caufleld, .lohh Magohon, Wm.
Crockett, John Nichols. J C
Croxtou, MmNL (2)0'Brian, Thomas
Lie t me ring. Q E
Daniel, John -Ellis,
Win. (2) '
Giuseppe, O
Griswold Mrs C
Gentry. S M
Helm, MUs Mary'
P. H.
Robinett, W C (21
Salnave. A
Stout. Ezra
- Taylor, Miss Lizzie
Temple, J A -Vlug,
Mrs T II
OiTev for Sae: I
Tlire.Ucrj Hcadcrs.ISeapers Slower, Vs:oi,. nuke, Plow,
, Harrows,- &c., &e.
' , 1 O '
XTW Wl" store Grain. Woof, and General Merchandise at Ltntest Iintex. -Xi
tuit OT1I WARFHOI'SF-Itoad of Baker and Lyon streets, at Depot of O. & C. R- R,Co.
Albany, Oregon. July It,la7$43v8 r -
1, ---uL
Good Enough. Prof. A. B. Cathey
has been secured as teacher of the North ( lowing rea. estate
Brownsville public school. The citizens of I
that town are in luck, as the Pro f. is a
splendid teacher and a young man of high
moral character who will grace any school
room in the country. We congratulate the
citizens of Brownsville, who we are sure
will never have cause to regret their choice.
Centennial Library. The brown M .
E. Chnrch has just received a most beauti
ful and finely arranged Sunday School li
brary (called the Centcnuial library), which
will be very attractive to tle young people
and children who may attend that school.
A general invitation is extended to our
people, especially the young, to attend the
Sunday School.
Aomlniatrntor's Sale Beat Estate.
NOTICE is hereby given rtat the undersign
ed administrator of the estate of Philip
Low, deceased, will, on
Saturday, October 21, 1876,
between the honrs of 9 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock P. M. of said day, at the Court Mouse
door in thecity of Albany, Linn county.Oregon,
offer for sale at public auction to the highest
bidder, the foUowtng described real estate, to
wit "
Beginning at a Btake 30 rods south of north
west corner of John La ton's lund claim, noti
fication No. 1816, claim Ko. 67, in township No.
11, south range 4 west in Linn county, Oregon,
running thence east 10 chains, thence south lo
chains, thence west 10 chains, thence north 10
chains to the place of beginning, containing 10
Also, the one equal undivided half of the fol
lowing: The fractional northeast X of the north
east X and the southeast J of the northeast K
of section 81, and the fractional west X of the
northwest H and the northwest H of the southwest-
if ot section 22. in township 14 south range
2 west Willamette meridian, containing luo
acres more or less.
Also, tile equal anamuca one nan oi me ioi
arinsr mil estate: Beginning at the north-
n. t mrni-r of the Ell donation land claim no
tification 40G8, clim 43, in township 14 south,
range 2 west Willamette meridian, running
thence in an easterly direction on the south
ivf.,.niiarv of said claim chains to t he south
east corner of said claim, thence north on the
eastern boundary of said claim 21.79 to .the
Intersection of sald-Jine between sections 15 and
( J
No time to write advertisement
this week. Will throw it in sight
San P
Under date of September 12, our Halsey
correspondent writes as follows :
The Methodist Episcopal services are
held on the fourth Sabbath of each month,
at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M.
B-tptist on the first Sabbath of each
month, at the hour of 11 A. M.
Christian at the hour ot 11 A. si., on the
third Sabbath of each month.
The United Presbyterians have preach
ing every Sabbath at the hour ot eleven, by
Rev. R. J. Thompson. There is a flourish
ing Sunday School in connection with the
U. P. Church, held immediately after
the regular church exercises,! r. James
Crawford. Superintendent.
Mr. Ebenezer Haves is the very identical
man whose wife has two fine sons, some
two or three weeks old, and that Identical
man is happy.
A little incident happened in the U. P.
Sunday School a short time ago, that was
a little amusing. One of tli J teachers was
asking his class how the "Clirisraiii would
view Jilailioii Ans "With resignation
to it, assent for their benefit." "Then how
will the mere Philosopher receive it
A young lady of considerable talent an
we red, "grin ind bear it."
Halsev is still improving rapidlv.
Mr. Martin Koontz is about ready for
business in bis new store-houSe, which
is about completed.
Mr. Elias Preth-y is building a large
Liverv Stable. . ... ' . G
22, thence west aloif g said section to the corner
of sections 1 18, 21 anai. tiience soutn i
west B 48-100 chains, thence west 17.07 chains,
thence south 7" 45' west 9.81 chains to the place
of beginning, containing 62 acres more or less,
excepting ten ftcresof the last mentioned and
desert bed tract or parcel of luna BereDefore con.
i evert liv deed to Jnhn Sloan, all of said proper.
ty being situate in Liun county, Oregon.
Also, l lie following real estate, to-wit: The
donation land claim of Philip Low.notitluation
No. htiiA in townsliirt 12 9omlv-iige3west,L.inn
county, Oregon, excepting SO acres heretofore
snlit n.nd conveved bv deed to Martin Luper,
ouiil rmi-t renmininsr unsold and belonging to
the estate of Philip Low, containing about 78
acres more or less.
Tkrms op sale. uoia coin, one-nan casu in
hand, one-half in six months, secured by a
mortgage on me premises soiu.
Sept 15, 187C-51v8 Adiulnisti-ator.
L . - . i . . . i.. m i t ...... f r i i : . :..
Indiana and Iowa, has permanently located
in a linn v. Oregon. OFFICE At Dr. Plnm-
mer's Iiritg Store. R KSI ( EXCK Corner of
Montgomery ana feigntli streets, nprtneast ot
railroad uviiot. ivonouj
. Albany, OB., Sept, 9, 1876.
Hayes and Wheeler Club met and was
called to order by Coll. Vau Cleve, who
moved that J. F. Backensto act as tempor
ary Chairman. Motion carried.
On motion, O. E. Wolverton was chosen
Secretary. .
Motion made tliat the Chair appoint a
committee of five to tlraft a constitution
and by-laws tor the club. Carrried Messrs.
N. B. Humphrey, J. H. Foster. Coll. Van
Cleve, P. H. Raymond and Geo. Monteith,
were appointed said committee.
Motion made and carried that a Finance
Committoe be appointed by the Chair, con
sisting of three members, O. P. S. Plum
mer, S. E. Young and N. Baum, were the
Motion made and carried, that when this
meeting adjourn It adjourn to meet on
next Saturday evening, Sept. 16th, 1376, at
the Opera House.
Motion made and carried, that the pro
ceedings of this meeting be published in
tlie Albany Register, and that other pa
pers be requested to copy.
On motion it was ordered that the Fi
nance Committee be instructed to collect
funds by subscription to defray the ex
penses incurred by this Club.
Sjieeches being in order, N. H. Hum
phrey, Esq.. was called upon, and." "in his
rtsual pointed n ess ot diction, it took htm
but a short time to show where and orf
what grounds the two parties stand at the
present day.
The Chairman, Mr. J. F. Backensto,
Plkasast. Monday afternoon, in company
with Messrs. J. Blevhis and A. J. Johnson," we
took a spln-lnto the country, seated In one of '
Ans. Marshall's handsome turnouts. Barring
the dust, which was deep enough In places,
the ride was exhilarating and. most enjoyable.
At Mr. C. P. Knighton's we fouud that excel
lent thresher, the "Invincible," under super
intendence of Mr. W. 8. Reedor, turning out
wheat in the most satisfactory manner. -Mr.
Knighton informed us that bis crop wonld fall
considerably short of an average one. He has
a large and weL" cultivated farm, and Is a most
liberal gentleman. In the garden near bis
comfortable residence he has one of ths largest
blackberry patches, of the Lawton variety, In
the valley. Upon visiting the patch we found
the fruit, large, ripe and luscious, in great
abundance in fact the bushes were literally
bending nndet their tremendous load of ber
ries. With a good appetite for berries, we un
dertook to thin that crop somewhat, bnt after
doing our "level best." we were compelled to
retire without having made any appreciable
begincment on that patch. On each side of
the road as we passed along men and machines
were busily engaged securing the golden har
vest. Leaving Mr. Knighton's, we crossed the
Calipooiaand were soon at the fine farm of Ble v-
ins Bros., one of the best ranches in old Linn,
where we found "Stick," aided by a two-horse
thresher, turning out wheat at the rate of a
bushel in sixty seconds. And here we struck
another bonanza in the shape of Bartlett pears,
plums and red-cheeked apples. Returning to
ward the city we noted improvements here
and there, giving evidence of thrift and indus
try on the part of our agricultural friends.
Charley Boargardes lias erected a fine-looking
two-story frame, house on his farm, besides
making other Improvements adding to the
looks aad conveniences of his beanttf ul place.
At Uncle George Hughes' we notid quite a
little band of Celestials who, we were told, are
engaged in "grubbing" and clearing new land
for the plow, giving evidence that Uncle
George, although getting along in years, has
lost none of his energy and push, but is still In
Way up teams at Ans. Marshall's.
River low, making navigation very difficult.
dill Burkliart la still very ill, requiring
watchers nightly, we are sorry to say. ,
CiBcua Jfext Tuesday eveuingr-and every
body s going or wants to.
The remark ia not infrequent, "ItH the dull
est time I ever saw in Albany."
.One more number concludes volume eight of
the Register. r
Launer Ralston, of this city, has been elected
page of the State Senate.
The grape yield in this county promises to be
larger than for years. .- .', '
'I Should Bixabk t" Tenaa man clattawa.
copi nica house, 13th Sept." Heap little rooster.
George Wrenn, Chief of Oorvallis Fire Pe-
partment, and Mr. Quivey, of the CorvalUa
Democrat, were in the city Saturday. .
Couao out to the Republican Club meeting to
morrow (Saturday 1 evening. Speakers have
been secured, and a feast may be expected.
GcoDTnwc The attendance at the Republi
can Club last Saturday night was first rate, and
a good time was bad. .
On Wednesday we obtained from Mr. 8.
llaight a box of Bartlett pears. They were
very large and Just as delicious as large.
, Judge Powell is expected to be one of the
speakers at the .Republican Club meeting Sat
urday night.
Mr. L. P. Kelly, representing the firnS of
Miller Richard,- dealers in printing goods.
Pan Francisco, called on Wednesday. , ;
then addressed the Club, devoting most of favor of improvement. As we passed along
his time to the great question ot tariff, and doVn the Callpooia we sighed for a shot-gun,
was most successful in showing up the fal
lacies and sophistries of the enunciations
of tlie Democratic party. ' He also showed
up in the most forcible manner other
as the bobwhites and fat grouse looked at us.
Impudently enough, from the neighboring
fences and thickets.
How do you like the Rboistkb p We are in
clined to think It is one of the neatest paper
in Oregon, .. .
Rube Saltmarsh and family returned from a
pleasant visit to Jackson county on Tuesday,
looking well and hearty.
in the Circuit Court of the Statcof Oregon for equally unsound principles of the Demo
cratic party.
bis friends and the public generally, that
he is now sett Jed in bis
on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper 4 Co ,
where can be found as great an assortment and
as large a stock of
Stoves and Ranges
as can be round in any one house this side of
Portland, and at as
iJustirmt, ISruss &. Irlmimelcd .
in great variety. Also,
Tin, . ,
Sheet; Iron, .
Galvanized Iron,
, ... and. .
alwavs on tiaod, and made to order, AT LIV
Albany, October 22, 1375-5 v8 .
Albany Book j Store.
. t
Sx:hool Books. Blank Books, Stationery
Fanoy Articles, &c.
Books imported to order, at shortest
bible nol ice. v jn3u
Groceries, iPx-OA-isions-
T5)cco( 'Isrir. Catlery Crock
ery, nmt Wood At Willow Ware,
- CgrCall anil see him. 245
Furniture Rooms.
, TojJIan and Beast '
i tue cnAsa l'
' aLf
wtrimi ixjhjs sto ties test or o
Tiiere ii no sore it wt!l not lieal, no la me
ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
afilict the human body, or the body of a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not vield lo its innie touch. A bottle
costinz25C. 50c or fl CO. ha olteti aaved
the lite of a human being, and restored to
life and usefulness many a valuable horse.
ron i:s, rr wiu, ctbe
Rheumsti tii, turn's. .Scalds. Irtiies Cuts
Froftt-fciifg, Swe.-ings. Ciitiftoted CoriJs,
Pain in tl-e IiacC Lttmbno. Sciatica,
CLiibiaiiis. t-:t-!liw. fr!Ufi, Sv'if .oints,
Fore 'ipp-c-s, X.rr;jUont, Pains, Wounds,
roa M.TXZ
Spavin, O-'-.-t
'Bone,.- Wiad'H
Hsmc'-s snd'.-v
. Serati'i..,;,, -' Di.;
Sorefsc?!'!, Oxi
... ; S vs-o, fc-iii-;v, Kir"?
, r ;j i:-.-mU rc:i i:vij.
re. L'ari.'!", S'f!" r;s
fiKtHT iLTurs:i,. Straits,
T?e?s leave to announce to the citizens of this
city and surrounding country, that lie bas open
ed n In rge ock of
fn the buildinz lately oocmiieil by lr. l'lum-
mer's rtrust store. on First street, where
naa. on most reasonaoic terms,
Parlor Seta,
Bedroom Suits,
Ensy C'hairn,
Center Tables,
What n ai,
Uesks, i
.. Safe. - -
ana in met evei-vininff eie neeueu to
My goods are well made and of the very
Latest and Handsomest Styles.
tiirFCRXITCRE manulhctured to order, at
snort notice. I
- tt" Furniture repaired and put in good shape
on snort notice. . j .
Give me a call. I
f. s. iuxxixe.
Albany, Nov. 26, 1873 10v8 !
no chair goes from my lactory without my
nam nnon it. All others are false imitations.
nd should be so regarded. All persons are
hereby warned acainst attempting any such
imposiuon upon my customers
Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 187G.
In the Circnit Court of the State of Oregon for
1 EmeJfnnmst'er, Plaintiff, vs. Hiram Don-
To 'iliram Lancaster, the above named de-
In i be name of the State of Oregon : -Ton are
herebv required to appear and answer the com
plaint of th above plaintitrin lb, above enti
tled court, now on uk wuh .mo ,...
oonrt. within ten rtays f rem nie date of service
... v. A. , ...2 -,i if . served fn Linn
i. bnt if served In any other
in th State of Oreeon. then within
wenty days from the dae of the service of I Ms
L , nl. or if served bv pnbliea-
t ion. thea on or oetnre i ire "o-j v v
trZl of ml i c-onrt. to-wlt. Monj. . U
i-.-i : and von are ne-ewy "
j-ti! to amnr and anwer wi! t
t. t.. Yf.i
... rmitHtntn't .t--')
ui'f tst of a-J-
tbat 1 jou
eommainf . as
t.v!jTn-!rc!. tr (sp wi.ipm iuio
coorr ur tne re iefp-.w.-'i tn t necomniainT,
to-wit, (Jiswtluiion of ! he hfmw ot irawmoisy
n..wi.h.4 W ntf nf n-i. H. F Bor-!,
Ju. 'f stiii Kmfi", mOa siii (iy of Ao-
T.lnn eonntv.
A. H. Marshall, l'lalntur. t. t. J. uray, De
Tn i; .t. ilrnv the aliove named detendant:
In the name of tlie State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to apixwand answer the com.
ninlni of tlie above olaintiff. in the above en-
liueu t,onn, now oil iiib w.iu me wcin ui
Court, within ten daj-s from the date of the
service of this summons upon you if served in
Linn county, Oregon ; but if served in any
other Minniv in the State ol Oreson.then with
in IWentV avs ll om llic tiaie m iwtiwvi
i,ta Bi,.,W,mie iii-w,n T-ru or if ervfHl bv rttibli-
cation then on or le'fore the first day of next
term of stud court, to-wit.
Monday, October 23f, 1876,
(nil vnn fire herebv notified that if vou fall to
umwir ami nnswer said coninlaint as herebv
reouirea, tne piuimiu win ihhb iihikiiivu.
airninst vou for the sum of S1.00O, United Slates
nold coin, with interest thereon in like gold
coin from the 23tli day of February, 187.", at the
rate ot one per cent, per mom n, unu yie costs
and disbursements ot tnts action. 11L ail-UKE. 1 ,
S-nt. 7. 1878. Att v tor Piff.
Published bv order cf Hon. R. P. Boise, Jndgc
of said Court, for t.i weeks, in the AtBASY
Registek, which order Decrs aate feeptetnoer
itll. IftJ. rawiowg.
H. YY. Stratton was then loudly called
for, came to the front, and gave many ex
cellent reasons why he would not vote for
Tili'en and Hend ricks, and why Hayes
and Wheeler were his choice. Simple
facts were so forcibly given that every one
present could not help seeing- his views
were sound.
The frpeak'ers were frequently applauded,
and a general feeling of enthusiasm seemed
to prevail throughout the entire audience
during the meeting.
Enthusiastic. A good crowd turned out to
the meeting called to organize a Republican
Club on Saturday night, at the Opera House.
After a temporary organization, speecnes were
made and more enthusiasm manifested than
we have seen exhibited by either political party
for years. The Republicans of Albany are
awake, and will work enthusiastically for our
standard-bearers, Hayes and. Wheeler, insuring
tbem a good round majority in this precinct.
Queen's circus will give an exhibition at
Scio on the 21st, instead ot at Jefferson.
Mr. L. Elkins has returned from
trip ea3t of tlie mountains. '
Bebmesasd Ckeam. We are indebted to
Master Charles Finlayson, grandson of James
Finlayson, Esq., for a panfull of huge Lawtons
and a good supply of sweet, thick cream to
'waller" them in. It was the biggest feast
we've had for a long time, and Charles has the
thanks of all the Rkcjistkb family for his gen-
At this juncture Mr. Van Cleve moved erousthoughtfuiness,
an adjournment with three rousing cheers
for Hayes and Wheeler, the next President !
and Vice President of the United States,
which were given with a will.
h- Meeting then adjourned.
C. E. Wolvkrton, Sec'y.
The Geais Chop Being below the av
erage both in quantity and price makes the
exercise of rigid economy a necessity to
those who would make both end- meet.
One of the most effectual means of doing
this, is to l)uj' your goods at the one-price,
low-price, ready-pay store ot Wheelkr. in
Shedd. New and complete fall and winter
stock soon.
Personal. Ed. Freelaud and family
have arrived in this city from Ochoco.
Club Meetixg The Republican club
will meet on Saturday evening next at the
Ofiera House, when the several committees,
appointed at the meeting of the Club last
Saturday night, will report. Able speak
ers will be in attendance. It every mem
ber that possibly can, lie present.
Beturned. AVyatt, Strand
Price, Jason 'Wheeler and brother, and
Levi Ankeny, of Portland, returned trom
a two-weeks mountain trip on Monday.
The party went thirty or forty miles be
yond Fih Lake caught slathers of trout.
killed hi n deer, and enjoyed themselves
to the top of their bent.
"Br toe Sweat of the Brow." As
an illustration of what patient industry and
determined work will accomplish, we take
pleasure In pointing to the substantial and
creditable improvements in the way of
convenient and cosy homesteads all around
our city. Some ot thutn requiring years
of hard toil to make profitable in some
instances the lack ot means making the
process of transformation from a forest ot
grubs to luxuriant fields and flowering
gardens very slow and tedious. Tlie writer
a few days since accepted an invitation of
Goixo E st of the JIotrKTAina. We learn
that Ir. D. M. Jones, Professor of materia
medica and theraputtcs in the Willamette Uni
versity. Salem, proposes starting on a lecturing
tour about the first of October, visiting The
Dalles, Walla Walla, Waitsbnrg, rayton, Wes
ton, Pendleton, La Grande, Union, and It may
be, Baker City, In the interest of medical
W. H. McFaelaud The well known Stove
Dealer, Is agent for the justly celebrated Rich
mond Range, manufactured at Norwich, Conn.
This is now acknowledged to be the &.- and
most economical cooking apparatus in the world.
The public are invited to call and examine this
beautiful and useful article. A-finc stowk -of
pumps, tinware aud cooking utensils of every
desirable kind, constantly on hand, or made to
order at the lowest living fates.
Fred. Graf has received a new style of
chairs, the most elegant and fashionable-
we have Seen .
A grand ball at Smith & Brassfleld'a
hall, Harrisburg, on the evening ot the
29th. -
A wagon load of Celestials were toted
into the country near Peoria on Tuesday,
to engage ia hop picking.
Sheriff Herren didn't catch the Scio burg'
lars, but he made it decidedly hot for tliem,"
making them do some tall traveling while
he was on their trail.
The West-sldo mail reaches this city regu
larly each evening, Sundays excepted, depart
ing in the morninat, and is proving a great
convenience to onr people. The mail has been
Sir. F. M. Wadsworth to visit him and try j carried on a buck-board, bnt a hack will be put
some watermelons. We were surprised fb on prooamy tne nrst oi next ween.
find so many little residences distributed Bntter has been a very scarce article for two
around through the "grubs," as also at the I or three weeks past, either good, bad or indif-
Dr. J. n. Irvine, of Peoria, paid
city a flying visit on Wednesday.
Incorporated Feb. 4, 1875. Capital. $20,000.
Corner First and Washington streets,
Albaiiy-, : Oregon.
President. S. A. DAWSOX.
Superintendent, A. J. JOHXSOX
Following are the officers elect of Ero-
delphian Society, elected at a meeting last
Friday : Maggie Foster, President ; Nan
nie Osborne Vice President ; Jennie Con
ner. Secretary : Kate Conner. Treasurer :
productiveness of the soil. Mr. W.'s place
is situate about half a mile across the river.
to the lelt of the Buena Vista road, and
consists of a fraction over- eleven acres.
After testing his judgment ot a ripe melon
ami forming the acquaintance of his part
ner, Mr. O". E. Parks, we were shown
around the premises. He has a very large
and thrifty collection of strawberry vines.
Icrent. What little butter there lias been on
sale at our grocers, was "packed," and was
snipped here.
Lucky la the baby whose mamma uses
Glenn's 8u!phnr Soap, with which to wash the
little innocent. Xo prickly heat, orother rash,
can annoy the infant cuticle with which this
cooling and purifying antl-scorbntlo comes in
daily contact.
S. S. Concerts. It is proposed that
monthly Sunday School concerts be held in
the brown M. E. Church, begtning with
the first Sunday in October, at 2:30 p. if.
Special Session Of the Oregon State
Woman's Suffrage Association convenes '
at Salem on the 23th of September, and
will continue in session several day.
Sam. Miller's new brick U going right
up. Clai lc.iv; uo-are doing tne Dries work.
while Hoclistedlcr, Zelse & Kankiti are .
doing the framing.
Last Sunday was the first bright, really
pleasant Lord's day we have had for sev
eral week s . The con gregations were la rger
tbau usual, in consequence.
At Home. Dr. G. W. Gray lias re
turned from bis Centennial trip, -and can
now be found at his office, in the Parrish
brick, up stairs, by all who desire dental
work of any kind. 46v7.
fHT'Having secured the services of the best
Het tie Miller, Clitic; Mattie Foster. Ser- Rmj other berry plants and shrubbery just I tinner in the valley, I am ready to do all kinds
geant-at-arms ; Jenuie Conner and LIbbie ctartinjr. besides fruit trees of various kinds, rb repairing pumps, putting on tin roofs.
S. A.
j. ... r:k.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers In ;
Clothing, ISardware, Croekery,
Groceries, Farm Implements
and' machinery, &c, Ac.
Alo, buy and sen On commission an kinds of
tjrooos, aiarKetaoie r routwe, tc.
Dec. 34. IS7.i-Uv8m6
Althouse, Librarians, i Good enough.-'
Hurd & Settlemeir have some of the
finest timber that was ever sawed into
boards, and their new mill works to a
charm, cutting as high as 1.700 feet in
sixty minutes. The boys aver that they
can cut 20,000 feet of lumber per day when
the mill is run to her full capacity.
Personal. Mrs. R. e. Shepherd, our
mother-in-law, accompanied by our little
daughter Nellie, arrived here on Friday
vegetables, etc., too numerous to mention.
Considering tliat Mr. Wadsworth has
labored so industriously to prepare his
ground, his success is but a natural result.
and if any of our recent arrivals, who feel
and general job work, warranting satisfaction
every time. Leave orders at my stove.
Sept-W.Tetf. , J. GRADWOHL.
The Largest Yet. On Monday Uncle Geo.
Hughes presented Us with some plums he calls
the "gold drops." a delicious fruit indeed, siml
discouraged, will take a walk and seo for I iar jB shape, but larger, than a hen's egg. They
themselves how invariably Oregon soil were the largest plums yet.
A. 1.1 1 1
rewards inciuiry, iney win imvu mucu icas ,f t nlce flui goit cjotjjw,
to say about hard times. I go to Graham, and order from that excellent
Another Good Man Gone Home.-
Rev. W. J. Monteith. well known here.
new stock. He has some of the finest pieces of
cloth ever brought to this city.
f.vmTBv.fti' r ta .lntina will nnllrnr A
evening from Baker City, after a pleasant J brother of Thomas and John Monteith of J meeai lecture at Peoria on the afternoon of
trip. This Is Mrs. Shepherd's first visit to I t's C,ly- for some years missionary at i the 17th. Dr. Jones is an awe ana interesting
on,. -tw i, a i .t. I T omrnl Tnrtian Aorpnev. Tdahn Terrltorv. 1 lecturer, and all who attend may expact a
eight years since.
School Tax. There is but one more
day left in which to pay the tax levied to
nay for the new school property hi the
eastern end of the city, ana" the Clerk, Mr.
A..N". Arnold, is ready to receive it from
those who are still behind.
A feW rfaVR SCO. foill mltaa almnA Trt(?A
EXECUTOK-8 SAUE OF REAL ESTATE. . ... ' , ' , T.. . .
OTICE is hereby given that by virtue of rew. xayiur run was riaing along in
an order of th Countv Conrt within and
for ihe county of Linn, Slate of Oregon, duly
mane ami enterea m recoru in sniu vouri. on
the 8th day of Ausrust, 1876, in the- matter of
tne estate OI wiuiain a. vnon, uecnuwu, i,
William Clymer, rettiainingexwntorof the last
will ana testament ot tne saia nuiiam it.
son, aeceased. will, on
intnrlv t.e,9tnaljer 23n. 1STS.
At the t'onrt House door, in the nil v of Albanv.
in said Linn countv. lwtween the hours of 9
o'clock in the forenoon and o'clock in the
nftarnnnn. in.vit. t the of 1 o'clock in the
afternoon of said day, offer for sale at Public 1 Ids rig! it foot caught in the machinery.
aou uciurc ine nurses COUIU D6 SlOppeu tne
ft siilkey when one of the wheels was hoist
ed by a stump, and Taylor thrown out.
The vehicle was wrecked, thelwrse bruised
op, but Taylor was uninjured.
On Saturday Henry Kelly, of the Fork,
aged about eighteen, while driving the
horse-power of a threshing machine, got
longing to tlie eslate of said William B Gilson,
deceased, to wit : The east third of the south
half of the donation land claim of Thomas S.
Snmmersand Eliza Sommers, known a Noti
fication No. 3.304 and claim No. .VI, in Township
13 south of Range I went, and claim No. 70, in
Townstp No. 18 south of Range 3 west of the
Willamette Meridian and lying In the county
of Linn. State of Oregon, and bounded as fol-
foot was badly torn.
Beginning at a point on the east line of
y-t hree chains ana tmrty-tnree
said claim tmv-ti
links south of the north-east corner of said
claim and running thence west twenty chains,
thence south thirty-eight chains and eighty
five links, thence east twenlv chains, thence
north thirty-eight chsinsand eighty-five links
to the place of beginning, and containing
78 &V-100 acres less ' 4.V-10' acres in town lota
heretofore sold leaving 6830-100 acres more or
Term : Said real estate will be sold for gold
coin of the United States, one-half to be raid
down on the oav or sale ana tne remainder in
six months, with interest thereon at the rate
ot 10 per cent, per annnra, payment to be se
cured oy mortgage on t ne nrrui ie
TlAmnlnlnar Kxmntor of Iaf will and
testament of W. B. Gilson. deceased.
E. N. Tandy, Atl'y for x'r. . . laugUntavS.
Srecial - Notice.
The -Hove piwonv snrronnds the
vfi. , ntH .. J.-I . -iK'iavlle1 ceiebrat-
ed for tiw cittative pt.-.j-ft.taot us waters.
New Engine House. a special meet
ing of Linn Fngine Co. No. 2 will be held
this evening, to consider the, feasibility of
erecting a new engine house. Every mem"
ber of the Company should be present.
The Menagerie. Tents for the mensg-
erio and circus will be erected on the va
cant lots near the Episcopal church, there
not being sufficient space elsewhere near
the center of the city.
The usual privilege of half-fare has been
extended to the delegates to the State
Grange. P. of H., tliat meets la this city
on the 26th.
Another xiinld of M. H. Wallace died on
Monday, a little girl, aged three years, of
scarlet fever, and was buried ou Tuesday
died at his post on the 29th of Angust.
Deceased was one of the first Presidents of
Albany Collegiate Institute, and at one
tlmo was pastor of the First Presbyteriau
Church of this city. He leaves a large cir
cle of relatives and friends who sincerely
mourn his loss. ' .
treat. '
Religious Sebvices. Rev. J. FvDeYore will
hold services in the brown M. E. church in this
city on Sabbath, morning and evening. Bun-
day School at 2:30 p. m. Prayer meeting each
Thursday evening. r ,; ,
Surprise Pahtt. The friends of Rev.
T. B. White, pastor ot St. Paul's M.
E. Church South, of this city, unexpect
edly to him took possession of his residence
on Wednesday evening last, and after en
Dried Fun Shipped. On Monday the
Albany Fruit Preserving Co. shipped three
thousand pounds of dried plums. In a few
days the Company will commence putting up
apples, potatoes, etc.
Albany Engine Co. No. 1 meets next Monday
evening to decide whether they will enter for
the nremltim offered for hand fire engines at
joying one ot the most. pleasant occasions l the State Fair. :i - - 1
or the Season, iney renreu, levis i . Toleman. of Ashland. Jackson
family many good wishes as well as a sup- I county, has three fine colts on the Fairgrounds,
Dlv of the "needful" something very J in training for the coming State Fair.- They
necessary to the comfort of itinerants. We are Korfoik colts.
hope, with the many friends of Bro. W nite, chabitt. On Monday Sisters Joseph and
tliat Bishop Marvin will think it best to re- I Conrad, of St. Vincent's Hospital, Portland,
tain hint on this work another year. arrived In this city, on a collecting tour-eol-
t lecttng runas ror sne ubo m w xiui-
T7 rm-i-n Tho UW nt the I - ' '
ov,uuuww AAt . Mmi.. ln. but verv slowlv. A large
State fves Linn county the privilege of I -mount of Krain ls being bound and stacked
sending fix scholars to the Agricultural j tDlH season, a good many farmers declaring
College. Agreeable to this law State bena- I they have no more use ror tne neaaers.
. . -' . . .. ... m ,, 1 . . '. -
tor Haley has aesignateu ur- wwt Hohert Conn ls the first man
and A. W. BelJIng, of this city, as two ot to receipts for his full wheat crop thU
said apportionment. The other four will 1 season, at the Farmer's Warehouse. The last
be appointed on application. Two better iced was hauled about the middle, of last week,
or more worthy selections cuu.u "J I spbciai. MEErruo-Of Western Star Lodge,
have been made. LO.G.T is set for Monday evening next. Bust
e' i - I nessof importance, requiring a full attendsjtoe
BIG THTNO. From all tne accounts mat i of members.
reach us we are lea to oeueve nmt, w wvibmmei was advertised to lecture
circus 13 the biggest thing in tne snow ime i .ttil. pera House on Wednesday evening.
that has ever visited Oregon. It is chron- I gwacklsnpon It, and those who fail to attend
icled that people come for miles around to dont go sure enough also neither anyhow.
see It. Remember it will exniois nere ou t xh campaign Rboistkb for Mo. Can teach
Tuesday, afternoon and night, a nd beu j of yon raise four Wts r Come tn aad sab-
band. ' "cribe.
Cliarley Simpson's wharf, just com
pleted; at toot of Ellsworth street, is one
of .the largest and strongest in the State.
The warehouse, refitted and strengthened,
ls filling up with grain.
The Biennial Message A pampleC
copy of which we have received with the
compliments of Governor I. F. Grover,
together wttn tne appendix, covers OJ
pages. :
Our James K. Weatherford Jias been
elected Speaker of the House ot the Ore
gon Legislature. Honors are crowding on
Jim thick and fast. We don't blame Jim,
any not by a jug full. r
We are glad to learn that Mrs. Tyler,
who has been so low with fever that life
was despaired ot is gradually improving,
and will doubtless lolly recover ber wonted
health. ' "
Postponed. -As Bishop Marvin will
not arrive at Corvallls in time to open the
annual Conference of the M. E. Church
South on the day appointed (13th), the time
has been postponed to Friday, September
isai. y -. -1 .:;' . 1
jlight. Mr. M. B. Starr, agent fot th
San Francisco Gaslight Company, is at
present tn the city. He Is authorized to
make onr city a very low offer for the in
troduction ot light upon otir streets, as it
will be a big card for the rest of the State.
Messrs. R. Fox, J. A. Warner, Davkl
Morgan and L. N. Liggett, have been
elected delegates to attend the State Tem
perance Union, that meets in Salem on the
19th, by Western Star Lodge No. 10, LO.
G.T oi this city.
M. E. Sunday School. On next Sun
day at the Methodist Sunday School, liev.
J. F. DeVore, pastor, will organize a Bibio
class. All those of our young people, as well
as older persons, who desire, are cordially
Invited to attend and Pnroll their nausea in
this class, which will be one of the most
Interesting In the school. Don't forget tho
hour 2:30 P. M., Sunday. ' '
i sobs. . , , .;: : -
To the wife of G. T. Simpson, on tho 6th, a
son one dorenlbs. Ka.hl f .
To the wife of Mr. Senders, en the 7tb, a son
wibs. Ripi- , :;. .; ; , .,.
We Issued our tonrtl edition wednaKtay
morning- -it's a leedle rooster. Give us fc r. t.
To the wife of O. L. Parks, on the 1$U, a, 11.
pound son. Wboo-peel - v..
-- ! JtAJBRIEJD. '
t . .V. F. 1MM 111 t ItliWMTm'.
ton" Mr. F. F.xntesand Miss Lsura a,,
Marshall.. .. .