The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 15, 1876, Image 2

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Xi. 13. IIAYKS.
Foil CXtttttXEBS,
of Mnltnomah county.
""W. II. OUELL, of bane county.
. J. W. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
J. C. CAETWKIGHT, of Wasco county.
An the Democrats have a majority on
joint ballot in the Oregon Legiilature,
, they will doubtless elect a pronounced
Democrat to the United Slates Senate
in place of the present incumbent, Hon.
Jas. K. ; Kelloy. It seems a'togetlier
probab'e that Governor Grover will be
the man, although Gen. Nesrnitli has
strong support. However, there is no
lack of candidates,and the strife may be
come so great that neither of those now
prominent may succeed, and some, at
present " unknown," man may be struck
by lightning. Gen. Nemith,of all the
Democratic candidates, would probably
prove the most efficient, as he nnJoubt
edly is the mct capable, man that
could be selected, and for this reason we
doubt hia election. Wo suppose, how
ever, next Tuesday will tell the tale,
and until then we poise our pen in air
and wait.
As the Governor's message is quite
lengthy we do not feel called upon to
transfer it to our pages. The financial
condition of the State, a9 shown by the
Governor, w ai follows : Aggregate of
balances in the treasury Sept 14, 1874
(at last biennial message), 8138,178 97;
receipts from 1874 to 1876 inclusive,
5.678,380 04; expended curing the two
years, $753;664, 47 ; ba'ance now in the
treasury, $63,894 54 ; State bond liabil
ities, $318,377 30; liabilities on wagon
road warrants,$109,154; other outstand
ing warrant, 289,665 01; total in
debtedness of the State, seven hundred
and seventeen thousand, one hundred
and ninety-six dollars and thirty-one
cents. The Governor estimates the ex
pense of cariying on the Ftato govern
men. for a year at 8181,417 88. We
defer comments on the message until
another day.
Vermont came first with largely in
creased gains all over the State for the
Republican ticket, running np into
the thousands. And that is the way
Vermont goes back on the Republicans !
And now comes Maine with Republi
can majorities increased by several thou
sandal The first two guns for Hayes
and Wheeler by an increased vote over
any former one for ten years. And this
iu the face of the great reaction predic
ted by oar astute Democratic politi
cians. These results are not very com
lortlng to ur Democratic Nasbys, by
no manner of means j and as they elec
tions progress and' the returns come'ia,
they will afford still less satisfaction to
the perjurer Tilden and his Confederate
Ou the ,11th in New York city pools
were selling as follows: $I,000 to
$029 that Hayes and Wheeler will be
elect id ; $120 to $35 that the Republi
cans wi'l carry New York; even tn
Indiana ia October. Here is very
good evidence indeed that well-informed
Democrats in New York have no hope
or elw cling Tilden, and scarcely any
lops cf carrying Indiana in October.
Htt-?,er:nary preparations are being
zZ4 to acc'radcdate the large number
cf c-d.W, .:!. ar;d the vast crowds of
y j.:-',t t':.:-t will sttend.lhe 'State. Fair
zl i ' cit rjonth. All accounts
r - t! j tieret that the show of
; J in every department will exceed
.', rtid that the attendance of
: .1 a'l rrf-crfent. " It
1 jt to fee the
The Senate was called to order at 11
A. 3i. after election of temporary officers,
comittee on Credentials was appointed,
when Senate adjorned to 3 p. m. Upon
assembling and after customary oath
had been administered, Senate went in
to election of permanent officers, with
fallowing result : President, John
Whiteaker; chief clerk, Syl. C. Simpson;
assistant, J. W. Baker; Sergeant-at-arms,
Geo. P. Wrenn; doorkeeper, John
Hansen; page, Latiner Ialston.
The House pcnnanently organized by
the e'eclion of J. K. .Weatherford,
Speaker; W. L. White, chief .clerk ;
J. R. Wiley, sergeant-at-arms ; Masters
J. II. Doherty, of Portland, and Albert
Brown, of Salem, pages. The pages
are to got $2 per day.
Oc Tuesday at 2:30 p. m. the Legis.
lature met in joint convention to hear
the Governor's message. Five' hundred
copies ordered printed. The Legisla
ture w fairly under way, and we shall,
in succeeding numbers, furnish our rea
ders with all it doings and savings of
The Special Correspondent of the
London Times says it would bo diffi
cult to find an apter illustration of the
big way m which the Americana do
things than that furnished by the "Cen
tennial Newspaper Building," in the
Exhibition grounds. Here you mayee
any one, or, it you like, all of the 8,129
newspapers published regularly- in the
United States, and see them, 6ns, and
all, for nothing ! You are not permitted
as a favor to s?e them, but invited, nay,
pressed, to confer the favor of entering
the building and calling tor what paper
von like. It is about as cool ami auree-
ab'ca place quite ajart from -its liter- '
ary attractions as a visitor to the Ex
hibition could wisli to lie offered a chair
in. He may at; first wonder how,
among 8,000 papers, among them such
mighty sheet as the New York Herald
he is to get at the sraal. loved print of
his home, thousands of miles away, it
may te, over the Rocky Mountains.
But the management is so simple that,
by consulting the catalogue, or even
without the aid of the catalogue, any
one can at once find whatever paper he
wants. They are; pigeon-holed on
shelves in the alphabetical order of
their States or Territories and their
towns, the names of which are clearly
labe'led on the shelves. - The propri
etors f 'the Centennial Newspaper
Building are advertising agents, the
largest i.i all America .lessrs. G. P.
Howell & Co., of New York. Their
enterprise -will cost altogether '-about
$20,000, or 4,000, including the build
ing and the exjtenses of "running1' it fr
six months. The 8,000 and odd Ameri
can newspapers are declared, by the
same authority, to exceed "the com
bined issues of all the other nations of
the earth."
A writer in the Democrat of the
12th, over the signature of "R. E.
Form," shows himself so completely an
earnest dimple of. the "Father of Lies1
that respectable Democrats are ashamed
ot him. The entire communication is a
tissue ot silly misstatements, that place
their auhor in the same category with
other wit'ess, because brainless, nincom
poops, who air their weak effusions
through the columns of our contempor
ary. We are not complaining, as such
slufif only creates a feeling of contempt
for the weak fool ;who concocts it, and
we only notice it to ask if such silly lies
are the only capital Democrats can em
ploy in bolstering" up their candidates
in the present canvass ?
lion. D. K. Warren, Republican
candidate for joint. State Senator for
Clatsop, Columbia and Tillamook coun
ties, at the special election ordered on
Monday, is duly elected by from sixty
to one hundred majority. The people-
have done well j in selecting sncli an
able, honest and true man as Mr. War
ren to represent them in the Legislature.
Wi tar's Balsam or Wild CTerry.
The great remedy for Consumption.
This well-known remedy is offered to the
public, sanctioned by the experience of
over forty years ; and when resorted to in
season, seldom fail to effect a speedy cure
ot coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, influenza-
whooping cough, hoarseness, pains or
soreness in thechestorside. bleedingat the
lungs liver cnmplainr, etc. Beware of
counterfeits! Binemler that the genuine
Wistar' Balsam , of Wild Cherry has on
the otfcide wrapper the signature of "l.
Butts," and the printed name of the pro
prietors, "Seth W- FOWLS & SSctns. Bos
ton." Al others are bae imit-ttimis. E
aniine the wrapper carefully before pur
chasing, sept.
A. iaae of Thirty Year Btamdlna;.
East A crora. N. Y.. May 22. 1 S72.
Messrs. Seth w. Fowle sons:
- Gentlemen I was troubled , with Dys
rseusda for thirty yearsi, and tried several
medicines advertised for the cure of this
dist ising complaint without deriving any
benefit from them. About a rear affo I
commenced the Peruvian Syrup, and after
using altogether twelve bottles I tlitu .my
self entirely cured. I consider my case
the wcrst 1 evt r heard of. and I take great
treasure in recommend inff the Peruvian
S7nt lo all dyspeptics, believing that it
iif L sure to cure them.
Yours respectful! v. J. T. Bowes.
! Sold bv all dnigiits. sept.
Pacific Slapors.
Cholera infantum is visiting Stayton.
County court In session this week at
The switch at Forest Grove is 900 feet in
McMlnnville sidewalks are badly "usu-
Crops in King's Valley are 20 per cent.
ahead of last year,
The Corvallis City Hotel was dedicated
last Wednesday week.
Nearly all the pleasure seekers have left
Yaquina Bay.
The matrimonial market is very dull in
Yamhill county.
The water works at Corvallis are now in
fine working order.
Scarlet lever has made is appearance iu
Denton county.
The Aurora Restaurant will be run as
usual at the Suuo Fair.
The new Senate Chamber at Salem will
have all the old furniture.
The bridging of the Willamette at
is taking definite shape.
A school ot whales was , seen off the
mouth ot the Coquille ou the 30th.
Spring wheat will do better than Fall
wheat tliis year in Yamhill county,
Yank ledge ou Galice creek, Jackson
county, is showing very good "color."
The State Agricultural College, at Cor
vaUis, commences on the 21sl hist.
Mrs. Naylor's wheat crop near Forest
Grove averaged 35 bushels to the acre.
Beaver slough. Coos county, is lull of
beaver dams, and they are still darning.
It is reported that the miners iu the Lane
mine. Coos county, are taking out $75 a
Mr. Fickens' wheat near Ilillsboro aver
ages 30 bushels to the acre and his oats CO.
The mail between Jacksonville and
Brownsborough lias' been increased toseuil
The road from Forest Grove, via. Wil
ton "s river, to Tillamook, is considered
According to this year's assessment Coos
county is not o wealthy as '-it used to
A San, Francisco pugilistic whisky
drummer was driven away from McMiun-
ville last wtek.
Episcopal Church services arc i o -v l eld
regularly in Empire City under W. li
Hyde, lay-reader.
A teh graph station has been located by
the West Hide Rulrond company at the
Ilillsboro station.
The Isthmus Transit railway, Coos coun
ty, was told at shenn 's sale last week to
J. W. Bennett.
The Corvallis "hooks" squenched an
embryo lire in its incipieney last week.
One bucket did all that.
Capt. Cochran & Co. thank the Benton
county farmers for so quickly subscribing
their nuota of freight.
The saw mill at Parktrsbnrg, two miles
troin Bandolph, Coos county, is cutting
12.000 feet of lumber per diem.
A new three story judge's stand will be
soon erected on the ilillsboro fairgrounds.
.and 3 large stock well will be dug.
Presley Jackson and his men threshed
and sacked 3.500 bushels of grain in 2 days
last week in Washington county.
By the Burning of a barn ou the little
Applegate, containing 75 tns of hay, $2,-
000 were lost to Messrs. Glenn and Garri
On the 29th nit Maj. Brown resigned
the office of Recorder ol Empire City, and
J. Hacker was appointed his successor ,
The Coquille Black Sand Gold Mining
Co. have started an engine and pump ami
expect soon to be millionaires.
Miss Josephine White, of Stayton, re
mained in a comatose state 55 hours, after
being thrown from a horse a tew days ago,
When a man launches a schooner ou Coos
Bay, he charters a Saloon, and the boys
drink and drink again "to the never sink"
ot the ci a ft.
The sehaoner Sarah is the largest schoon
er that ever entered Yaquina Bay. Slie
loaded with lumber from the Oueatta mills
for San Francisco.
Oregon State Agricultural Society offers
a silver medal for the best acre of Oregon ,
hops, and f!0 for the best 200 pound bale
of hops, and $5 for the next best. :
llayden & Lincoln, of San Francisco,
offer f 20 to be awarded at the coming State
Fair for the best 10 pounds of lions. erowi.
cured and pressed iu Oregon.
Mr. Horning, of Benton county, raised
1.000 gallons of Lawton blackberries this
year, which he sold for 50 cents a gallon.
The editor of the Hillsboro Independent
bought a cow the other day and the people
around Hillsboro ' are pnziled to know
wnere tie got tne money, as no sale has
been robbed iu the place lor several weeks.
Mr. LaytQiu pt Jackson county, is run-
ing a 15 mile mining ditch from Williams
creek to the placer mines on Farris gulch.
Gold in New Yotk, 110. '
Legal tenders 9091c.
Wlieat, 62c bushel.
Oats, 37c busliel.
Butter, 25S30e pound.
Eggs, 25c dozen. "
Chickens, f 2 50f3 00 dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c pork, do , 6c net.
Liverpool wtieat market, Sept. 13th: Av
erage, 9s6d9s9d; club, 0sl0d10ild.
Bow to Vauqnish the Stomach's
U:-, It tle Enemy of mankind was permitted
to exert his tliabolical ingenuity in th In
vention of a new disease, he could scarcely
devise one more worthy of his genius than
dyspepsia. The dyspeptie sufferer is tor
mented by symptoms resembling those of
almost every known malady, and is often
worried into monomania by these cot ifliet
ing manifeottions. - A fnvorite thongh ab
snrd rtallncliiation of the victim of chronic
indigestion is that he or she has heart dis
ease. Dyspsia ims often been pronounced
iiienrabie. bnt experience has hown that
HosteUer' Stomach Bitter will vanquish
it, together with the constipation and . Wl
iwis deran$retnent which .iisnaily sccom
pany it. Disease of the k;i tiers ami tup
poii rhenm.ilie pains are a!o frequent con
comitants of dyspepsia, but they. loo. snc
cumb to the above named itivakvible cor-,
recti vi. sept.
men and children from bauks, affiees, stores, -work-
,r -: chops and dwellings, as it passed through the priiv-
r. cinal streets of San Francisco. E3?A sum of money
sufTlcicnt to ransom, a Trincc expended in the production of this huge undertaking.
All nt1on pontrBiuiert to Montsomorv Queen's Temel Arena; hnrebnefc celebrities of Sonny Italy.wild
Killers nfllrazil, AmeriCH-'s f lmvmmtr nncl nrofU-ienf Fqup.Htrionnes; brilliant Paris surrenders ber Frem h,
eccentric siieciftlty ron-iiR fonwrvmovies furnish Musical Talent. Snnin. Knssia. Austria and the srrent
Towers of th old wnrM have Hieir retirefwntativcs. AniericaVpeiiinn'l siant intellect movent he mibty
miirvci anu tne xrereat-ot t nesreiM auaer'nsinsrs in i hp miim m uuw uii . i.-.r,,,,.,.
The SRKAT tl AI.IKl, TI.e I'nrlvalle1 MOLI.1E IJHOVVV I tte Wnnd - ftil I HAXBA,
Th Fmnli Namiwin, DATAI.rK -tit" FRC.MH MK.II-.1 I'H-.iM . Turner of . iers,
The HKTHKWN rAMILV, nKATKffi, ' nlHlw-r . Ji ll PA1 MM., tb l.lo tnefii,
SiAT AVH'ttV- tlic lroii l lnns. '!!. I'nappxoaeliabiv l-tAHMv,
Mate. ItitOWX, McHnyre txeclsior
Letter from a Postmaster.
"Aktiock, III., Dec. 1, 1S74.
"Messes. J. B. Kose & Co.:
M v wifo las. for a l' time, been a terrible
snfferer from r.heumat isih. She has tried many
pliysiciansand ninny remedies. The on ly tliina;
which has fd -en her relief is Centaur Liniment
lam rejoiced to say this has cured her. I am
doing what lean to extend its snle.
This 1s a sample of many thousand testimoni
als received, ol wondcrtnl cures e fleeted by tlie
Cent anr Liniment. The ingredients of this ar
ticle are published around each bottle. It cri
tains Witch Hazel, Mntla, Arnica, Kock Oil,
C'ai-bolic, ami ingredients iiitnerto iiuie Known
It is an indisputable fact that the Centaur Lini
ment is performing more cures of wc.ilinjis.
Stiff Joints. Eruptions, Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, Caked Breasts. Lock-jaw. Ac, ilian all
the other Liniments. Kmbrocutions. Kxtracts,
Salves. Ointments anil plasters now in ust .
For Toothache, Korache, Weak Back. Itch and
Cutaneous Eruptions, it is admirable, it cures
burns and scalds without a scar. Extracts roi
sons from bites and stimrs.and ben is frot -bites
and chillblains, in a short time. No family can
atford to be without the Centaur Liniment,
white wrapper.
The Ceritatir Liniment, Tellow Wrapper,
Is adapted to the !otu;b skin, mnscles and flesh
of the animal creation. Its ettects upon seveie
cases of Spavin, S-reeny, Wind Gall, BiR- Head
and Poll Kvil, are little less than marvelous.
Messrs f. .McCiure Co., Drtnrarists. corner of
Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, t (bio, say :
"In our neighborhood a numler of teamsters
are uilmj the Centaur Liniment. They pro
nonnce it superior to anything they have ever
used. We seil as high as fonr to five dozen bot
tles per month to these teamsters."
We have thousands of similar testimonials. -
For Wounds Gtilis, SeratcUes, KinK-ljne, Ac,
and for Screw Worm In sheep it has no rival.
Fanners, livery-men and stock-raisers, have in
this Liniment a remedy which is worth a hun
dred times its cost.
Laboratory ot J. B. Rose & Co.,
, ; MDcy street, New York.
Mothflw may have rest and their babies may
have health, if they will use Castnria tor Wind
Colic, Worms, Feverisbness.Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It is entlrelv a 'esre
table prenai-atiou, ami contains neither miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol. It- is as pleasant to
take as honev, and neither gags nor gripes.
Ir. E. Oimoch.of Intnont, O.. says:
I am nsing Castoria in my pract ice with Uie
most signal benefits and happy result."
1 his is wlint every one says: Most nurses In
New York Cirv e the Castor la. It Is prepared
by Messrs. J. B- Rose Co.. 4 Dey street. New
York, successors to Samuel Pitcher, M, D. , 33va
4 j .... . .
Attention, Fraft Growenl '
JL t. beg te annonnee that thev will put the
Factory In one rat ion as soon as Frnit and Veg
etables are ready for na. and will pay cash for
the same when delivered.
Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose
f bringing their frnit to the factorv.
Frnit should be picked from the trees and not
bmtsed. -
Parties having plums should lie particular to
gather thena before they become too rim.
A. N. ABSOLB, Presideiti.
Albany, July S, is7ni
ii-i' J'
An Army of Men, Droves of Horses, Multitude ot Animals,
A Legion of Attractions, A Forest of Wild Beasts,
Myriads of Birds and an Ocean of Reptiles.
AsgTogation of M7x"x33.jsooixc3.oia-tctl miesanoo
Dazzling, Gorgeous, Glitter; . The flighty Pageant
of Palaces ; The Emerald and Gold Scrolled Script
ural Illustrated Wild Animal Dens; the Heavily
Carved Great Golden Chariot and Tableau Cars.
C'uges of Wild Reasts open to view In
. Hie streets. - Grand Carnival of ISeauty.
3p A procession that attracted 150.000 men, wo-
. ;
Gailclate lasfitiite
THE FALL TLR.d of !bi- inf:-tntion will
lieain on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, ls7rt,
wiih the followins
Faenlty of Instruction :
Rev. II. W. STKATTON. A. M , Fresldent,
and Professor of Mental an I Moral Science
Kcv. L. J PuWEI.L.A. M., Professor ot Math-
etttaHtis art'l Nii'ni-al St ii.-n.-.s.
II. II. HEWITT, A. M., Professor of Ancient
Mi-s MAKU IRVINE, Teacher cf Fiiary
ijerwrlHient. i
Miss ELVA BBE MAN , .1 eacher of Insti-u- ,
menial Music. 1
I. H. RICE. M. T- Lecturer on mysio:osy
and Hygiene.
Calesiiar t
First Term l)C2ins Sentem')er 1. 1S7S.
Second Term lieprins Sfvetnber 13, 1S76.
Third Term leains Januorv 2;. 1S77. . ,
Fourth Term begins April 9, 1ST7.
Vacat ion of one week during the holidays.
Closing exercises of the school year, June 13,
Itatc- of 't'nitlon :
i!tmak-v ftppAnTMiiT. nor term 00
Cummi.v Exolish 1Skah-mf.s5, per term.. B W
UliiJll il Bkaxiiies. including Pi-elJaraio-
ry Latin and Greek : 11 0
CoLXEiiATK, including Higher Lai in and
Greek, Advanc d Mailictimtlcs, and '
Mental and Sloral Si-ienc-es, )ht term.. 13 00
French and German, each, extra 3 00
lnstmmental Music 11 JJJ
Iseof Piano S 00
Incidentals --- o
Tnition in all ca-cs reqnired in advance, j
Punetnal attendance, .neatness, prmuntness j
and gentlemanly and ladylike dejiortment will j
be exnecteu lt-om alt who may ubtoih; mi-imiGis
of the school. L. J. 1'oWELL.
Ltimber I
of Informing the public that their..
situated within three miles of Lebanon, near
the Santiam river on Hamilton Creek, ia now -running,
and is cutting daily from eight to ten
thousand feet ol" excellent.
Xir andPine Lumber
which we offer for sale as
All bUls for lumber pi-omptly filled, in the
shortest possible time, and delivered, if desired,
on reasonable terms.
Address orders to '
aug254Sv8 Lebanon, Oregon.
stock, of --.-.-.i .. j--
selected with care, and bought for coin t
Scandalously Low rigurej
and as we bought low we can and will sell thein
at priced that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections or
Ires dioodst -Japauese
. ICrilliniiteb,
Stibbonm. CoHars, Collar ite,
Laces, Ace, Ac,
for the ladies, and our complete llneiof
Readymade Clothin ,
rawiaicrek, .
Rmu, ....
HntM. .
of all descriptions for men and boys. Ato3, full J
Groceries, Grocery and Gteare.
or everybody.
The best goorts.Bt t he lowest rates eve: y ilme
LnorOrcloTwOctober 30. 1871.
FOR r,.-....
DLAnit dhhdg,
Neatly executed.
I Call vJ the Resistor 07;ec
With the charming nn-T vontlifal PATTI EOS.V. JRSME UROWX.TtOTiKRT SCOTT, tlie (Trent A It LIN G
the endless auxiliaries, complete t lie most expensive, exumalve, unexceplionable, belter dre'ssed aiul hlj;b -toned
Circus Company on llie tace of the globe. - - . - ' . .
and ft host of hiijh-sa'arierl. novelty pro-tucing, in-ominent prfoniicr!. selected from the very best on tho-l:u-e
of t he iioiw, and with special reference to the Summer of l7fS. The lonw list of livintr wild le8t )I
1 lie vei v iTii-ost kinds, Ineladimf an Klepbaiit. the RonlBed Monll'oon. the Wild Paard.a herd of pertorinfaijc
nenxftl'TiKei-s. performing Hyenas, two Lioness-es and their i:u!s. a Kanxaroonid its vnuntr, patr ot JLop-.
ards, jwir ot Silver Lions. nzeni!s. Lions, Juurs, Eland, Sacred Ox, Vallt Valk, Birds. Monkeys, and a Ions:
array the part icnlan of which cannot be given. .
FWO X3S3l.1,C3E?.lSdCa.Ti-r03ISS IDLIZjIT.
Doors open at lUnd 7 o'clock . M. Cirens commences at 3 and 8 o'clock P. at. One hour for the Menagerie.
AduiisbJou, i i t 01 OO i C liildi en, under nine jenra, Fifty Cenla.
; C- C. PELL, General Agent.
wilt, e x n i bit.
ALBANY, Tcfsdny, September lOtn.
BKOW.ftVIl.L!i, ?Jiilay, hepteniner ISlli.
COaiVALLIS, lVe!isesc!ay, September '20 tit.
S-I, Thursday, September 21st.
SALEM, Friday, September 22d.
Home I
-a rriT iT-KniK-R t'TI-U. EfiRATKD WOODEN
iVL Fumosare now manufacntr.-d in Allwny.
rinT-tnV h; ,4 veain' experience in the bnniness I
ot luanulacturnv,' Woo Jcn I uiups, 1 lm. e no .
hesitanev in saying that! can suit everybody
that apply. - .
Satisfaction Guaranfowl- Every Iuip
The wooltm pmnp will tlirow more wafer
with less labor, mid is less liable to ftcr, out of
repair, and is lues cxptnyivc. than any oth r
,!, i.v-rtwfo!in the market. They can be
rump now m use. i itey arc mm wiu tinnji,-!
Imd in mv fact ory in -Charley SlttraMin"! ware-
,...,. a t'banv. or order can Us left wih P. C.
iturner & Co '. and i bev will be promptly tilled
Columbus Cowan is authorized by mc to se.l
my pumps, and put tbem in wells.
Albany, Aug. 13, m-47v8iu3
Proincs & Commission lercM,
Wareliouse at foot of Ellsworth street,
100,000 BusliGlscf Grain.
PACKS furnHhed free to those who store with
me. and for sale to others at the lowest market
tte-Will always paj the highest market price
for Grain. C. U. SIMPSON.
Albiuiy, July 23, 1S7G-Sn
Prof. O. X. IVevvell,
Harmoay. Tlioroiigli-lsass anfl SimdEg.
Special attention gven to
HAVING concluded to make AJ.HAN1" my
permanent residence, all wiio desire a
thorough knowlodge of 31lc can now have
an opportunity.
. RtFEBKNCIS : ' -4..' '
Messrs. Jno. Br1srii, J. B. Wj att, Dr. Urtflln,
Ilr. Whltnev, and "many otbers. .
Leave vour a-ldress at Mr. Fosbay'S muslcand
book stote, or at Mr. Barr's music store, tnd I
wUl call at your residence.
Albany, August 4, 1876-45 .
In tbe Circuit Conrt of the State of Oteon.
for the conntv of Linn.
Thonins E. Grimes. Plaintiff, vs. Indiana Hilts
Leonard, wife, and William Leot ard, husband.
Suit in cqtitfv to remove cwnu rrom mie.
To inilkinaliiltH Leonard and William Leon
ard, the abo e named detendants in 1 he name
of the State of Oregon: Yon and each of joti
are hereby reqnired to appear and answer the
comp:aini oi ineniwvenamcu m
above entitled court, now on file with the Clerk
of said court, within ten days from the rtato of
this service npon you, u ser m juuincwuiny.
V,.,, ifan-tu m m,v other oounlv in he Slato
of Oregon, then within twenty days from the
date of the service of this summons upon you ;
or if served bv publication of this summons.
then you are renuireu ' wio
nlamt by I bo first day of the next rcumar term
of said court, to be holden iu LinB county, Ore
gon, to-wit, -
- llOBday, tmooer si, i
and vou are hereby not ified that If you fall to
anncar and answer said complaint as hereby
1 1 . . r.....l.t .-t;l .mil. , j-v Oia v.,i
tor- the relief demanded In hi complaint,
which Is that, you cancel a morteatre a-iven
bv olaintifT on 100 acres of land of which
he is seised in fee simple In Linn conntv.
In March, 1871, to Indiana Hilts (now Leonard),
to secure the pavment by p.ainl iff to defendant
(Indiana Hilts, 'now Leonard), of the sum of
l,eoo.(inU.S. aold coin, with Jen per cent,
interest, which sum has been paid in foil, and
which mortaaxe. uncanceled, is a cloud upon
plaintiff's title aforesairt. and for one bnndrod
dollars damages ; a'so, for costs and d ivburs
mentsoftliia sni to lie taxed. - -
Attorneys for plff.
Published by order of the Honorable B. F.
Bonbam. Jndfje of said eourt, which order la
dated Aunst 5tl,lS76. (auglln49v8
An ly at home. Aaents wanted.' Ontflt
0 1 JL & terms free. TRUE &CO., Aususta.Mo.
Business College,
ro itxiiAN r , oei:o,
jt. (tnarantv of sncecss for persons in all pur
suits of life. "Tbo . w..
sent free lo any adrtrtxw. , .
i'yrfmi LockUw if-
i- -i.,r, ' : ilr
I l': df - JfJl '
In the Circuit Court Of the State of Oregon for
t'ie count v of Linn. -
Alfred Wolverton, Plaint iff, vs. It. J. Wolver
ton, defendant.
To R. J. Wolverton, the above named defend
ant :
In the name of the State of Oregon : You aro
L":; . rLlV.; wt
, . now ou ,, w j, n the :ievk of said court.
within ten days from the dateof the service of
this sumntoiiH upon yon if served in Linn coun
tv. Orcou ; lut if served ill an v ot her- county
in the 6'a'e of Oregon, tlien within t wenty days
from the dale of t h service ot this snmmon
upon von: and if served by publicat ion, then
eu or la;fore llurfii-sf day ot the next term of
said conr. lo-wlT, Monday, octoUsr S3d. Ia76;
and you are lancliy not Hied that if yon tail to
at'pcar a'i I nnswei- suht complaint, as hereby
reqnired. the plaintitt will apply to the Court
lor tne relict nemuuueu m iu cniijiHini, ivy
wit, a dissolution of Hie bonds of matrimony
exist int; bt woi-n you and plaintiff and lor the
care and cnsiodv of the minor children named
therein, to-wit. John J., Eitta-liel h J ., Fred. W.,
and Geo. A. Wolverton.
Atlovnev lor iriT.
Pnbll,hed bv order of Hon. II. F. IVmhatu.
.Indife of sniil Court, made this 8th day of
August, 1S78. aiwllniavtl
NttK-e to Creditors. -
"VfOTrCE is hereby given that the under
xN signed ws. on the 11th flay of July.
1876. appointed administrator of the estate
of Thomas L. Kamsay. deceased, by the
County Court of Linn county, Oregon. AM
jier-oiis having - elaitns against sakl estate
are hereby notified to present the same with
proper vouchers, within six mouths afler
the date hereof, at my resilience near Alba
ny, iu .Linn comity. Oregon.
July 11, lS7G-n42 Administrator.
ZTIlear, lor I will Hpeh. ol excellent
PGHa'S SXTRAC7 'ffa ttret Tetrrtahle Pals
Ueatreyer. Ins b-e in nee over thirty
years, and for cleanliness and prompt cura-
iivw inae crddoi oe czceuea.
CHIIDBEH. Na family ean afford to be wTZhont
Puil'i Extract. Accidents, Bralnee,
C'aataaions, Cuts, Hnrsvtnis, are relieved
almost instsntlf by external application.
Promptly relieves pains or Haras, Mcalaa,
Kxroi iationa, CfaavGnga, Ola fcteree,
ISoils, 1'elous, Coras, etc. Arrest in
flitniation, reduces swellings, stops blmding,
remove discolorstiousaud Lesls rsnidlr.
FEMALE WEhKNESSIS. It always relieve pah.
iu t he um-k anu luiutf nliness sad premiog pain
in the hftad. nansa, vertigo.
Ill UUC03RH2A U has no eqnaL All kinds of
eeratioua to which ladies are subject are
promptly cared. Foiler details In book accosa-
I panyinac each bottle.
4- rilESetind or bleed! napmest pro"P rntteC
sua reany caret, no case, nowwsr uuiuk w
obstinate, cm Ions resist Its regular nss. v
VASISS8E VEINS. it is the only sure euro; lor
this distrcsBintr and dangerous condition.
KIBHEY DISEASES. I has no equal forpcrma
neat cure. - -
BIEEDIMO from any caase. For this t a
cittc. It has saved hundreds of Uvea ntwu all
other remed lea- failed to srrert bleedi-x from,
nose, stntuarh, lanes, and elsewbert.
fcaxacke are all aiiko relived, and oiitai per
manentlv cured. -
PHTSISIARft of all schools who are scnnslntmt
will Pond's Extract ef W Itcsi Hrl tw
ommend itia their practice. We have l-ciersoC
commendation from liondredaof Phy ocuuui,
many of wbom order it tor osein tl !r own
-. practice. In addition to the lorrgoini , thrr
order its n-e for fewelliuas of all kit"-1.,.
Quinsy, fore Tfareat, lauaased Tdufiw,
simple and chronic Ularrltnm, Cattnli,
(for which It is a specific,) ChHt,li Ins, 1- rant
ed Feel, Stlnssef Inaeete, iUnaMtui(,
ettv. Chapped Hands, Facr, ami lu4i..i
all manner of skin diseases.
TOILET USE. Removes Brii t sa, Xteeslineea,
and Mua rtiiMi t heals Cau, f-.riaw,
and Piu iles. It , xnvitforasc, uni
Jrttlva, wliils wonderfully iaoprovujr l.s
(',nvl sen. .
T8 FARMtHSv Pedi Extract. No Htwk
Bredr,iio LivervMan cau afiord to be wiiimut
iu It it osrd by ill tne Lead ins Livcy (-,- ,
Street RaUroads sod flrat h-irvmi-aiti ' m
YorkCity. It Ivx" no equal frr hpruin. !
.WMS or Maddie Chatanan, tu. k-..,
. Hcratchestweii!owH,Ciit,lj,r
Ttteediear, 1'neesseaia, ter, trvt
ChUls, t'wlds, etc. ltsranKcof act-.-o i
and tne relief it afiotda is no prantt tr n i
invaltuble in every Farm-Tarrl as wea as !
every Farm -honse. Let It he tried once, at' i
yon will n over be wit hunt Jt.
BATi8. Pond's Extract has he 1 - -Tacceonine
article lias b words
tract bkian ia each bottle. Itws prmrirei-i j -tueenly
perseas iivlajr wbo ever kurw i -w
- to prpj,re it pro:ierlv. leirj.l o -r n
parationscf wt'i-ta Hsn-L '. s Mt
aruda nsett by FIitwcwbs, and i" tan h
txli of tills contstrv and inn.
-KlSTeHT.Ap BSCS Cf ?;- . ,".
in ifain;h'-t fin.i, ei t f- .- r. j...