The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 08, 1876, Image 4

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    lining fgUghiin.
Vomer Fmy and First Street.
vJiie com-, one vnar.
One mnv. i" "' j 25!
1 o cl nbs if twenty, eac'n'ct.p v '. '. V.'.l ' ti 00
2io-!n'op'es- --! - Ten cctits.
i,.. . ........ ' " ui'iii i-uuiiiv Hlli lie
fi. ? ostra n 7o for the year-n
L1?'" t,w "mount of isti-e per an mi in
,,rc required to iy on eneU im;x;r
Itutilad Ijv us.
AjjPiits far (lie Register.
The following nnmcl irrntU-mcn are author
Ized .to reciTo ml nveipr for snlcrinti.-n
to th i:kistku tn tho Iwulitie mentioned :
Messrs. Kirk Hume Brownsville.
J-uertG!sis Crn-forr1v-ille.
AA . i Smith Iluisey.
it. P.'Tnwnkin HaVi-ishiirK!
t. IT. Clmishmii., i..Le'imon.
A. WTicelor A i n Kliedd
Mi-jsrs. Smith & Uraxiield.. Junction Citv.
I. B. Irvin Sclb
Thus. II. IJevnoUls ,I....Siilem
j Some time since, Senator Davis, of
West Virginia, offered a resolution in
the Senate calling tor a list of default
ers to the GoA-emmcnt from 1SC0 to
, 1876, with,the amount ..or defalcation.
The purpose ot the resokitton was to
. furnish campaign thunder for the Dem
ocrats. Some one moved to amend by
calling ft r a Hst of all the defalcations
since 1S3G to the present time, and the
amendment prevailed. After severe
. and lot g continued labor, tho avoi k was
accomplished ; but, strange to say, the
facts thus unearthed didn't seem to be
exactly suited to make Democratic cam
paign capital out of, and our Demo
cratic brothers have failed to use them
Jn fact the list is rather favoralAe to
the Republican cause, and Democratic
jiapeis and seakers will have none of
it. For the edification and instruction
of all Ave give beloAv a summary of the
defajjcations, thefts, frauds, etc., com
mitted by officials under the different
Administrations during the past forty
years, and leave our readers to judge
which parly has the best record for
lioncjsty, the Republican or Democratic.
The tables are made of two parts first
the "net loss" which covers the action
of officers and agents; second the "gross
loss" which embraces the double hand
ling of money, the negotiations and
records ot loans, etc Tho table below
is made up on this plan :
Xer lo3 Gross loss
A(lnimi?trmion. pcr$l.U0O per :i,(KXl
.jauKou ;iast term).. j $10 55
VanBuren (Florida wart 2ii 21 15
Jlamsoii anu Tyler 14 -19 . 30 37
J'olk ID 35. . . . . 8 :u
Tnylur and .Fillmore X J$ 7 64
Pierce (Mex. Avar.. (J 94 5 80
linehiiiian 8 77 (5 93
J.liicolii (KelH'ilion). 2 07 1 41
Lincoln and Johnson.. . 1 SH. 4-
iraut '.first term) 1 59 40
tiraut (second term) 1 01
- These figures are theip oavii best com
ment. They surprise thot-e who have
been listening to all the stock denuncia
tions of the Administration. Tho net
proportional loss of the "good Id times"
when the Democratic party was in
Kwcr was from eight to twentj times
as much as during Grant's administra
tion. The net loss of the last Dem
ocratic administration, inaugurated 20
years ago, was 8 77. The next ad
ministration was Republican and the
loss was reduced to 2 07 a clear re
daction ot G 70 on cv?ry thousand
The loss in Grant's first term was 61 59
less than that of Lincoln's or John
son's. The loss during the second term
was $1 01, the lowest on record. The
"gross loss" has fallen off equally with
the "net loss," it being daring Grant's
second term only twenty-six cents on
the thousand, which is only about oue-
etghtteth ot the total in Van Bureu's
time, and about oue-thiuieth of that in
Buchanan's. Figures more eloquent
than these are not often produced. Now
let ourDemocratio ink-slingers put their
teeth against this tile.
Recently,in the British Parliamcnt,Sir
13d ward Watkins-"wished to inquire of
the Government whether or no it hail
, tendered, its good offices in regard to
the difficulty betAveen the American na
tion and the Sioux Indians.?' IVJr.
lwther, Under Secretary of States re
4ied that it had not. Sir Edward said
lie believed . that many of the Sioux
were- British subjects, bora on British
mU, and entitled to the Government
dotectioii,- Mr, Lowther said that he
thought not ; he certainly- hoped not.
He did not believe that Sttting Bull or
t:razy Horse or any others of the eu
jioneously named scoutidrels or' their
allies or foTlowers were British people
or entitled to British protection. The
Government, he said, had no idea, ot
either entering into 3 war with the
United States or of paying another tre
mendous indemnity claim for damage
t Americans or American projterty,
either to British subjects or foreigners
malting British soil their place of ren
dezvous, therefore the Government had
issued stringent orders that the British
Indians should not bs allowed to leave
British soil iur American Indian be a!
lowed to rendezvous on it, and had sent
and were sending troops enough to en
force the orier. Sir Edward Watktns
SOUTH CAROLIXA. of facts re
garding tho massacre at Hamburgh,
South Carolina, wero made by Hon.
Robert Smalls, M. C, from South Car
olina, in the House of Representatives,
July 15, 1S7G:
"The origin of the difficulty, as T
learn from the best and most reliable
authority, i. as fo lows : On the Fourth
of July the colored people of the town
were engaged in celebrating the dav,
and part ol the celebration contested in
the parade of the colored militia com-
panv. After marching "ihr.mgh the
priiicif-al streets ot the Unvn, the cc m-
panv came to a halt iicross ore ut the
roads leading out ot the town. While
resting there two Avhite men drove 11.,
in a buggv, and with curses ordered the
company to break ranks and lot " them
pass through. The captain of the com-
pany replied that there Avas plenty of
room on either tide of the company,
and they could pass that way. -.The
Avhite men continued cursing and re
fused to turn out. So the captain of
the militia, to avoid difficulty, ordered
his men to break ranks and lKirmit the
buggy to pass through.
'1 he order Ava.- obeyed, and the white
men Avont on their way tittering threats.
The next day a colored trial iusii:e is
sued process against the officers of the
eouipany, based on the complain of the
'two Avfiite men, citing the officers to ap
pear and answer to a charge of" obstruct
ing the public highway. They obeved
tho writs, ami after a slight examina
tion the justice adjourned the trial un
til taturday, the Sth inst. On that
day, at an early hour, the town com
menced to till up with white men armed
to the teeth with lepca'iug rifles and
revolvers. The colored people had r.o
idea of the bloody tragedy which Avas
soon to take place, and consequently
made no pr?parations to resist an attack,
and were almost defenseless. '
Late in the afternoon Gen. M. C.
Butler, one of the most malignant of
the un-reconstrucUd rebels, rode into
town accompanied by 3 tcore of well
armed Avhite men, and staled to the
leading colored men-that he came for
the purpose of prosecuting the case on
the pan pt the two Avhite men, and he
demanded that fhe -militia company
should give up their arms and aiso sur
render their officers. This demand the
militia Avas ready to comply with for
tho purpose of avoiding a difficulty it
General Butler would guarantee them
entire tafety from molestation by the
crowd of-while desperadoes. This But
ler refused to do, and persisted in his
demand for the surrender of the guns
and the officers, and threatened iliat it
the surrender Avas not immediate y made
he would take the guns and officers by
ioice 01 anus, i nis in real aroused tiie
militia company to a realizing sense of
their impending danger, and they at
once repaired to a large brick building
some two hundred yards rrom the river,
used by them for asi armory, and there
took retttge. They numbered about 40
men, and had a very small quantity ol
ammunition. During thistime,whilethe
militia Averc taking the refuge in the
armory, the Avhite desperadoes were
coming into the town in large numbers,
not only from the adjacent county of
Edgefield, but also from the city of Au
gusta, Georgia, until they numbered
over fifteen hundred Avell-aimed and
ruffian y men who were under the im
mediate command and direction of the
ex-rebel chief M. C. Butler. After the
entire force had arrived, the building
where the militia company had taken
refuge aves entirely surrounded and a
brisk fire opened upon it. This fire
Avas kept up for some two hours, when
finding that the militia could not be
dislodged by -mall arms, a messenger
was sent to Augusta for artillery. Dur
ing all this time not a single shot had
been fired by the militiamen. The- ar-t;i!.-..
..,,1 j
mvijr .4iiicn aim wns posteu on me
bank of the river and opened lire on
tue ouimmg with grape and canister.
! 'n . i .
j. nu ujiiiuit now rcanzeu inat U was
necessary 10 evacuate tl;e armory at
once. 1 hey proceeded to do so, getting
-tint ot a back AviudoAA' into a cornfield.
They were soon discovered bv the ruf-
lians, and a rush Avas made for them.
i-ortunately, by hiding and hard fiiiht-
mg, a portion of the command escaoed.
but tAventy-one Avere captured by the
Dusiiwiiackcrs and taken immediately to
a place near the railroad station.
Here a quasi-drumhead court-martial
Avas organized by the blood hunters,
and the last scene of the horrible drama
began. It must now be remembered
that not one of the twenty-one colored
men naa a pistol or gun about them.
The moment they were captured their
arms were taken from them, and they
were absolutely defenseless. The or
derly sergeant of the militia com -any
was ordered toca:l the roil,and the first
name called out to be shot in cold blood
was Allan T. Altaway, the first lieu
tenant of the company, and holding the
position or county commissioner of
Aiken county, in which county Ham
burgh is situated. He pleaded for his
life as only one in his position could
plead, but his pleadings were met with
curses ana blows, and he was taken
from the sight of his comrades and a
nle of twelve men fired uj-ou him. He
was penetrated by four bal s. one enter
ing his brain, and the other three in the
lower portion of his body. He was in
stantly killed and after he was deal the
brutes in human shape struck him over
the head with their guns and slabbed
him in the face with their bayonets.
Three other nieo were treated in the
same brutal maimer. The fifth man
when taken out made a dash for his life
and luckily escaped with only a blight
wcund in his leg.
In another portion of "the town the
chief of police, a'-colored roan named
James Cook, was taken from his louse
and while begging for his life was bru
tany murdered. JSot satisfied with this,
the inhuman fiends beat him over the i
iieaa with their mu6kets and cut out
his tongr je.
Another colored man, one of the
marshals of the town, surrendered- and
Avas immediately shot through the body
and mortally wounded. He lias since
died. So tar as I am able to learn only
one white man was killed. It will thus
be seen that six colored men were bru
tally murdered and one wounded, Avhile
on the t-ide of the Avhites only one man
AA-as killed. After this holocaust of
blood Avas over the desperadoes iu larcru
bod ies filtered the houses of the most
prominent colored men of the towu and
completely gutted them. They stole all
they possibly could, and what -. they
could not steal they destroyed. Furni
ture was smashed, books turn to pieces,
piciuies cu'. irom tiieir trames . and
" - , M. 1 t ill -.
T - 13 um s . .u,u aertruyed was
Keii up to tne ciemon ot destruction,
"Cl sce"es e3'cs 1,ave "'ever before
wlUl'ssed t'2 distress and suffering
an,"" lx,ur colored people R-as
i 'ri-ienuing to oehold. 1 he town is
i de!:olate &M tIie inhabitants have takm
,el.!'Se -Aiken, Columbus and other
t l',!"ls- The civil authorities are pow-
eriess or too negligent to do anything,
ana peace ana order cannot be preserved
unless United States troops are sent to
this point at once.
The scent's during the massacre were
fearful to behold the moon shining
down on the horrid scene lighting up
the Avhole with a ghastly light; the pop
ping of small arms; the screams of
frightened women and terrified children;
the loud reports from the artillery, all
tended to make a scene terrible and
more than fearful to behold. And iioav
AA'hat was the provocation given for this
hellisli slaughter ? The answer is, noth
ing. Legally the militia had the right
of Avay over the public road. The day
waAtho nation's holiday. The militia
had a perfect right to parade, and ve
hicles ot all kinds Avere required to keep
out of their way, and not lnterieie Avith
tiieir marching. Again, Gen. Butler
had not the shadow of a right to de
mand th! arms of the militia. They
Aveie organized under the constitution
and laAvsot the State, and 'were part
at.d parcel of tho armed force of the
commonwealth. Xo private citizen had
the slightest light to molest them.
Such molestation was a direct blow at
the poAver and authority of the State.
It Avas a revolutionary step, and should
be thus punished.
Are tho southern colored citizens to
bo protected or are they to be left at the
mercy ot such ruffians as massacred the
poor men of Hamburgh? The murdered
Attaway Avas a man of considerable
prominence in the .Republican paity of
the country. He was a law-abiding
citizen, hed a responsible office, and
Avas well thought ot by many people.
The other murdered men Avere ijood
citizens and have never been known to
infringe the law. The whole affair Avas
a AAell and secretly planned scheme to
destroy all of the leading Republicans of
the county f Aiken living in Hamburgh.
Al. t'. Butler, who lost a leg.Avhile light
ing in the ranks of the rebels, and who
is to-uay tiie uiiieresi of Kn-Klux De
mocrats, Avas the instigator of the Avhole
all'air and the blood-thirsty leader of
the massacre. lie boasted in Hamburgh
during the fight that that Avas only the
beginning; that the end would not be
until after the election in November.
Such a man should be de't with Avith
out pity 01 hesitation. The United
Slates Government is not poAverless, and
surely she will not be silent in an emer
gency like this, the paralled of which
pen cannot describe. lu this Centenni
al year will she stand idly by and see
her soil stained with the blood of de
fenceless citizens, and Avitne&i the bitter
tears of women and childreu falling up
on the murdered bodies of their loved
ones? God forbid that such an attitude
will be assumed toward the colored
people ot the South by the "best Gov
ernment tiie avoi Id ever saw." Some
thing must be done, and that quickly,
or South Carolina will shed tears- ot
blood and her limbs be shackled by De
mocratic chains.
What I have written in this letter
are facts which I vouch for entirely, and
are not distorted in any degree. It's a
plain, unvarnished narration of painful
aud horrible truths.
A Southern lady said to us once dur
ing the war, retering to Mr. Lincoln, "it
he had only been a gentleman." It
was the only excuse she could give for
tbe hatred of the South for that great
man. And now the Democratic partv,
not able to find a joiut iri Governor
Hayes' armor, exclaim, "if he had only
talent." His record as a soldier, his un
sullied cfiarattter as a man, his efficiency
as the GoA-emor of a great State, his
qualifications as a lawyer, aud his expe
rience as a legislator, are sneered out of
sight and the howl goes up about his
qualifications for the office. Do not fret,
gentleman ; Gov. Hayes will probably
develop enough talent to satisfy you
that he can fill the chair at the White
House as cleverely as some of, his pre
decessors, even of the transcendent De
mocratict types. Read carefully his let
ter of acceptance, weigh its sentiments,
and then hunt for something to find
fault with. The fact is, the party is
like a bear on a chain, pacing and tret
ting in a circle which they can neither
escape from nor .widen.-. They would
have us believe that they saved the
country, even though they insisted, to
the last on the war beings a failure.
They stuck to the rag-baby till they
lound it would not thrive only in a few
localities, and then they tried the hard
money question, but that is "our thnn.
der." They howled about sectarianism
over the school question, till they found
thpir &nU vl-ia -i .1 . . ,
and thev had i..-v -
ncKety platform ot borrowed planks
they are trying to find out whether
Hayes has any brains. We'll settle the
question in-November; please God,-
. . 1 1 . .
. j -aitu iiuw Willi a
Xew York, August 19, 1876.
John Jacob Astor, son ol William
B., u arranging for a monument to his
father, or rather the deceased Astors,
which will have no parallel in this
country. It is nothing less than an al
tar in old Trinity Church, the designs
for which are now being made in Man
ich, and which is to cost over 100,000.
The Episcopalians have held to Trinity
fof reasons other than that of reverence
for the old church' and its beauty. The
old Xew Yorkers went up town to live
very reluctantly, and with reason, for
the area below the post-office is a thous
and times more pleasant than that above.
They believe that the lower wards will
be again filled Avith a dense population
in the. course of a , few years, aud that
consequently old Trinity will again be
a centre for wealth and fashion. Con
sequently they are spending money laA--ishly
upon her, and that is Avhy Mr.
Astor selected it as the church for his
memorial altar, in place of one up Ioavd.
Speaking of churches, the Episco
palians whose interests lie uptown have
determined to build a cathedral that
Avill eclipse in size and style anything in
the United States. They have selected
a tract ot land up among the fashion
ables, (those who go to heaven in pur
p'e and fine linen it they don't breakup
before they can get their property in the
name of their wives,) ai.d propose to
raise $2,000,000 and erect thereon snch
a cathedral as will put the Catholics
even to utter shame and make the Jew
ish Synagogue look smaih- It Avill cov
er an entire block, and Avill have every
thing knoAvn to ecclesiastical architec
ture that money can bay. Tho sum
necessary to insure its erection is now
almost raised, and it is expected to com
mence it next Spring.
Speaking 01 religious denominations,
tho Catholics, who are by all odds the
poorest of the denominations, can buii
tue oiggesi cnurencs and raise money
the easiest. The vast body of laborers.
and servant girls, the poorest paid and
closest living of all the labor of the
country, contribute money to build
vast cathedrals and churches most ex
pensively fitted and furnished. Will
these giving is made a religious duty,
and when the priesthood calls, the
money is paid Avithout a murmur. The
Jews, without being under the control
ot a priesthood, nor subject to any in
fiuence aside from a lieliet in their re
ligion and a devotion to it, build the
most gorgeous church edifices of all
Their new synagogue on 5th avenue is
the most honor to them as a people,
and it will be a long time before it will
be eclipsed. I hey are more wealth,
per capital, than any race on the conti
nent, and the orthodox JeAv believes m
his religion Avith all the fa A-or of a Cath
olic, Avith the difference that his belief
is one always of intelligent conviction
But the glory is departing irom Israel.
The young Israelites are mingling and
mixing Avith the Gentiles; they are
adopting their habits and customs, and
little by little Judaism is losing its hold
upon them. They neglect the obserA--
onces ot the Church, they modify its
doctrines, and doubt as to whether its
usages have a binding force. In short
the "hicKory Jews" are in a majority,
and the orthodox are groaning in spirit
The Nathan murder is almost forgotten
1 he murdered may was an Israelite of
the strictest style. He kept Saturday,
and in all the observances of the Church
was as strict aa a Kabbi. It was the
gteat grief of his life that his sons were
every one ot them, liberal. They in
termarried with the Gentiles, they as
sociated Avith them, and in every way
refused to have any of that exclusive-
ness which is necessary to the perpetu
ation ot such a system. 1 he young Is
raelites of the city are mostly young Na
thans, aud one or two generations will
not destroy Judaism in this country, but
it will modify it so that the difference
betAveen it and Unitarianism will be
very sligtt.
The Tildeu Committees have got
their arrangements completed, and will
commence vigorous work at once The
two States in which tbe most work will
be done are, of coruse, Ohio and Indi
ana, and their best speakers and several
barrles of money will be sent thither.
The strong Congressional nominations
made by the Republicans of Ohio have
disheartened them somewhat as to their
prospects in that State. Their favorite
catch-word "Reform," has no meaning
when they are opposing such men as
Cox, Garfield, Matthews, Force, Mon
roe and Foster. But' with a faith in
the stupidity, of the people which is al
most sublime, they will make a desper
ate fight for both States; aud I warn
tiie Republicans thereof tjiat they have
no child's play before them to prevent
"Slippery Samrny-" from capturing at
least Indiana. lie is as cunning as
fox, as slippery as an eel, aud with
boundless money. The rings which
have plundered New York aud Brook
lyn relentlessly, for so many years,
want the Avider opportunity that the
Federal offices would give them, aud
they will pour out money like water to
bring it about. Besides, this is the
death-struggle of a great many aspir
ing politicians, and you may all depend
upon it, the October States will be
fought over, every inch. Look out fof
tramps in October. These felloAvs are
moving westward 111 armies, and it
Avouid ue singular tf so expert a manit
ulator as Mr. Tildeu should neglect to
use them. 1 lie most 01 them were re
peaters in New York before the new
system came into vogue, and they will
be used. If they can carry either Ohio
or Indiana they will have something to
go into the November fight with,
some show ot success, or rather some
encouragement. The most thorough
canvass will be made ot Indiana, and
every bit of talent that can be command
ed will be thrown into that . State.
Senator Morton displayed his usual
judgment when he opened the campaign
eariy, and boldly took the aggressive.
lie realized the gravity ot the issue aud
its importance. At their headquarters
they are very active. They are tending
out documents by the million, and every
train takes westward speakers and
agents," secret and public. It will be
hot in Ttidiana this Fall.
The Republicans are no less active.
Gov. Stewart Woodford, who did such
splendid service in Ohio last tall, did
not intend to take the stump this sea
son, but the necessity for carrying Indi
ana and Ohio, has made him reconsider
his determination, and he will devote
several AA eeks to these States, and all
the best speakers of the East will visit
the West as their services may be re
quired. the trades' unioxs
Are being taxed to their utmost at this
time, and their resources will be more
severely tried as the season progresses.
These organizations are charitable and
protective, and so large a per cent, of
their members are and have been out of
work, that their treasuries are empty,
and they have upon their hands thous
ands ot helpless people. And if this is
the situation in the busy summer, what
Avill it be Avhen the winter cuts down
the Avork half nd swells the Tanks of
the unemployed and hungry? This is a
matter winch cannot be met and graph
ed with too soon. The unemployed of
New York now constitute a dangerous
cltss, and when their number is doubled
there Avill bo trouble. Men with hungry
Avives and children don't reason very
well, nor do they draw very fine dis
tinctions. Those ot the unemployed
who can find any thing to ck are leav
ing the city, but as work is aout as
scarce everyAvhere as here, all that is
gained by change is a saving in living.
They can be supported at less cost in
the West. Pietko.
Some sixty years c;o a case was tiied
at Chester, in England, before a j"dge
ot great ability and em-mence, and a jury
Avhose intelligence but you shall hear.
In the preceding Spring there had been
a bad case of burglary at a farm house
in Cheshire. Three men had tied down
and gagged the farmer and his tvvo maid
servants, and had rilled the house at
their leisure. The police were told of
the matter, and pretty accurate descrip
tion; were given of the men. There
were tAA'o other ciews. In the strttgg'e,
one ot them had lost a button from his
coat, which button he had left behind.
Also, the same man had had his face so
severely scratched by one of the maids
that the girl said : "She was sure she
had left her mark upon him."
Weeks passed without any arrests be
ing uiade, and people began to forget
the burglary, until one day a man was
taken up on suspicion ot being xn
cerned in quite a different matter. He
had with him a bundle containing some
of the plunder of the farm house. More
ot tl8 plunder Avas found at his lodg.
ing. His face traces of scratching.
and, to clinch the matter, Ins coat waut
ed a button, and the buttons on it cor.
responded exactly with that picked up
at the scene ot the burglary.
His defence was very flimsy.
"He knew nothing about the burgla
ry, but had bought the eoat aud tilings
A-ery cheap of a maB on the street."
"Did you know the man ?"
"No, never saw him before nr since."
"How about the scratches?"
"Well, he was a sailor, and too much
accustomed to big hurts to take notice
of scratches."
Of course be was committed for trial,
and the trial came on at Chester. It ex
cited a great deal of interest, and the
court was crowded.
And yet, after all, there was very lit
tle to be said. The circumstantial tes
timony above mentioned Avas over
whelming, and, in addition to that, far-
t ... 7
mer ana servants, with one accord, swore
to the identity of the prisoner with the
burglar. There was 110 defence : the
jury found a verdict of "guilty," with
out leaving tne dox, aud, a a burglary
was a hanging matter those days, it
merely remained to pass a sentence f
death. Only a formula between bini
aud judgment:
" 'risoner at the bar, vou have heard
the verdict of the jury. Have you any
thing to say why sentence of death
should not be passed upon you ?"
J hen t he prisoner spoke for the first
time. J ust brushing his eyes with the
cuff of his coat, he began; '
'Well, cap'n it's hard to be hung for
noth'n,-but 1 can see this is a yard arm
business. I knew no more o' this 'ere
burglary nor a baby. When the thine
came off I was fightinr the slavers on
the ijrold Coast. But you've cot 110
call to believe that, aud so there's an
end to it."
"But," urged the judge, "the court
has no Avish to hang a man who may be
innocent. Is there no one who could
speak for yon ?"
".No, he began : but lust then his
eye lighted on a stranger from the inu.
"Yes," he added pointing to him, there's
s gentleman who might speak for me if
he would."
The judge turned round. "Do you
know the prisoner ?" he asked. .
"No, my lord,'' was the reply, "I
never saw him before in my life."
"Well, Captain Sharpe," said the
prisoner, "If you put the rope around
my neck, I give in. Go on my lord."
"Stay," said tbe judge j "is your
name Captain Sharpe ? '
"Yes, my lord."
"Wellj the prisoner seems to recog
iiize you, so that I will ask you to step
into the witness box and be sworn, that
he may ask you questions."
The Captain went into the box, and
ti e following dialogue ensi el : .
" "Are you Captaiu Sharpe ot his Ma
jesty's ship Vulture ?"
'Were you in command of heron the
slave coa-it this Sprinor ?"
i'l was."
"And wasn't I one of your crew ?"
"Most certainly not.'
"But, cap'n, don't you remember the
big slaver that gave you all the trou
ble?" "Yes.' .
"Well,- but, cap'n, once more ; don't
you remember the big nigger that was
almost cutting you down ? Don't you
remember the man Who stood between
yon and death, and what he got for it ?
Don't .you remember that?"
And brushing back his hair,- the pris
oner showed a great scar down the side
of his head.
The whole court looked on breathless
as the captaiu stared at the scar and the
man till his eyes seemed starting from
his head. At length, as if in a dream,
the captain seized the prisoner's hand,
and turning to the judge, said i
"My lord, this was the best man in
my crew, and he saved my life. Kind
Providence sent me here to save his.
He is so changed by illness and impris
onment that 1 could not recognize him.
But there is no mistake now, and if you
hang the old bo'son of the Vulture you
must hang his captain with" him."
Then followed a scene rarely witness
ed hi a court of justice. . Amid cheers
and sobs that no one cared to suppress
the judge briefly directed the jury to
reconsider their verdict, which they at
once did, finding a unanimous "Not
guilty" The prisoner was discharged,
and left tiie dock arm-in-arm with the
captain. They were hurried into a
chaise and drawn to the inn ic a tri
umphal procession, and, after a sump
tuous lunch, they posted o.T together fr
London. As they cleared the ancient
town, Captain Sharpe might haA-e been
heard addressing his companion some-j
what as foIloAvs :
"Well,-old pall, we pulled through
that buiness pretty well, 1 think. But
it was a near go. 1 hat was a good
motion of Willy Bob's to wait for the
verdict before We could nev
er have touched that evidence." ;
"Yes," replied the innocent and lone
sufTeriiiir boatswain ot the Vulture.
'and it you had cottoned to me a min
ute too soon, the beak would have been
fly to the trick. Lord. I was tit to
burst when the old boy began to cry."
From which brief remark avc gather
that Captain Sharpe" might have
knoAvn more ot the burglary than of
the Vulture.-
Samuel J. Tilden claims credit for
exposing Tweed and bringing him to
punishment. It is a well-known fact
that Tilden presided' at a Democratic
convention wherein Tweed made a
speech in favor of reform nearly one
year alter the New York Times expos
ed his rascality. E. A. Starrs, hi a
speech at Chicago, hit the .nail on the
head when he said :-
"This Mr. Tilden, the Reformer,
after having for years and years come at
the beck and call of Mr. Tweed, after
Tweed had been exposed by the Repub
lican press and the Republican party,
jumps on to the carnage when it is all
ready to go, and the streets in cood or
der for.traA-el, and takes a ride on it at
Kepubhcan expense. Loud cheers and
laughter. Let us have it ont. Tweed
Avas tried by a Republican judge, before
a Republican jury, prosecuted by a. Re
publican attorney general, convicted in
the good old Republican way, sent to a
Democratic jail, laughter, m charge
of a Democratic jailor, and escaped in
I the old Democratic style. Renewed
laughter.! i bus ends that lesson of
It is not, unfortunately generally
known that in the case of fire in build
ings containing horses, if the harness be
merely put on, however roughly, the
horses will quit their stable' without
A fire in Chinatown of Oroville de
stroyed 50,000 worth' of property on
the 28th ult. The keeper of a low den
fired into a party of firemen with a shot-'
gun, wounding three. He was arrested.
A proper fraction -A bette r "half.'
New To-Day
National Republican Platform.
When, In the econmv of. rrovldence.
this land Avas to be purged of human slaverv
and when Che strength of government of
tne people Dy the people atxl for tins people
was to be demonstrated, the Republican
party came" hito power. Its deeds have
passed into history, and" we look back to
them Avith pride. Incited by their memo
ries to high aims for the good of oof coun
try and mankind, and looking to the future
with unfaltering courage, hope aud nnrnose.-
Ave, the representatives of the party iu Na
tional Convention assembled. nake the fol-
loAving declaration of principles :
1. The United States of America is a
Nation, not a league by the coinbiupd
workings of the Nntional and State cavern.
menb under their respective institutions.
the lights of every citizen are secured at
home anil protected abroad, aud common
welfare promoted.
i. 1 ho Republican pnrtv has nreseraul
these governments to the hundredth anni
versary of the Nation's birth,- and they are
now embodiments ot the great truths spoken
at iu cradle, "that alt men are created
equal ; that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights,
among which are life, liberty and tbe pur
suit of happiness ; that lor the attainment
of these ends governments, have been insti
tuted among men, deriving their just pow
ers from the consent of the governed."
Until these truths are cheerfully obeyed. Or,
if need be, vigorously enforced, the work
ot the Republican party is unfinished.
3. The permanent pacification ot tbd
Southern section ot tbe Union, arid the free
protection of all Its citizens in the free en
joyment of all their rights and duties, to"
which the Kepubiiom party stanussacremy
pledged. The power to provide for the en
forcement of the principles embodied in
the recent Constitutional amendment is"
Vested by those amendments in the Congress
of the United States, and Ave declare it to
be the solemn obligation of the legislative
and executive departments of the govern
ment, to put into immediate and vigorous
exercise all their constitutional powers for
removing any just causes for discontent OH
the part of any class, and for securing to
every American citizen complete liberty
and exact equality in the exercise -.of all
civil, political and public rights. To this
end we imperatively demand a Congress
and a Chief Executive, Avhose eotiinge and"
fidelity to these duties shall not falter until
these results are placed beyond dispute or"
4. In the first aet of Congress signed by
President Grant, the National Government
assumed to remove any doubts of its piir
pose to discharge all just obligations to the
public creditors, and solemnly pledged It
faith to make provisions it the earliest prae-
ticuhle period for the redemption of thef
United States notes in coin." Commercial
prosperity, public morals and national crcdJ
it demand that the promise be fulfilled by
a continuous and steady progress to specie"
5. Under the Constitution, the President
and heads of departments are to make nom
inations for office, the Senate i.i to advice
and consent to iipporntnients.and the House
of Representatives is to accuse and prose
cute faithless officers. The best interest Of
the pulilic service demands that these dis
tinctions be respected ; that Senators and
Repie-entative avIio may be judges and mm
ensers, stould not dictate appointments to
office. The invariable rule in appointment
should have reference to the honesty, fideli
ty and capacity of the appointees, giving
to the party in power those places where
harmony arid vigor of administration re-'
quire its policy to be represented, but per
mitting all others to be filled by persons
selected with sole reference to the efficiency'
lo the public service, and the right of all
citizens to share in the honor of rendering"
faithful service to the country.
G. We rejoice In the quickened conscience
of the people concerning political affairs,,
and Avill hold all public officers to a rigid
responsibility, and engage that fhe prose-'
cinioti and punishment of all Avho betray
othVial trust shall be SAvitt, thorough, and
7. The public school system of tiie several
States is the bulwark of the American Re
public, and Avith a view to its ecnrity and'
permanence, we recommend nu amendment
to the Constitution of the United States for
bidding the appropriation of uy public
funds or property for the benefit of any
schools Or institutions under sectarian con
8. The rcA'enne necessnrA' for current ex-"
peiioitiires and the obligations Of the ptibliiJ
debt, must be largely derived from duties
npon importations, which, so far as possi
ble, should he adjusted to promote fhe in
terest? of American labor, and advaiice the
prosperity or the whole country. r
9. We reaffirm our opposition to further
grant of the public lands to corpora flon
and monopolies, and demand. Hint the na-
tional domain be devoted to the free uses-O?
me people.
10. It is the imperative duty of the gov-'
eminent so to modify existing treaties with? -European
governments that the same pro
tection shall be afforded to the adopted
American citizen that is given to the native
horn, and that all necessary Isavs should be
passed to protect immigrant., in the ab
sence ol power in the Stntes for that purpose.-
11. It is the immediate dutv of Congress1
to fully investigate the effect "of the Immi
gration and importation of Mongolians tip.'
on the moral and material Interests 01 the'
12. The Republican party recognizes AVithV
approval the substantial advances recently
made toward tha establishment of equal
rights for woman by the many iniportanf
amendments effected by Republican legisJ"
lattires, iii the law which concern the per-r
sonal and properly relations ot wives,
mothers and wMoavs, and by the appoint
ment and election of women to the supcrin
tendence of education, or charities, and
Other public trnts. The honest demands'
ot this class of citizens for additional rights,
privileges, and immunities, should be treatx
ed with respectful consideration. . I
13. The Constitution confers upon Conv
gress sovereign power oA-er the Territories
of the United Sfates for" their government
and in the exercise of this poAver iti right
and the dufy of Congress ftv prohibit and
extirpate in the Terrhorlcr lhn relic Of
barbarism, polygamy ; and Ae demand
such legislation as shall secure this end and"
the supremacy or American institutions fu
el I the Territories.
14. Tire pledges which the nation has"
given to her soldiers and sailors must be
fulfilled, and a grateful people will always
bold those who imperiled their lives for'
their country's preservation fn the kindest'
15. We sincerely deprecate all Sectional'
feelings and tendencies. We, therefore,
note with deep solicitude, that f be Etero op
eratic party counts, as its chief hope of suc
cess, upon the electoral vote of a united"
South . sceured through the efforts of those
who were leccutly arrayed n&ainst the na
tion, aud we invoke the earnest attention'
of the country to the grave truth that at
success thus achieved would reopen section
al strife, imperil national honor and human
la. We charge the Democratic party
with being the same In character and spirit
as Avhen it sympathised Avith treason; with
making its control of the House of Repre
sentatives the triumph and opportunity of
the nation's recent foes; with reasserting:
aud applauding in the National Capital tbtr
sentimeuts of unrepentant rebellion ; with-
sending Union soldiers to the rear, and
promot ing Confederate soldiers to tin- front-: "
with deliberately proposing to re udiate
the plighted faith ofthe government ; with'
being false and imoecile upon the overshad
oAviug financial questions ; with thwarting'
the ends of justice by its partisan misman
agement and obstruction of investimiUou
Avith proving itself, through the period ot
its ascendancy iu the Lower House of Con--gress.
ntrerly Incompetent to administer
the government, and we warn the countrv
aga.nst trusting a party thus alike Unwor
thy, recreant and incapable. 5
17. The National Admitristratlnri m.h,
c-omiiiciuiaiion ror its Honorable wor in
the management of dOme.tland foreign
affairs, and President Grant deserves the -continued
hearty gratitude of the American
people for his patriotism and his eminent
services in war and hi peace. . , ,
v 3?or Oalo !' v ;.. :
A Iarge Body r Rich Land foe
Sale Cheap.
ceptiblc of oultivntion-well watered. l"a I
KSft,1' '?1f..d " thoron-
roart Station'. " A11Vk ,T "or ?n V, Z
entire tract will b!! bold ulcap. Blq" ironf Um