The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 08, 1876, Image 2

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    3 Ibnnjj lUgisin.
I. 33. HAYES.
For Congress.
of Multnomah county.
Kor Phe-idhxtial Ei.ectoi:s,
W. H. ODELT of Lane county.
J. W. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
' J. C. CARTWRIC.HT, or Wasco county.
Telegrams of the Cth indicate that
the Republican majority in Vermont
:n i , . . . i
wu. u ,,ywnere along irom Z4,uuu 10
u,uw a gain or irom a.uuu to o.UUU
votes since the last cTection. Of the
Town Representatives elected 163 are
Republicans, and 17 Democrats. , This
will do very well. "
Shouting for Hayes and Wheeler
Will not alone elect tjiem. Mass meet
ings will not do" it. Bands of music
and torchlight processions will fall short
of the work ueeded- AH theseare nec
essary to prepare the field, but of more
importance than all combined is that
quiet work which leads to a thorough
canvass, influences by private advice
the doubtful voters, and brings to the
ballot-box every one who believes in
the right and who is eutitled to a vote.
On this quiet work we rely tor a vic
tory. On it we rely tor the conversions
that are to be made in the campaign.
t i . .n i i I
v- .i;t -
j mica iiimj ins uy me ana impresses i
Jiu neigiioors with tlie history ot his
views on public affairs, who makes con
verts to the cause he advocates.
x roin tins time to the day of election
every Repnblican should consider Jiim-
pelf a worker and exert himself to the
best of h ability. Only a few can
shine on the stump, but all can have
some influence in his social circle. If
there is a doubting neighbor go to him
and incline him to support the right,
place the true issue betbre him, sho
him that it is not a question ot currency
or tariff, or mere control of offices, but
one of vital importance, the future safety
of the Government itself Keep this
before the people and keep up the quiet
work that is all cssental to success.
Organize for this purpose, and perfect
organization so effectually that each
voter will be a power influencing other
voters to do their duty.
Lamar claims that a conservative op
position party is better fitted to crys
talize the work inaugurated by TJepub
licans than the aggressive Kadical party,
who roughly pioneered the way and
brought in the changes ! The presump
tion and arrogance ot the rebel senti
ment are beyond moasurment. The
party whose strongest efforts were ex
erted to destroy the Union now ask
that those who saved it shall step aside
and turu the Government over to its
would-be destroyers!
Assassination of Republ:can leaders
in Louisiana, as advised by Democratic
journals ot New Orleans, etill continues
in fact ia rather more vigorous than
nsual, in view, doubtless, of the com-
ing Presidential election.
- m
TheSioux campaign is about over
for this season, we suspect.
t frA
the Siwashes during the , winter, and
turn them loose, gun in hand, in good
condition for raiding and killing settlers
next season. .- : -.
Mr. Jackson, while admiring his
daughter in her wedding dress, prior to
her taking a carriage for Grace Church
in San Francisco, fell dead of heart dis-
. ease at her feet.
It Bobuld never be forgotten it is
- not forgotten by tax-payers that the
entire national debt is the direct result
of the Democratic rebellion.
The Democracy failed to destroy the
Union by bulleU. Shall they be per
mitted to accomplish their w'orkwith
"The rebel claims presented to Con-
gress during the recent session exceed in
. .i .:- not;nnoi Aaht
KDOHIU.HWWH"'""'"" "
Th ff.Ilowir.ff is the total coinage
the Phi ladelobia, Carson and
t i.,.;cnn tnr a liTusti aou Die
eS-Zies, , uv.. -, , ,
.Tfnnars. 2.792.000 : quarter dollars-
2,163,200 ; twenty cent pieces, -ftvjuw
dimes,15Sf200 ; five-cent nickels, '310,
j 000 ; one-cent bronze, 220,000;
Tlie P. P. T. Company, of MoMinn
vi!!s will probably increase it capital
stock.' -
Condensed Lightning.
The Irish rifle team hag arrived iii
rr c , , , a-,T
u. o. aiareuai pacnara, oi j.ouisiaua,
has resigned.
Tweuty-one new cases of yellow lever
at Savannah on tho2d inst. I
Horatio Seymour positively declines in
to run for Governor of New "i oik.
Don Carlos and party sailed for Eu-
rope on the 2d inst. from Aew York.
A ra;irn.,r um r Wr,r'J
- - i f
Ferry killed the engineer, Josh. Shipley.
Indian Agent Burne has been arrest
ed tor sending cattle to hostile Indians.
Of the 800 clerks employed in the
War Department, 124 were discharged
on the 2d.
The Gnnrock Honse. at Binghamton,
was destroyed by fire on the 2d inst. I
Loss, $loU,UUU.
The thieves who robbed Absecum
tlatt. . C lH urnvth st T'kilfftOii I
..v... ... v,v,Vv, v.
. Ml 1 1 ...if-
a. steam saw-miu ana a mmoer vara
were destroyed by an incendiary fire ou
the 2d inst., at Tocany, Pa.
A youucr man named .fas. Lid Jell,
while somewhat boisterous in Central
parkj oll the 2.1, was shot dead by
officer Woollock
Henry Howe was- drowned at Bos
ton, on the 2d inst.. while trying to res
cue twoyonng ladies trom drowuing.oue
or whom was saved.
By the exploding of a steam thresh.
er at Chaftield, Minn., three men were
killed. The engineer was blown 150
leet breaking off a tree top 23 feet from
the ground.
A eolored man named Tardly an
nounces himself as a candidate for Gov
ernor of Tennessee, because the Repub
licans of that State -in the convention
voted down every proposition in the
interest of his race.
At the request of Senator Mitchell,
instructions from the ar Department
will le forwarded immediately with
reference to the commencement of the
work on the canal and locks'at Cascades
of the Columbia river.
The Secretary of War assured Sen
ator Mitcriell an examination ami snr-
vey of Coos Bay, Oregon, with a view
t tno improvement of the commercial
i . .i i lit. i
I advantages hi iiihl uuimi, man in: m
advantages at, mat point, snau oe raaue t-A flirt Si.ft finfV Tnin?Tintinn
sucij gnrveys.
PaotHe Slapers,
Corvallis gets only $2 50 for liquor li-
A weekly stage now runs Irom Link-
ville to Goose Lake.
X. T. .Kennedy has opened a new
ferry on Rogue river.
The Ashland and Phoenix mil's have
been consolidated.
Ice and frost reported in King's Val
ley last Monday.
The mosquitoes and squirrels have
left Lake county.
Many Benton county wheat fields
have been injured by rust.
Wra. Lawyer's residence at Kerby-
ville was destroyed by lire last week.
They are manufacturing Xo. 8 cook
ing stoves at the Ashland foundry.
The extension of tho Agricultural
College building at Corva'lisis finished.
The Bonanza, Lake county, minister
has sold out tor $1,000 and intends leav
The State School tor the education of
the blind at Salem will open on the
The valuation ot property in Jackson
county falls considerably below last
year s estimate.
Misa Cardwcll, of Jackson county,
was robbed ot a splendid gold watch
and chain last week.
A man named Mat-his. of Applegate,
shot three bears la6t week withiu a ra-
d;ug Qf oq fet"
A rich body of black sand has been
found on the beach about 50 miles north
of Empire City.
Four kinds of plums from a single
tree ornamented the Corvallis editor's
tablo last week.
1 The Chetco wagon road subject is be-
g agitated by the Josephine and Cur
P S. Wilson was killed in the Day-
ton mine by the breaking of the cable
on ine inst.
Eighty -five cases of small-pox have
been reported in San Francisco during
the past week.
The body of Alfred Hatfield who
druwned himself in the Sacramento riv
er has been recovered.
Kate Miller, better known as Bull
Do? Kate,wa stabbed at Eureka, New,
on the 22d by a man named Irwin
The fifty-mile horse race at Petalnma
on the 2d, to be run in two hours and
twelve minutes, was successfully achiev
ed by W. V. Smith,
Axsom, of Dallas, has been "tried -for
,,. . ., t,
9eUlU2 liQUOr to minors, and says be
will take the case to Circuit Court,
A man named 1. J. UlarK. Jordan
Vallev. Baker county: has beon arrested
ior luroa. vu
uaugllter, -
liariey anu oats are an veray cruu
-r-i i , v;0 ., . I,-
HI Doujzlas county this year; hay very
abundant and wheat ue-foarth short ot
f the usual yield
Sir. Gwmn, Of Illinois, has written to
r t XT tiflvn
, .. f i f Tln
uuy u.u ro.-.x.i www
prairie at per acre. .
prairie at per
j The people ot Polk county ace in debt
to the amount of about $69a,009.
incic to ... mu vi.uu,vuv fo
nrnnorfv and about 81 400 000 taxable,
property ana aoout fi,iuv,uv "au c-
Mm TyIo. Prpatrm dano-hter of Hon.
rs, loia t re3ton, aaugnter oi nn-
Y . v . lirisiow, ueceaseu, uieu as. Eu
gene City on the 24 inst. To her hus
band we extend our si nee rest condolence.
The Hillsboro public school will -be-gin
on tlie cond Monday in September.
A large tract of wild land lias beeu
cleared this season by new comers at
The $10,000 trotting race at the Oak-
and itween, St. Julien and Dan
Voorhees, on the 2d inst., was won by
St. Ju-lien. Voorbees taking the first
boat in 2:2G.l, St Julien the next three
2:25, 2:30J, 2.29
The following persons have been
elected delegates to the State Grange
irom .ane county. v rn. xuissen anu
wife. Suwlaw ; Jewie Cox and wife,
w ' i 11 i
Kngene ; J as. MatlocK and wife, Go
shen ; G. W. Kinehart and vr.ii, Cres-
Messrs. Badollet & Co., of Astoria,
awarded first prize, a watch valued at
$60, to Charles Street ; and 2d prize, a
watch valued at $50, to Charles Brown,
lor the higrhest number of salmon caught
daring the season by fishermen at that
ti. iji.., 7,.,
. 1 J
We were on Friday shown some very
trom the Esther mine. It came from
the lowest tunnel, now being rife in on
the mine 300 feet below the summit;
and while some or it will assay $400 o?
S500 to the -ton, the rock will average
trom $50 to $100.
Am " St. JPalrick wcu a Gentleman."
One of our Albany friends was inspira-
tionally overcome by the Muses Ihe other
evening, which resulted In the following
correction and Improvement of Carl Brent's
campaign song, now being furnished to the
Democracy through the mediam of the
Cocktail Advertiser and campaign pam
phlets :
SaiA Tflden 's n politician,
A liar and a tliief, sir.
And wliert we want dishonest work,.
He's just the man to swear, sir..
He represents the' very ring
That Tweed 4 Co. was drilled in.
Ami we couldn't have to load ns oft
A foxier man than Tildun.
Thieves and rogues Iiave ruled New York,
And all the people swindled ;
Ejspenserevery year incieaso
While iiiccni? taxes dwindled.
'lis well to keep the rats and mice'
Out from the Treasury buildin';
There's only one can do the job
That's Hayes instead of Tilden.'
The Empire State, so proud and great,-
Has been in rings a stewin'';
With Tilden for its Governor,
There's viler rings accrnin'.
Becatise the task of forming rings
Needs work tlmt he is skilled in
Wo con't want for President
Dishonest old Sam TUderi.
He wants fn official thieves
And approves their shameful platider.
And the way he brought hit taxes down
Yes! it beats all thunder!
So now we want the offices
Vfith honest fellows filled in,
And at their head are loth to place
That rogueish old Sam Tilden.
Tempekasok. I.ast Tuesday evening Grand
Worthy Chief Templar, W. R. Ilunbar, made an
official visitation to Western Star Lodge, I. O.
G. T, The visit Droved vcrv azreeable and"
beneficial to all the members present. The
address of Bro. r. is highly spoken of and will
long be remembered, lie left on Wednesday
for Junction and points south of this-.
TV. II. McFAin.AND-The well known Stove
Dealer, is agent for tlie justly celebrated Kicli
mond Range, manufactured at Worwick,- Conn.
This is now acknowledged to be the best and
most economical cooking apparatus in the world.
The public are invited to call and examffle this
beautiful and useful article. A fine stock of
pumps, tinware and cooking utensils of every
desirable kind, constantly on hand, or made to
order at the lowest living fates.
A Case of Thirty Yearn Standing.
Hast Aurora, TS. Y.. May 22. 1872.
Messrs. Setii V. Fowle & Sons :
Gentlemen I was troubled with Dys
pepsia for thirty years, and tried several
medicines advert it-ed for the cure of this
disti-essing complaint without deriving any
benefit from them. About a year ago I
commenced the Peruvian Syrup, and after
using altogether twelve bottles I find my
self entirely cured. I consider my case
the worst 1 ever heard of. and I take great
pleasure in recommending the Peruvian
Syrup to all tiysjieptics, believing that it
win do sure to-cure tnem.
Yours respectfully, J. T.'Bowen.
Sold by Jill drnggi's-ts. sept.
Gold in New Yoik, 109,
Legal tenders, 9091e,
Wheat. 55c bushel.
Oats, 37 4s bushel.
Buttjr, 2530o pound.
Eggs, 25c fl dozen.
Chickens, f2 503$3 00 f! dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c ; pork, do., 6c net.
Liverpool wheat market, Sept. 6th:
erage, 05d9s8d; club, 9s8d10s.
A two-foot rule
-" Boots and shoes
for cash only."
Where does a leading -physician "
generally lead to?
"After me !" as the needle said to
the threac.
New To-Day.
tweuty-eight years, te the statesnf Illinois,
I Indiana and Iowa, has permanently located
Albany. Oreifon. OFFICE-At. Ir. Plum-
'f trng store. kesiuencKt- corner of
ram-oaa aepox. ivunooj
. In the c Jrcnit Conrt of tbe st0regon for
l unnoonmy.
1 ienoant.
1 loti. tiray tneaoove rarimn crerenaant:
in the naroe of the State of Oregon: Tt.
J?f 1. "f-T-f r4
titled Court, now on file with the Clerk of mild
I service of this summons upon yon if served In
i-""" county, Oregon ;; out it served m any
other county m the Sta ot Oregon, then with-
twtVdivs from Hie date of the' ervice of
; .nmen. upon you, or If served by ptibll-
I cation then on or before the first day of next
ternroi soia vouiv, io-witt
Monday t October 23d, 1876,
j appear ana answer saia compiaini as nereoy
I required, the plaintiff will tuke judgment
against vou for the sum of M.000. United Stales
I K,d coin, with Interest, thereon in like gold
from the Both day of February, 1875, at thd
rate of one per cent, per month, and the costs
and disbursements of this action.
; RArt. 7. 1R7". .At- tor ft"
Published by order of Hon. B. P. Boise, Judge
of said Coin, tor ix weeks, in the Aj,b. Y
Rfoistek, which order- bears date September
7th, 1S7. n60r8w..
men and children from banks, offices, stores, wo?ft
- shops and dwellings, as it passed through the prin
cipal streets of San Francisco. J3TA sron of money
sufficient tor ransom a Prince expended in the production of this hage undertaking. ;
All nntionscomtrtbnted' to Montgomery Qneen's Tented Arena; barohaek celebrities of Sunny Italy.wild
Riders of Brazil, Ameriin charming and "nrortciont Equestriennes; brilliant Paris surrenders her French,
eccentric specialty producing Conservatories furnish Musical Tal?nt. Spain. Russia. Austria and the great
powers of the old'world have f heir representatives. A oierica's genius and giant intellect moves the mighty
marvel and the greatest of the great undertakings in the annals of show history on the Western Hemisphere
The REAT QVAULirail, The Vnrivallcri MOLUE ItROWS. The Woiirt.-rrul I.VVAA,
Tln Femnle Nmnpoun, D'ATAUK, 'I Ie FKKX'H liK..i:KKI-M, PIEIM E-Tamcr f ' isers,
The H4THKW!! FAMILY, IKA V -ubUti.-r ll.venxM, M ile I'Al the I.ioii lue.n,
TUOMVKOX. FlTOMitor r Klephnnts, OBUAS. Instriietor of IIre.
, AAT AI'STIK. thp tlown ol t lowlif. Ihe Innpproachnblt LKVASTIXK,
Mine. DKOWX, Menace KxcelUvr.
THE FALL TKSM of this institution will
beuin on MONDAY, SEPTE3IBER 4, 1876,
with tlie following
Faculty of iRStrnrtioii :
Rev. fl. W. STRATTON. A. SI., President,
and Professor of Mentnl and Sloral Science- 1
Rev. L. J POWELL. A. M., Professor ot Math
eniaticsand Natural Sciences.
H. H. H K WITT, A. M., Professor ot Ancient
T&bi mvivr nt tM
Tie rart men t.
Miss ELVA littE! -man, Meactier oi tnsiru- ,
mental Music j
1). B. RICE. M. V., Lecturer on Physiology
and Hygiene. j
OnJendn s
First Term liegins Seotemlier 1, 187R, .
Second Term liegins November 13, IS7U.
Third Tenji begins January 2M. Is77.
Fourth Term liegins April 9, 177.
Vacation of one week during the holidays.
Closing exercises of the school year, June Lv
Ratett of Tuition
PrimabV Pkpaktmknt, per term $s CO
Common Exciasn Branches, per term.. 8 00
IIiuhek Bbakciibs. including Preparato-
ry Latin and Greek,-.-.-. II 00
Coli.kuiate, including Higher Ijitin and
Greek, Advanced Mathematics, and
Menial and Moral Sciences, per term.. 13 00
French and German, each, extra 3 00
Instrumental Music 11 00
Use of Piano 3-00
Incidentals .- 50
Tuition in all cases required in advance.
Punctual attendance, neatness, promptness
and gentlemanly and ladylike deportment will
lie expected from all who may become members
of the school. L.J.POWELL.
Lumber I
Lumber I
of intormiiijr the public that their
situated within three miles of Lebanon, near
tbeSantiam river on Hamilton Creek, is now
running, and is cuttinar daily from eight to ten
thousand feet ef excellent
ITir andlMne Lumber
which we offer for sale as
All bills for lumber promptly filled, in the
shortest possible t ime, and delivered. If desired,
on reasonable terms.
Address orders to
aug254Sv Lelmnon, Oregon.
stock of
selected with care, and bouRhl for coin t
Scandalously Low Figure
and as we bought low we can and will sell them
at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections of
DittM Uoods,
Mia w la,
f ameillea,
Xoatrea, ;
Ribbons, Collar, Collarettes,
i L.aces, Ve., &c., '
for the ladles; and our complete ine i of
Readymade Clothin ,
Boots, . .-
p, ,
of all desenptions or wswn and boys', AUk, fall
; assortments of
Groceries, Crociery . . anl . Glassware.
j or everybody.
' The best goods, at the lowest rates evet y time
Come and see.
Lebanon. Oregon, October 30, 1874.
:.".' " FOR "
Neatly executed,
CaU st the Register OHicc
An Army of Men, Droves of Horses, Multitude of Animals,
A Legion of Attractions, A Forest of Wild Beasts,
Myriads of Birds and an Ocean of Reptiles!
Aggregatiozi of Transcendental EleganOe
Dazzling, Gorgeous, Glitter ; Hie Mighty Pageant
of Palaces ; The Emerald and Gold Scrolled Script
ural Illustrated Wild Animal Dens J the Heavily
Carved Grmt Golden Chariot and Tableau Cars.
Cages or Wild Bea-tils open to view In
tlie streets. Grand Carnival of Beauty.
A procession that atfractetT 150,000 men, wo
Pumps arc. novr inunulactuntt-in Albnny.
Having had 14 years cxiwi iciice in the biusincss
of niHiiufueturiug VooJen Pumps, I have no
hesitancy in saying that 1 can suit everybody
that apply.
Satisfaction (funrniitecd. Every I'timp
Warranted. The.wcKden piiain will throw move water
with less labor, and is less ltablc to gut out of
Tiair. and is h;ss expensive, than any oim-r
Pump now in use. 1 i.ey me now .ra .cra.i -r
j , tllan i-vHV iHitori) in tue mai Kcr. iiiey u
hud in my factory in Charley Simpson's ware
house, Albany, or orders can be left wilh P. C.
Harper & Co . and tbcv will be promptly mien.
Columbus Cowan is authorized by me to sell
my pumps,-ami' put them in wells.
Albany, Aug. IS, lt7G-4;vSinu-
Produce & Csmmissioa Merchant,
Warehouse at foot of Ellsworth street,
100,000 Buhols cf Gi-aiu.
SACKS furnished free to thnse wliostore with
me, and for sale to others at the lowest market
SbsSrWill always pay tho highest market price
for Grain. C.U.SIMPSON.
Albany, July 2S, lS76-Sn-U
Prof. I- Newell,
Hariony. Ttoronli-)sss and Siiim.
Sixx-ial attention given to
HATOII concluded to make AMtATXY my
ptirmancnt residence, all who desire a
thorough knowledge of Miisie can now have
an opportunity.
Messrs. Jno, Brigsrs, J. II. Wyatt, Dr. Griffin,
Dr. Whitney, and tunny others.
Leave vour address nt Mr. Foshays muslcand
liook stoi-e, or at Mr. Barr's music store, and I
will call at your residence.
Albany, August 4, 1876-15
Iii the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the countv of Linn .
Thomas E. Grimes, Plaintiff, vs. Indiana Hilts
Leonard, wife, and William Leonard, husband.
Suit in ofluitv to remove cloud from title.
' To Indiana Hilts Leonard and William Leon
ard, the above named detendants In the name
or the state ot Oregon : rou ana eacn or you
arc liereby required to appear and answer the
complaint ol the above named plaintiff in the
above entitled court, now on nte witn tne Clerk :
of said court, wit hin ten days from the date of
this service upon you, if served in Linn county;
out if served in any other county in he State I
of Oregon, then within twenty days from the I
date of the service of this summons upon you ; !
or if served bv publication of this summons,
then you are required to answer the said com
plaint by t he first day of the next, regular term i
of said court, to be holden in Linn county, Ore
gon, to-wit,
JHonday, October 23d, 1676,
Land yon are hereby notified that If you fall to
appear ail'l umwui naiu inuiumun n.a ucicj
required, the plaintiff will applv to the court
for tho relief demanded in "his complaint,
which is that you cancel a mortgage given
by plaintiff on 1H0 acres of land of which
he is seised in fee simple in Linn county,
in-March, 1871, to Indiana Hilts (now Leonard),
'to secure the pavment by piaintiffto defendant
(Indiana Hilts, "now Leonard), of the sum of
$1,600.00 in V. S. goU coin, with ten per cent,
interest, which sum has been paid in fnll, and
which mortgage, uncanceled. Is a cloud upon
plaintiff 's title aforesaid, and for one hundred;
dollars damages ; a1 so, for costs and dieburs
ntents of this suit to be taxed.
Attorneys for pi ft.
Published by order of the Honorable B. t.
Bonham, Judge of aid court, which order is
dated August 5th, 1876. . auglln46vS
lrndH.vsthome. Agents wanted. Outfit
IX & terms free. TRUE &CO., Augusta. Me.
Business College,
Xjl guaranty of success for persons in all pur.
Biuui vi me. i lie
sent free to any addiess.
dcfkaxce wnm.
49r8m3 Lock box 101
Willi the charming and vonthful PATTI ROSA, JEN ME BROWN .ROBERT SCOTT, the grtrat AKUKIV
tne end less auxiliaries, complete I he inst expensive, extensive, unexceptionable, better dressed and highs'
toned Circus Company on the face of the globe. . .
afid a host of high-salftriecr. novelty producing, prominent performers, selected' frdm tle very best on' the
lace of the glolie, and with stH;ial reference to the Smnuier of 1S7(. The long list of living ild lieasta.of
1 he very larest kinds, inclnding an Elephant, the ftouffled Monllloon, the Wild Iaurd,a herd of perlormihg'
Bengal Tigers, performing Hyenas, two Lionesses and their Cubs, a Kangaroo and its voung, pair of Leon-
ards, jiair of Sliver Lions, ;nzerats. Lions, Jugars, ElanU, Sacred Ox, Valk Vaik, Birds. iMonkeys, and a long:
array the particulars of which cannot be given.
Doora open at 1 and 7 o'clock p. m. Circus comrteriees at 2 and 8 o'clock p. jr.- Oni liou'r for the Menagerie'.
AdmUbiou, v : 81 OO ! tltltfli cn, under nine car t'Cfty CeaMv
C. C. PELL, General Agent
ALilANY, TTueday, Septeesiher lOtli.
BKOWSSVlLliU, Monday, Stptembtr 18tli.
i'OKVALEJS Wednesday, September UClIi
JEri'FJt.iO, Thuriidaj, September Hint.
SALEJS, I rUEay, Sepieuilier 22d.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the count v of Linn.
Alfred Wolverlon, Plaintiff, vs.- R. J. Wolver
ton, defendanf.
To X. J. vV'olverton, the above named defend
ant: In the name of t he State of Oregon : You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com-'
plaint of the above plain ti If in t he above entitled
c-Mirt, now on file with the Clerk of said court,
within ten days from the date of the service of
this siiimiionti u'on you if served in Linn coun
ty, tli-eiron; bn if served in any otlun' county
iii the Stnteof Oregon. then within twenty days
from the date, of tlieservK of this summons
upon yo;1 ; and if served by iub!it-atirh, then
fin or before the llrsl duvof the net teinn of
said court, to-wit, rfondny, ttoter 23d, Jt7;
stid ym i'e hereby notified that if you fall to
appear and answer snid cnmplaint," 9 hereby
required. tie plaintilt wilTapply to the Court
for the relief demanded 5n th'! complniiit, to
w;t, u dissointiou ot the lionds of matrimony
existing between you and plaintiff and for the.
esreand custody of the minor children named
therein, to-wit, Iloliii J., Elitabeth J., Fred. W.,
ind Ceo. A. Wolverton.
Attorney for pl'ff.
Published by orflcr of Hon. It. i". Bonham.
Jndge of said Court, made this Stli day of
August, 1S7B. augllnlfivS
Notice to Creditors.
"VTOTICE is liereby jr'tveii tliat the untler
L signed wxs. on thelltli dtiy of July,
187(1. appointed ndnnnistrator of the estate
of Thoniits 1j. Ramsay, deeensed, by the
County Court f Linn county, Oregon. All
uer-ons havtns claims sgainst sain estate
are liereby notified to present the SJnievith
proper vouchers, within six mouths' after
the date hereof, at my residence near Alba
ny, in I.itin county. Oregon.
Jnly 11, IS70-n4-i Adtmntetratof.
it llelLr, lor I will kpeak ot exceUeut
tit intra."
PORS'S EXTRAS ' -The grest Vegetable Palm
Aestryer. ia m-en in use over miriy
years, and for cleanliness and prompt ennh
five virtues cannot be excelled.
CHILDREN.0 family cau afford to be whont
Ponl' Extract. Accidents, lirnises,
Coatnslons, Cuts, Sprains, are relieved .
almost instantly by external application. ,
Promptly relievos pains or Burns, v-allH, :
Excoriations, Cbafinifs, Old Hores, '
Boil, Felons, Corna, etc:
Arrests in-
uninaiiuu, reuuea) ewtsuiuip., tuis uiueuuig,
removes diKcolorstions and heals ranidlv.
FEMaLE WEAKNESSES. It always reliews pato
in the back aud ioias,tnllneKS and pressuig paia
in the head.-nausea, vertigo.
II LEUGORRHSA it has no equal. Ail kinds of nl.
ceratiuna to wlik-h ladies are subject are :
promptly cured. Fuller details ia book accom
panying each bottle.
PILES -blind or bleeding meet prompt relief
aud ready cure. however cluaaio or .
obstinate, csn long resist ha regular nee.
VARICOSE VEINS. R is tho only sure care for
t ins distrestsiDi; snd dangerous condition.
KIDNEY DISEASES. has no equal lor perma
nent cure.
BLEEOINB from any cause. For this is a pe
cillc. It has caved linndreds of lives when all
other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from
nose. Ktomacl?, Innm, and' elsewhere.
jaxaclie are all alike rei.evcd, and often per
manently enred.
PHYSICIANS f nil schools wlioare acqnainteof
witli Pond's Extract of Witcl, H uy.el re erf
ommendltin their practice. We have leitersof
commendation. from httudredsof Physicians
. many of whom order it tor ose in their own
practice. In addition to the foregoing, they
' order its us for towellings of all kinds,
(ninsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed Tonsil,
simple and chronic Diarrha, Catarrh,
(for which it is a specific,) Chilblains, Frost
ed Feet, Stings of Insects, SIoMquitoesy
etc Chapped Hands, Face, and Indeed
all manner of skin diseases.
TOILET U8L Removes Soreness, Roughness,
and martinet heals Cuts, Eruptions,
and Pimples. It revive?, tncioro-'es, and r
ficshtx. while wonderfully improving the"
TO FARMER 8. Pond's Extract. No Stock Livery Man can afford to he without
it. It is used by ell the Leading Livery Stsblesy
Street Railroads and first Horsemen-in New
TorkCity. It has no equU for Sprains, Hard
ness or Saddle Chafing, SUU'neas,
(Scratches, Swellings,Cnts, Loeerationsy
Bleeding, Pneumonia, Coiic, Diarrhna
Chills, Colds, etc. Its range of action is-wide,
and the relief it affords is so prompt that it is
Invaluable in every Farm-vard as well as In
every Farm-honsc Let it be tried once, and
yon will never be without it.
OAUJION. Pond's Bxtract has been imitated!
Tlie genuine article has the words Pond's Ex
tract blown in each bottle. lt.s prepared by
the only persons living who ever knew how
to prepare It properlv. Refuse all other pre
parations or Witch Hazel. Thiais the only
article used by Pbycicians, and i. tho hoepl--tals
of this country and Europe.
oJ2 m'iit-l'i"i'' appUcatioa t
Attention, Fruit Growers!
Co. leg to announce that they will put the"
Factory in oiieration as soon as Fruit and Veg-'
etables are ready for use, and will pay cash for'
the same when delivered.
Boxes will bs furnished to nil for the purposof
of bringing their fruit to the factory
Fruit should be picked from the trees and not
Parties having plmns should lie particular to
eat her them before they tweouie too ripe.
A. X.-AnifOLD, President.
Albany, July 28. ls7C-ttit-
Letter from a' Postmaster.'
"Aktiocr, Ixi.;, Dec 1, 197'.
"Messrs. J. B: Rose Co.:-
"Mv wife has, for a long time, been a terrible
sntterer from Khentilat ism. She has tried many
phvsiciansand many remedies. Theonly thing
wlilch has given her relief is Centaur Liniment -1
am rejoiced to say this lias cured her. I- aur
doing what lean to extend its sale.
Thia is a sample of-many thousand testimorti
als received, of Wonderful euros effected by the
Centaur Liniment. The Ingredients of this ar--tide
are published around each bottle. It con
tains Witch Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Rock Oil,
f Carbolic, and ingredients hitherto little known
It is an indisputable fact that tne Centaur Linl
ment is terfoiming more cures of Swellings-,
Stiff Joints. Eruptions, Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, Caked Breasts. Lock-jaw, Ac, than alt
tne otner iiniuients, cniDrocations, Extracts,
Salves, Ointments and .plasters now in usf.
For Toothache, Earache, Weak Rack, Itch and
Cutaneous Eruptions, if is admirable. It cures-
burns ana scaKts witnout a sear. Extracts pot--sons
from bites and stings, and heals frost-bites
nd chillblains, in a short time. Iso fuiiiilvcaa
ait'ord to be wnliout tho Centaur Liniment,
wtiiio wrapper.
The Centaur f.f nfiucnt, Tcllow Wrapper,
is adapted to the tough skin, muscles and flesh
of the animal creation. It effects upon seveie
cases of Spaviu.-Sweeiiy, Wind Gall, llig Head
and Poll Evil, are little less than marvelous.
Messrs. J. McClnre & Co.. Dmtrsrists. comer of
Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati, Ohio, nay s
"In our neighborhood a number of teamsters
are titing the Centaur Litiiment. They pro
nounce it superior to anything tney nave ever
used. We sell as high as fourfo five dozen bot
ties per month to these teamsters."
we nave tnousantts-oi simitar ttwumnti lajs.
For Wounds; l-ralls. Sci-atches. Rins-bone.
and for Screw Worm in sheep it has no rival.
farmers, itvery-men ana siocK-raisers, Imve in
this Liniment a remedy which is worth a ban'
dred times its cost.
Laboratory of J. B. Bose & 0..
46 Dey street. New York.-
Mothers may have rent and their babies may
ilav.a "Jl l. i' t bey will use Castoria lor Wino
Colic, Worms, Fevetishnesn, Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It is entirely a yege-
iii-ujmraiion, ana contains neltner miner
al, morphine, nor alcohol, it Is as pleasant to
take as honey, and neither gags nor gripes. :
Dr. E. DiincK-h, of Irupont, O.. Savs:
"I am using castorla In my practice with th
most signal benefits and happy result."
1 his is what every one savs : Most nurses In
New t ork City nse the Caatoria. It Is prepared
by Messrs. J. B. Roxe A Co.. 40 Dey street. New .
"k ork, successors to fciinucl Pitcher, M. D. 89v8