The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 01, 1876, Image 4

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Corner Ferry and JFirtt BtreeU.
wpy, one year.. 50
One copy, s'u month " 1 Bn
To dubs of twenty, each copy """2 00
I""1 Pica Ten cents.
Sultscriben outside of Linn connty will be
Chapped 20 cents extra 2 70 for the year as
UVJrJ th anion nt or postage per annum
2nlen we are required to pay on each paper
mailed by m.
Asnt for th Register.
The following named g-entlemen are author
ised to receive and receipt for subscriptions
to the Ebhstek in the localities mentioned :
M-i-g. Kirk & Iiuuie Brownsville.
Bplwrt Glu Crawfordsville.
Tf'Jt'u",u Hrtlsev.
. P. Toinnkin Hurrishurs.
H-Ctanirhton Ieitanon.
A. Wheeler A Co Sliedd.
Messrs. Smith A Binslicld Junction City.
J. B. Irvine Scio.
Thos.IL Reynolds Salem.
Mr. Samuel J. Tiklcn, yon will please
stand op and answer a few questions :
1. Where were you in 18G1 when
ilio Union was in danger, and when
trne men were needed to defend the na
tion against those who were armed to
overthrow it ?
2. Did you not encourage by speech
and by example the withdrawal ot the
Southern States, and then try to dis
courage the Federal authority to pre
serve the Union ?
3. Did you not act as chairman ot
the Committee on Resolutions in the
Democratic Convention that met in
Chicago in 1864, and as such chairman,
did you not offer to the convention a
resolution that was incorporated iu the
platform of your part, declaring the
war a failure, and demanding an imme
diate cessation of hostilities?
4. Do yon think your action at the
breaking out of the war, during ita con
tinuance, and at its close, renders you
a safe man for the loyal people to rely
upon as President of the United States?
5. You claim- to have instituted cer
tain reforms in the State of New York,
and reduced taxation in that State.
Do you not know that whatever credit
is due for these reforms should be shared
by the Republican Legislature that has
made them possible ? Do you not know
that you can but execute what the law
makers enact, nd that it is little short
of dishonesty to claim for yourself alone
what belongs to the Legislature of the
6. Do you not know that your pre
tended canal reforms have proven fail
tire, and that those who ought to have
been in the State prison to-day fur
plundering the State have not been dis
torlied, because of the moneyed influence
which-they wield over the hvw officers
- of your administration?
7. Were you not chairman of the
Democratic National Committee, with
your headquarters iu Tammany Hall,
New York city, from 1864 to 1871, the
rery period when William JV1. Tweed
was in the high t of his power, and the
recognized leader 111 the organization
you represented ?
8. Did you not in 1868, October 27,
send out a circular to leading Democrats
ot your State, requesting them to send
ad vance iofbrmatiou of the votes cast in
the rural districts to William M. Tweed,
. Tammany Hall, and was not this circu
lar signed by you ?
9. Do you not know that the purpese
of this circular was to inform Boss
Tweed how many . fraudulent votes
would be needed iu the city to defeat
the honest votes in the country?
10. Do you not know that .at that
election more than 40,000 fraudulent
votes were cast in the city of New York,
and that Horace G ret ley, in a letter
addressed to you and printed in the
New York Tribune October 20, 1869,
after the facts had been brought to light
by an investigation authorized by Con
gress, used the following language:
"On the principle that the receiver is as
bad as the thief, you are as deeply im
plicated in them to-day as though your
name were Tweed, O'Brien, or Oakey
11. Did you not receive and so ac
dknowlege before the court in New York
city, February 27, 1876, a check for $5,
000 from William M. Tweed, said
check dated September 7, 1868, and
pa yabW to your order ?
12. Do you think your' associations
with Tweed and the class of men who
followed bim during; bis reign of plunder
and the training you received in the
Tammany school of politics are the
sight kind of indorsements for a man
who aspires to be the President of 45,
600,000 of people ? ".
13. Do you think your active par
ticipation in the issuing of ever $4,000,.
COO ot pa per money by the mining com.
panics 4f Michigan in which you were
interested and the evasion of the legal
tax due the United States Government,
through your advice, were honorable
transactions ?
14. Do you think that your active
co-operation with tho great railroad.
corporations of the country, one of which
paid you over $1,000,000 in less than
two years for pretended legal and pro
fessional services, fit you for the high
position to which yon aspire, and sustain
your claims as an honest man and a
practical reformer ?
You know, Mr. Tilden, that an hon
est answer to each ot these questions
would be condemnation from your own
lips. ,
We ask you one more question, and
theu leave you in the hands of your
friends, who may try to excuse your
record, but who can never blot it "out
from the memory of American people:
15. Do you believe that a party
whose whole strength lies in the ex-rebel
element that su ports it, and to which
every disloyal man in the Union now be
longs, i, better calculated to administer
the laws and to protect and advance the
national interests than the party U
whose wisdom and patriotism and cour
age we now owe the existence of the
Union ?
Mr. Tilden, these questions will be
asked on a thousand stumps during the
campaign, and no evasive answers will
satisfy the people that you are the man
for the Presidents, or that the party
you represent would be a safe one to ad
minister the affairs of the Government.
The Democratic papers seem to de
rive considerable satisfaction in speak
ing ot" Governor Hayes as an unknown
and inexperienced man, and in lauding
Governor Tilden as greatly his superior
in these particulars. The Utica Her
ald, a paper well posted iu the career
ot the New York statesman draws a
comparison thus: "Governor Tilden
is credited with two terms in the State
Legislature, though in neither term did
he achieve fame as a legislator. He
has been a member of two Constitu
tional Convention?, and is serving his
first term as Governor. Governor
Hayes is serving his" third term as Gov
ernor, and has been two terms in Con
gress. Yet it is common to find in Til
den organs remarks about Gov. Hayes'
luexperience in public afiliirs! As to
army record, Gen. Hayes has four year?
hard service to his credit. Mr. Tilden
stayed at home and did what he could
to discourage the Union force."
The New Orleans HuUctia (Dem.)
is disgusted with the performances of
the Sr.. .Louis Convention. It says :
"A party that has not the courage to
a: liounco a single emphatic conviction,
or that has none to declare, is incapa
ble of aggression, and stands confessed
as nothing more than a .mere organized
communiou, whose eole purpose is to
get offices, which they propose to fiil in
an indefinite sort of a way."
Neither of the Derfpcraiic candidates
refers in his letter to the Hamburg mas
sacre. They dared not commend it for
fear ot losing votes in the North, where
there is a prejudice against wholesale
murder tor any object, and dared not
denounce it because their chances would
be utterly worthless without the active
support ot the very class ot raeu who
perpetrated that infamous outrage.
This specimen from the Westliehe
Post shows of what the German lan
guage is capable when it undertakes a
compound word; " Eiseubahwagen
nothzuchtsversuchsnotorietaet. " This
refers to Col. Valentine Laker, who
lias goDe to join the Turks, and may
be regarded as very severe. Cm. Ga
It is estimated by gentlemen who
have investigated the subject that the
shot-gun campaign in Mississippi last
fall lost to that State one third of the
cotton crop, worth ten millions of
dollars. This was the first cost of the
bloody revolution.
Poor Hendricks, too, was whipped in
and had to carry his little letter to
Saratoga to be inspected by the Demo
cratic Committee before printing.
Thomas came forward like a good boy
and read his composition to Master
Tilden, Morrissey and Kelly.
The Grangers Convention in session
at San Francisco, Aug. 22d, passed a
resolution recommending that no wheat
be sold for a less price than $1 65 per
cental about 99 cents a bushel here.
The great cattle dealer, John T.
Alexander, of Jacksonville, Illinois,
died at midnight of the 21st nit. He
left insurances on bis life amounting to
Twelve thousand passengers passed
over the Pennsylvania railroad from
New York, going south, on the 22d
nit. Immense travel.
The Cincinnati Enquirer says that
now is the time to loathe poor Indian.
The new revenue cutter launched at
Albiua, below Portland, on Wednesday,
is pronounced a beauty.. i
It was in the autumn of the year 1782
that a surgeon in Boulogne, ot the name
of Etienoe Lefebvre, received a letter,
not bearing any signature, requesting
him to repair on the following day to a
country house which was situated on
the road leading to Calais, and to bring
along such instruments as would be re
quired for performing an operation.
Lefebvre was at that period well known
as a distinguished and successful ope
rator ; so much so, indeed, that he was
not uutrequciitly sent for from great
distances, lie had served flr a coiirid
erable time in the navy, a;id his man
ners bad, therefore, acquired a certain
degree of bluutness; but, when you
once became acquainted with him, yon
could not help liking him for the natur
al ai:d luiati'ccted goodness of his heart.
He was naturally somewhat surprised
at this anonymous communication ; tor,
although the time and place were, as
already stated, mentioned with great
minuteness, theie was no clew afforded
by which the writer could be identified.
He, theielbre, enme to the conclusion
that some of Lis jocular friends wore
making fun of him, and he did not keep
the appointment.
Three days afterwards he again re
ceived a similar summons, but couched
iu more pressing terms than the first,
and ho was informed that at 0 o'clock
in the morning a carriage would be sent
to ruing him to the place where he was
anxiously expected. Accordingly next
morning, sure enough, on the laststroke
of 9. a carriage .drove m to his door.
The doctor 110 longer made any hesita
tion, but at once took his seat in the
carriage. As he was getting in, he in
quired of the coachman where he was
to be taken to ; but the man apjeared
either not to know, or did not choose
to tel!; but, as he spoke in English,
Lefebvre said to himself, "So it is an
Englishman to whom I am summoned,"
and he accordingly prepared himself
for any exhibition of eccentricity on the
part ot that nation which even now is
so little understood by continentals.
At length the carriage-stopped, and the
doctor hastened into the house.
He was received at the entrance by a
fine-looking young man of about 25
years of age, who requested him to
walk into a large handsome rot in on
the first floor. 1 i is accent showed him
to be an Englishman. The following
conversation then ensued between them:
"You have sent for me," said the
"I am very much obliged to yon tor like her. Thanks to you. my d jar Le
the trouble you have taken in coming febvre, my wishes were soon accomplish
here," -rejoined tho Englishman, "lie ed. 1 returned with my wooden leg to
so good as to seat yourself at the table, London. I hastened to gain iufoima
where you wi 1 find chocolate, coffee, or tit n of Miss iJlaek. The report had
wine, in case you would like to partake spread, and I myself had taken care to
of any thing before commencing the ope- write to my friends in England to the
ration." same effect, that I had hau the misfor-
"Bat first show me the patient. I tnt.e to fracture my leg, and
wish to satisfy myself that an' operation that amputation become absolutely nec-
is ablute!y necessary." essary. , Every one expressed the great-
"It is necessary, Jionsieur T-cfebvre; est concern at my misfortune, tiusan
pray be seated. 1 have entire conli- fainted on the first occasion ot my . pre-
deuce in you ; only listen tome. Here senting my.-e't. hhe was for a long time
is a purse containing 100 guineas, which inconsolable, but at length she consented
i oiler you as a fee for the oern tion you
are .is k'd to perform, iu mailer what
the result may be. In case ot your re-
fusing compliance with my request, you
Fee tins pistol, it is loaded, ai.d you
are in my (tower. As 1 hoiie for salva-
tion, I will blow your brains out."
Sir, I am not to be deterred from
uomg 'mat i consider proper by any
I? 1 T , . i
J 7 1 . .
lear oi your pistol. iut what do you
desire? What am I expected to do?"
"ion must cut my right leg off."
"With all my heart," answered the
surgeon, thinking that this was a char-
acteristic specimen of those mad Eng.
nsu ; and your hand, also, if necessary
or desirable However, unless 1 am
greatly mistaken, your leg is perlectly
souna. i saw you walk down stairs
with the greatest activity. What can
be the matter with your leg V"
"N Jthing; but it must come off."
"Sir, you are mad."
"That is no concern of yours, Mon
sieur lefebvre."
" V hat harm can that handsome
liinb have done ?"
"None at all; still you must make up
i . ....
juur mmu to amputate it.
Mr, 1 have iio acquaintance with
you; give me some proof that you are in
sound mind .'demanded thedoetor.
"Wrlyou consent to my wishes.
.uonsieur lerebvre i '
"As soon as yon can assign any ade
quate or responsible motive lor so un
necessary an operation.'r
"1 can not at present erter into any
explanations in a year, perhaps, I will
ao so. liut 1 will bet you, sir, that
then you will acknowledge that my rea
sons for my present seemingly extrava
gant conduct are most pure, manly and
uome, ana even rational."
"It is quite impossible for me," re
monstrated the doctor, "to comply un
til you tell ma your name, place ot resi
dence, position and family."
"You shall be made aconainted with
all these particulars - at some future
tune, but not at present. I beg you to
consiaer me a man of honor."
"A man ot honor does not utter on.
justifiable threats against bis doctor.
i nave to pertorm a duty even towards
t i . . - 1
yon, who are a stranger to me. My
reasons for refusing to accede to your
absurd request are, as you must admit.
sound and just. Do yon wish to lie the
. cii iitiiucuub laiiicr or a large i
"Well, Monsieur Lefebvre," replied J
tne .ngnsnman, taking up the pistol,
"I will not fire upon yon, yet I will
compell yon to cut off this leg. What
yon refuse to do to oblige roe, through
love of gain or fear of bullet, you shall
do through humanity.',
"How so, sir?"
'I intend to shatter my leg with this
pistol, and that, too, before your eyes."
answered the Englishman, who accord-
mgly seated himself, cocked the pistol,
and then took deliberate aim at bis
knee-joint. ,
.Lefebvre rushed foward to prevent
him, but the Englishman cooly exclaim-
e3iV . '
V not come, near; if yon do, I fire,
N ow ooly answer me this questiou : Do
you wish to prolong my sufferings need
lessly?" "Sir, you are mad," answered the
Doctor in despair; "but have your own
way I am ready to do as you wish.'
Kvery thing was ready for the opera
tion. As soon as the surgeon took up
his instruments the Englishman lighted
bis cigar, and declared that he would
smoke until the operation was conclud
ed. He kept his word. The lifeless
leg re ted upon the floor, but the .11
irlishman still smoked on. 1 he opera-
tiou had been performed in a most mas.
terlv manner, and. thanks to Dr. Le-
lebvre's skill and attention, the patient
soon became perfectly recoverd, a!
though, of course, he had to be suppli
ed with a wooden leg. He rewarded
the surgeon, whom he had learned to
esteem more and more every
thanked him with tears in his eves fbr
the great obligation under which he
had laid him; and in a short time start
ed for England
About two months after his patient's
departure the surgeon received the tol
lowing letter from England :
Inclosed you will receive, a token of
my bomdless gratitude a bill ot ex
change on my-bauker iu Paris for 6,
500 francs. You have rendered me the
happiest ot men by ridding me ot a limb
winch was an obstacle in the way of
my nappiuess. j.earn, men, tne reason
ot what you termed my madness. You
assured me there could be no justifiable
motive for so singular a mu Illation. I
offered vou a wager, and I think you
were ri-jht iu refusinsr it. After mv
second return from the East Indies,
became acquainted with Susan Dluck,
the most accomplished and fascinating
of women. I sought her hand iu
marriage. Her fortune and family were
such as met with the entire appro
bation of my parents. As for me, I
thought only ot her charms. 1 wassoon
happy 'enough to gain her affections
a fact which she did not attempt to de
ny: but she, at the same time, firmly re
fused to lieeome mv wife. In vain did
1 beseech her to do so; in vain did her
relations all second my desire, she
was inflexible. For a long lime I could
not discover the reason of her opposition
to a marriage which she herse:f confess
ed would make her happy, until, at last,
one of her sisters revealed the fatal
secret to me, Susan was a marvel of
beamy, but she was so unfortunate as
to have; lost a leg, and she had conse-1
quently condemned herself to eternal ce
libacy, j My resolution was quick:y
formed, ami I determined to become
to become my wife. It was only on the
morning alter our marriage that 1 con-
fessed to her the sacrifice by means of
whiehI had at length been enabled to
gam her consent to be mine. the
avowal increased her love. Oh ! my
excellent friend, had I ten legs to lose,
I would give tneni all un for tne sake
of my beloved Susan. So long as 1 live,
rely on my gratitude. If ever you visit
England, do not tail to come here, so
that I may make you acquainted wifh
my wife; and then tell me whether or
not I was out ot my senses. Yours,
AkTuri: Oxlet,
Monsieur Lefebvre answered the let
ter ot his English friend iu the follow
ing terms :
Sir : , Accept my best thanks for
your very generous present tor so I
must term what you have sent me, hav
ing been previously magnificently re
munerated for my trouble, as yon were
pleased to term it. I wish you, as well
as your charming wife, all imaginable
happiness. True it is that to give a leg
in exchange for a beautiful, tender, and
virtuous wife is not too much, provided
the happiness endures. Adam sacrific
ed one ot his ribs to become posses -ed of
our common mother Eve, and more
than one man has laid down his lite tor
the sake ot his beloved. Notwithstand
ing all this, allow me to adhere to my
former opinion. For the present you
are doubtless right, for you are now in
the honeymoon ; but a, some future
time yon will 'acknowledge the truth ot
what I advanced.- I beg your attention
to what 1 am about to ay. I tear that
in two years you will repent ot having
had your leg amputated above the knee
joint. You will think to have it cut
oft lower down wonld. haye been quite
sufficient. Ia three years you will be
persuaded that the sacrifice of a foot
would have answered all purposes; in
four, that of the big toe; in five, the lit
tle one; and, at last, yon will have con
fessed that to have parted with a nail,
without necessity, would have been a
piece of egreguis folly. All this I as
sert without in the slightest degree im
r"n c- -
pugning the merit ' of your admirable
helnmate. Tn mv own vonthfnl dav T
would have, at any time, given my'li.'e
fr mv mistress, but never ray legfor I
rest of my days. Had I really done to.
i should rtavft overv mnmont c it t
myself, "Lefebvre, you are a madman."
With highest consideration, yours very
Etienne Lefebvre.
In the year 1793, during the Reign of
Terror, the nurgoori of Bologne, having
been accused ot being an aristocrat by
one of his yonnger professional brethren
who envied him his practice, was oblif-
ed to take refuge in London, in order
to sst b s nt ek from the guillotine,
Being without employment or acquaiot-
ances, he inquired for the residence of
his former patient, Mr. Oxley. He was
directed to it, and, on entering the
house, he sent up his name, and was
immediately admitted. In a' huge arm-
chair, seated befi tre the tire, with a bot-
tie of wine beside him, sat a portly en
tbmaD, wlio&e size was bo great that it
was with difficulty that he could rise to
welcome his visitor. "Welcome, Mon
sieur Lefebvre," exclamed the huge
Englishman.' "Do not be offended at
my receiving you in this manner, but
my cursed wooden leg won't allow me
to do any thing. You have come, no
doubt, my friend, to see if in the long
run you were ot right "
"I am a fugitive seeking an asylum
among you.'"
"You shall stay with me, tor you are
really a wise man; .You .will console
me. Do yon know, my dear Lefebvre,
that, had it not been for this abomina
ble wooden leg rendering me useless, I
should by this time have been -Admiral
of the Blue. I spend my time in read
ing the newspaper, and in curses that
I am tied here when every body else is
up and doing. Remain here ; you shall
comfort mo."
"Your charming wife can doubtless
do that better than lean." i
"Oh, as for that, no. Her wooden
leg prevents her from gadding about
and dancing; so she has, as a! resource,
given herself up to cards and scandal.
There is no possibility ot living alone
with her; in other respects she is a good
enough woman." j -
"What ! was I right, then ?" ex
claimed the surgeon.
"Oh, a thousand times,: my dear
Lefebvre ;.but say iio more on that sub
ject. I was an unutterable fool. If I
had my leg back again, I would not
part with the tearing at" a single nail.
Between ourselves, I must have been
crazy ; but keep that to yourself."
Unylish Mayazine. j '
Condensed Lightnings
The Peace Commissioners are fur
nished with instructions from the In
terior Department to inform the Indians
that they must not leave their reserva
tion, stop depredations on Black Hills
miners or submi'to extermination.
Negotiations' for the four and a half
funded loan have been closed to em
brace all parties bidding.
Parkmau, Brooks & Co. have been
endeavoring to have the Treasury clerks
who testified against them removed.
Tho telegraph! line to the Black
Hills is almost completed.
J. II. Murphy, of Dewett, Iowa, has
been nominated for Congress.
In the 2:26 race at Ponghkeesie on
the 25th, Great: Eastern won. Lest
time 2:22.
Eight hundred i ounces ot gold dust
arrived at Dead wood, iu the Black
Hills on the 25thi
T he Democrats' of the Eighth Con
gressional District of Illinois have nom
inated George W, Parker.
A party of 15 nieu were altacted by
Indians on Sage Creek on the 20th ult
and lost several hortes.
Jas. .Murphy aged 16 was hanged at
Dayton, Ohio, on the 25lh. for the
murder of Wro. Dawson.
Gov. Walker has been nominated for
Congress from the 3d District of Vir
ginia, by the Conservatives.
Taft has sent a; copy of his circular
to district attorneys and marshals in re
gard to enforcing election laws, to the
President at Long Blanch for his ap
proval. The Irish riile team sailed for New
York on the 25h of August.
A mutineer named Bambaar was
hanged at Cork on the 25h ult.
A political conspiracy is said to have
been discovered m 'Pampeluua, Spain.
Col. Glover, Democratic nominee for
Congress from tho Twelfth District of
Missouri, has for an opponent Capt.
London, a greenback candidate.
Because Mr. Franconi has made one
or two "slips," Idahoaii? want the town
named after him re-christened.
Three laige and valuable orchards are
going to rum in Swanton on account of
their being no one to take care of them.
The assessment roll of ; Whatsum
county this year foots up 5510,000, an
increase of 40,000 over that of last
Twelve hundred cayuse ponies,bought
in the Spokane country for "a song,"
were sold at high prices iu Chicago a
fo.v weeks ago.
An Olympia squaw known as Mrs,
Jeals was murdered last week at Marsh-
yille by Indian Bob. The fellow would
be hanged only the Olympians dread
going to the expenseof'trying Indians."
The mumps are fashionable in Baker
Lewisville, Polk county, nee?s a new
hotel. ,
Scandal is the chief food in sanctimo
nious Dallas. . j .
Cinnabar paper weights are "all the
go" in Ashland.
The swamp land contests still continue
at Linkville.
The mail route between Alsea and
Dallas is semi-weekly.
Grapes are ripe in Wasco county,
likewise the whortleberry.
Most of the grain is cut with a head
er iu the Burnt river country.
Tomj Richmond j of Dallas,, is "the
big boss"" hunter ot Polk county..
Wheat is coming, into Bucua. Vista at
the rate of 14 I ads a day.
They aro raising high yo near Ash
land and a distillery close at hand.
George Chaid lost a finger in. Coos
Pay. logging camp last wesk-
Simpson Bros., of Gardiuer, paid
their men off with trade dollars last
R. N. Baker, arrested for bigamy at
Rosebnrg, has given bonds for his ap
pearance. . Forty dollars a month will be given
a to teacher for School District No. 22 in
Wasco county.
There are two stores, two saloons, a
hotel, a stable and blacksmith shop at
Malheur City, Baker county.'
A row occurred among some thresh
ers at Eola last week, which euded hi
the disorganization ot the gang.
A little girl named Chandler living
at Phoenix, Jackson county, fell from
her horse last week breaking her arm.
Minors around Clarksville, according
to the Baker City Democrat, pick up
specimens every day weighing from 5
to S3S.
A rubber stamp canvasser was arrest
ed in Lane county last week, tor driving
through a Douglas county farmer's grain
A Lane county canvasser last week
left a package of bakinir powders at ;
every house in Eugene City, and this !
week the suggestive bar ot soap j
A Kussiau I-in named Alexander,
Rasmus, filled with enthusiasm and -
. 1 ...V-l- 3 n-l ., .
of ill-fame on Saturday under the va-
e , .
grant law. Several more were on the
string, bu left on the train and hied to
foreign climes.
Messrs'. P. Cooper, L M. Gardiner
and George W. Riddle were elected
delegates from Douglas county to the
State Grange, to be held in the city ot
Albany, on the 4.h Tuesday in Septem
ber. Seattle is 9.036 in debt.
Peter Ota, of the Lacunas prairie, has
cut nearly GOO tons ot timothy hay this
Frank Parker has struck rock in the
Heath District, Idaho, which assays
172 to the ton.
Native silver in a large bod3' of ore
is being found in Custer gulch. Heath!
district, Idaho.
A correspondent says: "Unity crabs
average three pounds a piece." Go
O. L. Conger has been le-nomii ated
by the Republicans of the seventh dis
trict, Michigan.
A 19 months old son of J. W. Crow
ford, of Salem, with his parents, a pas
senger on the steamship Stevens, has an
attact ot varioloid.
It is-announced that Rmsian officers
and man are joining the Servian forces,
and that Russian money is being fur
nished iu aid ot-Servia, in. large quan
An Arkansas negro is in favor of
specie payment because "dat's de sluS"
de rats can't" chaw."
Bankers ought to prosper. They al
ways take so much interest in the busi
ness, you know.
- a ir mis ever get w .rn down !
Tf r
soori, wuip uicm with torty rods for
,.., i ., , ' t
tony roos are said to make a fur-long. !
An honest barber will houe up when
he has a dull razor.
Mother Eve was the first bell-ringer.
She used to ring the chimes for .dam.
A brother and sister in Readii g, Pa.,
'.. :
weighed together 1407 pounds.
An old tory History.
,A bad position Imposition.
A regular beat Tho heart-beat.
XAJiig arrive:
Frot. Railroad (north and south) dailv
at 11.10 p.m.. '
From Uorvallls. daily, at 10.30 A. M
From iMsban.m. tii-weekly, (Monday,
cdnesday and Fi iday) at 10. CO A. at.
For Railroad (noi th and wti), dailv
eloso prompt at H.lo.v. m.
For Corvallis, daily, nt 12.50 p. St.
For Lebanon, trt-weekly, (Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday) at p. m. -
OOlcp hours from Tii A. at. to 7)4 p. m.
Sunday, train V2 m. to 3 f m
Money order oiltaj boi-r from 9 A. M. to
M. P. V iAYMONlJ, P.M.
New .To-Day
National Republican Platform.
x W.he1' in the econ?"'y of rrovidencc,
ttiis land was to be nursed of human q)u.-.
and when the strength of government of
the people by the people and for the people
was to be demonstrated, the 'Republican
party came into nower. Its ill li!n7u
passed into history, and we look back to ;
them with prlle. Incited by their memo-
i ie io men aims tor the jrood of our num.
try and mankind, and looking to the future
with unfaltering courage, hope and purpose,
we, the representative ot the party iu Na
tional Convention assembled, make tli fol.
lowing declaration ot principles:
1- The ITntted States of America is a
Nation, not a leaguo by the combined
workings of the National and State rrovern-
nients under their respective institutions, i
fhe risrhts of everv citizen are secured at. :
home and protected abroad, and common I
.. i
weuare promoted. ....
3. The Republican party has preserved I
theao government to the iMindredtb anui-J
rci ectciciy Maooeu nos. itutier and 1 - t- i u ....
r; r?i; . n t . , iJ- L nuer the Constitution, the President
ynmcy BUnn, at Roseburg, last week, j and heads of departments are to make nom-
According to the 'Independent the i '"atious for office, the Senate is to advise
T , ,, , ' i ami lonsentto appointmeiits.and the House'
crazy man, John Krall, who was shot , of Representatives is to accuse rand prob
and killed near Roseburg, was attempt- ' ti,,e fi'i,'lle'ss 0.ffl5rs- The best interest of
. 1 i the public service demands that these tlis-v
ing to outrage a girl named Davis, tinotions be respected ; that Senators and
when he met his death. j Representative who may be judges and ac-'
. . . '' , . 0 , , ! eiwer-s sbould not. dictate appointments to
A man was arrested in a Salem house oniee. T he invariable rule in anDointnients
versary of the Nation's birth, and they art
now embodiments of the great truths spoken
at its cradle, "that all men are created
equal ; that they are endowed by their
Creator with certain unalienable rights,
among which are life, liberty and the pur
suit of happiness ; that tor the attainment
of these ends governments have been insti
tuted among men, deriving their just pow
ers from the consent of the governed."
Until these truths are cheerfully obeyed.or,
if need be, vigorously entorced, the work
ot the Republican party is unfinished, v
3. The permanent pacification ot the
Southern section of the Union, and tne free
protection of nil its citizens In the free en
joyment of all their rights and duties,-to
which the Republican party stands sacredly
pledged. The power to provide for the en
forcement of the principles embodied irr
the Tvcent Constitutional amendment I
vested by those amendments In the Congress
of th United States, and we declare it to -be
the solemn obligation of the .legislative
and' executive departments of the govern
ment, to put into immediate and vigorous
exercise all their constitutional powers for
removing any just causes for discontent On
the part of any class, and for securing to
every - American" citizen complete liberty,
and exact eqifaJity in the exercise of all'
civil, political and public rights. To this
end we imperatively demand a Congress,
and a Chief Executive, whose courage and
fidelity to these duties shall not falter until
thee results are placed, beyontl dispute or'
4. In the first act of Congress signed by
President Grant, the National Government
assumed to remove any doubts of its pur
pose to discharge all just obligations to the
public creditors, and "solemnly pledged itsf
faith td-make provisions at the earliest prac-'
livable period for the redemption of the
United States notes in coin." "-Commercial
nrosperity. public morals and national cred-
it demand that I lie promise be fulfilled by
:t continuous and steady progress to specie .
'""M have reference to thehoifesty. rldeli-
i ty and capacity of the appointees, giving1"
i to the party in power those places ber'
harmony and vigor of administration re"
quire lis policy to be represented, brit per
mitting all others to be filled by persons
seleeted with sole reference to the efficiency'
to the public service, and the right ofjill
citizens to share in the honor of rendering'
faithful service to the country
C. We i eHee in the quickened conscience"
of the people concerning political affairs..
and will hold all public officers to a rigid
responsibility, and engage that the prose-
ctnioti and punishment of all who betray,
official trusts shall be swift, thorough, anil'
uiisptiTing. -
7. The public chnol system of'thnMvpral'..
States is the bulwark of the American Ee-,
public and with a view to its security and
permanence, vve recommend an amendment
to ihe Constitution of the United States for
bidding the appropriation of any public'
funds or property for the benefit of nv'
school or institutions under sectarian con-"
The revenue necessary for current ex
penditure and the obligations of the public'
debt, must he largely derived from duties'
upon importations, which, so far as possi
ble, should be adjusted to promote the in-"
terests of American labor, and advance the'
prosperity of the whoie country.
1). We reaffirm onr opposition to further'
srants of the public ".tnds to .corporations
and monopolies, and demand that the na-
tionai domain be devoted to the free uses of"
the people.
10. If is the rmpnraftve duty of the gov
nment so to tiiotlifv exisflnff treaties with
Eurrtjieini ir'iverniiM-nts that the same pro-.
te sfiail be afforded to the adopted
A nierlvirt fr.'r.u-.s H!rt is civen to the native
born, aid i hat all nt-censnry laws sbotjld liff
passed to t.i('f-:-r imnii grants, in the all-"
senee of p-.-.vr i:i the Slates for Hint pur-'
pose. ,
11. It is r!!'' ""i tnediate ;fnty of Congress
to fully in ..'! th iU Wilis, immi-'
gratum and importation t.f Morfwolians up-'
on th mora! and material interests of the"
12. i'ho "Republican party recognizes with'
approval the substantial advances recently
made toward tho establishment of eqna'l
rights for woman by the nianv important
a mend ments effected by Republican legis
latures, in the. laws which concern the per
sonal and property relations ot wives,
mothers unit widows, and by the appoint-"
tnent and elect ion of women to the supenii
ttvidcnee of education, ot charities, andf
orhcr public trusts. The honest demands
ot this classof citizens for additional rigbfc,
privileges, and immunif ies, shouId be treat-"
ed with respectful consideration.
13. The Constitution confer ntion CVm--gress
soterck'D power over thfe TvrritorlfK
of the United States for fbeir goi-n mentv
oit oi mis power it is ngiiff
and the duty ot Congress to prohibit and
extir.ite in the Terriforius that relic ot
barbarism, polygamy ; and we demand
such legislation as shall secure this end and
the supremacy of American institutions In
all the Territories.
11. The pledges which the nation bas
given to her soldiers and sailors must be
fulfilled, and a grateful people wilt always
hold those Mho imperiled theirTlves fbr
-i;r t,.t
ineir country a preservation in the kindest
IS- AVe sincerely deprecate all sectional
feelings and tendencies. - Ve, therclore,-
noic no ueep soiicituue, tbat the Deuuv-i
cratic party counts, as its chief hope of sue-'
cess, upon the electoral vote of a united
South si-cured through the efforts of those
who were lecently aiTayed against the na
tion, and we invoke the earnest attention
of the eouutry to the grave truth that a
success thus achieved would reopen section
al strife, imperil national honor and human
16. - We charge the Democratic party
with being the same i n character and spirit
as when it sympathised with treason; with
making its control of the House of Kepre- -sentntives
the triumph and opportunity ot
the nation's recent foes; with reasserting
and applauding in the National-Capital the
sentiments pr unrepentaiit rebellion ; with
sending' Union soldiers to the rva, ami
promoting Confederate soldiers ticrtnV rfontf
with deliberately proposing to rtpiWfate
the plighted faith of the government ; ' With
being false and imbecile upon the overshad
owing financial questions ; with thwarting
the ends of justice by its partisan niismau--agement
and obstruction of investigation
with proving itself, through the period 'of
its ascendancy in the Lower House of Con--gress.
utterly ineomrtent t administer1"
ttie government, and Ave warn the country
against trusting a party thus alike unwor
thy. recreant and incapable. .
17. The National Administration merits--
commendation for its honorable wor lit'
the management of domestic and foreign
affairs, and President Grant deserves the
(Tntiiinri liwirtv frrntitiideof the Amprli aii
people for his jwitriotism and hts eminent
services in war and in peace.
For 3alo x
A Large Body of Rich Land lor '
Sale Cheap.
JOU 300 ara-fis in cultivation svery acre bub
o')tiblo of cultivation wH watered. Has a
svmil linnu. lm. and outhonsos thorrmi i i
nniier fenc, and lyin witbin 0 miles of ai ril.
nail alul . All frwvfl XT AAA Or InnI Tim
entire tmet wUl bS sold cheap, "inauiraof
s. a. Johns.
-Aus2071-48v7 Albany, Oregon.