The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 01, 1876, Image 3

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TllE Averill Paint is the Oldest ami Most Unliable Mixed l'nint.
Ve have testimonials ir ni owners t t he finest residences m tlic county, s-how in-; that it is ail
that is claimed for it by the manufacturers.
If Xoxx xx C3 - Groing; to 37.rvixi"t,
and examine samples, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. Ca?A full assort
ment of shades kept constantly on hand. 39v8
A. CAROTIIEKS & CO., First tT.
Incorporated Feb. i. 1875. Capital. M,000.
Corner First and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oi-egori.
President, S. A. UWSOX.
Superintendent, A. J. JOIIVSON
A. H. UmiKY,.
N. A.
M. MII.f.Ln,
J. . KKKO, '
. A. MLEVI.Wi,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
13LVIIV, SOX fc CO.,
; AND-
AGRICU IVriJlt A L, I3Ii I.I23Ii:?S rrs .
Oil'.M- lor JStYlo:
Tliroiliers, Heuclers, Koprs, Mower. Ytissons, 15nKe, Plows
- Harrow, &-., Ac.
f.y Will store Grain. Woo!. aud General Merchandise 12te.
HAtlMOTII WARr.llOV'K-Hiwl of lkikerantl Lyon streets, at lu-pot of O. & C. K. II. Co.
ALBANY, Oregon, July 14, ls76-tavS
Dull is no niinie for the appearance of our
city since the adjournment of Conference.
A minstrel troupe is approaching the
"Watermillions," at thre bits are gor
geous. ; .
We hear ever now and then of a case of
"fevern ager" hereabouts.
Mrs. Lou. Allison Is very ill, we are
sorry to learn.
We are again indebted to Congressman,
I,. Lane, for favors, j
Clothing, Hardware, CrocHcry,
Groceries, Farm Implements
and Machinery, &c., &e.
Also, buy and sell on commission all kinds of
Goods, Marketable Produce, &c.
Iec. 24, 1iS7j-v8iiiU
Furniture Rooms.
i 1 ' '-vVJSS S S1" 4 ,
Claib Stewart is present local on the
The teeling in favor of building the Ya
quina Railroad is daify gaining strength in
Linn county.
xt. wj. . ... - j i Jiouroe..-
to remove to tJieir new home some time
next week. : .
Jay Blain and ; party i-eturned on Mon
day, having had the best time in the
world" while at YaQuina. "
No time to write advertiseiiient
this week. Will throw it in sight
TVs leave to announce to the eitizens of this
city and surrouiHiins country, that he hasopen
id a large stock of
Jtf ' U JL-i.JSZ'JL'A BJ HE !
in the !!!dlnff latelr oecnnied hv Dr. riuin-
mer's druir store, on Kirst street, where can be
nau.on inosi reasonable terms,
Parlor Sets,
Eedrocia Sutit,
w ' I
t'eiiter Tables,
Book-rase, :
AVartl roles
nnd in fact everything else needed to
My ;roods arc well made and of the very
Sjiitcst and IXandmct Styles.
CSifFVlIVlTUltE manufaetiircd to order, at
short not ice.
fcT'Funiitnre rt'iiaired and put in grood sliajH!
on short notice.
Uive me a call.
Albany, Nov. 2fi. 1H7.5 10v? ;
Our old friend E. ; Cartwriglit. Esq., of
Salem, formerly or this city, made us a
pleasant call last. Friday.
Pobtlaxd District P. M. Starr, P. E.
Portland (Taylor-st) K J Bentley
" (Hall-st) J. Flinn
Salem ; . . F. P. Tower
Oregon Cily , - ,0. W. Day
Clear Creek To be supplied
Rock Creek C. Alderou
Howell Prairie -D. L. Spaulding
Jefferson N. Clarke
Albany J. Fi DeVore
Shedd N. Donne
D.illas J. W. Miller
Sheridan To be supplied
McMinnville . J. Hoberg
Dayton . , . . . . ; 'f ho. L. SiiiU
Forest Grove.. S. S. Vai Dersal
East Tualatin G. W. Roork
Xi'ls mook To be supplied
liHUboro.... E. A. JtKlkins
J. II. Acton, Editor P. C. Advocate.
W. C. Chnttin, Secretary Y. M. C. A.
T. II. Roork, Agent Willamette Univer
sity. m .
L. J. Powell, Principal Albany Collegi
ate Institute.
' T. F. Royal, Principal Sheridan Acade
my. !
EcgexeCity Dist L. M. Nickerson,P.E.
Eugene City.... .... ....J. S. McCain
i.:u. uriver
L. A. Bunks
11. C. Jenkins
Springfield H.j Patterson
Cresswelt C. Derrick
Empire City , To be supplied
Wilbur W. D. Nichols
Roseburg ".J. lioward
Grant's Pass .C. H. lloxie
J.'ieksonville Y:'. Horlburt
Klamath i .J. Harer
Goose Lake . -. To lie supplied
Puoet Sockd Dist A.C.Fairchilds, P.E
Work has commenced on Sam Miller's
new brick, corner of Ferry and Second
We are under special obligations to Mr.
James Finlayson for a half-bushel of splen
did, large, ripe plums.
Hon. Geo. K. Helm, who has been yi so
long, is some better, we are glad to hear,
with a hoe of recovery in time.
Rev. J. F. DeVore. the new pastor of
the M. E. Chureh in this city, is expected
to arrive here during tire coming week.
Seattle '
W" hid by Islaud
Mound Prairie
Lewis Kiver
East Portland
' (circuit)
Powell's Valley
A. Atwood
J.T. Wolfe
... ...M.Judy
, Thos. Magi II
. i.To be supplied
B. J. Sharp
...W. Butt
W. I. Cosper
(N. A. Stair
..R. S. Stubbs
. . . .To be supplied
Jas. Matthews
T. M. Reese
.....;.... I. Dillon
.'.II. Laubach
!. . . F. Elliott
The Fruit Preserving Co. of this city ha
been running to its fullest capacity the
past two or three weeks.
Mr. Gradwohl has added several new
liues to his large stock ot well selected
goods. Call and see what an excellent and
varied stock he has on hand.
San Francisco.'
his friends and the pubiic generally, that
lie is now settled lu his
on the old stand next door to I. '. Harper Co ,
where ran Ihj lound ns great an assortment and
as large a stock of
Stoves and Ranges
as can be found in any one house this side of
Portland, and at as I
3P-UL23tJL3pjE cfc Pipes,
Caxiirui, Bra & Enameled
jia great va.rtcty. Also',
Tin, ' '
Sheet Iron,
Clalranized Iron,
alwavs on band, and made to order, AT LIV
Albany, October 22, I75v8
To lati nntl Dcft
IS THE CiKAJm 01.0
LIU I ME 17 T.
wirini ham ntooo tiik test of o
There is no sore it will not heal, nolame
ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
afflict the human bodv, or the lwdy of a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not yield to its marie touch. .A bottle
costing 25c. 50c. or $1 00. has atten saved
the life of a human being, ami restored to
life and usefulness many-a valuable horse.
Rhetimatism. Bums. ScJthls. Bmise, Ctrts,
Frost-bites, Swelling. Contracted Oonia,
Pain in the Back, Lumbago, Sciatica,
Chilblains. Strains, Sprains, Sf iff Joints
Sore Xipples, Eruptions, Puliw, Wounds,
Spavin, Galls and Sore, trwinur. Ring
Bone, Windgalls, Big Head. Poll Evil.
Humors and Sores, Lameness, Swellings,
Scratches, Distemper Htittuess StraHi5,
Soreness, Open Sores 26v8
o 11 rr i rv tv i i.
187G. 187G.
Chicago & north-Western
Ik in ffflft iwr Oay M hnK. .4iuinic'woi't l I
V w S)iU nw. 5tis Vjo., Poitland. Ma,
ViK T " to G. P. BOWKIX A CO.. New York,
' for Pamphlet of Kti imtrt's, containing R,000
nwsitrH, and esLiuiales Bhowin?r coot of ad
rtisui2. 3vrty
l'ris-narers for t'liuiio. Niusam falls. IMtts-bni-.
lhi!allplna. Mon t real. inclsec. New York
Boston, or any rxuut Kjist. should bny their
Via ttie i'loueer (Ionic,
Its Track Is of STEEL HAILS, and on it has
tiecn made the FASTEST time that has ever been
M A lt in this count rv. I'.v this route ras.en-
sers for point aeast of Clileauo have choice of the
lollowinji lines trom initayo :
Mly the I'ittlirr. fortimjnc and1ilcaK
TflllOL-liH TKArXS DAILY, with Pullman
O Pitiace cars through to PhiiadeiphiaandNew
York on each tram.
-i TIfKOUC.H TRAIX.with PullTnan Palaeecars
A to Baltimore ana w asiiint;ton.
Kv tlie Ijike Miwrc MtI Miehlsnn hotitli
em Rnf I nity and ronnecUouii Sew lurk
i'enlrol anil J.i ie iLaiiroti ,
- TTinOlTfiH TRaPS DAILY, with Palace
A lrawin(f iCooiu and Silver Palace ears tlnx'
toScw lork.
v ihc Mirhlmn rrnlral, Ursnrt Trunk
irrl VV extern nnd Erie Bull New York
t'rntrnl Hallways,
O TIIROVT,H TRAINS. ith Pullmnn Palace
d Drawing Boom and Sleeping cars thronsh to
New York, to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Rochester
orXew lorkcity.
Ity linltiiuore nnd Ohio ItaUrond,
TUHfiniTI TRAINS DATLV. with Fulltnan
Zt Palace i-sn-s for Newark. Zanesville, Wheeling,
Wsishinston and Eaittmore witnout cnange.
This Is the SHORTEST, IS EST and only line
mnniuV Pullmnn celebrated PALACE tLEKP
INt. CARS AND COACH KS. conneetinc with
I'nion Pacille Railrtmd at OMAHA and from the
wksT. vlii Oram) .Innetion,. Marshall, War
Pamds, Clinton, Sterling and Kixon, lor CIU
This popular route 1 nnsunmed for Speed,
,.,-t..,.t track of stei rails, the celehrat-
iiiv,,n,, Sleeninsr cars. the. perfect
Teleernph System of moviTi trains, the rteu
.V, vhleh thev run. the admirable ar
rangement for running' through ears toChieajjo
iLl " "iU. ir, mtlwav travc inar. No
ehan yes of Cars, and no led ipns delays at Fer-
FRSsenjrcr will find Tickets via this favorite
route at i he Oeneral Ticket Ofllee of the Central
Pacific Railroad, Sacramento. . M
Vi-i-,.ta for a.ti nt all the Ticket Otrk-en of the
. . i..ift Roiltwjd. VV. It. 8TENNETT
r -,x: m nniTT. Onui. tien.Pas. As?t
if P PT A S WtMI. Oeneral Agency, 121 Mont-o-dmerv
street, San FranciscS. v7n4.y
Albany Book Store.
J School Ro.iks, Blank Books, Stationery
F. nav Articles. Ac. .
Hooks importwd to shortest pos-
eliue notion.
Gx-oceries, Provisions
Towweo, t isr, Cnllery "rI
ry, aud Wood & Willow Ware,
f'yftill titl mri hint. : Hlb
The Ei.iction For ollicers of Linn
Engine Company Xo. 2. to serve one year,
occurs next Mondr.y night. Every mem
ber should be iu attendance.
Friend Norton, local on the Demncrit,
who left this city on Monday, it is report
ed, will return no more, but will sling ink
for the StntPKuv'n.
A. IVew and fargc invoice
J 1Z W E 1 R Y ,
And will Sell at the Following I'rlecs t
Coin sHvor, 2 or.. P. f. Pnrtlett Wa'.tiiam
Watch. 1 M); each additional ounce f-2 5(1.
KirhtHluy fth Thomas Clocks from $8 00 to
$Vi 'M.
nd all other eools in proport ion.
The onlv house above Portland that keeps
Cloods .Sold, Enxrravert Free of Cbartre,
Practical watch-maker and Jeweler, late of Cal-
ilornia Watcii Co., and the only engraver in
Albany. .
A (?ood assortment of Sewing Machine Xee-
aies ana aciacumenis.
iTOlTLD AXSOt'XCE to tho public that he
1 1 is carrying on a ,
W agon and Carriage Shop,
at the old stand known as the Peters 4 Soeldel
shops, where he has on hand the duest lot of
end and side spring.
Two & Three Seated Carriages
ever manufactured in the State. If you don't
"believe it,
I use nothing bnt Eastern Timber, and
Warrant all Worlc
to give satisfaction, while my prices are most
rmMnntihlfi. - -
You do not know how your wife and family
would appreciate a riue in a weu-maae, unu
somo &nd atvlish hack. Pnrcbase one of Sam
Miller's handsome new carriages, and you will
nay res doctor's bills, and give your family re
el cat ion tor which they will repay you a thoua
nil times with their tisronv smiles. -
Call at my shops, corner of Ferry and Second
streets. A limn y, Oregon.
Apr 14, lSVtt MH MIlMIt
Albany Collegiate Institute opens wide
its doors next Monday, Rev. H.W.Sr.Vton.
President. This will be glad news to
Bop.x To the wife of Starr ilealcy.
August 27th. a Centennial rooster."
weighing "more as ten pounds." A good
II. IT. Gale. Esq.. editor of the late
Grint County iV;w.. is lying very low
at Canyon City with that fell disease, con
sumption, i
Mutation. At a social meeting of
Linn Engine Company Xo. 2, held at their
hall 1 outlay evening, a ne.v Constitution
and By-laws were adopted for the govern
ment of the Company.
Sam. Miller has moved his old blacksmith
shop far enough north of Second street, to
permit the erection of his new brick 'two-
story building, on the corner of Second
and Ferry streets.
Warm. For a few days during the
week the weather each afternoon has been
extremelv warm, while fires were ex
tremely comfortable in the tore part of the
dav. i
Appointments. Rev. I. D. Driver, the
old Methodist war horse.the ablest preacher
and most vigorous thinker on tiie Pacific
coast, was sent to Brownsville, in this
county. Our old friend, Bro. II, C. Jenk
ins, six years ago pastor of Albany charge,
goes to Monroe.
Thanks. To those of our friends who
have been and are now favoring ns in the
way of correspondence, we return hearty
thanks, and ask them to kee'p up their
licks. Again we ask friends throughout
the connty to forward us 'items" of news
as often as possible. V
The National Business College At
Portland, under the guidance of those two
eminent business men, Messrs. DeFrance
& White, has grown to bo one of the fore
most educational institutions In tho land.
We can cheerfully recommend this College
to the young men of the country who de
sire a thorough business education. See
card elsewhere.
s Mr. Editor: Please announce that the
O. & O. Railroad will pass all ministers
and delegates to and from the Annual Con
ference of the M. E. Charch Soath, which
convenes at Corvallis, September 13th, at
full fare going, and on the certificate of the
Secretary of the Conference, ' retaining,
We acknowledge the courtesy.
T. B. White,
Pastor St. Paul's M. E".; Church South
Brownsville, Aug. 23th, 1S76.
Ed. Register : Farmers in this section
of the country are now very busily en
gaged in threshing, and news is very
scarce. The town at present is very dull,
nobody being actively engaged in business
except the blacksmiths. j
It is rumored that two young gentlemen,
Kearney Cooly and Bill' Fieltls, were play
ing with a shot-gun yesterday, when it was
discharged, and the contents lodged in
Billy Fields' shoulder, and th;rt the services
ot the surgeon are in demand this morn
ing to pick out the shot. Such is life. This
moment we know what we are, but we do
not know what we may be the next.
Jasper Jack, a very estimable young
man, who for a long time had been suffer
ing from that dread disease! consumption.
passed quietly away on the ;20th inst.. and
his spirit, having passed on to that "bourne
from which no traveller e'er returns, " is
now resting in the " land of the leal "
where pain and suHeringare feltand ieared
no more, while his mortal remains peace
fully repose in the home of the dead,
awaiting the trumpet's last sound. May
his relatives, who survive, all so live that
their last end may be like his ; aud, when
the Angel of Death comes to them, may
he be welcomed as a messenger of glad tid
ings and as a spirit sent to bear them to a
'liome of rest beyond the skies."
I see that the last issue of the Democrat,
with its "mulatto figure-heads" at the top
of its columns, "goes" for "Brick" Pome-
rov. He was a srood fellow as long as he
swallowed the Democratic hog. but as soon
as it sours on his stomach he is a villain
and a scoundrel, according to Democratic
authority. Democrats believe in ' free
thought, free speech and a fiee press," just
so long as one thinks, speaks and writes
to suit their tastes ; but whenever a man,
and especially a Democrat, undertakes to
think, speak or write accordiug to his own
ideas of right and wrong, and fails to act-
in accordance with the commands of tle
Democratic nabobs and grand moguls, then
the free press must be muzzled, free speech
must be stopped, and free thought becomes
a nuisance.
There was a mat in Kentucky (a Demo
crat, of course), who wanted to erect a
sawmill In which there should be two saws,
both to commence sawing at the same time.
in the same log, but on opposite ends and
saw towards each other, lie presented his
plan to a millwright, who, after examin
ing it, asked him wliat he thought would
be the result In case the saws should meet
in the middle of the log. "Indeed,1' the
man replied, "I never .thought of that."
The millwright told him such a mill was
Impracticable, and that he considered him
a "big fool." The Democrats are very
much like the msn who wanted the tnill
with the two saws. They"' have placed
Gov. Tilden on one end of their ticket, saw
ing with hard money, and Gov. Hendricks
at the other end, sawing with soft money,
and have started them toward each other,
without stopping to inquire what Will be
the result when they meet.
At the next election the people will say
to them, as did the millwright to the man
who wanted him to build the mill, you are
"big fools, it won't work."
Yours truly, O. R. Egon.
Perhaps a few items from- this part of
the county may interest some of your
The Government snag-boat . has been at
work on the east channel, and has cleared
all the snagu out, which will be a great ad
Vantage to the grain producers in this com-
I have visited some of the hop-yards of
this and Benton coiuity. Mr. John McCoy
has ten acres In hops, which will yield fif
teen hundred pounds to the acre. This is
Mr. Mc's second year in the business. Last
year his crop didn'tamonnt to mueh.but he
don't feel discouraged. He is very busy at
present, preparing to dry his erop. lie
has built a dry-house 40x40 feet, with two
larse furnaces. He navs 30 cents a box
for picking. An average picker can pick
five boxes a day, which is very fair wages
these hard times.
Hon. I. X. Smith and Andrew Palmer,
of Benton comity, have twenty acres ni
hops, which is about as good as -Mr. Mc
Coy's, although the late raise in the river
was a great hindrance to them in culti
vating. -
Harvesting is very late this season, autl
the crops liglrt,
Hayes aud Wheeler are the only men
spoken of for President and Vice Presi
dent ; there are no Tilden men here, or
they are ahatned to own it. ' A.. Y. S."
The New Minister. The pastor of the
M. E. Church of this city during the past
year. Rev. S. S. Van Dersal, was, by the
late M. E. Annual Conference, sent to
Forest Arover while Rev. J. F. DeVore
was assigned to the Albany charge. We
part with brother Van Dersal with regret,
as he is not only an able minister of the
Go'pel, but a faithful one, and, during his
stay among us, has won the fullest esteem
of this people. We wish him. in his new
field of labor, a more profitable and pleas-
anter year than his most sanguine antici
pations may lead him to anticipate. Rev.
J. F. DeVore is a most successful minis
ter, a gentleman of high culture and most
liberal attainments, and the Methodist so
ciety of this city feel most fortunate in
having been so greatly tavored in his ap
pointment. We welcome brother DeVore
aud family to his new home among us.
Printing by hand. i
Printing by steam, 4
Printing from type, -
Or from blocks by tlie ream.
Printing in black, I
Printing in white, ' , 1 '
Printing in colon, r ' '
Ot sombre or bright.
Printing tor merchants.
And land agents, too ;
- Printing tor any,
Who have printing to do.
Printing for bankers, - t ..
Clerks, auctioneers,
Printing for druggists,
For dealers in wares.
Printing for drapers.
For grocers, for all
w no want printing done.
And will eome and see "Coll.
Printing of pamphlets,
or bigger books, too ;
In tact, there are few thing
But what we can do.
Printing of placards,
Jfruuing ot Dins,
Printing of carte-notes
For stores or for mills
Printing of labels',
AH colors or use, sirs.
Especially fit for
Webfoot producers.
Printing of forms '
Ail sorts you can get .,
Lega I, commercial,
Or "House to be let. "
Printing done qnickly.
Bold, sty iisn or neat,
At the Register Printtng-ornee,
Corner, of First and Ferry Street.
Remaining in the Post Office. Albany.
Linn county, Oregon, August 31i-t, 1876.
Persons cafling for these letters must give
the date on which they were advertised.
Andrews. F Cnster, R
Alberts. II II Eddieman.Mars'tIr2
Bagwell. Henry Howell. D O
Bridgfarmer. A L Jamison, J C
Chapman, J ( SiletzSalnave. A M
Indian.) Starr, Miss Matilda
Cramer. Frank Wolcott, Wm
Curl, Miss Clara
At Home. Dr. G. W. Gray lias re
turned from his Centennial trip, and can
now be found at his office, in the Parrtsh
brick, tip stairs, by all who desire dental
work of any kind. j 467.
Two hack loads of pleasnrlsts started on
Tuesday for Fish Lake. One crowd took
a 44-gallon barrel along to bring trout
home in. "Messrs. Ankennv and Hale
Backeusto, of Salem, and one or more gen
tlemen from Corvallis. were in the parties.
Our good-looking friend, Strauder Price,
made one of the number, and agreed to
furnish us ten or a dozen venisen hams
upon his return, so that we shall be well
supplied with del icons dried deer for the
winter. This need not deter any ot our
friends from sending in venison, as we can
easily get away with several dozen hams
during the expected " long spell " of
One pound ot green copperas, costing
but a few cents, dissolved in one quart of
water, poured down a water-closet, will
effectually concentrate and destroy the
foulest sinel Is. It any animal, cat, mouse,
rat, etc., die about Jthe house, sending forth
an offensive smell, place some dissolved
copperas in an open vessel near the place,
and it will purify the- atmosphere. It is a
simple, cheap disinfectant.
Changed Albany is now the terminal
point for ihe West-side mail going south.
Until to-day the mail from St. Joseph was
despatched to Corvallis, laid overoue night,
and was then forwarded to this city.
Work on Charley Simpson's new wharf
is progressing.
Gold in New Yoik, llOallOttf.
Legal tenders, S0o91c.
Wheat, 60c bushel.
Oats, 45c V busheU
Butter, 2530c pound.
Eggs, 25c dozen, i ,
Chickens, $2 50cr$3 00 ? dozen.
Beef on foot, 3c; pork, do., 6c net.
Business light money scarce.
The position of the Democracy on
the currency question reminds us of llie
Democratic campaign banner in Penn
sylvania, drrring-tbe Polk and Dallas7 "
canvass ot 1844, which was inscribed i
"Free Trade and a Protective Tariff-'
MUSICAL. Frof. a. f. Newell Is now
located in this city, occupying tho resi
dence on the corner of Third and Jackson
streets, where he will be ready to receive
pupils who desire thorough and competent
musical instruction. Prof. -Newell is one
of the most accomplished musicians oil the
coast, and will give thorough satisfaction
to all who may desire his services. See ad
elsewhere. '
, . ;. ,v
August 2Sth, 1878. at the residence of
B. F. Moore, in Halsey, by J. A. Pearl, J,
P., Mr. 15. VY. Jenkins ami Miss fj. A.
Beem both of I-ane county, Oregon.
Personal. Dr. Charles Plummer.
nephew of Dr. O, P. S. Plummer of this
city, arrived in this city from Rock Island.
Illinois, on Wednesday. The Doctor will
go into the drug business with his uncle.
We welcome htm to a home among us.
Workmen are busy painting and kalso-
mining the college building, isew out
houses are to be erected, and a fence Is to
be placed around the tour blocks compris
ing the college grounds.
Street preaching last Sunday afternoon in
front ot the St. Charles hotel, led by Revs.
W. C. C-hattin and R. S. Stubbs, was large
ly attended and proved very interesting.
McFarland has received a new invoice of
Richmond ranges, the best range in the
John Briggs has a large stock of fruit
cans and a full assortment of general tin
ware. . -
BiMy : Westlake and wife started for their
home In Modoc county, California, yester
day morning.
Tyler & Tate have a most excel lent stock
ot groceries, provisions, etc.
Fire election Monday night.
--'. IE.
On Willow Creek, Wasco county, Ore
gon, August 4tn, isti, of inflammatory
rheumatism, Annie, daugnter or Mr. It.
A. Cleek, formerly of Benton county, aged
three years-
She was a very Intelligent and peaceful
child while living, and exceedingly beau
tiful In death. Funeral services by Rev.
H. B. Lane.
Alsea. Mr. Litchfield, agent at Alsea,
recently received a communication from
the Secretary ot the Interior, rescinding all
former orders relative to the Alsea agency.
and ordering him to remain in full charge
until he received furtlier orders from the
Indian Department. This contradicts all
statements heretofore made that the Alsea
Reservation was to be immediately thrown
open for settlement.
The guests of tho St. Charles Hotel are
unanimous In their praises of the manner
in which the hotel is "run" its cleanli
ness, the excellent food placed upon its
tables,and the general air of "home" which
prevails about the establishment. Messrs.
Matthews & Morrison, proprietors, - are
genuine bricks, and we don't care who
knows it.
How to vanquish the Stotnacb's Tor
It the Hnemy of mankind was permitted
to exert his diabolical ingenuity In the In
vention of a new disease, he could scarcely
devise one more worthy of his genius than
dyspepsia. The dyspeptic sufferer is tor-
menieu ny symptoms resembling those of
almost every known malady, and Is often
worried into monomania by these conflict
ing nianifestttlons. A favorite though ab
surd hallucination of the victim of chronic
indigestion is that he or she has heart dis
ease. Dyspepsia has often been orononneed
incurable, but experience ha shown that
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will vanquish
it. together wttu tiie constipation, and bil
ious derangement which usually accom
pany it. Disease nt trie kidneys and sup
posed rheumatic pains are also frequent oon-
The first Democratic victorj tlU
campaign, was at Hamburg, The nest
will be from Kentucky.
News Gleanings.
Occident is reported to bave recently
trotted a bait mile in 1:03
The body of an ; unknown man was
found floating near the "lip at Oakland
wharf on thp 28th,
M. Kafter was drowned in Kasian
river by the upsetting of a rail boat on
the 28th of August.
F. Girard beat a Chinaman at Biggs'
station almost to death on tbe 28th,
The beating was unprovoked.
One hundred and twenty-five Chinese
immigrants arrived in San Francisioo on
the Gallic last Monday.
Jas. Ellery, of Trinity Center, was
found dead near Shasta, having been
thrown from his wagon, breaking his
Thirty thousand dollars In currency
was redeemed in silver at tbe United
States sub-treasury at San Francisco on
the 28th ult,
The Plaindealer calls the Sawtelle
troupe a one-horse show.
In a few weeks the Roeeburg trail
dryer will bein full blast.
A weekly mail is now .carried from
Canyon ville to Elk creekt . i.
1 be Indian shot by Quinn near Fort
Klamath died last week.
Volnuteers for Crook's army could
be easily raised in Baker City,
Trespassing horses get their flanks
cut in the vicinity ot Koseburg.
Megler & Co., of Astoria, packed 28,-
000 cases of salmon this season. '
Two soldiers and a burgle - deserted
from Fort Klamath on tbe 10th.
Panther are killing sheep io tbe vi
cinity of Day's creek, Douglas connty.
Lnther Winney, the Eugene City
Mnall-pox patient, is getting rapidly
well. ' '
R. Tbrop, of Roeeburg, accused of
horse stealing, was acquitted last week.
Some Dallas boys have costructed s
header with wbich they reap tbe streets
Recklesn shots .by half drunken hood,
lums are ot daily occurrence in Rcw
burg. '."-.:"
I Tbe antediluvian bones trom Steven
connty, W. T., are on exhibition a The
. Simeon Lane, brother ot Gen. Lane
has started for hi home in the East.
L. S. Dyar, Indian Agent at Fort
comitanta of dyspepsia, but they, too, sue- Tnamath denies tlie existence of small,
cucnb to the above named mvaliiable cor- lv,am, e
sept. pox were.
recti re.