The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, September 01, 1876, Image 2

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Xfc. 13. HAYES.
Fon Congress,
' of Maltnomah county.
' - i
For Presidential Electors,
W.. H. ODELL, of Lane county.
J. W. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
J. C. CARTWmCilTT, of Wasco connly.
Newport, Vermont, on the Fonrtb
ot July, Lal music by a drum corps,
each member of wliich was over ninety
years of age. . '
1 i m m i i ii i i "
Both sons of Stephen A. Donglas are
working zealcnsly for Hayes and Wheel
er, in epite of Democratic claims that
one ot them had eoma ottt for Tilden.
Hayes and Wheeler did not find it
necessary to confer for a week on how
they might word their letters so as to
delude the people as to their real pur
poses It is a pretty good suggestion that if
tolunteers be accepted, for the Indian
war, none, but hoodlums be enlisted.
Then, no matter which way the fight
ing went, the people would have cause
to rejoice.
Hayes and Wheeier represent credit,
confidence and stability ; Tilden and
Hendricks represent change, experiment
and revolution. The peopie must de
cide between the two.
".Woman," said a fat man on the
cracker barrel, reflectively, "woman is ,
like a boil. When another rman has
he', we laughat him ; when we have
her ourself we cherish and protect her.
In Paris there is an attempt to revive
the old Greek costume for ladies a
picturesque garment, without very much
of a waist, bare armed, and looking
like an oat-bag falling loose from the
breast to the instep.
Speaking- ot Hayes, the Independ
ent papers think the "man who has laid
out Thurman and Pendleton and old
William Allen, the Democratic Goliath
of theAyestki ji sort ot thrashing ma
chine that small boys bad better keep
away from."
Senator Jones has signi tied his inten
tion of introducing a bill making it un
lawful to kill -'niggers" in the South
at certain times of the year. As recent
occurrences seem to demonstrate that
the laws do not recognize "niggers" as
human beings, it would seem profier
that some measure for their protection
nbould be passed.
The Richmond Dispatch says: "We
cannot too highly commend Governor
Hayes1 letter accepting the Republican
nomination for the Presidency. It is the
first letter written since the war by any
Republican running for high office in
which a proper spirit was manifested
when speaking of the South."
Democratic papers assever that "As
President,' Mr. Tilden would sweep
away corrupt men and abuses." This
would seem to indicate an intention on
the part of Mr. Tilden to commit sui
cide, as be himself stands the confessed
chief of corrupt jonista ! Tilden will
never be driven to this extremity, as
Mr. Hayes "will be the choice ot the
The Democracy just now complain,
for the first time in their history, of be
ing "stuck" after the eighth command
ment, Thou shaTt not steal." "If the
Democratic party is really in earnest
about learning the comroandmeuts, we
recommend that pcrtion of it at Ham
burg and Augusta to study well the
one thai says : Thou shalt not kill."
"And again," reports a committee of
the Texa Legislature, to whom a reso
lution taxing- dogs males $1 a year
and' females $5 had been referred; "we
tnmK.tbe bill itself makes an invidious
distinction between the sexes. We are,
humanly speaking, fully prepared to
admit the superiority of, the gentler sex,
bat we are not sure that the difference
is five hundred percent."
Over six-hundred millions of dollars
of the national debts paid off under Re:
publican rale may be a small item in
the line of economical administration,
but iv ir more satisfactory than sixty
millions added to the 'debt of .the city
of New Nork during the same period
under Democratic rule. Facts like the
.bo6 LiK-d the etuiSnj; ouiot endlesa
c:.' i f.i ?ei:;ucrat!c. sophistry and
i!at;2:-iiLaii." , . ' ' : .'; v. '-' ;.:
According to the report of Chase and
Forney, of tlie Government survey, the
entrance to Yaquina Bay is far superior
to that of either Boston, Massachusetts,
or Charleston, South Carolina, harbors.
It is well known to all on? readers that
Boston is one of the chief shipping
points in the United States, and that
thousands of vessels enter and leave
that point every year ; yet these Gov
eminent officers, gentlemen perfectly fa
miliar with the facts, years ago asserted
that the entrance to Yaquina Bay was
better than the entrance to Boston har
bor. They further asserted that there
were very few entrances to harbors on
this continent that weve better or safer.
A few days since two vessels met and
crossed the bar at Yaquina, one going
out and the other coming in, both load
ed, without any trouble or mishap
whatever. There is no danger or trou
ble in getting in and ont of thebarbor.
comparatively speaking. The harbor is
one of the very best, where the tonnage
ot the world could lay in perfect se
curity. The Government steamer, Shu
brick, rims in ami out ot the harbor at
pleasure. We repeat what we have said
before, if we had a railroad from this
city to the Iay, our wheat to-day would
command. $1 per' bushel. Placing the
yield of wheat in I.nin county lor the
present season at 800,000 bushels (about
halt the crop of last year), which is cer
tainly a low estimate, should wheat
reach no higher price than at present
(60c per bushel), our producers, by not
having a rai'road to Yaquina, lose
$3-20,000, on wheat alone. Were this
thoroughfare open, every bushel of
wheat could beso'd as fast as harvested,
and there would be no hard times in the
Central Willamette Yal'.ey. At sixty
cents per bushel our farmers will not
sell, and the money prospect for this
fall and winter is gloomy indeed ; with
wheat at one dollar per bnshel, a good
living price, every bushel of grain would
be sold as soon as harvested, the country
would be flooded with money, and bus
iness generally would flourish, and ours
would be a happy people.
We have not heard the financial reso
lution m the Democratic platform more
intelligently and satisfactorily expound
ed than by the Burlington, (Iowa)
Ilnickeye, which explains it thusly :
"The financial plank in the Democratic
platform, although somewhat obscure
by Teason of its peculiar and super
abundant verbiage, is plain enough
when simplitWl. Stripped of its super
fluous words, and reduced to the plain
est Knglish in which it is possible to
clothe that remarkable paragraph, it
will read as follows : Resolved, That
the legality of the legal tender is ten
derly legal, and legally tender, and the
tenderly tendering of the legal illegality
by the Republican party we hereby de
nounce. We, declare it as the sense of
this Convention that the resumption of
the resnmptable by the rcsumptionists,
otherwise than the legal tender of the
resumable resumpted, is not the resumpt
ing, but on the contrary ; therefore, He
solved, That we denounce the Repub
lican party."
A fire broke out ; on Monday night
last in San Francisco in the Pacific box
factory on Branuan street. Ten build
ings, from the German Hospital to
Third street, were burned down, and
from Branuan to Townseud about forty
buildings were destroyed. On Crook
street fully twenty residences met with
a similar fate, and on Third street 12
dwelling-houses are included in the loss.
About 200 families art left destitute by
the conflagration. Two boys were
killed by the tailing of a chimney, aud
a fireman is reported as having broken
his neck The loss is estimated at $500.
000. . . ' " :
Ever since the Democracy lost con
trol of the Government they have been
resolving that partizan considerations
should never weigh in the distribution
of Federal patronage. It was notice
able, however, that the moment they
gained control of the Lower House ot
Congress, last December, they discharg
ed every Republican employee, many
of whom were crippled Federal soldiers,
and that they filled their places " with
Democrats, and often with ex-Confed
erates. :This is a fair sample of the
civil seryice reform they would iuaugur
ate were they to once regain entire con
trol of governmental affairs. '
Our cotemporary claims that the Re
publican dog has a stamp-tail, and that
tho tail wags the dog. As the Demo
cratic dog is all tail it has nothing else
to wag, and keeps up a kind ot desul
tory wriggle ; but each end wriggling
in a different direction, it makes no pro-
cress whatever '
Condensed Lightning.
Last week the cash receipts of the
Centennial exhibition was $108,000.
Ou the 26th ult. a fire destroyed
$100,000 worth ot property inSavanuah.
The Delaware and Hudson Canal Co.
have reduced the prices of coal.
The hostile Indians are hastening to
the Agencies. Terry will try to inter
cept them.
Five thousand people arc attending
the Meadsville, W. Ya., campmeeting
The grain trade has experienced a
favorable turn in Chicago.
The escaped Fenians were enthusias
tically received at New Bedford on the
2Gh ult.
Two brothers, named Denham, were
shot dead at Denver, for resisting a
constable, tecently.
One hundred recruits for the Indian
countrv left, New York on the 27th for
Six men were arrested in Newton
county, Arkansas, Aug. 26th, for illicit
B. Dulich, the heaviest boot and shoe
manufacturer in Buffalo, has failed for
Mr. Issiuden and Mrs. Wright, of
Louisburg, Kansas, were thrown from a
b"ggy, Aug. 27th, and killed.
Geo. Adams has confessed to wreck
ing the train on the Lake Shore & M.
S. R. R Aug. 20th, near Fairport,
N. Y.
J. P. Smith, the California rider, tail"
ed in Omaha on the 2Gih ult. in his at
tempt to ride 50 miles in 2 hours,
using 10 horses.
A negro named Robert. Williams,
for outraging Mrs. Anna Bridges, of
Augusta, Georgia, was taken from pris
on on the 20th ult., and shot.
One man was kil'ed aud several
wounded on the 26th ult., by the ex
plosion of a keg of powder, while firing
salutes at St. Louis, at a political meet
ing. The Typographical Union have fixed
the price of composition at 40 cents a
thousand for raoruiny; papers and the
same for evening papers. Those work-in-
by the week will get SIS to f 20.
Kuropean bankers have telegraphed
that they want all of the new 4 J er
cent, loan of money.
Secretary Cameron will leave early in
September in company with Gen. Sher
man, on a tour of inspection among the
Western Forts.
The 10th annual reunion ot the Army
of the Tennessee, will meet at Washing
ton on the 18th and 19th of October.
Senator L-gan will be orator.
It is generally considered that the
Turco-Servian war is at an end.
Wounded Serv:aii5i refuse to be treat
ed by English physicians.
Greeks in several parts of Greece
have revolted against the Turks.
Two Spanish Sergeants were shot at
Pampeluna, for high treason, on the
26th ult.
Itsdians are plentiful in Glencoe.
Wood sells for $4 a cord in Rosebnrjj-.
Ilillsboro uses 600 cords of wood a
Typhoid fever has found its way to
Forest Grove boys fish for trout with
a seine.
Base ball and croquet are the excite
ments at Newport.
The Salem Statesman will be reduced
to its former size.
John Hamilton is the deputy sheriff
ot Benton county.
Grasshoppers have destroyed the crops
on Goose Lake.
Oregon City is to have a lodge of
the Knights of Pythias.
Butter is scarce in McMinnville and
dog fights plentiful.
The Messrs. Hurst have purchased
the Champoeg flouring mills.
The bridge acres the Yamhill at
McMinnville is almost impassable.
J. L. Hallet, ot Dilley, has threshed
4,000 bushels of wheat this year.
Geo. Nay lor;, of Dilley, reaped 24
acres ot wheat in two days recently.
Rape and Alfalfa are growing luxuri
antlyVn Judge Smith's place on the
North" Umpqua..
Dr. Grubb,;of Corvallis, saved his
little daughter from drowning last week.
A school and chtirch will soon be in
operation in Glencoe, Washington coun
ty. V:
John Ortli, of Jackson county, has
lost several 6heep by depredations of
The Bonanza will hereafter make'
three trips a week betweeu Salem and
A dam is being built across Mary's
river to supply water for the Corvallis
grist mill. 'w ;
President Marsh and wife, of Forest
Grove, were dropped down from a-car
riage last week and were considerably
... I bruised.
In some part) of Benton county the
wheat crop is hardly a two-thirds crop.
At the last term ot the Washington
county court, it was ordered that hence
forth every road located shall be num
bered. Cash patents have been received at
the Roseburg land office for J. J.
Moore, of Josephine; W. By bee (2), and
for P. Powell, ot Jackson county.
An elopement of a young couple
scandalized Kerbyviile last week. On
their return the "old man" didn't kill
the " fatted calf" worth a postage
stamp. .
The new mining diteh iu Jackson
county tor the English Co. will be 2g
miles in length and will carry 2,400
inches of water.
I Independence is organizing a fire
company. -
All kinds ot fruit is plentiful at The
Work is being crowded on the new
boat at Celilo: -
The Coos Bay wagon road is in ex
cellent condition, j -
There are many cattle buyers in
Lake county.
The grape crop in Douglas county
will be very large.
Wild pigeons are -becoming plentiful
in Clatsop county. 1
Fort Klamath is supplied with fruit
from Rogue river.
Public school at The Dalles com
mences on the 4th pros.
The bridge at Eugene City is finished
all but the covering.
Rattlesnakes are "a thick as bees"
on the South Umpqua.'
Mr. Leonard Lowe's house near Ba
ker City was entirely consumed by fire
last week.
J. Suitor, of South Umpqua, beyond
Canyonville, was killed last week by a
falling tree.
Tho Hera, which left Astoria on tl e
20th, carried a cargo worth 87 ,800
for San Francisco.
Mr. Ilayter, of Polk county, raises
potatoes averaging a pound and a quar
ter in weight apiece.
The IJoKcbnrg small-pox jjatient
Dunn, died last week, and the man
Johi.son is rapidly convalescing.
A gentleman from Ottuimva, Iowa,
has. sent all the way to Independence
for two Oregon.made saddles.
L. J. MeCuIlough, of Ten Mile Fr.rm,
Douglas county, broke his leg last week
by falling from a header.
There are about 700 tons of quartz at
tho Lucky Queen dump waiting to be
Capt. Richmond and his bold band of
ramnds, are clearing Polk county ota'l
kinds of game.
The Roseburg flouring mill startfd
TTp last week, aud immediately the price
ot flour fell 75c a barrel.
Two burglaries were committed at
Astoria last week. Provisions were
about all that was taken in each in
stance. Mr. J. J. Campbell's oat crop ot Ba
ker county will average SO bushels to
the acre. How's that for high ?
Ninety dollars were poni.ded out ot
Johnney Halpine mine rock in a mortar
in thieo weeks. The mine is on Burnt
II. McCormack, of Lake county, will
deliver the valedictory at the University
of California for the medical department.
Bettengh.'s tin shop, at The Dalles,
caught fire last week and was- quickly
extinguished by the efficient fire depart
ment. Mr. Hedges, ot Independence, set
some dogs on a valuable hog of his,
when his boarship in deep chagrin lay
down and died.
Join Brown, ot Dallas, by the over
turning of a wagon down an embank
ment, ivas thrown into a tree a "sour
apple tree" probably but escaped un
hurt. '
E. A. Cronin and Dr. J. Watt, De
mocratic and Republican nominees tor
Presidential electors will address the
citizens ot Astoria on the 6th of Sep
tember. A man named McDonald married a
widow at the Virtue mine, Baker coun
ty, then stole the wedding ring and a
ring from Andy Sicord, and "vamoosed
the ranch."
The Lafayette Courier says Chas. H.
Burch has over 10,000 bushels ot wheat
and 1,000 busels of oats from this year's
hearvest. The wheat went about 30
bushels to the acre. 13eat this it yon
can. ... '. '
The following wo take frcm The
Dalles Tribune: "County Clerk, J.
H. Sharon, has recently published his
annual exhibit of the finances of the
county, from which it appears that the
total assessment for 1876, as reduced by
the board ot Equalization, was $748,
508. The total levy was $24,824 06,
of which the county received $13,279 11;
the State, $6,165 30 ; tho School Fund,
$2,845 52, the balance going to various
special uses. The ' expenditures trom
July 3d, 1875, to July 3d, 1876, were
$11, 468 50. The county debt was
reduced $1,258 81. The county debt
now amounts to $2,971 05. The Sheriff
was allowed $2,667 50 for Ferviees from
the county funds. ,
Kcw To-Iay.
THE FALL. TERM of tlii institution will
begin on MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 4, 1S76,
with the follow iiig
Faculty of Instruction :
Rev. H. W..STEATTOS, A. M., President,
and Professor of Mental and Moral Science
Rev. L.. 3 roWKLL, A. M., Professor ol Math
ematics and Natural Sciences.
H. H. HEWITT, A. M., Professor of Ancient
Mi-w MA IMA IRVTXE, Teacher of Primary
Miss ELVA BBEYMAS, Teacher of Instru
mental Miwic.
1. B. K1CE,- M. D., Lecturer on Physiology
and Hygiene.
CaleiMlnr s
First Term begins September 4. 1875. ? .
Second Term begins November 13. 1S76.
Third Term begins January 29, 1S77-
Fourth Term beKins April a, 1877.
Vacation of one week durinii the holiilavs.
Closing exercises o the school year, June 13,
Rates or Tuition :
Primary Pwabtjifxt, per term...'. $." 00
CommjN ENCiLisH Bkaxciiks. per term. . 8 00
IIIuuku Kkanciiks, including Preparato
ry Latin and tireek 11 00
Ccu.koi.vte, including Bi-her Latin and
tJi-eek. Advanced Mutbematics, and
Mental anil Moral Sciences, per term.. 13 00
French and Ueriiiun, each, extra 3 00
Instrumental Music 11 Oil
I sa ot Piano 3 00
Incidentals 50
Tuition in all cases required in advance.
Punctual attendance, neatness, promptness,
and gentlemanly and ladylike deportment will
be expected from ail who luav Ixt-ome memlers
of tne school. L. J. POWELL.
Business CJolleg-e,
guaranty of success lor persona in all pur
suits of life. The
i.i.F4;r jorKJiAi."
sent free to any address.
Dl K,i( C A WHITE.
49v8m3 Lock box 104.
Keeps all kinds of
The I'ineNt &. liirest Liquors
Always on hand, to be sold for medicinal uses.
X of informing the public that their
situated within three inile of Lelmnon, near
the Santiam river on Hamilton Creek, is now
running, and is enttimr daily from eight to ten
thousand feet ' excellent
which we otTer for sale as
All bills for lumber promptly li!i, in the
shortest possible t hue. ami delivered, If desired,
on reasonable terms.
Address orders to
aufrivisvs LelHinon, Oregon.
IXom.Q MaunfeatyrOe
i'uiiins :uvnow imuui;icuir-fl in AHmny.
Having iut-'l it ytur oxpt'i'U'LX-o in xhv business
ff iniLnulw-turin-: WotMen Pniims, i have no
liusitatu'y iivsnyiiiK Unit I can suit everybody
that apply.
SntislitMrliozt urantNl. Evvry Pnmp
Tlie wtwU'n nunin will Throw move w.itor
with less labor, and is liable to isv.t ont ol
repair, and is less expensive, ihn any other
Pinu now in n-e. They :ir now xoPl cheHjw r
than ever before in t ho "inar!-ce.t. They can 1 e
had in my t'ai-lory in Charley Mnmson's wniv
house, A tbnny. or or Urs be ieJfc wi h I. I'.
Il!trTTiv('o,':mii th.y wiil be froinr:ly lilloi.
Columbus To Witt) i- am horized by uhtT to seil
my pumps, Hiid jjut Ti;m in ivelN.
t ;kv: ; k mollen kopf.
Albany, Aug. 1 187tM vtm3
Proince k CQinmissloa Merdiant,
VTarehouse at foot of Ellsworth street,
100,000 Buliol? or Gvain.
SACKS furnished fre tothose who store with
me, and for sale to others at the lowest market
fe4TWill alwavs pay !ho hisrhest market, price
forirain. " C. 1. SIMl'SON.
Albany, July 2S, Is75-!n4 1
Prof. Ci. X. TS'e-well,
Organ, PkaaFarte
Harmony. Tlioroiiiyass and Singing.
Special attentinn given io
HAV1X; concluded to make AI.BAXY my
permanent residence, all wtio desire a
thorouKh know -lcdgo of 3lsic can now have
an opportunity.
Messrs. Jno. Bri?s?s. J. 15. Wyatt, Dr. Griffin,
Dr. Whitney, and many othei-s.
I-eave yoiir addrj-ss Ht Mr. J'oshay'smusieaml
book store, or at Mr. Burr's music store, and I
will call at your residence.
PROF. fl. r. SEWELL.
Albnny, Aiifnist 4, HS7ti-4r
(ilMHOXS. '
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the county of Linn.
Thomas E. CJrimes. Plaintiff, vs. Indiana Hilts
Leonard, wife, and William J.eoi aid, husband,
Defendants. i
Suit in equitv to remove elond from title. '
To Indiana Ililts Leonard and William Leon
ard, theaboe named defendants In thename
of the State of Oregon: Vou and each of vou
arc hereby required to appear and answer "the
eonip:aint ol t he above named plaintiff in the
above entitled court, now on tile with the Clerk
of said court, within ten-days from the dale of
this service upon yon, if served in Liiiu count v;
but if served in any other county in ho State
of Oregon, then within twenty days from the
dateof the service of this summons upon you ;
or if served by publication of thin summons,
then you are required to answer the said com
plaint by the first day of the next rearular term
of said court,- to be holden in Linn county, Ore
gon, to-wit,
Monday, October 33d, 1876,
and you are hereby notified that If yon fail to
appear and answer said complaint as hereby
required, the plaintiff will apply to the court
for the relief demanded .in his compliiint,
which is that, you ot,-i a mortgage given
by plaintiff on h'.0 acres of land of which
ho is seised tn fee simple in Linn countv.
in March, 1871, to Indiana Hilts (now Leonard),
toseeure the payment by plaintiffto defendant
(Indiana Ililts. now Leonard), of the Hum of
$1,600.00 in L". S. gold coin, with ten per cent,
interest, which sum has been paid in full, and
which mortyrajire, uncanceled, is. a cloud upon
plaintiff's title aforesaid, and for one hundred
dollars dair.asjes ; a'so, foir costs and diburs
ments of this suit to be taxed.
Attorneys for pi If.
Published by order of the Honorable U.K.
Bonham, Juduc of said court, which order is
dated August 5th, 1876. uugllnlv8
Pictures antl Picture Frames.
Would announce to the citizens of Albany and
vicinitv.t hat he is prepared to turn Kb allVinds
of PICTUKK FRAS'2S to short notice
Pictures framed, and old fi-aines rnre-lred
athisotneo on First, street, one door "rst, of
BroadalhiiL, and leave your rtir ut-"'
. - ; I .
dj- at home. Aarent wanted. Out tit
& 14. & terms free. TRUK & CO., Augusta,Me.
Keatly executed, '
Call (h? Register Office
Attention, Fruit CSrowem! .
Co. beg to announce that they wUl put the
Factory iu operation as soon as Fruit and Veg
etables are ready for use, and wiU pay cash for
the same when delivered.
Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose
of bringing Jheir frnit to the factory.
Fruit should be picked from- the trees and not
Parties having plums shoulabe particular to
gather them before they become too ripe.
A. 2f, Absold, President.
Albany, July 28, 1876-8n4
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Linn. ' " " "
Emeline Ioncaster, Plaintiff, vs. Hiram Don
easier. Defendant.
To Hiram Doncaster, tho above namad de
fendant :
In the name of the State of Oregon : Ton are
hereby requirsd to appearand answer the com
plaint of the alKve plaintiff in the above enti
tled court, how on tile with the Clerk of said
court, within ten days freni the date of service
of this summons npon von if served in Linn
county, oi cgon ; but it' served in any other
county in -the State of Oregon, then within
twenty uays irom tne oate oi tneservtceot tins
Miiumons upon you ; or if served bv publica
tion, then on or before the flint day of the next
term of said court, lo-wit, Monlav,Octobrfr23ii,
187(1; and you are hereby notified that it you
fail to appear and answer said complaint, aa
hereby required, the plaintiff will applv to the
court 'or the relief prayed for in the coin plaint,
to-wit, dissolution of thebondsof matrimony
exist ing between you and plaintiff, and care anil
custody of the minor child named therein.
At tome v for pi IT. '
Published by order of Hon. I!. F. Uonham,
Jmlgo f said court, made this Sth dav of Au
gust, 1S.6. auglln4tiv8
EsrriToirs sale or icfai. estatk.
"OriCE is hereby given that bv virtue of
Xl an order of the Conntv Court within and
for the county of Linn. State of Oregon, duly
made and entered of record in said Court on
the Sth day of August, 1S7, in the -matter of
the estnte -of 'William B. f iilson, decensed, I,
William Clviner, remain nig executor of lliejast
will and testament of the said William B. liil
sou, deceased, will, on
turdnyv KciitcmbvrSJd, lHTS,
At the Court House door, in thecitv of Albany,
in said Linn comity, lietween the hours ot'll
o'clock in the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the
afternoon, to-wit, at the hour nf 1 o'clock in the
afternoon of said (lay. offer for sale at public
aiH-iioii-me lojiowmg oese.riie'.i real estate
float ion No. 8.804 and claim No-. 5t, in Township
i-j souiu oi isHnge i wesr. anu eiatm Ao. 70, in
Townsip No. Vi south of Hanire 2 west of the
Willamette Meridian and lying in the county
of Linn, state of Oregon, and bounded ns fol
lows: Beginning at a point on t he east lineof
said claim tlfty-lhree chains and thirtv-three
links south of the north-east corner of said
claim and running thence west twenty chains,
thence south thirty-eight chains mid cightv
tive links, thence east twenty chains, thence
north 1 hirty-eight chains and eightv-tlve links
to the place of beginning, and "containing
7 M-loo acres less ' 4V1K).I acres in town lots
heretofore sold leaving G9 20-100 acres more or
Terms : Snid real esiatc will be sold for gold
coin of the United States, one-half to be paid
down on thednv of sale nod the remainder in
sis months, with inteii st thereon at the rate
or hi per rent, per annum, pavment to be se
cured by mortgage on the premises .
Remaining Executor of last will and
testament of V. B. (iilson, deceased.
E. N. lAam , AU'y for E.i'r. augllirfcivS.
J-poc-ial Xotiee.
The above proerr cntirelv wrronndu the
noted Ml M'HIMI at. d:ivtl!e. celebrat
ed tor the ertrat ive projierties of its waters.
! Tn the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
j the countv of Linn.
. Allied Wotverton, riaintiff, vs. R. 5. Wolver-
ton, defendant.
To R. J. Woiverion, the above named dfend
j ant :
i In the name of the Suite of Orecron : Vmi urn
hereby -required to apiH-in- and answerthe ts,m
plamt ot theabove planii irt'in t heal Hive entitled
court, now on tile . it It the Clerk of suid court,
within ten days from the date of the service of
this summons nixm you if served in Linn couu-
in the Stale ot Oregon, then within i v.enty days I
"irKim. I'm ii crvci in :inv oi ncr countv
from the date of the set-vie of thi ,. ,. ;,
u1vmyou;and if served iv pnblica i Vi Ten
on or before the first v of the nevt tern. ..f
mid "c.,ri ! loTwlV. ili dav. Vidc.hir'VLL'Vaf
and you are hereby notified Hint if vou tail to
upiH-ar and answer s:iid eouiplaint., as herebv i
require I. the piuintitt vi!l atailv to the t:ourt, i
for tUe relief demanded in the c omplaint, to j
wit. a dissolution of tl-o bon is of matrimony I
fxisiin ln-iwccn you and pinint ill" and iorlh'e
care and eustMly of the mine r children named I
inerein, io-wtr, .)onn j., Llizahetn J., Fred. W.,
and t!o. A. Woiverion.
Attornev for pl'ff.
Published by order of Hon. IS. 1. Ronliatn.
Judge of said Court, made this H:h-d:iy of
August, ISTil. atiKllniSvS
Achtiee to Creditor.
"J"OTICE is lierehy jrHeti that tfienixler--Ll
signer) v:.s. on the lltli il:iy of July,
lSTo. appointed :iiliiiiiiistr;ilor of the t-stntcj
of Thomas L. ltainsay. tlci-eased, by the
County Courted' Linn count-. Orepou. Ail
person having claims against safil estate
are liereby notiiieJ to present the same M ith
proper vouchers, within six niniilhs after
the date hereof. ;tt my resilene,e near Alba
ny, in I.inn eoiuitv. Vlrepon.
July 1 1. 1S7iJ-u12 Adiinnistrator.
X no chair goes from my factory without my
name npiiii it. All others are false imitations,
and should bo so resravded. All persons are
hereby -warned against attempting any such
imposition upon tuy customerss.
Jeffenxni, Or., Jan. 21, 187K.
stock of
selected with care, and bought for cofn at
ScandaioiiHly Lotv Figure
and aa we bought kw we can and will sell them
. at prices that wilt ,
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see our selections of
Droa Moods
mamseUlcMt, .
JllstreM . i .
Ribbons, "Collar, CoIIarc lies,
Iaces, Ac, Ac,
for the ladies, and our eonrplete lino i of
Readymade Ctothin f
Ho jlery,
" cTatMw
of all descnptioiis for men andboys. A!), full
assortments of
Groceries, Crockery Gteare.
or everybody.
The lest goods,at the lowest rateseveij' time
E-C'omu and see.
Lelianon, Oregon, October 30, 174.
Just iMsaed. 2003i Kdltlon .
Revised and C9rrccted by the author, 'Z. ie F.
Curtis, jri. u., xc, Oic
A Medical Essay on the cause and cur i of pre
mature decline in man, showing how t mith is
lost, and regained. If gives a clear svr visis of
the impediments to marriasre, the treat mnt of
nervous and physical debility, exlmust.i l vital
ity, and all other diseases ap)xrtning ;55reto:
the results of twenty years successful Hice.
Opinions ot hc Kress.
CURTIS ON "MA N HOOD. "-There isno mem
ber of societ y by whom tliis book wilt not he
found useful, whninr he be parent, p a uptoi
or clergy man. lutnn Tims.
CURTIS ON "MAN HOOD. "--This boo' 1 1 ould
be read by the yonng for instmetion, 5 ii bs
the afflicted for relief : tt wiil injure nj ie.
M"Mixl Timet and Utizrttc.
Price- One Dollar, bv mail or expr js . Ad.
dress the author, DR. CURTIS.aaOSutU t direct
or P. O. Ilos 337, San Frandsc", Cal." '
longing to the estate of said William . (iilsnn. I rases oi yin, n-vecny, nino uau, J.ig
deeeas. il. to wit : The c:ist third of the south i an" 1 oil Evil, are little less than nmrveh
half of the donation land claim of Thomas S. I Messrs. . McClnre &Co., Druggists, coi
Su miners mi t'lnu iimniiM bnn,i.-i, ..j xr,i I Elm and Front streets, Cincinnati. lino.
Letter from a Posi 'Master.'
" Antioch, IXl., Dec. 1, 1874.
"Siessrs. J. B. Bosk & Co.:
"Mv wife lias, for a long time, been a terrible
snfferer from Rheumat ism. She has tried many
phvsiciansand many remedies. Theonly thing
wliich has-gi ven her relief is Centaur Liniment
I am rejoiced to nay this ha cared her. I am,
doing what 1 can to extend its sale.
This is a sample of many thousand testimoni
als received, ot wonderful cures effect ed by tliur
Centaur Liniment. The ingredients of this ar
ticle are published around each bottle. It con
tains Witch Hazel, Mentha, Arnica, Rot Oil,
Carbolic, and ingredients hitherto little known
It is wi indisputable feet that the Centaur Lint'
mentis performing, more cures of Swellings,
Stiff Joints, Erupt ions. Rheumatism, Neuralgia
Sciatica, diked Breasts. Lock-jaw, Ac, than all
the other Liniments, Embrocations, Extracts,
Salves, Ohitmeiits and plasters now in use.
For Toothache, Earache, Weak Back, Itch and
'(WanenuB Eruptions, it is admirable. It cure
burns and scalds wit liont a scar. Extracts poi
sons from Idles and stings. and heals frost-blts
and ehillblains, in a short time. No family can.
afford to lie without the Centaur Liuimenl,
while wrapper. -
ThCt'cntanr I.liilinent, Yellow Wrapper
is adapted to tho tough skin, muscles and licsftr
ot t ue animal ereat ion. its ertects upon seveio
corner of
sav :
'In our neighborhood a number of teamsters
are uting the Centaur l.niment. They pro-
iiounee it superior to anything they have ever
nsed. We sell as high as four to fi ve dozen bot
tles per man I h to these teamsters."
We have thousand of similar testimonials.
For Wounds. Halls, Scratches, Ring-bone. Ac.,
and for Screw Worm in sheep ii has no rival:
Farmers, livery-men and stock-raisers, have irtr
this Liniment a remedy which is worth a hun.
deed times its cost.
i.aboi-atory of .T. B. Rose fe Co.,
. 4 Dey street, Now Toik.
Mot hers may have rest and iheir babies may
have health, if thev will use Castoria tor Wind
Colie, Worms, Feverishness.Sore Mouth, Croup,
or Stomach Complaints. It is entirely a vegc-
table piwamtion . and contuins neither miner.
!. morphine, nor alcohol. It is as pleasant to
uikc as noney, ami nen ner gnes nor gripes.
lr. E. Diinoch. of Dnimnt. O. savu
i 1V? a"" n my practice witn tne
m.!:H ."f"!?."4' S."
, - aiow nurses in
V0.r'fl.-. Isprepsrod
1 his i what every one snvsf
by Messrs. J. R. J?o-v ,fc Co.. 40 Ilev sreet, Xrw
York, successors to Siimnel Pitcher, M. I. 3!lvH
Ilear,iw - t. . . , . ... -.viient
POBB'S IXTnASV-Tbe great Vegetable Pala
Destrayer. las been in nee over thirty
rears, and for cleanliness and prompt earn
tive virtues cannot be excelled.
CHIL0REM. No fajtiily can afford to be wTThont
Pond's Cxtrart. Accidents, Braises,
Contusions, Cam, terrains, are relieved
almost instantly by ezternul application.
Promptly relieves pains or Horns, Moulds,
F.xcorinflons, dialings, Old Sores,
Itoils, Felons, Corns, etc Arrests in
flaniatioD, reduces swellings, stops bleeding,
removes ciiscolorst'ousnna licit Is rapidlr.
FEMALE WEAKNESSES. It always relieves pain
in the one It aud loiua, fullness sad pressing paia
in the head, nausea, vertigo.
VX LEUCQRRHSA it has no equal. All kinds of al.
ceraiioiM to which l:i1ies are subject arc
promutly cored. Fuller details in book accom
iMinying each Iwrttle.
PILES blind or bleeding meet prompt relictf
uud ready cure. So cose, however chionic or
obstinate, ein longresist its regular use.
VARICOSE VEISS. 1' is the only sure cure (or
litis distress!!!! and dangerous couditioti.
KIDXEV DISEASES. It ban no equal lor perma
nent cure.
BLEE3INQ from- any cause. Tor this is' a ttpe
cttie. It has caved hnndreds of lives when ail
other remedies failed to arrest bleeding from
nose, ntoinaeb, Inn-, and elsewhere.
Karacbe are nil alike iei.evt.-d, aud often per
manenflv cured.
PHYSICIANS ot sll schools who are acquaint!?
with Pond's Extract of Witch Hazel rec
ommend 1 1 in their practice. We have letters ot
commendation from hundreds of Fhvsicians,
many of whom order it lor nsein- tfieir o-b
practice. In addition to-the foresoinq, they
order its ue for tswelllngs of all kinds,
. Q.ninsy, Sore Throat, Inflamed Tonsils,
simpln and chronic Disrrhna, Catarrh,
(for which it is a specific,) Chilblains, Frost
ed Feet, Ktings of Inserts, Mosqultos.
etc. Chapped Hand, Face, and Indeed
all minnerof skin diseases.
TOILET USE. Removes Ho renews, Rons, fan
aud f-uiortingf heals Cnts, Kc up linns,
and Pimples. It reHres. iwinorata, and r
i-eA. while wonderfully improving the
C'otnplxion. TO FARMERS. Pond's Extrarr. No Stock
Bi-eler.iio I-ivcryM on can uitord to be without
it. It !) nsed by r 11 the Leading Livery Stables,
Street Railroads and first Horsemen in New
TorkCity. It has no equal for Mprsdns, Har
ness or Saddle Cliatingn, (stiffness,
Scratches, Hwellings,Catr , IrfteeratioaiB
i llleediufr, Pnenroonia, Colic, Uiarrbcra,
Chilis, Colds, etc. Its rangeof action is wide,
and the relief it affords is so prompt that it ia
invaluable in every Farm-yard as well aa in
every Farm-house. Let it be tried once, and
von will nuver lie without it.
CAUTiaM. Pond's Extract has been undated.
lliefienniDB article hasthe words Posci'ji Ex
tract blown in each bottle. It at prepared by
the only persons living who ever knew how
to prepare ft properly. Refuse all oUh r nrs
jrations of Witch, fiaseL Tbisia the only
article used by Physicians, and 1" the hotspi.
tals of this country and Enrope. "
Fnnn this dale until further notice, I win aelT a
Stoves & Ranges !
-AT '':.
Albany, tec. 10,1874-13