Volume viii; ALBANY, OREGON, SEPTEMBER 1,- 1876. NO; 49; ' ' - jjfew it f t i i j i. 11 BUSINESS CARDS. ..'JOHN CONNER, B A N K I IN" G Exchange Office, DEPlPITS ItKCEIA'ED SUIUECT TO chock at slight. Imorest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchansre ou Portland, San Francisco, ami New York, for sale at lowest,rtes. Collections madtand promptlvreinittcd. Refers to II. AV. Corbett, Iliyrv Failing, AA'. S. Ladd. Ranking hours from S.A. SI. to 4 P. M. Albany, Eeb. 1, lS7i--.Xv3 A. CAU01HESS & CO., . IX-aler in (uoir iu, oils, iaixts, iyi iL ViS, fcAWPM, KC, All the popular PATEST JIEOSCIXES, FINE CUTL-EJlY. 'CIGARS, TOBACCO, XOYIOXS PEnriJIERY, nu Toilet; Goodn. , Particular care and promptness riven Physicians' iireseriptio'ns and Family Hoc Hies. A. OAKOTIIEUS & CO. A.!any, Orcgon-tvj bi. j. BOiJiiirro, 53. r., GnAni'ATK or? tsis: vx5Vf:rst"1" Meiicnl College of New York. late rnem'xjrof Believiru II spital Medical 'ol Tetre, New York. Office-in A. Ctiroihers & Co.'s drug store, Albany, Oregon. t: pazo'oTics mistascisu. THE BAV TEA1 STH.I. UVKN, AN O IS FLOUftlSTTINO I.IKE A brees b:iy tree. T'u&iiktu) for post favors, nl wishing to merit tiA ctnttimucnoo ol the same, the RAY" TEA it wiii alvyuvsbe realy. ami evily fomvl, to do any iuuihitg within the city limits, for n reasonable comiieiiiiiii.' Ci""l fill very of iods m .tpecially. A. N. AI:NOI.f. 2e5 Pioorietor. Xiles riIY- SAY THIS DAMAGING AXI . t T troublesome eoinniHint er.nnot be enro I, wlien st many evi Jenees of su-.-eess Tniiht te piace 1 iH-iofo you every day ure of snptKs.-1 lm;"jfiess nws? Yonr physician informs you that: the longer you allow the coMioUtint to rxir, yo?t U-nsen yemr elmTii-jrs for relijt f. jEipcriPnec ha auylUthis in all.cujerj. A. CiirotJiem A '." Pile Pills and Ointment are all they are reeommeodou to be. "Will cure Chronie, Biiml and IMeedinsr Files in ft very abort time and arv: ctmv'-nirHl to uie. This preparation is sent by mnil or ex press to an y poi a t wi thin t "aj V nUed S1 Ktes at tl 50 per puckase. . Address. A. AKOTOESS A CO., 27vi Box 3d, Ailumy, Oi't gou. The Eugene firemen are innkiii-j ar raugemetii.s for a grand ball ;it I.utie's llall on Christmas eve. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IX Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGOX. HAS JUST OPEN KI ins NEW KOCF.R establishment on eornsr of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of tJroeeries, Provisions. Canrtiits, Ciyrars. To-b-ioeo, Ac, to which lie invites the atten tion of our citizens. In connection with the store be wili keep a, Bakerv, and will always have on hand a lull supply of fresS bread, crackere, Ac. 3T Call and sec me. , JOlfX SCHilEEU. February 18-2 It ALBANY FOUNDUY Machine S31icrT9 A. F. CIIEKItV Proprietor, ALRANY, OKEGOT, Slanufactares Steam Engines, Flour and Saw 35S11 Macliln " err, - WOOD ArOllKXN'G And XOCULTURALrjlACHIKEIlY, And" afl klncs ot inoS ASU BAkH fAJKTIXfiS. . particular attenHon pels to repairindr U kinds of machinery. 41 v3 E BOYLE. Root n Mio MaUer,.tfl rloor east of Harper's warehouse. Is always on hand to do work at reasonable rates, neat and nice. S7-8m3 Bi. T. MOOIIE, House and. Siarri Painter, ALBAXY, : ; OBEGOX. nin Mfallr .ri.n m n t au ri.feotnrV Ol'k tO H 11 . Shop on First street, next door east of Clark AWyatt. ,29v8 L. B. lROYAt, HAS OPENED a Barber Snon on rirsrt street one door west of Thotipsoii A Irvlna's har ness shop, where he will be pleased to meet all who wish work in his line. Thankful for past patron aire, he hopes by close at lentiori to busi ness to merit a continuance of the. same- Will keep constantly on hand a fall supply of ' Perfumery stud Hair Oils, the best assortment In town. Come and see ute. Albany, Of., February 25, 1876-23V8 S. C. STOXE, SJ. Physician and Surgeon, BROWN SVILXE, OHEC.ON. OrriCE-At the Urn Store. 27 v8 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, "Wholesale and Kotall Dealer in D3Y GOODS, GLQTHifIG, GROCERIES, E03TS & SHOES, THSESKEfiS, REAPEHS & MOWERS, Y?AG0NS,.PLQW3, SEED, CHILLS, C B3QAB8ST SEED SOBERS, ETC. I'li-st street, Albany, Oresai. Toms : - Oali. St- Oharlfes Hotel, Corsscr AA Hslilii-ta a:iU Firt tl., ALBANY, OliEGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. llonw newlv f;irnihed thiiniifhonf . The best the market ult'ords always on the table. I'ree ( wivli tu aixl I Voni tlie Uouw. Iea'ers in H3 31. "ST OOI5S. I'lotUlua', Hoot mnJ Mtoes, inlj. Siroce- rieA. l'nisey Ctaoti Solioii. SSsotKinis nisJ S't-;!.olj, Xalls, 3Iirti-, YIIX!I!Cr, W:; nud 1VUIW Y'are, 'SrttHfis itnd Y'mIuh-.h, o-let Cutlery, Ac. Ac, Sold very low eUber for -ash, or to prompt pay-n:f-i " in c'iKonu',1 tm time. vT FurrjSturo Warcrccms. FIlElTTillAF. HAVING nuivlias,..;! the nitiie interest of t5. dollar in the late tirm of Graf & Collar, in the fnrniinre business, takes this oppcriunity to return his thanks to tin eitizi'ns of Albany an 1 vi;-in itv who have so irenerouslv patron ize'! him in tha pa-t, and restvetf'tlly ask a enntint;j)Wl of t he same. i-iAil kiitls ol tnr niture kept on hail J and mtuiul'actmeJ toorlcr at lowest rates. I KED GKAF. Alnjiny, Nov. l '-v.;? TTTE TIK fSIERHNKI llEti l.K.-tTETO If announot- to tit'.? citi.ens of Al:itiy :tnd B;:rronn'lirji;' 'fun try t hat, liavi ntr sniip.ie 1 o'ir salves wi; 11 .the ne -i-s-wv mach inery for rais i:itr and removhii;' bull !in-.rs. .vt :ir niily at all times to recjvv! ov-u-rs :or snh work, wlii'-b we will do in ii(M't or U'r txt lowest r?ves. Vi (jiiamntee eu'ire sat i.-litctio.i in all work under taken hv us. ; larders left h. this Krincrri: ofllee promptly aticnteato. Aivtu. AUu, ' ' ISANTY", ALflEX & X.- Or., April 2U. Is7.". i:v7 x Liver j i Feed Staple COUSiEltl WAs-JltXttTtiN FIKST SW., AS. HAfesiIALL, Fropvietcr. i C.ki:ia(.iis. Bt";;n:s, hacks saidle iioises tnlet on rttson::;;e ternks. Horss !jar l'd by tln dsY or week. 1 will have hone ilf the scayest risrs ever turn ed out of n livery stable v: Airily. BaT IlEAlr'sK aud cai-ii-ies furnished for fu-ner-al.s. Give me a cull when yOTi want to ride. AN. -5. MAKSIfALL. Aib.anv. March 10, lS7t5-05v9 HAEDWAEES BOSii, uU sixes Jtisd !ecr5s 1;:i. V ciioro.! SSJ'CSF C?At;Sf-WASS&-;i full tiiiil complete as- Stoves, Tiir.yare. Puraps, Hose. Tia. Copusr. Zinc and Sliset Iron. on hand for sale. CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in the city. CiiS'5f'lMi"in done neatly, at short notice, and WAitKANTiiU. J. GEAIHVOXIL. First street, Albany, Oregon. n-27v8 ' ; DR. FLUEVJER, i . .Pure atid "rcIi , DRUGS; AND MEDICINES J oils, . . ! Perriimcrics, Toilet Articles, A3D WKK tDEB HRACES. t35 PresirlptioUa carefully filled, - ew BSHlinerj- Store: MRS. D. STEVENS, HAS moved into the store recently occupied by Mrs. C. C. Endlish.on First, street, ad ioinlnfr the City lru j Store, where she has opened out her select stock of rnsbIonabI StoU of Millinery Goodi. Havina had wanv years of experience In the millinery business "in the East. Mrs. Stevens be lieves he can Rive the fullest satisfaction to all who stive her their patronage, and would There fore respectfully solicit a share of he same. MitS. D. b3.LT ENS. Albany, Jfov. 10-v8n0rtil W. K. KA5IAai, (LATE OF M1CJIIOAN1 IXerclian Tailor, KKEPP nlwavs on hand rioeskins, CilssiYneres Vestinas, etc., a larsrer and better stock than ever before luaujiht to this mftrket.' Cuts and makes to order all stylesof Clothing for men and boys, at reasonable rates, guamn teeinsrsatif faction. . . . fihopon First street, next door td . City Mar ket" lately occupied by Dr. J. p. Smith. 2..V8 XV, WILCOX," I-Torri bcopa tli io Physician. OFFICE with iir. K. H. Griffin First street. Albaiiw.Orcgor -i:TChromc; diseases specialty . FRIENDS I C1TB2EMS!! COUNTRYMEN ! ! ! LEHD US YOUR TRADE ! TK II WK JUST OPENED OCT A NEVj" t aud fresh assortment of GKOCEHIES, PROVISIONS, &c, in 7"r. Tate's new brick, First street, wherd we. won !! be pleased to serve you with any thing in nnr line; our stock was" selected In Pn Francisco, by 32E5 BARKOWS, well known in this city, and we feel safe In sttttsftfet ion to all who tivcr a with their pat ronage. ' . AVc w ill en Jcavor to keup 011 hand a full stfp plyof Freh "Vcj2,otnlle;, in their season, nt all tiTOfa. A'ou are invited to call and s;-r us. I' k A TATE. Aibr.ny, May 5, '7C-S3 12 VEHYB ODY t-m rw uw mm ttavixi; ji st Rr:rF:iviii a largk siup- 11 ment of tliorU brated new style Combined Drill anil Bfotitlcust STATES5IA5 GRAO D11ILL, direct from the fhetory. nm now offering extra inducement s :o r be farmer. of Orepon. Most of t he best farmers hi the State are now using them. scin seed arid an increased yield of grain is the result of tirillimj. Cun be used etiuaily well as a IrflS or EroadciiKt Scetler. The STATESMAN" tUlAIN MULL lias been frn-etly improved far this year. Wareiooms at my f.laeksinith Shop, comerof Jksonduud Ells worth st reels, Albany, Oreifon. FSiAX2i WOOIK March 31, 1S7H-2S 1. It. X. I5I.ACIiilKX, ATTORNEY AT LAW, r.ROWXSVILLK. LINN CO., OtJN. pErtM!"T ATTK5iUS tillO TO ALL a business. -2ivy J. V. 1WM.L. I. 1'I.INJf . rcnvETX & flixx. Attorneys A: Coiim''IIosm :1 lwtiitilS' lz.tt4N kh 4'ii.t-ry, - Albany. Orreon. Co'leesions made and eon vcyiiKns iriunpt:y atieaded to. . 1-S i'lrOHPT DcSiicry, at 5-ivisss HAVINfl bought out tl'.e delivsry business ot Mr. Lewis S. imsoi. 1 betz leave to rnnoiinee to t ie eitizetis an 1 business men of Aii any. lhat Z have on the st reets an express aid jo! waron and will VjB lui;:py to serve all who may give me a call. Ail orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. orders may he left at the Drug Store ofTJell A Parker. VIKGIL PAP.KEE. f I j.1;y :ion Hotel, 15. C3.AS ii5T4X, P5SOP-R., I.KKAAO-S, OHEOISi nOl'SE newly furnished throughout. The best th". marke". sailord always on ! lie tahlp. The nosfonk-o. is next door to this House, from which the stu'.'e leves for Albany at 7 o'clock A. M. and reiurnojf a:-rtves ol i o clock p. M. o!iveynu cs uoimied for junties wishincr to visit the Sodn Sorbins. Lilu-tiry and readhiy; room, with cltoica reading iuatter, for the Kuesis of the house. apr30v8 CE3AS. .SSOsJIiGA USEES, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Corner I Jrst and I'erry frts., ALBAAV, OltEUOA. AVatches, Clocks, Silver and Plated AVare, and Jewelry of every description and of tlie best manufactories, on hand or sale at tair rates. Cleaning?; and repairing Timepieces a sjecialty. tis" Jewelry, etc., impaired and cleaned on short notice at living rales. K-ifGive me a cull, and see for yonrself.3 March 3, 167U-24VS J. II. BUSiKIIART, Real Estate and ConyeyaEGins Apnt, ALBANY, : : : UBUJOK. COKJSER FIKT ASS BBOADAIBIN 8TKEBTS. INARMS of all sizes, improved and nnhnprov ed, in this anil adjacent counties, suitable for grain raising, also timbered land and stock ranches for sale on easy tennsl Also for sale a number of dwelling houses and vacant lots in this city. Parties desiring to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 32v8 J. I). MCFAKl.AND. WW. MORGAN. BSOKOAN & .-rAREAXO, REAL ESTATE AGENCY! I AM) EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Xext Door to Well, Fnrffo & Co's Express" Office, Albany, Orcgou. WE A TIE PTJEPAltED TO FURNISH EMI grantsrjud others good bargains in farms and small homesteads in Linh and adjoining counties. Farias in value add size to suit pur- fhilsora- Also, city property, both improved aiidun- lmnroveu. Renting farms and city proixn-ty, and collec tions of ull kinds, nromntlv attended to. Our facilities for advertising will enable us to do more for our patrons than any other Agency in the State in our line. AVe also pay special attention to the employ ment ana moor excuange ueparimeui. Albany, May Kit. Bath House &Barber SI lip, npiIB UNDERSIGNED WOULD lit 3'. JUT X fully thank the citizens of Alban at I vi cinlty tor the liberal patronage bestow J or htm for the past seven years, and hope J f t th future a continuation of their favors. F rlh accommodation of transient. eustomoT : nt friends In the Hpper part of town, he iai ineti ed a neat little shop next door to Tayio ' itoa Saloon, where a good workman wtll a'. - yBbi n attendaneo to wait upon patrons. lcc. 11, 1S71,.' JOE WE3 irK O. A. WIIITXEY, M D., Graduate Of Bellevno liospital Iledlcal College N. Y., Physician and Surgeon, albAxy, oregox. diseases of woaiex a speciaett. Residence in West lake's buiidin, corner of First and Lyon streets. 44g J. II J LI., 'BI. ., OFFICE At Bell & Parker's new drug store. K Est O EN CE sjeeond street, between rail road and Montgomery. tM4 JOB PRIKTING. ?4W "NVIien yon wlsli Posters, Visiting Cards, Business Cards. Sill Head Letter Heads Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes i Labels, PRINTING HOUSE, Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, N or in fact anything in the 5all at tbtf . ALBANY . EG 1STER CORNER FEBBY & FIRST-STri., 5hf WJ$r mi hood oirn IIAXAEK. TUNE 'lHoll the Fort." : BY GENERAL W. II. BROWNE. Round our Banner let us rally, Hearts on lire with zeal. Wliile o'er every hill and valley Sounds the bugle peal. Chorus - Cotfie ye swarming host assemble, For the fight prepare ! Well may Democrats nowtremble Victory's in the air! Freemen's hearts wit.fi hope are beating For our own loved hind V Hayes and Wheeler's, names repeating Marching hanil-in-Latid. Chorus. Hayes nnd Wheeler have been proven In Avar's darkest days ; Xames in peace together woven , Worthy the patriot's praise ! " s Chorus.. True assteel they have been ever, . On tlreir brows no stain ; From" the Right oone could them sver Trust them now again. Chorus. See the platform of our party F.-ery plank is sound ! That's why jubilations hearty Through the land resound. Chorus. OJJR SEW YORK LETTER. PEACHES POLITIC A L HEALTH THE OPI UM nAKIT ACTORS COST OF HIGH LIV- 1NG VANDElil'.ILT BUSINESS... Xew York, August 12, 1S78. THE PEACH SEASON. The peach trade has novl fak-ly set in, and Xew York is reveling in this most de licious of fruits. The trade is an immense one, requiring a vast amount of capital and the labor ot thousands of men. The peach train arrives every morning, in Jer sey City, and a very lively time follows its coming. The train Consists of thirty-five cars, each car holds live hundred baskets, or 17.500 b askets, or to get it dowfi' to peaches, three million and a half, all of which are consumed that day. The ears are built especially for the purpose, so that the Deli cate fruit can co'me to market uninjured and in good order. .Iu?t now tae peaches co.ne from Maryland and Delaware in a week or two Xew Jersey will begin to send, and a little later eastern Pennsylvania. Fruit w ill be very cheap this season, and also Aery good. POLITICAL. The letters of TiMen and Hendricks fell like a wet blanket on' the Democracy of the city. The fact is, Tilden's delay, his eA'ident attempt to compromise with Hen drick's, his selling out to the inflationists to keep them in line, has disgusted the soiid Demccracy of the city, and they are making the most severe fight against him. Tii'den is known to be a pronounced hard money man. and the better class of the Democracy expected a prompt, decided re pudiation ot the inflation heresy, so plain as to leave no question as to bis standing on that question. He contributed money last fall to beat Allen in Ohio, but his ac tion now shows that it wjis not in the in terest of an honest currency that lie did It, but solely to get a dangerous competitor out of the way. He has sold out to the very men he was opposed to last tall, and consequently has demoralized his party. The Republicans are standing shotflder to shoulder, and are making a Very vigorous fight. Fenton and Coukling, Dix and Morgan, all the lights of the party, are working once more in unison, and there ean'Be no doubt as to tile result. Xew York will A-ote for Hayes, by an enormous majority. THE HEALTH OF THE CITA'. It seems as though we were neA'er going to get through with tlie hot season. This week the thermometer has gone up into the nineties again, and the1 moitality among children is agam frightful. Over six hun dred died Wast Aveek, an average of almost one hundred a day, and the adults are suf fering almost in the same proportion. A peculiar form of dysentery, is raging through the city, caused by tlie long con tinued heat, though, probably, the water. which is unfit to use half the time, has ' quite as much to do with it. It is not a cholera, nor is it like anything tlie city ever saw. The victim goes through hot and cold stages, and in a few hours is a corpse. The doctors were puzzled by it. thougli they now have it nnder control. It taken in time they are saving all who htwe not been in the habit of ttsing ardenS1 spir its to excess. . THE OPIUM HABIT' Is making fearful progress in the city. The1 retail druggists say they are selling ten times as much of this drug as they did five years ago, aiid that its nse is not confined to any one class, though women form a very large per cent, of their customers. The women of Avealttt and refinement are more addicted to its use than those? of the lower classes. The favorite lorm of taking tho drug is in laudanum, for the reason tlrar in that shape its use can be more easily con cealed". Women h the avemies meet at each Other's houses to indulge . in tho vice. and dpium drunks are becoming as com mon in the houses of the wealthy as are nuiurutiKs in tlie dens down town A great many commenced the use ot the urug for tlie effect it had upon their ap pearance. At first a dose of opium bright ens the eyes, brings color to the cheeks, and quickens the wit, while the effect lasts Ladies In society take a dose before going to a Dan, or partv. and htivn small doses in their pockets to take In th course of tlie evening. As a matter of course it only takes a few Aveeks for tho habit io become fixed, and once fixed it Is ( never broken. The victim uses more and more, until it cannot be concealed. " At this stage they do not care to conceal it, for they give themselves up to it, soul and body, and care for nothing else. A movement Is on foot to regulate the sale of opium, by Jaw, with a view of checking the evil. THE AMUSEMENT PEOPLE Are having a hard time of it. There are now in Xew York, over three hundred first class actresses oiit of engagements with no earthly prospect of having anything to do next season. The theatres in the inte rior all lost-money last season, and many of them will not open at all this full; I mention .. this to show the thousands' ol young men and women who are crazy for the stage' that it is not all gold that glitters.' An actor or actress out of a'tf engagement is the most utterly helpless Individual in the world. There isn't anything that he or she can turn to for a livelihood, and when business is dull in the profession . it means starvation. Only one tltentre in Xew York: made a dollar last year, and those now opening have cut salaries down to almost nothing, or have made them de pend entirely upon the business done. Tlie little theatres have gone out by the hun dred, and only those who are rich enough to afford to lose money will make the sea son at all. The hard, times have told -on the amusement world the same as upon everything else. THE COST OF inGn tiFE The fashionable people are discussing the question of the cost of living in Xew York. The cutting down of ircomes con sequent upon the lowering of rente' and the general shrinkage, has brought to the surface some very curious facts. For in stance, the late Mr. Garner, who was drowned in his yacht Mohawk, liA'ed ac cording to this schedule : 5 Interest of purchase money on house in New York.. 7,000 Interest on purchase money ot coun try seat. .-. .. Taxes' on' Imtli Summer villa. Xewport... Yacht (exclusive of entertainment oh it .'. '.' Butler and two footmen Grooms , .' . Cook . .'. Other servants v." . . .... . Maintenance of household... ' Two thousand guests, being an av erage of five a day, at $10 per day.... Repairs and maintaining of hou.-es . and furniture Feed of ten liorses Stable expenses, harness, repairs.'.: 7.000 G.000 3,000 20.000 1,200 1.200 700 T.500 7,000 20,000 5.000 2.k) 0,000 Maintaining gardens ami grouuus at country house. 3,000 A Avinter ball 5,000 Total.. $05,200 It cost A. T. Stewart probably twice that amount to live, and he didn't waste any money on yachts either. The Loril- lards, who made their money on tobacco. expend more than this, and so do a num ber of other families: But now all the figures have to be reduced. The people who used to get $ltj,000 per year for a store are mighty glad to secure a tenant for the same property at $2,500, and as a mat ter of course they have got to reduce the cost of their living in proportion. xThe high-flyers at the club who used to pay $5 for champagne have discovered that- bottled lager, at ten cents, tastes very well. and" flie number wha have found the 40 cent brandy is irhhealthy is enc'ou'raging And, moreover, 5 011 shall see ou a great many of their attenuated legs, pantaloons for which they did" not pay $25' on Broad- Avsy, bnt which did come from the Bowery at $0.' Twenty dollar boots are going out of fashion, and so are hundred dollar coats In short, economy is being practiced, not because anybody likes it, but because they must. Xew York is very virtuous now because the people haven't the money to be vicious on. A'ANDERBH-T Is still alive, but the physicians saj- that he never will be seen again outside of his room. His sou W illiam is in charge ot his vast interests," and the old man,' con scious that his end is at hand", is arranging so that matters will be smooth for him Ills Intention is that his son shall succeed hini that everything shall go on just the same as though he were alive, and that there shall be change In nofhinf. The junior has been trained to this end, and knows as much of his lather's business as tlie old man himself. If any man supposes that the country w to be relieved of mo- noAbpoly by the death of the old man'they are mistaken." Young Vanderbiit Is just as shrewd as his father, and", if any dif ference, more grasping. s BUSINESS Is as dull as possible. There Is absolutely nothing doing and no prospect of anything. Between the hot weather And the dull times, Xew York is as disagreeable a spot as there Is 011 earth. METRO Wlstar'a Ilaliutni of Wild Cherry. The ereat remedy for Consumption This well-known remedy is offered to the Diiblic, sanctioned by the experience of 1 .- . . 1 1 . . . over lorty years , nuu n tit'ii resorteu to in season, seldom fails to effect a speedy euro ot coushs, colds, croup, bronchitis. Influen za, whooping ' cough, hoarseness, pains or soreness in the chest or side, bleedhiirat the lungs, liver complaint, etc. Beware of counterfeits! Kemomber that the gcnulue Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry lias ou the outside wrapper the 8lruatnre of "I. Butts" d the printed name of the pro prietors, "Seth Wi Fowxe & Sons, Bos ton." All others are base Imitations.. Ex amine" the wrapper carefully before pur- cnasmg. (.sept . - - . jy ry, sr - ; 8ARATOUAA FARCE. Scene : Parlor in the Grand Union Ilq ...I ........... I T1 . . T T M . . "-' onraiua oprmgs. filter iiuuiuitu f I - fc( i and Morrissey, "tAA-o props of virtue torlan i" -" Christian prince," disguised as reforraes,4 lj i ,'' escorting Gov. Hendricks to tlie side LfV&t JjJ Gov. Tilden,' seated on1 the' St. Louts plil U ' '-' form.: -.- 1 V K5-.J i . l i . . i . a . , 1 iai 1 1 sjr aim itv ottv vs a. iuv n Hendricks. By the mass, . and 'tis d camel, indeed ! Tilden.' Metliinks it Is like a weasel. Hendricks. It is backed like a weasel.' Tilden. Or like a Ayhale.' Hendricks. Very Itfie.a whale.' Exit Hoffman audi Morrissey. Tilden. Come, cousin, canst thou quaka and change thy color, Murder thy breath In the middle of a word,' And then Bgalu egiQ and Vop1 again," As if thou Avert distraught and mad witt : terror? Hendricks. Tut, I can counterfeit the tragedian ; Speak and look back, and pray oh every" . , side; -: .. . Tremble and start at wagging of a straw,' Intending deep suspicions ; ghostly looks,' Are at my service, like enforced smiles,' And both are ready in their offices. At any time, to grace mf stratagems.' Tilden. We are lu accord. Hendricks. In accord. S't. Louis Journal' Albany Collegiate Institute Com mences next Monday, September 4th, mJ der the charge of Prof. L. J. Powell, with a full and competent corps of teachers. Wre understand that thij College building; is to be painted, refitted? fence built around it, etc." Under the guidance of Professor Powell the Institution is bound' to' take a high rank among the educational instil uvr tions of the State. Our readers will thank us for tlie follow ing sure preventive against hydrophobia In dogs : Boil three tiblespoonfuH of salt and", an ounce of ca'rbolfe pbwdef1' fri a pint of water, squeeze in s lemon, and then let a piece of irreat slmmef In the mixture to" give It attractive taste. Take out Ute meat,' and put the liquor in a cool place. Then while the remedy is coofing lead the do out behind the barn and shoot him between the eyes with a Remington rifle. One pint of the liquor will be found enough' for 00 dogL - r - A Case or Thirty Years- Standing." East Aurora, X. Y Mav 22. 18727 Messrs." Secti W. FOWLE& Sons:" t..mm Gentlemen I was . troubled -with' tXf pepsia for thirty years,, and fried seve'mT medicines advertised for the, cur. of tld?' distressing complaint without deriving; an ociieiii, inuii iticnii., tuoui ,1 year ago i,. commenced the Peruvian Syrup, and after" using altogether twelve bottles I find my-" self entirely cured., I consider my case iiib wcrsi. k ever nearu 01, auu 1 take great pleasure in recommending the Peruvian Syrup to all dyspeptic?, believing that It will be sure to cure them. Yours respectfully, J, T. IBOWEN". ' Sold by all druggists. sept. A tillicum had a cat which lie cared no' longer to posse.. He took the animal into' the garden, struck it. nine times with a' hammer, and, as it still moved,' lie boxed its ears with a spade, and then' burled' It Xext morning that cat walked serenely into breakfast, wllltuff to' lbrge't' the past.' Valuable WOkk". Isaiah Hart U can-" vassing the county for the sale of the 'Pa cific Law Ericj'clopedia,"" a most valuable" work, and which should be in the hands of " all. But Mr. IK will explain the beauties ot the work to you when you see hltri. The Whitehall Times asks :" "If Xeces eity is. the mother of invention," will some sharp paragraphist please Inform' us who the father Is ?" WbyV tie husband of Win'.' Xecessity, of course. Isn't this a-pa relit enouirli ? 1 The newest collar is called the "Safety. n It is so named from the fact- that Is high encugh for a man who wears one to crawl1 up behind it and hide when his wife steps In at the office to Inquire whether he mailed' her letters. Bright eyes," regular features and a irricol ful figure fall to produce their due rffect the complexion is defaced with pimples of blotches, or the skin is rough or harsh." To" remedy these defects use Glenn's Sulphu Soap. ; ' CALLED.-i-Those two eminent ISi-hts5 at, temperance, Major Duriba'ato.cf'Captl'Bart. iVllen, called Monday mbnimjS. A! wars' glad to'see otVr ft fends.' It is proposed to seud aV ahlateur brass"' band into Montana aikl make the Indians go West, - j ,.' At a chuMi entertaiument in CaUforoia rum punch was smuggled in as cold tea.-' The desire lor tea became great. j - - Sioux squaws do not wear striped, stock ings. Three streaks of green paint' ai cooler and cheaper. The Trio 1 '. We three. Reformers bev .. . ; Tilden. Tweed,' s And Morrissey. Thousand's ot base, deceivers are hungf . every night on the back of chairs. - The. M." E. Conference In session since the 23d of August, adjourned on Slon-' day. Aug. 28, about 11 o'clock A. u. I It -proved to be one of the most interesting , t and successful sessions ever held. In tho State, the members departing to their dif ferent fields ot labor with fresh conrsgff ' and zeal to work in the Blaster's cause