The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 25, 1876, Image 3

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for - salt: by
Airevill Paint
5s the Oldest mid Mwl 1:
We have cstiinoiilai trom oviien ol the linost residences m the ccmntv,
that is cUiinicJ lor U by the manufacturers.
i!e Mixed Paint.
-how inn that it is all
Call and examine samples, mid compare prices" before purchasing elsew here. C-iTA full assort
ment ol 'shades kept constantly on huiul. 3'.v8
A. CJIZ&OTSllHl! & -., Fihst St.
- urvirs', SOX CO.,
Incorporated Feb. 4, 1S7J. Capital. fJO.OOO.
Corner First and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oregon.
President, S. A. UAWSOX.
Superintendent, A. J. JOHXSOS
(r filv w v v f "Y rfi rt W
S. A.(.OS,
S. A.
A. lil.KViMS,
"Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Vaccinate. Dr Wilcox is now pre
pared to vaccinate all who wish, having
received fresh matter yesterday.
All kinds ot oils and white lead at J.
Gradwohl's a., well as pure liquors for
medicinal purposes only.
We are indebted to W. C. Tweedale,
Esq., for a mess ot flounder, all the way
from Yaqnina Bay.
Americus Savage, an old resident of Ore
gon, residing about two miles from Shedd
and near Boston Mills, aged abont sixty
venrs enmmitfed suicide at an earlv hoi'ir
on Satnrdav moruiiirr last. It seems that thing went qniet for some time until
deceased, alter spending the evening in his At onr ii.miber drew attention to a picture,
son "a familv. with whom he was residing. wMi the following exclamation ; "Cor
lu reading.' bid the family good night and Tallis in the distance, withthe beautiful
retired to his chamber. Early the fol
lowing morning he arose went out into
the orchard some distance from the house.
Newport, Or., Aug. 21, 187G. lnS at the Court House this (Friday) ever-
Ed. Register: Here we are. salely l Sunday evening at same plaee. An-
stowed away in the Eayview House. We' nual Missionary Sermon will be preached
left Albany nbot 8:30 A. M. thelGh. Every- ? ltev- Bentley. At 11 a. m.. Sunday,
one 1 wiiop w. L. Harris will preach at the
Court House. At 9 a. m., Sunday. Con-
' Oil'n- lor S:I :
TUrcsIiers, S"-sier., 5enri-i-s. SSowt rs. Waois., Sialics, I!ivs,
S2urrv., &., &c.
Will stltw Hrnin. Woo!, nnd fJeneml Merchandise at J.o rrx' .
MAMJTlt' 'VAItKIIlTI'-' Htwlof Iikeran-I I. yon s?r.-e:s, at liejiut f . .'i C II. It
Ai.BAI. v,Ar?on. .luiy li, tsT'j-io'. Ji
,"""" ' . f I '. l.'!
c , r h j- -7 . 1 1
Clotliiiir, liSarclwMre, Crockery,
ieet'ie4, S";iran IiiipCoiiient
aisl Slaeliinery, &c, &e.
AImo, buy and sell on commission all kinds of
t.;ods. Marketable I'rotlllee, &e,
.e. 21, l7i-14vSmti
Furniture Eooms,
Praj'er-niectings at tlie M. E. church
commences at 5 o'clock each morning.
Preaching every evening at S o'clock.
Renienifxr the sale ot that valuable
property, the Soda Springs, at Soduville.
September 23d.
Messrs. Blaiu, Sox & Co., at the Mam
moth Warehouse, are getting their share
ot the new grain crop, we are glad to see.
Morgan & McFarlaud sell farms and
town lots, rent dwelling honses.Ioan money,
and are up to snuff generally.
ierence love-teast at Hie M. E. church. At
3 p.m., Sunday, preaching 'at tlie Court
House. Saturday, 7:30 P. vi preaching at
the Court House. The pulpit ot St.Paul"
Chureh Vill be Supplied luoruiug and even
ing of Sunday ; thcBaptist Chmx-h In tlte
evening ; the IT. P. Church in the evening
the Olivary Church in the evening.
Mary's Peak for a back-ground, with fields
of waving wheat to the right, and the
beantiful Willamette, bordered with ever
Yrdant green, to the. left." After that all
tree, laid himself down upon the ground, j aipuei uum ... - ,
carefully covering his person with a blanket, j where we finished our vptMHt and ar
and placing a small pistol to his right ear, I rived at Philomath at noon, where we
pulled the trigger.' Death came instantly, j took our first ineal. We croased the Sum
relieving him of all his earthly cares and . "U Mountain and camped lor the night,
troubles. Mr. Win. Morgan furnishes the i We started again about 5:30, with nothing
press with the following sketch of the life of -: to relieve the monotony except an occasion- m. of Wednesday, Aug. 23d, Bishop W. I-
deceased, and the manuscript found among , al shot at a rabbit or some small bird, until Harris presiding. Kev. 1. J. Wolf was
elected Seiretary. with Revs. .T Iloberg,
3. Judy, Cf II. Hoxie and Thomas Magilt
assistants. Rev. R. S. Stnbbs, transferred
from the Columbia River Conference, with
Oiii.GON M. E. Con PEKicKCE. Between
thirty and forty ministers are in attendance
on the M. E. Conlerence now in session hi
this city The Conference met at 8:30 .
io time' to write 'advertisement
4-1 T.
. 1L
tV'KS leav'n to announce to the citizens of this
illy and urrmidin country, ihat lie linso;en
ed u larjjre stock of
in the bnildintr lntelv x-ennied hv Dr. Pliinv
mer's druvc store, on F'ii-st street, where ran be
mm. on most reasonable tei ms,
lrlr Sels,
Bedroom Suif.
Center '5'iiStE
. WiSlllEJOtS,
and ir fact every ihing else needed to
My Roods are well wade nnd of t lie very
LHSr.t ; Iun(l.o:ueit Styles.
CiT'FflJNrrL'UK manufactured to order, al
short ni ice.
fcti' r(paiied and put in good shape
0!i short noi ice. .
Give uie a cull.
Albany, Kov. 2, 175 10vs
I'eter Bither has withdrawn from litera
ture and pictures, and is now running a
bntclier shop on First street.
Mr. Smith, the ladder man. of Canada,
gave us a call Wednesday. Rattier an un
common name, but then he is an uncom
mon nice man.
I IlAiii) Winteu. The hazlonut crop is
said to be unusually large the present sea
son, and the old settler predicts that the
coming will be a l.anl winter.
Dr. E. O. Smith can lie found at his
rooms in Froman's new brick, at all rea
sonable hours, ready to perform any den
tal work re'jnired.
Another Unfoutvkatf. Is Alf. Tem
ple, near Halsey, who. 0:1 the ISth, had
the misfortune to break a leg while on his
way for a load of lumber.
jct rates rirar?K. r" s A
h y n hj
I ri.Tl.ClSCD
, u w iw v w ai
1 friernl ntn tlr
lie is now t;ttitU in his
puhiiu eiieruiiy, that
on the old s'suid next doorto V.V. nanirACo .
where can le found as great tin woiiutnt and
aa large u slok of .
o iiv tiers' rv ial.
1876. 1870.
z. x o 01a:
Wo invite onr friends throughout the
county especially to forward to us any and
all matters of .local iutei'est rliey may have,
and tliev will lay us under obligations.
' John Brings has some, new style ranges
that look as though they might give satis
faction to the most particular and exacting
housewife. '
The celebrated "violin'st," and a no less
noted "c-ilk-r." both arrived in this city
Wednesday from Yatpuna. where they had
a large time.
his effects after the tragedy :
Amerieus Savage was born in Kiisgfield.
Frankiin comity. Maine, June 9. lSlti. and
at the time of his decease was sixty years,
two months and ten days old.
Mr. Savnge'emigrated to Oregon in 1851.
and settled where now stands the Boston
Mills. He was a man of more than ordi
nary energy and mental capacity, and
much respected by his neighlmrs and ac
quaintances, until by slow degrees that tell
enemy of humanity alcohol gained su
premacy over his manhood, which resulted
in an estrangement between him and his
family, the particulars ot which neither
we nor the public need to inquire. In the
fall of 1S71 he sold his land and started for
Eastern Oregon, 110 doubt resolving with
new associations to form new habits. He
remained in Umatilla comity, Oregon, and
Walla Walla county, W. T., but a few
months, and the following spring started
East, traveling much, visiting relatives
principally in Illinois, Ohio and his native
State, lie returned to Oregon m Novem
ber, 1S74. and remained nearly a year,
when he again staited East, no doubt earn
estly seeking that peace wlncti lie liau lost,
the "destroyer ol which stuck to him closer
than a brother. He again arrived at his
son's house, the old home place, on the 1st
of July last, where he has remained up till
his last fatal morning. Though his health
was noor. it was improving since his ar
rival home, ami he seemed unite cheerful
giving no indication of a morbid desire for
self-destruction. The following letter was
tonnd 011 his writing table thu morning of
the fatal occurrence: !
Boston. Linn Co.. Or.. Aug. 1 1S7C.
To nl! iii'i ffieh't (nd friends of huiiuinity
ami to iii'i c.iiiiri'H :
Dkak Chii.dkex and Fmekds : I have
but one mi nest, to make. I want von to
bury my body on the north side of Bunker
hilll at the east end of the old building.
close under the west side ot the rasuerry
vines. Din uiv zravc north and south
believe i'. is the proper vvuy to bury the
dead I want no collni ; a-rap me 111 my
blanket, lay me in the vault and cover mc
no. I do not wish for my gtave to. cast $
shadow over the grave of anv one. let it
be hid from mortal sight, and be forever
forgotten. Burv nie decn.
we came to the road that leads to Elk City,
where we held a pow-wow, and by a unani
mous vote, decided to go by Elk. There Is
only one mountain to cross this way, but
the road is not so good as tire one to New
port. Our team was heavily loaded and
we had to walk to the top of the tnoun
tin. Some of the "boys" werelnahnrry
to reach the top. and the following which
was picked off a stick in the road will ex
plain all : "Boys: Here we are. going on
till you overtake us. Saw a thundering big
wildcat could not get a shot ; if we had,
the shot-jun would have got him. It Is
Z)-Z v m. O-K Ao xtld&yDrn :a- !"
Signed G. & M.
Arrived at Elk at 5:30, and left there in
a row-boat at 4 o'clock A. M.. arriving here
at 10i o'clock, Albany is well represented
here, there being just 32, mostly campers,
but some boardinjr. Amonir them we no
tice Mayor Humphrey Recorder Baker,
Marshal ,WestfaU, D. M. Thompson and
family, R. X. Armstrong and family, W.
C. Tweedale and wife, and others.
The amusements are croquet, base lil!f
sailing, walking on t!To beach, dancing.
fishing, etc., all of which in turn are fullv
indulged in by Albanians. Some of the
more daring ones contemplate crossing the
M. V. Brown. Esq., of the Democrat.
returned lrom the Centennial on
uay, g:i to ; nome, looKing wen ami ! i.-oi -ive me for all
l$ neatli the rnsborry vine.
Where no intruder will creeyi,
1 will make the last camp of mine.
"Where 1 will lake my final sleep.
I feel grateful to all my friends- for their
kindness to me, and especially my children,
w..i.,o- 'Him mv wne in liari iciuar. j nuiu uu mnu
! it. innliee !i(r!tinct sliiv uiin:m 1 1- i 1 1 fT
Stoves and
ide of
(ncanlrefnnmlin anyone house this
l'ortland, and at as.
Pumps 3?ipeis,
Ctisf Iron, Brans &EiaiieSed
' in great vivrieiy. Also,
( Sheet Iron,
' tialvauiKetJ Iron,
alvravs on hand, and made to order, AT 1-1V-INti
CDzxUL on Him.
Albany October 22, IS7.V3VS
THE ESESr ?Sr' 21SEAE'! ,
To vlan ;mtl IJtsiL
I THE i2!A?liI nSA
LI -IT-1
There is no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not core; no ache, no painthat
afflict the human body, or the body a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not yield to its matc touch. A bott.e
eosting25e. 50c. or fff 00, has often saved
the life of a human being, and restored to
life and usefulness many a valuable norac.
Rheumatism, Bums, Sctilds. Bruises, Crrts,
Frost-bites, Swellings.' Contraeted ( oh Is,
Pain in the Back, Eiunbago. Sciatica,
Chilblains. Strains, Sprains, StilT Joints,
Sore Nipples, Eraptious, Pains, W otiuds,
Ulcers. , ...
ron A-'ifSAi.N. rr wha wbe.
Spavin, Calls and Sores, Swinny. huig
Bone, WInrigalls, Big Head, Poll Evil,
Humors and Sores, Eartieness, Swellings,
Scratches. Distemper Stiffness, strains.
Soreness, Oten Sores" ' . 21vS
Chicago &, Plorth-West-
ern Railway-
rjp'jri: vorriAR isci tk ivr.Hi.Ai.
l!is'-e.-c-r for i licK;. Niagara Kalis, Pilts
iiiiri. I'll i tiii lei ulna. Mra: real,vnebetr. New York
lloston. or any jioifil llnst. should b'.iy their
Via lite I'iiiiicrr Itutite,
It "Track is of STKK1. !A!I.f. and on it has
tK-cn malct !)e FASTEST time that lias ever been
M A 1E in t his count ry. byiiiis nmso tas-ii-zers
forrx-rintf eat of'( l;ii:aK have choice of the
following lines from Chicago : .
By tits I'lftHlftirar, lrJ'yt-tK1 lilcaso
anill'rnni.)lv:m:n lC:iilm:iyN,
THUOC;H TKAINS IAII.Y. with I'nllman
it. I'al!ice.iiirs llivnnijli to l'hiiadelpliiaundNew
Tork on eacUti-ain.
ITIllt t"4Il TK A1X. with I'liMiimn I'aiacccara
to Ilaltiiuoie and Washinarton.
K- tli Sliorp noil Mtelii6rn J'o-iini-
eri I5:tt way nnl eiin-etitisiAirw oi-h
t'CHrl n! i'.riei liailrwuKi,
rt TitHOlXill TRAINS IA1I.Y. with Palace
Inawintr ilrxrni and Silver Paiace thro
to New York.
. y til MicliiRnn I'rntnl. rI Trunk,
icrext Molfin tnl S'.rie nncl New Vorli
t'catral iSallwayety TRAINS. w-ih liilini:m Ia!ace
) Drawing Room and Sieepinsr ears through to
New York, to Niasura Fails, Buttalo, llochester
or New York city. .
tty tinltiiuore anI !ifr Itnilroad,
) Triltot'liit 'i'5? viNS !.VII.Y, villi Pii'.hnan
p:i liir-t-ffo-s tor Newark. ,'l.Vli!linjJ,
asionxion and l'.anmiori: withonl ehange.
Thisis1b' SITOltTKST. lll-ST and only linn
mm: Iii'f Pullman ertiebiioo'l i'ALACE SXEEP-
iv.i A15S AN l CUAl llEs. cop.neetina with
I nivm I'ar-ilii lhulroad at OM All A and from the
WEST, via (irand Jimction, Marshall, IVrlar
Itaoids. riintoit. sterhint and liuori, lor CHI-
l'Ai; AND THE EAST. . -
rriii-a twniiil:ir ronto i nnsnriiasMed for Smed.
fomiorl and safer v.- The smoor h, well ballasr-
.,! nml inTiecr ir.-u k of hU'.'I rails, the eeN'onu
ed Pnllnm-i Paiace Sleeping -ais. tiie perfect
Trfii.r-iiniii sr.ffm of moving trains, the resrn-
'arily viih 'which th-y ran, the ndmimhle. ar-i-ninreinent
for rnnninn'tlirnuirh -ars to Chicago
from all ixilnrs West, weniv to passenaers all
the comforts in modern railway traveliiiK. So
fhanj-'esof Cars, and no tedious delays at Per
ries. "
Pasens-ers will And Tickets vta. this favorite
route at the CVe-neral Ticket Iftice of the Central
...i. l?t,ilt-ou.d. Sjtci-atnento.
Tir-ket for -ale at all the Ticket unices of the
fii foeitlc Itnilrofid. W. II. STENN ET I
MARVIN lirGIiFTT.ticn.Sup. Jen. Pas. Asft.
H. P. STANWoU. fienerai Agency, cji mmii
joinery street, Kan Francisco. v7n47y
W'll HpiWI mil i I m 1 I .
m. iw ft.' Iiw ri'' 'JKX
Hi hfiiiie. S:inivMes worl n Tt
isTlNWjc . Co.. Port liinrt. Me.
SEND Vic to C. P. nOWEEI- A CO.. New Yorit,
for Pamphlet of inn pfires, contaimn;; a.'iiH
:ntj cs'.iraatca shoTmj cost of aJ-
Albany Book Store.
X.J School Books.Blank Itooks,fetationery
J u.nKV Articles, tc.
liooks fin ported to order, at shortest po'
Pilile nothre.
x ioc:erie.-4, lrovi.sioias
Tobaero. 'Jsr. t'atlery Croelt
: -ry, nl V5'oI & Willow Ware,
. TSrC'atlanttMM Aon. - . Sir
Jtfew aisd Spurge Emvoicc
Wate6.os9 GtacR,
,T i : W.K II Y ,
,I will Nell nt the l ullon iiis I'riccs :
oin silver. ! tz. P. S. llnrtlctt M'ailham
Wu'ch, $21 (hi; each additional ounce 52 r0.
Eiahl-dnv Setii Tlionias Clocks from s 00 to
il-Z on.
ml all other in proportion.
The only house ubove Portland that keciw
Oeads Kold, Kiiisrraveil Free of Charge,
Pmet i.-,il walcb-inaker and Jeweler, late ol Cal
ifornia Winch Co., and the. only oiix'aver in
A srood assortment of .Sewins Machine. Nee
dles aJid attachments.
Ti ll S BROS.
I'lii-siDiNG Officer Bishop Win. E.
Harris, of Chicago, arrived on Tuesday,
and presides over the deliberations of the
M. E. "Annual Conlerence, now in session
in this city.
The experience meeting at the M. E.
church Wednesday evening, in charge of
Rev. R. S. Stiibb. was the" most atl'ecting
and happiest we have experienced for a
long time.
AT Home. Dr. O. W. Gray has re
turned from his Centennial trip, and can
now be found at his office, in the Parrish
brick, up stairs. ly all who desire dental
work of any kind. 46v7.
The Fiiti: Saturday afternoon burned a
hole in the roof of Mrs. Cline's residence,
corner of Fifth and Ferry streets. The
fire was caused by a defective chimney or
tine. A small amount of coin will repair
Messrs. Tweedale, Thoaipson, Arm
strong, and their wives, togetherwith
Mayor Humphrey, Recorder Baker and
Marshal Westfall, on Wednesday were re
stored to ns after many pleasant days spent
at YaqtiSna.
Annual 'onm-ihesce. The Animal
Conference of the M. E. Church of Oregon
met in this city at 9 o'clock A. M. of Wed
nosdtvy. Bishop Wm. I,. Harris presiding.
There is a lull attendance of ministers and
lay delegates.
Rev. T. B. White and J. Bowersox of this
city were introduced and invited to seats
within trie bar. Charges preferettVngalnst
Rev. .1. S. Douglass were referred to
committee of inquiry, Said committee con
sisting of Bros. Flinn Doane, Nichols,
McCluin and Powell. As we go to press
Thursday, we are compelled to defer luther
notice of proceedings of Conference until
next week. Adjournment will probably
be reached. Saturday or Monday.
..Dvitiso Harvest- Or before or after,
when you are btfcy, and when you haver
leisure when yon are flush, and when
you are hardup," it is well to bear this In
mind : At Wheeler's store. In Shedd, yoii
always find what you want or something
better and yon ca!u buy It there for as
little of the 'srtlivalent3.," either in coin of
produce, as at any plrtec in Oregon,
We see that Dr. Wilcox, of tills city, has
been appointed to the principal chair" In the
new HomcopathicCollege in Portland, vizf
Professor of Obstetrics and Diseases of
Women and Children. We are glad to see
bar "in hojie of pleasure or peril of a that ie t.lainls 0f our physician's are ap-
grave, but think they will not go. As for predated abroad as well as at home.
We had the pleasure ot meeting our old
steamboat friend. Doc. McCnlly, on Tues-
das. He tiad been canvassing Benton
count' in the, interest of Capt. Cochran.
and had secured the subscription of eighty-
five thousand bushels of wheat thereto,
which is way up." .
my tsau maiKigemeut
Forget me. Mourn not for me, I will he
at ret. I h'lve travelled and hoped to lay
my body down away Irom troubling my
fiends, but there is no other plaee so dear
to me as tneold place in Oregon. It I had
kiiled myseif five years ago when I was
first temptedTit woiiliMiave beehlielter, as '
I then foresaw and predicted. Before I
sold my land, I chose death then rather
than to sell. No one will ever know my
feclings'at that time.- But I could not die,
and could not then consent to take rny own
life. But I am now past labor. I have
spent all I had. and I choose death rather
than to be a burden to my people. I wi-h
to be as little trouble as possible. I will
lay my body in the burying ground. Tear
awty the old shanty, the remnant of the
first building mat sheltered us from ttie
storms a tier our weary journey across the
plains, ami burn it up. Ja' stones around
and on mv grave. Put some private mark
so yon can tell if my body Iims been snatched
away by t lie doctors. I do not want them
to get my body.
Amkkici Savage.
Thus cuds the letter proper, then written
evidently at different times, the following
versification and notes :
I will soon breathe my last breath,
i have no fear of niortHl death.
J-'roin this mortal lody w ill rise
The pure spirit that never dies.
Let t lie-tell-tale tattlers keep
, 't heir tongues while 1 sleep.
M'hile there is one tattlinsi ton;ine.
The Millennial day can never come.
If tatliinir tongues were chained.
Then peace on earth would reipn.
Do not destrov the aliovc. ' If it is lied
about, publish it in the papers lay it away
where it will be sate.
I owe one dollar to Alfred Hill in Al
ban v. Please pay it : it is all I owe in the
Divide my ictas among you, my chil
I have nothing to administer upon.
want no woner s mcinest. I- want no
preaching over mv body.
The Book of Records I left in the Russ
House in Portland. Send for it. (. K
Beecher is the landlord. It may be of
great value to the familv.
I have often said that I wonld never die
with consumption if I could help it, and I
have but one way to Uo it
our part we have not lost anything outside
of the bar. Quite a number are going
home this week, well satisfied with their
sojourn by the sad, sad sea.
The bridge across the Calipooia creek, at
Boston Mills, is to be repaired, and that at
Kendall is to be rebuilt. -
The remains ot the late Americiis Sav
age were interred on Sunday last, on .the
site of tils first residence in the Willamette
valley a detached butte that rises to a
bight of forty or fifty feet above the sur
rounding prairie, about half a mile east of
the Boston Mills a beautiful and romantic
spot. A large concourse of sympathizing
friends and neighbors attended.
D. P. Porter, Esq., who returned a few
days since from an extended the States, formed, during his absence.
the acquaintance of the next President.
Like all who know Governor Hayes,friend
Porter is enthusiastic fn his support.
Tire agent of the R. R. Co., at this place.
is in receipt .of advices from the acting
Pres'dent, to the effect that freight rates
are to be as low from this stat ion as from
any corresponding point on the river or
say liot to exceed 40o per ton above Al
bany rates. Such a course should have the
effect of largely increasing business at this
Messrs. MeCormick, Davis & Co.- got, a
few days since, one of the Pel ton horse
powers, manufactured at Salem. It was,
while standing near the depot, examined
"What's usee play poker," exclaimed
an unhappy Celestial; "me hotdee four
klings and a lace; Melican man holdee
alesamc time font- lace and a klingj Vholew
week washee gone likee woodbine !'
A good many strangers In the ctty tuuV
ing the week.
o .
A case of smallpox is reported at Rose
burg. .
Hon. J. W. Nesmith, of Polk, spent A
day or two in the city during the week.
. y
John Schmeer drives a handsome span
of trotters these days.-
Mean Theft. Some mean thief carried
off three traps that, bad been set by Dallas
Price, in the slough about a mile and a
half below the city, : last week. When
Dallas went towhere he had set his traps,
hoping to find beaver, he found no traps.
Moan theft, wasn't it?
Geo. Humphrey says tliat Dr. Bofitgfiton
can't be beat in diptlieria. -
Marujed On the 16tb. at the farm fesU
dence of the groom, by Rev. S. S. Van
Iersol. Mr. Isaac McClung and Airs. A. A
Stevens. -
Complimeuts received. May thefr lives
prove one long summer dream of bit's.
At the residence of the bride 'a parent!
in this city, on tne. evening ot Angost iEW,
IS76, by Rev. T. B. White, Mr. W. B
Westlake ami Miss Edith M.- Cowan,
Happiness and prosperity attend Otif
handsome friends.
August 13h, 1S7C, in Sweet Home, at
the residence of the bride's parrots, by
liev. T. N. Fields, Mr. N. Tnrnbnll ami
Miss Rosa Williams all of Sweet Home
Remaining in the ' Post Office. A llmtiv.
Linn county, Oregon, August 21th, 1876.
Persons calllucr for these letters must srive
by many farmers, and was the subject of the date on winch they were advertised,
much favorable comment. Thick. Wm McTrvln. Ed 2
AVm. Powers. Esq., agent for N.W.S. Bahr. Ed McLaughlin, K .T
roiTI,D AWOUiCE to the public thi he
is carrying on a
Wagon and Carriage Shop,
nt. the old stand known as the Peters Pppidel
shops, where he has on hand the finest lot of
end and side sprini
Two & Tliree Sealed Carriage
ever man ufactrircfl fn the State. If you don't
believe it,
I use nothing bat Enatern Timber, and
Vamtnt 'all Work
to ftivie Mttlsfactiofi, while my prices are most
"V rt., 4 ..rt linnw t,nw rrair wtfn nnd fnrnilv
would appreciate a ride in a welt-made, iiict
Home and stylish hack. Purchase one ot Sam
Miller's handsome new carriages, nnd you will
par leas doctor's bills, and Rive your family re
creation for which thev will repay you a thonu
and times with their happy smiles.
Call at my hops, corner of terry and Second
streets. Albany. Oregon.
Apr II, lb.b . i SAM MUXER.
Dead Bony Found. On the 20th the
bodyxif the late Absalom Smith was found
in the Santiam river a short distance above
Jefferson. : The body was upright in the
water, having caught on some roots. De
ceased was drowned in April last, several
miles above Jefferson.
Club. The Democrats of this city or
ganized a 'Tildeu and Hendricks Reform"
club last Saturday night. We don't know
of fvo men who- need "reform" to a great
er degree than Tildeii and Hendricks, and
we hope the club may succeed in making
comparatively honest men of them, at
least. . . . '
; Pitt's Thbeshek. Mr. Levi Brouson,
of Buffalo, N. Y.' head"" manager of the
manufactory of tlie celebrated Buffalo
Pitt's thresher, is traveling through the
country to learn from the farmers them
selves what they think abont the machine,
and what improvements, it any, can be
made to make them more serviceable to
our people, as onr wheat differs somewhat
from that in the East. Mr. Bronson was
taken charge of by 5Ir. Nitnrod Payne, on
Tuesday. .
The Oregon State University Opens
for the reception of students on the ICtli
of October. There will be two terms of
twenty weeks each. The taw provides for
the free tuition of one student from each
county, and one for each member of the
legislature. Students wishing to avail
themselves of the benefit of the law should
make application to the county super! n
tei dent of the county in which they reside.
All other students wishing to take the col
legiate course will tie required to pay
tuition ot $20 a term in advance. All can
didates tor admission into this department
will lie required to pass an examination in
reading, writing, orthography, geography,
practical arithmetic, English grammar,
Greek grammar and reader, history of the
United State?, Latin grammar, reatier ana ;
four books of Ctesar. but for the pteent
.the examination. in the languages may be
ouitted. "
Way Up. The Directors of Albany Col
legiate Institute have succeeded In secur
ing Prof. It. J. Powell as Principal of the
Institute for the coming year. The Pro
fessor has filled a Chair in tho .Willamette
University with great acceptance, and is
one of the first educators ou the Pacific
slope just the man needed to bring tho
Institute into the front ranks of the educa
tional institutions of the country. Ror for
our side.
The Yaquina Bay Railroad talk gets
stronger and stronger every day.
Born To the wife of F. S. Dunning,
Aug. 19h, a son.
S. Co., has sold lately several reapers and
mowers. Farmers are, this year, inclined
to use those implements which will enable
them to secure their harvests at the earliest
practicable time. .
Several loads of lumber and timbers lor
the repair of the bridge over the Calipooia
at Boston "Wills, passed through the village
last week.
Splendid lumber. The new steam saw
mill about three miles from Lebanon, re
cently erected by Messrs. llnrd & iSeltle
meir, is now in full operation, cutting from
eight to ten thousand fcec of lumber per
day. They have he very finest of fir and
pine to select from, almost unlimited in
supply, and are making a superior quality
of lumber, which they propose to sell as
low as can be obtained at any mill iu Linn
count". Lumber can lie obtained at the
mill, or will be delivered at low rates to
Berrisan. MielieaT McLaughlin. Miss A
Out, Mrs Lizzie, 3 McKinnell, Wm
Cauly,' McCollnm. Jno W
Cook, tieoo .Mercer, Mrs a
Carothers. Miss A E Mullen, Isaac II
Duncan. Fraukie Needen, T
Hall. Chas E2 Rilev. John
lioff, Mrs. ColumbusWheeler, Miss M
Harris, Willard L 3 Weldner, Mrs M
Jordan, Angeline Webber. J W
Kemp, Jim It 2 York, Dr J 1,
Lolitre, Wesley
Gold in New York, HOTalll ; Legal
tenders, 9fT91e ; Wheat In. Liverpool, on
23d, 9slda9sld ; club, OsodolOs, .
No change in produce market. Wheat
and oats nominal ; butter, 23o30c ; eggs.
20c. .;'...
Faculty. Tho Faculty of the new -
Ilometrpatliie College, recently incorpo-
parties ordering. Read the new advertise- fated iu Portlaud, is composed as fol
lows :
-T. J. Sloan, A. M., M, D., Trot, of
incut of the mill Co. in this issue.
Irou iu (lie Blood.
The Peruvian Syrup vitalizes and en- j Principles and Practice ot Medici no.
riches tlie blood, tones up the system, builds
up the brokeudown, cures Dyspepsia, De
bility, Dropsy, Chills and Fever. Chronic
Diariii'tea. JServous Affections, Boils, Ha
mors. Diabetes, etc. Thousands have lieen
changed by the use of this remedy from
weak, sickly, surtenng creatures, to strong.
healthy, and happy men and women ; and
invalids caunpt reasonably hesitate to give
it a trial.
A 32-page pamphlet, containing a history
ot tne jferuvian ryrup. a valuable paper
ou prognss in medical science, a treatise
More rain on Tuesday enough to make
considerable mud.
on iron as a medical agent, testimonials I OI "atomy.
II. aielviuricU, M.D., Prot. ot Ma
teria Mcdica Pura.
F. C. Paine, M D., Prof, of Materia
Medica and Therapeutics. v
A. I'ohl, M. D., Prof, ot Pathology.
G. YV. Wilcox, M. D., Prot. ot Ob
stetrics and Diseases of Women awl
E. Shiel, M. D., Prof, ot Anatomy.
Wm. Gciger, M. D., Adjunct lrot.
from distinguished physicians, clergymen
and others, will be sent tree to anv address.
Seth W. Fowle & SONS, Proprietors, 8G,
narrisou Ave., Jtsosiou. soiu Dy dealers
generally. aug
From IS. Fellows, M. of Hill. Hi. II.
Althouffli I nave eenerallv a creat ob
jection to paieiit meuicines, l can out say
in justice to Dr. Wistar's Balsam of Wild
Cherry that it is a remedy of superior val
ue lor i-iumonary Diseases.
I have made use of this preparation tor
years, ano it lias proved to be very reliable
and efficacious in the treatment of severe
and longstandiniz courzhs. I know ot one
patient, now in comfortable health, who
has taken this remedy, and who but for its
use. 1 consider, would not now be living.
augj It. Fellow's, m. D.
Fruit cans, tinware, stoves, ranges, etc.
at W. II. McFarland's.
Jay Blain and party are expected home
from the Bay next week.
.1. L. Bagley, Sen., M. T Prof, ot
Clinical Surgery.
U. Arnold, Jr., M. D-, Io. of Mu
nor Surgery.
II. S. Hagley, M. D., Prof, ot Chem
istry ami Toxicology.
J , Gautenbein, M . D.,Prof. ot Physi
ology and Hygiene. ' '
11 on. E. 1). Sbattuck, Prof, of Medi
cal Jurisprudence.
T. J. Sloan, A. .M, M. D Dean ot
the Faculty.
Chatnpagno is the appropriate name
ot tlie man who has recently opened a
restaurant in Roseburg. .
A coup'e of Iloscburgers who lately
chopped dowu a bee t fee near Myrtl
Creek g'Jt k half pound of honey Ut
their trouble.