The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 25, 1876, Image 2

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svcir a 'fraxic letter-am
.... s
1L. X?. HAYES.
for Tier pkksipent,
"Mr. Ti'Jen'ji letter of nccetance is
very frank and very plain;" so we are
told, and yet the Democratic politicians
in Wasliiiiorton 'are quarreling over tlie
meaning of liis financial utterances.
And both sides1 arc able to fortify tliem
Helves, -and confonnd the other, by
quoting frcm the 'document !
The Democratic candidate tor the
ah ofrice or li'restdeitt f I lie United
of Multnomah county.
XV. H. DUKLL, of I.!',r.c county.
J. XV. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
J. C. CAP.TVTSK;nT, of WuotDimty.
-- -
States is ai tli
Last Saturday there was a laro Ke
rtublican massmeeting held at Danville,
Indiana, at which Senator Dcuth, of
California, made a short but splendid
present time one of the
defendants in an action brought in the-
Supremc ( 'otr.jt of the State oi.Xesv
York, charging him with, having mis
appropriated the stock of the St. Louis,
Alton and Torre 1 1 auto llailroad while
acting as one jot the directors theref r.
A fv weeks ago. when tliis case came
on for ttia', Til'Icn procured its Hst
penement til! the firt't of October next.
Notwithstanding fact, f-uch journals
as tlie Dtunorrvt assert from week tj
week that "Ti'den is absolutely Vcitli-
of the uprights ; then t swung arotmd
the circle, and sprang at the skyhglit;
then, without even allowing myself
time for reflection, I inverted myself
and. came down "like a wolf on the
tbld" head foremost against the base
ment, and for titty-two hours (stalling
time) 1 gave tlie vehicles no rest. The
Company saw I was reckless, and did
their best, but 1 laid up five drivers,
and came triumphantly into lloseburg
alongside of the sixth. Some who saw
me, and misconceiving the true state ot
arlairs supposing as they did that the
stae was throwing me around in all
these manifold shapes were disposed to
give me ot their sympathy. They re
garded me as a second Sancho 1'anza,
only that he was tossed in a blanket by.
the merry, frolicsome fellows of Cor
dova, while I was jolted in a stage by
jx of the gay, reek less Jehus, vu!gany
called drivers. Hereafter, according to
my misguided sympathetic friends,
Sancho and . I will jog along down
through history toge ther as fellow mar
tyrs', or as involuntary acrobatic per-
The Turks claim to have worsted the
Servians near Alexinatz.
The flags ir New- York and Brook
lyn were at half-mat on the lilst iu
honor of M. C. Kerr. :
J. W. McCaslin and wife, arrested for
committing an abortion, were dismissed
on Friday for want, ot evidence.
The editor of the Ilillsboro Independ
ent savs that it the railroad officials do
, ., ., ' , ( out snot or blemish in both private and
speech. I h is the account auen by 1 1
There is a financial crisis in Portugal ( not hurry and build a depot at Smith's
... , , c, 1 urusoMii;, biiu jjciiijiiiMiii; n ui iui uc ilium
on account of strong banks refusing to ;
assist weak ones.
Eleven persons were drowned on the
21st in different parts of the East, by
capsizing of sail boats.
Tlie Atlantic Mills at Lawrence,
Jlass., will resume work on the 14th
mix. They employ 1,200 operatives.
The employes of the New York and
New Jersey U. K. have -struck on ac
count of non payment of wages.
A terrible wind and rain storm pass
ed over Northwestern Missouri on the
21st, destroying dwellings, shops and
bridges, t .
Forty masked men look two young
the telegraph :
Tlie Republican candidate'- for Gov
ernor, Gen. Harrison, spoke first.
"When he had concluded, somebody saw
Senator tooth sitting modestly iu a cor
ner and called for him. Instantly
the call was repeated by- thousands of
voices, llooth had no intention of mak
ing any public utterances tor several
days yet, but they closed around him,
cheering In-lily, and actnaiiy pushed
him upon the platform. lie was carri
ed away by tl e enthusiasm of tlie mo
ment. Those nearest him saw he was
greatly affected, and for an instant,
when he began, the same could lie dis
covered in his voice, but only for an in-
rmblic life." thus giving us to under-
stand that, from a Democratic stand
point, a Democrat is considered pure
and honorable oven when guilty of rob
bing the people of hundreds of thousands
or (h l'avs ! In this view of the easeare
not these journals placieg Democracy
very lof umrn in the scale ot morality ?
The New York Th.itw of August the
21st contains a remarkable editorial
showing that Gov. Tilden having sworn
in loG-l that his entire income for tlie
stsiit : then in u'ear, ringing accents he ) year 1SG2, from all sources liable to tax-
pooch : "'It j :iti,.n, council fees, dividends, rents and
profits, was; only 7,118, he, in 1S7G,
formers, it such is ti iv. the voice Oi
history, let it be silenced forever. Hut j persons charged with murder from jail
I must close. My wrist tires with the at Owentown, and hanged them to a
pen. I have just had a new joint put tree, on the 21st.
in'and it hasn't got to woiking nicely Cai,t Fitzgerrald, 9th infantry, was
vet. 1 have had several joints replaced j ., , ,, t- . n ,
; . ... - 1 ,, accidentally sfiot by Lieut. Laluwin at
by new ones mice gtttmg oil the staye.
My back-bone was"unco'iip!ed, and that Camp Hobii.son and it is feared his
has, been mended, in fact most of mv j i,1!0 w,!1 have to be amputated.
Attention, Fruit (irowers!
t'o. hrn to announce that thev will nut the
Factory in operation as soon as Fruit and Veg-
etauies are ready tor use, una wm pay cusu lor
tlie same w hen (U-liveretl.
Boxes will be furnished to all for the purpose
of hriniiinf; their fruit to the factory.
Fruit should he picked from the trees and not
bruised. ' ....
P-.rit- hnvlnsr nlnms should he mrtienlar to
gather theui before they become too rip.
A. X. Aii.nold, President.
Albany, July 28, isTiJ-Snil
In tho ( -ircuit Court of the St:iie of Oregon for
the? eount- of Linn.
Kmeline Hon tvstHr, Plaintiff, vs. Tlirain Don
cutr, Defen.'.aii:.
To Iliram Ixuit-aafer, the aliwe named ae-feinlant-:
in t he name of tin: State of Orron : You are
hcrehv rcjuii cil to apivarnml answer the eoiu
ji'.aiut'of the above piaintiif in tie aljove enti
tled court, now on tile with the t'!ei-k of said
court, wifliiu ttiu da-s frfni the date of scrviee
of 1 bis ujn'm you if served In J.imi
county, Oi c.on ; but if served in any other
ctnijitv in the Stale of Oregon, then wiihin
twenty da-s troui the datcot tlie service oi tnw
sMuuutntii'upimytm; or if served, by publica
tion, then mi or liefore the ttistr day (if the next
term of said court, to-wit, Monday, OeloberilM,
1ST6; and you are hereby uotilie'd that it you
fai' to u'ipcar unci answer iid coniplaint. as
hereby re(ntred. the nlalntilf will apply tothe
court ?or tlie relief prayed for in the complaint,
to-wit, dissolution ot t norm ot mat riiuony
exisi inw bet ween yen and plaint iff, and care and
custody of the minor-child naTiittd i herein.
X. If. IRMFilllKV",
Attorney for pl'ff.
Published by order of lion. Is. F. Bonlmm,
.)u !'-f sai l court, made this Sfh day of Au
gust, IsTti. aulliUlivS
made this remarkable speech : "It
Would lie hardly worth while to c.-me
rt tar to kv ni litt!p but.' this mil of
yours thrill's my heart as it has not been j sv-'Mrs ) during the same year, 18G2,
thrilled for years, for to day 1 stand for j he received from two sources alone, his
the lir.-t time in my native Mate to spea's j services to a single
lo rrrv fellow-citizens tipon political j , i n 1 c
. ' ' i by his own sworn aomsssioti. J here:
questions. 1 can oi:!y conirratuiato voii . ,
' upon this occasion: "l ca7i only con- I fdeti stands.ii.ueoted to ine gov.
gratnlate Kepublicans of Indiana that j meet in a considerable sum for unpaid
com j -a ny , t--o ,000,
'they have a leader in the canvass who
bears tlie historic name to whicn he adds
lustre by his own abilities and patriot
ism. I can only rejoice with you
the first Governor of the Territory of
Indiana will give us a Governor in this
Centennial year. 1 do not deny that
so far as I am personally c.y.ccrncd I
. recognize that there are great political
questions bearing upon us in the near
future, that are not touched on by the
divisions between the llepublican and
Democratic parties; great que.-iions of
linatice, great questions of fiscal policy,
methods of reform and administration,
but when I find the Democratic party
as a compact mass chemhing its d.i
tiaditions, animated by its nM ideas all
otlfer -questions in my mind are subordi
itate to its defeat and destruction. I
know not what others may think, but
as for me, I cau'-ee no road to progress
that does not lead over its ruin. For
15'years it has stood in the pathway of
our advance; for 15 years it has resisted
every great political idea ; for 15 veals
it has endeavored to suppress every
grand political utterance and the time
has come, yes, the fulh.ess of time when
it should cumber the ground no longer,
i don't deny that the Republican party
has bad corrupt men sometimes for its
agents, but look at the past behind us;
think of the great questions it has con
fronted ; think of the hundreds of thous
ands that it has employed ; think of the
difficulties it has passed through,thework
it has accomplished, and it seems mi
raculous that its mistakes have not Ijcen
more and greater than they have been,
but they are as the bends oi a river that
clo but deflect its channel as it rushes to
the sea. And there is this to be said,
that it made the country's extremity its
divine opportunity : that when the ca
tastrophe eame jver us that gtod men
all over the world supposed would de
Ftroy us, it snatched victory even from
grim defeat and made the event that
Was to blot us out from among the na
tions, the opportunity to fix upon our
policy the seal of universal freedom and
piade it the guarantee of an indissoluble
miion." To say that this speach which
hardly occupied live minutes in delivery
produced a great efiect is not to describe
the scene. There was roar after roar of
aplause and if Bqfth had not escaped
by a 6ide"cToor he would have Been'car
ried on the shoulders of the multitude"
to the station. Willi this incident of
great significance and with the promise
from Booth that he will make speeches
in the State before going Jioroe, Gen.
j llarrison began his canvas.
income t;ix for 1802, and we have two
statements by Tiideu utteraily inconsist
ent with etjuh other. The Tlmr pro
ceeds to show other sources of revenue
enjoyed by the Governor, and says he
never rein: tied any statement of his in
come exec; t for two years, a'sd was as
sessed dur ng other years that the in
come tax law existed.
From this it seems that Tilden takes
a "new departure," and now oce lpics
the position of a ji-jurei' as well as a
reJormer And still Democratic journ
als tell us- Tilden is "pure and unspot
ted in private and public life.'
machinery got to jumpinj- cogs, uv
something of that sort. 1 held together
though ti'jtil the happy land ing place
was readied. I smi now lieing thor
oughly overhau'ed, repaired and fumi
gated, and will sot in be as good as new.
Yours in hope,
Caiidt'ijs-i-a n-Itum---.
.Tosia'i Quincy has Sailed in Boston
for $800,000.
Col. Hufus Tngal's has been ordered
to San Francisco.
The escaped Fenians arrived in New
York on the 19lh u!t.
Uepresentati ve Jleade will serve on
the Chinese commission -
The South Pass Jetty Co. has widen
ed the Misssissippi thus far 140 feet.
1'. II. Xewell, known m literature as
Orpheus C Kerr, is on his death bed in
New York.
Fefore leaving for ' Long Fianeh
President Grant decided not to pardon
any of the whisky thieves.
The Xorwalk tannery of Med way,
Mass., was destroyed by incendiary tire
on the 19th. Loss S0.000.
The internal revenue gangers will be
gradually reduced by the Internal Kev
011110 Commissioners.
Tho 1. S. It. It. mail service will
meet at 5t. Louis on the 11th of Goto
bev: Eighty Chinese boys left Hartford
for Philadelphia on the Hist to visit the
Two -men were drowned by tle up
setting ot the yacht Xy'cia between
3Iilwaukie and Chicago.
About 27 of the Vtes who left, Fort
Fettermanr after having been feasted
and armed and indulged iu nnmerotis
"war dances, deserted at Cheyenne river
on Friday, taking with them the arms
which were furnished them to light the
Sioux with.
At the instance of Senator Mitchell,
the mail service on the route between
Oakland and Lookinglass, Oregon, has
leen doubled. .
A fire destroyed almost the entire
business portion of Lrussells, Canada,
on tlie Hist inst. Loss 8100,000.
It is asserted the Porte has undeniable
proofs that the Knssians have been in
viting insurrection iu Bulgaria.
The Lmperor of Morocco declares his
inability to send' his customary subsidy
to the Sultan of Turkey on account of
having been compelled lo quell disturb
ances in his own dominion.
to it.
'Jhe Olympia academy begbs on the
4th of September. j
Swanton is pluming itself with many
private improvements. j ,
AH the best horses in Idaho ire enter
ed for the yiar Has. eh raeev
The wild grass oi. the Columbia river
bottoms is very good this year.
The Casco mine is increasing rapidly
in size, and very rich insilrer.
Several casts of fever similar to ty
phoid have occurred in Oivmpia recent
ly. - . ;
Oo account of the hard times, in
Owyhee, many miners have left the
Black Hills. i
The large warehouse at Fisher's land
ing, Yancover; will soon bo ready fur
'Dewa & Wilson are going to crowd
1. 1.1 ., 1,,. .-, f, ,1 vn tl.v. a untde and en! ere ol re. or I in mid Court on
""l' " ! Antfust, 1S7.1. iu the matte of
i lie -estate oi iviniatn i!. ;iison. (ii-i-in(i, i.
Vtll!:l:n (..'lx nicr, reni.-ihiiufjexccutorof tbeiant.
w ill and testament of the said William IS. 4il
sou, iei-cii-'etl. v. i!!. on
KauirtiHy. ei3ei,lrer 2aS, 1M7,
At the t'oiu t Ilouseuoor, in the city of Albany,
in said I. inn county, between the hours o,f U
o'ciot-k iu the forenoon and 4 o'clock in the
afternoon. to-Wil. at I he hour of 1 o'clock in the
attei-noon of said d.ay, offer for xnie at public
auction the following de--crind real estate be-lo-.iini;
To 1 he esiate of Siid -"iVilliani H. tiilson,
ilciriwtl. in wit : The o:ist third of the Mouth
half of 1 lie douat ion land claim of Thomas s.
Su miuei-s and Kb:'.a Suumicrs.-known a. Xoti-
t'K-atioti No. -.3-ii-aud ciaiiu No.5tl in Township
- I '
NOTICK li Iterehv "riven that by virtue of
an order of the County Court within and
for the county of Li:m. State of Oregon, duly
.1. li. G. Dtngaii is manufacturing a
very superior p;alit.y of cheese at Yan
cou ver.
South Mountain, Idaho, will be sold
at bankrupt sale in Sau Francisco on the
4th prox.
Thresh ii g is goiig actively on around
Yancouvi r, and increased crops every
where noted.
ti' To-2Jay.
' Letter from a Poatma.ster.'
'ATi(X-n, ILL., Dec. 1, 1874.
"Mi ssus. .1. B. IIohk & Co.:
'Mv wile lias, for a l-.nx lime, been a terrible
snm-rer from Kheniuatisiu" She has tt le.d many
phvsK-iansahd many remedies. Theonly tiling
wh'uH has si veu her relief is t'entanr Liniment
I atn rejoiced to say thia has cured her. I niu
doins what I can to extend its sale.
. W. II. KINti.
This is a sample of ninny thousand testimonl
a Is received, of wonderlul cares elfected by tho
C'cnr.-iurl.iulmeut. The In Kt edie ills of thin ar
ticle ate published around each boitle. It con
tiiow Witch Ihivi l. MiMitlia. Arnilll. Itmk. Oil.
j lim;Tdienthitberto little known
tt is an i:us)intuilu tact t Hal tne ventuiir
ment is iM!rl'oruiin more cures of Swelltniri.
St ill' Joints, Krimt ions,7themnatlsni,HearHl(-la
Sc.iutica, Caked Breasts. Lock-jaw, &e., than all
the other Liniments. Embrocations. Kxtruots,
ftnlve. Oitit meiits and plasters now in us.
J.'or Toothache; l-isirncW, Weak Back, Itch and
Cutaneous Kruptions, it is adiuirahle. It cureH
bnrirs nnd scalds without a scar. Kstraet liol
sons from Idles and st ings. and heals frost-bite
mid cbilllilains, in a short time. No funilly can
an'ord to lie without tho Centaur Liniment,
w hite vrap)erj - . . '
Tl:e'eutanr Liniment, Vellow Wrapjier,
is adapted to the, touh skin, mnstdes and fleshf
of the animal creation. Its efleets upon seveto
eases of si-nvin; is-vceity, Wind iull, Itiit
and l'oll Kvil. are little less than marvelous.
Messrs. J. McClure &Co.. IrnsiHts, eorneroi
"Instead ot beinga reformer, Tilden is
Jiimsolt 10 as urgent need of reform I as
the party which has put him in nomiha
lion." . '
"The Government for the chief ofKce
tor which he. has been nominated
wouldnot now exist it his example during
the rebellion had been followed by his
countrymen.' John A. Dix.
The Democratic; platform is the au
thority for the assertioc that reform can
be brought about only "by peaceful rev
olution." The good people ol America
are likely to inform those mhort-haired
gentlemen that they . have had about
enough revolution lor one century at
least. . . , .
Sittin" Pull has sent word to Queen
Victoria, asking her to act as mediator
between the - Sioux nation ar.d the
United States.
.Ta.' A. Cartield lias been rtj-nouiinar
for Conreps from Ohio.
The undersigned respectfully begs
leave to state that he has been 'to the
Centennial. Dropping the third lK-r-
-son, as every third erson dropped me,
I will slate that I am home at last. The
Centennial is the best one 1 was ever
at 1 never saw b-'girer chunks of
solid stiver ($72,000 in value), or oleer
ornaments (there were those from the
time of Charlemagne to TOO years P.
C), or nicer cameos (including all work
in that line back to tho Greeks), or
more magnificent diamonds (a New
York firm displayed a rare necklace
valued at 75,000), or older mummies,
etc., etc., than at the one I just returned
from. an, you would have laughed
your sides Pore if you could only have
seen the Isew Hampshire display of
W ebster s Plow and the two immense
hog, jtisl as though Daniel had un
hitched them and gone off to write a
great Centennial arjument. A bad
bov, or yourself for instance, had you
been there, would have suffered an in
describable itching for a chance to slyly
tie their tans to the clevis of the plow,
'just for tun, you know. Such a dis
play of overgrown, unsavory hogs may
do for a State that does not need immi
gration, but would hardly be the thing
tor a young btate like ours anxious to
display its resources. I paw the em
balmed Princess from Egypt. Ycung
ar.d susceptible as I am, and away lrom
tuy Jamily as I was, I know not what
potent power she would have swayed
o'er me had thete been more ot.the tire
in her eye and had the gentle breezes
oft the' Nile not fanned her tre.?ses for
thirty odd centuries ; but one orb was
sightless, and the other had long since
returned to the dust from whence it ; and her ringlets had floated
away in the zephyrs until her head was
as bald as the bottom of my foot. But.
time will not permit an extended notice
ot the rciics let alone the substantial
jtortiun of the grandest gathering
America has ever witnessed, lo de
feribe it alt would Tpquire a thousand
pens like mine, a.nd all driven by a
power to back them like the grand Cor
liss engine that drives the whole ot
Machinery Hall. - Go and see it for
yourself, if you do, and in coming
back you choose to come overland from
California, may your experience be not
as mire was. I had a hard time, or
rather the stage company had a hard
time of it, for the way I pounded their
stages was a caution. It took one hun
dred horses, two coaches and six drivers
I to get me from Redding to lloseburg,
I banged np one stage coach so they
left it at Yreka, changed loads and
gave us a new one. Jiut I fmmsdi
ately resumed active operations as soon
.. . . . .1 ; IS - T ' .
The Democratic Territorial Conven
tion of Idaho will meet in Boise City
on the 12th prox. and the Republicans
i u the 20lh.
The Silver; City Ava'anelaj says:
The citizens of Lewiston in this Terri
tory have subscribed 2,000 for the pur
pose of sec-uruiii a light draught steam
boat to run to that place the yeaf round.
A boat will be running there in Octo
ber if other towns will respond liberal
ly. Many immigrants are pouring through
La Grande.
Tha Independence- Telegram cries
ryni-: tmi!.:;sii;n ki take this mktiiod
X of itt loi-uii'.m the public that their
si!u:t'-l wi;hin Hnve miles of l.i-!)!ii!on,ii"itv
t lie smi mlii Vive: o i linmilroa Crcc:-c. is ikc
t'itiiii!i4. and is etitt insj ,!;i.i!y from ci.iiu to foil
iiiottsim i lcct of c.ce:.i-:u
li i ..: udPine I .iiiilt?z
which we c'!Yt for sale it-s
C'lf E.11 AH A IV. Y ."SSSI.Sj a Ti COiTY.
All nil'.s tr-r 1 ! it ...rr v'-'o:n!,t -y fifV:, iti tV-e
-'horti st t.o-- i'.!-.-1 iiac.KP.d ci-ii-. erc.l, it duiircl,
mi re-'stitia!'.!- li'i-iiu-.
A-.i.i-.x orders to
ii-i .;-' -;vi !. nno-.i. Orej-on.
Kim and Front streets. Cincinnat i. Ohio, say :
In our neii.'hhorhood a number of teamsiers-
are u.'iTi-r tl.e t'entanr l.iuiment. I ney pro-
We i u'ilcU ks lour t HveOozun bot-
il J V t . . I M
io-vs Vv' m, ; V. ?;uTont I wi have thousands of similar testimonials.
iid cH n, 4 l or Wounds, ( lulls. ches, K in,--bone. Ac,
b n'i-s i'Ai-h" of ih rfS t nJ lor Screw Worm in sheep 11 has no nval.-
thence, south i!iiiiv-dir!it chains ami eiirhtv-i on .i.ii.en. n nauvuj wuwW.ii "
tie links, Th"iet? east twenty i-bains, thenceM
iur: U i Ithty-iirlit cliin ami t.-ilu-li vo liniis
!f i no Hjivo o: iK'imunir, and conTHimn
7-i (v?-ltni ucrts !yt-s i 4. !' ftcrt'ti in town Whs
iie'cloiorc wold Kitviai? U'J 'ZJ-IQQ acres more or
'iVrrm : roul es)a.te bo sold for oi'l
coin ol tilt I'itci S!urtrs, on-liaIf to bo i::iM
down on '.lit' ('.ay ol sjdo uud tiic reiiniltidor hi
si. iiionth, wif h iiH-r sl liitreon at T In "Aif
of 10 pirr ci;nt. )r tuinum, i:vynient to be wo
curud lv liior'.-anc on tho "pn-iuis
j;oinai:i n'jc KxeiMifor of lat wiHaTi'T
to;a!:K-ui of V. H. liil-jon, l'N:it-oi1.
K. X. Tamjv, Att'y for iau llii-t'Jvi.
Special Xotiee.
The a!-v-;- ;nn.i-ry out:iV:y Mirmmv's Mui
Tot-il ?;ijii fc JVSX a i!5o. -oU'lrat-
el tor ilK- ouraiive irti":it-s of Us wutor.
thtios its cost.
J-aburatory ot J. 1 Koo & Co.,
4G lvy Htnet, New York,.
luudly for a jratlc scltodl.
! Mr. Kooke, cf Coos river, kil la tle
Heavy mercantile failures arc report- s army worms with cor.l oil.
.i nsitn.ii
- oh. iiViv.y.
K;3fc.S'i soil Ci
(-m;-.- ii it v.- ;.;a".n:i;H.tur-ti hi AU'.ity.
;-f I t . i:c- ;i 7 tat busui
i.':u"inc Vi'.ir- ;s it li:iii t liav no
in .-a o. ii ni I t-ii.ii nit, o-.cyboviy
Tn tho CircnH for.rt of tin; Sfuto of Ojvon for
fount v of i.iniJ.
Alfivd V."oivoi-ioii, Iv!a.;rt;a; V:. II. J. Wolver
to'i, tU'ft n'Utiit.
To li. J. WoUt'iMoji, tho aove named tiofontl
ant :
in tho m!iM' of the M.:e of Oroiron : Von are
h err by 11 airod to upi im ! niul flii-w 'V t ho t-om- ',
T.'iiint ol t bo abew jlhiu1 hi" in t u tiUnvt; oni UIrd
l-t 'lil, !H:W 1)1' lilt' Wit 1 1 t lilM .it;rK Of Sli id ciMirf, ;
Yv'ttni; tv.i -:tys fro a i iif dat-.-of 1 ho Mrv U.-s of
! W, -utiiuious rijH-ii f u it sorvevl in LiniH-oun- ;
v. ivt'i. a : i'ii; iV si'ivod in aiiv o.lur ommv !
1 1 wont y tiayn j
Jfolliers mn v have rest and tlieir liablea 'nay
have health, if they will usefastoria tor Winrl
oli Worms. Fevcridii.ess,Soi-e Mouth, Croup,
or Stouiaidi Complaint s. It is entirely a vege
table lu-e'iavalioii, tind contains neither miner
al, mornhine. nor alcohol. It is as pleasant t
taVe a honey, and neither jrairs nor riixis.
jir. 1 .-! iiiocn , 01 uuiiiitiuu.. savs:
-1 alii Vising 'astoria in my oractice vltll tlio
T!;e vovl;:i w'll tiilfiv,' nO-'C -w-:iter
w'.r'n less :-i'-)ot-. :u-, 1 is ;,.-.s luid'' to .et out ol
iv-.air, ;uid i ii-s iK usic, ii:a:i ioiy o.h -r
I'n .!.: ,i; r. '.tttl-- -. 'ili'.-j al e iii-iv -I'f; chl-:Oi. I
Mum e-. i-c:p- i-i ' i?e. tita'.-Kcl . 1 h-v ttiti le
ha ! in icy la.-nny i:i . Uartey f-l-.!i;is..ns v.aic-I
ill' .;s.-, i: KtnY, or oi- ii-i a :i 'ie u-it v.i.b 1'. 1
!lnnT Co ! .old 1 ! I-.,- :: '-ii (v. tmiiv. ly
o o. -..:-1 (v ;iT- i ; i: i-' l-'i.:c i i'V i.H- to- '.! !
Illv jiLi:;:-. , ai.d out 1 1 '. 1 i i-l vei 1
-. K-4.-" iO SiUt-t-KJiXOlT. j
AUtt'iy, A 1;1, l.-HiiVMll.i
1 1:. .siaic ol i;-c-ititi.i iieu wit hi
i tne dcte t tin: servitt: it this suminnus ! in,nt siimiii licneHis and hannv iiwnlt."
auit If served by nnbiieplion. then i i ln is v!ia! cvei-v one tv Most nurses In
Sow York itv n-M the Castoria. It is pivpa t od
lv Jlcssrs. .1. H. i;os i -.. H! ley s?rect, New
Vorl;, Binns(ii-!i to Samuel Pitcher, M. I. 3'.)v8
as the stacce stattoti.i First, I just
jumped up aiiu down to show tlicm
tliat 1 meant somctliina ; tl.en I lurched
to one side sO as to net a good ready
atid! then I took the ttago tair and
square and madj & terrible dent Lit one
ed in England.
Unfavorable new? foiiceriiirg Crook
and Terry has Ixen receive 1 at Wash
ington, but is discredited by Sherman.
Franz Prince, of St Loui-j, in a ten
mile swimming match in liie Mississippi
beat Tom. SutciiiF, of England, by two
1 'ires occurred on the 10th at Kon
daub, X. Y., Iovtsmoutlt, Ohio, ni:d
Uhrieksville, Ohio, with an average
loss at each place ot $1-1,000.
Pay inspector I. Chandler, wlio was
on duty at San Francisco at tlie time oi
the Phitioy frauds, lias been dismissed
trom service by Court Martial.
The Centennial Exhibition Commis
sioners have agreed to charge half prices
every Saturday; C0.000 attended on the
19th, the inauguration of the Fchcme.
Jesse Magcrs, accused of participat
ing in the Otterville train roblery, says
he can prove an alibi, and that the con
fession of C'obbsj Kerry U a tissue of
n attempt was made to wreck the
St. Louis train, near Rochester, on the
19th, but bcinQ discovered by a farmer,
a swinging lantern stopped the train.
100 were on .tne. tramv , - , -
Hon. M. C Kerr, Speaker of tlie
House of Representatives, died a. Rock
Alum Springs, West Virginia, on the
lilth mst. ot consumption ot the bowls,
llis body will be embalmed.-
Ti e following postal changes- have
been made Postmasters appointed
B. P", Quincy, Linkville, Lake county,
Oregon; C. S. Sargent, PluEiii.v, Jack
son county, Oregon' J. L. Welder,
Slate Creek, Josephine comity, Oregon;
R.D. Hume, Skomokawa, Wahkiakum-
county, .Washington territory.
At the Saratoga faces on the 19th,
the first race was - 1 mile dash for
beaten borses,and was won by Rommey,
Preston. 2d, Gray Friar, 3d. Time,
2.382. 1 he second race, a mile dash
for all asres over two years, had four
starters. Brother to Bassett won, Cour
ier 2d, Gray Nun 3d. Time, 1:44.:
The Tribune Washington special
says botU campaign committees are hard
at work at tho Capitol putting up and
sending off documents. Scores of fold
ers, posters and mailers till the lower
halls and corridors of the House wing,
the government paying a good share of;
the expenses.
-.-".Mitchell hah succeeded in getting all
the Agricultural College La nds in Ore
gon approved by the Secretary of the
Interior, except 80 acres, to which there
is a conflict.
Some splendid lime 1 as been found
in thentiuntaius in Union county.
Mr. French, ot the Cove, intends erect
ing an Alden fruit dryer this season.
Coos Pay people ate taking every
precaution against small-pox being in
troduced there.
Thomas Williamson, of Union county,
had to turn hogs into his fallen wheat
field in order to get some return fur his
plowing at.d seeding.
Wm. Story, aged about 21, .son of
pavid Story, a worthy farmer ot Kiick
itf.t -val'ev, was drowned., at Jenkins'
Ferry, in the Columbia liver, one day
laM, week, and was buried in the tlold
endale cemetery.
Junction City boasts of a new livery
Wool sells at 11 cents a pound in
Clackamas County Court convenes on
the 14th of September.
The schools will reopen in Jackson-
villa on the 11th of September.
. Hatch's saw mill, at Indej)cndence,
was destroyed by fire on Tuesday otlast
The dam at Bucna Vista will 'proba
bly be finished by the first ot Sept.
The report is denied that small-pox
exists at the Klamath Indian Agency.
Some Salem girls pushed a "heathen"
off the side walk on Thursday of last
week. '
i New flour, peaches and watermelona
iti Jacksonville. Watermeloncholy fact.
The Willamette valley, accordine; to
a wheat buyer, is 12,000 tons ot wheat
behind last year's showing.
j JJcwitl Clinton Hall, of Curry county,
is a candidate for President of "this
LTnion great and strong."
The Harrisburg linden favors the
cutting oft" of a piece ot Linn county out
of which to make a new county.
Jackson comity's school found appor
tionment amounts to $1,463 14 iu coin
and 083 78 ia currency. -
Edward May and his two sons have
found lead and iron outcroppings about
7 miles east of Oregon City.
For riding furiously througn the
streets of Jacksonville, and discharging a
pistol, a fine of only $5 is asked. ,
The Alden Fruit Preserving Compa
ny, at McMinuvilie, has not thus far
proved a remunerative investment.
The Puyallup people will have a pic
nic on the 24th.
1 i UI.-..JU
r l, k 't r-cli -i j-
i Y"ai-e!ioti-e at foot of KHswortlt street,
IP NOV," I,j:K!AI':5il'rO KUt'EJVK AXU
lOO.OOO r:n cf Gi-oiri.
SACKs ru
nic, and nit- -
V ii: aiwavs j
for Ci-.iin.
-ibanv, July is, :
!i-;;i"-- fi-ee to tho--e whostort. with
i)e ni others at the lowest, market
the bi-ihi -i mnvliet price
;-Sn ' i
TiiAcin;!: . the
Harmcny. Tlioronili-ljEss zii Sir sing.
i mi : a. id if s-rve-l tiv ou
on or :-iiu-e t lie !ii-r dav of the next lerm of
ftt'.d eonvt. to-wit, Monday. ifc'nUT S.I 1. l.i"i :
and yvt ai-e ii.-:i-vy i-ioiiie.ii tiit if you tail to
i.i-p--;o- ;iu ! rol--Tvcr vui,! -iO-'ta i .it , :w lu-ivhy
reiuirc:!. the T-i-uleii:! wittti;iy lo .1 lie Com-;.
lr,r t :-'. -t' 1i--i.u:l--.f i-.-. ' i: ' ci'.ifir-iint, ti
w it , a d j -.-cii 'f. i(;!i i li-'i' 1 ion is of tiitt i hnony
caI.-I!- i.'i.-i -it o.i! niir.iit!;.- jl'id toflhe.
car-i an .1 i esi o .y iif t be roin-i.r i-iiiidri-n nitnted
: '::-iv;t, t -:-v. it , '.lull n J., Kti.aiie: h J., I- red. V.,
au-1 Ijv o. A. V.'oi . erioil.
x. it. m-jri'tniEV-.ttoi-n'
i-ir Tnr.
Pahlihd by ordor of Hon. 11. 1'. !;. ilium,
lu ie of said Court, made this Sth day of
August, ITt;. anlli.4'i'd
.otare t t'rc?!iot s,
TVJO'riCil is iietvhy j-Uvn that the nnuVr--Ll
s'itie.l was, nil the ilth ilny of .Inly,
appointed atlmuiisti-Mtor of the estate
of Thomas i,. Kamsny. deceased, by I lie
Comity Court of I. inn comity, Orepnn. All
person liaviiii claiitis against sjiid estate
are herttiy notified to present tlie same wilh
proper ottcher-. witliiu six mouths after
tlie date !tcftof. at my re.-itlcnee near Alba
ny, in l.iiiu coitidv, On froti.
Wm. 'A. liAHDM.W, -
July 1!. 19-.;-:i!
i i!t::a; aC.i-utioii ;;iveii to
v ici-: c'uiynjiiii.
WIN;; coiie.udiMl to make AIUA"Y tny
tiefmniietit ri-.uil.-nu-, all who ;em a
thoroii'li knowietl -e of Siitsie can now have
an oiiiKii-i unity.
ltt.t i t: KM i:s :
j!ot-. duo. t;-.-i:rjrs. .1. 15. Wyutt, lr clrittin.
Dr. Wiiilnev. uu 1 'many others.
l.c;tve vo-iraddresf tit Mr. r oshay's music a'.ul
book store, oi :u Mr. bat : "s music store, and 1
w ill call at your resid-nce.
i'hi'F. J. 1'. X1AVELI..
Albany, Attui-l 4, ls.iii-4.
i no t liair t;)t: lifui roy isic:ti?i-y wi;hiil my
nam.? uiii ir. Ali oiliriitc !ulso iiiiT;itioi?,
shuuM be so ivirnrtioi.1. All pirrsona re
iH-ivtiy uKnifil ;ti;tinsf iitt'i:iplinji an y fetich
imr-osititJii tiiHin inv tnjtoiiif-r-.
.J. 31.
Jt-rtiTMon Or., Jan. tH,
In the fTircnit Court of the State of Oregon,
for the couti ! v of linn.
Thomas K. tjrtnies. flnintiir, vst. Indiana Hilts
Leonard, wile, and William I.001 aid, husliand,
Suit in eipittv to renvive cJoud from trtle.'
To Indiana Hills Leonard and Wiiiiam Leon
ard, the iiIkii e named tiefoiulants-ln the name
ol" tbes. Hieof Oi-epon : You and each of you
are hereby required to ajiivar and answer the
comjiiaint ol .the above named itr in tiie
above entitled court, now on ;l!e with the Clerk
of said court, within ten days from the. ditto ot
this service iion yon. if served in Linn county;
hui if served m any other county in the State
of 1 ireaon. t ben wi;hin .twenty days from Hie
dateot the service of t his uniuion3 upon you ;
or if served by publication of this summons,
then you are required to answer the said com
plaint by the first dav of the next reiruiar tern
of sail court, folic holdeti in Linn county, Ore
gon, to-wit.
.Holiday, clJir SSd, 1S7,
and you nre. heri-hy notldeit that If you fail to
aopi-ar and answer Hai-.t eiimfiiaint as heiehy
reiinired, the plaintiff will atinly to the. court
lor t-iie renei ocumiiot-o ah hi .-ahhiiiii.,
which is that ynn tnnwl n mortpiu'e Itiwn
by pljintiff on 1'iO acres of land of which
he is seised in fee, simple in Linn county,
in March, 1K71, tn Indiana Hills now Ionard!,
to secure the. pavment by p;air.ti!l'to defi-ndant
(Indiana liilts, 'now Leonrd), of the tsun of
tl,oo.0 In tr. S. sold coin, with ten per cent,
interest, which aunt ha l-en pa tl in full, and
which uiorticae, uncanceled, is a cioud u.nn
plaintlll 's title foresaid, anil for one bund-rod
dollars rtamasres ; a'so, for costs and divbont
nients of this sub to be laxsd.
Attorneys for p!ff.
rublished by order of the rtoiMirable U. F.
Bonhain, Judaic of said court, which order
dated August 5th, 187H. . LaugllntyvS
PicSurcN and Picture Frauici'.
?u()?TAGlTE &. 5IcCALLi;V,
A V.K SOW Oi'KNIXti A M A C. X 1 i'l i 1ST
J.X. slock of
selected wilh care, and Ijoushl for coir, vt
and as we bought low- we can and will sell hem
at prices tltat w in
Astonish Everybody.
Come, and sec oursclcetion.Mof -
.. Drmn (rouit
f-uptiii, - . '
TjiiNireh .
BtiI?loi3t, C'oSZarn, (killart lle,
lijjtccit, A .,
for the ladien, and oureomplelo line i of
Would nnnonnee to the citizens of Albany and
vicinitv.that be is prewred to fnrnifh uli "kinds
of riC'i'l'HK FKAJ'KS to tihort notice,
Pict u:ts framed, anil oldi'miaei remivedj f,t
athisotltce on i'trst street, one d.Kir vmt of
BroaiUiibin. and letive ynr -de" 1 st.t
Miy n rtx.y at home.
vi . S terms tree
Acrent. wanted. Oulllt
TUU t: & CO., AtiKnsta.Sle.
. ' FOK ... ',.-. .
Neatly executed,
Readymade Clothtn
'Ho .l?ry.
, HootH,
of all descriptions for men and loys. A'a , full
asROi tme.iils of
Groceries,'-' Crockery and Gteire.
or everybody.
The 1 .ost proods, at the lowest rates eyei -7 ?1 tne
'oine anil sfi,
Lebanon, Oregon. Octotwr 30.
Just IMuel. SftOth I Edition ,
Uovised and corrswtetl by the author, 2. de F.
Curtis, M. l.,Ac, Ac.
A Medical K?ay on tbc cauno and ettn of pjro
malnre ilecline in man, slKiwins how 1 ?-4lth it
lost, and reanined. It ufris a clear syr "nsis ot
the impediments to marriase, the lmtl r.jnt ot
nervous and physical debility, exhnnsMl vital
ity, and all other diseaws'tipyiertainsr hqeto;
t lie results of twenty yours buccstful 1 vajlice.
4!InIn 1 tti I'res.
n.'BTIfiON JANHXM."-Thereisno nnm
ber of society bv whom this booK will rot be
found useful, whether he be twrent, p s ttploi
or elersrvman. ta fiwi.
CTRTlSOX'-MAXIlOon." Thlsbon-u tnii
be rend bv tho you n a for instruction, t iih
the afflicted for rebel ; it wiii injure iu jjb.
Hvtirat Tttnmi OosHle. '
Prif- One Dollar, by tnail or extire "is - d
drenw t he author. UK . C L R l IS.MOSutt ! t
or P. O. liux 337, hai Frneis, Cai.
tsv7ui i
ii llea.r, to- it viil MeuK ut excellent
POND'S EXTSft3v Th t-'re,lt Tearetnble Pnl
lestryc'r. -388 been In use over thirty :
yeans eud forcletmlineea and prompt cur-
tive virtm-M eiuuiiit h excelled.
CHILDREN. No fiiinily cn afford to be wTthout
I'onil'a Kxiraet. Arcident, BrnlMWj
t:oiita.iii!is. Cut's teiirninx, are relieved
almost instantly by external application.
J'rompfly relieved puins or Uumn, rsriildH,
lixenrictinns C liatlne Old Sorc.
lioilsv i-'eloas, ( lor rn, etc Arrcsti In
. flamation, reiinccs swelliucs. f-top bleeding,
removs ilisrolfr;ii!oa mid lte-jls ranidlv.
FEM&IE WE&E31S3IS. It al.vsys relieves pain
iu tne uacu uiHUoUi,ful!ns.ariu pressing pam
in the head, nnnseji, vertigo.
IN lEUCOr. JiitcEA. U has no eounl. All kinds of nl
ccratioi.l to which Indies are subject are
promptly civ-r-d- i'niler details in bookaecom
panvhn each bottle. ' ...
PJIBS 'blind or bleedin-r -meet prompt relief
and ready care. Xocase, however colonic or
ohtinale. c-in Ion: resist its regular use.
VARICOSE VEiSS.-itis tl.e only sure cure for
this ui i-rn':i-aud d-iui-fous condition.
RI3KEY DISEASES. " has no equal for perma
nent cuie.
ELEEOIRu f'Otn. r.ny ctnise. For this 19 a KIr
citic. It iias tav.-d luir.dreds of lives when all i
other remeilins failed In arrest blcediu) from
nose, Ktimaeh, lumrM. and elsewhere.
BHEUMATiSM, HMJ84LGiA, 'iwninche d
i:urit l.e i.roiJl ui.kj icl.oved, and ofteuper-mnni-ntiv
PHYSIOIAH& f 4I1 -':oo!s wl-.onro acqnaintcd
Willi fluid's Kxirnct of Mi itcb Ilaicel rew
ommcuditin t.ieir practice. VeliavuleUersot
commetulati')" f.-ora tn.udredsof Physiciane,
many of whom order it tor nso In their own.
practice. In cddUion to the foregoing, they
order its ne for -wciliups of nil kinds,.
Ouinsy, S;ro Tbronl, lr. flamed Tonslln,
simple mid chronic liarrli(rnf Cntnrrli
(fur whicUit is fTfpecifle,) Chilblains- Frost
ed feet, Stins of JnsectM, i)ltmuuite
" etc., t'happed J'nnds, Face, ana Indeed.
nil innnner of skin d'seases.
TOILET USE. ltcmovesHorviiefls, JZonabnetmy- .
and Smnrtlngi heals (;utiH Fraptioaa,
and Piui tiles. It rc-irr. im'ii7"ra.'(-. aud rr
fra he, whilo wonderfully iinproviit;r the
ContfiTxloo. . ,
TO FARMERS. Pon: rxtract. No Stock I.ivenMancaualiordtobe without
it. It is used by r r'e landing Llvory Stables, ,
Btreet Kailro ids tud fust llureemen in New
York City. It has 110 eiitud for Sprains, llar -news
or "Saddlo Cliatincs, MtiUnesav
Scratches, W wc!Hnfts,Cnu , llncrrntliins
-Rlerdtntr, rnrtauoiiia, Critic, llnrrfar
;l Chills, Coidn, tc ItsruDireof actionis wide,
. nd the reliet U affords is so prompt that It i
invaluable in every Farm-Yard r.s well as irt
every Karm-bonse. Let it b tried once, and.
von will never be without it.
CAUTION. Poud's Kxtrnct has rieen lir.'tned.
The genuine article has tlie words Pom',' . Kx
tracl blown iu each bottle. It .s prepar d by
the only person liviupr who ever knew how
to prepare it propcrlv. Peftseall otlw r pre
parations of AVitch llazi l. This is the only
article used by Physic-tans, and r. the hospi
tals of this reentry and Fnrone.
in psimphi-'t form, perf fr-e ou anpliciiti-iu to
Iane, New York.
From this dote until further notice, I will sell
Stoves & Eanges !
AT : '-,'.'.
PUjMPS, iiosk, etc.
Albany, Icc. 1D.187H3