VOLUME VIII. ALBANY, OREGON, AUGUST 25, 1876. NO. 48. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BAN KING -AND Exchange' Office, ALBANY, OliiGO.t. TEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO X J cheek at xiiiht. Inliwt allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, and New York, tor sale at lowest rates. Collections made and promptly remitted. Refers to 11. W. Corbett, Hoary Failing, W. S. l.add. Banking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. I, IsTl-sHvS A. CAItOlUERS & CO., Dealers in 41IEMM AlS, OIL, PAINTS, DYEK WIASN, LABI'S, LTC, All the popular I'ATEXT FINE CUTLERY. CIGARS, TOBACCO, NOTIONS PKItFCaiERY, and Toilet ; Good.. Pnrtien'ar rare and promptness lven Physicians' prescript ions and Family Kcc 1JKIS. A. C ATiOTUEttS 4 CO. Albany, Oregon-lv.i C.KAUATK OF TME I'MTHWITY Medical Collcire of "New York, lute fnember of Bcllevien II -spital Medic-all 'ol lege. New York. OfrKlCK-In A. Caroihcrs & Co.'s drug store, Albany, Oregon. urazooTHJs eistam::i. THE BAY TEAM Si 1 1. 1, LIVES, AN D IS FLOURISHING I.IKE A gukkx buy tree. Thankful lor psist favors, and wishing to merit the continuance ot the ame, the BAY TBAM will always be Teady, and easily found, to do any hauling wttnin tne city limits, tor a reasonable -omneua! ion. u specialty. 2v5 A. X, AKXOI.Ii. Proprietor. i'iloss I Iile. WIIY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome compianit cannot le Cure 1, when so muuy evidences of success miht be plnce-1 lietore viva every day fcures of sup'vised hopeless eases? Yonr pliysicinn inform? yon fliMt the lonsreryou aitout the eotntdainV to exist, yrm lessen your chance for relief. ExpcrU-mv lui , tuyhlthinin.au case. A. C'arutliers &. t'o.'u Pile Fills aud OintttK u ( are all they are re-cVnunendea to be. Will rareOhronr;, l'.imlun 1 ItVedinsr Piles in ft very Bhort time and are vmviii'"tU to rise. This prcparat ion is sent by mail or e.x press to any point within the United States At 1 SO per package. Address, A. CAKOTT1ERS CO., S7v5 Box 33, Albany, Oivgon. The "Eugene firemen are making ar rangements for a grand Lull at Lane's Ha.ll on Christmas eve. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALER IX Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JUST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on corner of Ellsworth and First street, with a fresh stock of 4rocerios. Provisions, Candies, Clears, To Ac., to which he invites tUo atten tlcm of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have oa hand a lull supply of fresli bread, crackers, 4c. K3SF" Call and see inc. JOHN SCHMEKU. February 16-5t4v4 ALBANY FOUNDJiY - And 3X tit c li i i s o Shop, A. F. CIIEKKY Proprietor, ALI5ANT, OREGON, .... Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw Mill Maeliin err, WOOD AVORKIN'G And , AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And all klncs of HlO.t AND BaANS CASTINUS. Part icnlar attention paid to repalnn g all kinds of machinery. .-...' 41 v3 "f7 BOYLE, Boot iwtd Mie Jtahw.W door JLU- east of Harper's warehouse, la always on band to do work at reasonable rates, neat and nice. - 27-8uiS IS. T. IOORC, House and. Sixx , fainter, ALBANY, : : OREGON. GBAINIXG, PAPEBHAXGIXO, CALCEM1N Olazlng, Ac Havinic had an experi ence of years in the hnaines in the East, I can wifely (rimrantee satisfactory work to all. Shop on First street, next door east of Clark A Wyatt. , 2fv8 HAS OPENED a Barher Shop on FU-st street one door west of Thompson A Irving's har ness shop, where lie will be pleased to meet all who wish work in his line. Thankful for past patrorinKH, he hopes by close attention to bii ; ness to meritacontlnuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a full supply of Perfumery and Hair Olla, tbe best assortment ia town. Come and see me. Albany, Or., Febrnai-y 35, 1876-S!3v8 , . C. STOXE, 3W. !., Physician and Surgeon, BROWNS VLLLE, OREGON . i orritX At the Drug Store. S7v8 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Deulcr in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & LOWERS, WAG9KS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, 3SQADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First Ntrect, AllHiny, Oregon. TormH! : - - Casli. tiiOvT St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington nnfl first Sts., A LB ANY, OREG ON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. Hon-ae newly funiwhel throughout. The best the market ailoriis alwaj's on the luble. 1'ree 'oaeli to uuI (Vein tiie IKou-He I. C. B2ASlESt &. CO., lJ a!ers in C'lotltiuc, IloutH null Mini's. BlnU, (;i-oif rit, Fhik ' (uiU, N,lioi., SliOtK'iiaix Mild Pistols, Nails, Iiupt1, Slirrwrst, V'all;ajer, Wood ami Willow Ware, TrmitcM nud ValiNea, Pocket C ullci y, Ac, Ae. Sold very low either for -u.-h. or to prompt pay MH.i iit custoinri-y iu lime. v7 Furniture IVarsrooms. FIIKO GIIAF. HAVINti Ptii-clms' 1 the entire interest of G. Collar in the late firm of Gmf & Collar, in the furniture business, takes this op)wrtunity to return bis thanks to t lie citizens of Albany and vii'inify who h:ive so irenerously iMitroii ized him iu tbo pasr, :m l restx-etfully ask a ccuitinxirtuce of the s;mie. fcrAtl kinds ff tnr niture kept on lumd and nuiiiuiuctnrtid toorder at lowest rates. l liKU GRAF. AilHinv, Nov. 12-vHu8 rETIIK lXIEKiNKI) IlEtl LEAVE TO V nnuoumre to ?h eiti.ns of Albuny and suiioutnlini; -ounrry t Iiat, liavinic :tunMe'(l our selves wit h the nev'.'sary machinery for liiis intr :iml removing lmilditi's. we arcMVady nt all times to reeive ocilers for such work, wbu-h we will do in short or ler at lowest rates. We (luarantet-eui ire satisfaction iu all work under taken bv us. trders left at the WaJMrKK- oSitc promptly nttented to. Appiv lo. Alba, " 15ANTY,AI.1-EX & CO. Or., April . l-s7.. -2;v7 X II NIX Liverji Feed Stable CORER V.-ASlllNGTuN & IIUST STS., ASS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES. HACKS ft, SADDLE horsis to let on reasonable terms. Horses l'.oa v lei by the day or vx;k. 1 will have some of t b sayest ri.s ever turn ed out ofa livery stHl"! in Albany. Jrts 1IEAU.se" and cui riages furiiished for fu nerals. Give mo u call when you want to ride. ANS. .MARSHALL. Albany .March 10. Is7tf-2rv8 EAEDWAUE! BOLTS, all sizes anil descrip tion .V gt-jitTfti SHVl.V iIAi WAItK -a fiJS and coiupletc a sortmeitt. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin. Copssr, Zinc anl Siisst Iros, on hitiiil for i?;iic. CROCECEr2Y WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in the city. r&g-TJ-jirijr done neatly, at short notice, and WAUBA.vM.i). J. GRADWOIIL. First street, Aliany, Oi-egon. ii27V8 DR. PLUMPER, PHIJGrGrlST, Pure und FretIi DRUGS AND MEDICINES I Oils, JL'erramcrleK, Toilet Artielea, HllWEt AND S1IOI I.OEK BACS. 63f Pi-escriptioBS carefully filled. 8' L Xcw 32illiucry Store ! 'MllS. T. STEVENS, HAS moved Into the store recently occupied by Mrs. O. C Eusrlish. on First street, ad joining the City Druj Store, where she has opened out her select stock of Fashionable Stocl or Mlliluciy Goods. navlng had many years of experience in tbe tnillinerv business in the East, Mrs. Stevens be lieves she can ttive the fullest sat isfaetion lo all who ;ive her their patronage, and would there fore respectfully solicit a share of t be same. MRS. 1. STEVENS. Albany, Xov. 19-v8n9ml W. K. T.KAHA9I, (late or MICinrjAN) TVlei-t'luiiit Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Ooeskins, Cassimeres Vestimrs, etc., a larger and l.etter stock than ever liefore bi-oiwrht to this market. Cuts and makes to order all stylesof Clothing for men and bovs, at reasonable rates, Ruaruu teninu' fiat i fact ion. hhopon First street, next door to City Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O. Smith. 2.v8 CS. W. WILCOX, I Joinoeo pa tl ii o lliysician. OFFICE with Dr. E. It. Oriffln.'First street, Albany, Orea'- Ci"Cbroniej disease a specialty. :sv8 FRIENDS! CSTiZEWS!! COUNTRYIVSEINS ! ! ! LEND US YOUR TRADE I 1 TE HVE J1ST OPENED OUT A NEW aud tresu assortment of PROVISIONS, Ac, in Dr. Tate's new brick. Fust street, where we would I Mi pleased to serve you with any tiling in our hue. i Our s:oclv nas selected in San Francisco, by JOIIX " BAKS&OWS, well knowu iu this city, and we. feel safe in GS-ixararLteelzxs satisfaction to all who favor us with their pat ronage. . . f We will cudeavor lo kevp on liand a full sup ply of - IVosli. Vegetii"bles, in their season, at all times. You ai'c invited to call and see us. A' 1 1.1.11 &. TATE. : Albany, Slay 5. 76-33 I EVERYUODY . B7TS THEM: HAVING .H'ST REtElVED A LAR'JE SlIlF" men t of t he celebrated uuw style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GliAO DRILL, direct from the factory, am now ofTering extra inducements to the i'arniei-s of Oregon. Most of the best farmers iu the Stale are now using them. Suvim? seed and an increased yield of grain is the result of drilling. Can be used equally well as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL has been srreatlv imnvoved for this vear. WaivriMims at my Blacksmith Shop, cornerof Sucondanl Ellsworth streets, Albany, Oregon WOOD, Murcti 31. 1S7G-38 I. IS. N. liLAt'KRUKN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. IiROWNSVlLLE, L1XX CO., OGX. PROMPT ATTENTIO N GIVEN TO ALL hnsincss. 22v9 VOW ELL & FLINN. Attorney." A iinit liiirt at Law and So licitor!, iu Iiaucerj , Albany, On"ton. Collections made and con veyances promptly attended fo. 1-8 I'itOIJST le!ivery, at JLivii:? Sat cm. IIA VINti lou'rht out the delivsry business of Mr. lwis stimsiui, 1 Ixit leave to announce to t ne citizens aud business men of AHniny, that I have on tbe st reets im express anrl jol waun and will be happy to serve all who may jjive me a trail. All orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. trders may be left at the Drag Store of Bell & Parker. nRGIL PARKER. Lebiinon Hotel, S. IE. CJLAUCiSSXOX, PKOFB., LEBANON, OltLUON. HOl'SE newly furnished throughout. The best tbe maiketsntloiil always on the table. The postoftiee is next door to this House, from which the stuste leaves for Albany at 7 o'clock A. f. and return, nr arrives of tl o'clock p. m. Con vevatives ti'H;med for parties wisuinsr to visit the" S.da Spi-injjs. Lilrai'y anl readinjr lixiiu, with choice readinK matter, for the suestsof the house. - apr30v8 CIIAS. BOl'KGARDES, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Coruer Flrat aud Perry Kte., ALBANY OKfcSON. Watches, Clocks, Silver and Dated Ware, and Jewelry of every description and of the est manufactories, on hand lor sale at lair rates. ; fiy Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a specialty. fcsiT" Jewelry, etc., repaired and cleaned on short notice at Uvinx mtes. fc5tiive me a call, and see for yourself.J3 March 3, ltt7(j--21v!j J. II. ISURKIIART, Real Estate aM CoETeyancmr Apiit, ALDAN V. I , s OREGON.' COKHKU FIIUiT A" D BitOAUALDIH STItEETS. INARMS of all sizes. Improved and nnimprov ed. in this and adjat;ent'mnties, suitable for frrain raising, also tiuiliered land and stock ranches for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwelling houses and vacant lots in this citv. Parties desirins to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 82v8 J. D. McFARLAND. WM. MORGAN. MOUCiAN A McFAKLAXD, REAL ESTATE AGENCY! t AND EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Next Door to Wells, Fariro Ac C'o's Cxpreaa Oflice, Albany, Orejfoil. WE ARE PREPARED TO FURNISH EMI . Krauts and others jrood hareains in farms and small homesteads In Linn and adjoining counties. Farms in value and size to suit pur chasers. Also, city projierty, both improved and on lranroved. Kentims farms and city property, and collec tions of all kinds, promptly attended to. Our facilities for advertising will enable ns to do more for our patrons than any other Ajrency in the State in our line. We also pay special attention to the employ ment and labor exchange department, Albany, Jiay 12lf. Bath Houss & Barber SI ip, THE 'UNDERSIGNED WOULD K13. CT fully thank the citizens of AUrnn at I vl cinltv for the liberal patronage bestow '3 on hiiri for the past seven years, and hopej f t fht fnturea continuation of their favors. F rth accommodation of transient customer , nt friends in t he nnper part of town, he I: jii jpen ed a neat little short next door to Tayto 3ro Saloon, whore a Rood workman will ai .fsbi n attendance to wait upon patrons. Dec.11,1871. JOEWE3. ;i.K 0. A. WHITNEY, M. D., Graduate of Belle vue Hospital Jledk-al College, N ., 3?liysician and Sxirgeon, ALBANY," ORF.UON. DISEASES OF WOMKN A SPECIALTY. Residence in Westlake's buudinir, corner of First and Lyon streets. J. IAASEY IIIL.IV M. D., OFFICE -At Bell Parker's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road aud Montgomery. . 8-44 JOB PRINTING. "WIioii you wish Posters Visiting Cards, Business Cards.. Bill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, f Ball Tickets, Programmes Labels, PRINTING HOUSE, Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, or in tact anything iu the call at tbe Albany CORNER . FEKRY & FIRST-STd., 3i.T.T-7. , JST7ST. M R EC SIM Tlie Evening Prayer. most the German.' Tirod. and going to repose. Both my littl eyes I eloe ; Fattier, let those eyes of thine Be above this betl of mine. Let my friends. Lord, far and near, Kest within thy hands so clear ; Little ones, as well as lartre. Take into thy holy charge. Send to sick hearts peaceful sleep, Kindly close the eyes that weep ; Let the moon hijjh in the sky. Wee the world in stillness lie. If I have done wrong to-day. LHHr God, forgive "the pin, I piny ; By thy grace and Jesus' blood Every trouble is made good. OUR NEW YORK LETTER. THE WEATHER THE CHINESE IN NEW YORK POLITICS IX THE METROPOLIS DFSOLATION OF THE CITY CHILDREN'S SUMMER HOSPITAL VANDER15ILT AND HIS SCHEMES BUSINESS. Xew Yokk, August 5, 1S76. THE -WEATHER, Which is the most important matter about New York, just now, has moderated slightly, and it is once more possible to sleep. Nevertheless it is yet too hoc for either comfort or health. The heated term has beeii the most terrible ever known, and has swelled the mortuary list to a degree that is absolutely frightful. Children have perished by the thousand, and almost an equally largo number of adults have suc cumbed to the more than torrid heat. One woman in Baxter street has assisted iu preparing 134 children lor burial.. Aud right here let me say that there litis been scarcely an instance of death from among the ranks of the temperate. The men who hnve avoided the use of alcoholic drinks, when sim-struck almost iuvariably recovcred, and when recovered we're as good as new. But when a whicky or beer drinker went down it was generally down for good, and it is a matter of fact -that the drinking classes were an hundred fold more liable to be struck tliau the temper ate. The temperance people ma3' make what use of this they please, but sill the city physicians will vouch for its truth. CHINAMEN Are invading New York in large numbers. There are now 3,000 here, aud with them their opium dens and joss-houses. They are just as filthy, ju.-t as industrious and just as harmless here as in San Francisco, and follow the same occupations. They wash, make cigars, and keep street stands, pay their debts, save some money, and gamble and smoke the best of their earn ings away. They inhabit Baxter street, here, as everywhere else, selecting as their headquarters the most filthy and squalid section of the city. They have only one joss-house as yet, though another one of larger dimensions and more aristocratic in style, is in contemplation. The number is increasing very rapidly, and as the great colony in San Francisco is sending off col onies Eastward all the time, it is very probable that iu a few years the territory iu and about Baxter street will be very much like Dupout street in San Francisco, and that in New York the religion of Con fucius and the Chinese theatre and Chinese amusements and customs will have estab lished themselves firmly in Jfew York. Well, let them come. They are a harmless, industrious and honest people, who Will work and never want oflice. There is some comfort in that. 1HLITICAL. The Democracy are worried because Tilden and Hendricks can't agree upon their letter of acceptance, and give them a show to open the campaign. They see that while they are delaying for this open ing the dissatisfied Republicans are very rapidly returning to their old resting-place, that as Hayes and his character are be coming better understood, the ii telligent Denjoeraey are growing very cold toward the mulatto ticket made at St. Louis, and that, in short, unless Tilden comes to the front very soon the battle is hist for them before it is fought. The truth is, halt the decent Democracy of New York don't want Tilden elected in any event. They know him to be tricky and unreliable, aud they feel confident that in the case of his election they are sold out. He professes to be a hard-money, resumption man, aud why lie don't come out and say so, instead of paltering with soft-money Hendricks, and fixing up declarations that mean noth ing, puzzles them, and they feel tliat they are sold In him. Everybody knows where Hayes stands on all these questions, and no one will vote in the dark voting tor hi.n. Tilden is one of those exceedingly acute, small men who overreach themselves. He has no honesty liimself, and does not be lieve that any one else has. He acts upon the theoiy that all men are as dishonest as himself, except the simpletons, and he very largely overestimates the dimensions of the latter class. He is foolish enough to suppose that the rank and file of the Democracy will accept any quibble for the sake of success, and he is paltering with them in that way. Hayes will carry the State of New York as sure as fate. Think, my readers, of a man who is nominated on a platform expressing the views of a great party, on a great question, who has to have two conferences with his associate, and four sessions of a committee to decide as to what lie does believe, and as to what lie intends to do in case ot his election ! This very delay is a trick which will defeat him, tor It U evidence of dishonesty and insincerity. The Republicans are very act ive and are pushing things delightfully. VANDEKIill-T, Old as lie is, and sick as lie is, is rapidly recovering, and will get out to business again. The old man is determined not to die till he has his four-track road com pleted through to Chicago, ami possibly farther west, and has demonsf rated the su periority of rail over all other means of transportation. Even during his illness he has pushed his warehouses ' aud other im provements in the terminal facilities of his roads, with a view to saving the grain trade to the city, which is being diverted to Baltimore, Vhiladelphia and Boston. : He has during his illness received builder?, contractois. mechanics and railroad offi cials, every day, .and when he was too weak to speak he made them understand what lie wanted by writing or signs, tile will do business as long as he lias breath, and will be felt as long as there is life iu him. His vitality is wonderful, and it wculd not be singular if he should be an active man for twenty years yet. He has been a temperate man. He has workeJ very hard all his life, but very systematic ally. Wheirjie works he works, and when lie rests he rests. He will work all the season till about the first ot July, when he goes to Saratoga, aud stays till October. He reads exactly one mail every day while at the Springs, and answers it by an ama nuensis, and then amuses himself till pre cisely half past nine, when he retires and sleeps. He indulges in stimulants very sparingly, and is very careful of bis diet. He is a tearful card-player, always playing foriouey, aud the stakes must be high enough to make it worth while to play. Curious stories are told of his card-playing, some of which are doubtless true. He is as merciless at poker or point euchre as he is iu business, and woe bo to the poor or careless player who talis into his hands. It is business .with him, and he pursues the game just as eagerly as lie does his real business. As the chase iu England was accounted a miniature war. so gentle manly gambling with Vauderbilc is the next tiling to business, and he follows it with as much zest. Now that Drew is gone, Vanderbilt aud .lay Gould um the only railroad magnates left, and it is not probable they will ever lock horns, again. The old veteran has too much to do to ier tect the railroads he now controls, and Jay Gould's interests and his do not conflict. THE CHILDREN'S SUMMER HOSPITAL. Among the charities which benevolent ingenuity is continually devising, the Sum mer Hospital for Children deserves free handed supjiort. The excursion of St. John's Guild lloating hospital boat, which takes hundreds ot sick children aud their mothers daily up the river lor pure air, has made a difference at once in the death rate among children. But ten hours a week ot wholesome 'iving out of the stink ing dens the poor call home is enough to keep, life in them, but hardly enough to make sound children of them. The -plan was devised of a temporary hospital or rather home, in one of the healthiest places on tl:e river, where sick children could be sent for a fortnight at a time, iu the dan gerous part of the season. The charity is not an extravagant one. i lie nuiiciings are of the plainest, airiest description, thetood in the country is fresh aud cheap, and the cost of the whole affair - is decidedly less than that of the steamboat excursions. The poorest woman in the city can have her sick child sent there and get the best care taken of it for weeks, without a dol lar of expense to herself. Iu this fearful season, while the children ot well-to-do people are dying like sheep, it is a great mercy that such saving help isextended to those who else had no choice but to see their covetously-loved children sicken and die without the least alleviation of their sufterings. DESOLATION. The city is almost abandoned. The rich lied from the terrible beat to their villas at Newport, and to the cool shades ot Sara toga ; those in moderate circiMnstances arc? at the thousand and one sea-side places, and up in the mountains, the artists and Bohemians are up North where they can Keep cool, and live very cheaply, and only the poor and the unfortunate business men who cannot get away, are in the city. The theatres are c!osed, as are all places ot amusement, the stores are empty, and the hotels are like Saharas 4n their stillness. The only trade there is comes troni the Centennial folks who are passing backward and forward through the city, aud they leave very little money here. Those going want it all to see the big show with, and when they return they want to get home as quickiy as possible. Aud New York lies inert, baked, still and discouraged. Let us hope there will be a revival with the cool breezes of September. BUSINESS Is still wretchedly dull, aud failures were more frequent this week than last, and of rather larger dimensions. There are a great many firms that have yet to go un der, and the sooner tli.y go the belter. The volume of trade is reduced, and so many houses are not necessary to do it. The strong ones will survive and be stronger for the cleaning they have gone through, hut the weak ones will inevitably go un der, and they might as well do it to-day as to hold orer a few weeks. . The man who was worth $1,000,000. four years ago is to day worth $125,000 and he might as well make up his mind to it, aud take it cheer fully.. The bottom is out, andNit is out fairly. We are getting over the war uow. VlETUO. Fishy. Last week's Corvallis Gazelle says that its editor, W. B. Carter, Esq., was absent at Yaquma Bay, laying in a few whales, for fall and winter use. of course. Fish is great j'brain food," aud Brother Carter was out of fish ! 'A Monkey Wrench is at this office awaiting an owner." Independence Tele gram. We thought the editor's name was 51, L. Pipes! : - - 2 " ' - Didn't Pan. The -boss" informs us that the dance Friday night was a most enjoyable affair, but expenses were not re alized. He says in the future a "purdiase must be rigged to secure enough chickaniin to pay expenses." Sulphur and utolasses, the old f;ishloiid internal remedy for the Itch, is obsolete. That and other obnoxious skin diseases are cured in half the time, without disorder ing the stomach, by Glenn's Sulphur Soap, the great external anU-oCorbutic. XO BETTER TIME TJIAX THE FUESEXT. There is no better time than the present tor going to work on the Yaqulua Bay Rail road project. Our farmers are again afforded an opportunity of feeling ns well .. - 1 . ..... lMin,iilulalv li,' AM fwilltlft hand and foot in the toils ot the river mo nopoly. They can seeand they bav been afforded almost a similar sight nearly every season for some years jast the prof its of their industry entirely eaten up in paying freight on their product to market. They can see that there Is no probable end to this extortion that more than likely every coming season will wit ness a new &cheme put up for robbing them. To completely toil these scheme r the producers ot the Willamette Valley nave but to unite and build a railway to salt water at Yaqufriir Bay." A road can be built from this ' city to Yaqulna Bay which, with proper guarantees, will secure low freights aud fares to our people for all time to come. It will securo us au outlet that will not be affected by low water by the heat of summer or the storms of win tera highway that will be open to 1L t one price, at all times. And the comple tion of such a road would increase the value of real estate in Linn. Lane, Benton and other counties adjacent from twent-flve to one hundred per cent. The building of such an improvement would be of benefit to the whole Willam ette Valley in every way. Again we re peat it, now is the time to inaugurate tuto great work. With a raih-oad to Yaqulna Bay doe any one suppose mty-uve ana swy nw per bushel would be the highest obtainable price for wheat in this market, and that other cereals would have but a nominal price? No. Wheat, even at -the present low quotations in Sail Francisco, taking -that for our market, woulil" be worth 85 cents ier bushel here, were such a road in operation. But we need not and would not depend on San Francisco for a market for cereals. We would have much leu trouble getting shipping to Yaqulna Bar . than now experienced in getting It to the mouth ot the Columbia. The road built and we would command all the shipping needed. Let us go to work uow, and the Yaquina Bay Railroad will soon be an as sured fact. Brokers in New York are charging 5 per cent, premium for trade dollars, which a week ago were selling large, quantities at 1 ier cent, discount. This looks ns though the 10 per cent, discount put upon them by our Han Franclco friends was and is simply a skinning arrangement. Uow long are these hooked-nosed monopo lists of San Francisco to be permitted to rob the people of Oregon with impunity P Look at it : While trade dollars are worth a premium ot five per centum in New York, our California Shylocks discount them ten per centum ! a clean shave in their favor of fifteen per cent I The New Editor Of the P. C. Advo cate, Rev. J. II. Acton, assumed his duties last week. The new editor is from Ohio, and judging from the first number of the paper before us he is just the man needed to give new life and vigor to this old and popular Christian weekly. The new editor is said to be an eloquent and ready speaker as well as forcible and pointed writer, two accomplishments very seldom united in one man. Wje wish the editor the greatest success in his new field of labor. Returned. Mrs. S. F. A. Hatch! us, who went East to reside some weeks ago, has returned. Everything was so cltanged aud different in tho old homestead from what she expected to find them, and the comparison so unfavorable to her old Ore gon home, that she couldn't think of car rying out her original intention and mak ing her home there, but returned, making ing a very short visit indeed. We wel come her back. Alf-ax-Alf. Those '"cuts" at the head of Democratic papers are appropri ate entirely. If they are intended as the .portraits of a couple of mulattoes or Ka nakas, they are a complete success, thus : They exactly resemble mulattoes, and as the Democratic ticket is a "half-and halt," hard-aud-eoft, double laced one, what could more appropriately represent it than a "figurehead" formed of two mulattoes ? The building of the Yaquina Bay. Rail road would be only the initial ot a grand system of railways connecting us with the Eastern portion of the continent, giving us a choice of markets and low rates of freights. Dead. II. D. Thompson, the young man who received such serious Injuries last February by falling from a hay-mow, died at the residence- of Ids brother-lu-lasr, D. G; Vanostern. on the 16th iust aged near ly 25 years. Peace to his ashes. Reported. Case of smallpox reported at Eugene last week. It seems to be grad-i ually spreading ap the valley. , ,'" Laid Over The Greenhorn mines, owing to the failure of water, have been laid over until the rainy reason. Epizootics. Mr. V. W. Splnks lost valuable horse Saturday morning last, from epizootics. . j ' . . ii " The new school house in the western portion of the city will soon be ready for occupation. Camp to-nijht, and it might be a good idta to hold a meeting.