The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, August 11, 1876, Image 2

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JR. is.- HAYES.
For Congress,
of Multnomah county.
Eon Peesihenttai. Electors,
"W. H. OPEET., of Ijwe county.
J. W. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
J. C. CAHTWKIGIIT, of Wasco county.
Congress is about to adjourn, after a
long bcssion of many months, having
done what ? The House, under con
trol of the Democratic majority, has
passed the time in expending the peo
ple's money to the tune of hundreds of
thousands of dollars investigating Re
publicans and whitewashing Democrats,
aiming thus to create sentiment for the
Presidential canvass, while the Senate
has been compelled to sit still and wait
for the Ilouse to get through with its
political maneuvering and go about the
business for which its members were
elected. This Democratic House, to
prove to the people ot the United
States that tlicy intended to carry out
the pledges of retrenchment and re
form promised by them on the hustings.
and which secured their election, have
.ot scrupled to spend hundreds of thou
anda " investigating " Republicans, or
to smother the "investigations' of
Democrats. And whenever an inves
tigation promised to reveal more ot
Democratic thievery and rascality than
.... . .
riepuoncan, that investigation was
smothered inslanter. "While this Dem
ocratic Ilouse has found fault with
every branch of the Government under
Republican rule the army, Indian
policy, larin, etc. aud rent the air
with denunciations and ravings, they
Bare in no single instance ottered a
remedy for ny of the " gigantic evils'
complained of. This is a concise but
truthful statement of the " labor " per
formed by this " reform " House ot
Representatives, representing the Demo
cratic party. The Democratic party
has been given a chance, and has shown
its Land ia the House.
The members of tbe Ilouse cf Rep
resentatives, in 1866, raised their sala
ries from $3,000 to 5,000, by tacking
it on to the Soldiet's Bourty Bill. This
was called the " back pay grab," and
Democratic journals assert that it was
"sneaked through on the popularity of,
and the gratitude to, the soldiers."
Rutherford B. Hayes, it is asserted by
- these same Democratic journals, was a
member of the House of 1866, and vot
ed tor this ?' sneaking" back pay. Ruth
erford B. ITayes did not vote for this
back pay but voted against it ia all its
various stages. In proof of our asser
tion we Tefer the reader to the Congrw
ttonal Globe of 1866, part 5th, pages
4,258 and 4,288. On the other hand
Thomas A. Hendricks, Democratic can
didate for the Vice Presidency, did
vote for the 'back pay, and took it.
As proof that Thomas A. Hendricks
worked and voted tor -this back pay
grab in the Senate cf the United Stales,
the reader is referred to the Congres
sional Globe ot 1866, part 5th, page
4,145. This "reformer," Thomas A.
Hendricks, helped to engineer the sala
ry steal of 1866, which was, according
to Democratic . journals, " sneaked
through on the popularity of, and the
public gratitude to, soldiers, Aw Ru
therford B. Hayes was, a member of
tbe House of 1866, Democratic journ
. als supposed they had at last struck a
bonanza, and at once, without, appa
rently, consulting the records, rushed to
the conclusion that his professions of
honesty and reform were no better than
those of Hendricks, now , their V re
former" par ' cxceUeixse, and charged
bim ' with voting for the salary steal
A the records show that Rutherford
B. Hayes . voted against the salary
steal, and that the then Senator, Thom
as Ai Hendricks, voted for it, it ' will
be In order for Democratic journal to
assert of him, as they did of Mr. nayes,
m we consider this action of Thomas A.
Hendricks, the Democratic nominee for
tb Vice Presiderjcyt hia political
death blwP " ' ' ' 1 '
BoutwaH Uifl&t'ppi report says
that tia pr?Rc-. X Lr! Viator was elected
j frattl and inVMitioo, atd ia eot
theretcra & Irjal LiIj. : ' . .
Coc'-li at:!! oppot Mitchell and Sar.
3d Is tie ratication of tbe Hawaiian
- treaty.
It brilliant promises were all that the ;
people required, Democracy might hope
for reinstatement in public favor ( but
promises amount to nothing unlet they
come from a source entitled to credit and
respect. Democracy ia entitled to neith
er. It held power and abused it. It
held sacred trust and betrayed it. Its
part record is bad; its present move
ments are suspicious; its associations
for the past fifteen years have been dam
aging, and its whole course, from the
uprising of the people against it in 1860
to the present time has been such ax to
shake public confidence in its patriotism
and integrity Threfbre, promises can
not save it. The people kj'ow what it
has done in the past, and will be care
ful never to trust it again.
The ITerakPs Washington special
says charges brought against Hendricks
iu a Western paper, of being concerned
as attorney or agent in lobbying a war
claim through the War Department,
and when unsuccessful there, in the Sen
ate while he was a Senator, at'racts at
teution here, as it w founded on his let
ters aud on evidence in the department
and Senate. It is believed by some per
sons so serious as, perhaps, to cause the
withdrawal of Hendricks from the Dera
ecratic ticket, as Orth was recently with
drawn from the Republican ticket, ami
curiously enough, for a similar reason.
There are Demi cratu who would not
regard it as a great misfortune it Hen
dricks should be competed to withdraw
Rutherford Birchard ITayes was born
in Delaware, Ohio, October 4, 1822.
II is parents, Rutherford Hayes -and
Sophia Birchard, were natives ot Wind
ham county, Vermont, and emigrated to
Ohio in 1SI7. His first American an
cestor of the name ot Hayes was George
Hayes, a Scotchman, who settled in
Windsor; Connecticut, about 16S0
His mother was descended from John
Birchard, who came over with his fath
er's fami'y from England in 1635, aud
became one of the principal proprietors
and settlers ot Norwich, Connecticut.
Three of his ancestors, Daniel Austin,
Israel Smith, and Ellas Birchard, were
members of the Revolutionary Army,
the latter dying during hid 'term of I
TLe Nomination ot Tilden and Hen-
cricKs rowans an earnest enort on the
part of Democracy to win the Presiden
tial race, if money can purchase votes
enough to help it. Tilden la an old
bachelor, a fact that ought to secure his
defeat and will, if the women have any
influence in the campaign. Rich, and
one of the most unprincipled politicians
in the country. "Success, by fair means
or foul," is his motto, and unless closely
watched his Iriends will repeat his old
game of cheating at the polls. New
York ought to be good tor 50,000 Re
publican majority, and a well organized
canvass of the city of New York and
vigilance on the day of electian will se
. , , . " .
cure it. Tiideu's money must not be
permitted to defraud ns out of the
honest vote of the Empire State.
A correspondent of the Cleveland
. - . , . . i
Plaindealer gives the following sketch
of the Republican candidate for Vice
President : "Mr. Wheeler is a large,
powerfully built man, standing very
erect when speaking. His hair is grow
ing; verv erray. It is always emlied
with scrupulous care; alway thrown
back from a high square forehead, tin
der whose heavy brws there are very
observant eyes He wears no mustache:
the jaws are as squat e as theoiuiiuesot
the forehead, aud the whole race is ex-
pressive of earnest thought, wheu in
repose, but I have seen it soften and
brighten, when some friend has accost
ed trim, till Mr. Wheeler grew- really
handsome. The death of hi wire last
winter was a sad loss; one that he will
teel keenly now, when he thinks how
she would have rejoiced in hi honor.
She was a noble woman, dear'y loved
by all ho knew her."
- ' -J
The bill introduced by - Bontwell on
the 5th, provides for the creation of a
commission, to consist of three Senators
and three members ot the House of Rep.
Teeentatives, and three persons appoint
ed by the President of tlie Uuited
States, to consider the expediency ot is.
suing a silver dollar, and making the
same a legal tenaer. J neir concmsiooa
are to be reported to Congress next tea-
sion. , i lie out proposes uo spprouriave
rn, . . .
.the sum of $10,000 to defray their per.
Bona! expenses' while engaged in the in
vestigation. -
Geo. Crook, with a total , ot 2,200
well armed men, waa to start, for, the
bloody Sioux on the th Inst., and "ea- find them in three days, unless
they had ecattered, r . 'f,: -
;, 13. 0, Ireland, of the Ailoriant bast Athens, N. Y., on the 2th inst.
been elected Mayor, of Astoria., Mod. I Harrison accepts the ,tRepabiican
-1 st worth Las received its reward.
It would seem f rum a telegram of
the 8th iust., that Gov, Hendricks will
be given a chance to 'riend explain."
From the tenor of the telegram it seems
likely that the Ilouse Democratic smell
ing committees were engaged in a one
sided business entirely, when nosi..g
around after Republican delinquents.
It is just possible that the great " re
former," Hendricks, mav be compelled
to step "down and out" bt the Demo
cratic candidacy for Vice Presidency.
We begin to feel real sorry for the two
"main pillars" ot the reform Democrat
ic party ! It the "leaders" are so cor
rupt and rotten, what on earth is to be
come of the party?
Tbe Great Amerlean Family.
The admission ot Colorado makes the
twenty-filth new State added to the Union
since the War of National Independence.
The original fami!3 who United July
4, 1776, to form a nation of one people
were : '
1 New Hampshire
2 Massachusetts
3 Rhode Island
4 Connecticut
5 New York
6 New Jersey '
T T -
8 Delaware
9 Maryland
10 Virginia
11 North Carolina
12 South Coroliua
13 Georgia.
The following States have been admitted
it the years set .opposite each name :
14 Vermont (from New York) 1791
15 Kentucky (from Virginia) 1792
16 Tennessee (from N. Carolina) .... 1790
17 Ohio (from Northwestern Ter?v)..lS02
IS Louisiana (lio't from France. S03)...1812
19 Indiana (from N'western Ter"y..l513
20 Mississippi (trom Georgia) 1S17
21 Iliinois (from Northwestern Ter.). .ISIS
22 Alabama (from Georgia) 119
23 Maine (from Massachusetts).... ,.lj20
24 Missouri (from the Ijouisinna pur
chase ) ,...1821
25 Arkansas (from tlie Louisiana pur
chase) 183S
26 Michigan (from Northwestern Ter.) 1837
27 Florida (ceiled by Spain, 1620) ad
mitred 1S45
23 Texas U'rom Mexico) annexed.... 1S45
29 Iowa (from Louisiana purchase) . . . .1548
30 Wisconsin (from N'western Ter.). .1843
31 California (conquered from MexioolS50
ii Jluiuesota (halt irom .Northwes
tern Territory, half from the
Louisiana purchase .... ....1S57
33 Oregou (from England by treaty). .1859
34 Kansas (from Louisiana purchase).. 1SU1
35 West Virginia (from Virginia) 1SC3
3f Nevadn (conquered from Mexico). .18(54
37 Nebraska (from Louisiana pur
chase of-1803) 19G7
33 Colorado (part I v from Louisiana
purchase -and conquered from
Mexico) 1S78
The Territories remaining to be organ
ized into States :
1 New Mexico, organized ....1850
2 Utah, organized.... 1850
3 Washington, organized 1853
4 Dakotah, organized ...1861
5 Atizona. organized "........1333
6 IdalMk, organized .. .. . 1863
7 Montana, organized. l.-64
8 Wyomine. or-ranizcd 1 8(58
9 Alaska, organized 18(53
uiu ict oi uoiiiuidiu, seat oi wovern.
uieut 1790-1
As a " policy ' paper, Tilden's letter
ot acceptance is very fair indeed, as
from it the adroit politician can prove
that he is in favor of, or oppod to,
any of the issues pen ling in the pres
ent campaign. It has been well said
that Tilden is au "old fox." and it may
be as truthfully added, "just as worthy
of trust."
Willow creek has had several "cloud
bursts'" lately, damaging several ot th e
settlers ; but people ot that vicinity do
not seem to be disouraged and still
continue to improve.
On the 6th the foltowing postal
changes were made : Postmasters ap
pointed : J. F. Kirk, Franklin, Lane
county, Oregon : Granville O. Hallen,
CoHrnIO)18land coullty. w. T.; .J!
jt. Watson,. Elma, Chebalis county,
I The Republicans of North Carolina
propose to carry that State by at least
3,000 majority for Hayes and Wheeler.
An official call has been issued for
proposa'sof five per cent. bonds of 1881,
amounting to $2160,000 to enable the
Secretary ot the Treasury to pay the
Alabama claims.
Tiideu's letter, a an example of
how often a man can strike at a nail-
head and miss it, is a complete success
Gold iu New York, 11J112.
Legal tenders, 89 J90 J. ' -
Wheat iu this market,nomii ally, 65c
per bushel. Iu Portland, $1 46 per cen-
The Democrats claim to have carried
Alabama by 3,000 majority.
Remaining in the- Tost Office. Albany.
Linn county,: uregon. August lutu. ia o.
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date on wntcn they were advertised.
Atkinson, J J Gotteetree. Nat
Bargen. JHines - Harris,. Rev Bishop 3
Campeau. ixhiis - Jones, ti vv
f no (Assessor) iviioonrn, use
Chapman. Chas W Mnrphy. Kobt
Crawford. H C Klchardsou, Almond
j Davis, William .rfxrr n
I A. . Ut AVAX.VX, A.
Condensed - Ilsbtnlnr.
Wheat was dull and com steady in
London on the 5th. ,... h M
The Russian society of the Red Cross
has sent a sanitary train into Servia. . -
No Indians will' bo granted ' ratios
until Sitting Bull surronders.
Fourteen oil oars were- burned at
" j Dosnination Sjt Governor sCIiidiatis. .
McKee, of crooked whiskey fame, is
breaking down under confinement.
Prairie fires envelopUielndian coun
try aid Terry finds grazing very scarce.
Gov. hamberlain, of Soath Carolina,
denies having applied for troops.
Max Stadler & Co., cf New York,
have failed for $1, 500)00.
Tlie demand for wool in ? Boston has
become quite active, , K, , 4.
.Prof Huxley arrived in New York
from England on the 3d.
The Chicago Evening Telegraph has
suspended publication.
Ex-Governor- Woods, of Oregon, has
been invited to stump Ohio. :
Tlie New York banks are very anxi
ions to secure silver for small change.
Horatio Seymonrcdeclines to run fiir
Governor of the State bt New York.
Atlantic seaboard ports shipjied to
Europe last week 500,000 bushels of
The fast mails between New York
and Chicago will probably be re-established.
Hon. Benjamin Harrison has been
nominated by the Republicans for Gov
ernor of Indiana, ,'i
Chas. Pitts, one of the Kansas train
robbers, has been . nested and letters
found on his person implicating hereto
fore respectable parties. '
The New York Times' says Tilden
has made concessions to Hendricks' soft
mmey views, and eompares his letter
with Hayes unfavofabW to Tilden
The Senate insists o the river and
harbor bilt amendmenti." :
- r .'
The House committee has decided
Jnstice Wiley unimpeachable.
In a seven huurs' 6ghl at Tescepea
bate the Turks were drken from the
field by tl e Syrians.
Crook has broken camp on the South
Goose and is moving towards Tongue
Wait man & Negley'sbhcking works
at Pittsburg were destroyed by fire ou
7th. Loss, $180,000.
The Indians harrass every step made
by CrooK to join Terry, keeping his
march down to six miles a day.
R. II. Robinson won the single scull
race at Saratoga on the 7th and the
Northwest club the double 6cull.
Captain Thompson, of the Second
Cavalry, committed suicide just before
the troops left the Bg Horn cou try.
Two hundred barrels of "eriMiked"
where seized in Kenliickey last week,
leading to the belief of the existence of
a Ring.
Alderman Allerton, of Chicago,
sentenced to six months imprisonment
for neglect of duty as Collector has been
pardoned by the President.
A colored man named Dudley IJurrell
shot and killed a son, aged 15 years,
nd fatally beat another, at Oxely,
Ohio, on the 7th, liecause they attempt
ed to protect their motner from his
The Oregon items in the river and
arbor appropriation bill are retained at
he sums fixed by the Senate.
The legislation ot the House will
necesitate the consolidation of the dif
ferent Indian agents under one agent.
Ordway has accounted satisfactorily
to the real estate pool committee for all
expenditures made by him. .
Blumenberg, who was arrested in
an Francisco fpr embezzling district
bonds, has had his bail reduced by Jus
tice W iley to d:,00(J. 1 . ,'
The examination of the charges
against Judge Humphrey have been
indefinitely postponed, unless Congress
prolongs the session.
The French and German Ambassadors
have intimateded to the Porte that they
will leave CoriFtsnt'moplo unless the in
demnity for the murder of the two Con
suls be paid.'; The Porte hesitates
through the fear of offending the Muscle-
Lane on the 5th introduced a bill to
reimburse A.P.Jones and titers for
money deposited in the Portland gov-
ernment depository for surveys in Ore-
The bill passed through the Ilouse
h Henresentative Iaeo to s reimburse
Oreoon and California for Modoo war
r - .i.. -
expenditures, is still pending in the Sen.
It appropriates $70,000 for Ore-
- . .
PaCltle SIattFS
. - T
A new foundry was started at Baker
City last week.
' Twelve new cases of small-pox were
reported in San Franewco on the 4th.
. ,.The District of Connox givea good
indications of a bountiful harvest.
. . I-ord DuSerni will not be eatenaiued
) at the expense of the province.
. ; Bui ard's creek will probably be the
county seat of Lake county.
' J. Eraser's wool clip, of Wasco coun
ty, amounted to 63,130 pounds, '
v-Swamp land contests, are numerous
before the Lfnkville Laud Office. Av :hx
- Some reckless youngpter killed father
A pp legate's peacock, at Asbland, last
week. . - : . ""-- ' - -
Roseburg has a female detective who
dresses in male attire
New wheat and oats are arriving at
Oakland, Douglas eounty.
A iiew tvidge will be built over the
Mohawk river, Lane county.
The machinery for the fruit dryer has
arrived at Roseburg.
'Transportation petitions" are being
circulated in Polk county.
The Douglas county Grange sold
1UU,UUU pounas oi wool last week.
. a n "."""- ; "
Baker county crips and mines will ;
make a good "showing! this season.
Last week the Luckey Queen mine
. , .,
iaa suu ions or ncn ore on ine aump. .
Pugilistic encounters are growing to '
be an almost hourly affair iu Roseburg.
The fine Sligart stallion, owi ed by
Clark Taylor.of Ashland.died lat week.
The Astoria canuery will put up beef
during the Winter.
. A new road from the Dalles to Yak.
ima has been started.
Abraham JoneSj of Douglas, county,
sheared 4,500 pounds of wool from 470
ewes. . - ,.,.,f- j-'.- .. -
Ground was broken on the 1st in
Jacksonville for the pr posed Alden
fruit dryer.
Mrs. Nash, of Dallas, was thrown
from a buggy last week and very ten
ons? hurt.
Four t 'hrnamen severely beat a section
boss named Farrell,near Roseburg, last
The rear of Masonic Hall at Eugene
caught fire last week, but was quickly
The State University, at Eugene
City, Wiil fie ojiened for pupils some
time next month.
Fourteen bridges have been authoriz
ed to be constructed on the Astoria and
Nehalem road.
J. M. Sutton, editor ot the Ashland
Tidings has gone into the country to
recruit his failing haelth.
Two Jackson c unity children named
Lance, fell into a fire last week and
were serio lsly burned.
The Dong" as county assessment' roll
shows a maiked increase iu the value ot
property over last year.
An effort is being made to change the
Umatilla and Yakima mail route to the
Dalles aud Yakima.
John Adamson's dog, in Doug'as
county, held a deer until his master
came up and cut its throat.
Cal. Cooper is canvassing Polk coun
ty iu the interest ot the Yamhill trans
portation company.
.The bear have lately killed thirty
hogs in the settlement, on White river,
above Seattle.
Since liarvestii.g, a number of Doug
las county farmers have discovered rust
in their wheat to a serious extent.
Placer mines are receiving a good
deal of attention now in Jackson county,
several having been recently located.
Eli Plummer, living near Oak'and,
had to kill a colt last week which had
been seriously wounded by a reaping
A miner named Speek took out $98
with a rocker on Myrtle creek, one day
last week. This speaks well for the
locality. ;
The copper mines, ot Josephine
county are abont to recive a practical
test. San Fracisco capita'ists have the
matter iu hand. , ,
J. A. Devlin & Co., of Astoria, have
closed their fishery, and report this as
being one of tlie most successful season
ever experienced.
The Astoria fishermen are determined
to leave nothh g undone to recover the
body of yonng Wand, lately drowned
in the Columbia.
Mr. Wheeler, formerly partner m the
Trulependerice Telegram has with
drawn, leaving Mr. Pipes to toot his
horn "unaided and alone."
Sheriff Aiken, of Coos county, got
within, the range of. a kicking horse's
hind boot and is iu.w uiider the doctor a
care iu thereof.
Some one stole a tine silver cup from
Mrs. Home of Jacksonville last week.
The man who ran off with it considers
11 a race cup in a norw.
- .1. rwt v t:i X
nw wcKjwum. i,....,,. u
orderded the withdrawal of all its min-
,nS F4ue,t Irnro. BWWI' BUU PF
r . , f ji .
i afii tin mora at atrv dtkb. i- - - e
I For th nast vear. endinr? June SOth.
Coos county issued ,$11, 863 74 worth ot
oilers, and the'amoBnt of de-
linniwuttalres IX E.(4X HI..
The Orecon and California Staore
r0mpay's toll has been eonsiderabty
raised by the proprietors of the toll-road
over the Siskiyou mountains, iHi
"1 A mother and two boys, named
Wbi-eler, were drowned under peculiar.
1 distresoinc circumstances in, North
Umpqua, near Ireirso'a, 4astnvsek.
The Benton Democrat urges that a
petition to the Legislature be circulated
praying-for a small amount af State aid
to lielp in eoiwtrnotuig a wagoa road to
eonneot upper aud lower Alcea valleys.
A; young man, named Cbarlea Ross,
was jarrested, in tbe Dalles last week for
stealing $37 and ' a revolver, .from Mr.
Snyder, ttia restaurant keeper. Hec n-
fessed bis guilt and gave a watch io part
payment tor Qjorrey spent.
Boise City just now is a good market
for lard and bacon.. ' i , " (
There are 60 tons of hay : stacked at
the Wal'a, Wall Post.' 1
John Swett had a leg crnshed by A
log, near Snohomish, last week.
Richard Woods, Sheriff of Vancou
ver Island, died last 2atardayv -
Cows in the streets ot Victoria are be
coming a great nuisance.
James Welch, of Gardiner, Dong'as
county, ia tlie latest victim to the. birzz
saw. His haiid was terribly cut np.
Some Dal'as sportsmen who, "having
been there," report "Moose l ake -
ing nothing but a frog pond, j f
Charles Abraham,- while working
last week on his new scluoner at Gar
diner, had his left arm broken by a fall.
Mr Beard, the driver of a stage "out
of Roseburg, was kicked, by a luirse in
the eye, making a terrible a wound.
A weeping willow was about all that
was left at the landing below .Spring-
ville by the late flood. f
It is reported that the P. M.S. S. Co.
are anxious to abandon tlie Australian
The corner stone of the Metropolitan
Temple in San Fiancisco, was laid on
the 5th inst.
Eight new cases ot small-pox were re
ported at the San Francisco health office
on the 6th inst.
A trapeze performer named Serans,
fell in the Belle Union Theatre, San
Francisco, and died on the 6th
John Sim, of tlie Jacket mine of Elko,
killed himstlf'on the 5th on acconnt of
sickness and misfortune.
Mrs. McPheters, of Elko, while bath-
ng with some ladies in the Rumholt
got beyond her depth on the ,5th and
was drowned. ,,... . i-, JlV3, :.
Hon. A. N. Richards was sworn id
as Gc vernor ot British Columbia on the
28th nit.
The small-pox is raging on board 11 .
M. S. S. Repulse, Victoria, and several
officers and men have already died
Some limber young fellows of Cor
vallis are about to organize a Turn
Verein Society. ,
A man named Emery, married but
a week, living at Etna, Cab, shot his
wife while she was at the table, and
then shot himself
There are fourteen Chinese lepers in
the San Francisco hospital, and twelve
more in the city, who will be sent back !
t Chinai I
.. I
The Spiritualists of the State will
hold a campmeeting, commencing Sep-
tember 1st, at Kock lsiana, nve miies i
above Oregn City.
A fire broke out on the 5th, on the
southwest corner of Iidesdortl and
Commercial streets. San r rancisco. uu-
ing consilerab!e damage.
Sexton beat Gamier iu the San Fran
cisco Billiard tournament by 206 points
in 600, on the 5th. Best run by Sexton,
120. Sexton' average, 15.
J. W. Pearson, ex -treasurer of the
Trojan rhine, will be prosecuted aud an
attempt made t cmel liim t disgorge
wiiat he is alledged U have stoleii from
the company.
'I he tunera's f persons who lave!
died dT wnall-pox, in an Francisco, will
not be attended by otliers than the fam
ily ot deceased, by order ot tlie Board
of Health. ; f
The race on the Oakland track, on the
5th, between Gold Note, Dan Vorhec,
Mary Howard, 1 Jefiance' and Chicago.
was won by Vor bees in three straight
heats. Best time 2:25. ,
, The giant powder work's at San Fran
cisco were destroyed by fire on the 7th.
M ichsel Weldi, quartermaster of the
steamer Ancon, ciinfessed, at San Fran
cisco ou the 7th, to have stolen gold
bars. Amount ot $1,200 was found on
bis person.
Considerable . excitement - has been
caused bythe discovery of some rich
plaoer diggings ii- Mill creek- in ' the
toot hills ot the ierra Kevaoas, some
ihirly miles from Fresno.
1 wo Chinamen came near carving
one another into pound pieces at Rose
burg last week. ! They were not arreU
ed, through hope they may meet again
and yet succeed.
Mr. Slimmins, of Sohofield, Doog'as
county, while :temporarily. derranged,
"eirded up his loins" and took a prowl.
n g stroll. His wife soou captured nun
aud now has turn under her eye.
A new wharf boat will be built at
Celilo about the first ot October, which
wilt be 160 feet long,42 feet beam, and
hi r tliA nrLrf It will cmvirifir ff 11A 1tTa.4A
..Fik. whar4 k..Ui. that won.
- .
swept away.
? Capt. Laban Buoy, an old resident
Lane county, died at Lis re ldencc near
i 'res, on July 31, aged 74 years. , He
served as captaiu of a company tt vol.
unteers iu the Indian war of 1855-6, in
southern Oregon, and - was - highly es-'
teemed by ail who. knew him. . .
nw aum wmeu iwein vuruuiiu
Walla Wa la vallev some tima since:
destroyed a 70 acre ctk! of Oat belong -
ug ta air. iuouoy pi .cortneasteru
part or V matiila" eoatity;
IsaaoF Knott; of Umatilla county, bad
his leg broken last week by a horse fall.
ing with him, 'and a Chinere physician
wanted to charge him', tree hundlea
dolla fix um " , Jaao ould Kiku see
Thoraa Baldra, formerly a stage
drher between Corvallis and Junction
City, died last week at Dallas, from
cold settling iu a boil on bis upper lip.
Lane Gilliam received tlie appoint
raent to a eadetship from Washington
' Territory, but will probably decline on
account ot &.eoiiar por.?,. BYWfweii,
It is dangerous to step ea a iMSJt'a toe
in Walla Walla, For just aocfe a littte
piece of carelessness -;Baroey Kagan
knocked the five senses out of. a man
named King.
During a5enffie fcfr' a nhol gwl at
Goose Creek, Idaho, between while
maintained Bnreh and a' Mexican, sU
gun accident i y discharged, killing an-
other .Mexican standing near by. .Bar eh
gave himselt up and was discharged.
New To-Day,
Prof. O. I. j Newell,
0 rtm FiaaFart
" Special attention given t ' "
"fTAVTN'"conctroJeato make' my
it uerumnent retleme. all ba desire
thorough knowledge of 9Iwlc can 9W hve
an oiiMrtunily.
Messrs. Jno. Briems. J. B. Wvatt. Dr. iffin.
lr. Whitney, ami many others. ' .
&Si male "J
LeHve ycur aunrew t m r. r fwnny m iinn- im
runt. u.T' at.wi.bii.
Albany, August , J876-3,. ' j, hos;..
? Attention f"rult Urbweraf
Jo. be to announce Hurt they will put the
Factory in operation as soon as Frnit and Veg-
ciai)le8 ar reedr lrnfx-,o( wlil pay JKMb for
I Me saine wnen uwiverea.
Boxes vrill befamislied to all Rrtn Darpew
of brlngint? tlieir frnit jo the factory. ' - '
Fruit boolU l pivkea front lb J.feand not
bruiscil. - -
Piirtie navlntr nlums sneuKI ue narllcnlar tt
gatlier tbent before they btcone loo ripe.
.TV I.' T I.
A. X, acsorn, ' " " f , ' ' President.
- - Socretary. '
Albany, July 28, 17G-Sn4 ' '"
Produce &xssisa lercias .
Warelionce at. ftot ot Ellsworth street,
SNOW PKEPAEED to rix:eive AS
. store
100,000 Iinsliels cf Grain.
SACKS furnished free tothosewhoetorewltni
me, mid for f-ulu 10 others at tbe lowest market
pr. . . , . . ;.
iUt7 n 111 always rm ure uiKnem mamn price
for Grain. CD. blMPSOSv
Albany, July 28, 18TS-8n44
notice to CreeUtora. -
""OTICE is hereby given tliat the under
x signed whs, 011 the 11th day of July,
1S7. annointed admiuistrator of the estate
of Thomas A.. Ramsay, deceased. Try the
County CHirt of Linn county, Orepjou. r AJ1
jwr"iii Having viisiiiK, igitiiini. atu
are liereby notified to present the same wK
ny, in Lliin county, Orvj-on.
July 11, 1S73-U42
no cliair iriH! irotu my ai'',i-y ilUom iny
name npmi . All Hlw-w un- Uiix iiuiiatini
andshouM b. 'K rn; lc l. All i(.na aw
lierel warn.'! n:a:n' nt eitijillng any uc
tmnoeittoB uitou uiy cuioiht. .
Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1876.
si oca of , "s
selected with care, And boubl for coir i "
Scaadalouly , low Ftgare
and as we bousrhr low we can and will selT-Heit
at prices in i win , .
Astonish verybsdy-
Kh la,
piques, . ;
Rrllllxnles, .-.
PuitiiUM. . . . .
KIIlons, Collars, CeHart Jtca,
for the ladles, and ottV compksta Une: of f
Readymacle Clothin
lefca,- . . I t.dJlJA
fall docriptions for mon wid by AlfnD
The best gorMnva trie lowest rates even y tlvno
fcCome and eee
LeuanoD . Oreuon, October JO. tSt. , , - -'
- Just Ismiu-(. soeth Editfcta . ' " '
Bevisod and enrreoted by . antbor, i4tfaT.
wurtis, at. v., c, &
A Mllrnl Kmt on thwearwte awd eir V fwe-
matnre detdine in man, showiwa tmm 1 ralth 1
loai, ata roaamoa.- it atyeao eioar eyr
tbe inaned (taenia te manriaoe, ttee tccat r-
ncrmw atra Tmj9Km wniwiny, whwiivs j.
the reaoita of twenty yean saoceeeful -fcte..,
dnlatom t th PiW. " "
CTltTISOS "MAKH10I.!-Ttserelt. etn-
I hnof oHtUtttKo wKm iht Iwat will w vt
loundTHWfnf. wWlhe TWt. pt I I
i or tierevmnii. iwion J rmra.
CCRTlSO "MATS HOOt."-Tbhtboe tt ele
be ren'l by the yonna- Joe wtrncMm, f iskj.
of f y'"11'' mshm;;)
Prloe- One IKailar. bv mail W tstwt J
oreAS tne author, us. tAB,wieeu t
or 1. Ok. Box8S2aaa, Fmrnsiaoo, ,
i vKsmitv.tnatneisi
1 pioinreo framed, at
1 ttroaflaibtn. ana lra-re yr.ur ofrsni J
(j J tj n Ay at home. Afnlftwiii ,.' ''
k la. A tarm free. ItkUK JtCO.,si.lil.
v m i f. , i . ,.i m . ii n 1. 1 aj
Call a tbp HesiBkrVCif.