volume :.vjn. ALBANY, OREGON, AUGUST 4, 1876. BUSINESS CARDS. JOHN CONNER, BAN KIN Q -AND- Exchange Office, AX.SAXY, OBC(iO.. Deposits received subject to check at sii?ht. Interest allowed on time deposits in coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, jmd New orfc, for sale at lowest rates. Collect kins m&deand promptly remitted. Refers to II. W. Corbett, Henry Euiliug, W. S. Ladd. Blinking hours from 8 A. M. to 4 P. 51. . Albany, Feb. 1, ls71-3 A. CAR01I1ESS & CO., iKAlers in CIIEXirAM, Oil., TAINTS, 1TN i vs, uxm, etc., All the popular PATENT MEDICIXES, USE CUTLERY. CIOVRa, TOBACCO, XOTIOJfS PERFinEKI, and Toilet: Uootts. Particular care nml promptness given Physicians' prescriptions and Family Hoc ipes. A. C.YROTHER3 & CO. Albany, Oregon-lvi II. JT. BOIG31TOX, 31. D., GBAItCATE OF T5IK VMTEKSITV Medical College of New Yrtrk. late member of rteilcvien H spitul Medical t"ol lejre, Seir Vork. fi-i:-Ib a. Curothera & Co.' drajj store, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOrii DISTACED. THE BAT TEAM STILL LIVES, ASDIS FLOlTUSITTNr T.IKE A fiitEES X3L hay tree. Thankful for past favor?, an I vrishins to merit the con tin nance of the same, the BAY TEAM will alwavsbe ready, and easily found, to do any haiilinjr within the city limits, for a reasonable coniiwnwion. S3?" JO el I very ol'oodi a Specialty. A. N. AKN01.D. 20v3 Prooriotor. Piles I Utiles WHY SAY THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot be cured, when so many evidences of success miirht be placed iietore yon every day cures of supposed hopeless eases"? Your physician informs yon that the longer you allow the complaint to exist, yon lessen your ehanees for relief. JZjrrpricnee ha tzutfu (his 1i eetZ ctics. A. Carotlicra A Co.'s Pile Pills and Ointment are all they are reeoinmenden lo be. Will cure Chronic, ICirtd and ISleedinsr Piles in a very shori time and are Cntww ttnt tn usr. This preparat ion is sent by mail or ex press to any point within the United States at $1 SO per package. Address. A. CAKOTTTERS & CO., Ttvi Box &, Albany, Oregon. The Eugene firemen are making ar rangements for a grand ball at Lane Hall on Christmas eve. JOHN SCHMEER, DEALLK IH Groceries & Provisions - ALBANY, OREGON-. HAS JCST OPENED IHS NEV GROCER establishment oh comer of Ellsworth md First streets, with a fresh stock of tiroceries, Provisions, Candies, Cicmrs, To- Daoeo, kc, to wiucn he lnviiea the atten tlon of our citizens. In connection with the More lie wf 11 keep a jsucery. ana win always nve on nana a lau supply. oi iresu oreau, crncgers, Ac E2F" Call and see me. JOnN SCHSIEER, Fobruary !G-24v4 ALBANY FOUNDRY And IVI ac hin e Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON", Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour anil Satv Mill Machin cry, WOOD WORKING AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY, And' all kino of IBOJI A5T KXMH CASTINGS. Particular attention paid to repairing all Kmusoi rosenmory. - -- uvs "T7' BOTM:, Hoot and Shoe Matter,. Id door Am east of Harper's ware bouse, is always on Jwtnd to do work at reasonable rates, neat and IV. T. MOORE, - Kotiso- and. Sirn Painter, rRAXSlSG, PAPERH.VXGIXG, CAtCEMrS- V lnjr, triazm?, c. riavins naa mi expen enoe of 25 years in the business in the East, I oan safely sruarantee aatisOtctory work to nil. Shop on First street, nest door east of Clark as v yatt. ..-. jsff ISartoer ' Oliop I Zj. 13. KOYAL, TTIR OPEfED a Barber Slion on First sire JlJL one door west of Thompson Irvine's har- neai shop, where na will oe pteasea to meet aa who wish work in his line. Thankful for past patronage, he hopes by clo attention to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on band a fall supply of Perfumery and Hair Oils, the best assortment in- town. Come and see ate. -j. " . Albany, Or., February 23, 1878-23T8 s. c. stom:, 3i. PhyuTciarr and Gurgcon, BKOWJJSYIIXK. OEEGOS, Ornt E At tbe Drusr Storr. "v8 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHO THRESHERS, S, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PL0VTS, SEED DRILLS, i BROADCST SEED SOWERS,' ETC. First street, Albauy, Oregon. Teinis : Casli. n20v7 St. Charles Hotel, - Corner , Vbntⅈtoii nnd First StM A LB ANY, OIIEG ON, Matthews & Morrison, ' PUOPRIETORS. House newly furnished throughout. The best the market affords always on the table. Free Coach to and from the House. r.-v. IIARI'ER & CO., - Dealers in xxi.isr G-OODS. Clolltlu;;, ISotota and Slioew. Hats, Uroce rics, 1'Riiry tioods, XoiIoiim, Kliotjcuns and Pistols, aJI, ICope, Tflrrors, YViillpnper, Wool and Willow Ware, irenhs and Valises, Pocket Cutlery, Ac., Ac, RoM very low either for cash, or to prompt pay-n.'$.- in; customers ou lime. v7 Furniture Warerooms. FRED GRAF, HAVIXi; purchased the entire interest of C Collar in the late linn of Graf & Collar, in the furitirm-c business, takes tiiis opportunit J to rctvirn his thanks to the citizens of Allwiny and vicinity who have so generously patron ized him ia the past, and resixHStfiilly ask a continiJaiice of the same. fiT'All kinds of ttir nitnrc kept on liamlaiiduiaiiuiac.turcd to order at lowest mfi s. I'RKIi GKAF. A!:inj-, Nov. 12-vSnS Kaisia? tijul 3;ia Sui2cl3iig!i. WETHE rXPHRsItiXED EEO LEAVE TO aimoiirn'c to the citizens of Albany Riid surrounding country that, having supplied our selves with the necessary machinery for rais ing and removing Imiidinss, we are rea ly at all times to receive orders fo:- sm-li wnrk, vhit:h we will do in shiirt or Icr at lowest rates. We Kiiarantee cuHrc satisfaction in all work under taken by us. Orders left at the Rbiutkb ottice promptly atten tod to. Apply to. Alba, II A XT y, ALI.EX & CO. Or., April 2a. 187.5. 2fv7 Liverj'-i Feed Stable CORXKlt WASlUXtiTOX KIIiPT STS., AS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES. HACKS & SADDLE hm-se.s to lot on nnsonable terms. Horses I.oard' 1 by the day or week. I will have some of Hie icuycsilritfsevcr turn ed orft of ! livorv stable in Alb:ifiy. UEARSK and carriages flirnlslied for fu nerals. ( Give me a call when yon irani to ride. A N S. Jd AKSI IA LX,, Albanv , March 10, 1870-25V8 j HARDWARE ! BOLTS, all size ad descrip- uons, ci. (.-riierai 7iij.r an.jnnf' HARE a frill and eouiplcte as sortment. Stoves, Tinware, Puiips, Hose. Tin. ConiHir, Zinc M Sliest Iron, ( CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complet assortment in tue city. f gaT-Repairiiisr done ncatlyjat short nolice. J. GR A D WOITT.. First street, Albany. Oregoni n27vH DR. PLUf1ER, DRUGGIST, Pure and Fresli - DRUGS AND MEDICINES! Oils, Perfumeries, w Toilet Articles, 1RISSE1 ASD SHOlXDIB BRACKS. Prescriptions carefully filled. 8-15 .-New 'millinery Store! MRS. D. STEVENS, HAS moved into the store recently occupied by Mrs. C. C. Jfincrltsli. on Fii-st. atroer. nrt. joininir the City DniK Store, where she has u)cucu uui ner khia sukk oi . Fashionable SlocEc of Millinery Goods. Huvinjr had many years of enerienee in fh millinery business in the East, Mrs. Stevens be lieves she can pi ve tlie fullest satisfaction to all who erive ber their natroruure.and would them. fore reiectf ully solicit a share of the same. Albany, Nov. 19-v8niml W. R. CiRAIIAFI, ; ; I.AT1S OF MK HIOAS1 ' VIexcliant Tailor, KEEPS always on hand Doeskins, Cassimerca Vesttnes, etc.. a iarsrer and bettef stai:k than ever before brought to thiamarket. Cnts and makes to order all srvlesof ClothSnt? for men and boys, at reasonable rates, iruaran- teeingr sat if faction. - . f , Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O, Smith. 26 v3 G. W. WILCOX, Homooopa tliio Physician. OFFICE Vith Dr. E. IT. GriffinFlrst street, A I twin y . Ore iron . tSfCliran id diseases a EIociuJv. 'J6v8 FRIENDS ! , CITIZENS ! ! COUNTRYIVIEN ! ! ! LEND US YOUR TRADE I WE HAVE JUST OPEXED OUT "A NEW and fresh assortment of GROCERIES, PKOVISIONS, &c, in Dr. Tate-s new brick. First street, -where we -would be pleased to serve you with any thing in our line, - . Our s-ock was selected in San Francisco, by 5IR. JOIIX BARROWS, well-known in tlds city, and we feel safe in satisfaction to all who lavor us with their pat ronage. We will endeavor to keep on hand a full sup ply of Fx-dsh "Vegetables, in their season, at all times. You are invited to call and see us. HUH A- TATE. Alban y. May 5, 76-33 EVERYBODY BTJYS THEM. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SniP men t of the celebrated new style Combined Drill iiud Broadcast STATESMAN GSAL DRILL, direct from the factory, am now offering extra inducements to the farmers of Oregon. Most of the best farmers in the State are now using them. savins seed and an increased yield of grain is the result of drilling Can le used equally well as a Drill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL has been greatly improved for this vear. Warerooms at my ftlacksmith Shop, comerof Second and ElfswoVth streets, Albany, Oregon. FRAK WOOD. Marcn 31, 187(5-23 I. K. X. HIAt UIllBS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE, LINN CO., OGN. ATTEXTIOW (IVEM TO A I.I. 22 vs business a. C. POWELL. I. ri-ts. POWELL & FLIXN", Attorney's A- Connscllors nt Ijiw nnd So licitors i 4'iiaueery, Albany, Oregon. Collections made and con veyances promptly uttiuUia iq. .. J,j PROMPT Delivery, at l iving i:tvte. HAVING bonsrlit out the dellvsry lmdtiew ol Mr. Lewis Si imon. 1 ix. leave to anmmnee to tne citizens and be.-: ess men of Albany, that 1 have on t be si reets an exprc.-w nnd joi wairon and will le happy to s-erve all who may. give mcacad. All orders will be promptly attended to at reasonable rates. Orders may be left at the Drug Store of Bell & rarKer. VIRGIL PARKER. Lebanon Hotel, S. II. CLAl'GHTOX, PROP'R., TTOUSE newly furnishiHl thronirhont. Tbe J. A nest t he market sanoru always on the table. The postoftice is next door to this House, from which the s' aw lesives for Alliany at 7 o'clock A. M. and return. na arrives ot o'clock p. M. Conveyane procured for part Iom wishing to visit i:ie t-ofia firings, i.iorary and reacunft room, with choice reading matter, for the guests Of t-hc bouiie. apr3Dv8 CIIAS. BOl'IKJARDKS, WATCHMAKER & JEWELER, Corner First and Ferry Kt., Atll.VXY, OltFUOX. Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, nnd Jetpclry of every description and of the oest manuiaciories, on namt tor sale at fair rates. Cf Cleaning and retiring Timepieces a siwiialty.' fcSf Jewelry, etc., repaired nnd chamed on short notice at living rates. e"Give riie a rah, and see for yourself.a Mstnsh 3, 1S7U-24VS J. II. Bl'RKHART, Real Estate anil Copeyaiioiiii Agent, ALBA.W, i : : VRF-JO-. CXIKNEII FIRST AND BItOAD.VLBIN JTKEETS. FARJrSof all sizes, improved and unimprov ed, in this nnd adjacent counties, suitable for grain raising, also timbered land and stock ranches for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwelling houses and vacant lots in this city. Pal-ties desiring to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices before purchasing elsewhere. 32v8 D. MCFARLAND. i . WM. MORGAN. MORGAN & m cFA RLAX D, REAL ESTATE ! AGENCY! ! - -..and -EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Kcxt Door to Wells, Fanro A CoV Express Office, Albany, Oregon. VE AHE PREPARED TO FURNISH EMI T T ffmBtflfttlfl others ffonrl iMLrcrnina in f"n vma and Small homesteads in Linn and adloinlnir counties. Farms In value and size to suit pur- ciiam;n. Also, city property, both Improved and un improved. Renting farms and city property, and collec ionsof all kinds, promptlv attended to. Our facilities for advertising will enobln m to do more for our patrons than any other Agency In the State in onr line. We also pa-r special at tention to the emnlov- ment and labor exchange department. r- jSLltoa-ny Cat Si Hons? & Barber SI p. THE UNDERSIGNED WOULT RE8 iCT fully thank the citizens of Alban ai 1 vi cinlty for the liberal mtronaire bestow J n him for the past seven years, and hope f !hi future a continuation of their favors, r rtYu accommodation of transient customer n friends In the nrmor part of town, he la i pen ed a neat littlo shop next door to Taylo .- 3ro Saloon, where a good workman will alw .fsbj n at tendance to wait upon patrons. wv;llf IO(ti JUJ!i W ittk , G. A. AVIHTNEIT, M. D., Graduate of Bellevue Hospital Medical College,- Physician and Surgeon, AtJIAHT, OHEGOJf T7WTSEASE9 OF WOMEK A SFECIALTT. X-f Residence in West lake's building, comer of First and Lyon streets. 44 J. LIXSE1 HILX,, M. D., OFFICE -AtBell A Parker's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-44 JOB PRINTING. When yon wish Posters. Visiting Cards, Business 'Cards, Bill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes Labels, PRINTING HOUSE, Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, or In fact anything in trie Prlntixtfjj Xtdne, call at the ALBANY ER CORNER FERRY & FIRST-3Ttf., REGIS OCR , SEW YORK LETTER. Political busesess--the centennial tue fourth in. the city a reform incident the churches. JfEW York, July 14, 1876. POLITICAL. The Democracy of Jfew York are the sickest set of men that ever lived. The nomination of "Slippery Sammy," does not strike them at all favorably and they have, at this early day, given up all hope of electing him. The fact is, they see that the American people are not ready, as yet, to place the government in the hands of a party so soaked in corruption, so utterly undeserving of confidence as the Democ racy, as it is nov constituted.. Some row will be made to carry congressional tickets and local offlecs, and some powder will be burnt, in consequeiiee, over tb presidential nominees ; but no one has an idea that Tilden has any reasonable chance of suc cess. Betting men are offering odds that Hayes will carry .New York, and they find no takers. The decent portion of the Democrats have got tired of spending money for the purpose of placing specula tors in the best offices, and hordes ot un naturalized Irish in minor places. The business men of the city know that Tilden's nomination was the result of a bargain and sale between his supporters and the infla tionists of the West, and altogether, there is a demoralization in the Democratic camp that is very encouraging to those who want good government And speaking of political matters, I wish every Republican in the United States could see the "Sunday Democrat," a paper which Tilden's money supports, and which is the organ of the Irish eud of the party. To make sure ot' the support of the Irish Democrats, it has a portrait of Kernan the nominator ot Til den, right over a prominent portrait of Tilden, with this inscription. "A Catho lie statesman, Senator Kernan, the nomina tor of Gov. Tilden." This is a bid for the support of the Catholics an assurance to them that Tilden is fairly in their hands. and that, in the event of his election, they will, in national matters, have the same consideration that they have always had from him in the other positions he has tilled. Without the Irish-Catholic vote in this city, the Democracy is nothing; to get it the Catholic church must be conciliated In the most, substantial manner. The gor geous cathedrals, churches, monasteries, and convents, all on ground which Demo cratic pol it icians filched from tlie city for them, and which are more than half sup ported by grants from tlie public treasury. attest the price the Democracy lias paid for their votes. The Republicans of the city are not only confident, but eutirely jubilant. The nom ination of Hayes and Wheeler they accept as the best that conid have been made, and more than that, as all that was desirable. Clubs are being organized -in all the wards, and the best men in the city are taking hold of the work. While it is impossible to carry the city, the Democratic majority will be so reduced as to make the state absolutely certain for the Republican ticket. The Liberals are, as a rule, in line again and thousands of Democrats will vote the Republican ticket for the first time in their lives. The north part of the state where Mr. Wheeler resides will give the largest majority for the ticket ever known, and will itself, more than balance all the frauds that can be perpetrated in the city. The outlook is excellent here ; see that you do your duty everywhere else. BUSINESS. - I hate to write that -ord, for there is no such thing in New York. The wholesale merchants are doing little, the retailers are doing less, except the little spurt they had in Fourth of July goods, and tho other trades are dead as smelt. "It will be bet ter after the Fourth," was the hopeful thought, but it is worse than before. And even the lawyers are feeling it. Tbe courts have all adjourned, aud the poor lawyers have all gone Mito the country, where they cart live cheaper and get a breath of fresh air, and wait till cooler weather enables them to come back and pluck their clients with more comfort to themselves. Alto gether New York ts a miserably dull place just now, and will be for the next two months. THE CENTENNIAL. ' Drew off its thousands from the city this week. All business was closed from Satur day at three to Wednesday morning giv ing the New Yorkers three good days to see the great show. It is estimated that lorty thousand people trom this city alone were in Philadelphia, enjoying the Exposi tion. It any sistht-seeinar can he culled joyment with the thermometer at 104 in the snaoe. tue neat was intense. Members of military organizations in the grand pro cession dropped in the streets, and the suf ferinz of the multitude that Hni tho streets was awiul. The how was the big gest that ever took place In the United States, except, perhaps, the New York procession. All the trades were represented, and the city was as gorgeous na could be. Every building, public and private, was profusely decorated, and at night the elty was one blaze of light. Such a display was never seen before, and never will be again for a hundred years. Speaking of the Centennial, .don't rlMo your coins. In September the crv win 1,0 crowded, and if It ia hot now, you have tbe nurauutge 01 me more room to yourself You can keep cool. Yoa. cart get cood board now, in that city, . for fl per day, which means good room, and a good table. At this rate you can afford to go alow, and take it leisurely. Don't ; think of staying away. It is the biearest fhinirtho ever saw, and the biggest thing that will occur far another century. v There are imies upon oiiies 01 uie nnest works ot art in existence there are the best works in machinery and everything the world nses, Irom all the nations on the globe, and no one can afford lo mist the education the view affords. Come, and com now. Come wl ile the city is so empty that the landlords are anxious to see yJu. and will do something ti make you comfortable. And come to stay a little wnile. Come prepared to see it ali at your leisure, and be careful that you do see It all before you leave. 1 nave said. , ; The eve of independence! The Fourth of July "besrai the night Jjefore. Sunday and Mondaj passed off very quietly, tile Doys tioiumg tceir crack ers and fireworks in reserve. Tut many of tne snops gave their emplojees holiday from Saturday afternoon. Alwut five in the afternoon of Monday business was virtually at at' an end. At nine in the evening Broadway was full of people.' in the street and out of it as thick as they ieonld stand. The denizens of the east side Ot New York that hide in their lodgings and workshops at all times save holidays, came out, the Germans with wife, children and baby, the Irish boys and girls, fleet-footed and fleeter tongued, and stood around, cheerful and perspiring, or sat on steps and curbstones, till the great show should begin. . that would be an event in their lives. At nine, the signal for the illumination was given. The buildings were gay and a-flntter with flags siiicr morning, when Broadway looked as ii all the butterflies of ihe world had settled upon its face in the sun. 1 And now. looking down the street miles away where it sinks to the harbor, as far as one could see, a calcium light shone, a great blazing star in the forehead ot the sky, and below wound a river of fire, tossing glitter ing waves of flame, th .it re rich till lost among the tall buildings , ol Union Square. As a spectacle, of unreal magnificence, the effect was exciting and tho prodigal won ders of magic aud romance sceuieU possible in that wild blazing night. the procession. It was a sofi and splendid evening, a per fect moon rode high, as If to mark the splendor belosv, a fresh breeze blew up from the bay, and through that gulf of peo ple miles on tniles uptown went the torch light procession, first, the city troops, in full uniform, in column bv company a gallant'sijihr. The finest of all not the aristocratic Seventh Redolent or the pet ted Twenty-tecond, but the old Seventy ninth Highlanders, disbanded, who had begged permission to come out with the other troops. From Major-General Ward, who stood at the head of the Third. Tirirmdo the beau-ideal of a soldier, high, courage ous, impassive from sword-hilt to chapean. every one of those engle-faced black Scotch who marched kilted and plumed behind him with a dagger in his garter, they were the very make of soldier, and men tor .any commander to covet. The German troops were fine looking soldiers, and, in their spiked helmets and close blouses. looked as if they still wned allegiance to King Wil liam. The Cuban societies made a fine impression for so small a body ot men, their dress nnd bearing unmistakably that of gentlemen, and it was pathetic to see their beautiful colors a notlier red, white and blue rarriad in honor of a country which celebrated the independence they were struggling to achieve. The dark, ptoud, handsome faces that marched in the shadow of its folds were lit up with the spirit of ihe hour, as they -flashed back the gayest repartee to the cliecrs and jests of tlnvjerowd,. ; - : MIDNIGHT there was such a noise by the crowd that the chiminjr of the bells lost its efFeet. nnrl the singing of the eight hundred members ui uie ucniHiii cuorai socieries was un heard. .People stood packed around the tour sides of the squares, which were filled in the center with military : and from the four angles a bombardment ol fireworks was kept up for an hour that made the place little less than hell to the sieht. 'el .. !.-. i . " nicio ncic me accompaniments 01 women tainting, and pickpockets making organized rushes to drive people into the corners where they could work them better, while the cannon rockets, which seem the favorite pyrotechnic this year, dulled the boom of ordnance from the North and East rivers. One wondered how the children stood it. tor there were hundreds ot babies in arms whose mothers could not stay at home and lose the sight., Next day. Broad wav was quieter than it ever was of a Sunday, tor an were urea out. At evening, a beauti ful sight from the Battery finished the day, with a stroke cf natural glory. Heavy clouds gathered in tbe west, betokening a storm. out as tue nrsi gun was nrea at sunset, the light broke through, aud the arch of cloud shone an arch Of glory, under which rolled the smoke aud thunder ot salute from forts aud 'ships down the harbor and up river, answering and echoing fitting close of such a day. aud fitting honor to the mem ories it celebrated. The casualty list was very small consid ering the vast number on the street, aud everywhere else, engaged in the exploding 01 comuusuuies. occasionally a ooy would get a bullet in his uistol, and that bullet would kill or maim somebody ; occasionally a girl's elofhes would take Are from sparks. ,and she would burn to death, a few build ings were burned,- and ail occasional i pyrotechuist was blown no WuJj his own! dynamite. But, after ali. tie accident were comparatively few, and the city has reason to congratulate itself. The day. or days, rather, passed off co tertably, all tiling cousiuereu. 1 ONE REFORM INCIDENT. Two years ago (he "Reformers" who are now supporting Tilden aDoronriated 50.- 000 to improve 'ompkius Square. Otie o".wu mure was 'aimronriatea . i.t.. 1 . n .. . . , , . .... iukiii in mi 3i3u,uuv. vat was done with it? Tompkins Sauaretis today a dust pile, with ho pretence ofgrass, foun tains orianytmng else. The $130,000 were stolen by Tilden's 'Reformer" the same as a million of dollars were stolen before. If the Republicans outside ot tbe city could only know what a set of thieves the "Re formers" who went to St. Louis really are. they would work day and night for their defeat. THE CHURCJgES are, like the business houses, iti a state of suspension, during tbe hot westber. The pastors are an etr in the country, or aown bv the sea-sidei takiucr the rest that some of them hare earned. Henry Ward Beecher spends his vacation hi the White Mount ains, Hepworth goes down to the 8a, wnue lyrig, proposes to rigm it out an summer in'hisigospel tent, up-iown.- ay the way this ida of Tyng'a is a good one. He noticed that the sinners did not go to the HiMHXIrome, last winter, that only tlie pious were there. As the sinners would not come to iyng, iyng propvscu 10 go to sinners. So she goes up-town right in the midst of taem, and he erects an im mense tent, something like a circus tent, he had his skirmishers golnir about palling them in, and lie preaches there constantly. He is doing a good work, The hardened reprobates of the worst part of the city are brought nnder gospel Influences, and very many of them have been induced to lead better lives. Tyng is a hearty supporter of Peter Dwrer acf Jerry McAnley. who are hard at work among the lowest people of the down-town part of the city. He is an honest, eloquent, soonscientioua worker for good, and deserves all the good things tnat are sam 01 nun. 1 - .. ctetro. An Honest Acknowledgment. The Democrat Fays, speaking of Gov. Haj es : 'lie is an amiable man, we all know a man of Integrity, we are free to allow ; a pious man and a respectable citizen. But that is not the sort ot a man we wish tor President at this time, when required in White House, and a great work of reform needs to be undertaken." r This is true, of conse, just what we have said alf tbe time : . Ilayea is an honest taan, a man of integrity, and therefore "not the sort of a man" the Democrat and party for whom . it speaks, tvtfsh for President.'4 Every sensible man in community knew this before, but no one expected the- Demo crat to show its hand in this manner. Haye'a principal claim to the Presiden tial chair Is, that he belongs to. the Repub lics n party and never stolo anything. Democrat. Very. True.- At-TiMeri's principal claim to the Presidential chair is, that he belongs to the Democratic party and baa acquired a colossal fortune by robbery and corruption. - " JjUCKT Queen. Mr. W. H. Goltra re turned from a tour of Southern Oregon last week. Mr. Goltra is Interested in the noted Lucky Qneen quartz ledge, and of course, while in Jackson county visited the mine, bringing back with him some fine specimens of tlie rock, which we had the pleasureof examining last Monday. The gold is very plain to be seen In tlie quartz with the naked eye, and we should not be surprised if the lucky owner made their bonanza out of it. Bock lias assayed, from various portions of the ledge, from $10 to $3,500 per ton, as we are informed. The Superintendent offers to crush the quaffs for $4 per ton.- We wish the lucky owners of the mine, among whom are are Messrs. Goltra, f fraud. Price, and others, tlie best of sucess with their shares. Sold. The Demus Beach property, sold ou Friday, brought $170; was purchased by Mr. S. Montgomery. The dwelling sold for $150 and the barn for $20.- The new public school-house, to be erected ir place of the old buildings; is tor cost $1,100. The contract; was lei to Messrs. Bereaw A' Mills. Canged of Proprietors Tlie Port land Evening Journal has been sold to Tony Noltner, and will hereafter be known as the Evening Standard. Noltner is a clever gentleman, is an old and experienced' newspaper . man, and will doubtless get up a good paper. We wish Tony way up- success, financially. , Gone to Portland. Mr. C P. iiou. of Shedd, came to this city on Monday, en route for Portland, where he intends to hang np for the future. We wfeh Cliarley the fullest success in any business enter prise he may undertake in Lis new borne The Democrat man has taken down the diaper he had strung on a line from tbe office across the street. It was like Tilden and Hendrick's chances in the coming convass a very small affair. , - A few days ago our young friend, Archie Monteith, was the recipient of a splendid birth-day present, a gold watch, aud chain, presented by his father, Thomas Monteitbf Esq. It was Archie's twenty-first birth day. ' .--. Prof. Newell, of Portland, arrived in our city last week. The Prof, proposes to Sake rrp his residence ia this city, engaging in teaching the delightful science of music, lu which be has few equals. Business has not been the briskest in the world during the week, but harvest U rapidly approaching, when merchants, doctors, blacksmiths and everybody expect to reap their reward, " Col. Wilson and Mr. Habersham are expected to visit the Upper Willamette during the present week, to examine the work done In the river by the snng-pullcr,. etc' - There is nothing mysterious about tlie disappearance from the skin of eruptions, burns, scalds, bruises, ulcers and sores through the Influence of Glenn's Sulpher Soap. Sulpher is a potent purifier and healer of the skin and is most beneflcially utilized in this form. ; f ho snag-puller under command of Capt' Geo. Smith, was yanking the snags out of -the Willamette, in tlie vicinity of CorvalliSf at last aeeounts; Rube Saltmarsh and family start for Jack son county ia a few days, partly for pleasure aud partly on business. , , - i t Mr. C. H. James, of Portland, made us a pleasant call on Saturday. ; Messrs, Tyler & Tate have an excellent quality of sugar. , i S. E. Young shipped over 500 pounds of fresh butter one day recently. :. j. : : I Personai Mr. Jackson, of tbe Eugene JovmcHi made ns a brief call on Mondayv Vj,- ''..FATE... ,-. ; BY BRET II ARTE. The sky is clouded,-the rocks are bare; T The spray f the tempest is white in air, Tbe wintja are out with the waves at play- Ana 1 snail not tempt tbe sea to-asy. The trail Is Harrow, the wooJ is dim,' 5 The panther clings to tit arohirg limb: And tlie lion's whelps are abroad at play' A nd I shall not join the chase to-day. But the ship sailed safe over the sea, - ,,? . And the hunter came from the chase in gle? And the town that was built upon rod Was swa Howe! up in tne earrliqiiane heckv-