The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, July 28, 1876, Image 3

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V f
TI,K l."7Crill Paint
We have t--l imraiinls from owners of lie tlnest
that h claimed for it by the umnufcietiirers.
- I
Call and examine wimples, and compare prices before purchasing elsewhere. E2T-A- ssor-
uient of shades kept constantly on huiid.
. . fxST)
"-' Oiler- iov Sa'o:
XlircHliers, Headers Reapers Mowers, Wagons, ItaWes, Plows,
J": Will tre flnin. 'ol. and General
MAwlMOTlI VARF.1IOV E-Hi 1 of DnVer
- I :
No time to write advertiscmeiit
this w
"his friends an be pnbiic scnemhy, that
lie Is now wattled i his - - .
on thcold s'and ncxi door so P. C. Harper Co .
where can be loan-l assreat an a-r;iu-it and
&u m.rG a stock Ol
Stoves and Eanges
as can le found in any one houao this side of
Portland, and at as r
- - - - ALSOr -.""" -'. ' -
Caistiron, Bra&EnaiBcled
In great variety. Also,
Tin, '
Sheet Iron,
CJalvantt-a Srou,
. itnu
alwars hand, and. mudi? to order, AT L1V
OrtXX on iiim.
Arwny..Octoler22, JS7 v
To lan and Beast
. , . . .... 1
TJicre is no-sore it will pot --:il. no lame
ness it will not cure, .ntf a-he. iv ini, that
afflict the human iKxiy. or tti. - o a
horse or other dome-tie annua I. that Hoes
co&vield to its nifi- to'ioir: A. Ixntie
" costin25c. 50t;. or l W). htr often saved
the life of a human bei.. '' retoretl to
life and usefulness many a va-uable horse.
Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds. Bruise.v Cuts
Frost-bites,- SwelHujfV. Contrmcted Cords
- Pain in, the Back. Lumbago. Sctattctt.
T ChUblains, Strains, Spraiiw SiuT Joints,
- ore Nipples, EruptkMis,, PSins Wounds,
6 Ulcers.
' WB-'MtlMAl-H, IT- WIlfctt'KB !
Spavin, Galls and Sores. Swniny. Ring
Bone, Windgalls, Big Head. Poll Evil,
i Efts .mow and ore. Itmeness, awHbiigs
.-; Swmeitei, Lrtemper' Sfiirm-ss, , Strain,
Soreness, Open Sores 25v8
t g ' i ru.i Rt honic. Minim" " '"
IJ ZJjJ ree.-. 4vrtKsfi A tto .. rorthin. Me.
p-CSXP&Jod.f. KOWKI.L & f"U., New ork,
.: Hr Pamphlet of H paeo. eonraintnj; a,on0
pewspie.r, n l ei,timatc-!'h'wwint cel oftuu-
is tt,e OMrt .nd Most ReliHhle Mixed Paint.
residences m tlie count y, Uo lug that it us ail
Groins to Xtlxx-t,
&c., Alv.
Merchantli! at Tvest
and Lyon streets, at ljxit of O.
ft c.
throw it in sisrlit
San Francisco.
187G. 1876.
Chicago & riorth-Vest-
ern Railway.
E PoriLiB ROUE ;Vl:Sd,AD.
Passenaers for Chicaso, Niagara Falls. I'iii
lmr. Philadelphia. Mont real. Quclicc.Kew York
Boston, or any point Kjisi. sImiuHI buy their
' Via the I'foueer Itoutc,
Its Track is of STEEL RAILS, and on it has
been made the FASTEST time that has ever been
MADE In this country. By this route passen
gers for points east of Chicago have choice of the
following lines from Chicago:
15 y- the Pittsburg Koriwiiyne nnfKliicao
UMl Pcuusyltavia KaiIwnM,
3 THROUGH TUACs'S DAILY, wl'h Pullman
Palace cars through to Phiiadeiphia andXew
York on each train.
ITIIROCfJH TRAIX. with Pn'lman Palace cars
to Baltimore and Washintfton.
Ity tlx' IiKe Wiurp niitl .tflehlirnii Kontlf
cm Itnllwny nncl Miniifclfciin iXrff Yorli
t'eutral aul Ki-ie Kallrond.,),
Drawing iloom and Silver Palace cars thro'
to New York.
y tin MleJifarnii Cmtrnl. Ornnd Tnmk,
Umt Western and ICrie huI Sew York
Central iiailway,
3TIJROU .II "TRAINS, with Pullman Palace
PrawinjLr Itoom and FTieepinir cars through to
New York, to Niu-aru Fails, Bullalo, Rochester
or Km York eity.
Itj- Kititlmwe nil .1 Ohio Itallrond,
2TITROCr,n TR AINS DAILY, with Pullmnn
Pn!a-e i-ai-s for N ewark. Za'icsv4:'c, Wheeling,
Washinsfion and TiaHimore wi'.hout change. '
ThU is -lie PH )RTEST. BVST nnl onlv line
rnnniriT Pnllinati e!elae-1 PALAi'K SLEEP
ING CABS AN' 1 1 ftA"HES. ronneetmtr with
t'nion pjicitic lfnllioa'1 a? OMAHA and from thu
WIST, via- iran-i Jnnc'ion, Marshall, t'e'tnr
liart1s, t'linton. Srerl'mu and Dixon, for CHI
This ponnlar ronte is nnsnniassod for Sed,
Cotnforl and Safety. The smooth, well liallast
ed and perfect track of sff.M rails, the cele'u-at
ed Pullman Paiaco Sleeplns: eai-s. the wrfetrt
.Tekijtraph System of moving trains. Hie regu
larity with which they run. the admirable ar
ranjement for rnminst'throu?h eai-atoCnieajro
from all points West, secure to passensers all
t he comforts in nmlcrn railway traveling. So
changes of Cars, and no tedious delays at Fer
ries. - Passcneers wilt find Tickets -via -this favorite
route at t lie General 3'ieket Office of the Central
Fad!ic Unllroad. Ssicramento.
Tickets for stile at all the Ticket Offices of he
Centra Purine Railroad. W. H. FTEVSETT,
MARVIN Hl'tiHITT.Oen.Rup; - m-.Pa. AttL
U. P. STAXWOOU. General Agency, 131 Monl
goinery street, San Francisoo. -7ni7y -
"Albany Boole Gtore.
YJ School Books, Biauk Books, Stationery
Fanoj' Af tides, -- .
Books imiorted to order, at sliortest pos
sible notice. v5n3fl
Oi'Occrdos, ' Irovisionf-.
- Tatanti ' VuLUfr Crltp- .f
. .. erysimrt vrowl Willow Ware, :
: - ' ALBANY.' OREGON. "
C7i"CiHrrt htm." -tt S
Incorporated Feb. 4, 1873. Capital. (30,000.
-: Corner First and Washington Btreeta,
Albany, : Oregon. . s ,
President, S. A. DAWSON.
Superintendent, A. J. JOIIXSOT
A. M. MONET, 11. MH.I.EB,
3. m:i:u.
H. A.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Clothing, Hardware, Crockery,
Groceries Farm Implements
and Machinery, &c, &.c.
Also, liny and 9cll on commission all kinds of
tioods, Mnrketable Produce, &e.
Pec. 34, 187o-li-v8m6
Furniture Eooms.
Beyts leave to annonnco to the citizens of this
city and surrounding country, that hehasopen
ed a large stock of t
in the hnildinr latelv occupied by Dr. Plum
nier's druji slore; on First street, where can be
had, on most reuo:uble terms,
Parlor Sets
Bedroom Suitw.
Llill!gC, -
Easy Ciiis'.s
Center Tables
Wljai is ol,
and in fact evevybiner eT4 needed lo
. My K-'io'ls aw veil ma 'e and of the very
Latest and rsrsad;sicit SisyEes.
rtctts way iowx
i Ci3"'Ft"RNITi:Ki: manufactured to
short notice.
'.-if Fur:iii '.ire rcpuirt,-;! ;-..d ptit in jrood shape
on short no ice.
;' o me a call.
Albuny, Nov. 2-5. 17 lOvtf
from April5th to July 15th, with
.. ; -S AND- ' 5 - , , - f
one of the si ail tons brought tut from the East
the past winter. 1
Will beat theslable of P.EAN ft PAVIDSOX,
Salem, on Tiouilnys . in., Fridays p. iu.,
and .' n tnrdayit.
At Albany '.uesdays ! WrlneIay,
and 'I burMlnjn n. m.ot -ch week -luring i he
season, at -the stable of A. II. MARSHALL.
WHITE PRINCE i in trood eondii Ion. and Is
Eenera'ly known as having liroven himsei a
No. 1 stock horse. - - -
PRIDE OF PERCHE came out Jrom France
to Ohio in is7t. and made the season of Ti in
Wisconsin, lie isa dark danplesrrav, well form
ed, fine style, trood disnosii ion. wi. h a irracefal,
free, rasy act ion that I have neverseen qnaled
in anv horse of his size : will weigh, in good
eondii Ion. 1.8U0 pounds.
It has long heen my ambition io be able to
supply the horse breeders of Oreaoil with a
breed of larKe horses anil concent rated rer-ro-duelngnowers.emana
lint; from purity of blood,
from which could ho bred when - crossed upon
the common marcs of the country, a uniform
class of hoi-ses --compact, nymmelfli-nl in form,
coupled 'with style, action ami stamina. Td
supply the above want, after a cnrefnl esamhi
ation of tho varlons larire bi-eeds known, I se
lected the Pereberoii family.- alio; oldestaolts
from White Prinew are n w 4 yearsi-ld.
with the younger ones, show that the above
fact ha been aoeo -"plisbed, as they am all nn I
form in jrcnoral make-up, and show tho 9to-k
probably in a greater decree than the prodm-e
of any other horse In the State, whether bred
from the fall-blood, M;rh-;?rade Percberon,rood
American or tho Indian pony mru, all straw
the peenl iari ties of t he Perc heron race.
In offerirtf the sen ices ot the aliovc borsesto
the broders of Oregon, ;it Is .not atv nnfried
matter, biU a demonstrated faeJ of thelrvalne,
as it is 23 years since their introduction into
Ohio, and 13 years into Illinois, and wherever
Introduced they arc urivmg the Itest of satlsflio
tlon. The one-fourth and one-half bloods bruir
more than doable the price of t he Rood eommrai
stock of the country, and the breeders of thia
stock are nftable to supply the demand for
thcml" ' - . -.- u - -.- . ; ?..;..,!.; ,s
There Is now, and wilf be' for some time to
Mine, a demand for Hiotolm at good prices for
stock purposes. .
S V ;'TKR1f i V?V-i
the senson, or four mnres for 81Mtn C,
S. gold coin, except White Prince ftilies.tney
will be bred by special agreement, -
(". . . .- w,;r,'7tlrcB.
' Arhland. nr., March 81, Igrf: -
, ' MAO'S AWBVI! ,
' FrotV Railroad (north and sontb.) dally
at 11.10 p. m. . v , , ?
From CorvaUist, dally at 10.30 A. H.
From Lebanon, trt-wpekly, (Monday,
Wednesday and Fiidny) at 10.30 A. M.
For Hailroad moribund -jcti), daily, ,
' close prompt at 11. lUA. M.
, For Corvallis, daily, at 12.50 P. M. .
for Lebanon, til-weekly, (Monday, V, cd-
nesday and Friday) at S F. M. ; . .,
Office boar from 7X A. M. to 1 J,' P.M. ,
Sundiiv, from 13 M. to J p. m. n
"ITfOrLP AXXOCKCE to the public that he
ii carrying on a
Wagon and Carriage Shop,
at the old stand known as 1he Teters Rpeldel
shops, where ho has on band the finest lot of
end and side spring,
Two & Three Seated Carriages
ever manufactured in .the State. If you don't
believe it, -CAIX
I use nothing but Enstffa Tlnibrr, Mil
AVai i ant ull 4Wprlc
to ftive satisfai-tion, while my prices .are most
reusoimble. .
You do not know how your wife and fiinily
vould appreciate a ride m a well-niade, 'jsnd---omeand
stvlisb hack, l'lirtbase one ol earn
"Miller's handsome new eurriagea, and yon will
pn v less doctor's billn. and ;rlve your family re
creation for which- tliey will repay you a thou,
and limes, with their happy smiles.
C all at my shops, corner of Ferry and Second
streets. AUmn y, Oretjon. . .
April, 170 SAN MILLEB.
A Xcxr ami Ltsxrsc Invoice
,j e w i: r, n y ,
And will Nell at the Following l'riees s
Coin silver, 2 oz. P. S. Tlartlett W.iltham
ffa'cli. P2 Hi: each additional ounce $1 so.
KialH-dav Se!h Thomas Clocks from SS 00 to
?li Ut.
A nj all other roods in proportion.
The onlv house above Portland that keeps
Good hold, Iaiifniv-1 Free of CTjarce,
Practical watch-maker ami Jeweler, late ol Cal
ifornia Watch Co., and the only engraver in
Albany. .
A !ioo t assortment of Sawtnjf Machine Xee-
ues ana attacliuienis.
a. stock or -
selected with care, and bought for coin it
Seadalou!r Luiv Figure
and as we bought low we can and w 111 sell them
at prices that will
Astonish Everybody.
Come and see oiir select ion s of
Drew Goods,
. Shwl,
nrllliMuseitt .
Poplins, . - - ;
.ostres, -
Blbbous, Collars Collar ites,
; Laces, dee., ace.,
for the ladies, ana our complete line i of
Readymadc Ctothln ?y
Mo ilery.
Mioes, ' .
llnto. s
of all descriptions for men and txys. Als , fall
- . assortments of , ..'
Graceries, Crcclrery and Gtaire
. . . . s or everybody.
The best goods, at the lowest rates evei j Hate
yti v otne ana see.
Lebanon, Oregon, October 30, 1874.
Svm Isnued. SOOth Edition
Revised and conncted by the author, Z. SoF.
iuriis, ai. x., c, sc.
A Medical Essay on tho cause and cur i of pr'
mature decline in man, sliowinst how I Ttdtli is
loaf, and regained. I givesa clear syr r-jsis of
the imticdiments to marriasre, f be treat n Jnt ot
ner ous and pbysieai ilebilily, exbmst 1 vital
ity, ami au oi ner ut.seases appertains u rw,
tlie results oftwenty years successfnl .-a Mice.
. Onlnlona ot th PriHi
CURTIS OS 'MANmKI.'Tliereisr:5 nem-
lrofK-k'llv wliinii this book wil
vt lie
found nsefn
il.wheiherhe tie "parent, p'-sj ".?ptoi
1 orclera-vraBtt. Tim-.
CWK J ISON "MANHOOD." Tbisboo :, tonl
be read bv the young- for Instmctjon, i a by
t he afflicted: for relief ; it wiU injure ns je.
- Price- One Dollar, -wv mail or eitprfir .-
ireas t ue ant nor, D. CCKTIfS, 3i SutU r . tl c t
or P. O. Box 337, San Frftncisco, Cal.
THE tETZtEfl ! CM Alit
do chair cocs from mv factory without my
name trpm, i.-tiot-hers ttre- false imitations,
and should bo-so regarded. All persona are
iiuieoy warneo aifaiiist attempting any ancn
Jefferson, Or.. .Tan."?1. 19T. .
Remaining in the Post Office, Albany,'
Limi .; county, Oregon, Jniy 27, 1876.
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date on which theyrwere advertised. ,
Roods; Sa'rol . , , James, Stephen G
Can-, Howard 2 Johnson, C. S
Cahlll, Rlmsey Kelly, Peter A
Coleman. Frank Mercer, Asa S - Powers, Mrs. Martha
Qootlniau. Hon, T. PRaddin, Albert
Jackson, E. C Shepherd, C. F
P. II. RAYMOND, P. 31. .
Bi dden Dkatii, Little Ed Murray,
aged about nine year., son of tin landlord
of the American Exchange, died very stid-
deuly on Wednesday uiglit. . lie hail been
in the habit, with other boys of tlie city, of !
bathing in the Calipooia at almost all hours
of the day, and his death is supposed to'
have been caused ,hy sunstroke, received
while thus engaged during some of the hot
diys. lie had just returned from bathing
in the Calipooia ! wlien taken ill, and at 0
o'clock p. M , one hour after taking ill, lie
was a corpse. A good many of the urchins
about town have suffered from gohij; ii:to
the watt r during tlie heat of the day.' It is
wrong, and this warning should prevent
them for the future. All that was mortal
of little Ed Murray was consigned to earth
yesterday afternoon.
PLKASUiUNti.-Everyoody is gitting for
the mountains or coast. Ju3t look at the
array : Dr. Rice and wite, Dr. ;Plninmcr
and wife.' Rev. II. W, Strattion and wife
and Jno. Bowersox ncd wife, Joe Webber
and family, P. C. Harper, T. Calloway
and a host of others, liave gone to tlie
rnoiHitains. Betides these nearly every
body else i- preparing or wishing they
conlil go. Mo;c Sternlx?rg and Ben Kohn
have gone, to Yamuna Bay.
Home Aoaix. Out old friend, Robert
chambers, who has been traveling in the
Easter'! Ptate" for . several months past,
arrived in the cifr.ou Wednesday noon's
train. Bob says he . saw lio place like
Oregon in hi travels and returns to old
Linn mor than ever satisfied that there is
no better country in the U. S. . He returns
in good health in fact, looking better than
we ever saw liiin. Welcome fcack, old
As Good .vs Xew. It will be rme'm
ered that a portion of the foundation un-
ler tlie Farmer's Warehouse, under the
immense weight of grain crowded into it
last season, gave way, causing the loss of
a small amount of grain. Mechanics have
leen busy repairing the foundation, and
now. the Superintendent informs us. that
tincture is stronger and sater than it was
SaVf. Yovi: Fia-rr. The Alden Fruit
Company ot this city propose to pay the
highest cash price fur all kinds of fruit and
vegetables prepared by them, and -ask
parties who have or expect to have fruit
to sell, to bring it to tlieir factory. Read
the notice elsewhere, and follow the in
structions that good prices may be ob
tained. "
For Y 4QU1NA- A very plcasaut little
party started for Yauiiia Bay. "down by
the sounding sea. '? yesterdav. to be absent
a couple ot weeks. The party consisted of
the Misses Conner, Kate ami Jennie. Mrs.
Althousc and daughter. Labbie. P. II. Ray
mond and wife, r.n 1 Messrs. G. W. Furry.
J. T. Tate and John Hutchinson. That
crowd will have a gay time, yon better
Handsome. The poem written by Prot
White, of Portland, and dedicated to Al
bany Fire Department, beautifully. written
and neatly framed, has been placed at the
jewelry store of 5Jessrs. Titus Bros., where
all can see nnd examine lor tliemselves.
It is one of the most, artist ic and handsome
pieces of work in its line that we have
seen. '
The Rargest Baxxer. A handsome
Hayes and Whoe'er banner was flung to
the breeze in this city on Wednesday. It
is sixty teet in length by nine wide, and is
stretenefl across t irst street from the KEG
ISTER bUi-mng to the Parrisli brick. Tlie
lettering was done bv Mr. 2C.T, Moore and
son, and is a nent job of "red, white and
blue." Billy Morgan bossed the job.
C. D. Simpsox At his large Warehouse
at the foot of Ellsworth street is prepared
to store 100.000 hnshels of grain, . and tt)
ftn tiUh any quantity of sacks free to those
who store with him. - lie will always pay
the highest market price tor grain iiv eah.
Give Charley a show and he'U do the right
thing always. . . .
: Personal. Wallace R. Si ruble. Esa.,:
eilitor and proprietor ot the KVoot Mrrga
zin. made uh a pleasant- eall on Wednes
day.. , Mr Stmble informs u that, he is
succeeding admirably w ith ins magazine.
as he Should, for it is worthj- of the fuUtsst
support by our people. "
Officers Elect. Following are the
officers elect of Western Star Rotlge 2To.
10. I.O.G.T.. of this citys A.' M. Roopj
Chief? Ellti Rideottt; V.Tl ; Wm. Bench,
S. ; L. N. Rlggett, F.s: $ Sarah ; Dawson,
T-; Ida Dawson, M,j Mrs, F. 3f. Westf.dl,
Chaplimt; C. Irwip, J. E. Hollatid,
SC; W. R. Blain, p.Wx;.T; Good enough
Farmers tell ns that without a good fall
ot rain soon late stfwn"' grafn will not fill
ont afid tHe crop will be short.' This-eon
ditlon of things, we aro ihcllner to-think.
Is confined to special - loealltie, and the
general crop will bo an average one..
Dr Lister is ftt'preseut Jiavlhg a" tussle
with the "ager." Wo arc lit l0pes , Doc
will get' an-ayr with hia sham as soon, a
possible and give tbc.bftl.mce of tlie congi-
gation a chance. ;
Some wheat fields are reported as badly
'struck with rust; We Iioii tiie report
trtiiy not prov true. . ' ;, .." -
No change in market quotations to note.
' Haying Is about over. ' - A few farnierir
have coimneiiced cutting oats, to. ? ;
Father Iioyal and wife returned on Tues
day" from flieir Vfeit to Portland., f .., s
Sohie of tlie boys, drive a leeQe too fest
oil first " sf reef. 'Sere Sis ' an Vordinahce
against driving in'the city." JIave a care.
MaReied. On the 2Cth af I.etnn6ii, ty
H. M. Powers. J. P., Mr. R.?C. Usher and
MU. Dnlcinea J. Ridgeway. ' ' '
- -
Wool Pool.-A pool of 25,000 pounds
of wool, at the Farmer's Wart honie sold,
a few ti;:ys since, at 9J' ccnls fer pound'.
Morgan & SteFarland have issued a neat
little circular, giving a list 61 iarrhitrg lands
"placed in their hands for sale
Ft'LKtTCRE.- As' good an assortment
and at as low figures as you could ask, at
Duiniing's. i
Carotliers & Co.'s new" di ng house will
be a hand-some building, It I rajidl3 ap
praacliing completion. . .. -
Way Ur. Billy TweehUe is nicely fixed
in ids new place on First street, opposite
A. Carotliers & Co.. ,
The , Ladies Aid Society, of this city,
meets at the residence of Mrs. J. F. Back
ensto on TUumlay mu,', ... ... . t.t
Sirs. KateMendeiihalT, daughter aiid sou,
of Portland, came up on Wcdnesda j, on a
Visit. . ::
A picnic was held at Willamette Churcb
by the temperance people on Tuesday. A
number of our citizens went out there to
participate in the Inn.
Prof. Warren did not get off yesterday
as he expeeted,but proposes to start to-day
so as to go on the pleasure eseursio.iT' tliat
leav.v Portland for Astoria this evening.
Rntlrveije. The Daily Bee.M ?ovt
IaniT. an out and out Republican paper, i
now delivered to subscribers in this city by
carrier. Its a way up paper.;
Gone East. Dr. G. W. Gray has gone
East on a health and business trip; expect
ing to be absent between two and three
months. Due notice wili be given of Jiis
return. 33m3
. i . m -. . t...
What are the Credentials of Glenn's Sul.
phur boap? I irstly, tt is tntlorsecl by ni?:U-
cal men as a disinfectant, decdi izer arid
remedy for local diseases of the skin. Sec
ondly, it is an admirable article for toilet
ti-se. Thirdly, It is inexpensive. .
Steamers ix Demand. Tlie recent cx
dbition at Portland of wiiat our little To. 4
":lapp & Jones steam fire engine can do,
lias waked up the fire boys generally, and
especially, of Salem, the firemen of that
city having asked the authorities to purchase-one
or more steamers for the use of
that department. The Salem firemen are
tuck"' after our little giant, .and want
one or more jiistlikfe It.'
Obituary. '
Chri-tcn T. Ralston wa born in Leba
non, Linn county,- Oregon, ami lived there
until nbont three years agr, w-hen lie came
with his parents to reeide in Albany.
He spent nearly a year in college at -this
place, after w Inch he went to California
and entered upon a business life, remaining
there about one year." Returning to Alba
ny, he was employed in the dry goods
house of P. C. Harper & Col and subse
quently in the County Clerk's oRlcc. , ;
On tlie morning. June 5. 1S76, lie, in com
pany with Mr. J. Jforcro., started bn horse
back to collect cattle, which they were in
tending soon to drive acro.3 the mountains.
In attempting to ford tlie Santiam river, n
very swift and treacherous stream, he was
swept from bis horse by the current and
drowned. The most vigorous search was
kept, up uiglit and d ty. and on Jnly 2nd
(nearly a month) his body was "recovered
about one mile below the place of drowning.
and safely Interred in the family cemetery
at Lebanon. .. . ..
m At the time of this sad event he was 20
year. 2 month and 13 day of age just in
the morning of life, w ith every thing to
hope for the future. Seldom 1ms a commu
nity been more deeply touched. !, lAH seem
ed to share in a common grief at tho Io3s of
otie so young and promising,
His habits of Industry and' temperahec,
promptness in bttsiiiess, and his genial and
cwirtfcdus manners Vtirido him nnivcrsally
respected and, esteeinexL-,!; ... M .... -U ,
The writer enjoyed his confidence to such
a-degrce that on more than ope occasion
we were called nponby" him 'for advice.
He always spOke franklj and with great
freedom ftpott ids iiopes- 'and. ' purposes ; in
life: nud it ts with : great satisfaction I and
pleasure wo enn say that lie was actiuietl
by pure, and Mpble iniotives,.., Success with
Him was never desired at the sacrifice of
prinefplei. . 'The temptations that 'leatf so
many y oung men of his age' astray- where
ever resisted by him. ami the "Sabbath day
always found him at charcli and Subbath
selHKil In his life, We ftnd a bright ex
ample for the young; sik! in his death soi-
emu warning comes to them witlr fearfiil
empKasis, Be ye also ready,' for' f
The day of tlie Trd. it confeth f JS -
. v -It comes Jike a thief livthe. niht, !
It comes when the world Is dreaming :
Of MUHyl-attd Mcv aod'HgliR.--- ; i I
Slowly, slowly like twlighf. .. . ,
' X"or like tlie "colli crisping-fides '
3Ior bartpi from the distant offing;- t f ;
Moving ou o'er tlie waters wide.
But lniaist irkeuMen Mghttilng,-
In tlio depths cf a tranquil sky;
. From the west to the east fn a moment,
TJio havoc descends trOnt off high: .
Both Hayes and Wheeler are Pres.
bvterians. If U' important,1 also,1 to
know that tlief ara rJepublK5ai)8.
Detriocratie JVeeMy ' Standard: a
Samuel.Tilden is a Catholic. It
U important to know that he is a Democrat-
' -i
There is no love like tti old love
thai we conrtrd in ir pride.
Several Cliihnfen-' are making irorh'
one to two tfollara "pet da by talcinrr
dirt from tfto f reets in. Umatilla and
washinn it throngli rockers at tlie river.
. Last week,' Dr, Sjmpsori, cf BirSh
creek, took, from tlie range a tliree-yeaf'
old stailion, longingly Jiimself, which .
vrlien put oii tlie sk?pV tfetgl.cfi 1,42CT
pounds. . 4
' Some land's or Indians from the tribes'
east of tlio mountains,! are mak tug ar
rangement to go at d figtjt tljSiouxV
i wo of tlio Xez Perces were with CuStex1 '
in his figltt, siid were killed. ;
' A Wrtv is in Umatijla county at
present engaged in btiying Itorses ioy Hie
Montana market ,tind ha vealrcady aboui ..
606' head,7 most' .of tVliicTi ' Vcfe bough If
of lite Indian at about SlO- per,hva41
It is now thought timt VIr V. J)t '
Scott, who was thrown from hia horre"
between Salom nd Sil vertoii last week,"
and badly hurt will, iiot reddVer.a-Jlifl'
physiciau is reported to liaye prowurxv
ed his case hopeless. . ':-a .
" CharTey Black, who drives for the
Northwestern Stage Co. troriv Umatilla,'
to Coyote station, was com jiel led during
high water to tin J another road, and' ire .
doing so found one which has instead of
10 miles of heavy sand 10 of solid grav' t
el. - : " - ; :,.-..' - :.- ' -
Last week Sheriff Sargent of Umalil-
la county arrested James Wilsun of BdC'
ter creek, charged with stealing i horsd -valued
at 100, the property of Ra:hef .
Yoakum. . AVilsoii w-as iudicted by tlie '
grand jury of this county in 187S, bnV
kefit but ot the way ntitil last Wed nesi'
day; when arrested; he gv bonds to.V
the amount of $300 to apjiear belbro the
cireuit court. Another arrest made fit
ihe same time was that of J. C. Wilson,"
charged with the sejoction of Angelina'
Yarlett. Wilson gave bonds in the
sum ot ?f00. , . , t
The East Oregoniun is informed
Wednesday by John McBanc, interpre-'
ter on the Umatilla reservation, that th'.
news of Custer's, defeat has been receiv-"
ed b- all of the Indians, not from the .
whites, but from their bwu means of
communication; as Custer's battlo was'
fought on the 27th of last mouth only,Y
we can form some" idea from this how . .
rapidi.y the Indians ot one part can trans
mit information to those ot another
McHane says that several parties from
this ami other agt-eies are making prep
arations to go and join our forces against" .
ti e Sicnx. ...?s .... iv r ,-,--;
. About two weeks ago a man by the .
name of Rollins, who -was - working-''-about
35 miles above Umatilla, saw v-
just befure dark, a novel craft, making-
its way down the river with a man'
aboard who was undoubtedly raptain."
Rollins took a skiff, pulled ; out ami
found that the man, whoever lie - waf, '."
had taken a log. hewed a p'ace on -the
top sid.e sufficient to stand or-Bilon awl ' .
was on his way from Lewiston to Porf
lar.d. lie (tlie unknown) most' have
passed Umatilla in the night, what
has become of him is unknown, and as
he has not been heard frOrfl- since ' it is
prubable that he went in another direc
tion to pass his eeiueniiial. , ... ,
. . On Friday of last week three clouds
bnrsted at different places on Willow'
creek, Umal ilia county. Jerry Crowder
was compelled tp urge liis team to tlie'
utmost for some' distance to keep from
being' overtaken by the water ,on 1 1 ni
ton's fork. At HcppncV the water rse"
six feet in 20 minutes; at Ilcrroii's place,
Herroti was compelled to carry his wife
in his arms across a roaring torrent to a
place of salety" expecting every nioinent
to see the house ao doWn stream, bat
t.Ttniiately itr did' not. . Billeveaux who .
drives from lleppbor to Pcotts, had tq .
drive tor a conid arable distance- on the
road where the water was iu eotrie places'
over two fcof deep; r ' , -
r On'Sdiiday rhoruing, tho' ;16th init",:
Wrul Syphert,. aged about 8 years, ' liv
ing on the hill road between Sublimity
and Salem, disappeard frotti home arid'
has not beer, heard of siucc that date
II is brother, slates! that! upon the niorn
iug mentiored Jie got up, ate his break-'
fa t, and assisted in doing the chores as'
usual, after" which he douned Iris, tiun-,
day suit and started off in the' direction'
of Turner'B station. II is family, .canntjff
account for the freak, and fearsoroo ac
eident has , befxlleu., lam. ono
J knowinp; of lus wltcreabouts;- will Confer
a. iaVor bv addressing Chas. Syphert..,
Saleni aI s rJiey fiis . aged , iiiothpr,
who is half distracted ovxrliis disappear.-
ance.-. ; - i fi :.i '.
. HiMnlSfK, In Aim ..'ijj
:1 Here i & sfftiple experlibenflby rhfori
ye can pmvtf the existence of a blind
spot iii lm e$G.-: Slat your left eyer
aiid with your right one look stead ly at
tho dross below holding the "paper ten
or twelve inches from the eyes. - -
Now tnovo tho paper sloy- toward
the eye, which jnust be kept fixed, oo
the cross. At a eerfaiu distance , tbty
other ftgure-r-the lolicr 0 will sod'
cfeklj disappear-but if you j bring, the
pape rtearer, it ,wiX cciuo aain t into
view. , Yon niay not succeed m the ex-pc-rinoent
on dm ttial, but, with a "Jit
tie jpatience, you, can,,Jardly fail; and
tho suddenness wiUi .which 'the black
spot, vanif fics ; and' rc-apj carais, wry
ctrikio: ..1j - , .