r . . . ... 2 rs ALBANY, OREGON, JULY 28, 1870. VOLUME VIII. BUSINESS CaBDS. JOHN CONNER, B A N KIN G Exchange Office, ALBANY, ORJXJON. DEPOSITS RECEIVED SUBJECT TO check at sight. Interest allowed on time deposits In coin. Exchange on Portland, San Francisco, nd New York, for sale at lowest rates. Collect ions nadtJid-pronirt 1 y remitted. lU-fers to II. W. Uorbett, Honry Falling, W. S. LaKl Banking boura from 8 A. L to 4 P. M. Albany, Feb. i, W71-v5 A. CAR0TI1ERS & CO., Dealers in- ZED 327 HKJIICALS, OILS, I"AI5TS, DTES ULASS, LAMPS, ETC., All the popular . ' i PATEXT MEDICINES, USE CTJTLERT, CIGARS, TOBACCO, SOTIOX9 PERFCHIJtY, and ToIIrtl UooU. Part tenlar are and promptness irjvcn Pyslcians prescriptions and Family Rec ipes, A. CAROTHERS CO. Albany, Oregou-lvS II. M. BOCGHTOX, IW. ., iiAnrATK op nm riTmiTY VJl Medknl College of Spw York, late inetulier of Bellevien H spitalMndical Col lege, New York. Ofkuts la A. Cat-others & Co.'s drug More, Albany, Oregon. EPIZOOTICS I)1STAXCED. THE BAY TEAM NTII.I. LIVES, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE A (iCEES bay tree. Thankful for pjtst favors, and wishin to mnrii the continuance of the same, the BAY TKAM -will always ho - ready, and -a-t' found, to do any hauling within the ; limits, for a reasonable compeinn : 5livery ot tiowls u Kpir s , . A. N. ARN OLD. 20v 5 Pronr jetor. IJiles Wn r say this DAMAoryi; axi troii'i.UMime complaint cannot be cured, when many evidences of success lnUrbt le niacel botore yoii every day eures of sunnuwl hopeless cases? Your physician informs yon that thelonjferyou allow the coiuolainl to exist, yon lessen yonr chances for relief. E-tpi-rit-ace luu aught this in all cases. A. Carotaers A o.s Pile Pills and Ointment are all they air reeoiriinen'len to lw. Will nre Chronic, li iri'lan l Itloedintr Piles in a very short lime and arc cotivcitf"nt to use. This preparation i- s'nt by mail or ex press to any point within the United States .at 1 50 per package. Address. A. CAHOTITERS CO., 47 Ti Box 33, AUwuiy, Oregon.' The Eugene JLimcn ai-e uiiikinjj ar rangements for a grand ball at Lane's Hall on CtirUtmas eve. JOHN SCHMEER, - PEAX.EB IS Groceries & Provisions, ALBAS Y, OREGON". HA8 JtTST OPENED HIS NEW GROCER establishment on cornor of Ellsworth and First streets, with a frcsb stock of tfTroceries, Provisions. Candies, Cigars, To tncco, Ac, to which he invites the atten tlon of our citizens. In connection with the store he will keep a Bakery, and will always have oa hand a all supply of fresh bread, crackers, &c SzjS Call and see me. JOHN SCHMEER. February lc-24vt ALBANY FOUNDRY And . Machine Shop, A. F. CHERRY Proprietor, ALBANY, OREGON", SXaBnfaetnrcs Steam Engioes, Flonr and Savr aim 9Ianiin- . ry, Jy"OOI WORKING SISIILTURALniACUiriERY, - ' ' And all klnos of : IBOX JUtlt VmAMH CASTINGS. Pa rtlcttlar attention paid to repairing all kinds of machinery- 41v8 XI BOYI.E, nmt and Sho Makr,Sd door XV east of Harper's warehouse, is always on hand to do work at reasonable rates, neat and nice. 27-8m8 If, X. MOORE, I House and , Sign iPaiiiter, ALBANY, s : OREGON. GB AININO, PAPERH AXGtVG, CALCEM1N tnv.Giaeing, Ac. Havinw had an expeil enos Of U years la the bnainesa hr the Last, I can safety sruaraniee a istactory work to all. fcnop on First stree:, tut door east of Clark. Wyatt. 2 ' , 3 O. T- iB- EOYAE - HAS OPEN Ef a Rurbi'r Shop on First street one door west oj Thoolaon A Irving's bar ' lsshop, where he will b pleaaed to rneot all r -who w tab work in his lin. Thankfol tar past . patronaae, he hones by close attention to busi ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will keep constantly on hand a foil supply at : :i Perfltmery Md Mai tm, I i h best sasortaaent lit towu. CatM and sec lose. Albany, Or., February !5, l76-23v8 " " . C. STOKE, II. , - . Phjoiclnn and CurQeon, BOTraSVlLLE, OREGON., . OrriCE At the lr; tore. 27v8 SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail. Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOES, THRESHERS, REAPERS & MOWERS, WAGONS, PLOWS, SEED DRILLS, BROADCST SEED SOWERS, ETC. First street, Albany. Orejfon. Terms : Oaslx, u20v St. Charles Hotel, Corner Washington and First Sts., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETORS. House newly furnished throughout. The beat the market afiords always on tlio table. Free Coach to and Irons Uie Howe. I C. HARPER &. CO., -Dealer in X 31. "32" 3r O O X S . ClolIiJusr, Boots and Shoes, Uats, Vrore rlrs, Fanry Moods, Station, MiotKtms and Pistols, Nails, Rope, Mirrors, Wallpaper, Wood and Willow Ware, Trunks and Valises, Pocket Cutlery, Ac Ac, Sold very low either for cash, or to prompt pay; ti 33 ins customers oil time. v7 Furniture Warerooms. HAVINti puix:hased the entire Interest of (i. Collar in the late Ann of Graf A Collar, in the furniture business, takes this opportunity to return his thunks to the citizens of Albany and vicinity who have so generously patron ize! him lu the past, and respectfully ask a con tiu nance of t he sjme. ftr'All kinds ot lut ntture kept on hand and manufactured tonnicr at lowest lutes. i HtD GRAF. AllanvvNov. 12-vSuS Riiag and 2oviii WETIIK rXPERSIGNEU liEG LEAVE TO aunounoe to the citizens of Albany and surrouniliuir country that, liavin supplied our selves wittl me ncv:em-y macniinfi-y i'r nti--ins and removing buildings, we are tx-a(.l yaf all 1 1 mc- to receive orders for sin-h work, which we will do in short or !cr at lowest rules. We jjnarantec ei:iirc satisfaction in all work under taken by us. Orders left at the RtxilsSTEit otllce promptly sttud to. Appiv to. liKL. ISA NTV. ALLEN & CO. r., April 23. 1S7.". i!;v7 J II CIS NIX LiveryiPeed Statle COESEll WiilUSGTUS t HKST 6TS., IAS. MARSHALL, Proprietor. "VRRIA;E.. BUGGIES. HACKS & SADDLE horses to let on re:isonable terms. Horses hoarded hv the dav or week. I will hare some of the gayest rig over turn- eu outot a nvery siai:e lit Aioany. C-ir" HKARE and carriasos furnished for fu neruls. Give me a call when you want to rMe. ANS. MARSHALL. Alluuiv. March 10, 187ti-'2.'v8 HARDWARE! BOLTS, all size and descrip tions, Ac general SHELF IIAICI)- WAiih-a mil and complete as lortmcnt. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin, Copper, Zinc- and Sheet Iron, on hand for sale. , CROCKERY WARE, The largest and most complete assortment in the city. e?rBepalrlns; done neatly, at short notice, and WABUASTKU. . J. GBADWOHL. ' First street, Albany, Oregon. n27v8 DR. PLUMMER, DHUGGIST, Iure and Fresh DRUGS AND MEDICINES! on.,- . .-, -:..; . Perfnmerlca, r ' Toilet Article, AND KIIOUIJDKH BIIACES. S" Proscriptions carefolly fined, 8-1S New JHlIIInery Store MRS. D. STEVENS, HAS moved into tho store recently occupied by Mrs. C. C. ngllsh,on First street, ad join in sc the City lruir Store, where she has opened oat ber select stock of , Pashlonabl Stock r BSllIIoery Ooods. Having had many years of experience In the miiUnery business in the East, Mrs. Stevens be lieves she can pi ve the fullest satisfaction to all who give her their patronafra,and would there fore respectfully solicit a share of the same. MRS. 1. STEVENS. Albany, Nor, 19-v8n9uU . W. It. CSRAIIAM, , -:5- . ; i (MTt or ancnioAy) lIexolii TaJlor, KEEPS always on hand noasklna, Casshneres Vesting, etc, a laraer and fcettor stock than ever before brought to this market.; Cuts and makes to order all stylesof Clothing for men and boys, at reasonable rates, guaran-teeing-aartfaotfon. -- "J ' Shop on first street, next door to City Mar. ket, iatelv otnpled by Dr. E. O. Smith. r iv8 . . G. W. WIJUCOX, . . Horn ocopa thic IlryBiciari.' OmCE with Dr. E. H. GriffinFirst, street, Albany, Ores or.. Cl?"Cbronlcl diseases a specialty. . , ., , ; , 'Wvs FRIENDS! CITIZENS ! ! COUNTRYMEN ! ! ! LEND US YOUR TRADE ! ATTE HAVE JCST OPENED OUT A NEW ?T aud fresh assortment of . i GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, in "Dr. Tate's new brick, First street, where we would bo pleased to serve you with any thing in our line. Our s:ouk was selected in Ban rancisco, uy 9IR. JOIEN BARROWS, well known in this city, and we feel safe in satisfaction to all who tavor us with their pat- ronajte. We -will endeavor to keep on hand a full sup ply of Fto.1i Vegetables, in their season, at all times. iou are invited to call and see ns. T t LKB tc TATE. Albany, May 5, 7G-33 EVERYBODY BUYS THEM. HAVING JUST RECEIVED A LARGE SH1P ment of the celebrated new style Combined Drill and Broadcast STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL, direct from the factory, am now offering extra inducements to the farmers oi urceon. uosi of 1 ho best farmers in the State are now using them. Savins seed and an Increased yield of gram is the result of uriinnK. Can be used equally well as a Grill or Broadcast Seeder. The STATESMAN GRAIN DRILL has been viyhi I-v- imnmvRd for this vur. Warerooms at my Blacksmith Shop, corncrof sicoiia ana r.iis oi-in streets, Aiuany, urejjou FRAMi WOOD. Marcn 31, 1S70-23 O. It. N. BUt UBlRS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE, LINN CO., OGN. IBOfll'T ATTEATIOJI UIVK TO A LI, business. 22 v9 J. C. POVF.Lt. X TI.ISS POWELL & FLIKN. Attorneys A Counsellor at I -aw mid Ko- lieiioia hi iinurery, Albany, th-econ. Collections made andcon Tcj ances promptly attemlu".! to. 1-H PUOJ1PT Delivery, Rates. at Li v ins HAVING bought out the rtelivsry Imsiness ot Mr. Lewis Htim-n. 1 besf leave to annonnc lo t ue citizens and business men of Albany, that I have on the si routs au express and job wason and will be happy to serve all who may iiive me s rail. All orders will be promptly attended to at rejKonshle rates. Orders may be left at the Drujj Store of Bell 4 Parker. VIRGIL PARKER. Lebanon Hotel, j S. II. CLAl'GIITO.V, PUOP'B., IiEBASOB, 0HE03i. HOUSE newly furnished throughout. The best the market safford always on the table. The postoflice is next door to this House, from which the staso leaves for Albany at 7 o'clock A, M. and return.njr arrives ot 6 o'clock p. M. Convevances procured for parties wishing to -isii the Soda Soriiurs. Library and readimr room, with choice reading matter, for the quests of the liousc. apr30v8 CIIAS. BOIUCARDES, - WATCIDIAKER & JEWELER, Corner First and Ferry Sta. ! ALBANY, 0KE605. Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated Ware, and Jewelry of every description and of the best manufactories, on hand for sale at fair rates. - gg Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a B1,Jewelry, etc., repaired and cleaned on short notice at living rates. fcg-Glvo me a call, and see for yoursclf.3 March S, 1876-24 vd . ; JT. II. BURKI1ART, Real Estate and ConYeyam Agent, ALBASV, t . OBEOON. : CXJUNEB FIRST ASD BBOADALBIH STREETS. FARMS of all sizes, improved and unimprov ed, in this and adjacent counties, suitable for rruiu raising, also timbered land and stock ranches for sale on easy terms. Also for sale a number of dwelling bouses and vacant lots in this city. Parties desiring to either sell or purchase should call and learn terms and prices before purchasing elaow here. S2v8 J. D. MCFARLAKD. ,WM. MORGAN- MORGAN St. HcFARLAXO, REAL ESTATE AGENCY!! ' " AND : ' EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, Next Door to Wells, Farjro & Cafa Express Office, Albany, Orexoa. WE ARE PREPARED TO FCTRNISH EMI grants and others good bargains in farms and small homesteads in Linn and adjoining counties. Farms In value and size to suit pur chasers. . Also, city property, both Improved and un improved. . Renting farms and city property, and collec tions of all kinds, promptly attended to. Our faculties for advertising will enable us to do more for our patrons than any other Aaency In tha State In our line. - . We also pay special attention to the employ ment and labor exchange department. Albany, May lStt - r , , : Bath Ilosse & Barber 8! UNDERSIGNED WOULD KLL JL fl fully thank- the citizens of Albau at I vl 1 on r th r(b . nc iprn $io Mb. elnity for the lilieral patronare haf-iosr him for the nsst seven years, and hnnei t lutare a continuation or tneir favors, w accommodation of transient customer frieads in the anper part of town, he t A edaneat little shop next door to Tayo Saloon, where a good workman will . n attendance to wiiiL anon natrons. t lee. 11,1874. - JOE WE? IR - i C. A. WHITKEY, IW. D., Graduate of Belle rue Hospital Sledical College, Physician LHd Surgeon, DISEASES OF WOMEN A SPECIALTY. Residence in West lake's buildinir. corner of First and Lyou streets. . i-irti J. LIXSE Y II ILL, 51, D., OFFICE -At Boll A Parker's new drug store. RESIDENCE Second street, between rail road and Montgomery. 8-14 JOJ3 PRINTING. AVben you wiab Posters. Visiting Cards, Business Cards. Bill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, Bail Tickets, Programmes Labels, PRINTING HOUSE Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, or in act anything in the Frintixtrj Xtinc. call at the ALBANY R CORNER FERRY & FIRST-Tri., REG I ST t LETTER FBOM POLK. Camp Polk, Julys, 1876. As a line from tha wayfaring man some times keeps tbe (printer's) devil at a tem porary distance for a short time, we en close a line for the Register. We left Albany ou the 28th of June des tined for Ochoco, with Mr. J. Aorcross, and after two days spent In branding cattle, etc at Peterson's Butte, we wound our way up the Santiam, ovf dusty roads and bot weather, In the rear of three hun dred head of horned cattle. We were truly surprised to see the country looking so prosperous such fine looklnjr fields of grain, aud meadows, especially gardens. which were so far in, advance of what they were at the same date last season, that one would almost stop to consider whether or not nature is arranged on tlie principal ot a reversion life policy, or turned a new leal in her history to conceal tbe something of the past. Ou reaching the toll-gate we find the travel, this year greatly exceeds that of last, as there has already passed of stock about two thousand horned cattle and as many sheep, and numbers of small bands . of horses. From this point on to the Moun tain House the traveler finds no inconven ience in ohtntnig horse feed and lodging, a.g' the income of the settler depends largely on this Tesource, and with common con sent they all seem to be prepared for the occasion. The mountain part of the road does not seem to have Deen oostroctea by lailen timber and earth slides a3 much as in years gone by. notwitiistanuing the unusually long stormy whiter just passed. Some patches of snow, aud mud-boles, still exist; however, much credit Is due to Mr. Hogg's agents, for energy and promptness hi removing obstructions and keeping the way in as good condition as possible. The evening of July 3d found us in camp at Fish Lake, and the mountain-side on the east, overlooking the lake on the west, was dotted over promiscuously with tents and wagns of divers kind?, according to the owners tastes or elrcnmstances of the occupants. Some of the parties were trayel- Ing one direction aud some another, and many seeking pleasure and recreation of both sexes and all ages, from the old men to the small children. The evening was Ciilm and clear;" the moon shone brightly orrr the onivering lake ; the cheerful song, the stories and anecdotes, games sue)' .fre quent boisterous laughter," whiled" away thj iiottrs or night till late, ana many were retiring to rest the last centennial night. when suddenly a rushing, thundering tornado-like sound, that almost seemed to shake tlte mountains, made every ont begin to look lor a place of safety. A large drove of cattle In a corral near at . had had taken a scare from tbe approach likely of some wild animal, and were on a regttktr stampede aound the euclosure, over logs, brush and rock, and, seemingly. every conceivable thing in the mountains that would add to the terrifying confusion. However, it lasted but a few minutes, and by the timely presence of some of the drovers in charge, all was soon quiet as before, and a general preparation for sleep was In order. With a few entertaining stories ot cattle stampedes, from a drover of much experience and superior ability and understanding in the profession, whose whole sensibilities, whether sleeping or waking, were ever alive to notice the move ments ot horned cattle, our friend arranged his blankets near one of those mammoth trees common in the mountains where, for safety, had been deposited our camp equip age, saying the stock would stampede every half hour during the night, and a big tree was a big thing In such extremes. Very soon all was quiet and many asleep, ; but, true to the prediction ot our drover, the cattle scare was repeated, the same terrific noise and frightened populace, but as be fore, was soon over, and all was still bnt one. who continued quieting, "Who-ah, A-ho-ah, wlio-ab," coming directly from the large tree. , Every one looked' and sure enough tbe hero of the night, who ITaigbt- led) to be ran over by scared cattle had, with one bound reached the large tree. with outstretched arras, hands holding on to the heavy bark of the tree, legs astride, one foot planted on & sack of flour and the other In a frying-pan which contained the remnants of our evening meal offish, the inevitable hickory, his only garment, the pattern of which had been cruelly abridged, ont from under the - edges of wagon 1 be re were . too . many , eyes , peering covers and tents, and from behind trees and other hiding places, for the stillness. An outburst of laughter that made , the mountains echo and the lake qniver to its very shores, broke the spell, an the som nambulist awoke , to find himself the ob served of all observers, wboretiied with out even his bow to the audience. ' Brief speeches and comments with simultaneous roars of laughter were idulged . In again and again, till we think the most courage ous wild beast would .have dreaded to again disturb the camp." Thus was closed out at Fish Lake the last hour ot the great American Cenutenlal year. Twilight hi the east soon announced the approach of day. A few reports from Henry rifles, a hasty break fasti and the roar ot cattle whips, and the people dispersed, . every man his way, and with thankful re me in b ranee of the events of tbe past hundred years, we pass on to - CAMP FOLK, . , . . .where little remains to be seen ot the military g'ory and labors: of Captain Lofollet and tils men. A number of large fallen pines and a part of about two mdd cabins built higher and used for barn pur-1 poses oy me present occupant, tr. n niu- 1 man, is about all that is left to distinguish it. Everything In the surroundings shows I thrift In husbandry. Here can - be seen one of tbe fiuest gardens In our travels, the gardens of the Willamette not accepted. Verily the sword is turned to ihe plow shear at Camp Polk. R. M. R. Inceniiari?m. About eight o'clock Monday morning the small wooden build-! Ing on First street, west of Fox 'Bio's. brick, belonging to Jas. II. Foster, was dis covered to be on Ore. Tbe alarm was given and the fire department promptly turned out, but ' the Chief aud other citl- sens succeeded in extinguishing the fire with a few buckets of water. The fire, from all appearances, was the'Worlt" of an incendiary. Paper apparently soaked with coal oil, had been placed in the back room under a couple ot bundles of shingles, and nrobablv a slow match applied, with the intention to ignite in the dead of night. Providentially the affair was not well managed, otherwise the three wooden tenements between the ' two bricl3 A. Carothers & Co. on tho west, and Fox Bros, on tbe easi would have "gone up." This fire is not the first frnits ot incendiar ism in this city, and although parties have been "suspected," no arrests nave ever been made. Isn't it high time that our city authorities took some action In fl:e matter, looking to the apprehension and punish ment of the guilty parties ? Tlie Council might at least offer a reward sufficient to induce a good detective to look into the matter. Directors Elected College to Open September Xext. Tlie Board ol Direc tors of Albany Collegiate Institute held their annual meeting July 24th, in this city. Tlie Directors, who hold their seats until 1877, are: Rev. Dr. E. R. Geary, Dr. J P. Tate, W. S. Ladd, Thos. Mon teitii and D. B. Rice: those hold ins seats until 1878 are : Rev. S, G. Irvine, J. H Foster, Dr. O. P. S. Pltimmer, W. Wad hams and Jno. Conner: thoe holding to 1879 are : Rev. Howard W . Strniron.'J. C. Powell, D. M. Tompson, Satn i E. Young aud J. B. Wyatt, fifteen in all. Mr. Jno Conuor vas elected Secretary and Treas urer, uev. Howard w. Btratton was elected President of the Faculty, and a committee appointed to sec are a teacher, The Board expect to have the College open and in good running order by the first of September next. This is good new?, and will relieve many anxious iniuds, who were fearful that College bad been discon tinued for good. tuiiR. li. a. wuitney Whose csixl ap pears in this issu,et has taken up his resi dence in this city for the purpose ot prac ticing his profession. He has been thoroughly preparing himself for his pro fession, by the closest study, and attending lectures in the most celebrated colleges ot medicine In the United States. He has made . the diseases of women a special tudy, and coincs highly recommended in tills specialty.. Dr. Whitney Is a clever gentleman, very attentive, and we believe Will give thorough satisfaction to all who employ him. See hU card elsewhere. Moustainwasd. Tuesday Messrs. N. Baum, Jeff. Cline, morning Archie, Duncan and Charlie Monteith, and one or two others, started for a two week 'S visit to tlie mountains. : We are told that the whole country, from Sodas to Fish Lake, is "lined with people." all of whom seem to be enjoying themselves , spleydidly. Bushels of blackberr'es are being gathered by these people, and put up tn various styles for winter's use. Perties have been starting for tlie mountains or coast nearly every day this week, while others are get ting ready to start. , Whoorat. A note from Dr Geo W Gray, President of No 2's, dated Philadel phla, July 11th, has this: "Well, Coll May it please your honor's honor, I was made exceedingly happy to-day, while visiting the Oregoa Department (of the Centennial), to read a dispatch (in reference to Lino Engine Company's visit to Port. land on the 4th of Jnly) stating Albany First! Hurrah for Albany Fire Department and -her gallant firemen P . Coxstdehate. Vice President Kohler, of the O. & C. Railroad, passed over the road to Comstock's on , Monday, In the President's car. proposing to convey Con ductor G. M. Stroud to bis home in Port land. Mr. Stroud has been laying at Com stock's ever since his Injury In the railroad accident at Elk creek. Medical. See card of Dr. J. LInsey Hill, elsewhere In this Issue. JsDr, Hill has already obtained nn Immense practice, and It Is still on the Increase, giving htm lit - tie time for even needed sleep and rest.' Campmeetihg. under control of the South Methodists Is under full headway out on the Calipooia. about four miles from the city. "We suppose everybody!! go out there on Sunday, James Elkins and family started for his ranch la Ochoco on Monday. W. W. Par - rish and famllv arnrfod for th nM, f - WWBSVWV I country on Saturday. - Pleasant trip to I ootu ramiuea, is oar wish. i i ' . About a ton and a half of timothy ' per acre, is the amount claimed by some of oar people tor the present hay crop. As campaign songs will soon be in order. we pive the following as a starter, not knowing or caring- who- the author may , ke : . . ... ; - . Bonfires blaaa and cannon's roar, What, what's the matterf ' Waves the good old flajt onoe more What, what's the matter t t jrlepublieana il tried and irttprj 0 J Freedom's battle we renew ; Hurrah! tor Hayes, and ; Wheeler, too, That's what's the matter. n " Chorus That's what's the matter.now, That's what's the matter; To shout for Hayes, and Wheeler, too," Tliat's what's the matter.. " All across the continent," r " What, what's the matter f , J r Men rejoice with glad content . That's wliat's tbe matter ; . IndependenU here we greet,' On common grounds once more meet, . . t i ; All the Union haters to defeat, -That's what's the matter!.' we" Chorus That's whafs the matter now,' That's what's the matter ; To victory we march again,' That's wnafi's the matter. Listen to the people's vsice,' What, wliat's the matter?., .. . Hayes and Wheeler are their choice,' ; That's what's tlie matter.' 'Specie payments" for the rule, . "Non-sectarian Public School," "None but loyal men to role," That's whafs the matter. , ' Chorus That's what's tbe matter now, '' - Tliat's wliat's the matter ; - - These our battle cries shall be,' Tliat's wliat's the matter.' .. . , Blow the bugle, beat tbe drum,' , ' ' .What,' Whafs the mattes F. Our Centennial year has come ; That's what's the matter. . While our grateful hearts expand.' Filled with memories great and grand, No doubtful man shall rale this land,' That's whafs the matter. . ; Ci'iorus That's whafs the matter now, That's what's the matter; , . ,v With Haj es and Wheeler we shall win; That's whafs the matter.' FEOX TBE 'ENTEKXI AC Philadelphia. Pa., J uly 13, 18T6C Friend Coll : I am not dead yet, !- though the thermometer has been ranging: from 90 to 106 in tbe shade lor several dars past. We" have been VtsItYhif tbd Centennial exhibition every day tor more than a week. Yesterday I noticed a new feature in the Oregon Department a small box of nice, large Royal Ann cherries, tbatT, had been raised by Mr. A. Sumerrlller of Harrlsburg. and sent by Mr. G. .W. Brim-' den berg. They were fourteen days on tlie . way; still they were In a good state of preservation, and attracted considerable attention for so small a showing. It is hoped that our Linn county and Oregon farmers will see that we are well represented" this tall ln.the Hue of fruits of all' Kinds.' Yours, - G. W. Gkat.' Roegh ok Stroud. Tbe Oreronan re-" ports tbe railroad accident et Drain's sta tion, on Wednesday' ot last week, as more serious than at first supposed. Mrs. Phlll-' brook had her shoulder blade broken arid a' utile son of Mart Taylor had the bone 61 no arm fractured.. The train.' thrown' from tbe track by tlie breaking ot an axle ot the tender, was pretty badly wrecked.' Baggage master uonser was considerably bruised up, but Conductor'Stroad, It now seems probable will turn out' tlie worst' injured man on tbe train.. The car on which he was standing at tlie time, was thrown down an embankment and' turned bottom up, and Stroud was extracted from' his position with difficulty. His injuries appear to be internal, as shortly sftcr, the accident he threw np a quantity of blood. It was thought that three offals ribs' were broken. He was conveyed to ComstockV. where he lay until the first of the .week, when Vice President Kohler went alter him In the President's car, intending to convey him to Portland." $ Gokb. Prof. Warren left us yesterday' for Astoria, where be will spend a . ftw weeks recreating, , when, he will return to Portland where he will take op his resi dence, having accepted a situation In one of the schools there. Prof. Warren baa no" superior on this coast' as ail educator, and' by his removal we liave lost a man whoso ' place cannot be easily filled.' His many , friends in this city wish faira the best ot success in bis new home. " "J V Sheep. Fred Hill expects to start soon' for the upper country, taking with him. In addition to his family, a thousand head of sheep. Success to Fred. , i Religious. Services were held at the' 1 Episcopal church last Sunday, under the i conduct of Rev. Robert L. Stevens, pastor.' beats tree. - - Brass Ret. We have a large brass key' In our possession, supposed to have hom lost by some one. The owner can get It by calling at this office. . , t I 0008 w are under oblations 1 Senator MitcbelJ and Representative' I ne u'r Puuuu "ocument. Bill Gird and party sUUed for Ochoco' the first or tlie week. " RUTs winsome Jaunty will be missed. " : ' k Charley Cartwrighr, of Salem," sbWed' his handsome form on our streets Jlonuay.