AYERXLL FOR SALE 4& )Ve have testimonials trtmi ownoi-s otM he iiiiest .hat Is claimed tor It by the nuimilacturers. I 'fill arid examine samples, tnd comnurc price before purchasing elsewhere. ' A. I3LAIN, SOX & OC-9 Stqrage-'and commission merchants; -DEALERS GRAIN, LUMBER, WOOL, And o - OlYer lor- Sa'e:. XliresiieVs, Ileatlers, Keiiers, Jtlo-.ver. VVOii, KuKes. riott, BIsirrows, &c, &v. will torc Grain. Wool, ami General MAMMOTH WAKF.IIOVE-H-ad of Baker ALBAM', Oregou, July 1. ISTu-iJvS No time to write this week. ill soon. SHERMAST JOHN BRIGGS AKF.S THIS OPPORTCXITY TO IF-'l:1J i A. his friends and the pulque , i he is new settled in ins NErV BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next doorro I. C. namer i Co . where ea-r b-found as yfcaf ail r.ssors m'-r.t and a large a stock cf Stoves asid-Iiiaages a?can befonnd in any one hno this sida o"f i'ottianda'n'J at as " LOW Castiron, Brass A Enameled KETTLES : in grtM.i variety. Also, Tin, - ' : 'l-- "'" Siect Iron, Galvanized Iron, and Copperware, alwavs on hand, and nwde to i tler, AT LIY IKU'BATER ; Call on 33Cixxi. Albany, Octolier 23, 1675vS THE of DISEASE THE FOE: OF; PAIM ToManariilBeast will'UllJU STOOD T1IK TXisT OF 40 TEABS. Tlwre is no sore it wllf Bot lical, no la me nes it will not cure, no ache, no mm, ttmt afflict tlie human body, or the Inwly or a horse or otlwr domestic jmhnal. thtir ioes not Yield to Its magid touch. Ar Dottle costing 25c. 50c. err 00. has often Rivt'd the life of a human being; -nm! retorei to life and usefulness mauy a valuable horse. foh mek, it wif Vkk . Rlieumatism. Burn. -Scalds, liruises. Cts, Frost-bites, Swelling, Contracted ConJs, Fiti in the Back. Lumbago. - Sew' ica. Chilblains, Strains. Sprains Stiff JHity Shre Nipples, Eruptions, Pains," otfncis. Ulcers. f ; ; " .- FOB A!IAIA, IT M ILt BE , Spavin, Galls, and Sore. Swinny. Jwng BonctWludgalls,: Big Head. Poll Kvil. Hnmors and Sores. Lameness,- SweUmgs, Scratches,- Distemper Stiffness, fctr,"'s Soreness, Open Sores 2jvS in Cfin per iimv at home. Sannues oi i o 9J I J tree. frriNaon A Co.. Portianu, we. StSD Sic to G. P. ROWtLL fk CO.. New 'Olc, for Pamphlet of 1"0 paes, containingr S,WW newtper, an-l estimates showinsr coot oi ad- PiklHT t BY is llie Ohiest and Most Hi-liable Mixed Paint. residences m the eoumy, ho ing that it i all p.V full assort 39vH CAHOTHKKS & CO., Fiksx St IS- - - Merchandi-e sit Loirest Il"tc.s. and Lyon streets, at l'eiiot of O. A C. It. R. Co. advertisement thro it in sight & San Francisco. c i: rv rrii:r rsr i i. . 1 - r t 1876. lOtU. 2P rod i sm. -t on. Chicago &. North-Western Railway. T jis: r;rn-AH nci'TK oveklasd. l,MoiMrcr".--f-r Chtfjtjro. Nipam Falls, l'itts Imr. I'll iiitdt ;li hia. Mu! ituli, liiH'tiit'cw York Uiston. or siirV piin V:tst. shoriirt bv.y their TIUW COS I IXEVI AL 'riCKKTS Vta Clic I'loiteer Koute, -THE UlHAtJ6.iltTH'HB.TERSf RXlI.VVA Y T1IIS IS THE REST KOtTK EAST. Its Track Is "of STKKI. R AlLs, and on it has been made the FASTKST Time I bat has ever been 51 Abb in this cotmTry. Ilv this route passcn arers forr-ointsienst of CUk-iiuo have choice of the following lines from Chicago : I5y t5e rlttxliurjr I'ortwayiip ai.ci(1ile:K and Ieusjl'nni-. KmIImiij s, 3 THROUGH TRAIN'S J'AILY. with Pullnmn Paiace ears thifiul to Phiiaieiphia andJJew York on each train. 1THROT7GH TRAIN, with Pnllman Palace cars to lia-lt Imore and Washington. ily tlx I.nk" Sliore nud .MieUI-(iii frontto ern ljiil:J u(leoec(iutt3ieW York 4 eiitrnl al Ei-it.- lUllrwuiji;, THRot GIl TRAINS PAII.Y. with Palace O 1'ra.winti lUiom and Silver Puiace cars thm' t o Ne w York. j y tttf yUx'Sircrast Oirtral tiranri Trunk j . Jr at Ve.eru and i;i ie uud Ne York -'MtraI Itailn;i.vs, ! OTimoc .H TRAINS, with Pullmrm Palace ! Uiiiwinir Room and Sleepln-r cars inrOiitrh to New York, to Kii;twa raJs, IJtaUIO, Rochester or New York city. . ily Unjtiinore nitd Ill IlaJltoud, O THRomt TRAINS PAILY, with Pullman id I'alac arj for Newark. Znncsvll!e,Wheeling, ashington and Bait imore wit hout change. This is the RHORTKST, BKPT and only line i-nnnirisr Pullman Cf-!ebrae4 PAliAt'E SLEKP lMi I'AES AX1) CmaCHKS, 'connecting with Union I'KCinc Railroad at OMAHA and from the WfcST. via Grand Junction, Mat-shall, Cedar Kamds-, :iinton. rerlinv and Uixon, for CHI CAGO AND THE EAb-?. This popular route Is Unsurpassed for SfyeedT tmfort and fttfi-ty. The smooth, well ballast ed and perfect track of st col rails, the celebrat ed PnllDinn Palaa Slwpins; ears, the tierfect Teles-raph Sywein of moving trains, the regu larity with which they run, the admirable ar ranKcment for riinninil through earstochicaao from all points West, secure to passenaers all the comforts In modem railway traveling. No ebanjiesof Cars, and no tedious delays at. Fer ries. .. Passens-ers will find Tickets via thts favorite route at the General Ticket Offlce o? the Central Paeifie Railroad, Sacramento. Tickets for sale at all the Ticket Offices of the Central Pacific Railroad. W. II. STENNETT, MARIN IiTGHJTT.Geii.8up, Gen.Pas. A?t. II. P. CTANtOOP, General Agency, 121 Mont gomery street, San Fl-uriciEeoi v , vTn7y , i Albany Book Store. JJf o. rOSIIAY, TlAI-1311 lS MKOJICfcLAirEOWSBOOKS,' IS .School Books, Blank Books, Stationery Fancy Articles, Ac Books ltntortod to oracr.at shortest pos sible notico. . , v5n30 - . C, TWEEDAtE, Orocorios, ' Provision , Tobacco, CI-ar Cnttery' Crock. rrT, runt Wood &WUIow Ware, ALBANY, OnEOOl. Call and hrm. etrt Incorporated Feb. 4, 1875." Capital, tio.ooe. ' GRANGE UNION STORE! Corner First and Washington Streets, Albany, : Oregon. President, S. A. DAWSON, ' Superintendent, A. J. JOIIXSOX IJIttlX KHS: A. U MMXETi jr. BI.KVISS S. A. M. MII.I.EB, a. iti:i:o, A. U1.I.V1UK, Wholesale and Uetail Dealers in Clothing, Hardware, trockery, Groceries, Furhi implement and Maeliinery, &c, Ac. Also, Imj- and sell on commission all kinds of Goods, Marketable Produce, Ac. Dec 24, lS7.5-livSntU Furniture Eooms. S. IXJTVIVIIVO, Bess leave to announce to the citizens of this city and surround ingconnlrv, that lieliasopen ed a li;rge stock of In tljelHiildtn.i lately occupied by Dr. Plum mer's drujf store, on First street, where can be had; on most reasonable terms, Parlor Sets, Bedroom Suits. Sofas, Lounges, Easy Cltnirs, Center Tables, Wliutnots Ic!is. SIooK-easex, Safe, Wnrdrobeii, and in fact everything else needed to GO TO SIGl'sr-KKEPIXG. 3Iy "foods are well jnnds and of t he t cry Latest and 13nngKomeMl Styles. FMtlCKS WAY DOVX. p vf-Ft'RXITtril.S nianufaetured to orddr.at short Tiot li-f. Furniture K'j'fiired and p'-tt In good nhajM! n;i "tiorr notice- tiive uie a cnil. V. S. Bl'S'XISG. Albany. Nov. 23, 10v8 IIORSK MKX, TO YOUR F4TERESTS. IWILL MAKE THE INCOMING SEASON, from April 5th to July lth, with WHITE PRINCE, - . AND PRIDE OF FERCHE, one of the si all ions brought out from the Kaat the pst winter. Will be at the stable of BEAN DAVIDSON. Salem, on Mondays a. in 1'rldnjs p. ill., aul Mtarkty, . At Albany uevdnynp. in., Wediiemlayj, and 'I burttdnyii m. iM.of ench week during the season, at the stable of . H. MARSHALL.. WHITE PRINCE lain good condition, and is Renera'ly known as having proven 11iinsei a No. 1 stock horse- PRIDE OF I'ERCHE came out trom France to Ohio in lf?, and made the season of '75 in v iscnsin. Heisadark dapnlcsrrav. ed, tine style, good disposition, wit u a graceful. free, easy .action that I-have neverseen cnualed in any hm-se of his size: will weigh, in good condition. 1,800 pctiftd It has long baeu.my ambition to be able to supply the horse breeders of Oregon with a breed of large liorses and concentrated repro ducing oowers, emanating from purity of blood, from which could le,bred when crossed upon the common mares of the conn trv, a uniform class of horses comiiact, symmetrical in form, coupled with style, action and stamina.. To supply the above want, after a careful examjn at Ion of the, vaVious lrfrgo breeds knowii, I spi leeted the Pei-eheron family. The oldestefts from WhRe Prince are n- w coming years old. with the vounaer ones, show that the above L fact ha- been accomplished, as they ai-eajl unt- lorm m general maKe-up, ana snow tile stock: proliablv in a ureater desr ree than the nrodiint of. any Other horse In the State, whether bred" trom tne ruti-Dioci,tiiirn-gi-aue fcrcberon.trood Aoiei-ican - or the Indian pony mares, all snow the pecoiinritie of the Perchernn,raee. In offerii k the ser itnss ol the above horses to thebretuleioiOreon,it Is not an untried "matter, btit a demonstrated fact of their vaiue, as it is i vears since their Introduction Into OWn, and 39 years into Illinois, and whurevet' introduced they are giving the lnwt of natisfao t ion. The onefourt h and one-half bloods bring more t han double t he prico of the erood common stock of theeountry. and tho breeders of this stock are unable to supply the demand for -them. . . - , . .. There is now, and will be for some time to come, a demand for the colts at good prices for stock purposes. . ,(- 4 TER.1.H the season, ouOot mares for SIOO in V. 8. gold coin, except White Prince fillies they will be bred by special agreement. W. C. MYKR, Ashland, Or., March 31, 1870 28 DRY 00 OS ii r -sn lOST OFFICE REGISTER. , hails avkite: Front Railroad (north and sonth) dally at 11.10 p.m. From Corvallis, dally, at 10.30 A. Jf . From Lebanon, u-i-weekly, (Monday, Wednesday and Filday) at 10.30 A. M. MAIU DEPART : For Railroad (noith and jatl), dally, clow prompt at 11.10a. m. ' - For Corvallis, dally, at 12.50 P. M. For Lebanrin,trl-weekly, (Monday, W ed nesday and Friday) at 2 e. M. ti Office henra" from 7K a. m. to 1 . St. Sunday, from 12M. to ?i-M,...g ... " Money order offlce hours from 9 A.- M. to- p. M. F. H XATMOXU. P. M. TO MAKE MONEY ! SAM MILLER ITfOULD AXXOUXPE to tjie public tlittt' W la carrying on a Wagon and Carriage Shop, at tiifi old stand known as the Peters A fipeidel shoos, where he has on hand the uncst lot of end ana sine spring, . . Two Tlirce Seated Carriages ever manufactured in the State. If you don't believe it. (ALL AM SEE FOII YOIKSELVSS. I use nothing but Enstern Tiuuber, and Warrant all Worlc to give satisfaction, while my prices are Boat reasonable. You do not know how your wife and fa nlly vould appreciate a ride in a well-made, mid sonie and stylish liacic. Pure-base one ot Sum Miller's handsome new carriages, and you will pav less doeior's hills, and irtve your family re creation for wWcft thev will fnpSy yoft a thous and t hues with their happy, smiles. . t'ttl! at rnv hbpS, coi Wcr of Ferry and Second streets. Ahmuy, Oi-ejjou. . . . - Apr 14, 1876 KAn 91IXEK. TITIS BROTHERS, HAVE JCST RECF.IVP'D A rV'cw a ml tiargc Invoice OF AND J E W E L II Y , And Mill Nell at the rollout ln Prices s Coin silver. 2 oz. P. S. Bartlett Waltham Watch. Jil 00: each a-Mi-,lora ounce t2 W). Eight-day Selli Tho:na-s Clocks from S3 00 to a nd ail other eoorls in proport ion . The only house above Ponlaud that keeps t no SALTZ3IAX WATCH. (oeds Kold, Engrsted Free of 'harge, BY MR. EVERET, Practical watch-maker and Jeweler, late ol Cal ifornia. Watch Co., and the only engraver In .V iu.il y. AGENTS FOR THE SINGER SEYLG JHKHINEa A goo'-l assort tniRnt of Sevhig sracMn'c Xeo- ctlesaiid attiuiliiaf nts. TITUS C'ltOS. CHAS. B. KOIfTAS-Ce.- MOXTAGtE & ROST. M'CAM.ST. McCAtLJiV, A-KJ2 XOV? OfEy IN'G A-AOKIFK EKT xa stock of FALL AXD 600 )S ! selected with care, and bought for cole it Scandalously Iow Figure. and as we bougfit low we'eahand"wil sell tliem at prices tnnt wm Astonish Everybody. Como and sie our selections f . - Iresa Uooda. Jaoaueae Khawls, - . Plqwen, ItrllllnnteSj Marseille, Ioliiis, Lustres, . Ilibbons II C'oliur lien, Laces, occ. , U.V., ..... for the ladies, and our complete line s of Readymade Clothin 9 Ho aery Cotlonitdea, -' Cnssimcrem, . Clotba, -' , , Nhoes, Boots, . apa. . . IInt, . of ail descriptions for nien and boys. AUl, full , , assortments of . - Groceries- Crocleiy and GteFire. or evei-ybody.- Tlie tesr goods, at the lowest rates evei y time ' 6sSrComc and see. Lebanon, Oregon. Octdber 80, 1874. Just Issued. 200tti Edition . . ' MANHOOD, Revised and corrected by the author, 1. de F. Curtis, if. D., Ac, &c A Medical Essar on the cause and cm i or pfei mature decline in man, showing how I )alth is lost, and regafied. ft gives a clear ayr psis ol tne impediments. to marriatre, tao ircai nsni- i nervous ami physical debility, exhaust d vital- ity, and all other diseases appeilaing " 'l"retp; tlie results of twenty years successful i;tioe. f r Opinion of th Preoa crteTis ON' ety 1 ftif.1 MAN'UXJ." There Is no m- her of aociet bv whom this booa will nsi be whether be be parent, pritptoi found useful, whether be be palffht, pltptoi or clergyman. iMmdnn Pima. Ct? RlS ON-"MAHOOI."-?Tsbo lanK be ivad by the youna for IrmtructiOB,. t d by the afflicted for relief; it wiU lnjoi-e Bjue. M'fiieal Times arui Unentte. Price- OAe Dollar, - bv nmtl or esprf3I . Ad dress the author. DR. CURTIS,M08utU f trett or P. O. Box 837, San Francisco, Cat. - " '. . 4Sv7m3 ' . , . ; ,.; 3KTot;o & JBSxrt 3r ix THE METZLERQIfAlR rpHIS I TO INFORM THE. PUBLIC THAT A no chair goes from my taoory without my name soon it. All others are. false imitations, and should he so regarded. All persons arc hereby warned strains t attempting any such imposition upon my customers. - . -. , J. M. METZLER. Jefferson, Or.. Jan. II, 1576. th sr i v Q a 4t k ' A WAY VP TIME. POBTLAJil) I ATS ALBA.t k T1SIT- WHAT CAME OF IT. Last week the Fire Department of this city determined to have a little receition and presfahtution at the Court House, in citing everybody to participate free ot cost, to wind tip with . a sociable and a hop at the Opera House, charging for the last privilege a iidftiTiial stirri. Soon after the ar rangements were couipleli-d for the 4"1lov out," news came from Portland that a few of the citizen's of Portland, desiring td testify their appreciation of the aid Albatly gave them ia their successful celebration during Centennial Week, were e'e'mirg up' to lend their aid and assistance ii'i our second addition of Ihe Centennial fun. Chief Webber immediately on the recep tion of the above information, telegraphed back thafall who came would be heartily Wel-bo'm'?d and entertained to the best of our ability: As soon as it was made public iii Port land that a party intended coming from that city to this, a large number of the most prominent cltizers expresed a desire to participate in the visit ; and the expres sion was so earnest, coming, too, from the leading men in the varied avocations and Walks of life, that Mr. II. D. Sanborn, the Head-Center of the whole affair, concluded to enlarge somewhat upon the first inten tion, and instead of twenty or twent-flve. bring up sixt5'. But, as the seqiial proved. it was toiind that, the door once opened, it was found almost impossible to limit the number as the entire city seemed desirous of coming. Mr. Sanborn and parts', consisting of the elite of Portland, the Mayor, Dr. 5. A. Chapman, members of the City Council. members of the' Centennial Committee, fepresentatives of the press, principal officers of the Fire Department, and dele gations from the fire companies, military officers, divine's in fact representing the talent and chivalry of Oregon's Emporium, numbering between two and three hundred, one-third probably of tvhoni were ladies, left the depot of the O. & C Railroad at East Portland about 4 o'clock p. M. of Mon day, on a special train consisting of six coaches and the President's car. Mr San born had passed up the road to this city on the morning train, made all arrangements necessary for Ihe comfort ot his party, and returned on the down or norllicrn train in time to take command. ! Thus it was when the excursionists am ived at Aurora they found an elegant and bofinteous supper spread for them, while the Aurora Bras Band discoursed excellent music during the repast. A large crowd of people were at the Salem depot to see and be seen by the excursion isls; also r.t Jefferson and other point-?. RECEPTION. " -The excursionists reached our city at a few minutes after 8 o'clock r. M., and were received by the Fire Department in full uniform, nearly 150 stron, and probably 2.000 citizens. As the train swept rfp to the depot, the excursionists were greeted with cheer after cheer, while the Albany Brass Band,' secured for the occasion, and the Northwestern Band with the excurs irhitstY played their; mosf enlivening strains. ' The party came from the cars in a per fect stream, and a procession was soon formed under command of Chief Webber, and Assistant Chief, Geo. F. Simpson, in the following order:' NVufonal flag. N. W. Band, delegates lor the various com panies Of tlte Portland nhiT Snlehi Fire Departments. Mayors and members ol the Common Councils of Portland, .Jefferson and this city, members ot the Portland Centennial Committee,. Portland press, and citizens of Poittan,' Salem. Jefferson I and other points, Albany Fire Department bringing up the rear. In this order the pro cession passed down Lyeh .to Sixth street, up Sixth to Broadalbin, down Broadalbiu to Fifth, and thence to the . .. . COIRT HOUSE. which, pretty Well filled before, was soon crowded to its utmost capacity, with the handsomest and best, behaved auGTence it ever held of probably will ever again be Called upon to hold. , Through the fore thought of our new Sheriff. Mr. J. R. .Her ren..a member of No. l's, the Court House iiad been cleaned up and the whole edifice illuminated, making a very handsome ap pea ranee. - The assemblage was called to order by Chlff Webber, who reqttested the Mayor, Hon. N. B. Humphrey, to preside. In re- responce, tlie Mayor came forward and in a nat and appropriate speecli, welcomed our, visitors; and extentfe'd to; them the hospitali ties of the city." The Mayor of Portland, pr. Chapman. resiKinded In the most felicitous niRnner. thanking our people for this grand and tnjrxpeeted evstion,, .and promising Siat Pprtlandefs. would remember it with pride and satisfaction as long as timer should last. ' '"". :" ' ..v 'I Mr. H. D. Sanborn then mado a state rfient of the trial of steam engines at Porf landon the 5th inst., declaring that the lit tle Clapp Sc Jones fire engine, belonging td Lhiii Engine Co.," JJ"o."'2; of this city, had falriy and squarely won tho first prize, a gold medal valued at 7S,."wnich lie there an 3 then formally tendered to the President ol the Company, The speaker was several times rnierrupted, by lpod .apglau' froin, his ; audience.: . ilr. J.t K., WeatiKrford, Presldentproteou of Linh Engine Co.. No, 2, received, the eicdal la a most appropriate speech. phorVahd to the, point, , ; -Prof-White was then introduced, 'and read, tlie following beautiful poem, written by himself at the .i-eo.uest of Mr. II.' D. Sanborn,' and dedicated to the Albany Fire Department: ( " THE FIRE BOYS. ; A clang and a clash cf bells, A' wild, alarming cry A cloud of smoke and tongues of fire Paint sorrow" on the 8ky. - ' Woe, woe Is gathering round, ' The spread ia wider, higher,, ; ; And now a thousand throats aa one. Shriek out the cry ot fire. But see! where duty calls, Our red-shirt heroes stand. Below, above, on tottering walls,"" A cool and gallant band ; To save tlu poor man's all. Or rich one's ample store, - . ..,..' They face death's fierce and fiery breath," What heroes can do more; They fight but not to kill. They battle but to save," . . No human blood our gallant's spill, They dig no gloomy grave ; r Unselfish, and unpalft,' They enter on the StHfe, - And face the fiend, face hell itself, ' To savfe a human life. O; inaiiy a heartfelt prayer-. Of rescued loves and joys Are registered in heav'u For our manly red-shirt boys. God bless you, one a nd all. And be your guard and shield, And only in fair nature's con fie To death be forced to yield. And when life's tank is dry; And the good machine is old, And the fire bell tolls a measured peal For an honest heart grown cold. And comrades gather round j In sorrow for the dead. We pray that hcaveu's best prize may grace. Each silent hero's head. The poem (by order -of the Centennial Committee of Portland) was elegantly in scribed on parchment and superbly framed- Mr. White recited the poeru in the most creditable manner, showing him to po.ssess rare elocutionary powers. At the conclu sion of the recitation, Mr. White, in choice and elegant language, presented tho poem' to the Fire Department of Albany. Chief Webber received the handsom'D g'fr, and to the surprise of himself and friends, made a A-ery handsome little speech, intro ducing Rev. Howard W. Strattoif, mem ber of No. 2"s, who came forwar3 and read the following F.KSOi.UTIO'NS x Resolved, That the Albany Fire Djeparfr ment in response to the dedication by the Portland Fire Department of the Centennial Poem written by R.C. White, recognize in the sentiments expressed, tl.e character istic" generosity of our gallant comrades.' JiesolreS; That in the late friendly con test for Centennial honors, thi3 Depart ment cherish lasting memories of the hea?-tv hospitality and many generous courtesies of our brother Firemen which will make ties of friendship stronger as, the years roll on. ; J Resolved. That not only in the arena of friendly strife, may the "Little Giant"' be expected to come to the front, but when as in the past, , The clang and clah of bells. May send a wild and alarming cry- To the citizens hearts of our sister city. And clouds of 6moke and tongues of fire Attack the poor man s an. And -rcii o'nes nnfpl6' sforc. Our red shift heroes stand. Ready to take their place in line of battle with our brave comrades, and share with them danger and death at duty's call. Resolved. That we receive this graceful poem, as a tribute to the triumphs of me chanical genius, and the high position won by the citizen firemen of our country rather than as due to any special merit in ourselves. .. . ; ., Resolved. That fq R. C. White, who lias so eloquently voiced the unspoken .utter ances of each trtie. fireman's heart,- we ex tend a Rpeciat Wercqme to ourcit,.and re spond' In pride to each" generous a:d friendly vish. -- -' The resolutions were adopted uuanf mously.' Mr. Jos. Bnclitel, of Portland, was then called upon, cnftVb forwartl.'aqd made a, 250-horsepower spee'ehin fact, we never, heard Joe do better, at its close present ing to r;Wh Engine Co., No. 2, a splendid photograph, neatly framed, of their VmR chine" and hose-cart, as they appeared in Portland In Front of No. l's engine house, W. O ilyer's Percheron horses attached, re marking that to prevent any objections to the reception ' o the gift, ail tlie hangings even to the nails, accompanied tbe pictnre'. i Mr. Wm. Miller, Foreman of No. 2's, re-; ceived the handsome gift tn goocf style, re marking at tlie close of his remarks that lie j would "nail the beautiful gift upon the wall ot the engine house it it cost him ' a j law suit, which wa3 received by the au dience with roars of langhtcr and applause. This wound up the ceremonies at the Court House, ".'and the procession was reformed and marched to the . ,,; t ! , . . '.". OPERA HOUSE., . ',-., which, was gorgeously decorateil for the occasion.' WHe tlie. procession ' was re-, forming, Frof. II ngties, of, Portland, gave a! gratKl display of 'Artworks in frbnfTof the' Cotut Hdu'se, to the delight ef" the" vast as semblage. "''-'-. - - v- . ',."'";"' 1 - " ; ' , At the Oper3 House ewrvbodj' seemed' to enter into the spirit of the occasion, each ahd ail doing what .the could to make 1 areeatile ahd pleasant, and from ".the smiles and n"appy faces on every hand, we believe a jollier or happier crowd, never as sembled in tins city.. 4 ' . , ' ' -. ecri-ER, " ' , ; Gotten tip, by Messrs;; Matthews & MorrUo'u, .of the St Cliarles.llotel, was complete in all jt, details, and received the highest compliments of al! who partook of it. , - , ; - , IS CONCLUSION. . - . Tlie occasion- was certainly a most en joyable one, thoroughly appreciated by our citizens, every one of whom entered into tlie spirit of the occasion, doing everj -thing in their'rjbwer to make our guests feci that" the we're among friends. As our hptel accomodations were not 'sufficient tor so large" a 'crowd as. visited us on the bpve oi.-cas'loh, our citizens threw' open" their resldtnccs, and all, we believe, were cared for. Taken as a whole, it was the grandest affair ever ? witnessed in Albany, and will, serve to knit the citlzans of Portland and. this city in closer and more enduring bonds of friendship and respect.- - - ...i . . Visitors. Below we give tlie nanies ot , & few of our visitors on tlie Portland ex cursion . train last Monday.. Ilia party embraced representatives fnim all tho prpfe'ssions and tra4e" in fact the lending citizens of this State.'and we are only sor ry that wo: are tillable to give a complete list oi all in attendance from Portland as well as tlie adjacent Territories. - Among those wlio were in attendahco we mention. Mayors J. A.Chapman; . Portland," Thomas Clmrmau, Oregon City, II, W. Vincent, Corvalll, and J.'C Campbel1, of Jefferson; Chief Fire Engineers,?" Eph Ohnger, of Salem, Mike Win tier, ot . Van- couver, Wr." T., and George E. Harding; Oregon City ; Portland Centennial Com mittee, Messrs. II. D. Sanborn, Charles Hodge, William H. Andrus, Ilenry Fail: lng, L. Benser and JoscphJBachinanCitiT zens and Firemen of Portland, IlWil.P. Deady, Col. Jno. McCrackcn, Hon. T. A. Davis, Joseph Bnehtel, Messrs. II. C. Paige, George Coogan, E. J. Jeffrey, I. P. W.- Quimby, Isaac Blum, Robert Hol man, Al. Zeiber, A. B Hallock,tJ.' A." Smith"; 3: it. Geaffn,' A. WinfdMf . A.' Hart, Chales Chfisty. Harry Morgan, Vil llam WadhanV, George Carnard," F. Mo Cornick, J. Drtifum und, J. S. Keller, -1: Taylor, J. K. Mercer, II. I Plttoek,.Y.: H. Coburn, S. A. Moreland, John Burk Al Church, William Evcrson, T. A. Clark W. S. Chapman, X.. Samuels, V. II. Cole.-" man, William Alego, J. V. Wilcox, Math-' ews, E. Mendenhall, J. C. Atkinson, D. II." Stearns, J. J. Burnett, F. M. I.itclienthaler,'' W. II. D. Joyce, R. II. Love, Prof. C. White. T. A. Soutlierland, F. Houstln and many others, many of whom were accom panied by their wives, daughteis and sweet hearts. From Saleftr came Cnp't William Clark and Lientenant Tom. Kelly, of the Capital-Guards; from Jefferson, Messrs. J. M. Metzler, D. Smith, J. O. Roland," Nod tooney, J. j. Ristlon, and a number of ladies. Quite a delegation ' also was present at the hop, from Corvallis ' and other places In Benton and Linn counties.' The fact is no such excursion party was ever gotten tip before In this State, com- posed as it was of the most distinguished and prominent citizens of the State. ; H. D. Sanbohn. In connection with the Portland Centennial Committee, the gentle-, nan whose name heads this article received the fullest acclaim at tlie hands of the press and people of Portland ; and the Rkoistkr. went so far as to say a few favorable tilings , . of him but f hen this latter part happened before Mr. II. D. Sanborn had brought his party lie re, and we had got thoroughly ac- qtiainted with the man himself. Mr. San born wa3 the head-center of a large con pauy of excellent, representative people who came from Portland and other points on a visit to Albany, and were the gnests of the city of Albany from Monday even-, lng until Tuesday noon made so not only , on the invitation" of the Mayor of our city, but of the Fire Department as well. 'Antf now we come to the matter in baud, and are compelled to acknowledge that Sanborn is a but then'', we belong to church and must be" cart ful what we say,' you know,' therefore' will "narrate" further before prti' nouncing judgment on hi in J-Tlie Com- mittee of Arrangements had placed a num ber of tickets at the various business lionises in the city, .for sale,' proposing to charge' every one but our guests a small adur&sien, fee to the hop in the evening. Wcl', a!l of these tickets were not sold, and now comes in Sanborn's part in the play, fan-. born found, out this fact, and tlie morning . after the ball bright and early, be weuf,l( round. and bought up alt the unsold tickets he could .find, and carried them off to Port land ! the Committee of Arrangements never finding it out uutil after the, guests, bad departed for Salem. Sanborn Is a, genuine gol brielri'irhJ hV will always find a welcome in Albany, but the "Com. ot' -A r." propose to get even with him if It takes all Summer.' 1 Interesting Sermon.-Last j Sunday -evening Cavalry church was filled to its utmost capacity by our citizens to listen to a discourse from the pastor. Rev. Howard W. St rat ton. his subject betn?. Solomons's , . Temple. It was ail able effort, showing, deep, research on the part of the Reverend gentleman, anil was listened to with the . closest attention tnrougiiouc dj his large t , audience. We have seldom ' listened to a more ; interesting sermon. -and.- never ntianrVu1 Oil OIlfllAnAA tatf'kasA a i fr Aft ! A 1 wv-7V fM wuuaaw siiviy otwwt-aw , A QT IT A 11 TTX TT?TT T Or Tllftailo XT MAinln' 23 steamer vas(brougH out to .set our vlslr , frxr eaa U-Viaf cfia rs fk f hvma ' rTll- vio ovu " au .vsvs uv n-M liuuiv A (V Jng water at the cistern !pierscetlng "First anu asmngtpn, piaying tnrougn two hundred and fifty feet of hose, sho threw a stren m 225' feet. Tie steamer was ' then ' nioyed;; t' tlaj .corner of Second and 3 Uroaualbin, taking water from the race,.'!. when,1 through 200 feet of hose, she threw " yi.i t a . a i w - - -. 'v a eoiiu sireani oi water ao leev. ' . '" . ; . Gon'K Eas Dr. G-. W. Gray has gone East on a liealth and business trip, expect- -lng to be absent -between-two and three months. Cue notice will be given of bis' Mln.ri - Q4m9 ,.- i, m -1 - - - A Hcalth-Promot lng kttuanlant. - Physicians, who certianly ought to be tha hest liulor-s rif such matters, declare . that wholesome stimulation la not only desirable but essential in - many .instances. r" Whenever temporary good effects of a sound stimuleut is confirmed and rendered permanent, as in the case .of Hos tetter's . Stomach Bitters, by the aefciati of tonic una alterative principles combined with It, it , becomes' infinitely more efficacious a a. renovant of physitsaUuergy and coivect ive of tlioae conditions of the body which. Invite disease. The Bitters have received , the coipbaW" sanction of medical men , , ular stimulative cordial aj Wflor -weakness, nervouBs. dvspepsta, con-, stlpation, inactivity ef the J.ver, malar lous fevers anh many oUief disorders. , , Its basis la sound old rye, the purest liqnor known . ro cotnnirrui - r. opertics of no mean ordt r. . ly..