The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 30, 1876, Image 7

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    Incorporated Feb. 4, It?;.-,. Capital. 20,000.
Orner First and Wa.-hinton streets.
Ivreicient, S. A. DAWSOX. !
Superintendent, A. J. JMS5SOTV !
a. s. i4or.Y, -i. Mil .irn,
j. mi.kvis, J. i.. i:k.
Is. ANNO, A. Itl.l.VI.I.I,
Si. A. HA W.HO.V.
WhoUsu'.c mil Retail Dealer in
CIot!sLii5J, K&rdware, 'roeUery,
rccres, I'sirm Implements
and SJneltinery, &c, &e.
Alo. !my nnd sell on commission ail kinds of
t:vvl-, M:tr!;inTlc Produce, Ac.
T:v. 3, W i-UvSuiS
Pumiture Eooms.
1". DUXIXa,
Scot leave to timoiinw tt tio cit iwns of t hi
-tt mi. I stirroim tin;-country, that tic Imsopen
ed a 1 re stock of
kf aJ XTSTX-S? 'O XJE3
intheniildin;r lately occupied liv TOr. Plmo
jnerV dru;i siora. on Fiixt .i--t, w-twrc can be
luul, on moRt reasonable tei-ais,
Farlr Sets,
ilrdroom Jfiiiss,,
Easy Chairs,
Center Tables,
- Wardrobe,
and in fact everything: nfe6el ta
Sly sroot'.s arc well made and of the vary
JLntcst and Ilantlsoinent Stylesu
ea-FlTtNITUBE man u fact ured to order, at
Kbort nciiet.
Or Fnrn ttnue n-paired and pt In good shape
on whorf notice.
Give me a cjUI.
Albany, Nov. 2G. 1875 10 va
To Man and Boasrt
There is no sore it will notlteal. noTame-
iies it will not cure, noacbe, no pain, that
MtHict tlie human btnlv, or the body of a
horse or otlier domestic .fnimal. that does
not yield to its maic touch. A bottlfl
xwtinz25c. 50e. or ?l 00. lias otten save
tlie life of a human being, and retoretl':to
life and usefulness many a vnluablu horse.
IilieuniatUiii, Rurn Scaltls. Brniie. Cuts,
Frost-bites, Swelling. Contracted Cords,
IViin in' the Rtck. Lumbago. Sciatica.
Chilblains. Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints.
Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wonnds,
Ulcers, .
Fpavia, GalU and Sores, Swinny. King
Rone. Windfalls, Big Head, Poll -Evil,
lCuojors and Sores, Lameness, Swellings,
Serin-lies, Distemper Stiffness, Strains,
Soreness, Qperv Sores ; , 26 v8
jrTIJfipSreSathonie. f-jtmpiea worth 1
C, it K: I i VT. . JW' ' ww Kj uu ww, " ' .
O for Pamphlet -of 100 pages, containing 3,000
jiewnapers and esUntatea showing cots I of aU
vurtising. S8v8y
Albany Book Store. ;
School Hooks, UUak Books, Stationery
Fa-nay. Art iclc, &c.
Hooks imported to order,at shortest pos
sible notifc. -5ii30
Oroeci-ies, li-o visions-k
Tatuw-roi, 'tcjpr-. Cutler; (VouJk
erjr, iunl Wood & Willow Ware,
TJ4F SjIS-T? ! iTTr? MAlt3 j
n ctiair irocs frfni m- littery virli'ur my
naTin- um H. All o;ln-rs'ftt-e tftist- iniiintions.
liml shiiul I l so ifiralUe. l. All ix-rson ro
lu-rt-liv warned --'int atieiuptiiij$ any such
tuiposilion uiKti my etteioriu-i-s.
J. .VI. METfXtU.
Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21.
hUfrurtidH and the pulJlie geucri.iv, that
lie is now settled in his
on the old stand next 0"orto V. Harner A Co ,
where ran t found us-j-reut an ussortinent mid
as 11U-4U a stock of
Stoves and Eanges
ncaji bo found in any ane hoase this side of
Portland, ajtd At as
CuNtiron, ISrasK & Eiiauielel
in great varictj-. Also,
Sheet Iron,
Calvuiiiel Iron,
alwaj- on hiiivl. it intKle to eider, AT IJV
ISii HA'l t's.
2iUL. on 2EjCxza..
Albany, Oetolor 21, iaTj-3v
1876. 1876.
Chicago & Worth-Western
PasseBser. for Chk-aco. Niaftajtk Falls, l'itts
hnr. Philadelphia, Mom real. ;neb-e. Sew York
Boston, or any point Kast. should boy thoir
lr'ta Ue I'loneer Rote,
Its Track Is of STKEL RAILS. ml on it ha
heea made the F ASfTBST t i nie that has ver been
M.UIK in thioconntrv. By this-ronte
eers for points eait of thieaco have choice of the
lol lowing lines from Chicago:
By the Iitt-lurj;. Fortwaynr and 1ieilST
null Penuitjiviinin ICMilwnjsi,
3TirrtOCGII TRAINS DAII.T. witlvPnllman
Palace ears through to Phiiailelphia andXew
York on each train.
ITnROrGIlTRAIV.with PnllmanPalacecars
to Baltimore and Washington.
By the 1-nJkc Miore Rod M lelilgan atlc
trn RnJlwTiitcfineetlist9iew York
Out ml atxi trie Bailrtuuni,
Drawing iloom and Silver l'ajiice care thso'
to New York.
i y Ike ll-lilmii Cewijrl. tJriuid Trunk,
lirvut extern nnl rie mid Sw li'rk
entraj Kallwiiyit,
3TKROCt,II TRAINS. witl Pullman Palaco
Urnwing Room and Sleepinij cars through to
New York, to Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Koc-hester
or New York city.
By Baltimore and Ohio Kn 11 road,
Jd Palace cars for Newark, Zanevill,Whoeltng,
Washington and Biut iuiore without ehane.
Thrsislho SHORTEST. BK and only lino
rnnniinr Pullman eelebratel I'ALACK 8LEF.P
INSLt CARS A"1 COACHES, connecting with
I'n ion I'aciflc Railroad at OMAHA and from 1 ho
WEST, via tirand Junction. Marshall, Cedar
Itapids, Clinton. Sterling and Utxon, lor CHI
This popular route is nnsm-passed for Sliced,
Comfort an Safetv. The nmootli, well ballast
ed and perfect track of stewl rails, the celebrat
ed Pullman Palace Sleeping cars, the perfect
Telegraph System of moving trains, the regu
larity with which they rnn, the admirable ar
rangement for running through ears toChicago
from all points West, secure to rmssensers !l"
the comforts in modern railway iravelinfr. No
changes of Cars, and no tedjons delays at Fer
ries. Passcnprers will find Tickets Tin this) bvonto
route ot the General Ticket OtOee of the Central
Pacific Railroad, Sacramento. '
Tickets for sale at all the Ticket Offices of the
Centra! Pacific Railroad. TV. H. STKNNETT,
MARYTN HITOHITT. Gen. Slip. Gen. Pas. At.
H. P-STANWOOD, General Agency, 121 Mont
gomery street, San Frswcisco. v77y
Qrdinance Xn. (54.
An Ordinance for licencing lwtel mnners.
Re if. ordained ny tlie Common Council
of the city ot Albany, in Linn County,
Oregon :
Section 1. Hotel runner shn-U pay a
quarterly license of ten dollars. Kvery
person who. u the public streets of A!la-
i nr. or on the wharves, or .tf, the raid-oad
j depot, shall, in :i public tn.-iiimr, . solit It
j custom for itny hotel, inn. rSvcrn. orhmrd
1 ing limine, s-hnll lie deemed-a hnlcl runner
1 under tliis ordinance. Any person who
I shall violate tin ton gniiiir ordinance
! on conviction thereof. In-fore I tic Recorder,
for everv sui-li oftence. ncsiiie w in" nrn!e
! to the payment f the license. he. subject
to a fine of not . 'ess than fire dollars, nor
taore tlian twenty-live iu!nir- or jinpns
j omuerit. not K;. lh:t:i five ir move lii.-in
i twenty da vs.
! Passed the CVmnctl .Tutie-2Tt!i. 17.
5 x. b. lit.irnRKV.
M. A. Rakkk. Mayor,
j Recorder.
lliver at a f-iiplmatiiiji stagtt at present.
The Willamette N slowly falling nt
Portlantl: tell two inches otv Wetlnesihiy.
A very narrow aperture;
-The crack of a
i Cherries and
j and cheap.
sU.i.wlieirieri are plentiful
i Xest to a diary tin- mot difficult thing
j to keep is a load pencil.
Mr. TC. Boyle pnts npa mighty nice hoot,
you better believe.
Advice to fish mot ipers in- warm weather
'-deal gentlv with the herring. '
Our citj
is rapidly increasing in popula-
A printer invariably rets out of sorts
when he readtes the bottom ot his case.
Examine that wnoieu pntnp at P. C.
Harper & Cos.
Ilog was a pood ?riter; bnt he can't be
considered a-skle of Bacon.
There is some talk of securing the College
for tlie ue of our public schools.
Tiger Kngine. Company, of Salem, lias
refused to go to the Portland Centennial
f No. 2's steamer threw 234 feet WediM
day erenitig. through 200 feet of hose.
TI tliremometer marketl JJ9.1 in
shade on AVedtiestlav.
Two of Mr. Martin's children Itave-been
very tew with lung fever, hilt are thought
to be out of dnnger at present.
The new Treasurer of Marlon, eonntyy
A. F. VVlieeler, Ksq.. is paying Albany a
visit. ,
E. P. Boie, jDistrict .lodge elect, and Mr.
Bnniett. District Attorney, will enter up
on their respective duties in September.
Mi Ellen Boggs and brother, of this
county, take the outgoing steamer at Port
land this morning for Indiana.
Our old county ofikers render an-account
of their stewardship next Monday, and the
new ones "swear In."'
If yon -want to borrow money, buy a town
lot or rent a farm, call on J. H. Burkhitrt,
corner of Bondalbin and Fust street.'.
AlIliHJiy Bras Band accompanies the
T wester to Portlnnu on Monday, taking
passage on the "Willamette Cbief. .
Kev. T:. li. Geary, 1- D., and w'fe, of
Kugene; City, were in the city the forepart
of the week. '
Judge: Blackburn, of Brownsville, drop
ped in n rw . Tuesday, looking well and
hearty after the late canvass.
For Oentcnnial groceries, way up lamps,
provisions vegetables, maple sugar, etc.,
etc., go to Messrs. Tyler & Tate's, in the
new brick. First street.
Sarcn stic Slash Youug swell: "I should
like to bare my moustache dyed." Polite
barber; "Certainly. Did you bring it
with, you?"
The rains which fell in Walla Walla
valley last week were worth, a great
deal to the crops.
The mails reach Walla Walla at very
r irregufer; inter valp.
McMTN?vti.i.E. .Tune 19h. 1876.
K tutor Register: xThe exercises at the
cke of tlie session of the Bapt i-t College
i our village were very interesting. On
Thursday evwning at an early lKur the
Christian Church, a commodious building,
fnrnislied for tlie aecommolation of the
College, was crowded; -with anxious spec
tators. At the- time appointed the pro
gramme was fftinotHKwl' by President
Baily, opened b singing-. "Worship the
Lord.'' an ai-complisliejl lad' presiding
at the organ. Prayer hy the Chaplain.
Eider II. C. Hill. Declamations delivered
by several young gentlemen could scarcely
be surpassed they were delivered with
nnitorm correctness of elocution, reflecting
honor on he stndents and tlie highest en
loginm on the teachers. The young ladies
performed their parts with marked ability,
delivering beautiful essays and recitations
with such energy that their friends conld
but feel a secret pride. All felt charmed
with their success. President Baily, hav
ing sometime pat resigned his position,
the College has for several weeks been ably
and satisfactorily conducted by efficient,
young gentlemen. Profs. Mngers and
Woody, who proved themselves to be
very competent educators. The exercises
were a complete success; spectators were
delighted-. Kvery intelligent fierson pres
ent realized that the College was an exceed
ingly important institution, and that all
the means expended retnrned donhle com
pensation, in ''eveloping the intellectual
and moral power, of greater value tha-n
gold to our young State.
The next sess-ion ot the school will com
mence on tlie 4tb day of September next.
The annual meeting of the Trustees was
held in one of the rooms. Reports of Pro
fessors, claims of liabilities examined. "It
was ascertained that the liabilities of the
cC?iool are heing considerably reduced. If
delinquent tuition bills were collected, with
the remaining Interest on endowment
funds, there wouM lie but little financial
embarrassment. The report of the finan
cial agent, showed that during the year he
had increased the endowment several hun
dred dollars in reliable notes, the entire
amount of the endowment heing $30,000.
Though some reduction will have to he
made forbad debts, yet we may safely
estimate neir $35,000 in reliable notes.
i Tlie endowments exced $20,000. the
amount stipulated in the snhcription. hy
several thousand dollars. Every year the
Financial Agent has made his report of the
amount collected or subscribed hy difierent
. persons, including the trip East, and the
Trustees stipulated the amount of bis
palary. but he had lint required payment
because the institution in its infancy labored
nnder some- etnlwirrassmcnfs. The Trus
tees, nt the last meeting, made arrange
ments for his entire payment for previous
services ' in raising the endowment, he
having donated to the College $2,000 in
the form of scholarships, having taken for
his own use one scholarship, and three
scholarships for the benefit tt minister or
ministers families. The latter scholarships
the Financial Agent has at his, to
designate the b nef ciary. A t preseni three
young men in receiving the benefit--one
trom Ltnn Co.. one front Multnomah, i:d
a Mr. Clark, from W. T.
Subscriptions- are being circulated fur
money for a, new college building.
R. O. Hill, Financial Agent.
Bay&LY Ckt. Yesterday while showing.
a reaper to a enstomer, a 8. K. Voting's
agricultural warehouse, Mr. John Althouse
had the first and second- fingsrs of the left
hand badiy cut hy.getting theuv caught in
the gearing of the machine. The- fingers
were nearly severed from tlie-hand.
Grovera speech last night was the poor
est affair ever Inflicted on an Albany au
dience., we are told. V
The new M. K. Church
at Scio on the 250k
wk dedicated
There are 20 logging camps in Sno
homish county, W. T., that employ 234:
oxen and 237 men.
Mr. C. Maiertof Walla Walla, was
thrown from his cariage one day last
week and had his leg broken.
Mr. Walter, near Waitsburg, W. T.,
sheared a flock of sheep last week which
averaged Sttis. ot wool to . the sheep.
Utah tiae-clay is finding a- ready and
remunerative market in CaKforuia.
Portland is not the only place that
has high water, Nearly all the bridges
iu Idaho are too short at both ends.
At a meeting ot the delegates from thf
various subordinate granges of Marion
comity, held at Gervais, Jane I7th, T.
L. Davidson, P. P. Cattleman and G.
V. Hunt were elected delegates to tin
State Grange, to be held at Albany on
the fourth Monday ot next September.
Snow tell to the depth of three fee
at Bozeman, Montana, on the 29th ot
May. The streams in that Territory
were very bigh at latest accounts and a .
(FTfat I it a i ni (iflmairn tt:us ivp i n iiu T.fv
farmers and nine!) stock drowned.
Pridee in many places had been wash
ed away and tlie roades were impassa
ble. The Missouri was expected to be
higher than ever before known.
The contract for piling and bridging
for the Seattle and Walla Walla rail
road of the several sloughs and swampy
tracts ot land lying between a point a
bont six miles from Seattle and 15 lack
river, has been let by Superintendent
Coleman to Messrs. Eaton & Webster
The length of trestle work to be con
structed by them will anionnt in thf
aggregate to nearly a mile, and by their
contract the are to have it completed
in six. weeks.
Coming iu to-the wharf at Olympia. '
tKd nfliav "I a ir nfl, a Lit rw 1 wf rw, knanl
from Wh'te rivei;,.k-wa discovered. ot
the steamer Comet, that the sparks had
ignited three of the bales, and that thr
boat had had a close eteape from de
struction. Her npperdeck was burned
for a few feet aro-ond, and the rope fastening-
the hay, had been severed. A
few moments more would have lossened .
and spread the hay, which, burning
more readily, would have soon been the
water's edge- ,
L. P. Iligteee.M. W. Grand Master
of the R. W. Grand Lodge, I, O. O. F.
of Utah, has granted a dispensation t'
all the subordinate lodges under the jttr -isdiction
ot the Grand Ixdge ot Utah to
publicly cc-lebrtUe in any proper maner-
tue jiuui.ii aiinivawary or me UHiceo
States, on the 4th day of July, 1876,
and on that occasion appear ki regalia ot
the order; provided, that at any celebra
tion, entertainment or proceedings in the
name ot the order, no intoxicating bev
erage liall be offered to tha members
or guests present on the occasion.
The Kant Ore-gonian of the 14th inst.
contained the fowlling account cf the
killing of James Gordon by David
Groums: On Wednesday last, June 2Jst
David Groonw ut an instantly killed
James Gordon. The killing took place av
Rebel eojivun on tlin Walla Walla riv.
j .
er in this county. For two or three
years a feud has existed between these
men and others over a piece ot land.
On one occasion one of the parties Ehct
at and missed his adversary, and was
in turn kj ere'y cat with a knife. Gor
don was charged with perjury in swear
ing to his residence on the land in dis
pute before the U. S. land officers at
LaGrande. and his case was examined
into by the grand jury, and since- that
time the feejiugs between the parties ha
been intense. Gordon and Groonss.
met on-the land on Wednesday whei
the fatal shooting occurred. We havo.
not the details, and. only learned
general facts. Grooms gave -himself up
to the anthtirities, Gordon was a mai.
of about 55 yean, of age and had a large
family of grown-up bys and one girl.
Grooms is a man of a large- family and
agod about 45 yean?.
A boy named Hammond, who was
hording stock near Helena, Montana, on
tlie 31st of May, was caught in a. snow
storm and perished on his way. home.
Two brick buildings will be eraeted
at Dayton, W. T., this season. That
burg is growing rapidly. ...
High water in the Powder and: Pay
ette rivers is cansinggreat inconveuierjee
to the stage company.
Brigbam Young was 75 years old oi
the 1st day of Jnue.
Ogdon is having a lively time witfj
burglars and.sneak. thieves.