The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 30, 1876, Image 6

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i" 1 .
4- ".J:
, . ' Corner JFVTV ow JPtrtt Stre&t.
Cr.e copv, one year... ;$2 50
Ore copv, si, months 1 50
TocliOwof twenty, each copy..- .J 00
senate copies. j... ...Ten vents.
Sub-wiliex onrside of Linn county will be
charged 20 cents extra $S 7- for the year as
that' is the amor.nt of postasu per annum
which wo dva required to-fstj- on each -paper
uxaiied uy ns.
Agwts for tlM KPRe"
The folio wtn n naml trrntlemen ltve auKir
tzet to receive and receipt for subscriptions
intlie Kkgistkr in the localities mentioned :
Xin. Kirk A Haiuo ....ISrownsville.
Kobert GUjss :Crawfordsville,
W. P.Smith ,,Hilsey.
. r. Tompkins .....HnrrJsbnrs.
s. H.danghton Lolmnon.
A. Wheeler A Co Shedd.
Wfissrs. Smith ft Bmsfleld Junction IMty.
.T. H. Inrine. .. - Scio.
Tas. H. Reynolds Sulem.
Faelfia '.S topers.
Capt. Charles Foyes lias been appoint
ed and sworn in as county commissioner
of Kitsap county, 'vice Jacksou, who
fcas moved into King couuty.
The Paget -Sound rivers having their
wurces in th -swow mountain are full
to overflowing, the hut weather or las-t
week having melted tlenow to an un
usual extent at this season ot the year.
Sisters Marie, Conrad and Johns col
lected $150 in Orympia ud Tnm water,
-tifty of the amouwt in tlie latter place
This money is to be sed for the main
leiaance ot the orphans at Vancouver.
David McCivrdy, of Thirty Mile
oreek,Wasco county, died on Friday last
while on his way to the Dalles. He was
fleriug with ra!ysis, and was hemp;
ijrought in by his rau to receive medical
treatment." Ilis age was 54 years.
At the meeting of the board of direc
tors of the Lane County 'Farmer.' Mer
cantile Association, held in Eugene ltJ
June 17th, an assessment ot twenty-live
per cent, was levied on all sleek sub
scribers to said company, to be paid
within thirty days. ;
The Olympia Transcript says: "The
work ot-slieen-shearing in .the.-country
is nearly finished, and -where scab lia
not injured the fleeces they are generally
heavy. Toe highest mice for wool. f
which we have heard, was 20 cents fbr
tie clip from nelock i on the Vern,
the general pffer being 17 cents. Wool
growers are in doubt as to the propriety
at accepting the otTer.'
In consequence of the contmueil cool
weather until late in ilrapritig, aid the
sudden transition from cool to liot some
I wo weeks since, the wheat crop will be
somewhat shorter thau usual in Jacksou
county. Many ot the farmers are cut
ting their wheat for hay. It is thought
the oat crop will be about an average,
A largo hay crop is being harvested in
the county. 1 -
A very queer "document" was "filed
in the supreme court at Olympia a lew
days ago by Mr. Dickens, deputy clerk
- i.if the district court at iSleilacoora con
sisting ot the papers and pleadings in
the case ot Pincus fc Pack"cher against
E. A. Light. It consisted of a dry goods
''Hx of books and papers all "attached '
by rod tape, and the ends united with
the teal of the court.
Says: the Boiso Statesman; "The
Payette river has been rising fur a week,
and is higher than ever known before.
Great fears were entertained on Mon
day that MiiieV bridge,' at Horseshoe
IJend, would go off, and a dozen men
were at work trying to protect it a
gaiust the high -water. Considerable
iamage has been done to the farms in
the lower valley, but how much is not
The Salt Lake Tribune don't have
much reverence for the city fathers of
ti,at place. It says: "As the city council
Las 'accepted an invitation to the Fourth
of July celebration at Odgen, we ad
vertise the unsophisticated ot that burg
to .keep ' their hands on their pocket-fecok.
A fln-w of wool sltcwred fewm a
Spanish buck, and weighing 36 pounds,
is on exhibition nt 8alem.
The Chinese :have onraniswl a V..
sonic lodge at .mpire,-na noia regular
meetings once a week.
The citizens in 'the lieigliborhr.orl .t .
inc iMHjwwik hiwiimwmcj i
-by subscription t remove the jams iB
that stream.
Tb? howitzors beloncing totheTerri-
tory liavebeen loaned vf Acting Gov
ernor Struve for use on the coming
Fourth at Seattle.
'rhe Whatcom Ctui'ity Agricultural
Society has called a meeting, at Sehoinp
on the 4t h of July, to take steps toward
holding a connty fair.
Work on the new steamboat in pro
cess -ot construction at Tunvwator is
progressing finely; and the 'fi n me will
be set up in a few days.
?y direction of VI. 0. Martin of th
M. E. Church South, there will be a
campmeetinghe!d on the Dixie enmp
groimd Thursday evening liefore the
second Sabbath in Jnlv.
Thos. diavner has completM ar
rangements with parties for constructing
a bridge across Rogue riverat the place
where the old Widje stood, altout two
miles above lioek Point.
On the Lnckinmnte there is -said to
be n tree which is thirteen feet across
the stump. This would indicate that j r r'om. A" the excited spectators
thcr is some very latere timlior in Polk iAve,e legmmngtu irayior theunfortnn
conntv as well as in other t.icalities. jf tall gtrl with dishevellwl blonde
. , j hair ai.d flowing night-tlvess, ran
A number of merchant in Jackson- j through the crowd, and with a triek
ville havea2reel in writing to t.lw i of "HI save her I". that arose aliove
their restiectivep'iacesofbusiiiessouSiin- H'e sound ..t crackling of timbers and
tlay, and further agree to precnte all i fallen masonry dashed into the door
violators of the law -Known as the "Sun- ! Ky. A loud hurrah that was prolong-
dayLaw "
: . (
The "Vancouver Tiidt'pi'n.-J-pnt ssys i
Mill Plain croyps look belter this season !
thau was expected. The far.ners of that I
region are learning how to work to a
better advantage than they, used to '
hence lite improvement. j
A week ago last Saturday night the j
store of A. G.' llovey, at Springfield, j
Lane county, was broken into and goods j
wires aud merchandise ot the value ot i
about $10!) carrihaway. The thieve .j
also broke into the butcher's shop -atxl j
laid in a supply of fresh meat. i
The vote for. county seat in Lakf
county st ul as follows: Linttville, 87'
Hullard's 'creek.
144; ooimny.a, j
Sprague river, It.
Drew s valley, 3; !
liirlard's rar'ch, 4'); Cliewaucan, 1; j
(liwse T ake, 17; Xo one place having j
received a majority of all the vote c-a"t, t
the county -seat will reman, at Linkville ! -
until the next general election.
. I.. . . ... . . . i
The Dalles city elot tioii fura -mayor,
recorder, marshal, treasurer, an! five
:i.. p .... !
19th, the result being, as follows: For
mayor. E P. FitzgeraM; tor "council
men. W. M. Hand, Geo. A. Lie)?. N.
U. Simiott, J..JL French, T. W. Miller;
for reeorrler, J. A. Camlell; for trar
shal, S. Klein; for treasurer, S. CtfBn.
ed by tlie deliciou lait in the ti-ap, is
rradiy caught. Tlie comtiiiied plow
and cannon is for frontier farmers, and
is intended tor mowing down jthe sav
ages. The combined trunk and lmue
is adapted to per-aoi is of small means,
aid can b? extended or contracted." as
they may have ociaiion lo use a house
or n trunk. '
The PoMjb irg PlauK'cnlei' s:vs
Jay last as Mr. A, Marks and wife were
liuiii; t.i .-minivijii iiji?v
which Mrs. Mai ks rode becank; 'fright-! wniKiiiu.OTiwvkufi.m,iit-ti mv
. i . ji i . '".ti bel vml V"i-'i tor .tirts. oicnvwn; I.Snmitf
ened,aud Jinpilg SUdr.euly to one hule j Solvesier. Hereby not ilvail wiih whom he uiav
.1 . I . 1 .-t .. .1f.ul rVw t I1e- 411'tl llt-ill in itll lnT' lit tlip.i'.iin
iniew . uwu.tii to uw Sro,,u. .v
had in her arnis at the time her -ui'aift,
which was but little over a inth old,
ami in falling it tell from her arms -and
struck it hoacl so violently w'non .the
i .1 . i-p - ' i p
gltiunu that Its lite IS acspatrcd Of.
, ...
Mr. K V: Merc'sr of Lafayett,lias a
small natch-ot voiunteer -oats betwtH-Mi
five and seven feel nigh and very thick.
T.ajst harvest' fl.ft.-r hisonts awn -iif.- Mr
J . ' V . 1 1. . VD . ( J , V .11. I. V , V.V WUW, . .
Mercer plowed the shattered grain un-
der and now has a ewond good crop
from oue sowing
j, IIon.L. F.T.anesent Mr. J. O. Booth,
; of UmjKjua valley, a fpecimeu-qiiainity (
j of barley for him to lest on Ovegoii soil!
i last spring. , The barley is now in head,
i and the straw is.much longer and the '
i neaas double tlie length ot common
(Oregon barley.- Thin "'''specimen, all
; parties who have seen
it say, is just
tj,e thing fur Ore'oii.
Mr. rooth will
save it au and exteml Ins acreage i.ext
TtTninin.orS Patknts. Among the
ridiculous patents that have bean
i granted at Washington are a trp f r
j catching tape-wi.rtns, a combined plow
j and camion, a patent ltick to b tied u
a cow's tait to keep hs, from switching
j her natural appendage, a house on rol
j ers that deaden the shock f an earth
! qirak?, and a combined trunk and house.
I i"e person actieted with, tape-worm
starves himself untill the worm, attract
The Times Cincinnati siitniial savs
thai Hayes will not probily resign his
Oiiiec as Oovernor until r-eptember,
when Lieutenant Govermif Young will
legally succeed him, the law of Ohio
heyig, if the Governorship becomes
vacant thirty days before the October
election the vacancy must he filled by
election. - . - "
A IJoiiAKTic Stot5Y. In the mid
die of the Avinter of 1838, a fire broke
out in the female semiiia-v at Timoes,
j Frarce, and sread with snch rapidity,
' that it was feared that nil the inmate
would perish. Suddenly there was a
cry that ove little girl tiad been left, in
ed to -t he who. only to be repeated:
agaui, attractca the attention ot the de-
votees, and the pale faced girl was seen
hurrying through the flames withi the
terrified child. A few days thereafter
King Louis Phillippe sent the heroine
- a gold medal fiir, her bravery, and a
captain of the French army, who had
wienesed the girl's pluck begged an
int.roJuction. ' The captain is ' now
PrefMent of France, and the bravo girl
is Madame MacMahon.
- 1
Utah lost 4,000 cattle by the late
' - mr,ymm' 1 '-
5l.'IIXli C'xtivcppss.
.lunndicf, iys;x'-,!sin
I n J iwfion . 1 vcn t crv
i'onl stoumi-h i n'u
isrcntn, t.rysM; vns.
Tnmoffl . n n 1 Sn!:
!H'iim4 Worm. imit
4ffl.niKaiia. K a Pinner
r"' Pit). B.i.i Pnrirriiiti th
lire tin" most congenial nu !'! vim
rcTtcctcl. Tlu-ir fititiu biiTilnn;H- siiVnr
lio-.v mm-u they excel ll other PMS. T1tpyHi
Httti' and pleasant to Inkc, hnt imrwfti; toctirc.
nnrsro ont tlie ton! luinmrs of i he f.loofl
siimutKle the witursri-ih i- fll.NM'rti.r--
J oi-jctn i-ito action : niri ilioy impart lieiiirh ;uhi
i tone to the whole liointr. They t-nn not on7
tiio every day omitjmnts if every Ixwly, hat
fiii-niMn'Tle it mt'lunemn lfceaxo. Mv !iiil
fitl 1iysiciaiiP. iiwst irnim.!i; cleivyiuei, itnri
oar Ixt ci; !zcn, scii'i wr.i:lt-ites ot1 cm ner
fonne'ln'1 of kiW .lwnelt1 I hey hnve ijerive.l
fixm PiiK. Tl:er a-e tin; ;ii'it ansl les"r
hyic for rliil.lreii. Tusansc r.iil'l- as mil as
eltectitiil. JIHns Miimr ooctefl. Hieynre -aT
to tkr : n'l Iv'.m puwly -vepuiobk!. they ai-u
entirclv I'armlow.
I5r. 3- f. 4YEK & t., Lowell. IZ.ix
PmcMcul Rinl Annlyltcal t.'ht i;jists. .
5S-Kd:1 ly all l;ragits mil in
Me'lictne. v Tus
I.rii;e 1'itriu for Sale or iiiiii.
K.I?M. known a' Hie rtonstinn claim-of J.
J A M. KIHotUt.
sistins; fi.".K) aoif ;
ovr don fccrw linger viilt i-
t vntvm :-lm!nm!t presnt n-eS WHsinr... i n
nil of it irniin inml h!1 ninlep rnt
Rteii.i. 1 if one of the Uf. limn
I coun'y, ami vi!l-.lie soil or rente! on fHvoi,!V
' tern. Imhiii'iv or 7iiff-limi ii.'Moiininr ifnive
d(-ri c'i (!-. -tic,ii w A- I'M L.
Mm-cti 17. ls,--mai-
I .' '"--
; -IXTyipi
K '.S mv wit. Anna Klii Swlvrstor.
f j, s -ni-m;; for nnj of !
! her AeiHs toiitidcts ir liaiMiities. i
j . Mttrrh ,-. ,K7,vW4iw' Ml''Kr sVKSrEK- i
I - w- r. j
WTANTtw-Mi nyw ihr this city amiviciu- I
i v. for the sale ot F. liriiteri-k- I'o.n
oetebrntea and reliulUu liotU rnB. iiooa ivicr
J ftux riNin51. AOitrcsn It. A. IkUlNb 11 ,
. Prist S;.. khb Fiijiic-uico, Osl. . 23 m )
i v . .
: " v i .-i ,' i
y (Uy- ; '
: iv?:iiif
J ( j. ... U.
&2ZZJ) Me, rtics. i:hv
. fiwtrl uutnsm. Krm-.tion
I - nnO Skin I 'Wwe.
WAfcr7 ..." vJui:i, t,nfy. Tt-rtcr
- . " - -
t "TS
""-rvmrnm t.., , 'LjJ
...... MmMiml 1
ft Y
c s
No time to write advertisement
this week.
Ajer's Agisc dire.
For tta Sti'Jjr fellef of
Fver nix! Ab"1 Int-rinlt-
tent - 'fr, hill i rwr.
. ... . . ...
I S I f i"-rliKlifi nr IMIiouM
LO A Jrwev, Ac, nail tHtduvl II
M , tin- llecMii- wn'n rie
4f Ij-om iiinlrlus. uinrHlt. or
inlnsmntlc ii-i. Has hecn wkteiy nsni,
.Uivinijthc lnl twn!y-flvo yejirs. in the trem
inent of tlieMt liL-Hresssiin; diicKsea, and tciili
riuch nnvarvmi; surtivss ihr.tit iais staitmil the
repntation of Ixfing infalillile. Ttie shaH"s. or
chilis, once broken bv-ii, ! not return, until
the disease iscontmctcdanin. This ha marie
it an aiviTire.'. remedv, un( trisied sjecitic
forthePevcrond ftse of tu West, uud ihe
Chiiis and Kever ol'the S.mtli.
AVer's A-ue Cttre e adicates llie iinslotis
policn from the system, and ienvc thu pu
tiint as well as ncforu the niiacU. Ii
thoroniilv espeUsthe isenw. so that no Liver
Complaint's. UliBn'.uatism, Ner.i-aijria. liysen-tT-or
1 lehility InUow i la: Hire, lirlwd. wln?re
Disordoi-s of tin- Liver nd 15ow els haveiKuriX'd
mini 101-4111. it ivnnmm tli Hiise
o: tham and they Ciupin-ar. Not only is it an
intVetiuU 1:11m, int, if . lakosi occusunmlly by
li!ients e.ixise-l io umlitiU, it will exjiel thu
iKiMinanl'pniii'ft ti lroni tttiwk. Tniv
ehersan l lempomiy residon!i?l; every and all
.-Vine lxli:.tis are Ihn eiiibM.-d lo dety tlie
disease. The General l ebi;it .which is so ant
to eivaie from continue:! exposure to Malaria
a.Ti-1 Miasm, has no sjuwdii r re.medy. Kr
5.1 ve.- 'viuillt' it -s in i..n.lelit i;iiietlj .
p .khai:i: by
Or. 3. f. AVKB A i.. Hon ell, Snw.,
Prueticitl :uid Anaivtieat tlhemistx.
SJ'rSold by all l.:-iii,'iists and i-eiuei-s '.n
Medici e.
: ; -i-nl
( (
throw it in sijrht
V s
San Francisco.
Bell Parker,
(Successors t9 E. C. Hill & Son) - .
JJavp removed tlieir str ;Ic
jPcrfamerj-, . i
. '. ; TTHet Ccoil.,
Cig-arst Tobacco,
; : 5i:3i;i., ''.
- ': 02 ts, . - :f . 1 :
. Etc.,
. To Froman's New Erick Block,
Xorth side of Fit-st. between Washingvoii and
i'eiTy stroete, where thev w ill kei.'i a
Large and Full Assortment cf Goaas
in tlieir line, ordered tliroct trom
San Francisco and tl:o 2;isi,
and feel coniidont in tnc aawrtion 4hnt thrv
wi perfiuUy ctitisty ad who cn:l ro" thein,
botb as to
Call at our new store and iio con vi need ol th.
truth of the ubove siatetnents.
Particular attention will 1C jrlveri to Hie com-
Sonndiiiftof physicianV pre-- c.rln'.ioiisnnd fimi
y rucllics, at all hours of the dvor nivjiit.
A. II. A- 1'AltUi K,
Sntx-esMirs to 11. C IllLU 4t uC.
Albany, OctolH;r 7.Vr.i;! f
Chemical Paint,
i . . . . ' '
I -
; ;,, Ooo " '-" - '
i ...
0 '