The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 30, 1876, Image 4

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13i. IIAYiES
of Multnomah county.
Foa Presidential Klkctors,
W. H. ODKLb, of Lane county.
J. W. WATTS j of Yamhill county.
J- C. CAKTWRJGIIT, of Wasco county.
New York, June 10, 1876,
Everybody isadvisingeveryhodv else
to stay away, in the consistent manner
or human nature, but nobody FponiK to
take tlie ad vice to heait. It is. true tliat
an the departments are not lit order,
and prolMibly will not b& rmih before
the fourth of July. There is enough
now to see that is of intere-t but it will
not be advisable to visit the exhibition
till after the middle ot this mom li.
Till the summer heat are over, Ph Ia
delphia is one of the hottest citie in the
Union, It ie oot on the coast directly
aa is New York and Boston, with a
sea breeze of it own to cool it each
afternoon, but is inland, and lies, shut
in from the ocean winds, no that it lies
baking in airless heat all midsummer.
The parties of country people coming
from the Centennial are apt to be cross
and wiked-looking already, their linen
dusters are soild and stringy, their
money used up jwetty closely, and the
whole part? footsore, aud tired of be
ing crowded and stared at by tine peo
ple. If there are children along, they
are fractious with fatigue and excitement,
their root liers wild with trying to keep
them in order, ti?I every woman of theui
ia willing to give bonds, if she eflll (kill,
get home again, never to leave ft for a
score of centennials. This is a picture
ot not a tew groups one ees leaving
the exhibition. I would advise that
all children of a neighborhood board
out by the etay-at-homes in turn, while
their fathers and mother go to the
Centennial. It is no use trying to nee
it with children in tow; they don't
see enough to pay them for the trouble
ot going, and their room is wanted for
older folk. Hie. youi'tj ones will
probably live to have centennials of
01 some fort when they are old enongl
not to be nuisances. ; Let tlieirvparenls
go without therfiL and take what com.
t . . 1 . . .
ion, wiey can rrom the big show; they
will in most cases be glad enough to
get home, but will have euous?h to talk-
about to lat them the rest ot thei
regular lives. j
xxvr ideas.
The very change will do people in
tne country good, by bringing them
face to face with the last production ot
civilization, and giving their ideas fric
tion with those of other nations and
classes. It takes such an occasion as a
Centennial to bring out the very folks
who need to visit fairs and. exposition,
the stay-at-homes who iiardly leave the
town they live in once ia twenty years.
They ate apt to carry home some no
tions that astonish the neighbors, oot
J so ranch with the novelty of things
tltomcaluao am ..!!. . .
...uu.tvi., ao nrH.ii ,no einiiigeuesH. OI
seeing so-and-so adopt anything fresh.
It is pleading to see alterations that
passes over wine groups as they grow
familiar with new modes and customs.
They walk about the first day awkward
and old-fashioned enough, the observed
ot all observers, or would bo if there
were not so many old-fashioned to keen
them company. The next da' the girls
have a new necktie, the boys drop, their
turn down collars for standing ones,
and they buy the old lady- a vail to
c-jver her bonnet which isn't the latest
style. Then as the linen dusters get
soiled and wrinkled, the young- men
lake courage, and finding how cheat
: . I
unung ui me o y, nine out in a
ready-made suit of neat style, and while
hey are about it, a fancy straw hat
that transforms them into a yerv pleas
ant Ppecimen of intelligent yoiin
American gentlemen, that is, presuming
them to have good manners to start
with, which most boys, brought np by
goi mothers, have, whether they be
long to country, or town.. The girls,
not to lie behind, study the way the
city gins do np their hair, aud when
uiey nua iticr home-made ptpHn
growing to. arm, venture on an em
broidered linen dress or two, ready
made, and a lace scarf to ften the
effect round their necks. They get
fresh gloves of nice color and pin their
Iresses back like other folks when the
brotliers hii.t that they would like u
see them look more lika other folks-
even the old lady, by the time she l.a
a new polonaise, to keep her long veil
company, looks quite respectable, and
when the whole party goes home, thev
lake back a notion of living and aptiear
ing better that will do them good all
tneir uves to come.
One lady tried, the virtues of citv
shojw in a veryf satisfactory manner.
Stie was quite p ain, with that straight-
haired and high-browed plainness whicl
forms the most hopeless sort of bad
looks. Mie burnt her hair off frizzi. e
it, and it would not disguise the
ity ot her. face, Even her devoted
friends wished she could do something
to make it easier to endure her looks
While in the city one day she desper
ately, went to a li road way magician, I
was going to call her, but it really is a
hair-dresser and cosmetic atrist, who
understands the art of making the most
of faces. The plain lady sat down at
me coitteur's glass and to'd her. "Do
what you can to make me look ttter.
No sooner said than done. Mie looked
in the glass more than satisfied. Bv
skiUful adjustment and a few touches
to supplement nature, she was trans
formed kito a. very tassable looking
woman, with atyle if not rjositive
The first thing her husband said to
her was, "I don't know what you have
been doing to yourself, but vou certain!,.
look better than I ever saw you." Her
friends said. "Why did vou navr
look so before ?' I0 priyate her bus.
band insisted on laving the chano-
plained to him. A dozen hair-pins
pulled out and the original homAlinoc
stood before bim. A band of soft f,i.
ral curls woven on an invisible fonnda.
tion shaded the unpleasant brow. eiv.
ing the face a softened expression, and
a braid oF hair, fine and delicately light
in weight, was added to the twist at.
the back ot the head, mafcino- ci.0t-
aad classio knot. The whole arrange
ment weighed only threa onnrM ,A
m vva
when on, defied detection. The bus.
band thought minute, lie had al-
ways scoffed ;at" toilet tricks, tint their
effect was Uk much for him.- Disci
pline must be .maintained in the family,
however, at any cost, ad twmng to
her he said with delicacy, "My dear, I
llPvav i ' ' m " h
..n. ,.Ne alr) as yoo know, but
T think you had better continue the use
of a little additional hair, till youx own
grows .t; And if I ever catch you
going without itjKj-ou may lietake your-
f j tlie Centennial for all me. ' The
wife "heard, and being a dutiful woman,
or,eyed. JMit great was the wonder
ment in her neighborhood when she
went Home, with her new coquetries, so
iiansiormed that her family agree in
protesting tliat her husband got the
oest-iookutg wife of the lot after all.
1 hey agreed,, on the theorv of
taray deveUpment to solve the mystery.
Her. husband keeps the eet well, and
when queti6,.ed on the subject only
"m.' ium ueau.
Since last weak I have Wn in Tl.--,
ion. i was in hold's tn 41..A u
city in tetter condition than New York
uo uisappiiiiiei. iS'ew Jiugland
is even, flatter than 7Cur Y..ri- ...i
ttierc is more mourning, and with better
reason. The manufact
st;keii with gtxids, the' hands are idle
and eating no the aii-iimiilml.w. ..e
mer years, the mercantile interest is con-
- . 1 . I
.-wi-iiuy as nai as it. can Iie,anI every
fhMly is dltMiranrmt. ,,, ,.
- . ' .lit?
heaviest in the city told me
that his sales,, wholesale and refail, did
not anviii.t to 300 ner duv wl.Lr.1, !
something K-s t,an the. Hail.r
exn uf hi store. When the bN.k
trade goe j lN'ew England, there
is not much hone for n.,'i,;.l
There is very little buil,Jig g,ing on,
no new ei.tern;i-es uro o,.t,.raA
there is a universal feelinsr of rfpi
tlieakiiifir of dfnrMuii tl. ti.:i.. ji
.hia:.s feel it just as badlv as th .tl..
cities. 'I he! line I . . -
pr.Kluctive as it was expected. The
noieis restaurants and bars are doing
ell, but the trade tht it. lL'QI AV .tv.l
to briiif fiat, in. . -
come simply to see the CentenniaL and
..o. wo ouy So,8, aiKi tiiey see it and
go away. The sea.hoar.l S.,; ...
- . J w "nvn acr Mil-
tonng. and I fear they are to suffer tor
Blaine's mamiifu-ent fitrht v,
i t. , . . .
.".ij n neijiea . mm wonderfully.
The pluck with which he met his ass ail
ants, the skill with whu.h i.a ..-. i
. - Hll
ilieir iruiiR utmu hmfiuitiu a
audacity with which he indicted bis.
nave maae n.r bim lKts of
irit-naa iNew y0rk has got a tremerU
ous admiratio.t for Ulnii.. c... .
, .v, . a w
pie do not lielieve him guilty of caiini-..
nalitv, and thev admire him C,r ,
tempting to hide his nrivain Kn-;..
fr..m .1 - I 1 . .
! iiig oil OIIC V1CW- if ;
:n . .. ....
-i"'"'!; ri'ii.v. Tor mora iv .. ;..
teresta trainetl body of fmliticianH and
the best out side itewsnat . l.
State. But Wa.bbume lmm nn
kci " oijisier, auu wnen iew Ytirk.
leaves i oiikiu.g, as 1 believe it wit
finally, he will get a fair vote from lice
. iaie. tie mane nosta ot rr ,a. i- ;..
r. . - - - - - -..v.v. 1 I 1
arts, and his record Is a .r.uwt ... o:.
ir in mm. it WutlKl not tvn ti.,.,.. .
if he slniiild eventually be found to be
.iic vi'uiinir man. iiavott in .iu,i k.
ft."o. iwre, aim iiiorton is innim
W hen New orfc.. breaks mm O.i.kl
ing the State will si.lit.
The democracy are
moralized. The vigorous fight that the
Express is making on lildeu makes his
...oo.inon mil oi me question, and as
i oi k is nara money to the core,
-.c ooinu.aiioii oi any western demo
crat, unless it should be 'Thnrman
would be very distasteful. Repub-'
iieaus, see that vou imniMiii ...a
4 V-V
man, wid., you can carry New York
with ease.. The demrvrar a-..
coudition to make a fight, and thev can
lie beaten easily if there is anv wisdom
shown in the campaign: -
In the citv is fearful dnlt Vbilw ti,...
ever before. There i
Broadway that will sell for mortgages,
and rent are going down, to nothing.'
liottom has not yet been, touched aa
bad as it ia, Rents have gone dowa
5 percent., and are till declining. The
weather is fearfully hot, and everybody
feels the dead, lany m.r that hot weather
anu tiuu biibtneso always bring,
J:1etko. '
Ye'vo had, (says Uohokiis") an
insn i ah attla hotel; and t ha girls and
lxvys were all there. Supper was announ
ced at sharp 12 o'clock. Mi Gradv
the- belle of the evening (from Paterson)
was approaehed by one of the beaux
with the question; "What'il yez have
fur suppe r?, iure, it's a quail on toasht
and somi fried oysihers I'll have.?' "No
ye'll not either. Ye'l! take baue soup'
like the resht, or ye'll rise out of that
and give your sate to .Mary Ann. That's
wnat ve'il do."
, A gkeex. young man from Cbnnecti
cut, who went to New York in ai.swe
to a matrimonial advertisement, am
nfterwauls wrote home lht he'd "I
come engageil to a beaiitifitl young lad'
of wealth and aristocrat ic eonneciions,'
surprised his friends by suddenly return
ing crest-fallen aud "alone. .."Where'.
y.urwi'?" was the general inquiry
" The fact is," said he "as we wen
waitin" tor the clergyman td come am
marry is. police olficers eaiue in and ar
rested my girl forstalingand I thought
it best to postpone tlve wedding a litt c
The eo:sstin7 trad on IiTr-r. S, .hm.i
this year ia much wnal er tlku ever be-
We p--offer ititormatioii to tH8 eitJr-
of the K veningW; of whom a corfes-!
, . .j.uirn TTiij menj wnota
mofnhig' Iayer forchiHlren eornespond. !
ingxo evening petition;' Now I lav
me-dowu to sleep.', Tfcerel is such a
moriuug prayer, and this is it:
Now L wake aud sae the light.
'Tis od has kept me all the night.
To Fiim I lift my voice, and J,ray
Tliat lie wilhkeep me all the day.
New Y.k;. 'Worid? .
Some'delver in forgotten h,r !-.'. i
i - "' . ' . ' - j
uisoovereu -that-- Victoria L. kh
signs h erself; is the secone.1 Empress
England has. had, and that the iirsi,..
oddly enough, Iwre the same name a-
ner present Majesty, while no interve, .
?ng spvereigu was initwial in title or
nourished m 1,600.
EKUYf.K. Tloo nnd Koe lifr.3.t door
nwf nf 8rKTN wiir-liou-e. i Iwhvh on
lianr to do wnrL- bl ri'tttu .n . 1 .... t.. - .
nice. -",iV,;.na
I-Ioiifae and Sifix Painter,
ente of 2. yearn in the lminBw in the Kant. I
Siion on First street, next door east of tjiarlr
v yatt. . mvh
Opposition is the Life of Tnufo
TT F. M i RUA& luts opened an nmcalh tho
f rtrot th Post .ttiop. on flroaaaibia Si
where hn will keen on hand lor nale
Lime, I'lnntr, tpmrnt,
ami "Sand Banka," of best qa iiie. at loirest
rai?- IAV1D MOUttAN.
Albany. March 17, 78-a6m3
PROMPT Delivery, at Urin;
SSlltCK. ;'
nt?AiVIX.Gobon!rht om ,h Sell vsry bnsina oS
Rl: V,e,w1s Snm.n. 1 bBK k-ave to iiinonnw i
lnecltlcnaand bnoiness men of Alinnv, that
i i , w rirww nnujiui wacron
STe ai l PPy' SerVe a" " '" b'ivS
rnubTrraT ta to a.
( tnldlV rtlo w l.n . . . . . n. . - ...
Parker "l ''r'lB oiore oi lien n.
The boys of CaiK-mah. last week r,f
ir. ... ...
suck on tl.e tail of a troiib'esorm
ow and started her for the r..t.....;i
tareful mathematicians estimated that TTtTCi m ram, aa tm
if she held the gait at which she sfA, sO U A S THEM
wou,u reaan Philadelphia in abou,
A ' ' a
n exciiange says: "New VorV
i. 3- : 7. .
duies wear iHttii)g1ut tint rtn U.
. . . iwr j
Ana unless the brim of the hat! is at
least tour feci deep, and turns down ail i
around, we should think a modest man
would want to leave tiat city.
When man and woman has attained
their complete development, lliev weiirh
almost exactly 20 times as much as at
their birth. whilA tlIr ,.. ; i .
r ....... -.-'..! J ii. 4, OO U
three aiid one fourth times greater.
WJioevet has gono through miMh of
life must remember that he has thrown
away a great deal of useless uneasiness
upon what was much a Dure.
neimion than reality.
Jliss Snsan B. Anthony, say-' man J
enjoys all the luxury there L in mar
riage. I here's selfishnes w,... .
married lecause she can't have all the
fun to herself. '
H" ,.5T f:?TKn A LARGE 8H1P-
l.ill and BrealTcast w jrieUoiublal
Jllroct from the fartory. am now nfferinv
it 5rnin(.5nCPred '
us uku equauy well aa a .
EM-iH or Broadcast Seeder.
Rrr.y nped torr1-
SonoTwi Z,,L 'mcK1"nn soon, cornerof
Second and JUlswortU atrects, Albany, Oregon.
Marcn 31, 1S76-M
Osgood and Drew, a speaker and a
singer, have formed a couartnersliin f.,r
temperance revivalism on the Moody
and Sankey plan. They have started
out, sueee-sfully , Massaclmsetta.
"There is a philosophy in ladle
nats, paya an exchange. Yes: it common.
I ces at live dollars and runa u to .rtw
' JJeats all how expensive philosophy i.
Startling discovery of a little three
year-old-"Why, pa, there's a bole in
your nair."
The King of Holland has given $400
toward the erection of a Dutch church
in New York City. '
A Russian prince, who spent his
fortune in his early youth, is employed
at the Centennial Exhibition grounds as
r stake driver, at $1 75 per day.
Lebanon Hotel.
IlttlZlZJ"mlhci hronKl,ont. The
7""v" !"?o leave for Alfcanv at. 7 oV ock
gneataortbohou: "at,erl XJ.h :
Barber laop J
. !j"iwm A lrv inj3.1iar-.
who Wl-h,. X . ' r?'l o meet all
raironMB.k.r.K"L','-..Jn "
na , j. "J .-io!e aiientlvn to bnsi-
iit m iuii PHppjv OI
FfrfamArT ami m.-. ak- t
m aasortment in town. Come' and see
Albany, Or., February tt, I876-gv8
"B,,ptor,re wsystlnsr between John Foster
t" ,h,u,lhlf,'' ' liiolved
irii ' "i partus, Jolin
rTlrt i- , r. "'mnw ooretotoro
Li1 ,"t!n1,.n orlemanfl of any peron of
d ir,i"v,J'J' th? J1'1 Jamea II. Foster.
S?i I??'?- an- dalms, debts or liPtnatiila
fro" R!v tnon or persons, or to
We bT.L0Lnpr '? J- - Foster A Co:
FnXt-!S'd d 1"-t said James H
roater, who wlU cohwt and reoein. f..r the
me' J. II. FOSTtW.
AprtH9,187. JUN,OSTln3S
paiHhotlaftoy?'MelTM ted.mnat