The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 30, 1876, Image 2

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" " "'
Tlio National Democratic Convention
assembled in St. Louis qii the 27th
John a McClernand, of Illinois, was
elected permanent President of tiie Cour
vc-ntion. Fum tl.e telegraphic reports,
the delegates have no idea that they
can place in nomination a ticket having
any show to lieat Hayes and Wheeler,
-and therefore there J no. eutlmsiaMn
" The next President, Gov. Ilnyes, of
Ohio, has thrice been elected. Governor
of his ttate, each time runnii. against
the most popular Democrat that could
be found in the State. lie was twice
elected to Congress, where he served
liis constituents well and a.blv. Now i
he is the Republican candidate for the
highest office in the gilt of the people,
and he will certainly, be elected to that
Count one for the women! Old
Connecticut has cut the Gordiau knot
that tied the women down to silence, or
at least tied them so that they could
not vote. The House ot Representa
tives ot Connecticut has passed- a bih
allowing women over twenty-one year
of age and possessing property to th
:unount ot five hultdred dollars, to vot
in'scbool, borough, and town elections
Now will the Senate pass the bill ami
will the Governor sign it ?
A young lady from. this cjty, who at
tended the Cincinnati Convention, write
that there were seven hundred and fifty
five de'egates in attendance, and that
there were about 5,003 spectators pres
entonly those having tickets (other
than delegates)heiiig permitted to en
ter the hall where the Convention was
held. The excitement after. the ballot
ing commenced .vas tremendous. After
the final ballot, and Hayes was declar
ed the choice ot the Convention, the
hall was the scene of the wildest enthu
siasm, delegates and audience joining
in cheers and shoots that entirely drown
e4 the music of the brass bands in at
tendance. It is generally conceded to
bave been the largest and most enthusi
astic Republican Convention that , ever
At the outbreak ot the war, Gov.
Haye was appointed Major of the 23d
Ohio Infantry. For bravery and meri
torious service he was severally promo
ted to a Lieutenant Colonelcy, Colonel
cy, Brigadier Genera'cy, and. iu 1S64,
for bravery at Fisher's Hill and Cedar
Creek, he was breveted ;Major General.
As a soldier he was one of the bravest
and mostdaring,winning laurels wherev.
er Le went, j In the spring -of 1865 he
was given command of an . expedition
against Lynchburg, and was preparing
to cross the mountains of West Virgin
ia when the' war was brought U a close.
Officers Elect. At the regular
meeting of Albany Lodge, No. 4, 1. O.
O. F., Wednesday evening, the follow
ing officers were elected ; P. . HV Ray
mond, N. G.; Jas. K. Weatherford,
V. G. ; J. II. Burkhart, I L Seel ; Geo.
F. Simpson, p. Sec, ; A, M. Iioop,
Treasurer. ,
"Any good reliable Democrat, re
marks the Mobile Register, "can carry
Missouri ; but what Democrat-can car
ry New York? That is the question."
The Italian circa . is At Portland,
. Zieading this way.
On Wednesday, as the telegraph in-
forrqsos, Samuel J. Tilden, ot New
j Yctk, was nominated as the Demo
cratic Presidential candidare, on the
third ballot.. Mr. Tilden is probably
tlie strongest man the Convention could
have nominated out of the Democratic
party.. Immediately after nominating
Mr. 'lilden, the Convention' adjourned
n:ii il ThiTi-wlay, when a candidate for the
Vice Presidency will be nominated.
VV ho this will be remains to 1k seen.
If the telegraphic reports ate to re-
ceive credit, the proceedings of the Con
vention wero decidedly inharmonious,
the majority shown g anything but fair
play to the minority.
The platform is entirely too lenctliv
for our eo'utnus to-day we will try
and give it room in our next. It is
very distasteful toa large number ot the
delegates, who already predict the utter
annihilation of the men put upon it. In
fact it is a kind of ' double entendre.
capable ot almost any construction to
suit the views of the citizens of the difl
'brent sections of this great country.
We are not disappointed in either the
nomination or the platform. No mat
ter who is tacked on to the ticket will
rrden, Hayes and Wheeler will be th.
next President and Vice President of
the United States, just so sure as there
is an election.
The diptheria has been prevailing at
Seattle, W. T., for some weeks, proving
very fatal. Hy it Mr. John Denny lost
four children in three weeks, and many
other families, felt its fatal embrace
W last arc-nuts the disease was assum
ing a milder form. Poor sewerage
one ot the causes ftl e peva ence ot'tlie
Physically, the nest President, Gov.
Hays, is a powerful man. He weighs
ISO to 190 pounds, and, his friends say,
ho can jump any fence he caii place his
hands on He is also a splendid horse
man, a crack shot, and , can swine a
scythe with any Granger of the conn-
Delegates in attendance on the St.
Lous Convention tredicted that it was
the last National Democratic Conven
tion that would ' ever be . held. Well,
to sjieak the unvarnished ' truth, there
was blamed little use ot holding the one
on the 27th.
Tire President has nominated Albert
M. Wayman, Treasurer of the United
States, vice New resigned, and. Wm.
P. Titcomb, of Massachusetts, Assistant
Register of the. Treasury, ,
1 m m
A fellow. appeared in the San Fran
cisco police court the other day, broken
out with small pox. There was a scat
terment of that court at once and hur
riedly. Hon. Jas. H. Foster, and . family ex
pect to return to this city about the
first of August. From lettees received,
we learn that tbey have been enjoying,
a splendid time while visiting in the
Eastern States.
Twenty-four thousaud five . hundred
and' twenty-six:, idiots . in the. United
States, not counting in. those ii attend,
atice at the St. Louis Convention.
A man has invented a shoe sole that
will not squeak. It is made of dried
apples, and in wet weather it gets thick.
er on its own account.
Mr. Edward Goings, miller, of - this
aty, and Miss Clara,. Botcher, of Syra
cuse precinct, were married on the 25 th
ioat .Bully for Ed.
Just before going to press we learn
that Gov. Hendricks, ot Indiana, is the
nominee of the Louis Convention
for the Vice Presidency. , As between
Hays and Wheeler, awl Tilden and
Hendricks, Oregon will cast her electo
ral vote for the two first named the
Republican nominees.
Our Democratic friends employed the
band and burned some owder, and had
our long.faced Governor on for a speed
i lnst "''-Xht, but with all their efforts the
Democratic heart wouldn't fire there
wan t anything' to enthuse over, and
the "leaders" couldn't make the rank
and rile see it in any other light. T e
Democracy never put in the field a tick
et which they at least the better in
formed of that party looked upon, as
so hop lwS f o'ection as the preseu.
national Democratic ticket.
Seven States will have their electioi
before the presidential vote is cast it
Novemlier. These are Arkansas, Yci-
niont aid Maine in Sep'embtr, ano
Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia aim
Georgia in October. Pennsylvania
winch formerly gave the .key in Oetoliei
no.v holds her state election in Novem
ber. If any one ever doubted the unfitness
of Democracy to rule, the doubt must
have been dispelled bv this time. Si
months' control of the House of Iiepre
sentatives proves Democracy to be little
batter than an imbecile iu the manage
ment of pnb'ic affairs. While the in
dustries of the country are languishing
tor needed legislation, nothing bas been
done to revive them.
A Big Game of Draw. Recently
in Washington, John Chamberlain, Un
well known turfman, and a metnljer o
a great London banking house, quietly
set down to a little game ot "draw."
The game soon became interesting, and
was. prolonged thirty-six hours. Lhau-berla-n
got up from the game winner to
the tune of $140 ,000.
Raise a charge against a -Republican
official and the news will travel from
Maine to California before the ink is
dry. Investigate the charges and find
them 'a'se, and the news of the acquit
tal travels with snail-like pace to d .
tardy justice where injustice has been
done. How true the old snying, 'a he
will travel around the globe while truth
is pulling on its boots."
Prominent delegates to the Demo
cratic C onvention aro already predicting
the defeat ot Tilden and Hendricks.
They predict that New York will give
a rousing Republican majority and we
do not doubt the prediction.
Mr. Sam. Hannah, collector of cus
toms for, the Portland , district is re
ported dangerously ill at his residence
in Union, Union county.
We have been requested not to say
anything about the. picnic at Ilackle
man's grove on the 4th, and wo won't,
as most evcrybody,.is going to Portland.
It -is thought the Senate will yield
on the appropriation bills, and the
wheels of Government will not, there
fore, be stopped.
Weather fearful hot in the Eastern
cities Sunstroke is of frequent occur
rence, and mad .dogs are rather numer
ous. . : "- "
The famous . impeachment trial of.
Warren Hastings, before the British
Parliament, lasted eleven years.
According to a correspondent of' the
I etaluma (( ai.) Arjia?, in the redwood
country, about twen'y miles from Peta
luma, resides a' family who have a little
eight year-old girl who has two wpII.
developed aid perfectly 'formed heads
ana necks, j ie nnite at the
point where they joi the backbone, and
from that point downwards, apj.arei.tlv
it is the body of one child. One head
s called Dollie and the other O lie, the
first having rich brown hair, dark hazel
eyes, and is a brunette, while the other
has auburn hair, fair skin and bine eyes.
The two heads can converse on dillerent
-ubjects at the same time, and both are
well informed and inte'ligent. This is
a most marvelous cast, and it is strange
that nothing has ever been heard of it
A IXiren FImIs.
We give twelve g od points-why the
Uqmiihcaii party shonl.l I preferred
o Democracy. A hundivd eqnal y a
;od could be given :
1. It represents the intc'iigente and
yalty ot the i.atim .
2. it is the champion of free educa
tion, and an advocate of the rights ' o'
3. It preserved the Republic i the
ace ot the greatest rebellion of mod
tii times.
4. It restored through its legiida
iive wisd.m-lhe SouMiem States to
r- all their former rights ai.d privileg
es in the Union. - ,
5. It abolished slavery.
6. It made freedom universal.
7. It settled the vexed San Juan
boniidary question. . , !
8. It obtained 15.000,000 from
England, and se ttled amieab v the Ala
bama depredation question.
9. It gave to the nation a good na
tional hacking system.
10. It has paid nearly $600,000,000
'fthts. national debt ,
11. It built the Pacific railroad.
12. ' It has opened a pr fitable com
merce with Eastern nations through fa
vorable treaties.
The .fire of 7,000 cannon at Gibralter
can be concentrated upon any hostile
vessel that attempts the jasMige of the
. .-
Eastern journals announce 'that
Blaine's friends are alarmed about bun
fearing sof.ening of the brain.
The Derm rats were to have a rat
ification meeting last night, to be ad
dressed by Gov. Grover.
As tlia deli very wagons don't propose
to nui on the 4th, you, had better lay
iu a supjly of grub on tl.3d.
A note from Umatil'a, dated June
23d, sayss Weather delightful,with oc
easionl showers. A son ot Reuben Oliv
er, who lives in Happy canyon, was
kicked by a frightened horse recently,
whereby his leg was badly broken. He
was alone at the time of Tthe accident,
and was forced to crawl two miles ere
he met rolief. The noonlA t his Akiln
f "j--w -rm V 111 VV Ull
ty are gc-ing to celebrate the Centennial
on ine esuws. i tie omceis of the
day are: Prsident, Dav. QoSinan; mar
shal, Thos. Itobbins; orator, J J. Blev
ians; rescler of Declaration, Miss Annie
Mendenhall. Grain good; business dolL
The white miners ou Jackass crecjc
have commenced outraging the Chinese
miners on that- etream by burning cabins
and stoning tnpm from and taking pos
session ot tnetr-cJaims. Yesterday a com
plaint was entered bv the Ohi'noco
a man named John Miller had . shot a
Lhmaman and wound en him in the back
and a warrant for his arrest was placed
in the hands of the sheriff for service.
Owing to continued illness in the ed-.
itor's family, and other causes, he is de
sirous of "talking a walk," and will
therefore sell the Kkgistkk office for
about halt what it is really worth. H
is a complete news and job office. It
you mean business, come to see ns.
'Hie KeonhHcan nHrfr nf nim,, i..
vention :iss-rnbl(tf. makes this oVcla ration
ot lt. principles mid Mlicv :
Itemlred. 'i'liar in tlii Centennial year of
our devfftion to ihose fuinlame..tal prfiict-
rAixa in,.... ...I.I. I. a. . ... 1
,... , .,,. u niiu-u me repumic ainl ttie ite -nuuliui!i
nartr w,i immii.i t...... '
:. ----- ...... .... ... iiiviii.
these sire : .
1. Unwerv!nn fi lHta- tn. t!,' ."..t...
tioii and the penetnky of the Union. ...
2. the preM-rvatioii ot the liht-rtjes ami
equal rialm of all citiz. ns thronnhout Hi
nation, null rii iimii-ii..i o,t.t..: .
- ." l-. Li... rifiioif ni
the Jaws in every part of the conn try. for.
Ii.m i-vi urn lino einnreetneut of public
hih private rights ami the pnnUhment ot
- 3. Pnrend vuounmiil adinhiNtration
of every department of the goernniMir.
Mate and national, nud we pkii-ri. the sno
mrt ot the KrpHhlicaM pnrfv to nfl meas
ures honestly pninosed and wisely design
ed to pmtnore the moral and material pros,
perity of the people.
4. That a well instructed people alone c
be permanently free, it is therefore essen
tial that the public school system shall Ue
maiiit lined in onh-r that everv child mav t
receive neh e.lm-ttio.! as will fit hiiTi tar
Useful Htizen:)iii. m,.l
r" ic iiiMturmun
opposed to any division of public, scliool
mi mi; purpose wnarever.
5. 'Vh:it whili tv. hki It, i.ufn. ..r
enne for the support of the general govei u-
"reu uuiict upon imports, sound policy
reumres siich miiiKi,i,..t ,.r ri..u i.. .
. v.i.jg ,iiiirvl3
as to encomnn ri.w i,.,.i.. ........ K- .i... ..
dustrial interest if tlie whole country, ami
c i-uiniiieini mat pnltcv of national eis
ili.nifre which secures to the working men
lilwrad wages, to agriculture remunerative
prices, to mechaiiifs and iiiannfai titrer an
Milenujite rewHifl for K.if oLiii i..i. i
. . - ... c-n.i., iiiiivi rrilii
enterprise, and to the nation coiouurcUl
liKPsfirni mm liuiepeiuieiice.
6. That tlH heKt lnrnt nf n
of every eondition and pursuit imperative
ly demand the ppefdiett return to a specln
basis of values snd enrrenvy. and we hail
with ffratiriiiition tin, M-r r u i... i.n
Coiigress .li lniiteiy providing for tht end.
... mi c are in mvor or oiitiring pros
ecution and iii.iUlii.iu..r r.t ...,i,n..
and crime, straw-bidding ami speculation '
... v...,.., " ... ir,er cxisiina. Htin we reijeat
the iiijinictioii.-it unguilty man escine.'
8. Y p flfttiuiifl rlifir .nt:.....i ...... i
, . :: , ...... viiiiui-
oates shdl lie men of tried integrity, who
la-ill I'M --.' v,, .v.: . ... i: . ..
j iHiu-ji oi reiorin. antl
var!rVe ,,,vl",i,tc- tIie S"-'111 rw-ults of the
0. We armicrii Hip nmuni n.. .t..-.
- . . (...-....uiMii-Huinini.
tratlou and its snpjvoiters as corrupt and "
pmfligjite. They have robbed the cotii-
mini; mey nave Ueen guiltv -nartiznu
leirisliitinn tliv lm
r.. ... , J v. c-tHii-i-UI'tJU
our parrimoiiy m lands, and heaijed upon?
-a j-..,- . over uvo in airrct viola-,
tion of the coiistiiutiou.
If ew To-Day.
Neatly executed,
Cal! a th Register Office
Pictures and I'lcturc Fiamcx.
WnnM ,n.AH.u i. ik. .i - ...
rf I ICTljKfc. RA I ICS to slmrt nntire
Piclnn framntl. ant old framea remnant Mo
lit hiH omco on First. Btreot, mn ilmr -t nf
nwuuiiiiii, ami iun . "ill orvi,r
From this date until farther notice, I wil wu
Stoves & Ranges
, - FOR CASH, :
Allmny,t). 00,1871-13