1 U -. ; LP timer "i US VULUMK VIII. f ;V; , i-. ALHANY, ORKGON, JtJJJK: 30, 1876. .- : j ..... . BUSINESS CAilDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Ketail Dealer in . , BHYr GOODS, CLOTHING, BOOTS & 8EAP28S & f13VuS, VVAGDfiS, SMLGYS, SEED DRILLS, B30AD03T SEED ETC. All-, my. Oregon. Terms : n2C St. .'Charles Hotel, t wr iuMainUK nnu irst t ALBANY, OREGON, Slaiiftews' & Morrison, PFOf:UHTOriS. - nne n-wly furnishol throushont. The wsi the market aUVir lKaiwajs on the- ta'ole. . i'ree oat-it to and roiu Cic 3toa;, ' 1 "-- .' -IVa.fr In - 'u 1 1 . "lot:iU(Si -''Kit't Hiid Slsava. 23t. (Irwr- Wailpaixeir, V.oou ant 1VilIw I "-licS Cutlery, &c., ire., f n'.d Tery low eii hr for rash, or to prompt 'pav R33 iu cuioioers on time. v7 Furniture Varercoms. FRED TTATIN'fi mufVias...! t XX Ooliar in the m!e ft he entire interest, of . ?!e favniinre business, W. return li !b.-knks tu raiTi tr.it x (..oliar. in fM.Jct-3 thi- Iwtmrliiniiv the vitizens of Ailmny im t viyinivy wuo have Uj.-I him in the juint -f'V 1 1 ' 1 TV nil " " t ll 1 b in , an-1 resiwc fully ask a nituro kent on luiu iau. . kso an stinasoi inr .1 mauufatnreii toorrier lit fowest rHt.9. , Ai'jauy, Sov. 13-vSn8 i'aitiri'; and Sluing 5SuS2dii;. TVETna CN-PERsixEr beg leave to amionnue to tht ci!iK!n- of Albany antl sorromvlins: country that, having supplied our Tssilveswiin the nece-wry uiachitieryfor-rais-ia-an.'i renovinic bnillins. we ure read vat all time to rex.t;ive oniers for mtcli work, whieh we will do it sliort or ter at lowest raie. We (rnarantee entire satisfaction in all work under lken by us. Order left at the Registes ofEce promptly atttmtedto. Apply to. t Mik BAXTT, ALLEN & CO." fr.. .April 2. Is.' 3. ... 2gv7 AEDWAES! 305TS, til shw nnd deserlp rlons. A general !$8ZLP IAESil- Mfimeuf. - , .,, !vss Ticware, i'amps, Kose. Til . C53B3r, Zinc ani Sieei Iroa. ' on uand for sale. ' , w CnCCERY WARS,,, The larjrurft and most complete, assortment in - the city. f.- ."It-fnis"S done neatly, t abort notice, ai.ii WA1UIA.MTID. .f. G8APWOHL First street, Albany, Oregon. r . nS7v8 II (13 NI'X eryireea 1 1 iauie I i AK. IIAHSIIALL, Froprletor. j.riAr;f. 7:tf;ciKs, hacks saijlk or.-i-ti n ti on re:isrnable twms. t :-e-s tiottri'd ;y the uuy or week- m vi'5'1 hitv3 xi.tii- of (be Kavest ria ever tnrn-e-intf ol it live-y fctiibU; in Alinny. !:iT' i i li A litsls.' and camarje furnished for fa-tii-; , . -v- . f ttive mc a t.;i when you vrnnt to rwlp. - AXSS. MAIiSHALL. FRSEftDS! CIT2ZEENSS!! " COUNTRYMEN i n LEND US YOUR TRADZ ! TK If VE JUST OPENED OUT A SKW ku4 inu tuwiriiatiU( (X GROCERIES, . PROVISIONS, c, in Dr. Tate" new brick. First street, whom we would Ins plrtiaeti to serve you wilb. anv thing in our line Our s ouk, was selected in San Francisco, by 31 K. JOHN' BARROWS, well known in this city, and w feel safe in Ouaranteelng satisfaction to all wlio Javor us with their fat miiaac. ' We will endeavor to keep on hand a full sup ply ot 1 Fresh Vegetables, i" their season, at all tine. Vonure invited ; call am) seen". ... . 1 i-IK A" TATE. Albany, May 5, Ve-23 - D. K. X. CJ K, ATTORNEY ATT LAW, , miOWXSTLLE, LIN JT CO.. OGX. pn!S"V ATTi:TlOS GIVES TO AIX a iiyjt"V7ts. 22v9 . W. .WILCOX, Homoeopathic lhysician. OFFICE with Dr. . if. Griffln, First street, Altiany, Oregon. feTChronic. diseases a specialty. , AivS povvj-:r.L & fuxx, Altoraey A- C'onatvllor a t Law and o . t , Uciloru in ( anuvrry, Albany, Otejroti. Collect ioaa. xnade uui in veyances jmomptlv uiietuted to. - it i XV. JS; EASLA3I, ' - ; JiATE OF XfCRIOAJt) ler-olistnt Tailor, KKEi'P always on hand rioeskinii, Casimeres Vest i;;s, etc., a larger and iericr stock titan ever licfore broushf to t his marker. Cats and mnfces to order all stylesof Clot bins for llHin km) 1V4. nr. i-.-.ii. . : i.. i .. , . . ilco, KWtlltlf teeing S!tlSf!U.TK)0. Shop on First street, jiest door to t:ity Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O, Smith. ava . DR. rz PLUmmBR, DK.UG..GIST, : Pure and Fresh ; DRUGS Am MEDICINES'! Oils, ; ' Eerrumer!c, y , Toilet Article IBOiHXS AM) SnOlXDES BJt4CS. Prescriptions carefully filled. ' ,8-13 Ticxv litllnery Store! MRS. D."STEVENS, HAS move.3 Into the store recently occupied i)y Mrs. O. C. knali-sl). on First street, ad Joimnif the City liruj Store, where she has opened out her select stock of Fasblonable Moclt of Slilllnery 3ooda. TTavInpr hart rranv years of exrerience in the ninlmery busimswin the Ejt. Jim. Stevens be lieves she can fcivethe fullest saitslaciion toail who jctve her their rmrronatre, and would there fore respectfully solicit a share of the same. -. MRS. . 8TKVKN3. Albany, Nov. 19-v8n9ml - " 'r - ' '.'.'', -: CROCERIES a PROVtSlOKS. NEW STORE! KEV GOODS ! JUST OPEJEI, in the bnildlnsr on First St., east of Ferry (lately occupied by II. Weed), anewaadtieshstock o . Gh?oceries, Provisions, tc. which I offer to the citizens of Albany and sor roundin!; country at fair living rates. . I projiose keeping a rood mock of ev ervthinjr m nij-Jine, in its season, and res)iectfuily astc tlie patronage of thecitizens of Albany and vi lromisin low price and tair dealing with, all- , - ' J. H. HALLEY. March S, IS7C-34V8 . . , S. C. STOHB, bi. .; - Physician and Surgeon, TmCtt-XSyiLLE, OKEGON. . , OFFICE At tlie Siru Store, . 27V8, Btex&o Interests The Souk f tJe frcnHidve Nan. O, jt-s, O, yes, Tin a Wfenoltivo man, A very nneoimn.only sensitive man; ( I rip am! I swear wheitwver I can. Bus I'm an aucommoiitu sensitive man. 1 rush to the aepof.Jftit and I niar; I fceWow. Muster. I eaiMo no more; i t prance and I snort. I rip and 1 tear; I t!aine a fanilango, ami so(i;-tiine- I swear. Which tnakfs all the Innocent emigrants ! stare: Bt still 1 maintain, and deny it yon can't, Tim I'm Albany's timid and .sensitive Il-mt. C. W. Officehs Klect. Orgeotia Kucnmp miit 2io. 5. I. O. O. F. bi-t Friday nir!'.t Seeted tlie foiowig officers for the next t.nii. commencing with July: Jie Web W. C V; Coll. Van Cleve. H. P; Oonra.l Mryer. S.W; Enef CtV-ter. J. W; N. Baum. Scribe; R, ii!tnlflrl Treasurer. W The nomination of have for Presi des j ;ives assurance that tlte country is s;ite. ml a Wheeler (not of KeVYork", hut of Sii-ltU proposes to cmttirt ji4k)Ti)jfa square twMiiu'Ksou a narrow msrgin t profit Tor iwly pay. all uiay he iwppy yet. -Let tti h:i"e peace" and prosperity. Dr. Whitney, hrother of onr worthy ISrri et Attorney, who arrived Iiere last wt'k from Philttdylphia, where he has been rtteivling a thorough coirtse of medical W-tty.-es. started on a jaunt' to Alsea Res r vaiionoti Monday. The Dr. will locate "! here m Oix-;on for - the practice ot . is profession. $ Aa most everybody is fitting up their premises or putting up r.ow buildings, 5t becomes desit.ible to know where the best anil cheapest paints are to he had. Aver II "s paint stand high wilh those who have used it, and yon em get any color yoti wish, the genuine Averill paint, already mixed ready to he put on, at A Carothers A Co's drug store. 1 ChasGES IV. C. Tweedale ealctilates to move into bis store now occupied by Dr. Lister, on First street, in about two week. The storeroom a t present occupied by Mr. TweedaTe, adjoining the-RGiSTER office on the west, will be occupied by tlie gentleman who recently purchased the building, with a stock of general merchan dise. . Job work lias been quiet "peart" dnring the week, keeping us as busy as we could well be. The orders. o-pner.il!i- limuui. for a better class of work then usual, our people showing an inclination to nar a fair price for neat and tasty wor!t. This suits us. and we are always ready for orders for any kind of job printing, from a visit ing card to a poster in colors or plain. " New Brick. Mr. Sam M Her has con! tract d for the necessary brick to erect a large blacksmith and corner of Ferry and Second street;. ; The building will, of course, be of brick, some 50 feet trotit on Ferry sti-eet running hack the depth of the lot. It will be substan tially built, and will be" an ornament to our block. Kahf r ft, tn. Sxow. Mr. Jas. Klkins called on us last Friday having just returned to his home in this city from Ochoco and Beaver creek via the Lebanon Wagon Koad. He says teams can scarcely travel tlie road for a tew weeks, as there is irom ten to twelve1 miles of snow on the divide, ail the ,way from two to eight feet deep. His advice to families is, wait a eonple or three weeks before attempting to cross. . -t Mr, John Jrvirig's new residence, now in course of erection when completed will be by odds the handsomest in the city. ' It will be something entirely -new in Oreo-. architecture, and will not only be handsome" hi very convenient. , , , r . .. ..... , ? . : ; . - ' ! . ... Tbe big circus is meandering this way.' Bbowksvii.le. From a gentleman first from Brownsville we leani that theM'oolen j Mills of that place Itave started up again, with better prospects and a fairer outlook than ever before. Having secured the services of a srtprior finisher, and other skilled mechanics, the new Company pro pose to get tip better and I5ir qualities ol goods than they have been able hereto lor to offer thh public. Although the Eagle Woolen MihVs have gained a high aepntatinn for work done in the past, the present proprietors propose to do a finer grade of work than they have been able to do heretofore. Of course we wish the enterprise the very best of success, and all such enterprises deserve, and should receive, the aid and active co-opeiation of every well wisher of Linn county. Boats fois Portland On third of I July, next Monday, the steamers City of Salem and Willamette Chief will take pas sengers at half fait! to rortiii,t first named wi'I leave Corvaliis at live o'clock A. M. ot Monday, this city, at 6, and Salem at 9, while the Chief will leave Corvaliis at 6 o'clock, this city at 7, Salem at 30. arriving at the locks at 4 p. m., and Portland at 6. The largest crowd. If not the entire number of visitors on the oc casion, will goby oneorthe other steamer. ' Itwill be much the pleasantest mode of travel, and every effort of those connected with tlie steamers will be exerted to make the trip agreeable to all. The McCoemick Machine. Overeighty of the leading tigricnltui istsof theStateliiet at Salem recently, and. among otlier things, discussed the merits: of different harvesters offered fur sale on tht3 coast. After a reful examination, and a thoroitTli tp,s- cussion of the merits of tlie different ma chines, as we h am from the Statesman, it was decided by a unanimous yote that the fticiormic Harvesters and Mowers, as improved, were the best and cheapest in market, and t lie farmers were advised to procure them as they are the most econom ical, and the chief among labor-saving fcirm machines. P, C. Harper & Co. are trie agent for the MeCormick in this city Call and examine them. As the Willamette Chief proposes to take iiienremeu to Portland and return, Cen lenniai week, for 3 each,, taking 2's steamer, hose-cart and tlie three Percheron horses rice, it's altogether likely our bovs will camp-' on her for that occasion. She is a large boat, and makes good time, ' and under ihe circumstances the trip will be more pleasant made on a steamboat than by the cars. Acting through the pores upon the sources of inflammation Glenn's Sulphur Soap promptly relieves the burning, itcli Itig and other annoyances caused by Salt Rheum. Scald Head. Impetigo, Erysipelas, and other skin diseases and u'timately re moves every vistige of them. Woolen Factoky. Mr. W. c. Gis wold talks of rebuilding the Willamette Woolen Factory in this city, should suffi cient inducements be offered by our citizens. It seem to be generally acceded that Alba ny is the best point in tlie Willamette Valley for such an enterprise. We hope our citi zens will look upon the enterprise in the proper light, and extend all the assistance necessary to enable Mr. G. to rebuild here The Scio people, with their accustomed energy, have gone to work to get up a celebration on the coming Fourth which win cap anything ot a similar charaeter eyer held in that bailiwick. Scioans are upon it, as all who go will find onet. Our handsome friend, Joe Tyler, of Tyler & Tate, grocers. First street, accompanied by his wife, left us for Yaquina Bay and the salt sea breezes, on Tuesday, to be absent a week or more. Hon., W. R. Dunbar, G; W..C. the State, visited Western " Star T. of Led e j " " officially on Tuesday evening. A Chinaman with a pair of red top boots was the attraction on Monday. The knife grinder made his appearance the front part of rhe week. The water commenced receding at Port land Saturday night, and that city will soou be on -dry land" once more. The Fire Department parade on Tues day evening was way up, anJ everybody turned out to see !t. - Mr. John Briggs has stacks of fruit cans, as well as stoves ranges, pumps, tinware, etc. Harvest is being vigorously pushed in California, the first of tlie new crop appear ing at San Diego on Monday. One of the pieces to be fired on the even ing of the 4th at Portland is 100 by 200 feet. This is a red hot piece, yon bet.. Parties bound for the mountains or the coast can obtain splendid sugar-enred hams, dried beef, cheese, etc., at Tyler & Tate's, fn First street, at reasonable figures. If yon want a cheap, durable wooden pump, order of George Moilenkopf. at his manufactory in O D. (Simpson's warehouse at the foot of Ellsworth street. . It is a rare sight novv-a-days to see two men standing on the hank of the Willam ette seeing how fir they can heave Mexican dollars over the chuck! Get ready tora high old time at Hackle man's grove o,i the 4th. Go early and put in the entire day in old-fashioned enjoy ment. , No paper. next week. It's Centennial week, and we propose to tike one week ot holiday, as these Centenuials don't come around very frequently. . t A. L. Stinson dropped a valuable watch in the ditch n Sroadalbin street on Mon day. At last accounts he had been'tmable to find it. Gone East. Dr. G. W. Gray has goue Eest on a health and business trip, expect ing to be absent about three months.' Due notice will be given of his return. 33m3 Mr. Fred Banta, ot this city, has been awarded the contract for bnilding the Odd Fellows hall at Lebanon. Four hundred aud thirty dollars was the bid. This warm weather suggests soda water, and A. Carothers & Co. continue to manu facture a siilticieney of the test kind for ail who call at their establishment. Rev. W. R. Butcher and wife, of Dalles. are paying our city a visit. They are in excellent health, and as they have scores of friends in this city, will doubtless enio their viMt. Generally we have a nice, cool bree right from old ocean, keeping the terhner. tore down to where a fellow can wear a couple of shirt-studs without their weight appearing oppressive ! "Py Schiminy, how dot poy studies dose langwidges I" was the exclamation of a de lighted elderly Teuton the other day when his four year old son called him a '"blear eyed son of a saw-horse." . Mr. N. Baum bought a firm last Satur daythe Lowe place, about four miles south of this city. It consists of about 147 acres of excellent land, for which he paid $27 50 an acre. Silver is at a discount everywhere, all the way from five to ten per cent. Despite all this, and to further prove our liberality to this people, we are prepared to receive the discounted stuff, in large or small quanti ties, at par. We do this that those owing us may not be compelled to go on the mar ket and sacrifice largely to secure tlie neo- !' cssary amalgam with which to satisfy our jwt demand, w in you pay up now, be gorva ? j! If 1 1 f