ALBANY REGISTER. t 1 J Incorporated Feb. 4, 1S75. Capital. f20,00a. UltANGE MIOI STO&E! .Corner First and Washington str!ts, Allxmy, , : Oregon. . President, S. A. J5AWSOIV. SSuierintendeMt,A. J, JOIIXSOX IKSEnISi: A. J. KS-iiViN, S. A"iN.i, S. A. n. K! I.IEIJ, J. 4.. KK.KI. A. i"I.f.VIS, haw.vox. Vnioiesule un J Retail Dealers in CJotnins;, Hardware, Crockery, Groceries, farm Implements and MaeSsirtery, Vo., &c. Also, liny and soli on commission all kinds of rfo-.i!s .Marr-:e:a"le produce, Ac l ee, 24, l7"-llvSmj as niiure Eooms. Beef .eave to announce to the eltirens of this Ti j una Kiirrouna ins country, uiai ho bus open cd a iare stock of m ie minding latelv occupied lv lr. Plnin. uierHi drim store, on First street, where can be uau, on most reasonable :mn, JPiwIor Sets, JSedrooin Suits. Sofas, Lounge, .E:iej- Cliairs, Center Tables, Whatnot, Desks, IJooU. -eases, , Wardrobes, and In feet everything else needed to GO TO MOl?SEIEEIIK. lly goods arc well made and of the very latcsi aud Ilandtomeit Styles. PRICES WAY DOWN. fSTFITRNITUKE manufactured to order, at -short notice. tiT Furniture repaired and pat in good shape mti Buiin, nonce, tti ve me a call. F. S. DipWEVtt. Albany, Nov. 28. 1S73 10va THE EXEJIY OF DISEASE X THE FOE OF PAIN To Man and Boast IS TI IE GRAND OU WHICH UAH STOOD X2IK XEKT OF 40 YEAin. TJiere' U no sore it will not heal, no lame ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that flfflict the human body, or the body of a horse or other domestic animal, that does not yield to its maic touch. A bottle vesting 25c. 50e. or $1 00, has often saved the life of a human being, and restored to life and usefulness many a valuable horse. ' fOB SIE3B, it mix critE Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds. Bruises, Cuts Frost-bites, Swelling. Contracted Cords, Pain in the Back, Lumbago, Sciatica, Chilblains, Strnius, Sprains, Stiff Joints, Sore Nipples, PIrtiptlons, Pains, Wounds, L leers. FOB AMMAIi, XT WILl CXR1 ;Spavui, Galls nud Sores, Swinny. Ring iI$one, Windealis, Big Head. I'oll Evil, Humors and Sores. Lameness, Swellings, : rV-ratches, Distemper Stiffness, Strains, Soreness, Open Sores , 2l5v8 TlomeTamrjiJorthil fenuoN Co., Portland, Me. ST.STt 25 to O. E- ROWKI-I. A CO.. New York, for Punnhlnt of luo tmies. containing 3.000 newspapers, and c -it i mates t howmir cost of ad- Albany Book Store. J so. FOSIIAY, DEALER IN MJSCKLLANEOCSBOOKS, School Books, Blank Books, Stationery Fancy Articitis, Ac. Hook i mported to shortest pos sible notUre. v5n30 X9. C. -. TYlrEEIAEE, DEALER IN Gi-oeei'ies?, Irovisicmt Tobareo, Cltfnrw. Cntlery ( rack cry, iukI Wood & Wlilow Ware, i-LBAMT OSEGOIi. THE fyiETZLER CHAIR TIHS IS TO INFORM TOK PUBLIC TITAT no chair noes from my taetory without uiy name upon it. All others aro laise imitations, and should b so re;nrded. All persons arc hereby waniri avriunsr attempting any such imposition upon my cnaionvrs. Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1S7U. JOHN BEIGGS TAKES THIS OI'l'ORTCMTT TO INFORM his friends and the public generally, that he is now nettled in hU NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper A Co , where can Ins found as great an assort mtnt and as la.-ge a stock of Stoves and Eanges as can be found In any one house this side of Portland, aifd ut as rTiTYis c&j Pipes, Cast iron, Grass & Enameled KETTLES in great variety. Also, Tin, Sheet Iron, Gulramzec! Sron, aud Cepperwarc, always on hand, and made to order, AT LIV ING RATES. Call on TTim. " 'Albany, October 2-2, 1875-5vS 1876. 1876. Proclamation. Chicago & North-Western Railway. rpill POPIXAB BOFTK OYERI.AXD. Pafwpnjrers for Chicago, Xiasara Falls. Pitfs bmx. Philadelphia. Monlreai,VueliecKew York Boston, or any point list, should buy their TEASSCOJfTISOTAI. TICKETS Vto tb Pioneer Bontc, T1EE CHICAtJO & KTI tW FTEK RAILWAY THIS IS THK BEST KOUTE EAST. Its Track la of STEEL UAILS. and on it has been tnadetheFASTESTtitne that has ever be;ii MAIUS in thisconntry. By this route passen gers for points east of Chicago have choice of the following lines from Chicago : By the PIUborjc Fortwaync nndTiiceo and Pennitylvauln Itallwojs, 3TTIROGOH TRAINS DAILY, with Pullman Palace cars through to Philadelphia andXew York on each train. 1 THROUGH THAIS', with Poll man Palace ears to Baltimore and Washington. By the Idt Mbore nnl Mtehlpnt Rontti. . era Kilw(tynnilraHnectios!(wIerk Central nud Erie KailroadH), 3 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Palace Drawincf ttoom and Silver Palace cars thro' toNewYorlc. . y the Vflehficnn Oemtrtil, Urund Trftnk. tircat Helcrn nixt JErie od Saw Vark t'entrnl Kailwitya, 3THROt7iiH TRAINS, with Pullman JMtace Drawing Room and Sleeping cars t hroinrlt o ew lork, to .Niagara tans, if iinuio, Kociiiater or Sew York city. By Baltimore and Ohio KnUroad, 2THROCGn TRAINS DAILY, with Pnllmnn Palace cars for Newark, Zancsviile,Wheeling, Washington and Baltimore without change. This is the SHORTEST. BEST and only linn mnninj? Pullnian celebrated PALACE SLEKP- lMiCAKS ANI OOACHEs. eonnectm!' with I'nlon Pncitic Railroad at OMAHA and from the WEST, via Grand Junction, Marshall, Cctar Rapids, Clinton. Sterling aad Dixon, tor CII1- This ronnlar route is nnsnrrawed for Bneert. Comfort and Safet v. The smooth, well ballast- 1 and nerfect ti-ack of stesl rails, the cclenmt vi Pnlltnan Palaco Sleeping cars, the perfect TciKraph Svstein of naovins traina, the regu larity with "which they run, tho admirable ar rangement for running through cars to Chicago irotn ail pomta west, secure to nnso tho comfortu in modern railway traveling. No changes of Cars, and no tedious delays at For- Passcngers will find Tickets via. this favortto route at tho General Ticket Office of the Cent nil Pacific Railroad, Sacramento. Tickets for sale at all the Ticket Offices ofthe Central Pacific Railroad. W. H. STESNETT, MARVIN Ht'GHITT.Gen.Sup. in.PAgt. If. P. STASWOOD, General Agenej, Xl Mont coraery street, ?an Prancico. v7r.(y LOCAL MATTERS. Sale of Government Property. The light station at Yaqtiiua Bay, consisting ot a dwelling, outhouses and 3( acres of land, is advertised to he sold oii the 13th of July in this city. Who wants to buv a light hoe? " ; ' ' ' On the Jury. The following citizens of Linn county are at present doing duty as jurors in the Portland U. S. District Court: J. W. Propst. R. Cheadle, A. S. Nanny. Lewis Cox, U. W. Cooper. Wil liam Goltra, A. S. Powell, J. llardmau. and C. Oingnjan. The rumor is that the Umatilla Iinn-f, at Dalles, has been carried off by the flood. The Columbia is racing freely over all the lower portion ot that city, and business nipu have been compelled to ftee to the hills with their goods and chattels. Scppen Death. On the 17th at the residence of Charles ililler near Jefferson. Joseph Bradley, a resident of Oregon since '58, died of cramp cholic, atter brief ill ness, aged about 55. Deceased was a member of the Baptist Church ot this city. He was buried at Jefferson hist Sunday. At the Cascades of tle Columbia the water has washed away a portion of the railroad track, and men have been at work weighting down the bridges to keep them trom being carried off in the flood. The water is up to the O. S. X. Co's shops and luess-house higher than in 1802. The married daughter of Mr. and 3Trs. Kit Carter, Mrs. M. L. Fursuon, of Los Angeles, California, accompanied by Iter two daughters, arrived in tiiis city ot Wednesday, on a visit. A3 it has been some fifteen years since parents and daughter met. it was a joyful occasion- white-letter day in the house of the Carters, To Cf.i.ebkate. A large number of our people will celebrate, as intimated last week, at Hackleman's grove on the 4th It will be a picnic celebration, and will doubtless be one; ot the pleasantest ever held there, because no one will be worked to death getting ready. Some money will be, expended for powder to he exploded in the morning otherwise the whole affa; will be inexpensive. High Water. The Columbia river was still rising at last accounts, on Wednesday having passed beyond the high water note' ot 2 at the Dalles, It had backed np the water ot the Willamette at Portland until the water was two teet deep on Front street ot that metropolis. The high water of '62 havinjr been outdone, 1878 will hereatter be quoted high water year. A Grange Resolution. The following resolution was adopted by the Lane County Council Patrons of Husbandry. June 13. 187C: Ji&tolved. That this council recom mend to the subordinate Granges of this county and of the State to- memorialize the present legislature to regulate the freights and tares on the railroads, rivers and canals within the State. Also to make it a penal offence, punishable by flue and imprisonment the penitentiary to ship grain unsold without the owner's consent from any warehouse in the State. Married. 3Ir. J.. K. Morrison, of the St. Charles Hotel of this city, and Miss Ellen Sera fford, ot Benton comity, "were united in marriage, at the residence of the bride's father. June 21st, Rev. Howard W. Stratton. pastor of the Calvary Church, officiating. We had been expecting this for some time.'. It was always thn. The haudsome and estimable "two made one" have the best wishes of hosts of friends In this city tor their future Iiapplness and well being. .' City Council. At a special meeting of the City Council Monday night three new ordinances, relating to grading and grav eling certain streets (ordinances published on first page of this issue), were passed. A petition, numerously signed, was pre sented, asking that an ordinance be passed in relation to . the disposition cf waAte water, etc. A petition was also received. asking that a bridge oe erected across the Caual on Fifth and Tlwirstori streets. J, D. Titus resigned the oflka ot City Treas urer, and J. B.! Titiis ;wa? Iccted to fill the vacancy. ' ;-:'.'' ' : -Tlie 4th. wh'l be duly celebrated at Scjp Funds Needed. The papers are full of flattering notices regarding Oregon's display at Philadelphia. The credit for securing so grand a display, so creditable to the whole State, is du 3. probably more than to any other man. to 31 r. A. .1. Dutur. who is said to have expendedfo.OOO ol his own means to make the exhibition a suc cess. The exhibition will last several months longer, and yet there is no means on hand to sustain it to pay the expenses of those in charge, etc. A strong appeal is sent Oregon to furnish at least $3,000 at once to aitl 3lr. inner in Keeping up Oregon's lick, and tt is hoped our liberal spirited citizens will respond at once with the coin. The pride, as well as the honor of Oregon's citizens is involved in this matter. Let responsible citizens circulate subscription papers in every preeinct in the county- at once, and the money will be made up in no time. As tlie matter is urgent, let there be no delay commence at once. ' i Deputies. G. W. C. T., W. R. Dun bar, has appointed State Deputies as fol lows, tor the present year, viz: Col. T. II. Cann, Salem; James A. Smith. Portland; Rev. J. B. N. Bell, Ashland; Wm. Rus sell, Weston; Capt. O. C. Applegatel Linkville; B. II. Allen,. Ilalsey; T. B. Handley. Hillshoro; Asa Shreve, Dallas, and II. B. Grubbe, Wilber. Farther ap pointments for State ind District Deputies will be made in a few weeks. The Pereheron mare, ''White Rose, owned by W. C. Myer, arrived by the down train Tuesday. "White Rose" am White Prince"' are to haul No. 2's steamer at the Portland Centenuial, while the dap ple gray, "Pride ot Perche," is to be at tached to 2' bose carriage. Tliey are the finest Norman horses on the coast, and will be an attractive leature of tic proces sion. Well Ansaveeed. An exchange asks: "It there's a place for everything, where is the place for a boil ?" We are inclined to the solemn conviction that the very best place for tuch an ornament is on some other tellow. And it we were a betting man, we'd wager the fabulous sum of six bits that a better location can not be dis covered. An Aged Man Gonk. Mr. W. R Graham, of this city learned but a few days since of the death of his Cither, Richard Graham, who died at Great Harwood, Lancashire county, Rngland, in the 03d year ot his age. The lira hams were re markable for longevity, deceased's lather dying at the age of 97, while another of the family reached the age of 102. Ashland Tidings Is the name of a new candidate for public favor, number one ot volume one of which reached us the first of the week. Is is a neat six column paper, published at Ashland, South ern Oregon, at $2 50 per year. It is deserving of general support. Here's our Zj trlend Sutton. Moke Goods. The Grange Union Store is again in receipt ot new goods most anything you want or can think of. Drop in and see the boys wheu , yon want first rate goods at low rates, and want to trade with three of the best looking and most accommodating Grangers anywhere. Dot's so. ; Banners and Flags. The different Granges have been busy ot late getting new regalia and bran splinter new banners for their picnics, harvest feasts, etc. They intend to have a good soci'ible time it they don't make a cent. ' " ' . Centennial at Harrisburo. The Harriburgians have determined to have a celebration on the 4th, and have appointed tins necessary committees to successfully carry the matters through. Everybody is invited. A grand ball is to be given in the evening. '-"''- : ;- '"' If you want a neat "hand-bill, flyer. poster, card, bill-head, circular, or any thing else in the printing line, better executed at a less price than can be did anywhere else in this burg call at the Register officer. Mr. Myers handsome Perchercns are all here, ready for the 4th of July excursion to Portland. That splendid new harness. to be donned by White Prince aud. mate on th? occhjou, is also here.. A Grand Time Was had at the M. 1E. Parsonage on Wednesday night, the oc casion of the strawberry and ice cream sociable. The handsome grounds surround ing the parsonage were lighted by goudy Chineso lanterns suspended trom the IrniD trees that All the grounds; seats had been arranged at convenient distances, and every thing prepared for the comfort and etitertainment ot all who wished to enjoy a pleasant, sociable evening. Although tho evening was cool, most too cool for the enjoyment of ice cream and out-door promenading, yet a pleasant party of ladies and gentlemen assembled at the parsonage at an early hour, filling the parsonage comfortably full, and the evening passed off most agreeably to all. Tlie ice -cream, manufactured for the occasion by Mr J. Sehmeer, was most excellent, and the strnw-Jberries the best we have seen this season. The cake, pies, etc., were not only in abundant supply, but were way up couldn't possibly be beat. In fact, the supply of good things was so abrtndant that a lunch was declared in order Irom 11 A. M. to I p. M. on Thursday Alto gether it was one of tlie gayest gatherings ot the season, and we re in favor here after of holding similar sociables more fre quently, as they don't require near so much labor, are ntore enjoyable and save a heap of expense. Wm. Osborne Some two years since. was a! tacked with tuberculosis or the right knee joint. Despite skillful treat ment and a change xf climate from this valley to Eastern Oregon' tlie disease steadily advanced until the only hope for relief short of death was by amputation. He returned to his friends near Halsey some two weeks since, having decided to submit to the operation, and on last Saturday,-Drs. Rice and Plnmmer joined Drs. Smitb and Wade in the amputation of his thigh near the middle. 3Ir. Osborne stood the shock extraordinarily well, and at last accounts bid fair for a speedy recovery. . X. Onr sucbscribers will notice that by tho change from a four-page to an eight-page. paper, we are able to fill ip the sheet and give a larger amount of reading matter than before. It is much handier to read, also, and if preserved can be bound, making a nice volume at the end of the year of 41G pages. " The high water at Portland will prevent a good many of our citizens trom attend ing the Centennial there, but by tar the largest number will be prevented from going by the scarcity of coin. Just now the question which most inter ests a boy is not so much whether Ms lite will be crowned with glory and honor, as wliether his new summer's vest is going to be made out of his dad's old trousers! , Rain, Tuesday afternoon and night, a good, old-fashioned, warm rain fell, doing" an immense amount of good to growing crops. Oregon can't be beat lor crop weather. Sawing. Comstock's splendid newsaw mill at Pass Creek is nt work, sawjr.g out lumber by the car load. The new hotel to be erected by Mr. C. at the depot In this . city, will now soou take shape.. The game of base ball on the 4th, be tween a club comKsed of the old men and the first nine of the juveuiles, will be war np. The wbeat crop of Linn county for the present season bids fair to exceed that 01 ' any other since the first settlement of the country. Drill. Department Fire drill on, Mon day evening at 7 o'clock sharp. Mr. Myer's horses will be, hitched to the engine . on that occasion. Located Dr. J. H. Irvine, who lately. graduated at the Wrillamette University. Salem, baa bung out his shingle at Browns ville. Messrs. Tyler &, Tate keep tip their repntatiou as grocers,, by keeping a flail stock of fresh groceries,, provisions,, vege tables, etc., always in sight. Special Tuoueea. Gone East. Dr. G. W. Gray baa gone. Best on a health and business trip expect-' ing to be absent about three months. Doe notice will bo given of. his return., 33m3 ;