The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 23, 1876, Image 6

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    ' Or'
' y 4 53 "
Corner Ferry and First StretU.
Cko copy, one year $i 50
Ono eopv, si months......... - l
To clubs of 1 wentv. each copy FJ 00
Single copies Ten cents.
Subscri'oers outside of Linn county will be
charged 50 cents extra 2 70 for the year as
that is tho amount of postage per annum
which we arc required to pay on each paper
mailed by us.
Ageuts fur Uie ICepister.
The following named trentlemen are author
ized to receive and receipt for subscriptions
to the Rkoistf.k in the localities mentioned :
Messrs. Kirk & Hume.. Brownsville.
liolert Glass Crawfordsville.
W. P. Smith -Halsey.
O. P. Tompkins Harrisburs.
t. H. Olausihton Lebanon.
A. Wheeler & Co Shedd.
Messrs. Smith & Brastield . Tunction City.
J. B. Irvine Sc-
vThos. H. Reynolds ...Salem.
FRIDAY JUNE 23. 1876.
Tlie total valuation of Eugene City,
as assessed is $400,0 ,'0.
Hay harvest has commenced,and well
it might, with hay at eighteen dollars
per ton, at Eugene.
From Baker City on np to Boise and
towards the railroad, crickets average
from 40 to 50 bushels to the acre and
they ain't halt hatched out yet.
Last Tuesday one of tins employes of
Abrams mill sustained severe injuries,
by being struck in the face with a vine
maple limb, which was held to the
grouud by a log and was cut off by the
party sustaining the injury.
Mr. James Humphrey in company
with Frank ITadley returned last Thurs
day from a trip qver the O. ('. M."W.
Jload with a band of cattle. They report
snow twentytive or thirty feet deep on
the summit, but rapidly disappearing.
Last summer a man by the name
of Walker Harper located in Indian
valley, in Union county, and soon after
-sent for his wife and child, who were
living in Hickory county. Missouri. Tt
was soon afterwad ascertained that he
was a fugitive from justice, an indictment
resting ngaiost him in 31 issourtcharging
him with an a sank with intent to kill.
A warrant was issued by Gov. Grover
and placed in Slieriff Curtis' hands au
thorising his arrest. Mr. Curtis made
one or two attempts to cause hi arret,
but the fugitive eluded his vigilance.
A heart rending accident occurred
i;oar Turners's Station last atmdtiy.
T!r. Wade who-' lives near Cold
Springs, had been attending a Good
; Templar picnic at. that place with his
family, and when starling for home,
in turning the wagon round, it cramped
find raised the body up. Mrs Wade
was sitting on the seat lieside her
husband, and he caught her in time
to save her from falling out, but she
lost her bold of the chi'd in her arms,
a little girl aged one year, and it
: fell to the ground, the wheels passing
over it, injuring it so that it died in
about three hours.
A swarm of bees settled, last Sunday,
; on the oak tree in front of a residence,
in Koseburg, which being discovered,
soon called together quite a large crowd
of men and boys, who after various
trials to induce the bees to come down
and enter a hive which had been ' pre
pared, offered some Chinamen present,
S2 50 to put them in the hive. Up
the tree went the Chinamen, and lop
ping off a small limb, the bees took
fright and left for the hills north of town.
"No saba bee, big foolee he," said the
Chinamen as they slowly slid down the
tree and wistfully looked after the re
treating cloud.
Mrs. Ben. Jones, on Snake river,
discovered a rattlesnake in the house.
one aay last ween, one cauea to a
boy near by who took down a revolver
ana nanaea it to tier, w inie be re
moved s box under the bed, she was
holding the revolver down and looking
at bim, when the revclver went off and
shot her in the foot; but when he
pulled of her shoe the bail was drawn
out by the shoestring; it did not go
through her foot. She is now able to
walk around, and is doing as well as if
forty doctors were iu attendance.
News reached this city about ten
o'clock last night, that the body of Mr.
Chris. Halstcn, drowned at the Crabtree
crossing of the Sautiara, about six miles
Lebanon, a lew days ago, had been re
covered. We hoiio the rumor is true
Search for the body has progressed with
scarcely a moment's cessation ever since
the sad accident occurred.
Conductor Stroud received the news
of the death of his son at Comstock's
Mills, Wednesday about 6 v. m. He
hired two men, jumped on aiiand car
and started for this city, a distance of
say 75 miles, arriving here about 3
o'icock Thursday morning, when he
took the morning Express for Portland.
Comp. L of the fifth cavalry, while
scouting on Solomon river, on the 12th
were attacked by about two hundred
Indians supposed to be Sioux. After
skirmishing some time, and exchanging
a good taany shots at long range, the
redskins withdrew and the troops pur
sued the even tenor of their way.
A mau named Andy Myers met
with quite a serious accideut a few days
ago at t"he Bme Gulch diggings, Idaho,
where he was working at the time.
His leit leg was broKeu between the
knee and the ankle, in consequence of
the tail of a body of snow from the
height of about thirty feet.
9 ..
The Masonic Fraternity at Rocky
Bar, Idaho, propose to celebrate Su
John's Hay, June 24th, in a becoming
manner. There will be a ball at New
comer's hotel on the eveniug of the 23,
which promises to be a ;rand affair.
An address will be delivered on the
following day by Judge Anderson.
Notwithstanding the favorable report
of the committee to which the bill was
referred.'lielievl tliat the admis
sion tt New Mexico will not be passed
oa by the House at the present session,
both Democrats and Republicans op- j
posing it.
X i , vinuiv.) aim v uiiico i ...'it, j
who were arrested a few day ago,
charged with housebreaking, had a
preliminary examiiiation in Mlem be
fore Judge Peebles", Tuesday, and were
The excursion tram to Gcrvais Sun
day wili leave this city at S a. u. Re
turning, will leave) Gervais at 5 r. m.
I'are to Salem, rouud trip, 1 50 Ger-
it is stated that there will bo more
gold taken out within a radius tit
twenty miles of Pierce City in the next
ten years than in the who'e ot the Biaek
Clifford I), Stroud, son of our worthy
Conductor on the Albany express, died
at Port'aud on the 21st, after a long
illness, aged about 18 years.
The King of the little Kingdom of
gets the handsome little salary of 360,
800 gold per annum.
The high water at Portland has
stopped the freight ; trams over the O.
& O. Railroad.
Thursday evening the water at Port-,
land W88 four inches higherthan ia 1862,
and still 6lowly rising.
These striped stockings, now so fash
ionable, are creating havock among the
children, numerous cases of poisoning
having been reported, caused by wear
ing them. Chemists have discovered
tbaf the coloringjn the stripes contain
a large quantity of arsenic.
A chief of the Cimarron Utes was
shot and killed a few days ago. His
slayer is Mexican sheep herder, and the
shooting occurred on Dry Cimarron
creek. The chief, a big brute who bullied
it over the stockmen in that section, was
n the act of driving oil" some sheep
when shot by the herder. The red rui
tiau was in such bad twh.r with his own
band and tribe that his death has called
out expressions, of thankfulness to his
slayer instead of provoking disturbance
and hostility.
Last week on Friday, E. B. Moorlock
and J. Wi Noiville, acting under au
thority of Sheriff Curtis, succeeded in
arresting Harper. - They took him to
the house of N. Baker, Harper's uncle,
and placed him under guard.ironed and
handcuffed. During the night the
prisoner succeeded in removing his irons,
and securing a six shooter made his es
cape, since which time he has not been
heard trom. , .
Several men are working buisily in re
moving the jams in the Skagit river.
They secure a great many good logs, but
not enough to pay for their labor ,so subscription-
papers are circulating to secure
funds to enable them to continue' the
Experienced persons estimate that
the surplus crop for shipment in Walla
Wa"a valley, tnis year will be equal to
1,000,000 bushels.. Evideutly there will
be work tor the railroad and all the
teams in the country. .
Within a raite of 100 miler- in extent
along t he Plrtte, above and below Jules
bnrg, are twenty-seven herds of cattle
numbering alut 76,900 head.
Travel between Corinneand Montana
lias been interrupted by high water
and the washing away of the bridge
across Prickly Pear creek.
The stage between Salt Lake aud
I Bingham, runs at the rate of 12 miles an
tour. ....;
t he Idaho Statesman of the 17th says
that the Uoise river is as high as it has
beeiuthis spring, and is still rising.
Del Smith left on yesterdays' noon
train on a visit somewhere
Ajcr's Cathartic
CntlVO Cosiivrhesp,
.la'iidk-e, ly-nepsia
Foul stomaih . an'a
7?roath, .-.i-ysioias.
jiea luene, rites, jtnou
muiisin, Erunl lorn
it n Skin l!iriscs,
lii!iousnes, LiverCMt
plaint. Uronsv, T.-t;i'i
Taiuoi-s an"d Salt
v.iSTL v-.stt:!Poni, Morm. i.o:it
ii's,1jl'.u.ii "T. . T.PUi. and Purlfvlng Kit
Rlood, are Hie most" (Soimcnial pnrgn'Wvc vet
perfected. Their feffccfw atiti'!rtnt.!v show
how much they excel till other Pill. They or
sate and pleasant to take, but" powerful to euro
They pnrrrn out !he loul humors of the blood:
they stimulate the- sluggish or disorder,-J
oraim into feet ion ; an . t iiuv impart health and
tone to lhe whole htiina-. Thev eure not only
the every day conmiaiiin of every bodv, but
lovmidabip nnddanjeerous diseases. Most skill
ful physicians, most eminent clergymen, aid
our Ixt citizens, send certificates of cures per
formed and of srenf lenolits ther have derived
from these Piils. Tbeynro the sn:'ist. andliest
physic for children. Wuse lnild as well as
eflccmal. IJcinu suerar coiited, iliir if re easv
mta'ifi: and bein purely vegetable, they are
entirely harmless.
I'.-tKfAltKn Y
r. 3. ATEB & C., Lowell. RIium.,
Practical and Analytical Chemists.
KS5"Hold by all Druygisw and Dealer in
M.idicine. . . v7nS
Lni'ice Farua for Hnte or Rent.
VFAltM. known as the donation claim of J.
M. Klliott.twelvemllescastof Allany,con
sisiins of 990 acres : ovr 20u tieres tinder culti
vation ; balance at pnsent used as pasture, but
all of it drain kind nil under fence and well
watered. It is one of tiio best farms in Linn
eounty, and will be sold or rented f.n favorable
terms" Ivnqnire ut the farm adioininir ftliove
descrilw-d on the west, pf w. A. PAUJL.
March 17. lS76-8snr ' ,
YSTIIF.rtF.AS my -wife, Anna F.Hza Selvefrter,
V wit bout eaitsj or provocation, lias let t. my
bed and Iwurd for iarts tmknown, L Samue.
Selves! er. hereby notify all with whom she nuiv
deal, that, they must deal with her at their own
risk, as 1 will not stand responsible for any of
her debts, contracts or liabilities.
March 17, lS76-'-n'28
TtTANTKD. An aaent for thiscitcand vlein-
ity. lor the siie of E. Butter'iek & Oo.'i
eelebruted anil rolinlilo jntterns. Good refer
eneo required. Address H. A. DEMlMill,
rostst., San Frnncispo. Cal. 2:1 m
-1 .
a-..-;''.... .- fTi'ii. rst -..r-.-t- ss.. s- rr-m-i-. jr; vc .! r f .,
No time to write advertisement
this week. Will throw it in sight
Aycr'w Agac Cure.
For the Vftwtly i H'f
Fcvtr Hdl -rinlt-teit
F.ver, hill Vever.
ltemitteut Irver, "!
i yriitt, cKsoiiMl or l&ffliosis
fever, - ami inufm h
Us A airecti :i v. Uicli nriii..
ntl-iMutatle potsuiiN, Has been widely used,
duriiiSihe las! t wen: v-flve years, in the treat
ment of these disLressin;r diseases, and with
such nnvai-yinat success t'lnt it has trained the
renuta: ion of beint? tnfulili'le. The shakes, or
chills, out broken bv it. do not return, nmil
the disease is contracted ut;ai. This has mude
it an accepted, and trnsied s.;i(lc
for the Fever and .sue of t-.e West, and the
Chills and Fever of the Sonth.
Ayer's A'ue Cure e adkti-s 1tie noxious
poison from the sys'em. and leaves the pu
tient as well as lx-fore the. attack. It
t horoutrh'.vextiellsthe d'se:ie, so that no Liver
Complaints, lnieuitiatism, icuraljria. liysen
tcry or llebiiitv iollow the -ure. ln(U-d. where
Disordersof the Liver and Bowels haeo.x-urred
from Miasinatiu Poison, it lvmovus t he cause
or them and thev disapiienr. Not only is it n
efl-ectnal enre. I'rat, if taken otxtisionally by
patients cxtvsed to nia!ari.-v. it will expel the
poison and protect them Irom attnek Trav
eilerannd tcinTX'r-.iry residents in evory and nil
Asrue ioailities are thus enabled to defy the
disease. The tumoral Debility which Is so apt
to ensno from continued exposni to Malnria
and Miasm, has no speedier remedy. For
Liver Coiuirt'"' it is an excellent rerscc',5-.
tr. J. '. AYKH A IiOweI. Slafc..,
i'niotiealfind Analyticr.l Chemists.
y-j X! :1 oy till liruiau aim jvmuw hi
( Mi
-ill i-t f$rr ; zk
tfl g 9 I? I af In
1 1 I I
fill O Ote. pi. :.
San Francisco.
ell '& ' Parker,
(Successors to It. C. Hill Son)
J Juvo 1'tnno votl 1 1 stook
Toilet CloKls,
Oig'ijr'ps 5t Tobacco
- - . IPaiiiix,
Ciasoline, '"'''
' EU'.,
To Froman'B New Brick BlocS,
XortSi side of First. letwon Washington uml .
Ferry streets, where thev will keep a
Large ani M Assortment of r Goods'
in their line, ordered direct from
San FrttKcittco and t!ie uct,
and feel coniident in tne assertion ' thrt- they
can perfectly satisfy all who call niton them,
both as to
Call at our new store and be convinced of the
truth of the above statements.- -
Particular attention will be'jrfven. to thecotu
poundinjr of physician's projseriplioii-iind fam
ily recipes, at all hours of the Mayor nij tit
A. It. BELI. 1-Allkhli.
Snceessors to 11. C. Iiti.J. A .f-N.
Alban y, October S9. '75-n(it f
Chemical Paint,
- A.
I: J
i c