The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, June 09, 1876, Image 3

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iirvenbucks SSCsiSO.
Wheat, nominally, 71c.
lloll & Parker keep nnwt excellent cigars.
Tlie Titus Bros, stock of jewelry, etc.. I.
uncHnuiled. !
N"r. Jacob MenilciiIuiU, ot Sweet Homo. !
on Welnetl:iv.
TlieoM Cartwi ight was in the city yes-
tvrtlay. j
Billy Morgan is under tlie weather with
a swelled jaw.
Icetl sotla at Dr. Phtmmer's. as well as
fancy candies, fresh tlnips. etc.
Otrothers & Co.'s pile salve is giving the
best of satisfaction.
Mart. Brown let -oij Monday's noon
train lor San Francisco.
Ashby Tearce has . gone to the Cen
tennial, j
It. Chendle Ikw been closing out his
stock of goods at auction during the week
At the annual election last week X.
Haunt was elected President of Xo. Ones,
and J. M. Merrick, Foreman.
Campmeettsg. . campiueeling will be
held, under the auspice of the Evangelical
Association!, three miles southwest of
-wiieatland, beginning June 15, 1S76.
Owing to tlie stringency- of the times we
iuiie our naner this week reduced in size.
- - i
Pay np that we may play a similar joke
pn our creditors.
Evangelical Chckch. Preaching at
11a.m.; in the evening at 7,' o'clock.
Sunday School at 12,S P. M. Preaching at
Jol well's schoolhouse at 3f P. M.
J. Bowersox, Pastor.
On Monday nSghs at Miller's Station,
fame one entered Xewman's store through
a back window;, and abstracted a suit of
clothes, and other articles of smalt value.
The entertainment at Collegiate Institute
on Wednesday night, by i he Under gradu
ate", we learn a-as well attended, and the
ak2 nnuer graduates did themselves proud.
We Isave just received, from Messrs.
Sherman & Hyde, music dealers. San
Francisco, a beanttfnl new song and Cho
ra, entitled. Iarling "Little Jeste."
written in the popular style by James A.
Kerr. Tlie various Minstrel Troupes
throughout tlie counfry have taken it up,
Mild it bids fair to become as popular as
-I my Darling Trne to Me,'" published by
the same house. Tlie price o each of
tliese aonjrs is but 35 cents, and will be for
warded, post paid, by the publishers upon
receipt Ui UK liawub u vuiinn; . v jv-
tage stamp. .
A Card op Thanks. The ladies of the
rresbyterian Society wish to return tlieir
tioiiVa thmntrh vour eohmins to the ladies
jumI gentlemen of other churches for tlieir
invaluable assistance In. their recent oon
ct'rt. Mr. and Mrs. Raymond, Mr and
Mrs. Peters, Mrs. Dr. Harris, tlie Misses
Irvine, Tate. Cornelias, Thompson and
Alexander, and Messrs. Gaston, Stewart
and Blain, by devoting the necessary time
i r preparation as well as by their public
performance deserve the hearty thauks
which we hereby tender. We would also
express oar gratitude to Mr. J. B. Wyatt,
as coadnctor. and Miss Kate Conner, as
pianist, who sjtared wo pains to render our
utertaiiiuent one ot the most enjoyable,
rver attended in tlie, city. Also to Messrs.
V". B. Barr & Co. who generously furn
ished, free of charge, a fine piano which
ttul been specially tuned for the occasion.
We hope our citizens who have given us
financial support, feel well repaid in the
Enjoyment received and will favor us with
their presence at future gatherings, when
we will always try to give them the full
worth of their money.
Oosb East. Dr. G. W. Gray has gone
Eest on a health awl business trip, expect
ing to be absent about three months. Due
notice will be given ot bis return. , 33m3
In Every Towu and Village persons may
be found who have been saved from death
fron consumption by Hale's Honey or
Ilorehound and Tar.
Pike Toothache Drops cure In one
Ulincte. 2
The June number of The .Kepculic
ui;i"::i.iue contains many invaluable am i
cles on the current political topics of th
lay. No speaker, public man. or private
citizen favnriiijj the ascendency ot Republi
canism should be without this sterling
monthly. It is published in the interest
of good government, and closes its sixth
volume a recognized power for good
throughout the land. During the Presi
dential campaign The Hepcuijc will do
good service, and should receive hearty
support. It has steadily grown in public
favor, and deserves a wide circulation.
The June number has. among a nnmber of
excellent articles, the following : Work of
the Patent Office; The Church, the State,
and the Public Schools; The Truth ot
History and the Horrors of Andersonville;
Southern Judicial Ku-Kluxlsin; Congres
sional Investigations; The Poverty of- tlie
South; Domestic Commerce. Send $2 to
The Republic Publishing Company.
Washington, D. C, and receive the maga
zine for one year.
Remaining in the Post Ottlce, Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, June 8, lS7ti.
Persons calling for these letters must give
the date on which they were advertised.
Armstrong. Mrs F FGernon, Richard
Carothers, Miss A EHotckkiss, M B
Cauthorn. W L Thompson, D P
Cheiver, R
P. II. flAYMOXD, P. M.
The measles are somewhat prevalent in
this city. "
The annual campmeeting for Brownsville
Circuit. M. E. Church, will be held on the
Suedd camp-ground near Roberts Bridge,
Linn county, commencing on tlie 15th ot
June. The 4fh quarterly-meeting will be
held in connection. Ministers and mem
bers are cordially invited to attend. Posi
tively no huxtering allowed within tlie
limits prescribed by law.
37 w3. S. A. Banks, Pastor.
The Evil Fruits f Weak Digestion.
There is no pathological fact more clearly
ascertained than that the most formidable
pliases of nervous disease are directly
traceable to imperfect digestion. Insom
nia, with its train of direful consequences,
proceeds more frequently from weakness of
t lie stomach than from any other cause.
Mere sedatives are powerless to cure ner
vousness, and soon cease to palliate its
syiu)toms. The true way to strengtlien
the nervous system is to invigorate the di
gestive and assimilative organs, upon
who unobstructed action its equilibrium
is absolutely dependent. The daily use ot
Hostetter's Stomach Bitters will k more
to brace and soothe tlie weakened and irri
tated nerves.-and induce sound, refreshing
sleep nature's grand catbolicou than all
tlie so-called nervines to be found in the
pharmacopeia or out of it. A wineglass
t'ul ot tlie Bitters should be taken lefore
each meal. jiuie
The State.
Tlie ran e w tlie most unhealthy ani
mal in the world unhealthy to Lave
arout d.
lie i continually possessed ot a yearn
ing desire to stretch hioaself-r-especially
his IuikI leg.
We have known this yearning to
make trouble in several families.
lie is also possessed of great hearing
No man ever sees a mule kick liini.
The man w nsuatly seized with obscure
visions just at this juncture.
We have seen a man get np after a
mule had kiekel him ( yery rarely
though) and. swear witii both hands up
lifted that he didn't believe the animal
had stirred a peg he looked so immov
able and unconcerned.
A roule is a very qnick" animal.
Great quantites of this substance lie
hidden away bei.eath his toe calks.
As a great explorer, the mule is equal
to Stanley. ;f
When he goes exploring for a man he
always finds him.
The safest place to stand by a male
does not exist. ' .
He is the dynamite fiend ot the four
legged kingdom.
'1 Le male is a very headstrong beast.
He ;.is likewise exceedingly heel
strong. The Chicago 2'imes is authority tor
the flat erne nt that a pair ot Indiana
twins, each fifty years old, wish to pass
thetnfws'rcs off tor a centenarian. '
A .ew and iargc Invoice
Watc&os, Clacks
And will Sell at the Following Prlees t
Coin silver. 2 oz. P. S. Bnrtlett Wnltham
Watch, $31 00: each additional ounce ti 50.
Kisrht-day Setb Thomas Clocks from M 00 to
13 00.
A nd all other goods In proportion.
The only house above Portland that keeps
Boo Sold, Engrave Free or Charge,
Practical watch-maker and Jeweler, late of Cal
ifornia Watch Co., and the only engraver in
A stood assortment of Sewing Machine Nee
dles and attachments.
. -AND
xt Door to Wella, Fanro & Cot Expnm
" Office, Albany, Oregon.
trrantp and others (food imrpains in farms
and small homesteads in Linn and adjoininx
i-ountics. farms in value and size to suit pur.
Also, city property, both improved and nn
imnroved. Kentimr farrow and city property, and collec
tions of all klnas, promptly attended to.
Our facilities for advertising will e.nable us
to do more for onr patrons than any other
Acrency in the State tn our line.
We also pay special attention to the omploy
inen t and labor exchange depart men t.
Albany, May I2tf.
Real Estate and Coayeyaiciis Apnt,
IJ'ARStS of all sizes, improved and nnimprov.
ed, in tbU and adjacent counties, suitable
for strain ralxms, also timbered land and stock
ranches for sale on easy terms.
Also for sale a nnmber of dwelling houses
and vacant lot in this city.
Parties desiring to either e!l r purchase
Hhould call and learn teriusand prices before
purchasing elsewhere. 32 v 8
Conn First and Ferry KM.,
Watches, Clocks, gilver and Plated
War, and Jewelry of every descript ion aixl of
the best manufactories, on lmnd tor sale at lair
rates. : ; j -
Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a
IS&T Jewelry, etc, repaired and cleaned on
short notice at living rates.
fcTGive me a coll, and see for yourself. J3
March 3, 1H76-24VS -
TAKES :nS OPPORTUXITY to inform the
public enerallv that, having boneht out
M. S. IteiVw In tlio"tin and stove business, he
will continue the same at the old stand, where
will be found a good assortment of
Stoves & Ranges,
I'umpt, ripe, Catlron, Brass
and Enameled Kettles.
Tin, Aheettawn ealvaalaed Irsa n
....... Vlpenvr
always n hand.
Ilosse Spouting, : Roofing,
snd all kinds of lob work and repairing done on
short notiiw. SaOlV8 bint a cil teiarn ttjt
eisiisi:ig e:iwic:. alv
from Aprilfith to July uth, with
th" pwfmer.0"9 bron8ht out fron the East
Will be at the'stnble of BE AX A DAVIDSOX.
atrirS" " ' -At
Albany umdsys p. m., M'ednMulnv.
and 1 UurstayH . . of each week Uurtag the the stable of A. H. MA11WI 4LI
',nEtPRINCE ? ,n Fu,"io,Land is
55 " iZk bavi,,ff proven nlIuseJ!
Ll1.0 OF PEKCHE tamowt from France
to Ohio in -1874. and made the season of '75 In
V Isconsin. lie isa dark dapplegrav, well forit -cd,
tine style, good disposition, wfi'race
fi-ee. easy actioti that I have never seen eqitalei
in any horse of his s;ze: will weigh, in good
condition, 1,800 pounds. ' fa0041
It has long been iny ambition to be able to
supply the horse breeders of Oregon w th a
breed of large Itorses and eoncen t rated rlvr
ducing powers, emaiiuting from purity of blood
from which could be bred whencroSed p?n
the common mares of the count rv, a unitorm
class of horses compact, symmetrical In form
coupled with 8tyleraeUo and s a1ni."f To
2"". A- th.? various large breeds known, 1 -r'ri!f.
VlZhK"'n finiHy. The oldestj ,.hs
,.m lrlte Prince are m w coming 4 years. Id.
with the younger ones, show that the above
fact ha been accomplished, as tbey are all uni-
,2!.,.,,.Kfneml,nake-?P'ana how the stock
probably in a greater ; degree than the produ.
of any oUier liorse In the State, whether"!
nf"",-'? Areheron good
Aniric i or the Indian pony mares, all show
the peculiarities of the Pereheron lace
In olforir g t he ser Ices of the above horses to
tlre breexs of is not 1 rnried
.tatter, but a denv.nstrated fact of their value.
ffKi5.l9ft?lVa, , the,r Introduction into
Ohio. aill1 years into Illinois. and wherever
Jd,"1r,fy are giving the best of satisfac
tion. The one-fourth and one-half bloods bring
more than double theprice of the good common
stock of the country, and the breeders of thi"
thSn ar unable auPl'y the demand for
There Is now, and will be for some time to
come, a demand for the colts at good prices for
stock purposes.
SSO the season, or four mares for 8IOO in V
wnl?Pln,KXt,t.hi,, prince lUiies- they
will be bred by special agreement.-
Ashland, Or., March 31, 1876-28 " C MYER'
TOTICE is hereby given that tbe partnership
I heretofore existing between John Foster
nJmHiost:r'Dna:erlne rm name of
J. 11. Foster u has this day been dissolved
by the mntual consent of said parties, John
Joster retiring from the business. James H.
roster will continue the business heretofore
Sa7.ird,.on,7'sa,dJ-fI- 'oer Co.. and all
debt s duo. claims or demands of an v person or
persons against said J. H. Foster A Co!, will b
paid and settled by the said Jnmes U. Foster,
and all moneys, dues, claims, debts or demands
due or owing from any person or persons, or to
become due or owing to said J. H. Foster Co..
have been sold and assigned to said James H.
iostcr, who will collect and .receipt for the
lame- J. H. FOSTER.
April 29, 1876. JOHli FOSTER.
pa1yutpouc.emSelVea 1Udebted' u"
"FtI TT00X Ol3LO
HAS OPEXED a Burner 8hop on First street,
one door west of Thompson Irvlng's har
ness shop, where he will be pleased to meet all
who wish work in bis line. Thankful for pat
patronage, he hopes by close attention to busi
ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will
keep constantly on band a fall supply of
Perfumery nl Hair Oils,
the best assortment in town. Come and sea
Albanj-, Or., February 25, 1876-23v8
THE co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween E. S. Merrill and L. M. Putmnn, wits
Wr',?Inni.coPsent dissolved, March 10th, 187.
K. 8. Merrill having sold his interest to Jesse
Merrill. The firm will now le known as Put
man &Co., who will continue business attne
old stand. The accounts of the old tirm will
be settled by Mr. Pntman. and all those indebt
ed to Merrill & Putman are earnestly requested
to call and settle without delay.
E. 8. MEK MIX,
Aibanyi Aprin? i, wre 4nau" Pl;AJi
Tbe Arlzuua sod New Mexico Expras
now running first class coaches from terminus
Southern Pacing Railroad t hrongh to Prescott,
Tucson, and all intermediate points, reaches the
newly discovered' . .
Rieb Mining District,
of Arlaonaby the Shortest, Cheapest and Best
FREIGHT SH1PMEXTS received by Wells;
Fanro A Co., San Francisco.
TICK KTS for sale at all principal ticket offices
in san Francisco.
HENBT WELIA (of W. F. A Co. and Amer-
- lean Express Co.l, President.
J, G. ROLAND, No, 1(6 Colifornia street, Sari
. Francisco), Vice President.
('If AM. If. DVEIXK, Ui'Bfrsl NMp.,
30m3 - Tucson, Arizona.
Execator'a Stoticc.
TOTlCE Is hereby given that L. E: Blain has
Xl been by the County Court of Linn county,
Oregon, appointed the executor of the last will
and testament of Margaret Blain, deceased .and
all persons having claims against said deceased
or her estate, arc hereby notified to present the
same, dnly verified, to the undersigned, at the
office of Powell A Flinn. In Albany, Oregon,
within six months from the date hereof.
Albany, Or., May 19, T6. . Executor.
x '.Ca ,-1.