PC SI. 18 BED BVCJIY FRIDAY, T COLL. VAN CLEVE. W THE REGISTER BUILDING, Corner Ferry and fHrtt StrttU. TERltS-nsr ADVANCE. Oae copy, one year.' .....$3S0 On copy, six months I SO elaba of twenty, each eopys 92 00 Single copies Ten cents. Subscribers outside of Linn conntv will tie charged SO cents extra S3 70 for the year as that ta the amount of postage per annum which, we are required to pay on each paper maOod by us. Areata for tne Keiclater. The following named gentlemen are author ized to receive and receipt .for subscriptions to the Register in the localities mentioned : Meeara. Kirk A Hume Brownsville. Kobert Glass Crawfordsvilie. W. P. Smith Ilnlsey. O. P. Tompkins .-..HaniBburg. H. H. Clanghton Lebanon. A. Wheeler A Co Shedd. Messrs. Smith A Brasfleld Junction City. I. B. Irvine Scio. Thos. H. Reynolds .alem. W. Waterhonse Monmouth. FRIDAY. .MAY 28, 1876. Mr. Robert Lincoln, son of Presi dent Lincoln, is a candidate tor the Re publican nomination for Secretary of State in Illinois. Th Political Deatrortlon at U. H rfleton. If ever a man bad to complain of tbe conduct of bia friends, that wan ia Geo. H. Pendleton. He bad succeeded in snugly enricbing himself by passing a claim through the War Department, getting tbe payment on the ground that his reputation was too bigb in the Dera ocratic ranks to be guilty of presenting anything less . than what was strictly gilt-edged, with a strong o?or of rose water. But Mr. Clymer, on the hunt for Re publican sinners, was mercilessly resolv ed to blast their reputation. No Dem ocrat was, however, to be placed in jeopardy. Had it not been for the vig ilance of men with more public spirit aud greater conscientiousness, he might havo "brought down,", as bia 'expres sion was, General Belknap, and left Mr. ; To Emperor ml Brufli Dom Pedro, the Emperor of Brazil, now visiting the United States, is 52 A w a years oi age. xiim oeara ana u&ir are white, while his carriage is erect and his frame solid. U ia over six feet high, and dignified in bia bearing. He is a man of scholarly attainmentsand speaks fluently the principal languages of mod ern Europe. He has reigned in Brazil 36 years, and in 1871, recognizing the progress of th world, issued his edict for the gradual emancipation of all the slaves in his Empire Tbe Woeat Fleet for Ibis Coast. On tbe way to San Francisco from foreign porta and domestic Atlantic ports are now about 175 chips, agre-. gating a tonnage of 236,428. From Now York alone are coming 32 vessel, of 49,390 tons; 43 from Liverpool: 31 Pendleton to luxuriate in all bia glory, i from Australia; 12 from 'Hongkong; 8 The fact that Tilden, remarks the Chicago Intr. Oeeo.ii, is a "reformer, does not prevent two railroads from suing him tor embezzlement of funds and bonds. The first vote ever cast by a natural ized Chinaman u Cincinnati was polled at the late municipal election, when Joseph Sing voted. He voted the Democratic ticket. . Rockfprd, Illinois, has concluded to . try legislation as a means of prevent ing men from becoming dry. The pro hibitionists made a clean sweep at the municipal election there the other day. . One of tlie governing bodies of Rus sia is known as tbe "Prawitclstwnjuets. chi Senat." Now, why didn't we know that before the spelling matches went out of fashion ? The railroad taxes due McLean county, Illiuoise, are stated at $140, 029 04, and this amount will shortly be paid into tbe county treasury under tbe receut decision of the United States supreme court. , Herbert Sner.ccr says that the gold ring new worn by married women is the sign of U iron ring that was worn abont the neck r ankle in olden times rand r indicates the submission of the wearer. Mr. Spencer is a bachelor. Iu this he was foiled ; but so tenacious was Mr. Clymer in his efforts, that rather than relax, bo preferred to bring down his friend upon a meaner charge than that which led to tbe impeach ment of General Belknap. AY iule the tall of General Belknap may be regretted, every one will say that his trial should take place, and the couscqueuces of bia acta be visited upon him. But the downfall of Mr. Pendle ton occurs without exciting sympathy : and hi political extinction at' the hand of Ueister Clymer is simply an act of justice. So, a cotctnporary thus records tbe final scene in tbe act which relegates Mr. Pendleton to private life ; " GENTLEMAN ' GEORGE. urtljer testimony respecting Mr. Pendleton's transactions in recovering tlie claim of tbe Kentucky Central rail road prove yet more astonishing. It is shown that the road was not at all owned by the Bowler heir, that the poopie wno aia own it got no portion of the claim, and that 3Ir. Pendleton took the lion's share. "Gentleman" George is presumably .out of politics tor the future. Mr. Clymer has reduced the number of candidates by taking out of the list tbo. name of a Democrat, who was thought to be strong from the root up ward, and to be an adornment instead of a blot. But it was impossible to contend against fate ; and tbe transac tions of Mr. Pendleton known, shatter ed his reputation beyond redemption, and ruined him forever. , Of the fires in the United States and Canada during 1875, tlie total amount of property burned is reported at $SGr 00,000, and $50fiQ0'm of it was caused by the work of incendiaries, as reported by the national convention of Uudei writers. - Rocking; tbe Cradle. There are now 275 cities aud towns i that have fire-engines in use; seventy, eight have paid fire departments; sixty. , nve nave public water-works; eighty- Mven others are set down as having a suae rent supply of water by gravi tation. A process has been discovered in which sirup is made out of ground corn or meal at the rate of over two gallons to the bushel of anshelled corn, only water being used. What is left of tbe ,eorn ia good tor cattle, and the eofa I make good taL Tbe &st experiment ia woman sof ftage in Minneapolis, Minn., is not re garded wkli satisfaction by the St. Paul 1 Jhoneer-Presa, which says that the votes of tlie women were all ct o- two candidates for school offices of their own sex, and that they thereby defeated two candidates who were noted .for their eSciency and integrity. At Sao Jose, Cal., on the night of the 20tbrtbe youngest son of L. II. Bas om, of. Santa Clara, suicided by shoot img himself through the head. The yonng man, named Loui Summerfield Eaoom, loved Miss Ursula Mason, a joanjt wT;.;m.io.Jl9,wentju the! cottss on tbe evening in question, and learrirs from her own lips that she did set love him, he, right then and there, suicided. .. The quarrel between tbe Duke and Duchess of Edinburg has become a matter of-international importance. Mr. Smalley writes : "The visit to St. Pe tersburg, which tlie death of the Duch ess' aunt furnished a convenient pre- . text. 9J real I v m. nolitA matin rt n( fecticg separation. The Czar's love is one of the strong pas elms of his. lite; what may he not do to avenge tbe fancied slights which he believes she has had to bear ? " JTE' Delegates to the National Re publican Convention are : II. W. Scott, ' B. C. Van Houten, J. C. Tolman, J. II. Filter, J. B. David, II. K. Ilines. In Derfeyshirej England, in cave, bsa been found' a ekin dressing tool, "ei'Har to that used by the Shoshone - Indians-fr dressing hides. . ;r L jV: rs-Z.aE0 circle walking around J C Ihhj all night. The Philadelphia Ledger says: "The mother who rocks her child to sleep is unconsciously illustrating a scientific principle. Tlie- heart and the system of circulation are popularly thought never to rest. But science shows that under usual and lair conditions their rest is perpetual. In other words, by their rhythmic or measured motion in health the organs of circulation rest between each pulse that is to say, eight hours out of tbe twenty-four, as has been cal culated by computing the pauses be tween beats ot tbe pulse. The inonoto rous rhythm of a, simple cradle song, and the gentle motion ot the rocking chair or cradle and in harmony with the rnytum ot tne heart, and, tbe brain being disengaged, Bleep follows. . The brain may be said to be tlie part of the ammai economy which sleeps entirely. Daring healthy sleep the brain is to a . .1 1 1 great uegree oiooaiess, ana in is is shown indirectly by the greater circula tion of blood in the. skin and extremi ties during sleep. Healthy digestion, after a fairly full but not excessive meal, promotes sleep, by the calling off of the biood from the brain to the stomach. A curious but familiar illustration ot the accord between the heart move ments and external measured sounds or motions, is shown when the nurse stops bumming and ' the 'troublesome baby wakes straight op and provokiugly opens its staring eyes. The concert is interrupted and the sleepy accorl of the heart with the soocessiva cadences of the lullaby ia broken This is why the cessation of usual sounds will wake an adult sleeper. It is even stated that soldiers who have fallen asleep during a cannonade have awakened when the noise suddenly ceased." This is the history' in brief of the Emma mine : It was originally dtscoy. ed in 1869. bv Robert B. ChisfMlm: from Elgin, Illinois, and was located in 1870. The name "Emma" L was sug gested by Mr. Chisholm'a son, it being that of a little sister at home in Elgin. A sixth interest was honght in 1870 by Walker Brothers for $30,000. I John E. Lyon bad put in a small amount of money with Chisholm and his partner, and, when the. mine was discovered, came in and claimed a share, but did not get it. Trenor W. Park and Hen ry Baxter bought a halt interest in 1870 for $875,000. The original proprietors sold out in 1S71-2, and, got rich. An eastern physician asserts that lover is an affair of the stomaeb and not ot the-heart. Nevertheless, one green apple will cause mora stomaeh-aehe than a cart-load of unrequited love-- v i .m m i ii Moody & Sankey are holding:: im mense, meetings at St. Louis, ' - "What's going on V? said a well known bore to Douglas JerroUL "I am," was the reply, and on ho went. from Manilla; 7 from Boston; 6 from Baltimore; 4 from Philadelphia, and so on. About 60,000 tons of registered tonnage are Bow; uudor engagement at Saq; Eranciaco. to .move the present year's wheat cjpp, and rates are tending upward. The prospect is that the our. plus wheat of the State this year will be not less than 850,000 tons, and per haps a million or twelve hundred thousand. Tbe acreage sown is 3,000, 000, the yield of which will probably in no case be less than fifteen bushels to tbe acre, and ia some cases will certain ly bo fifty and sixty. There will be abundant employment this year for every ship that sails the waters of tbe Paoifie Ocean. Tbe man who painted Patience as a healthy looking female perched on a chunk of sandstone, never saw an editor chewing tbe end of a pencil while three compositors stood in the background yelling for copy. The Dalles Tribune says : Large wagons, loaded to the brim, gp out ol town daily bound for various points in the interior. Some go to Ochoco ; some to Canyon City and point beyond; some to Umatilla county ; Washington Territory. A much larger wholesale trade is going on here than is apparent to a casual observer ; and, as time progresses it is bound to increase. Arl Cautrell, of Benton county, last week sold the fleece from his flock of An gora goats, aggregating near 1.G0O pounds of very fine mohair, which will bring , the owner a nice little sum. The yield of wool is equal in weight to that from sheep, and more valuable. At the coming Centennial Newspa per Exhibition at Philadelphia it has been decided to display copies of an tique journals aud other curiosities ot newspaper literature. To this interest ing collection all persons having ancient, quaint, or curious specimens are invited - to oontnuuie; ana snoua tho response be as hearty and general as we bope to uuu iv, tun garnering 01 time-worn publications will prove to be not only a leading trait of the Newspaper Depart ment, out aiso one oi the salient at. tractions of the Exhibition as a whole All having the ability and will to aid the project should transmit their con signments without delay to the Pavil ion of the Centennial Newspaper Exhi- Diuon, .rairmount .fark. .fhiladelnliia.. addressed to tbe care of Mr. Geo. P. Kowell, who has the matter m charge, VV bile oa view, these exhibits will tave attached to them labels desiorna. . ? i . . ung oy wnom tney are oontnbuted,aud all consistent care will be taken to pre serve them from damage. After the close of tbe Exhibition thev will be again at the service ot their ovnen, or, in the absence of different instructions. win oe irausrerrea to some historical society or museum. During the late war there were many newspapers issued which illustrated the straits u which the publishers found tiiemselves. - ftnk. blue, and vellow sheets, wrapping paper, and many other tuosutuies were pressed into the service. Specimens of. thesa now possess a curi ous interest. The advantage to the public of such a gathering are manifest to a degree which renders elucidation unnecessary, and the opportunity to do a a very use ful act is placed within easy reach. A single copy of some .senile broadsheet may not be of tnnclv worth to its pro prietor,' yet in conjunction with others it will make up a worthy collection. Many, people there are who, having preserved such curiosities for vearai can turn them to little or no Dractical ac count, and it is not too much to hope that tbe response criven ' bv anh will be ready and eeueral. Withnnt loss to. themselves, thev can material!? benefit visitors to tbe Great Centennial Exhibition aud apparently advance a patriotic movement. POST OFFICE BlX.MTEn. arrive: .F,r,1? Railroad north and sonth) daily at li.io p.m. Krotn (foryallls, dally, at 10.30 A. St. r rom Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday, Wednesday and Kiiday) at 10.30 a. m. Aits bepaet: For Railroad (north and ci:ti). dailv. cloatipromptatll.lOA. m. For Corvnllis, flaUy.ot 12.50 P. M. or Lebanon . trl-weekly, Montlav. Wed nesday and Frlduy) at S p. si. Offlue boars from 7 a.m. to fk r. W. Snnday, from 12 m. to 2 p. m. Money order offlee honrs from 9 a. sr. to P. M. P, II - SA1MOXD, F. M. Seven Chief Justices have adorned the bench of the United Sutes Su preme Court John Jay, six years; John Rutledze. a Dart ot a vear : OH. w . - r ver Ellsworth, five years j . John Mar- shall,thirty.fiv years; Roger B. Taney, tirenty-eight years ; Salmon P. Chase, ten years ; and Morrison R. Waite, ap- pomted jn .1874... None ,pf them .were ever candidates ftr President, and only Mr. Chase was seriooslr talked of for tho office."- Mrs. Edwards, of San Francisco ays that she gave away her - cat and kitten to a friend in Santa Clara, forty-nine miles away, and that th eat came back the next night, carrying the kitten 1 in her mouth. Mr. and Mrs. William Edge,! ot Laurens County, have only sixteen children the oldest 17 years of age and the youngest a baby at tbe breast. The mother is not over 35 yearscold. a j-. v . A pt. ixiuis .womla says it is no worse to encircle a Hdy'a waist with your arm in a ball-room than to buz your friend's sister on the back stairs. No worse ? Why. it is not as eoed ! It is said that oranges will improve a young lady's complexion. Let the juice rnn down over your chin. ; Ladies, who do-iheir own sewing may be-interested in the tact that there are 20,649 stiches in a shirt, TABIOCS "FODDEB." A Portsmouth, rf. II., young man who was inconsiderate enough to "come in," after he had escorted a girl home from prayer meeting the other Sunday evening, was obliged to stop to family prayers, which came on very soon, but when tlie pious householder prayed that "the young man who, for the time be fog is one of our number, may de di rected toward his Father's house," be took his hat and left without ceremouy. Speaking of an old China sale in Europe the other day where a pair of vases were sold for $88,000, the St. Louis Republican says : "This sale was not held iu a lunatic asylum, but in a Tand where men, women and chil dren drop dead every day in the year of starvation." An exchange says : "If you don't stop using tobacco, tbe first thing you know you will bavo tbe amourosis, an gina pectoris, hypochondriasis, and lo comotorataxy." With such an array ot ills, it is no wonder that the popular superstition that the "devil sowed tho seed" obtaius followers. Tlie latest article out for fastening up ladies', "stockings has a clasp, on which appear two serpents' heads, with little ruby eyes. Sort of "garter snakes, yon know. The eye, can't see. When a lovely Philadelphia girl was introduced to a stranger she said she was an orphan. When he squozo her hand she added, "an orphan with four big brothers In Milwaukee tbe cast-oft' stockings ot fashionable ladies are used by coal heavers for carrying coal up stairs half bushel at a load. - x no envious courier-J ounial rays "Boston has a 'brains club made nn of .f?"1"'.?" "roe, where can be - - i i women exclusively. Such is the aston- :.L! - f . ... . jpujiig amount oi intelligence ana cul ture in that city that there even women nave Drains." A Mrs. Starrett, in her lecture on Uove, Human and Divine," says if God had been a mother he would never have made a hell ! A frontier Texan who was asked if lie was going to attend the Centennial Exhibition, guilelessly replied : "I'd like to, but I'll have to put it off till next year." ''Landlord, didn't you ever have a gentleman stop with you before ?'? "Are you a gentleman?" "Yes, I am, iTl IIS ' ion i never naa one stop witn me before." Another domestic explosion is immi nent in an Iowa household. One of the boys accidentally swallowed a pistol j caru-iajje last week. Professor Tyndall has been offered a baronetcy because he wrote a treatise on "bound." A vinegar-hearted old bachelor says he always looked under the head nf ATTENTION. PARKER & MORRIS' 2Tew Eleyatox ! TH SOW BKADY FOB THE RETFJ T.feA a of wneat ana oats, we can tbe at ten of lanuers 10 toe iuct iimi we unve ereeteu the li- nest warenonxe in inn iaie,m a Inrse expense, and are in poitltlou to handle atistactoriiy an immense quantity of grain. Oar house has a capacity for 200,000 bushels of Wheat r -1 1 atone time, and Is located bn the margin of tbe Willamette HI ver, and provided wit ha side track from the O. & C. H. R., mo that shipuiants mnv be made daily by rail, and as often by water as boiitint; facilities offer. We have two bi tion fans, lu addition to other fans, attached to tho iouc, rnn by water power, aud are thus prepared to Furniture Eooms. BCiTS leave to announce to th nlfirena ntli. city and surrounding: country, that be hasopen -t? ' i-J -t S.XVT I"X" U XHL3EJ I In the buildi'nar lately occupied by In. Plum- on most reasonable terms, Parlor Sola, " Bedroom Suits, Sofiis, Lounges, Kiy Cfaalrs, Center Tables, Wbatnots, ! Drska, Sool.casca, Safe, Wardrobes, and in fact everything else needed to CO TO IIOUSEKEEPIXO. 33 2r john connnr?, BANKING Ezchango QQcg, ALB.13Y, niU05. TErOMTS KECEIVEO all tho wheat received. Can take In and cleun lo,ooo bushels per day. Cleaned wheat Is worth ranch more in aU foreign markets than foul wheat, and none should be xhlp)ed witbout cleaning. Ourcharges will be Ave cents a bttsliel muvnf rjiu iuui mi h uu uiu. W6 DSVO SIXTY TIIOl SA.I SACKS to furnish those storing wheat with ns, free to ;" wu.fs 7 wo purcuase, ana at the lowest cash price to those Who sell their wlw.it from our honse toother buyers. Perrons stor ing with us are at liberty to sell to whom thev please. Those who reside on tho west Bide of the market as buyers, and ext)ec-t to be able to rwytlie highest possible price. Having pro- j r m Mnsv uusiness, w nope PARKEn & nouRis. n47v6july 31 Albany, Oregon. For Sale 1 QOSSTASIXir ON IIAXO L.lme, Shingles, Plaster I'arfs, maxiu, iiulr, etc., and for sale low, at the warphrrose of fAHKJCK A MOT1KI3, Tlie Hlffheftt Cash Price Pnld for VTool. Albany, May U, Is-SSvT marriages" for the news of the weak. Winslow, the foreer. has been in great demaud, but it is doubtful if there will be an extra 'd it ion of him. ! A bald-headed man peddling a hair restorer was tho confusinr spectacle presented to Danbury in tbe past week. A despairing husband asks how to elevate an ill-tempered wife. Get her ire up, we should say. The principal objection to female bar bers is that they're too apt to turn their customers beads. Vaccinate. Politeness never hurts anybody. Small pox . will not attack yon it you allow it to take your arm. It a row of columns is a colonnade. isn't a row of lemons a lemonade? XUEPIBUCAJX STATE rUTrOBS. My goods are well made and of the very Latest and Handsomest Sivlo. PIUCluS WAY DOWN. SS"FI"RVIti;hi; muinf...ini ... short notice. " li-iT Kuril it are repaired and put Ingoodshaoe on shot-t notice. OiTcmeacall. F. S. DVXMXG. Allny, Kov. 26. 1875 10v8 The Republican party of Oresron. In con vention assembled, makes this declaration of Its principles and policy : . - Jietoirea. i nat m this Uentenntal year of American Independence we asraiti affirm our devotion to those fundamental princi ples upon which the republic and the Re publican party were lounded. Among these are : - K Unswerving: fidelity to the constitu tion and the perpetuity ot the Union. "2. Tlie preservation ot the liberties and equal lishts ot all citizens throughout the nation, and the impartial administration of the laws tti every part of the country, for tbe protection and enforcement of public and private right and the punishment of Violence ana crimes. - - r 3. Pure and economical administration of every department of tho government, aiace anu national, anu we pledge the sup port ot the Republican party to all meas ures honestly proposed and wiselv design ed to promote tbe mora) and material pros- penijrui me people. 4. That a well instructed people alone cau permanently free, It H therefore essen I that the public school system" shall be maintained in order tiiat every child may receive such education as will fit htm tor useful citizenship, and we are an<erablv opposed to any division of public school money ior any purpose wnatever. 6. That while we are in tavor of a rev enue for the support of the general geverti- meus oy autlea upon imports, sound policy requires such adjustment of those imnosts aa to encourage tbe development of the in dustrial interest of the whole country, and we commend that policy of national ex change which secures to tbe working men (tuvnu wages, vj agriculture remunerative prices, to mechanics and manufacturers an adequate reward Jbr their skill, labor and enterprise, and to tbe nation commercial prosperity and independence. 6. That the best interests of all jtina of every condition and pursuit imperative ly demand tbe speediest return to a specie basis of values ind currency, and we- hall with gratification the act of a Republican Congress definitely-providing for that end. 7. That we are In favor of untiring pros ecution and punishment ot public fraud and crime, straw-bidding and speculation ia office, wherever existing, and we repeat the injunction, "Let no guilty man escape." 8. We demand that our national candi dates shall be men of tried integrity, who will carry out this policy, of reform, and preserve Inviolate the great results of the war. - . - . 9. We arraign tbe present State adminis tration and Its supporters as corrupt and profligate. They have robbed the com mon school fundi they liave been guilty of partisan legislation ; they bave squandered ewwpatrimonv ia lands, and heaped upon s & deb' of over $.'300,000 in qect viola tion of the constitution, SOMETHING- NEWIN ALBANY ! ! Dress making Slillincry (iooda : Ladies' Furnishing Cioods General Emporium 31 us. S. A. Johns, at her new store on D.rwl albin street, near the corner of Second, offers the ladies a splendid stock of new . . atllXISKBY AMD DRESS TMMHIXtta, of every description, all of the latest and most fashionable styles. She also has a com wlete as sortment of XMUea anrt (1ill1i--ia'M Fnmlshlnr Unit da ufl t'tnlerwoarl of every quality and style, embracing- Hose, C'ollnrH, tiMvqapa. (braided or embroidered) UoMdkprehlcfa, . litres, Kuibrolilerles, Collnretto-s, J4M Ulsrfs, Xevk-Tles, - Bass, and all kinds of ladies' and children's wider wear, which will be sold vei-y low. r Call and examine goods. MRS. S. A. JOII9TS. Albany, Nor. 86, 1875-10 v8 $5 id $201 J 4 y y at home. ir A terms Tree. at hom. Samples worth il ikson A Co., l'ortland. Me. CESE 1 25c to G. P. BOWEI.L A CO., New York, J for Pamphlet of 1 paves, containing a.ooo .v.aipci nuu ixuiaiC9 saowing COSl Oi ad- """"'li' xovtsy Aarentswanted. On t tit TKUK A CO., Augusta.Mc. For Sale X A Xarge Body of Blcli Land Tor Sale Cheap. QQfl ACRES OF LAM IX LINN COirNTV; .Y.ow "crw! " cultivation every acre sus ceptible of cultivation well watered, lias a good house, barn, and outhouses thereon aU under fence, and lying within 9 miles of a rail- T " "Sw g-ass or gram land. unub wui uv mjiu cneap. . S. ATXg W) V4-4MV7 Inqnire of A. JOHNS, Tho Albany, Oregon. JOHN BRIGGS TAKES TIIIS OPPORTUNITY TO INFORM his friends and the public generally, that he is now settled in his " NEW BUSINESS HOUSE, on the old stand next door to P.C. Harper ACo . where cuu bo found as -Tent an nu.vt .t as large a stock of . Stoves and Ranges asonn be fotinrj inr any one boose thin wido of itnuaau,aUUaia9 LOW PRICE. THE ENEMY OF DISEASE I THE FOE OF PAIN To Man and. Beast IS THE CRANU OLD LIN I ME IT T . ?ea'S? uas 8TOOD T1IE tes'' or. 40 Tlwre is no sore it will not heal, no lame ness it will not cure, no ache, no pain, that afflict tlie human body, or the body of a horse or other domestic animal, tiiat does not yield to its raato' touch. A bottle costing 25c. 50e. or $1 00, has otten saved the life of a human being, and restored to life and usefulness manv a valuable horse. SUE, IT WIU CIBG Rheumatism, Burns, Scalds. Bruises, Cuts, Frost-bites, Swellings. Contracted Cords! Jit, . tlle ?ack' Lumbago, Sciatica, Chilblains. Strains. Snmina ftttir rs... H Sore Mpples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds, Ulcers. FOR A-VIMAM, 1T WILL CVRK Spavin, Galls and Sores, Swlnny, Kine Bone, Windgallg, Big Head. Poll KviC Humors and Sores. Lameness, Swellinsrs, Scratches, Distemper Stiffness, Straius, Soreness, Open Soreii 25v8 - FOB :. ". ": -, CLAfltt DEEDG, Neatly executed. Call a? Ui Itctslcr OHieo ALSO Pumps da Iiojs, Castiron, Brass & Enameled KETTLES. in great variety. Also, Tin, -Sheet Iron, o&lvauized Iron, and Copperware, always on hand, and made to order, AT LXV INU KATES. . check at nl,rht Interest allowed on tlmedrposs In coin. . . "'5a "u i-ommia, hun r rani-MM, .ind Now York, for sale at lowest rates. Collections madeand promntly ronnttwd. Itelers to H. W. Corbett, Uenry t aUimj W. 8. Ijidd. . Banking hours' from S A. SI. to 4 P. 3. ' Albany, Feb. I, Itt71-Wv A. CAROTUERS & C0.t Dealers In , c-UEmcAu, oils, pAJirrs, st LAMPS, ETC'., . .i.. , A U tbo popular ' . . I'ATEXT MEDimES, ITSIf CUTLERY, CIGAllS, TvbACVO, . e)TIOSS I'EBri'XEXT, . HmI TlI-i;Pod. ' rartteuter ear and protaptaciut rrre.it yslcans prescrlpUons and Family Koe 11 '- CABorneRs co. Albany, Ore(ron-TS Albany Book Store. WO. FOSIIAY, t DEALER IX MISOKLLANKOfSfftX)K, School Books. Blank Books, Stationary Faney Articles, c. . Bcxiks 1 m ported to order, at sfaortost pos sible notii. , m 'II. JT. BOUC5IITOX,JI.I., GRAnVATK OP THE nnVMMITf Medical College of Kaw York, bst mcmljor of Bellevieu H pital Setlical Cttt lesfe. New York. Orvtcm-ln A. Carotbr A Co. 's drag store, Albany, Oregon. TJT. C. TWEEDALE, Grocor-iets, IProvision Tobacco, 4-lgara, CaUrry Crvrk ery, and Wood & Willow Vl'tn, ALBArJY, OREGON. CSTCallandiee him. . flirS J. w. baefin; ""' . Attorney and Counselor at Law, Wit L PRACTICE IN ALL THE Court In the 2d. 8d and 4th Judicial Xla-tricts- In tho ISuoreme Court of Orevon. olloe Mrst Office Iu Pat-rlsh brick, (np.stalnu, in Hoe occupied by tho late X. H. Ctvnor. Irst street, Albany, Oregon. UIvS Albany, October 83,. 1875-5V8 ALBANY FOUNDRY And '-'' IVX txc e Shop, A. F. C1IEBKY Proprietor, ALBAN Y, OREGON", Manufactures Steam Engines, Flour and Saw MlU 31aehln , WOOD WOIiiaNG , And AGRICULTURAL MACUINERYi And all kin as of IBOS AND VtiASS VASTtSOH. Particular attention paid to repalrin r all kinds of machinery. 41 vS JOHN SCHMEER, -DEAL. KB IIT Groceries & Provisions, ALBANY, OREGON. HAS JtTST OPENED HIS NEW GROCF.R establishment on cornor of Ellsworth and First streets, with a fresh stock of (Traceries, Provisions, Candles, Cigars, To bacco, Ac, to which he invites tho atten tion of our citizens. ... In connection with the store be will keep a Bakery, and will always have oa band a full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac. Call and see me. February 16-S4V4 JOHN SCHMEER. Jost Issued, sootb Edition. MANHOOD, ; Revised and corrected by the antbor. E. de F. . ,..,,Curtfav.M, 1., Ac, Ac ;. . A Medical Essay on the cause and oure of pre mature decline in man, showing how health is lost, and i-ogriined. It gives a clear synopsis of tho imitediments to marrlaare, tho treatment, of nervous and physical debiiitv; exhausted vital ity, and all other diseases appertain)? thereto; tho results of twenty years sucowasful practice. Oninlom ol thn Prrnn. CURTIS ON "'MAN HK1." There is no mem ber of societ v bv whom this book will not be found useful, whether bo bo parent, preceptor orolervTumn.wlott 7yfm-s. CCSTLS ON "M A S HOOD." This book should bo rend bv the youncf for instruction, and by tho afflicted for relief ; it -will injui-o no one. Mivheal Times ami UttHle lrtce- One Dollar, bv mail or express. Ad. dress the author, IR. CURTIS, siOSutterstrcet, or V. O. Bos 3.17, San Fmninc, Cfli, , . . ; . . 4vTm3 . EPIZOOTICS ISiTAXCEI. ' THfc B.IV TEAM KTlI.r, UVEK, AND IS FLOURISHING LIKE AOUUK bay tree. Thankful for past favors, and wbtilnt; to mi-ril the continuance of the same, the BAY TEAM will alwavs Kn ready, and easily fonud, to doauv baulm within the city limits, for a reasonal)! comiwnsation. tjrbrlivrr)' sftloiid HSpecixlty. A. X. AKNOI.lt. Suva - Fronrietor.- Iile I Iiles WHY SAY. THIS DAMAGING AND troublesome complaint cannot b cure (, wlion so many evidences of lun-oess miijbt be pliue-t leforo vr.n every day curia of supposed hopolcss cases Your physician informs you that the lonjrrrvmi allow tbe complaint to exist, you lessen ' your clianecs for rclier. Existence hu aught this in all eatct. A. Cnrothers & CoVa Pile I11I and Ointment are all they are recuntuendon to l. Will cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding Files In " a very short tima. and ar couwniirlU uar. . This preparation is sent by mail or ex press to any point within tbe United States at 41 50 per package. Address. A. CAKOTMER8 A CO.. 7v3 Box S3, Albany, Oregon. - 'ITie Eugene firemen are making ar rangements for a grand bail at Lane's Hall ou Christmas eve. CENTENNIAL. 187G. 187G. IProolaxuatioii. Chicago & North-Vest-' ern Railway. rJHE POmAR BOITE OVEBIAMD. Fassenarcrs for Chicago. Niagara Falls. Fltta. bunc.Fhlladclpbia.Montreal.Quebee.Ncw York Boston, or any point East, should buy their TRANSCONTINENTAL. TICKETS Tte the Pioneer Bontc,: " TITE .. CHICAtM) t SOBTHWESTEBa RAILWAY THIS IS THE BEST ROUTE EAST. Its Track Is of STEEL RAILS, and on It baa been made the FASTEST time t hat has ever hewn MADE In this eon ntry. By this roots tan. , Jrers for points east of Ch Icago have choice of t ha ollowing- lines from Chicago : By tbe lMMwbursr, Fort w.yn and Cnlew fret ' and Pennsylvania Hallway . 3 THROUGH TEAIN8 DAILY, with Pullman Palace curs thmuijh to Philadelphia and New York on each train. ... i ITHROUGn TRAIN, with Pullman Palace cara to Baltimore and Washington. Hy the iJtke Snore and nieblirsa lM(h, ern Railway sndraanectloiu (Sew lern, ' Central and Erie Kailreada), 3 THROUGH TRAIN8 DAILY, with Palfic Drawing Koom and Silver Palaoo cars thro' to New York. Iy the Miellran Central, linnd Trunk, threat Western and rl and New xru, . Central Bail ways, 3TintOU"H TRAINS, with Ptilhnan PnTace Drawing Room and Sleeping cam thronxh to New York, to Niagara Falls, Bafialo, liori.u&tev or New York city. By Valtlmore and Onto WaSIs, . 2 THROUGH TRAINS DAILY, with Pnllman; Palace cars for Newark. Zanesville.Whonnnv Washington and Baltimore witbout chango. This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onTv v rnnnlng Pullman celebrated PALACE SLt, t. INt4 CARS AND COACHES, connecting wstj Union Pacinc Railroad at OMAHA and from t ho WEST, via Grand Jtinrtion, Marshall, c Rapids, Clinton, Sterling and Dixon, lor ( L CAOO AND THE EAST. .. This popular route Is unsurpassed for St wl Comfort and Safety. The smooth, well l-t ti. ed and perfect track of stool rails, tbo eej.nil ed Pullman Palace Sleeping cars, the perfect Tolegrnph System of moving tr&r, the r. ni larity with which they run, the ailntiiii ar rangement for rnnnitig through curs lofi-i from all points Wet,secnre to Itassoncrs iiif" the comforts in modern railway i ravelin No changes of Cars, and no tedious doiaya at In, ries. Passcnerors will find Tickets -via this favono ronte at the General Ticket Office of t Xu t oni n. I Ptu-itlu Railroad, Sacramento. Tickets for sulo at all the Ticket 0!-c ff t h Central Faciflc Rtiiiroad. W.H. STKWl r-r MARVIN H( ;mTT.ion.Sjp. ;,,. K IL P. M'.lMV(KU), ; ncral Agcuty, K'l ....i; KOiucry trt,i:t.iti 'mucist:o, Vini.r -