The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 12, 1876, Image 4

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    J Ik an g fpgisij.'
Conwr Ferry and Firtt Streets.
A Prayer.
X fy. one year ,2 50
One pony, Biz months ' gX
Tu '. f..v;.unty- py SS
that U the amount of postage per anrvam
tTaPSSSSf r?T?ed sentlemen are author-
Siit loeiwauuM mentioned :
S?" Kirk 4 Home Brownsville
wrVlS?-" CnwrforrlsvOie,
iV -o ".it." - Unlsey,
Zn:c&t::::;::::::::; bS
J. B. Irvine
Thoa. It. Reynolds ' ,
W. Waterhouac.
. .Junction Cttv,
..MAY 12.. 1876.
It needs ro guilt to break a husbaud'
iicart. j be absence of conteiit, the
mutteringsef spleen, tie untidy dree
and. cfceerleta, ; borne, the forbidding
cowi anu deserted hearth, these, and
other nameless neglects, without crime
among thsmjiave harrowed to the quick
the heart's core of many a man, and
planted there, beyond the reach of cure,
the germ of dark despair. O, may
woman, tseiore that sight arrive?, dwell
on the recollection of her youth, and
cherishing the dear idea of that tuneful
ttrac awaken and keep alive the promise
ne so kuKtly gave. And though she
taay be the injured, not the injuring
oue 4he forgotten, and not the forget
ti2 wife a happy allusion to the hour
of peaceful lore a kindly welcome to a
comfortable home a smile of love to
hamsh hostile words a kiss of peace to
pardon all the past, and the hardest
Jieart that was ever locked within the
breast of selfish man will soften to her
charms, and bid her live, as she had
hoped, her years ot matchless bliss
loved, loving and content the source
of comfort and the spring of joy,
Ciavidcru Journal.
Ood make my life a little light, '
Within the world to glow ; V
A little flame that burneta brishL
wherever I may go.
God make my life a little flower.
That gtveth joy to all.
Content to bloom in native bower,
Although its place be small.
God make my life a little song,
1 hat corn fortetU the sad;
That helpeth others to be strong,
And makes the singer glad.
God make my life a little staff '
Whereon the weak may rest,
Tliat so what Health and strength I have
May serve my neighbor? bes.
God make my life a little hymn
Of tenderness and praise;
Of faith that never waxeth dim,
In all his wondrous "Ways.
Good Wonls.
3'ouh Webster.
T wish every young man in the land
wouia read caretiiHy the "Memoir of
the Author," prefixed to Webster's
Unabridged Dictionary. Do the young
men do any of ns ever stop to think
"-wh?t a wonderful man Noah Webster
' was, and how much good he accom
plished, not only for his own country,
but for all who speak and write the
English language? Twenty years did
he give for the accomplishment of this
great work, which required the most
coustant and rerserving effort. He
turned untoward circumstances aud dis
appointments to account : for he live i
id a time unprecedented for hardness,
and unpromising as far as literary work
was concerned, only to those who pos
sessed the calmest determination and
most uSinchiog energy. He was itn
pressed into the service of the Ameri
can revolution in the midst of his col
lege course at Yale, but be graduated
jut the age of twenty, 1778. He had
not the means to pursue the study of
4aw, his ohosen profession. ' His portion
arom ins laicer , received at this time,
was eight dollars Continental currency,
worth about four in silver. The conn-
try was in a deplorable state for LukL
ness of any kind, most especially lor .the
pursuit, ue -naa chosen, , iie taught a
school in Westfbrd, Coun., and at the
same lime pursued the study ot law
without an instructor, and in two years
was admitted to the practice. In 1782
ba taught a classical school in Goshen.
..ivi ivin, wu imw uia naoii oi unti
ring something to do. if not in the field
.of bis choice, is seen ; for he commenced
A compilation of school books, tho first
tit uejona pawisned m the United
ibtates. Wba protita of his Spelling
ot . - : r- - t . .
- pciMiiuu ior copyngm oi
Jess than a cent a copy, supported bis
&mily during the twenty years he was
-compiling his American Dictionary,
J. he unsettled, state of the times and
country at -that period often .made his
pen necessary. wLkh was alwars -wield.
id fbr tho right; e peaceJjiword for the,
nation. 2 He wrote promptly and visr-
orously; neglected no domestic duties.
m inosaoi town, county, state and
country, all received a good share of
Jbis time and labor. No lesser duty
.- was omitted at plea of a greater. He
was as faithful in the least- as the great.
-esv ana ume only adds to his useful-
jjcss and merit ; for the centuries multi
ply his students and his means of doing
jgood. Do not be appalled, young-men,
ib tee nmgnuuae oi a great undertaking.
i he pyramiaS stand as monuments of
physical power and mechanism, one ot
the- seven wonders of the world,' but
. uiat H an ; no mental or moral good
results therefrom; but Noah Webster
has enlarged the bounds bfl science in
aJl directions and while the world
stands tills pebble he has thrown into
the wave will multiply and widen its
.circles to the' utmost limit of ' time.
Study tho hssaa of bis life, young men,
and comsi.t yours to great endeavors.'
I F. in the Interior.
Little Harry, five years old, was call;
ed to see the new baby. After a mo
msnl's contemplation, h turned to his
expectant papa with: "We didn't
need that."
First "boy "I say, Jimmy, there's no
water. Its' frozen over everywhere."
Secoud boy "Bully, maybe we won't
have to wash ourselves till the middle
f spring." - . v: . s - - j----
"WLat is a cobfeience?" sskod a
school-master of bisclasfi. 'Au inward
monitor," replied a bright little fellW. i
And what's a monitor f " "One of
the ironclads "
The owner of a pair of bright eyes
assures us that the prettiest compliment
she ever receive! came from a child of
four years. The little fellow, after
looking intently at her for a
inquired naively. "Are vour eves
ones?" '
Jexas papers are holding nr. .!.;
i j .- i- r . i.
m uuiT nonof over a.
ried chap, who jirores to have wives iewaiifl tentfTerent cities. The
ta-tcn-city of -that feHow's affections
ruuy justmes their exdlamatious.
A prominent clerervtman at RrnnlrU-i.
ncently, while taking m 'At .,nr
- . . O
oi ooxiug lessons for sewse, received
w uai me ooys cau " jolly black eye."
On Sunday he chose Jiis est from
Timothy, 5th dianter, 7th verse : "I
have fouzht a roodfiht. I Itau-nTh.
cu my co sure.
Air. Gladstone, the distingBwhed
jitifca mswhum, ssia, in a recent
address, that band tabor is better -paid
. V.j.Ia.J ti -1
warn neau lauor. same
thing over Itere, William. A prisse
fighter will make more money pound
ing ins iciiuw-roeu mack and b'ue, than
a goat can earn by butting them clear
across tne street ave or six times a any
The Khedive of Egypt is the largest
uiiu uwult in tygpt. iie inherited
much, and has purchased siore. One.
iJAI. .1 .1 . .
miu or ine araoio land ra the country
t.i . . i . . . . . j
wiuujja il mm, yet no m enable to
make his farming pay, and he is heavi
ly weighted by mortgage.
Probably the largest beqaest fet has
been made in England duriiHj tho pres
ent cental y was that of a private gentle
man named Heyrick, ot lieaumanor
House, wJto receiitly bequeathed to a
6on of Earl Howe real and personal
property ot the value of 22,000,-000.
The Duke of Athole the princinal
Murray of Scotland is a young gentle
man ot 30, who holds ono dukedom,
two marquisates. fi ve earldoms, three
titles as viscount, and twelve as baron-twenty-three
titles in all, nix. more than
any other noblemen m the United
Kingdom. j
The te -j whosa came now appears
&t the fccAi dt the New Orleans Awy.
lute s s r i-c i lotcr sometimca woos the
jrtuw.- h tSe wulcjw of the' ?ale
liT. H-AtTQi:?, g,id will be assisted by
Geor3 '2VnJ-(J.hoa, as business manager,
t'3o,T3 -W. ' Lloyd, as managing
.c-I.'-or, Sirs. Holbrcke is known in
V,z h't.7T-ry ,-'.rld under tho. nom da
Uom l'edro is about six feet tall
with gray whiskers and hair. His head
is slightly -bald. lie looks and talks
like a German. He was dressed
plain b ack on yesterday, without an
ornament except a gold watch chain.
xiio tuuyciuu e-pjuse is muco snorter and
is what may bo .called "dumDv." SKa
also has German features. The suite
of the Fmpbror and Empress numbers
nine persons exclusive ot six rrait
Old time habits and associations Are
very powerful. Chief-Justice Wifn
Attorney-General Pierre pont, Ym. M,
oenaior ivawes were amone
m. nits uudiis in laie. arui thvM
that since the new Secretary awtar
in Washington, all the gentlemen nm-
ea nave manifested an unaccountable
u position to tret around the nearest
corner whenever he heaves in sight.
ibe trousseau of Stiss Yznemi i
Val!e, of New York City, who is to
inarry tne V lfCOlint jUandevillc. son nt
t T.' . i mm - .
uw .ngiisn uuKfl ot Manchester, will
cost 875,000. She is said to La one of
tne most beautiful women m Amwin
The wedding will take tilaae m Miv at
r:. . I i . " . . . . . - J
x unity oapei, ana wih tie celebrated
by Bishop Potter and the Kev. Slor.
gaa Dix. frhe Duke oi Mancliester aiid
family will cross the ocean to witnps
the ceremony.
xrtanman notieinr? a woman nan
along, espied two stripes depending
trom nnder the lady's cloak. Not
knowing that these were stvled sashes.
j- .i . . .
aim m me ngai place, ne exclaimed :
"ITottll tnA1.. 11 . '
"'""j m, jrci gaiiuB are unueoi
our New Hampshire Governors and
ex-Governors Cheney, Smyth, Straw,
Sterms have started . on a six.weeks'
fraternal jaunt, with their-families, for
vainornia. . ;
Is ow, Spneeins. mv dear said
xurs. opnggitjs at the theater during
the first intermission, "you needn't eo
out w ges any conee, lor I have got a
iwi a pouna in my pocket.' p
A little three-year-eld girl,' in repeat.
wiz ner . prayer to ner mother verv
night, insists on prayins to be mada "a
dood Epistopalian-Wepublican."
A younc lady refused to cro into tha
Woolwrich Arsenal because she beard
that some of the muskets were without
A very clever woman has said. "I
do not wish anybody to do anything
nanghty, but if tliey do. I want to know
all about it."
Any man who says he is "too poor to
by the grand jury for obtaining a fami
ly under false pretenses. i l
"Mkd Yocr P's. Persons who pat
ronize papers should pay promptly, for
the peculiar prospects of the prss have
a peculiar power . in pushing forward
public; prosperity.- If the printer is
paid promptly, and his pocket book
kept plethoric by prompt paying patrons,
he puts his pen to tho paper in peace,
his paragraphs are more , pointed, he
paints bis pictures of passing events in
more pleasant colors, and the perusal
of his paper is of more pleasure to bis
people. Paste this piece of proverbial
pbilsophy in some place where all per
sons can perceive it.
The. Centennial grounds will be un
der the police supervision of the "Cen
tennial Guard," who will be especially
selected for the position. These men
will be uniformed at the expense of the
Board of Finance, will number about
one thoupaad,and will be officered by a
captain and ten lieutenants. They will
be furnished with quarters erected on
the grounds, and will not leave the Ex
hibition grounds except by special per
mission. Tlieir :unfbnn will consist ot
a single-breasted frock coat and panta
loons of dark blue,' with scarlet trim-
Clings dowa the side of the pantaloons,
and scarlet pipings ?o the sleeves ot the
coat. The buttons will bar? on them
the figures "1776-1876," with the fc.
tors C G. for "Centennial Guard.'
The uniform fur the Centennial ' Fire
Department will consist of a sack coat
and pantaloons of dark blue, with but
tons which will be embellished with a
Liberty Bell and the letters C. F. B.
for "Centennial Fire Brigade."
'.' ' ftevvs Oleanlags.
The Treasury - Department officers are
led to believe that fully oue-tbird of the
out-standing fractional currency has been
destroyed and never will be presented for
redemption, and that the total amount In
existence at this time : is not more than
$30,000,000. The basis for this belief la
that the outl amount of old issues of frac
tional currency -which have been redeemed
and irplaeed-by later ones. In paying out
silver coin for fractional currency, the
amount of these old issues which has come
In is found to be very limited, justifying
, the conclusion that fully $10,000 have dis
appeared from circulation, and will not
make Its appearance at the Treasury
A letter was publhbed In Washington,
May 6th, from Fitzhugh, doorkeeper of tlie
House, to a friend in Texas. The follow
ing are a few characteristic extracts: "I
wish you could be here with me. Do try
and come. The government furnishes me
wWj fine turnout and spanking pair of
horses, and before and after the Hue ses
sion, and at recess I have the exclusive use
of them. I have more invitations to frolics
with members and Senators than anv man
m Washington. I am a bigger man than
old Grant. I cannot put my foot on the
floor of the hall but that they make a
break for me, and sometimes there area
dozen .trying to see me at once tor a place
lor some friend. I lve a boy to take my
bat and coat, and I cannot turn mnmi
wit bout someone at my beck and call, and
wbrn I fptt an my appointees broken iu I
shall hava-a nice time. Goodnight-"
.. Bltne still 'feads for tin Cincinnati nom
ination, though the Bristow pressure on the
party machinery grows stronger daily.
Politicians rJow concede more freely tbst
Conkling would beat.'fllden in this State
if both were nominated. The best opinion
KAILS arrive:
atll0WpBUr0ad (nortli.ana south) dally
From CprvaHIs, OaUy, at 10.30 a. m.
From Lebanon, trl-weekly, (Monday.
Wednesday and Filday) at 10.30 A. at.
For Railroad (north and aoratli). daily,
closo prompt at 11.10a. m.
For Corvallls, daUy, at 1S.50 P. si.
For Lebanon,tri-we;kly, (Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday) at 2 p. M.
Office hours from 7 a. sc. to 7 p. sr.
Sunday, from 18 x . to 2 p. m.
Money order oStee hojr from 9 A. sr. to
, r.B XAYMOND, I. M.
Furniture Eooms.
Uneoln mm m lawyer.
In the amount ot legal learning which
he possessed as a fund of knowledge and
from which he could draw as he pleased,
he was not the equal ot many lawyers I
have knowu. : Somebody has said tlie great
est lawyer is the man who. in the least
time can find the man who knows the law.
If a law question was submitted to Lin
coln, or rose in a case, by bis power of an
alysis, by looking at the statement of the
principle in a few books, and by logical In
duction, he knew how to reach the root
and marrow of the matter. nri An M-
rately. What he saw he saw clearly, anl
what lie stated or demonstratorl h aoii
or demonstrated clearly. Manr a time I
nave seen an old farmer In tiw iwnrt wn
all attention for an hour listening to Mr.
Lincoln irt the argument of dry law
pivuuoiuuii. ue mwiQ n to clear ana so
plain, illustrated and enfhrml it r
parisons and arguments so forcible and easi
ly comprehended, that the
-tood just as much about ic a ti,a
uuj. ai a i rial uwyer, be had few equals
and no superiors, lie was as hard a man
to neat in a closely contested case as I ever
met. He was Wise in knowing n-hnr. m
denies the recent imniwuinn Ouif. TIM.,,
J bad captured Southeni Georgia. It is cer
i ,Ul that lie is not even the choice of the
deie:u? to ot. Iouia. Gen. Uaucock is
more Uted Cf by the Democrats. Wise,
of VlrginliV earu?Hy urges him,, and
Judge Blactei declaims t?at Pennsylvania
should support him as hiz c!fen, whose
neroic conn net in arms is ofliy eqiTeu oy
his scrtipulotR devotion to the principles of
eivii ituerty m time of peace. The AW. i
ciaimes that no man was ever nominated
tor President without the cordial support
wuvciuion oi uiri own section or tne
Lnion, and on this theory counts Blaine
out in the fight. Blaine's friends say New
England will unite upon him after a few
complimentary votes for others.
The Washington corieSpoiident of the
Boston Herald says the next President if
he be chosen from among Candidates' now
prominent, is not likely to be a poor man
On tho Kenubllmn Rlniuo i -!..i,--f
Bristow and wife are worth
uiUlion; Hayes Usrill better off; Conkling
" " possess over iuu,uuu, while
Morton and Wheeler have smaller fortunes.
liiuen, on tne Uemocratic side. Is wealth
iest, he belug put down at f i.OOO.OOO or
3.000,000; Davis owns more than $1,000,
000, and Thnrman has a large fortune:
II n I 11 .m '
.u.jr .i. -.i is io uo, wnue uancocic Is In
voiuioriaDie circumstances.
Abe Postmaster General, at Senator
Mitchell's iustance, has declined to ap
prove tne special agent's recommendation
for a reduction of mail service on rcutes
irom ivciton. t tah, to the Dalles, Oregon,
and from Winneinueca to Boise City.
The ladies of the Congregational Society
of Olympia have been placed under obliga
tions to- me officers of the Pacific Mail
B. S--IXJ1V1VI1V3-,-
"Ben leaTe to annrninn in ih. oi wn i.i.
cut auu BurriranQiniFonnnrrT.Tniit hMha-M-..
ed a large stock of . ,
in the building- lately occupied by I)r. Plum.
mer'm arusr store, on nnt nwt: iut-
Parlor Sets,
Bedroom Suits,
Ensy Cbafr) .
- Center Tables, "...
. Whatnot), "'
and in facttevirrylhing- else needed to
New. Eleyatoi
of wbvat and oats. We calJ th nitem of
MMutciB n uwi uutt w unv crecieu tne fi
nest m art-house in the Stalest a larce exoeiifw.
iuimenae quantity of grain. Oar house ha a
200,000 husliels of Wheat
atone time, and is located on the margin of the
Willamette River .and provided wltha side track
from the O.IC.R. R., so that shipments niav
be made daily by rail, and as often by water as
boatinsrfacllitM!S offer. We bn.v tn
tion ninM, in addition to other farm, at? .iwi
to the hooae, ran by water power, and are
thus prepared to , ,
-AND i-
Exchange 0.
aitempr ana what to let alone. He was fair
w Me court, -tne jry, and his adversary,
but candor compels me to say that he by
practice learned there was power fa this,
lie wa3 candid and he was fair, but he
knew how to make lust the mrwr r
as ke entered the trial, where most lawyers
1 . . . wouiu say ne "rccKonea it
wu!d be fair to let this In fit t Kiu r and
soiueuaies. when his adversary could not
prove wibat Jfr. Lincoln knew to be the
truth, be would ear he "reckoni' it
would be ifair to admit tba truth Ia fu
and so. When lie did obiect tn tlo mnr
after lie heard bis objection answered. h
would often say, "Well I reckon I must be
wrong.' New. about tlm Hm t, K.,,t
p radioed t6iis three quarters through a
ease, f his adversary didn't understand
him he would wake up in a few min
utes tindiner that ha ha1 rWfl Iris. sT2AaL-si
4o late, and wake up to find himself beat,
lie was wise as a serpent iu the trial of a
cause, but t tell you I have got too many
scars frooi his blows to certify be was
harmless as a dove. When the whole thing
uu raveled the adversary begins to see
that what he was so blandly giving away
was simply what he couldn't gefand keep.
By giving away six points and carrying
.tho seventh he carried his case, and 'the
whole case hanging on the seventh, he
traded everything off that would give him
the least aid tn carrying that. Any man
who took Mr- Lincoln for a simple-minded
man would very soon wake im
to tbe ditch. - Uy this I do not mean that
be had cunning, and beat by trick, r He
had nothing of this, for he never cheated
bU adversary. lie simply knew that the
strength of Sampson lay in hU hair, and
knowing this, so ioog aa yon gave him the
slicars and acliance at the bafr, so long he
would give away everything else with the
utmost frankness and kindness; but if you,
tOO. found OUt the Same faranrf .nt
at bin to jouct him from his position and
take away his weapons, then he gave noth
ing, hut arose like a Hon amlnu.1 m hi.
lair. His stooping form straightened, his
angular features acquired force and ex
pression, bis eyes flashed, all his powers of
logics sarcasm and rldiculn wm nmnai
arid, rejecting all coiunramlitA.
4ut on that JHie notil be carrtod he dav-
Steamship Company, by having the steam-
jjHKuiv louuerea mein ior an excur
sion ouiiie oin ot June next.
Tlie Walla Walla Spirit my si "Fresh
butter has come dowu to (zero) 2jJ cents
per pound, and not a great demand at that
price even. Dalrymeu and farmers begin
to drop the lower hp and declare they won't
make another pound until it comes up to a
living remunerative figure."
Moths are industriously working on the
apple, trees in Salt Lake and vicinity, and
it not soon brought to grief, will destroy
the apple crop this season.
Last Sunday being the last of the month.
Col. Otis, commanding officer of Fort
Walla Walla, mustered and passed in re
view the troops, and; found' everything
iff- ci.:.t.h .-
: mi. cruirjj, irom reiainm, vi., pnr-
cnasca or James Keynolds,of Walla Walla,
l.zuu or nne cattle which are destined for
tbe Raft river regions, adjacent to the new
My goods are well made and of the very
datest and Handsomest Styles.
f?Iliw5S' mil J31 tok" 10 and clean
""'""y p . itauiea wneat is worth
mnch more in all foreign market than foal
wheat, and none should be whipped withmvt
cleaning-. Ourcbarges will be flvecentaa bushel
I"..,. Miu wui wu w ous. we have
I2nrni5h tbose storing- wheat with ng, free to
lowest lash price to those who ael their wheat
KL?.1r hou9e to.,t?wr b"yer. Persons :
ing with us are at liberty to to whom thev
RTZL Th(S??bo m west side of
" "nvo rarmgo iree. will be In
the market as buyers, and expect to be able to
check at eifrht.
Interest allowed on time dV-poH4 in coin.
and New York, tor arale at lowest raiex.
Collections made and firomiwiyrmittod
W sfLadJ M" W" Cortiett' ifonr7 i aillJUSff
Banking 'honrs from S A. M. to 4 P. M.
Albany, Feb. 1, 1871-MvS
pay tne ntenesc rxmUXAn rH
MrMf AtlPOafca .a 1 . , ' a
Pqr our- ahSr4 oCtue pSbf patron6 PO,
parker 4; nonnts.
47T0Jaly st , .v Albany, Onon.
.eSF-PlTRXrTl.'BE mantnlctured Jo order, at
short notice.
fcifFurnUnre repaired and put IP goS. Shape
on abort notice. "
Give mo a call.
Albany, Nov. J6. 1875 10v8
Old Ilea pen, Mower US Threalira
Reiired and made almost as irood as new
la bow nnmntwil f a rtAall irtnfi.
DO"W N.ifWo Xm-ntnir. Nawliur and Btwi...
AIho, any Ironwork and general Clackamtlb
lnjf tbe trade may demand.
Fencing fickeu will be kef -n hand at all
times. T7n34
Sale !
Lime, Shingles, Plaster Paris,
Lain, Hair, etc.,
and for sale low, at the warehouse of
TIio Higneat t'amtt Price Paid rbr Wool.
Aioany, aiay 14, 755r7
Dress Making !
Millinery Goods !
Ladies' Furnlsbing Goods!
The lollowlng description, from the Chi
cago Tribune, of the great Corliss steam
engine, which fat to drive all the machinery
in the Centennial Exposition, will be in
teresting to many of pur readers i .
Tbe curious interreiriitAr wn tniA
for ti .first time, that it weighs 800 tons :
Will drive elctl Uilles of shattinir- h a
fly-wlieel 30 feet in diameter and weighing
70 tonsr is of 1.400 horxe-nower. with Z
capacity of being forced to 2,500 horse
power; has two walking-beams, weighing
22 tons each;: two 40-inch cylinders, 10
foot stroke, a crank shaft 19 Inches in iii.
ameter ana iz feet in length? connecting
rods 24 feet in lengtli, and piston-rods 44
inches lu diameter. - The nlatfirm
which it rests Is 65 feet In dianMte
composed of polished Iron plates resting
upon brick foundations that A-rtanr! t-
down into the eartli. The height from the
floor to the top of the walking-beam is 39
feet. , Mr. Corliss is tne Inwmvw tatMbw.
builder and owner, having bad it erected
for the double Mimosa of exhlhltiAn awl
furnishing motive power, which will be
supplied gratuttottsly, but only for the pur
pose of exhibiting machinery in operation,
no machinery betas' tllnnml tin run Imnmtf
than is necessary tor that pnrpose, except
by permission of tlie chief of the bureau.
Ot the eirht lines of Klmft.ino- Stnt Y DTI Mph
side of tiie transent) seven mlt h.v a
lied of 120 JXroUtions rr minnta and
one ot 240. - -. -
lue House cenj m Ittee on iadlf j aJairs i
will report favorably on Lana'a LiJI to re-'
move tite Jndlaes from tlie Umatilla reser
vation and open It to setfleinenS..; - -5
The Republican party of Oregon, in con-
'oimwi uscuiuicu, iiiKes tni3 ueciarattou
oi to principles ana policy :
Mesolced. Ihac in this Centennial year of
aiuciiwi uiuepciiuence we agaui atlinn
our devotion to those fundamental princi
ples upon which the republic and tlie Re-
pooiican party were founded,
these are i - '
I. umwerving fidelity to tlie constitu-
uon ana cne perpetuity of tile Union.
3. The preservation of the liberties and
eoiMl rlshts ot all citizens thrausrlmut. th
nation, and the impartial administration of
tne laws in every part of the country, for
iira yivwuiuii uu eniorcemenc or public
ami private rignts and tlie punishment of
violence anu crimes. - ,v
S.. Pure and- economical administration
Of every department of the government. I
' ,v .."v.v.wi, niivi it picue ine sup
port ot the Republican party to all meas
ures honestly propo4ed and wisely design
ed to promote th moral and material proa-
J Vi .ijc tIliS. .
. 4- That a well Instructed people alone cat
be permanent!?, free, tt is therefore essen
tial that the public school system shall be
maintained in order that every chikl may
receive such education as will fit him tor
useful citizenship, and we are unalterably
opposed to any division of public school
money for any purpose whatever. -
5. That while we are in favor of a rev
craie for the support of tbe general govern
ment by duties upon imports, sound policy
requires such adjustment of those imposts
as to encourage the development of tho in
dustrial interest of tbe whole country, and
we commend that policy of national ex
change which secures to the working men
liberal wages, to agriculture remunerative
prices, to mechanics and manufacturers an
adequate reward for their skill, labor and
enterprise, and to the nation commercial
prosperity and independence.
S..That the best interests of all citizens
pf every coad!i,hn and pursuit Imperative
ly demand tbe speediest return to a specie
basis of values and currency, and we hall
with gratiScstlo&ibe act of a liepublican
Congress definitely providing tor that end.
7. Tbat we are In fevor of untiring pros
ecution as4 ptsolslimeni of public fraud
nd crime, strsw-biiWitig and Spceulation
in ofTice, whereer cxiatta and we repeat
tbe injunction, "Let no guilty man escape."
8. " We demand that our national candi
dates shall ie men of tried integrity, who
will carry out this policy -of reform, and
preserve inviolate the great results of the
war. -. f ,
9. - We arraign tbe present State adminis
tration and Its supporters as corrupt and
profligate. They have robbed the com
mon school fund; they have been guilty, of
parttzan legislation ; they have squandered
our patrimony in lands, and heaped upon
us a debt of over f 300,000 iu directj viola
Uou of the copatliution. ; .
General Emporium
MRS. S. A. JCtTKM. fat Hr rtvar atM n JL-a
abin street, near the corner rf -rn.i
thP lorlfMao BttloMfti.l i vu"'"
of every description, all of tho latest
fashionable styles. She ulso hsL . ..n-i.. .
IKUea and TiiIdreD- Furn Inking- (joHa
of every quality and style, embracing
Kacqaea, (braided or embroidered)
. CollnrettTO,
Said -lovrx,
and all kin rts of ladies' and children's under
wear, wnton win ue aoia very low.
Call and examine g-ooda.
Albany, No-. 36, I875-10v8
To Ia.xi and Beast
ihere is no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will not cure, no ache, no twin, that
amict tne nnman oouy, or tne body of a
horse or other domestic animal,, that does !
not yield to its magic touch. A bottle I
costing '2ac. oiic or SI 00, lias otteu saved
tlie life of a human being, and restored to-
life anu usefulness mam a valuable horse.
Rlicumatism, Burns, Scalds. Bruises. Cuts.
f rost-Dites, owemng, tjontracteu Corxia,
Pain in the Back, L.umbairo, Sciatica.
Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints,
bore 2 Ipples, Eruptions, Tains,- Wounds,
Ulcers. .
Spavin, Galls and Sores, Swinny, Klne
.nunc ' t"KHB XIJt DtSMI, X Oil JCVll,
Humors and bores. Lameness. Swellings.
Scratches, Distemper Stlfluess, Strains,
Soreuess, Open bores 28v8 I
For Sale X
A JLarfi Body ot Ricb Land Tor
'gqje Cheap.
non acres oj-" 1 ajc?'. is uss cmrsirt;
iOU 300 acres in caiilvatin every acre ws.
ceptiblo of cultivation wi! watered. linn a
good house, barn, and outbound thereon ail
under fenee, and lying- within S mile of A rail
road station. . All good grass orgrainlana. The
entire tract will be sold thuagt. Inqnire of
. . . A. JOHNS,
Autr20-74-4Sv7 Albany. Oregon
bis friends and the rmbltc nuimii.. tk.t
He la now settled in hia . '
on the old stand next door to P. C. Harper A Co .- i
Stoves and Kanges
as can Ic found in any one bouse this aide of
fuznps cfc Pires.
Castlron, Brass dc Enameled
in great variety. Also,
Sheet Iron,
Galvanized Iron,
i Coppcrwsrc,
lVQATa'1' Kai ntt(l8 to order, AT LIT- j
Albany, October 22, 1873-5 vS
Machine Shop,
. A.r.ClIEItKY Proprietor,
-IXIers in-
1""'';""" f
' An the popular
cuTtiaiY, cioars, tobacuo,
, jsotm!Ts v. natrtftnot Y,
. sad ToUrl'.6cdl.
Paftfctilar care and promptness grrvew
Physiciane' proscriptions and f amily Iipx
' 1 A. CAROTHERS & CO, .
Albany, Oregon-ivs -
Albany Book GtoiV
. jrco. rosir iY,
School Books, Blank Books, Statiouery
Faney Articles. Ae.
Books imported to order, atsbor test poa
sHde notice. . vi3d
II. M. BOUI3TO-, Itt. .,
Medical College of Sew York, lt
"wmlwr of Beilcrion Hospital Mxla.-I Crt
lejee. New York. Okkice-Ih A. Cai-utltera
A Co.'a drujj store, Albany, Oregon.
Gixxrcries, J?xxrv$s&orgsff .
Totoaeev, fljgmrtt, CwSfery rrota
7,a4 WswIftWillew Van,
eS"CaUandee Ann. . .. .
Attorney aad Counselor at Law,
. ... th? id- M nl tl Jtlt;f&I Vrv
tricta tn the Supreme Conrt of Orearow.
and in .heU. S. IMstrlctnnd Circuit Conrtsv
Office In Ptti-rlsh brick, (apstniraf, im
offlce oocnpled by the late N. U. Cranor.
First street, Albany, Oregon. . toI5Yff
bay tree. Thankful for pat faroro.
and wishing to merit the continuance f
the same, the BAY TKAM will always b
ready, and easily fonn.l, io do any haithBw
within tha city llinila, for a reawnai
coraiien-HUou. r2T Hrr-ry nf oi
-Pe1,Ut3r A. N. AKNO!.l.
Iilesl Xiles
t trouDlexonie oomniaint rannnt t.
ivldenoes of aaccea
troubleome nomninlnt
cure l, wuen so many e-
nilgai ae piacea oeiora yr.u every
, sopiiosea hopeless vasea? Yonr
ipujMcwn iiiiunnx you I DSC tne lonarerTow
allow the complaint to exist, you lesion
your chances for relief. xpcrieee A
auphtthuin all ease.
A. C-arothers A Co.'a ile ruam
.' Olutaneai ,.
are all they are rocommendea to be. Will
cure Chronic, Blind and Bleeding; Piles in
a very short time, and are conwnOmt tn war.
This preparation sunt bv mail or ex
press to any point within the United States
atSl 30 per package.
Address. A. CAROTHERS A CO.,
7v3 . Boa 83, Alhauy, Oregon.
llie Eugene firemen are niaktiip ap.
rangemeuts for a grand ball at Lape'a
Hall on Christmas eve.
m- '
1876. 1876.
ts tn tint'?
I free.
' at home. Samples worth 1 l
"""ui' km., roruuta, me.
Slanufactareg Steam Engines,
Flour and Snvr BKU1 91achln
And all kinds of
Particular attention paid to repairing all
kinds of wachuiery. . , V'41tS -
Groceries & Provisions,
establishment nn vra. rr r.ii.wnrth
and First atrnefs. vlth a ftaih atnlr r.
Joeerios, Provisions, Candiea, CUtars, To-
wiimjii uo invites ue alien
Uon of our citizens.
In connection with l1atnniliiiimAnn
a Bakery, and will always have na hand a
full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ac
Chicago & Worth-Vcpt.
ern Railway.:
j rpHE rercLAR Roim: overlaxd.
I Passenaers for Chicago, Niagara Falls, Pitts.
I burs, Philadelphia, Montreal, Quebec, New Vorit
itusion, or any point rout siiouia buy their
Via (be Pioneer float ,
Call and see me.
C? END 43c to G. P. EOWKI.I, A CO.. K vr-iT
O for Pamnhlet of 1U0 tmrcs. rontninlnv a nan
February 16-24 v
f t b T at home.
A. Atermsfree.
Atrents wantnil. (tni I
Augusta, sic.
X tw
parrnersliip heretofore existina; be
K. S. Merrill and I. M. Putmun
by tnatoal conseot dissolved, March loth, 187S,
ST. 8. Merrill having sold his interest to Jesae
Merrill.' Tite firm will inw Jh knnwn !.,
tsau A Co.. who will continue huiiaa a t thn
3lX staad. -Tha aeonanta of the old firm will
be sellkid by Mr. Pntman, and all those indebt
ed to Morrill A Pntmau arc earnestly requested
IU tutium HJLUU .WAUlUHk UBfliy.
E. 6. MERKiLTj,
Albany, April M,iS7&w4nSl.
o& . :
NeaUy executed,
fall sJ ic Kegisfer GQce
Jftm Isaoet. ZOOlh Kdltfon..
Revised and corrected by the author, E. do F.
: Curtis, at. v., Ac, sc.
A Hed'cal Kssnv on the eanse and cure of nrc-
matare decline in man, showing how health Is
loat, and retrained. It gives a clear synopsis of
tha inopr dimonts to marriacre, tbe treatment of
nervous and physical debility, exhausted vifnl
iiy, ant' all other diseases appertain thereto;
the reenlts OT twenty years ttuecca&ful practice.
Opinions ol tne Press.
borof society by whom this book win not be
fonnd useful, whether he be. numl. nm.wntnr
or clereytnan. London Trm?.
. CURTtt OX "MASHOOD.'-Th1sbook should
be read by the yonnsr for Instruction, and by
renei ; it wiu injure no oue.
i the afllicted for
I Jirriwat Timet and Gazette.
f Price- One Oollnr, by mail or eTrnresa. Ad
I dress the author, IR.CrJRTIS,ii20SutterStrcct.
I or P. O. Box 337, San Francisco, Cal.
Its Track is of STREL RAITA and on it hair
been madetheFA8TESTtimethatbaseverbw.ii
UAur. in luiscouniry. y tnis route psmon.
I aers or pof ntaeast of Chicago bava ehoice of tbe
I following lines from Chicago :
By tbe ilttlmrBr, Ferlwavnc nnrl -ftiloHirW
3THROCOH TRAIXS TAIIY. with Fuit',.,,,
Palace cars through to Phlladeh. '.- a an'J .
York on each train.
i THROUGH TRAIITjWlth Pullman j
A to Baltimore aud washinRton. ' ,
I By (he Sjke Shore Mad Jllehf'rsnj fma,.
, a entrfa mmi ftie KaUrosHls,
3 THROUGH TRAINS DAHT, w1h rv ?.rt
Drawing; ttoom and Silver PaJitee ejira
to New ork.
i y the MtehigMn Ontrail, mn Tranfc.
tirrnt Weaterai atml rio and Sew lrJ
tcatral Raitirsn, aorat
3THROUHH TRAINS with Pnlhnsn Pb',
Drawing Room and Sleeping cars tSiroi-n in
New York, to Niagara Falls, liuiUJo, i-.othi.s2er
or New Yorkeity. -. '
lty Bnltitnore mm OMo EaKrowa,
O JIIROUGH-TR AIN 9 DAH.Y, with rol'-n
, Palace cars for Newark, ZanesviiievsiB-
M ashington and Baltimore without change. '
This Is the SHORTEST, BEST and
litkm Pacific Sailnvirt .tf iu a n i ,i . : '
WEMT, via Grand Junction. Marshall, ,.' "t
Rapids, CUnton. terlins; and Uiion tor 4 , , i
. - f.r-
Thl popular route is nnsurraxRcd fnr (Stwed
Comfort and Safety. The stnoo h. wt ii 1 ,2,'.
ed and pertect track of steal rai!s, tbft ,
ed Pullman Palace Sleeping :. t, '. slVt
Telegraph System of moving !Hm..t Jtf r
.n. m uku uvy run, ineadml
ransrement for mnnin throuf-h ck u,
iiviuBunainii! - wesi, aeowe to jf-
changes of Cars, and no tedious d !t, . s ',' j .
riea. '
Passengers wUI And Tickets via tvm f.,w..,t.
route at tbe General Th'kmorticeci t . .
Pncifie Railroad, Sacrinento.
Tickets for sale at ati
Central Paeiflc f?Hi Vtr. ti ? f . ,
MARVIN HrHITT,ln. Hup. 4.,, r
II. P. STANWOOn, Generat A.--ic'- V
gotnery atrcctban rranciato. ' '-.. ..