v D -' ( Whn you wish Posters. Visiting Cards, Duslness Cards. Dill Heads, Letter Heads Envelopes, Ball Tickets, Programmes Labels, PRINTING HOTJSK, Horse Bills, Circular, Pamphlets, r hi tact anything in tlie call at tit AL13AXY -a'iirJ CCP.XER FERRY & FIRST-STA. FRIENDS! CITIZENS ! ! COUNTRYMEN ! X ! LEHD US YOUR TRADE I TK II.WK JUST OPEXED OUT A SEW v T and fresh assortment of GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, Ac, in Xr. Tate's new brick, Fiist street, where we would be pleased to serve you with any thing In our line. ' . Our stock was selected in San Francisco, by MR. JOIIX BAIIBOWS, well known In this city, and we feel safe in satisfaction to all who tavor us with their pat ronage, We will endeavor to keep on hand a full sup ply of Freli Vegetables, in their season, at all times. You are invited to call and see us. T I.KK A- TATE. Albany, May 5, "6-33 WANTED. An aarent for this city and vjoin itv. tor the sale of K. Uuttertck & Co.'s celebrated and reliable patterns, Uood refer ence required. AddrtMS II. A. DKM1NO 11 , rtwi su, Han ranosco, v.iu. m NOTICE. TVJ TITK LADIES OF ALBANY AsD VI11S A. itv : Sirs. Unbam and Mm. Urubb have opened a dressnmkini? shop, one door west of Fox's store, and are now prepared to do any and all kinds of ladies' work wi(h neatness and dispatch. Mrs. Upham is a thorousrh and accomnliMbed dressmaker, having been in the business mora man twenty years, vt en, an we nave m swy iss try us and ne convinced. Thankful for past fa vors, we ask a continuance of the same' MISS 1HILDK mid JIIIS. URVBB, at the same place, liave a stock of Fancy Cioods. and usctui ana ornamental inoas lor muies wear, which tbey will sell at low rates. Thev do all kinds of stamping on short notice at reasonable terms. Also, agents for the fnnl- tury Corset the most fashionable and best in use. tilve us a call. - - Albany, Feb. 18, 76-22v8 Sew Millinery Store I MRS. D. STEVENS, HAS moved into the store recently occupied bv Mrs. C. C. EnjrlU.li. on First street, ad joining the City Draw store, where she has opened out Her select siock oi Fashionable Stock r Millluory Goods. Having lind roanv vcars of experience in the millinery businessin the East.Mrs. Stevens be lieves she can Rive the fullest satisfaction to all who Rive her their pn.tronaire.and would there fore respectfully solicit a share of the same. MK8. 1. STEVENS. Albany, Nov. l!-v8nlhnl I. It. X. BL.U K1)( R, ATTORNEY AT LAW, BROWNSVILLE, I.1XN CO., OGN. TKOMT ATTESTIOS G1VEX TO ALL 22 v9 I business. 3. W. WILCOX, - Homoeopathic l?livsician. VFFICE with nr. E. IT. Oriffin.'First street. Albany, Oregon eTChronic, diseases specialty. SSCv8 C. FUWKI.L. ! mxlt. POWELL & FLIXN, Attorneys A antivt-IIorN at Law Aad So Itcltors in 1'baucory, Albany, Oregon. Collections nuutc and con-1-3 veyances promptly attended to. .IV. R. GRAHAM, (LATE or MICHIGAN) Merchant Tailor, KEE1"S alwavs on hand Doeskins, Casninicrea Vestinirs. etc.. a larger and letter stock Ulan ever before brought lo this market. Cuts and makes to order all styles of Clothln for men anrl boys, at reasonable rates, guaran teeing nath-fact ion. Shop on First street, next door to City Mar ket, lately occupied by Dr. E. O. Smith. 4v8 DR. PLUCKIER, DRUGGIST, Pure aud Fresh DRUGS , AND MEDICINES I Oils, Perfumeries, Toilet Articles IBl'MtES AND SIIOELDEB BKAt EM. C3T PrcscrlivUons carefully filled. 8 15 PIIQ3NIX LiveryiPeed Statle CXIBNEK WASlinCGTON FIRST 6TS., ,S. MARSHALL, Proprietor. CARRIAGES. BUGGIES, HACKS SADDLE horses to let on reasonable terms. Horses boarded by the day or week. 1 will have some of the gayest rigs ever turn ed out of a livery stable in Albany. e-jf HEAliSE and carriages furnished for fu nerals. Give me a call when you want to ride. ANS. MAB SHALL. Albany, March 10, 1876-25V8 - BOLTS, all size and deacrip tiona, JSl general SHELF IIAHO WAttE a full and complete as aortnient. Stoves, Tinware, Pumps, Hose. Tin. Couser,- Zinc and Sheet Iron, ' on hand for sale. crockery Ware, The largest and most complete assortment in the city. C&"R"tlriBiv done neatly, at short notice, and WABiAKtm j GttAPWoHL. First street, Albany, Oregon. n27v8 GR0CEB1ES Se PROVISIONS XEW STOSE!. XEW GOODS ! JUST OPESKD, in the buildlnfr on First Rt., east of Ferry lately occupied by H. Weed), a new aad fitMli stock of GixxJerieSj'I'rovisioris, Etc. which I offer to the clUzensor Albany aodaur roundintf country at lair flvlnft rates. I propose keeping a good stock of everything in my line, in its season, and respectfully ask the palronase oftbe citizens of Albany and vi clr y, prosnisliiK low prices and fulr den llnit with ,11 J. H. liAPXvEx. March S, 1S76-!My8 S. C STOIC, M. r., Physician antl Gurseon, EKOWfSvTLLE, OREGON. I " O FFIt'E At tbe Dmm ttor S7v8 . PUBLISHES TtT " VRUDAY, BY COLL. VANOLEVE, TV THE REGISTER BUILDING, Corner Ferry and First Street. TERMS-IS ADVANCE. Cr.e copy, one year . 2 60 One copy, six months 1 SO To clubs of twenty, each copy 2 00 S". ns? le copies ...Tcn cents. Subscribers ontsldo of Linn county "will be charged 20 cents extra 2 70 for the year as that is the amount of postage per annum which we are required to pay on each paper mailed by us. FRIDAY . MAY 12. IS7C. NEW STEAMER llUOiES. Wednesday was a grand day for Albany. At a meeting ot Linn Engine Co., No. 2, on Monday evening, Wednesday was selec ted as the day on which the new steamer would be received and housed, aud ot course everybody was on the tij- toe of ex pectancy. Invitations had been given, and accepted, to Albany Engine Co., No. 1, and the City Council, to join in the parade and celebration. At 3:30 P. M. three sharp taps of tbe fire bells called the " Twosters to gether at their hall near corner of Broa'dal- bin and First, wliere they were formed in procession, headed by Albany Brass Band, and marched to One's house, when the two Companys in full uniform, with music and flags and banners, marched to the warehouse, near the railroad, owned by Messrs. Sox,. Furry and Gaston, where the new steamer had been put together, when, after the usual formalities, "Albany Engine Co., Xo. 1, was ordered to man tlie ropes oi the magnificent little steamer, a Xo. 4 Clapp & Jones, said to be as handsome a steam fire engine as there is on tiie coast. The pioeession was then formed in the following order : . 1. Ensign bearers Ones, C. Myer; Twos. B. W. Cnndiff. 2. Mechanics' Brass Band. 3. Officers and members of Linn Eu eine Coimaiy, No. 2. 4. Officers and members of I.inn Hose. 5. Officers and members of Albany En gine Compaiiy, No. 1. 6. Albany AO. I llose company, wun 2s hose cart. Tlie beautiful engine was made still more attractive by the presence oi me handsome little lady, Miss Bessie Cranor, who occupied her elevated seat like a verit able Fairy Queen. As soon as the procession reached Sec ond and I.yon streets, both fire bells rang the general alarm, when he scene became indescribably animating. The procession was halted at Two's temporary quarters, at corner of Ellsworth and Second streets. wiiere a magnificent fl:ig twenty -one feet in k'liirtli, made ot tlie best bunting, on which was inscribed : "Liun Engine Com pany, No. 2, 1S7C, iu large letters, was j presented by the ladies through Sirs. H. W. Stratlon, Tlie members of Linn C'o. , No 2, having been formed in front of tlie Ilotie, Mrs. Stratton, holding the' folds ot the flag (which had been attached to the halyards ready for hoisting), in her left bartd, graeefullv stepped to the front ot the temporary platform erected for the pur pose, and in a clear and distinct vo.ice.said: Firemen of Lrxx Ekgixe Co., No. 2 : The work tor which your organization has been effected is both noble and dangerous. In tlii work your lady friends wish to give you some token of their confidence and re gard. In the days to come it may be your duty to face great dangers and even death for our protection. Our homes, our lives, our children may be exposed to the cruel flames : we sliall expect that you will promptly obey the signal ot alarm, and do your lest to conquer the merciless foe. And it may tall to tlie lot of some heroic fireman to risk his lite to save some child or woman. While you scale the ladder or mount the tottering staircase, the prayers of mothers, wives and sisters will ascend to heaven that you may be shielded by an arm mightier than your own, and restored to tho-e who love yon. But as only the brave are worthy to march under this ban ner, we would rather bury you -wrapped In its folds, than lie dishonored by unmanly weakness or cowardice in the hour of dan ger. We believe you to be good men and true, worthv the name you bear and worthy of our confidence and respect. Hoping that your fires may be few and controlled without serious loss of life or property.ahd that no member of No, i will ever do aught to dishonor himself, his company or those tie loves, we your friends, wives and mothers, present you this banner. Long may it wave o'er the tried, the true and tbe brave. vAt the conclusion of ?.Jrs. Stratton 'a handsome remarks, the flag was ran tip to the top of the flag-staff on the House, while the red shirts gave three hearty cheers tor Mr3. S. and tlie ladies connected with tlie presentation. At the request of Mr. D. M. Thompson. President ad interim of Twostera, Bev. T. B. White, pastor of St. Paul's M. E. Church South, received the flag on the part of the Company in a abort, elegant and feeling speech. After repeated cheers for 'the speakers, etc., tlie procession reformed and marched up Second to Broadalbin, down that street to First and up First to tlie cistern at tlie intersection of Ferry and First, when the procession was lialted, the steamer placed cross ways of the street, aud the red shirts drawn up in line and ordered to "stand flrm"vhi! A. B. Pax ton photographed tbe scene. After three photographs had been' taken, occupying bnt a few minutes time, tlie steamer was fired up and got ready for biz. Tbe Directors of - Linn Company selected Chief Engineer, Joe Webber, Wm T. Everson, Engineer of Willamette (Portland) No. 1, and D. A. Kyle, mem ber ot Two's, as a committee to report the test, which they did after' the trial was over. - . -The Twosters owe a debt of gratitude to Mr. Wm. T. Everson, Engineer of Wil lamette Engine Co., No; 1; " of Portland, for the excellent manner in which their new steamer doue Iter work on Wednesday, Under his supervision she had been put to gether, and the two previous tests made The tests, on Wednesday were most satis factory to the Fire Department, aud to the citterns generally, and Twos are proud in the possesion of at least ; as handsome a steam engine as there is on the coast, and one that, on her third . trial, made a better record than any other. It was a grand day for the people of this city, who turned out en masse, lining the sidewalks, balconies and windows on the line of march, and gave evidence by tnelr cheers and waving of handkerchiefs ot the deep Interest tbey took in tbe success of the new steamer. At tlie close of the steamer test, hose was taken up, tlie ropes manned, and the steamer drawn to and safely hooscd In her house, "corner of Ellsworth and Second. Two's then escorted One's to their house on Second near Ferry, marching from there to their ball on First street, near Broadal bin, where resolutions complimentary tj Mr. Wm. T. Everson were passed, when the parade wa3 ended. Appended is tbe report of tlie commit tee appointed to measure tlie distance tlie stamer threw water in the several tests : Officers ani Members of Lin Em. gbseCOMfast: Tlie undersigned Com mittee appointed to report upon the work ing of tbe neyr steamer beg leave to report as follows : The steam gauge showed 5 pounds of steam 4 minutes from the time of start ing tbe tire, and a working stream of water was obtained in 9 minutes, with 2 guage ot water in the boiler. From 1U inch nozzle, througn iw reet of hose, a stream was thrown 221 feet, full spray 255J feet, tartnest epray zsa. teet. - Two streams through 100 Teet or. nose each, inch nozzle, 187J4 feet. From Ochoco. Reports ' Irotn Ochoco agree that they have had. a good season for tatming, and some-ot the farmers have got through with their work. The spring has been the finest ever seen, the grass is way up, and stock are beginning to -look fine and fat. Father Douthltt Is busy ruiuing, and although he had made no "clean-up" up to April 2d, owing to Jhlgh water, yet lie was in the highest spirits. Swarts lias been having bad luck with ills mill, from the oft breaking of the dam. Bill Clarke is in charge of the mill. Ab. Powell's wife is quite feeble with consumption, but is still able to go around. Ed, Freeland is not so well, having been afflicted ;with chills. He was to g over to Little Willow creek, says our informant, on the 3d of April, to consult Dr. Baldon. On Sunday, March 25th, Freeland and family came within an ace of getting drowned, aud it liappened in this way : The family were in a hack on their way to attend Sunday School. In the attempt to cross Mill Creek, and when in tbe middle of tbe creek, which was high and current swift, tlie pole slipped from the neck-yoke, and the team became unmanageable, and had it not been that help was fortunately near, tlie hack might have been upset, and a part if not tlie whole family met a watery grave. Another hack was secured and driven in along side of Frceland's, and all of his family transferred to it, but before tlie second hack could be got out tlie double-trees of said hack - were broken. Tlie entire "party, hacks and horses, event ually escaped, but lu a pretty wet condi tion. About the middle of March Mr. Hunsakcr came near losing ids team and his own life in attempting to ford the Ochoco. The very next day, Laun Thomas met with about the same expert-: ence with his wagon and team at the same ford. He succeeded in getting the team unhitched and driving them to tlie shore, but the wagon, blankets cooking utensils etc., all floated off, and be did not recover tliem until the next day. Mr. Scott met a similar experience in attempting to cross at the ford above Pringle's, barely Saving his team. Cattle buyers have Tlsited Ochoco, paying 13 for three year olds and $20 tor four year olds. They bought of Webdell. Conant, Powell. Snoderly, Uogue and Luckey, in Ochoco, besides pnrchasingihrec or four hundred In Ante lope. A case ot family trouble is reported in which a man left his wife because she went to a dance with another homfere. Taking it all together Ochoco is a way np country and the grass grows Jall. Panoramic View of Albakt. Not long since a r umber of tlie leading citizens of this city promised Gen. C. A. Reed, of Salem, a big benefit provided he would add to his Centennial Panoramic View ot the Willamette Valley and its prominent towns, a view ot this city. Gen. Reed went immediately to work, and lias suc ceeded admirably, we are told, in transfer ring Albany, as she now appears, npn tlie canvas. It is pronounced, in connection with the other views in" this valley, a grand work of art, and we believe that no person in this city will willingly miss seeing It. The General painted the views above men tioned for the express purpose of exhibit ing them at tlie Philadelphia Centennial so as to give the whole world eotno idea of our grand and glorious country Oregon Next Monday evening Geril Reed proposes to exhibit this rare painting to the citizens of Albany and vicinity at the Opera. House; and we hope no one will tail: to visit and thus aid in remunerating the,' General tor his great work of love, on that occasion. The doors will be open at 7 o'clock r. v., the curtain to rise at 7:30, sharp. Don't forget Monday evening. May 15th, 1878, at 7 o'clock, and secure front seats. Trrus Bros Have a new advertisement in this issue, which you . want to read. They are offering goods in their line at re duced rates. Eor Instance, they are selling two ounce P. S. Bartlett Waltham watches at $21 ; each additional ounce, $3 50 more; eight-day Seth Thomas clocks at from $3 to $12 each, and other goods in proportion. They "keep the" Saltzman watch the only. bouse above Portland that does. AIT en graving done on goods sold from this Iioue, free of charge. They now 'have lit their employ, Mr, Everet, a; practical watch maker and Jeweler, a fine engraver and the only one in the city. They are also agents for the Singer sewing machine, and keep on hand a full assortment of needles, etc The boys keep a way up stock, and do not intend to be undersold. Go and see the handsome new goods lately received from 'Frisco. , i s . Parties owing us for job work, etc., are requested to fork over right off." We want to etart for Ph'.larabehy tt titer 'lection, asd must have e tamps t do it on Some men, says well, say Smith never take their county paper until by some lucky tarn In the wheel they are nominated for some little county office, when they rush in spontaneously" and subscribe for six months atone time, with out scarcely drawing a breath, expecting the Editor to give them about $500 worth Of puffing for the $1 50 tla?y so charitably Invest ! This Is a good scheme I Officers Installed. On last Satur day evening tbe officers of Tangent Banner Lodge, I.O.G.T., No 200, were duly in stalled by Lodge Deputy. J. J. Beard, as follows. W C, J. W. Wheeler; V T, Lunia King j- Sec, Thomas Smith ; F S, Ed, Settlcmire ; Treas, Jos. Beard ; W C, John McGhee ; M, W. A. McObee ; D M, Kate Fanning; I O, May Boggs'; O G, Thomas Settlcmire ; P W C, George Grimes ; R II S. Angle Jordan; AS, Mir anda Boggs; L D, Joe Beard ; G L Reps., George Grimes and Lunia Ktng ; alterna tives, J. J. Beard and Callie Beard.. Sold Oct. Mr. Win. S. Strong' has sold his bakery and grocery store to Messrs. Conrad Meyer and John Fox, who took possession last Monday. Mrs. Strong has been failing in health for some time, and her husband sells out tor tlie purpose of traveling with her to some other climate, to see if a change will not prove beneficial t her health.' He goes to Sf alia Walla next week, where M rs. S. preceded him some days ago. May good fortune attend them. LIST. OP LETTEBS Remaining in tlie Post Office, Albany, Llnn county, Oregon, May 11th, 1876. Persons calling for these letters most give the date on which tbey were advertised. Alkise, JD ; " phtnp JT "Marten Frank ,. " Isaac " Philip Jr " Mrs Annie E Lemons Wesley Ratcliff. Ellas RAYMOND, P. M. Berrigan. Micheal Cauthbrn. W L Crehan, Aitrelia Cowan. Columbus Ore p well. Mis M A Cramer, Frank Farrow, Stephen I.ow, Jacob G P. H. , M4.RRiED.rrAt the Baptist Church festi val the other night, Mr. Alonzo Gray and Miss Mary Johnson were united in mar riage, by Bev. Dr. Hill. This was a grand feature of the occasion, and, although we did not witness it, we have it from good authority that tlie Dr. done, the business up in the best manner, ami tlie happy couple stood up under the terrible pressure without a tremor. Splendid FcRxrrcRE. Mr. F. S. pun Ling, at his place ou First street, has . re ceived some magnificent walnut furniture, direct from Eastern manufactories, which he is offering much dieaper titan usual for sue h superior furniture. He has a house full of tlie best, all of which is put down to suit these hard times. Drop iu and see for yourselves. '- ---"'".--. The Baptist Festivai. Last Thursday night week was a splendid affair just as we predicted. It. would be- A- large - con- course of our best citizens were in attend ance, and tlie "feast of reason and tlie flow of soul," Intermingled with ice cream, lemonade, chicken fixiiis, cake, etc., was large. Tlie church realized baudsomely, we doubt not, and we are glad of it. Didn't Go. Mr. Ashby Pearce and lady didn't sail for tlie East on the last ocean steamer as somebody. .stated last week. Mr. Pearce concluded the Republican ticket nominated last week was so good a one that lie could afford to defer his visit Cen- tennlalward one month, and tlwis get to endorse It by one Tote at least. Good enough. . V The rumor that Cant-17.-B Scott, of the Independent Line, had sold tiie' City of Salem and Ohio to the W. R. T. A I. Co., Is positively contradicted. Purser Hatch says the line lias been too Well patronized by tbe clt teens of tbe valley to Induce them to sell out to anybody. Good for the In dependent Line. , Carotbers Co. are way up as soda caterers, and their factory is kept busy filling orders for their excellent bottled soda. Their. stock of drugs, etc.. although large, doesu't get time tp spoil on their hands as they have a large and constantly increasing custom. - Potposed. The oratorio of Queen Es ther, advertised for Thursday and - Friday evening at the Opera House, baa been una- soon as possible it will be rendered la this city, to the delight of alfwho may attend and everybody will want to got ' Badlt Cut on TnF. Cheek. Last Sun day Master Bosooe: a little son oT W.J K. Price, about four yoars out, wwie playing in the stable, it Is supposed, was kicked by one of the horses in tbe face, making rather a bad cut across the left cheek. : We learn that he 1$ getting along all right at present. Wednesday . morning while ; Johnny Schmeer was exercising his colt, tlie animal beacme frightened, upset the sulky,"th row ing' Mr. Schmeer to the ground, breaking loose from the vehicle, and In running down into Dixie hurt three of his (the colts) legs. John was not seriously Injured From Idaho. Mr. s John Tompkins, wife and child, arrived at his mother's, Mrs. Dr. Lister, In this city, on Tuesday. Mrs Thompktna is suffering under alter ation of mind, bat, it Is hoped, only tem porarily.. a i. - Wat UF.-Chaa. Bourgardea has a full slock" of "watches, clocks jewelry," etc, which he says he proposes to sell as low as good goods can be sold foanywhere. Mr B.. stands high as a repairer ot watches, etc. Call and see. Real Estate. Massra Willam Morgan and J, D. McFarland have opened a real estate, labor exchange and employm. orcein the building east of Clark & Wystt, on First street. .. - I.laj. While, of CorvallSti, gave at a call on TuevJay. . ;-, Wheat 80c, with no sales. No change in general markets to report. The receipts at the Baptist festival last week, $225. Born To the wife ot John Brlggs, on the 6th, a daughter. - See Sheriff's sale of valuable real estate advertised in this issue. . J. II. Hadley. keeps a way . tip stock of groceries, you bet you. ' 1 - ' Everybody likes Nelson's tin ware, and the prices at which lie sells. , Weatber cloudy and ceol good weather for farming operations, and tbe plow is being speeded. , " : r: ;. '.; .!i : Z' Dave Froman and wife, and Mr. John Althouse started for the mountains tlie first of the week. Two base ball nines have been organized in this city, the Centennial and tbe' Lecti conian clubs. .. The roads wllj soon be in excellent con dition for driving over. Aos. Marsliall has tlie finest turnouts In tlie city - Tbe Marihal gives notice that back yards, streets and alleys must be- cleaned up within-15 day or he win "attend to tbe matter at propcrrjt-holder'a expense. Don't forget Reed's panorama Monday night. It is a splendid production ot geni us as we are informed, and all should see it. Encourage home talent. : . Photographs of tlie Firemeus' Parade, on Wednesday, can be had by applying to A. B. Paxton, at his gallery. Price, $1 each. ''.' -'-';" Wooden Weddisw. On Thursday, May 25th, occurs the wooden wedding-day of Louis Royal and bis excellent wife. How fast time files, old tel. Divine Service Will be held at St. Paul' Methodist church next Sunday, morning and eveuing. The public are earnestly requested to attend. Dr. Plummer has got his soda fountain under a full bead of steam.'and whenever the boys touch her off she. foams like a house a-fire. The St. Charles lias a con pel of about as good men for proprietors as are engaged in tbe business and therefore it is one of the most popular houses on the Pacific slope. . . - . Portland and San Francisco quotations show no cliange since last report. Green backs quoted at 8Si389. Gold in New York 1123. Liverpool quotations show wheat 3d lower titan last . week. If you want blacksmitbing done, go to Sam Miller. If you want a handsome carriage or hack, just as good as they make 'em, and more so, Sam Miller will sell It to you, and on the most reasonable terms. Finished Rev. J: Taylor. We are iii- formed, lias finislied the work of seatiug the new Episcopal Church, audit will soon be ready for services. It Is a neat little edifice. Tyler & Tate have some of tlie best ma ple sugar you ever flopped your lips over, besides a most ecxelleut assortment of groceries, provisions, ete. ; Tliey are al ways up with tbe tiroes hi the way of fresh vegetables sweet butter, ete . A man whose name we did not -learn,' was out in a hack yesterday on First street selling the boyscliances to win greenbacks gold notes etc., and singing aud playing ou the guitar, ne lad an immense audi ence. - " " - - ' "'."''' " . ' ' : Silver Wedding. On the 25th of May, Occurs the stiver wedding of Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Bel ling. Sliould their lives bo spared until that time, they will have been married twenty-five years. May this most estimable couple live to see their diamond wedding day. . , '-.'U r . MOONLIGHT EXCURSION. The excur sion on the City of Salem, Capt-'TJ. B. Scott, Thursday evening, we suppose was hugely. enjoyed by the large ow on board. We go to press too early to, give any of tbe incidents, or accidents, nt aay. Arizona News. From the Arizona Citizen, of April 22d, we learn that tlie Santa Rita placer mines are yielding well. S',xty ounces were brought tn ou the 8th Inst., three ounces, being in one nugget, Living Is about as cheap at the , placers as In Tucson. Cooking for himself and pur chasing his own food, a man ' can live for $20 a montli. in- "i ' " . L , Board of. Frie Delegates As by ordinance required, tin Board of Fire Del egates met and organized onlie evening of tbe 8th Inst-, at the law office of Messrs Whitney & Montanye. A temporary or ganization was effected by the election of Geo. Humphrey as President, and J. K Weatberford as Secretary. A permanent Organization was then effected by the elec tion of Geo. Humphrey, President, Winn Peters Secretary, ami Li C. Rice, Treas urer. The Board of Fire Delegates then adjourned. : -ftpeetel KoUrts,' - Gone East. Dr. G. W. Gray has gone Eest on a health and business trip, expect ing to be absent about threo 'months. Due notice will be given of his return. 33m3 Rcftltxg A fine , stock. Suitings new, beautiful and cheap, prints neat, tasty and attractive. " Also," cash in ex change tor Eggs Butter, Coliu' Gold Notes, and "other truck," at highest market rates. A. WUEELKR, Sbedd, In Every Town and Village persons may be found who have been saved from, death from consumption by Hale's. Honey or Horehound and Tar. ' ' Pike's Toothaclie Drops cure in one minute. . . - - . ' , ' The teachers' convention, called to meek in Oiympia on tbe first dv of Jaw. baa been porfpoued uuUI.lho 2otlj day of July., Pnacfe Pnneb. Poe&- If yon want to he houes and dfa things on the squarej - i; Be sure and subscribe for the Registaire f And if you're In business-yoire houud to do foir, " '- If you only advertise in the Reoktaike. Such cliance3 in this country are seldom and rare To read a sensible paper like the Rtoie- - TAIRE.' So send in your coin and we no iiius wllll spare ' '- . To make you tcel happy while reading tlie? Registaire. - IN MEMUKIAK. At a regular meeting of Sautlam Iodgei. No. 27, I.O.O.F,, held May 4th, the fol lowing preamble and resolutions were adopted : Inasmuch as it lias pleased Almiglity God to remove from our midst our brotlier and friend, Dawson II. Morton ; and Wiiereas It Is the wish of tbe .members: of this Lodge that a fitting recognition ot; his many virtues be liad, therefore be it Resolved, By Santiam lotige. No. 27, I.O.O.F., that while we humbly bow to tlie will of God, we do not tlie less mourn, for, our brother who lias departed. Jlesolced, Tliat in tlie death of Dawson A. Morton tills Lodge laments tlie loss of. a most faithful brother, one who was ever ready to exert his utmost endeavors for tlie wel fare and prosperity of -t!:Js society, a friend and companion who was dear to as. all. r - . Itesolretl, That a copy ot these resoln tlons be spread upon the records of this. Lodge, and a copy of tlie same be trans mitted to the Salem Mercury aud tlie Ais dast Register tor publication. F.L.CKANFILL. L. C. COXSEK,. - J. A. TIIOMAJj, t ; -Committee. Tlie Two Record. , We do not say, that every friend of the Union is a Republican, but we do say, that every enemy of tlie Union Is a Democrat.. : We do not say, tliat every Democrat fit vored tlie success of the Soutliern Confed eracy, but we do say, that no Republicans were found hi the ranks of tlie rebel armies. We do not say, that all tlie Democrats Of the South have engaged lo the Kn-KIux. and White League outmgesbut we do say, tliat those who committed these outrages . were Democrats - - Tliere are many patriotic Democrats,-, who desire to do right ; who. would not,, knowingly, do wrong ; who favor the. , restoration ot their party to power, because , they honestly believe tlilt" it would best', serve the Interests of the nation. If suchi men were in tlie majority, and able to con trol the party, but little danger might come - from their ascendancy. -Hut tbey are iu a hopeless minority, and could no more con--trol the actions oftbe Democratic party;. than ah infant could a ship at sea. Their- good intentions would pass for naught;.- their patriotism would have no weight ; their advice would be laughed at. These men belong, of right, to the Republican, . . party. Prejudice has kept them out of i.ts ranks. Tliey have stayed with, the- Demo, cratic party, in the- vabi hope tliat they- nilght restore' its departed fortunes, and,. with them, its lost lienor. We oppose the Democratic iarty, be-.-' cause we see in its ranks tens of thousands, . of men who are enemies to tlie Govern ment, who make no secret of their hostili ty to it, and its free institutions. - We f i-v vor the Republican party because w $fdi no such enemies in Us sank. Every Re-- publicaa is a proclaimed, friend, of tlie Re public, and its freo btstjtutlons.. We read-, ily admit that some Democrats could be . trusted with power; but there areeo many- bavfug a (XMitrolling kiihicnce wlio cannot;- be trusted, tliat opposition to the -patty be-, comes a public duty. -We as freely adnut: that there are some Republicans who can-, not be trusted with power, but there are- so many who can be. who control their' wisdom and patriotism, tliat the support of tbe party becomes a high public duty.. In., otlier words what we deem the dapgerqus.. element in tlie Democracy i inUic major-. ity, while, in the Cepubltuan party.lt is in. a hopeless minority. Vfe, prefer a party,- wbose majprity can-be tuvsUsdv to. a party,- wliose majority cannot bo. In DmMracy, . tbe tew are worthy of coofideiice;: iu Ro-- publicanism tlie many, are worthy of it. Why should, tbe good citizen hesitate iu his. choLief Cooamou sense and ordinary baU- ness sagacity, should; be sufficieMt toitMilino. him, to the support of tliat party which lias-, the best record, and the largest number of; good men to sustain it."' v ! - AiVTjidely Appttealfle-Keuaedjr. Few remedies, are- applitstble to such a wide . rvnge of' disorders as.. Hostetter's Stomach Bittesa, and thjs,not because itltas-special-properties adapted to tbe cure of each each a pretense would be manifestly absurd but ou account of its wonderfully improving effect upon the. general tone o the systeuvand Its alterative action ujwin,, the organs ot nutrition, secretion and lis. charge. Besides' its well-known properties t . as a remedy for intermittent and remiN, tent fevers dyspepsia, .constipation, tor pidity of the liver, general debility, urina ry and uterine difficulties St invariably proves to be highly serviceable .in overcom-. fug antetnta, hypochondria, rheumatism, insomnia, ani many otlier disorders ami disabilities originating in poverty or impa rity of, tbe blood, nervous weakness or.-over-excitement, or an imperfect perform-, ance of the physical functions - may.. The Olympian 6ays there are a great many fraudulent papers pertaining to sol diers' additional homesteads afloat. Some are downright forgeries and otliers are duplications. It is thought tliat this was; tbe cause ot the suspension of theso entries at tlie Oiympia office, a short time ago. Persons buying this class of pP- should only purchase from responsible parties a it is almost impossible to detect good. ones from bad by flier Inspection On Chambers' Prairie,, near Oiympia. stands part of tlie oldest house probably, north of the Columbia river.. It was built in 1843 by Mr." Charles Eaton, who lived, there for. some time, and when there were, but three other white men in the country-, besides hlnvclt. The dimer-nmis pf tlie. house are 10x10 feet, buiit ot small fir U. about eight inches in diameter,. George Marshall, of- Salem, a-sou of "Mother Marsliall," uiidertptii to -i.i;.lfr suicide by taking slrycLuiud, I'i-.ic -.ty.-night ef last week. A stOi'. a i iil p . ... d him. . - , ' i - ' . . urn," "i ' - ' -n-:. . M , , , ' ' " 'i "'f n. . .