The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 12, 1876, Image 2

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or Multnomaa county. . . .
For Pkkihentiai. Elkctobs, 1
W. EL ODELL, of Lane county.
J. W. WATTS, of Yamhill county.
Jj C. CART W RIGHT, of WaseO county.
Fur Jroos Third District,
" R. P. BOISE.
For State Senator G. F. COLBERT. -
For Representatives J. F. MiAKT ET, B.
B. GRli",S, J. W. FLKTCHKR, J. WAfiSOM, A.
For County Judge-D. K. K. BLACKBURV. -
t or Co. Commissioners Wx. PAUL, MABIo
For County Clerk G. CU8ICK.
For Sherltf-S. A. DAWSON.
TorTrewuter-l). AS1REW.
For Auwww-J. W.CLKAVEB.
For School Superintendent -O. I. GILBKRT.
KorSurvevor J. A. WARSKK.
For Coroner-5i. B. HU itPHBV.
A few years go, not so long but that
our agricultural friends remember the
time very well, when tlie property as
sessed for taxes looted up but little
more than half what it does at present,
when the Iiepublicac party was in
power in this county, the tax levy was
but fourteen mills. During tlie time
the; . Republicans had the man
agement of county affair, they erected
a magnificent Court House, and several
splendid bridges all of which stand
3to the credit and honesty ot the Repub
lican j party today. The Democrats
have 'been in power since then, and al
though the tax assessment has probably
more than doubled, and outside of tlie
"ten thousand dollar jail pecalation,no
county improvements have been made
of any great cost, yet the tax levy has
run up to 17- mills, and even now,
when assured by Democratic author
ity tbat the county is out . of debt, the
(tax is 17 mills on the dollar ! Tho dif
ereaea between real I'epnb'ican thrift,
- economy and honesty, and the loud
promised "economy and retrenchment"
of Democracy, in county affairs, is so
glaring that the most simple-minded
can see it. Democracy has promised
"reform and retrenchment,'' with no at
tempt to keep thora promises, so long,
that the people have at last become
aroused to tlie true character of such
promises they simply mean, in the
months of Democratic office-seekers,
double taxation without a correspond,
ing equivalent. -And having found out
ly fad, the cha rater of Dem
ocratic "reform and retrenchment," they
propose to get rid of it, and take Re
pnbUcan efficiency, honesty and true
economy iu its stead. Mark that.
... j. o , o i .. ,. ,M, . -
A few days ago, and the Democrat
was loudly inveighing against the Re
publican ticket ot Marion county, be.
cause, as it asserted, so many of the
candidates hailed from Salem, the county-scat.
It argued that it was not. giv
ing tlie balance ot the county a lair
shew. On exactly the same grounds
the Democrat should argue against the
election of the Democratic ticket of
l 'Ann county, because the entire ticket,
at least all the office in which there is
money, viz : Sheriff, Clerk and Coun
ty Judge, are from Albany, not to m ra
tion the candidates for State Senator,
Surveyor.arid Coroner, all of whom are
citizens of this city. Will tb Demo
crat be consistent for once in its life,
and come out boldly and denounce such
selfishness, and condemn a party tbat is
run entirely in the interest of place-hun
ters, and bitterly opposed to the farm-
iug interest holding any Sees ot profit
or trust? The boot is on Uw other
foot now ; it's the other ox jhat's gored,
and the Democrat hut the moral
courage to denounce what it terms
bggisbnecs, when occurring in the Re
publican party, when a worse case of
the same disease occurs right under his
nose in the Democratic party I
tuT LMsasocratie cot emporary seems
to be determined, in this canvass, to get
lower down in the sinks of unutterable
meanness than even Oregoa journalism
has fcertofore beea charged, with,
Finding that nothing could be truthful
ly urged against Hon. R. P. Boise, Re-
puLIJma Candidate for Judge of this
judicial . district,;- the Democrat sneer.
. fwgly -refew to-hi-idiot son.,. Canany
t?.I;rj b conceived of more eonterapti-
b!j or cowardly than this attempt to
o3s finally irto a po!;t
2 by esrb "low down
crit'o jscn.-Js expect
to cr
j t v x5 -mm sum
t 1 II Ho," e-fid thirteen
rr, r -;-3 oca ia a great
5 v.,-3 butgLole t a bar
isa tow out at both
Kews Bepobl Ironta to
The more we Lear from the different
sections ot the county in regard to the
prospects of our, candidates, the more
we like it. Our candidates are all true,
honest, capable, straightforward men,
with whom the people are well pleaed;
and the more they are canvassed the
better the people like them. Leading
Democrats freely acknowledge the elec
tion of the Republican candidates for
Sheriff,' Treasurer, Couuty' Judge and
Coroner, and are just as free to . ac
knowledge that there is no two to one
bet that we don't elect the entire ticket.
With the full vote of tbe county we
can elect the entire ticket, and tlie ouly
hope of the Democracy ot Linn is that
there will not be a full turn out ot the
Jiopnb'kan voters. There has not been
a full vote of the Republicans of this
county polled for years, but as all the
causes operating and creating tlie indif
ference of former years have all been
wiped out in thiscanvass by the nomina
tion of an unobjectioable ticket through
out, a full Republican vote, teiU be cast
in June, and tlie entire ticket elected,
because the Republicans outnumber
tlieir opponents iu the county. Every
observing, honest Democrat knows this
to be a fact, and many ot them will act
upon it, too.
The Democratic hacks ot Linn coun
ty are in a peck of tear and trouble.
They see old Linu couuty, so long ruled
with an .iron hand by them, about to
slip from tlieir grarp. The history of
tlieir past misrule in this couuty will not
down at tlieir bidding, and they are
catching at every straw to keep them
from sinking. They have even sent to
Washington for Congressional docu
menu to aid them, taping by ringing
tlie charges of corruption against tli4
present Administration to deter inquiry
into their acts of tlie past tew years in
this county. But it won't win.
It is now reported that Doss Tweed
and two companions wintered at Park's
mills, on the Muskoka river, thirty
miles from Midland, Canada. On
Friday, April 28th, two detectives got
cn Tweed's trail and went up to tlie
mill. Tweed and party discovered the
detectives on Saturday in time to escape,
after exclianging shots with them. The
detectives expect to catch the Boss in a
few days, as tliey have a hot trail now.
As tb whole report is contradicted, we
are inclined to think it a hoax.
On Tuesday the grand - jury of the
District Court ot D. C. found a true
bill against Gen. Belknap for receiving
bribes, lie will be duly tried, and,
if found guilty, snffer the penalty of his
crimes, Had lielknap been secretary
of War under a Democratic adminis
tration, judging from tJ records of the
past, he would have simply been per
mitted to retire on an ample fortune
Asa Republics n, under a Republican
administration, he wilt suffer, it proved
guilty, according to the enormity of his
The business of the Government is
suffering for needed appropriations ; ac
tual necessities are denied the Depart
ments, and . great embarrassments are
likely to follow; yet a Democratic
House wastes its time in trying to dis
cover if every dollar spent during the
past fifteen years has gone as far as it
ought to have gone.' In other words
tlie country is suffering fbi needed legis
lation while Democratic committees are
looking for the fellow who stole the baa;
of oats.
Grand Opening Day at the Philadel
phia Centennial occurred on Wednes
day, and drew an immense crowd. The
President and Cabinet, the Supreme
Court, foreign diplomats, Dom Pedro
and suit, etc., were in attendance. We
are sorry to see it stated, however, that
tlie exhibitions' from- nearly or quite
every portion of the globe eclipse Uncle
Sam's productions in the manner ot ar
rangement and quality.
Dr. Walker, the noted pantalooned
female Mary, who has been lecturing in
the Territories lately, on Monday night
week, was taken into one ot the mines
at Silver City by Ed. Harris, and Ed ,
the audacious cns-tomr, watched his
chance and took a kiss from the Dr.'s
lips. The Dr. didn't mamaloose Ed.
for his audacity in thus sipping tlie vir
gin molasses from herlipe, but ' seemed
to like it ptetty well herself
Anna jjicKenson maoe ner aeout in
her own play, "A Crown of Thorns,' at
tlie Globe theatre, Boston, to the larg
est audience ever witnessed in the build.
ing, cn the evening ot the 8th. She
was , received with enthusiasm, and
made a favorable impression.
, Go the th inst., tlie U. S. Supresse
Cosrt rtrcl cj-iriora in thirty-three
e33, taa,iz a total for the . term of
twe Vwdr&d and .iz opinions : Three
haudrea and thirtf4hree esses, have
beco disposed of ia all. " '
The Democrat contioues to hash and
rehash the old ' stories about Grout,
calling him ail kinds of names, we sup
pose for the sole purpose of showing to
its Democratic readers with what ease it
can use "up even a Presidents when it
don't like him. This may all bo ' well
enough, but such continued iteration is
so apt to bring to one's mind tlie o'd,
old story of the jackass kicking the dead
lion! - ' ,
lion. J. W. Nesmith has - been sug
gested by a correspondent as - a proper
candidate for Uie Presidency. We don't
know of a Democrat in Oregon; whom
we would rather see getthe.nomtuation.
Mr. Frank . Hodgkiu has taken
charge of the local columns of the Sa
lem Statesman. Frank is way up as a
local. ;. V. Y-r;f- ;
It is said that calceolarias and geran
iums, kept in a room, will banish the
flies from it. A pleaanter way -to ' do
it could not well be devised. '- " -'l '
E x- Attorney-G eneral Williams ia ex.
pected to be in attendance at the Port
land Centennial. ' '
Tlie report that Speaker Kerr in
tends resigning is contradicted. Demo
crats die, but resign never. .
Commodore Vanderbilt is reported
as getting well, after having ' been re
ported as on his death-bed. m .
Ex- President Dominique, of Hayti,
is d tad.
More rioting and loss of life reported
at Barbadoes, West Indies.
Tlie schooner.riree Sister laden with
oysters for Swanderg, West & Co j at 1
per basket, left Bruce port tor San Francis
co on tlie 4tb inst. i
The BoIr Statesman, says T. B. Scott,
now In jail at that place charged with rob
bing the Silver City stage, is the hand
somest man in Boise City.
Some boys were throwing stones for fan,
the other day. at Port Madison. One of
the boys, named Primrose, was accidental
ly struck andliad hta skull broken.
Hie iron bridge across the North Platte,
at Fort Laramie, which was built by the
government under military supervision,
was thrown open to travel April 24th. -
The steamer Eliza Anderton is to be
hauled out of the water, strongly rcftsten-
ed, carpentered, repainted, Ac, pre para
tory to being put on as an opposition boat
Dei wee n victoria ana oiympuu r;
The doctors of Laramie are quarreling
and disputing over it child , which is sick
with something that resembles the small
pox. - When doctors" disagree, then look
out tor the patient to die. ...
Messrs. Carkeek & Doyle have got the
contract to build the jail at Seattle. The
offer to build of stone was lor $9,856, and
of brick for fl 0.196. ' The commissioners
have not determined on the material.
The Eugene Guard says : "Fretn what
we can learn from various portions of
Laneconntr. there will be about an average
acreage Pr gram sown wiin a prospect tor
ruuy an average 2 r. -. ; -.
Two Dallas sportsmen challenge any two
persons in Oregon to fish against them in
Polk county waters for ?50 m side, tlie whi
ning party to carry on ine coin ana an iney
catch. No humbug.
A young man by the name of Hhode,
while erosslng the Yamhill river above Mr.
H. C. Row ell', came near being drowned
a few tlays ago. He missed the ford and
his horse would not swim ana ne coiuan t.
The Republican county central committee
of Polk county, have nominated O. ', G.
Shirtlifl lor representative, vice' Thomas
It. Blair, resigned, and Dr. F. E. Whit-
taker for coroner, vice Dr.. warreuer, re
signed. Reports from the Esther mines near Can-
yonville state that work on the same U
progressing in a satisfactory manner, and
the prosoects for rich returns from the labor
expended look brighter every day.
Some new buildings are going up In the
Dalles, and Old houses and fences, fn vari
ous parts of the city, are being repaired.
Every csrpenter Is sobusythatltls hard
to get a uuie joo aone lor love or money.
The county clerk has been notlfled-onicial-
ly by Judge Bonham that circuit (port for
Yamhill county will convene at Lafayette
on the fourth Monday of the present month.
May 23d. for the purpose W heartug snob
cases as may come up lor hwi
A family by tiss name ot Elliott,-living
near Stayton, - joarionr county, ;were an
oioned last Thursday, by eatlu 2 what
thev mistook for mushrooms. r Mrs. E. and
one of the children are out of danger, but
Mr. . and two or the children are in a
dangerous condition. , i, ;,,,,
Upon represestatSons niade.-by;. their
agent now on a visit to the mine, 1,000
shares of the Lucky Queen Mining stock
was sold a fow days ago to several California
capitalists. ' The price paid per haro was
quite targe, end would be stated if we felt
warranted in tusking the details of the sale
The following is the Independent .ticket
of Wasco county : Senator, E. Barnes
representatives, W. Bhiham and P. '.G.
Barrett ; county judge, II. J. Waldron ;
onunty clerk. B. F. Glbbsons t slieriX
John Darragb ; assessor, lhomss Lister i
commissioners, Jolin Irvine and H i. Bloe ;
school superintendent, Troy SSediey ;
treasurer, r. uenm.
Oakland will be considerably' Improved
during the eoming season. BesI JfS several
private residences to be built, two Jars
warehouses (the timber lor wh' s U noTir
on the ground) win be e -te 1 t - r V.r
uepcE,JitKi Sir. r.ienara iijot.-s vi.i re
move tils large notel near Ihs r .6 eas
ing liouse and add another story to
ens aimensions. . i
The BaUvU (IHlnoU) AVtr i ct
heavy shipment of wngonalrcn V :t j.c3 5
for balem, Oregon. Soma or ire
wsgwis came on the We'fovt, AprU 2J;ii.
Henry Alfry, living on Bock creek,
Wasco county, came to Pcndletou with a ,
wagon and four :is Lories- for a load of
flour. - On Thnrs.V v one of tlie best horses
he had in his t "!s,i ls5d down and died,'
without any pokl , ; s indications of previous
sickness. . .
The fire depart ri--. f cfCorvallis on Tues
day evening r-re i!fff frs. II. W. Vincent,
of the New Eiijjland hotel," with an elegant
silver castor, as ai aowletlgment of the
valoab'e services Ten,-:-"d hy her iu getting
up the ekaot ti; pur-At tie recent fire
men's bengiit in that cUy. -
A letter from Hani's allcy, Jaekson
county, dated April 27th says i" "Our far
mers are done seeding and tlie conrageous
battling against ralu and mud has termina
ted for the present, and the farmers claim
tlie victor', as small grain never looked
better. Grass Is much better thU spring
than it has been for many years past, and
stock of all kinds look well." ;
The .Jacksonville Times learns that a
boy named Custer was drowned in tlie
Applegate last week. It appears that tlie
lad, who is about half-witted, got Into a
small boat and descended the stream, going
over tlie rapid several voiles below, where
it capsized and drowned tlie occupant.
Neither the body nor the boat had been
recovered at last accounts.
Under date ofjMiy - 2d a correspondent
at Milton, UmatiJJa County, writes : "Crops
are looking well In thia vicinity. With
in the last two weeks there have been eight
of ten claims tafccr Witliin one and a bait
miles of Milton, and tUl there is room for
otiiers to set good:' homes. . Tlie era Hirers
hat a splcudiu time here the ltof May.
The Independents wi II carry this county.
v eare an getting very inuepeiiaent
Drunken Indians , bothered Miss Sallie
Fields, of Umatilla county, when her father
was away from the house, more than she
thought was right, and one day not long
ago, one of the worthless recUkiii3 . started
away from the house with some small
article which did not belong to hiim Mis
F. commmandod him to drop it, but he
would not. and she fired ; luckily she miss
ed trie incnau ana ne ran tor dear ate. one
lias not been troubled since by any drunken
V. a . it - - "v
The roads between Gardiner and Oak
land are .dally-Improving, and are now in
a fair condition for travel.
We' learn that mere grain lias been sown
In Tillamook county this year than ever
before. . , . , J-
On the 1st of July next Iane county
will have paid her indebtedness and have
in the treasury ten tf wusands dollar.
Wni. N. Bonlwm, of Grant comity, left
the Dalles last Friday, ? with bis two ten
ranle teams loaded with freight, bound for
uanyon v;ity .
The M.E. Cliurch Xorth will hold their
campmeeting on the 16th of June, at their
grounds near McMinnville. known as the
iiibbs' campmeeting gromid.
F. J. Babcock, of Salem, had a narrow
escape froai instant dentin by a knife flying
out of a machine he was working. It for
tunatery stroex niswatcn ami glanced otr.
y Traveling by stage is so rough that per
sons passing through Jacksonville lor the
North, engage hacks to take them to liose-
Diirg. .
; "Iteports of big strikes reach the SsItLike
Tribune from Airieriea-h Fork, Utile Cot
tonwood, Big Cottonwood, Bingham and
Ophlr all uade ,in the past week. If
Utah dont turn out $12,000,000 this year.
we win acKnowieuge time we never saw a
mine, and the hig holes in the ground are
a aeiusion ana a snare.
On Saturday morning, at 9 o'clock, the
members of tlie order of Patrons of Hus
bandry met at Tacoma Hall, Oiympia, and
marched to the btirial ground, near tlie
resi-lence ot Stephen Kifldei:, where they
strewed Ho wers above tha graves of de-
pnnea meinoers oi tne oraer. jc roin tnence
they visited other graves and payed tribute
of respect to sue ueau. , ,
The Pueblo C&ftfiain says the grass is
coming forward nicely In southern Cdora-
do, and the stock men are Jubilant
On T'ueiday of last week Boise City voted
a 3-mtll tax for the support Of schools, by
a majority of 13 lil i total vote of 146.
Tiexv To-Dajr.
BT VIRTUE of a writ of execution issued out
of the CU-eultCovirtof tlie smte of Oregon
for Linn county, to me directed and delivered,
for tlie sum of f ?aa-l U.S. void, with inter.
st thereon at the rate of one per cent, per
month from the rn any or October, 1870, with
toe nccrwMis lafwrotMi til ihtot oi Brown A
Itavis. nlnintUfi. and airainst W. K. Roland. I
have Iviod upon and will proceed to well, at
panne anctton to ie uifintt bidder for U. 8.
gold coin, in hand paid on day of sale, in front
of the Conrt liouse door, in the city of Albany.
Linn county, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 10U of June. 1878, '
at the hour of one oHsUivk in the afternoon of
aaid day, in t he manner prescribed by law, all
the rlirht. title, interest, nossession and rltrht
of poaaosston and tte ot tho said W. H. Ko-
lana, in ana to toe jomowjiig aeacrtoea real es
tato,towlt: .
Itetrinning on tha-aortbeast corner of the
southeast quarter of sect ion sl (6) in township
(161 fifteen south of rum are three (3i west of Wit
iatnette meridian, ruitnitiif thence south fifty
threechainsand seveat ysSghtlinks(58.78-100chl
to land owned by Pbiitixi; tteenee west twenty
(20! chains, thence nort h twenty-seven and one
half tS chanH." :";jn west twenty 3t
chains, theno not ! a twnty-swven and one-half
(87J41 chains to tha cer.Uir of said section six,
thonoeeji-rt torty js'lj c tun to iho piftoa ot be
ginnir"r. -..,-- -
. A!w tue follower r -b.tbM premises. to-wlt:
Besrinnina at - t .it fnti rods west ol
the soutbett?t cra-nor of swiion twentyeven
fS7) in iown!i is iic en t i sonth of ranre four
4) west of Vmt mornJian and running
thence nortss t iiu-s i-two rods, thence west
twenty-flve i-io rmi, -th.-o x south tliirty-two
1321 rods, thence tul t"'nt v-flve W) rods to the
piaee of IwinKtrit,'; Mo'iuning ave (6) acres
moreortess. Also too touowtag, commencing
ata point on the ei .ueoi toe donation claim
of AM3XHHr t-!f Bir'm erainsandtwentv
six links (Id 2 ? !.: .Hfi irotn the southeast
onwr in shkw;""Ji ("lvevea ov Alex
ander Kirk tt tte . s lo-uct ! coral Church.
wtownsi.ia.Ni). i. rB uth or range
two we r.f tho . "..m meridian. In tho
county of Linn ' i t" Ofi-t.n, and run-
nlnar thenw s-.n, ,i tita :l i rou-s, ihenee west
thirteen 'ij' l, thence north
iwove 1 1-4 t!--'U fvit t vrteen U) rods
mi miuuiis iu ii v ot winnin?, and
enmtftiiMrtrf one iv.;.or U-,s ; enA a,-o the
loiiowin, ct iiihk.m itt -cmthwwtourner
oi i-eier j. ---.. r, s, , i
twenw-f5 'Jit r- to t
iMt4 a ronsicj east
f .-."v.-t corner of
the said t. j-- i i 1, t
t"jiit s f iii vtwo
and on. i i m.
KKlK,ti -n' f ?-: 1
to tut) i!
sores, r i
towiui.ifl t -ii :
Linncofir-s ,f
ing, coi
sonth oi t r
in bloftt o. n e
fAtt ltte of wnl 1
tnen-a i . n' i
i- - '1(1 t
west twentv-eight
ot 4 ono-iv.f rods
ctmtHininif eight
r j two trpit, in
. .. tier:iiOW-
st a
t ' "f--n (U) feet
' f fc.t Sri, six (6)
rt -inj e 4tto the
' ' s.a iit (ort
- Of MJ loi
' i - i Hiaiiiij, fcstu-
I tlt-
o Oui
. -rf oooe ae'st rf
A JYcw and JLargrc Invoice
And will Hell st the Following; Prices t
Coin Pilvcr, S oz. P. & Bartlett WRltbam
Wati-h. i-'l no: each Rdilitional ounce 4 50.
Eitrht-Uav Seth Thomas Clocks from S 00 to
U uu.
"The ouly house above Portland that keeps
Ann , ni iRr rrau n in nnnmnion.
me ..
Uood Sold, Eocravod FrM of dmrs;,
i?' V BY MR. EVEKET, .
Pracl ical watch-maker and Jeweler, tote or Cal
ifornia WatcU Co., and the only engraver in
A rood assortment of Sewing Machine Xee-
uws qu aiiacnuiems.
Next Door to Wells, Farjro A- Co's Expreas
OfDee, Albony, OreyHi.
zrants and others eood barEaina in farms
and omall homesteads fn Lin n and adjoining
counties. arms in value and size to suit pi
Also, city property, both Improved and un-
Renting farms and city property, and collec
tions of all kinds, nroinntlv attended to.
Our facilities for advertising will enable na
to do more for onr patrons than any other
Asrcncy In the State in our line.
VTe also pay special attention to the employ
ment ana laiior exchange aepartment.
Albany, May 12tf.
NOTICE Is hereby (riven that the partnership
and James It. Foster, under the firm name of
J. II. Foster A Co., has this day Deen dissolved
hv tlin iimtnnl eonsent of said parties. John
Foster retiring from the business. James H.
Foster will eontinue the business heretofore
rarrlnl nn hv said J. H. Foster A Co.. and all
debts due. claims or demands of any person or
persons against said J. H. Foster & CO;, will bo
paid and settled by the satd James H. Foster,
and all moneys, dues, claims, doWs or demands
due or owing from any person or persons, or to
become due or owing to said J. II. Foster Co.,
have been sold and assigned to said James H.
Foster, wbo will collect and receipt for tbe
same. J. II. FOSTER.
AprU 25). 1876. . 8n3
Real Estate aal CofiYeyancins Agent,
S i 1 UBEU.t.
INARMS of all sizes, improved and unimprov
" ed, in thi and adjacent eonnties, suitable
lor Tram raising, aiso iimuereu iauu uuu
ninnhM fc,r wile 011 easv terms.
Also for sale n number ol" dwelling bouses
and vacant lots In this city.
Parties deslrinir to either sell or purchase
should call and learn terms and prices before
purchasing elsewhere.
ysv" Comer First iumI Ferry Ato.
- -
Watches. Clocks, Silver and Plated
wpn and Jnweirv of everv description and of
the best manufactories, on liund for sale at fair
63!" Clean inar and reiiairing Timepieces a
short notice at living rates.
C-JSilve me a call, auu sue lor yoursviijea
iiaroh 3, IS7044V8 .
public generally that, having bought out
M. ts. Derew in tne tin ana siovc mmmws m
will continue the same at the old stand, where
will be found a good assortment of
Stoves &-Ranges,
Pumps, Pipes, Custlron, Brass
. nnd Enameled Kettles.
Tim, Kbeetlron, Oalvaaitaeel lrom ' atncl
always on. hand.- . " -
House Spouting, Roofing,
and ail kinds of job wotk and ropsiringdone on
short, notice. esS" tare him a etui oeiore pur-
chaHlng elsewhere. uv
WOULD ANNOUNCE to the public that he
is carrying on a. ,
and Carriage Shop,
at the old stand known as the Peters ft Sneidel
hops, where ho has on hand the finest lot of
nd and side spring, . .
Two & Three Seated Carriage
ever mennihctiired In the State. If yon don't
believe It, . ,,. , ....
I use nothing hat Eaatara Timber, and
Warrant all Work
to give satisfaction, while my prices are most
reasonable. .' .,
- You do not know how your wife and family
would appreciate a ridosm a well-made, hand
nmo and styllwti baek. Purchase one of Sam
? . iter's handstmie new earvkiges, and yo will
s v !hs doctor bi!i, and give your family re
criMt ion for which tbey will renav you a thous
and tHncswitsi their happy smiles.
C") at in v shops, corner of J: es'ry and Second
Btrtvts. Albany, Oregon. ..
April, lo?0 SAM S1ILLLH.
Jfevr To-Iay,
EBOTIJ!, Hoot Md Mioe Maker, 3d door
east of Harper's warehouse, U always on
hand to do work at reasonable rates, neat and
nice. 87-81118
Executor's Bole of Betal Estate.
TIIE UNDERSIGNED, remaining exocntor of
the last will and testament of Dcin us Reach,
deceased. Hue ot I lie city of Albany, by author
ity oi saiu iii, win sen at private stue certain
real estate belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, consisting of a residence andan undivi-
ueu one nan in ine Aioany uiiy r lonrmg amis,
with tbe appurtcnanoes ; also, certain real es
tate in tlie town of llnena Vista, in the count v
of Polk, consisting of a one-third interest in
the steam snw Mill, and several town lots.
Persons wishing to examine the property ana
am the terms of sole, Ac. enonire of
Remaining Executor of said Estate.
Albany, Oregon, March 23, lS7-i7v8wt
Executor's Xotlee.
TWTOTICE if hereby
rOTICE if hereby given
that letters testa-
mentnry have lxcn issued to
the nnder-
All ner-
sons having claims against the estate are re
qnlred to present them, with tlie proper vonch
ers, within six months from tbo date ot this
notice, to l no sum eaetuiwr, av aiis ivpiutuw
forty miles east of A Ibnny.
March 10, 787U-25V8 Executor.
WIIEREA8 my wife, Anna Eliza Selvcster,
without cansa or provocation, has left my
bed and board for parts unknown, 1. famael
Selvester, hereby notify all with whom she may
deal, that thev must deal with her at theirowu
risk, as 1 will not stand responsible for any of
her debts, contracts or liabilities.
March 17, l76-w4n2
Iirge Fnrna Tor Sole or Bent. '
A FARM, known as the donation claim of J.
M. Elliott, t welve miles east of Altmny.con-.
sisting of 990 acres ; over 200 acres nndeT culti
vation ; balance at present nsed ns pasture, but
all of it grain land all trader fence and well
watered. It is one of the best fnrins in Linn
county, and will be sold or rented on favorable
terms. Enquire at the farm adfoinlng above
described on the west, of W. A. PAUL.
March 17, 187-26ml -
Opposition is the Life of Trade
DATE Mil ROAN has opened an office in the
rear of the Post ifflce. on Rroadalbin St.,
where ho will keep on band tor sale
Lime. Plaster, '
and ,4Sond Banks, of best qnalities, at lowest
Albany, March 17, TC-2Gn3
PROMPT Delivery, ut I.I vine;
: Rates.
HAVING bought out the dell vsry business ot
Mr. Ixswls Btimson, I beg leave to announce to
tne citizens and businessmen of Albany, that
; have on the streets an express mid job wagon
and will be happy to serve all who may give
All orders win be promptly attended to at
reasonable rates.
Orders may be left at the Drag Store of Bell A
Purlf st
ts. t. moors:,
House nnd Sifn I'atntox,
ing. Glazing, c. Having had an experi
ence of 33 years In the business in the -at, j
can snicly guarantee sntisfaetory work to all.
Shop on First street, next door east of Clark
& Wyatt. . 20trS
588 L03EI.3IIO !
Largc and Valuable Tract ol
Panning; Land fur Sale.
'pHHEie HUNDRKD ACRES of plow land, SOO
A of which is rich bottom land. On theprem'
ises are fntr bnildings, hoose, lwr, (frnnarj-,
sheds, etc.; also good bearing orchard of fruit
trees Soo acres of tbe very best pasture land ;
50 acres of timber land, ash and maple, tlie host
of farming land when cleared. A never falling
stream of water runs through the farm. Tbcre
is also n silendid quarry of lime-rock on tlfe
place, pronounced by experts A 1 rock. Four
hundred acres are mtdcr fence. It is one of t he
most desirable and cheapest fiirms in Douglas
county, lying 1 S miles from tbe . ft C. railroad
at Oakland. For particulars as to price, etc.,
PPly in this city, to.
J. 11. HOUGHTON, M. D.
Albany, May It. ln'j.
inent of theo'lebnttud new style Combined
In-ill and Broadcast
direct from the fact cry, ana now offering extra
imrnceinents to tbe- farmers of Oregon. Mmt
of thebest farmers In the StaU; are now asin-g
Ntving seed and a increased yield of grafa
l9thernlt of drilling.
Can be used equally well as a
Drill or Broadcast Seeder.-
greatly improved for this ytr.
Wurerooms at my Blacksmith Shop. corncrof
Second and Ellsworth streets, Albany, Oregon.
March 31, 1876-28
BY VIRTUE of a wrltof execution issued out
of tbe Circuit Conrt of the State of Oregon
for Linn conntv, to medirected and delivered,
for Uie sum of V733 4 in U. 8. gold coin, with
interest thereon at the rate of one per cent, per
month from the 14th day of March. 1873, and
tbe further sum of "S 70, costs and foraorru
ing costs, in favor of E. n. Rnhurts and against
E.N. Beax-h, I have levied, npon and wid pro
ceed to sell at public auction te- the highest
bidder, for U. S. gold coin in hand paid -nn day
of sale, in front of the Conrt House door, in the
city of AJbony, Linn county, Oregon, on
Saturday, the 13fA day of May, 1876,-"
t. the hour of 1 oV.loolc n. m. of said dar. nil the
following described pieces, parcels or tracts jf
iana, in-wii :
Lot No. 7 in block No. S3, in tlie city of Alba
ny, together with all and singular the tene-.
numtslbereditatnentsand annnrtenances there.
unto belonging or in anywise appertaining, to
satisfy said exeeutinn.coats anu aucruing txmut.
JWW. Apr. A, mi " ' -- .
Sow bheriffof Linn Co., Oregon.
The Aria
and New Jtexico
N'13'W FAST HIV 13
now running first, elass coaches from torminoa
Southern Pacitte Railroad throngh to Presoott,
Tucson, and all intermediate points, reaches tbe
newly discovered .
Rich Mining Districts,
of Arizona, by tbe Shortest, Cheapest and Best
FREIGHT SHIPMENTS received by Wells,
r.nrnA(-A.fiiui Kraiiciscn.
TICKETS for sale at all principal ticket offices
in ban Praiictsco. . ,
HENRV WELLS, (of W. F. A Co. and Amor.
lean fcxpress ix., r-resiaent.
J. G. ROLAND.No. loOColifornIastreet,B
rrancisco), ice rresiaent.
CIIAS. II. MIXL1, (general Kant.,
SOuiS Tucson, Arizona,
Lebanon Hotel,
TTOUSE newly furnished throughout. The
XX best the market a afford always on tlie table.
The poetoflice is next door to this House, from
wbtch the stage knives for Albany at 7 o'clock
a. m. and returning arrives ot 0 o'clock p. m.
Conveyances procured for mrtis wishing to
visit the Soda Springs, Library and reading
room, with choice reading matter, for tho
guests or tlie house. aprSOvs
no chair goes from mv iactorv without inv
name npon it. All ot hers are false imitat ions,
and should be so regarded. All porsons are
hereby warned aenlnst attempting any such
imposition upon my customers.
' . .1. M. METZLLU,
' Jefferson, Or., Jan. 21, 1S76.
Incorporated Feb. 4, 1875. Capital, 2O,009.
Corner First and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oregon.
President, S. A.-DAWSON.
Superintendent, A. .V. JOIIXSOX
. A. AAWMJi. - - "
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in -
Clothing-, Hardware, Crockery,
Groceries, Farm Implements
and Machinery, &c, &e.
Also, lmy and sell on commission all kinds of
Goods, Marketable Produce, Ac.
Dec St, 187i-Hvm8
From this date until farther notice, I will sell
choice scuM-nox or
Stores & Eanges !
XT !
AHmny, Pee. 10, 1S74-1S
from April Mb to July litb, with
AND :- " '
one of the stallions btStigUt out from the East
the past winter.
Will be at the stable of BEAN ft I)A VTOBOX
Salem, on KlanOiiys s. tm Fridays j. SAT
and hUirljj-s.
At Aiuttny Msyin, (.. wcftHMnjn,
and ThunMtiijf, at. sm. of each weekdftjrjftgtti
wawn, me i nw mbujb in . ,1. 1 A tr-s,fs,
M'HITE PKINCK is in goeJnlf,f f
gemra'ly known as having proven hlmseii
No. 1 stock borWt
PRIDE OP PEHCIfB esnteemt trrni Frencr
to Olilo in li7. and made tbe mUMnt til 7 ii
Wi-consf tf. He ts a drk dmiple g-rv, well for a'
ed, fine style, good disposition, wit h a gnu-Wolf
free, cy act ion t licit I have rreverseen eqnHri
in any horse wf fris sixe: wiu weigh, Ki tfoecf
eondftion, ptftiHtlf. - 7
It has long been my ambition 1o be W to
ffnpply the horse breeders of Oregon with a
breed of large horses and concentrated repro
ducing powcrs,emanat ing from pnritv of bloorf.
from which could be bred when crossed upon
tho common innreaof the count rv, a uniiorssi
doss of horses compact, symmetrk-al ia fermk
couled with style, action and stam&Mt.: in
supply the above want, after a earefnl uit.
ation or the various large btwh tuMattt.
lected tbo lercheron faasfly. Tho- obtest eolt s
from inrbite Prlmcc are sv w couinir 4 vaon aid .
wit h tho yowngcr ones, kHow tat t&a above-
loci wm oeen acco-opiisaeavastaey are all nnl-fm-m
in general make-tt, and- abow the stoetc
probably in greater degree Dim the produeo
of any tber borse In tbe State, whetheE bt.
1 reuv t be fnH-bUtud.hhrb-graitle Percberen jtoatt
Aaserh-an or the Indian p.iy ssares, sil sttsMr
thepecnlatritiesof the lerefim. asoe-.
In otSei-iFg the services ot the above horses has
tbe breeders of Oregon. 8 not an antried-
iHotter.bat demeaat rated fact of ilw
as St ts years sfooe their lntrodnt-lfon Ssjia, '
OMO. and years into Illinois, and wberevesr
introdneed they are giving the best of satisfae- '
tion. The one-fonrth and one-half bloods brinir-
mors tlw.mible the price of the good common
srockof the country, and the breeders of this
stock are unable to supply the demand, tor-
There Is now. omrwfll ne for same time to.
come, a demand for tbe colts at goad pcloes. tan
stev-K pneposes.
ft3o) the season, or fimr mnres for SIM in IT
S', geld coin, except White Prince fillies thev
will be bred by special agrecnirnt.
W. r. MTFJt.
Ashland, Or., March SI, 187C-SS
Executor's Sale of Rett! Hctjke-
NOTICE is herebj- given that, by vfartoo ai
authorltvof the last will and testaiueai at
Uemns Beach, deceased, tbe ondersigned wnlt
on "
tfstsrdsy, lav Miat ewjr or zmy, low,
at the hour of one o'clock in the afternoon of
that day. at the court lionse floor in t be city or
AUtany, in the county of Linn and State of Or
egon, sell at public auction to tlie highest bld
our, an oi ine ngtit, into, inieresi ana estate or
tlie said Dcmns Beach, deceased, in and to tho
real pmpertv lwlonging to the late firm of
nmh A Monteith of said citv of Aluanv.whicb '
interest of said deceased in said property is an
undivided naif, ana Known as tne "Auatir
City Mills," and dosorilied as follows, to-wit :
Vvbarf lots number two. three and four, and
lots number one and two in block number four,
as known and described in the plat of said citv
.ofAlbany, together with the undivided half of
the water now ing, tea ana conveyed atoug tne
mill-race leading aod running flora the Cali
pooia river from a point at or above the mill,
dam across the said Call pools rtver at and near
the Magnolia Mills," from tbe point which
said niti.raceerossea ine wna cinitn oi wanes
slontettn ana eniers ine tana eiatin ot -a nomas
Monteith, until the said water enters the Wit.
lamette river; also the right or way for set-l
tt-RiAr ana mill-race across tne mna or
Thomas Monteith from the land of said Walter
tjonteith. to and aoroaa lota Ko, S, 8 and 4.
where the stiia - Aiuony tuy ims "are attttm.
tw u liuu ruin ucMniF .tti iu n T ; r.
tenances, rights and pi-ivilegea thereunto t-e
lomrimr. with free ingress, eg reus and rmrrfta
for workmen with horse, cans, and earrtajpss,
at any and all times, through the land or
Thomas Monteith, and along the hanks of sabl
Kitll-raoe, for the purposeof amending.cleariiiK,
and repairing the said race, with liberty to itui
stones and earth from the adjacent land of
Thomas Monteith as occasion may require ; and
aisorneiouowing moiviauai property of said
aeceaseu, ut-wii: wock numoer Btty-seven
the said otty of Albany,
with the dwelling
With the appart.
Donse tnereon. logetnec
TEKMS OT Bale. The Haiti rartnerahJnrmT
orty which embraces the Albany City Mills,"
win ims Miiu tur vtiRii, kuiu win, one-mira io no .
paid on the day of sale, one-third in six months
and one-third in nine months, with interest on
tbe deferred payments at the rate of IS percent,
per annum from day of sale.
Tbe said described individual property wi?l
be sold for cash, gol d coin, in hand. Deeds w ilt
De executed on tuu payment or tne pure n
mainlng Executor of the last will and te
tttmoBi ol uemus iieacn, own.
April 17, WJB, stvtmrti
HAS OPENED a Pnrber Shop on 1rt sTmnt
one door west of Thomn Irvmg's liar,
ness shop, where he will be pleased to nimit uil
who wisli work In his line. Thankful tor rwt
patronage, he hopes by close attention to lfi.
ness to merit a continuance of the mine. il
keep constantly on hand a full supply of
BerntMery sard SJTalr Oils,
best assortment in town. Conie and sea
Albany, Or.,
February So, 1976-KlvS