The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 05, 1876, Image 4

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Comer Ferry and first SlrctU.
Ose copy, one year .....2 60
unc copy, ii mourns 1 50
To clubs of twenty, each copy........ 2 00
Singio copies Ten cents.
Suuscrilwrs wswde of Linn county will be
charged 20 cent extra tl 70 for the year as
thut 13 the amount of postage per annum
which we nro required to pay on each paper
ntaueu uy mi.
AjenlK for ie Register.
The following named gentlemen are author
ized to receive and receipt for subscriptions
to i no KFXiiKTKis in tue localities mentioned :
Messrs. Kirtc & Home... Brownsville,
Robert Ghts...,. Crawfordsville.
W. P. smith Halsev.
. P. Tompkins Hnrrfsburg.
n. u.iiuugnion ..jennnon.
A. Wheeler A Co Shodd.
Messrs. Smith 4 Krastield Junction City.
. i. irvme. . .. . .ncio.
Tho. if. Reynolds. Sslem.
W. Waterhouse Mouuiout n.
.MAY 5. 1876.
An Historical Eeuiinder.
It. is an ungrateful task to Lave to
remind the Democratic organs so many
times of tlieir misstatements ot tlia facts
ot history with respect to the subject ot
corruption in office. Tliey are horrified,
as everybody should be at the enormity
of Belknap's crime; but in the excess
of their righteous indignation they
grow suspiciously forgetful of impor
tant facts in the past, and declare this
is the first instance in which corruption
has been proved directly home upon a
Cabinet minister. It is not so long
since -thefts of a far greater magnitude
were committed by a Democratic Secre
tary of War, but that young men who
are not interested to forget it have a
distinct recollection of it. Floyd, Sec
retary of War during the
administration of Buchanan, stole tlie
enormous sum of $870,000, in connex
ion with the transportation contracts
for Joe Johnston's Utah expedilion,and
. was indicted for it. The indictment, we
. presume, is still on file in the court
where it was found. The wpr of the
Rebellion came on coon after it was
found, and Floyd went into the rebel
army, the natural thing for him to do.
But Floyd was never impeached. Con
gress was Democratic when his crimes
- were committed ; and then the war
. come on soon after the Republicans got
into power, and they c- uld not afford to
devote themselves to hunting down a
single Democratic malefactor, while a
halt million ot armed Democrats thun
dered at the walls of the national capi
tol. So FI.:?d escaped, and Belknap,
for lesser crfcnes, is promptly and prop
erly impeached.
White on this subject of corrupt Offi
cials, it is not amiss to inqure of the
Democratic organs whether in their re
searches they have overlooked Swart
out's case. Swartout was the first fruit
of the Democratic pyslem of civil ser
vice which Las contaminated everything
it has touched. We speak ot it as a
Democratic sySlcni, because it origina
ted with .Andrew Jackson, a Demo
cratic President. Swartont was one ot
the victors to whom Jackson gave the
spoils of olSce, and he stole upon a
larger scale than anybody we recollect
reading of, -with the exception of Dem
ocratic Floyd and Democratic Tweed.
We have no disposition to excuse the
corruptions and indecencies cf the pres
ent administration. Whoever would
excuse them is no friend either of his
country or the Republican party, for it
is indispensable to the safety of the
country and the party that the just in
dignation of an honest people should
find fuH expression, and that no excuse
should be allowed for acts which are
inexcusable. But we wish to remind
these extremely righteous representa
tives and oracles ot the unsullied De
mocracy that a decent respect for the
opinions of that part ot mankind which
reads a little would dictate a trifle
more attention to the truths of history
io the commentaries in which the said
representatives and oracles hare been
go fertile since the discovery of Belknap's
delinquencies. Exchange.
It is an old German adage that "more
people dig their own graves with their
teeth than with spades, and verily it
would seem so if we would look at the
immense number of dyspeptics, rheumat
ics and gouty individuals, creeping
through life in pain and wretchedness.
Yet it is next to impossible to induce
even thinking people to .control their
appetites, and to eat such things and at
such times as nature shows them is
necessary and right; ' Dxrilall declares,
unhesitatingly,, that it is wrong to eat
without an appetite, for it shows there
is no gastric juice in the stomach, and
that nature does not need food, and not
needing it, there being no fluid to re
ceive and act upon it, it remains there
only to putrify the ; very thought of
which should be sufficient to deter any
man from eating without an appetite
tho remainder of his life. If a tonic is
taken to whet the appetite, it is a mis
taken course, for its only result is to
cause one to eat more when already an
amount lias been eaten beyond what the
gastric juice is able to prepare. The
object to be obtained is a large supply
of food ; and whatever fails to accom
plish that essential object, fails to have
any efficacy towards the cure of dyspep
tic diseases. The formation of gastric
juice directly proportioned to the wear
and tear of the- system, which is to be
the means of supplying, and this wear
and tear can only take place as tiie
result of exercise. ; The efficient remedy
or dyspeptics is work out-door work
beneficial nd successful indirect
proportion as it is agreeable, interesting
and profitable, .
Women always give more than they
promise men less.
Time to me this truth hath taught,
T is a' truth that's worth revealing j
More offend for want of thought,
: f Than from want ot feeling.
If advice we would convey,
There's a time we sliould convey it ;
If we've but a word to say.
There's a time in which to say it.
Many a beauteous flower decays,
Though we tend it e'er so much,
Something secret on it prey,
Which no. human aid can touch.
So in many a loving breast,
Lies some canker-grief concealed,
That, If touched, is more oppressed,
Left unto itself is healed !
Oft, unknowingly, the tongue
Touches on a chord so aching,
That a wont, or accent wrong.
Pains the heart almost to breaking.
Many a tear of wonuded pride,
Many a fault cf human blindness,
lias been soothed, or turned aside,
By a quiet voice ot kindness.
Time to me this truth bath taught,
Tis a truth that's worth revealing ;
. More offend from want of thought, .
Than from want of feeling;.
Mark Twain as a candidate for the
Mayorality of Hartford remarks : By
ike way, which party do I belong to? "
We learn through one of our exchanges
that a baby was lately born with whis
kers. He must be a little shaver,
J wenty million tree have been
planted on the prairies of Minnesota.
In time there will be a change in the
D. G. Ireland, Esq., of the Astorian,
is an exceedingly modest man. The
people of Astoria have been vainly try
ing to thrust honors upon him by select
ing him as joint representative for Clat
sop and Tillamook counties in the next
Legislature. lie persistently declines.
. -
What a girl should be alphabetical
ly : Amiable, Bland, ChaHtab'e, Do
mestic, Economical, Forgiving, Gener
ous, Honest, Industrious, Judicious,
Kind, Loving, Modest, Neat, Obedient,
Pleasant, Quiet, Reflecting, Sober,
Tender, Urbane, Virtnous, Watchful,
'Xemplary, Y's, and Zealous.
Arrowroot Jeixt. One cup of
boiling water; two teaspoontuls of Ber
muda arrowroot; one teaspooiiful of
lemon juice; two teaspoonfuls of white
sugaf. Wet tlie arrowroot in a little
cold water, ?ud rub smooth; then stir
into the hot water", which should be on
the fire and actually boilu.'ff at the time,
wun ine sugar already mclteu Ju
Stir until clear, boiling steadily a!l ib? 1
time, ana add the lemon. ; Wet a cup
in cold water, and pour in the jelly to
form. Eat cold with sugar and cream.
Tea C ake. One-half pound flour,
one-quarter pound butter; one-quarter
pound sugar, three eggs, one-half tea
cup sweet milk. Pnt into the flonr one
half a teaspoonful baking powder. Fla
vor with vanilla. This baked in jelly
cake pans makes three cakes and with
jelly between is very nice for tea. f
Old-Fashioned Indian Pudding.
- Scald one pint of milk, turn it on to
one-lialf cup of Indian meal; one egg,
two-thirds of a cup- of molasses; salt
and cinnamon to taste. Add one pint
of cold milk, and bake about two hours,
stirring two or three times while cook
ing, so as to make it whey
To Cleax the Inside of any Tea
pot. It the inside of your teapot or
coffeepot is black from long use, fill it
with water, throw in a small piece of
hard soap, set on the stove and let it
boil from half an hour to an hour. It
will clean as bright as a new dollar,
and costs no work.
Batter Pcddixg. One quart 6weet
rich milk, twelve tablespoonfuls of flour,
a little salt, eight eggs. . Beat the eggs
separately, very light, and have the bat
ter perfectly smooth. Bake quickly
and send to table immediately. Serve
with butter sauce.
Rice Sponge Cake. Three quar
ters of a pound of rice flour; one pound
ot white sugar, tea eggs, beat the yelks
with the sugar; the whites alone; add
the yelks, sugar and flour together a
little at a time; flavor arid bake in
shallow pans. -
Rolled Jelly Cake. One cup su
gar, one cup flour, three eggs, one la
blespoonful sweet milk, half ateaepoon
ful soda, essence, etc Beat sugar and
eggs slightly, tlien put all together ami
beat thoroughly.
Rice Custard Ioto a quart of
boiling water stir two tablespoonfuls of
rice flour, dissolved in a little cold milk;
add two well beaten eggs to boiling
mixture; sweeten and flavor to taste.
Rice Muffins. -To one quart of
sour milk add three well beaten eggs, a
little salt, tableppoonful ot 'soda and
enougb ot rice flour to thicken to a stiff
batter. Bake in rings.
Infants Food. Mix the rice flour
with cold milk and stir it into boiling
milk until : of tlie proper thickness;
sweeten with : loaf sugar.
T - Rice Batter Cakes. Mix one
fourth wheat flour to three-fourths of
rice flour; and a little salt; raise and
bake as buckwheat cakes.
Gum Arabjc Water. Pour a pint
of boiling water-o'e? two tajblespoon
fulls of gum arabic; add lemor-juice
and sugsr to the taste. Stand it away
to get cold.
Maxima for Yonag Uem.
Never be idle. When your hands
are usefully employed, attend to the
cultivation of your mind.
Always speak the truth.
Keep good company or none at all.
Make few promises.
Live up to your engagements.
When you speajs to a person, look
him in the face. J - -
Good company and excellent conver
sation are the very sinews of virtue.
Good character is above all things
else. .
Never listen to loose or idle conver
sation. Yon had better be" poisoned in your
b'cod than in your principles.
Your character can not be essentially
injured except by your own acts.
Early in life secure a practical busi
ness eaucation.
Do not make too great haste to be
ricn, li you wouia prosper.
Small and steady gains give compe
tency with tranquility of mind.
Never play games of chance, or make
nets ot. any description.
Avoid temptation through tlie tear
mat yon may not withstand it at last.
Drink no intoxicating liquors. .
Never run in debt, aniens you see a
way to get out again.
Keep yourself innoccut if you would
oe nappy. u v -.
.Save when you are young to spend
wnen you are old. , , .
Aim high in this life, but not so hfarh
kusfc you cannot nit anviuuig.
Babies' Legs. Bow-lesrs and knock.
knees arc among tlie common deformi.
ties of humanity; and wise mothers as.
scrt that the crookedness in either case
arises from the afflicted one having been
put upon his or her feet too early in
babyhood. But a Massachusetts rhv-
sician, who has watched for the true
cause, thinks differently. He attributes
the first-mentioned distortion to a habit
some youngsters delight in of rubbing
tlie sole ot one foot szamst that of the
other; some will go to sleep with their
soles pressed together. They appear to
enjoy the contact only when the feet
are naked; they do not attempt to make
it when they are socked or slippered.
So the remedy is obvious; keep tlie
doctor ascribes to a different childish
habit, that of sleeping on the side, with
oi.e knee tucked into the hollow behind
the other. He has found that where
one leg has been bowed inward more
than another, the patient has always
slept on one side, and the uppermost
member has been that which has been
most deformed. Here the preventive is
to pad the insides of the knees so as to
keep them apart, and let the limbs
grow freely their own way. All of
which is commended to mothers who
desire the physical uprightness of their
A Fort Madison man went into his
cow stable the day, and, by mis
take, mixed her up a nice mash in a
box full of saw-dust instead of bran.
The cow. merely supposincr the hard
times'" had come and they,, were - all
going to economize, meekly ate her sup
per, aiul that marf never discovered his
mistake until the iiexf morning, when
he milked that cow, and she 1? down
half-a-gallon of turpentine, a quart C
shoe-pegs, and a bundle of laths. JJur.
Itnfftun Jlwekeye.
A writer in an agricultural paper
nlfliine .1 n . 1.. I- .1 . t- - -1 "I -
claims that t.l,Ar S. ATtU i fc 'Lu
cloth. Perhaps they don't know how
to cook 'em at his house. We never
i 1 V u .r j , ,
ate a dishcloth, but we should think
that if they were soaked twenty-four
i.n.. i t i . . . .
uuurs ueiore ooiuu;, ana carefully
scraped and drawn with butter before
placing on the . table, they would be
every bit as healthy and palatable as
tripe. . .... -
The XewXot&Mii says that many
of the brown stockings worn by ladies
are so poisoned as to endanger Ufa. Those
who wear tbera assume an unlovely
yellow color. You've got your cue
now, dear reader. When you see a
lady friend assume an unlovely color,
you should pull her stockings right off,
and light out for a stomach pump.
Even Barnum cannot bear to bo
made ridiculous. He has caused to be j
published a retraction ot tlie story that, !
in his youth, he jumped out ot V win
dow in his sweet-heart's Louse and fell
into a cistern. Phineas says lie Las
often pitched in the brethren, but never
into tlie cistern.
' . , r. . ,
VV e notice seventy-five cent shirts ad I
vertised in our city, exchanges. We
shall never insult our manhood by get
ting into as cheap a rag as that. No !
rather let us continue to deceive an- un
suspecting publicwith a paper collar
skillfully pinned to tlie crater ot a close
buttoned vest. J
Do . you know Low a church lair
works ? The principle is a very in
genious one. - Some ladies borrow
money from tlieh? husbands, buy materi
als and make up fancy articles which
they give to the fair. " Tlien tliey change
places, borrow - more money, and buy
the articles back again.
Waists of evening dresses are now
laced at tlie back. This is important,
for in case a young lady is taken with
shortness of breath a man.oaght to
know where to strike for her relief the
very first pop.
Get a Brooklyn girl thoroughly mad
and the fruits of a careful religious
training are not conspicuous in the fury
with which she unsbiptrher bustle and
wrecks it over tlie head of ber ad versary.
lirookbjn Atffiia.
A wag, upon visiting a medical mn
seum, was shown come dwarfs and spec
imens of mortality all preserved in al
cohol. "Well," said he, "I never
thought tls dead could be ia such
There is a man in Colorado' who
hns himself "T. Pot." It is said that
t-s least thing makes him boil over.
An S A new, I mean 2 write,
The girl without a
The belle of U T K.
1 1 der if U got the 1
I sailed in the K K D A
And sent by L N More.
My M T bead will scarce conceive
I calm I D A bright,
But 8 T miles from U I must
M this chance 2 write.
And 1st should N E N V U ,
B Z, mind it not ; .
Should X E friendship show, B sure
. They should not B forgot.
But friend and foes alike D K ,
As U'hiay plainly C
. In every funeral R A ,
Or uncle's LEO.
From Virtue never D V-8,
Her influence B 9 ,
Alike induces 10 derness
Or 40 tude divine.
And it you cannot cut a
Qr cause an !
I hope TJ '11 put a .
. 2 If ..
R TJ for annexation 2.
My cousin, heart Vsf I
He offers in a "v
i Zetland.
He says he loves U 2 X S ;
U'r virtuous and TPs,
AR others hi rasl's.
ThisS AuntilU IC,
. I pray U 2 X Qs,
And do not burn In FEO
My quaint and wayward muse.
Now, fare U well, dear K T J,
I trust that U R true ;
When this U C then U can say
: A remarkable burglar has been arrested
in San Francisco in the person of one Hi
ram ickery, an ex-convict. Ills formei
crimes consisted of house-breaking hi
Eureka, aud the chloroforming of women
while they were asleep, and then stripping
them of their Might-clothes leaving them
entirely nude. The eOFSmftOnj' of these
crimes was the cause of "his smarts the
Penitentiary. Since his release and Op to
l.lj t-tA : c- . a e ,
juic iic in own r raut;i?uu lie m Known
to have stolen seven gold watches and
chains, three different lots of sliver-ware,
iimuoer oi nnger rings, and twenty or
tSiirty other articles, and besides has been
shot and wounded twice. For snch a ras
cal, simple confinement in a State Peniten
tiary is too Jiglit punishment, and it is such
fallows tliat, by long and repented trails-
grcsion, oner imaiisweraDie arguments
against tlie abolishment of capital punlsh-
On Saturday last tlie Republicans cl
Coos county ' nominated B. B. Jones lor
State Senator, II. II. Lewis for Represen
tative, Jay Tattle, for Clerk, Alex. Stanff
for Assessor, D. Catbcart for survevor. C.
IV arner and heuyon for Commission
er?, t Jr.. Winchester for Treasurer.
The following is tlie Yamhill Republi
can ticket ; SUte senator, A. R. Burbank;
representatives, J. J. Henderson, Henry
Lamson, J. W. Cook, Wm. Ball; clerk,
M. Redding; sheriff", F. K. Ilnbbard :
treasurer, John Bird : assessor, F. A. Ford: i
surveyor, Charles .. Handler : school sn-
pCrujienaeni, A-. xu ery ; coroner, J. F.
Spencer. - -'
. ABcpuuuwn awie v0"'"""
owMWtoMt in Uie tityoi rot nana,
WwlnwriiM. May 3d, 1870. at 11 o'clock
A. M to select six delegates to the Nation
al Republican Convention, candidates lor
judges of tha supreme court in tlie second
third and fifth judicial districts, for prose
cuting attorneys for tlie several judicial dis
tricts tnree presidential electors, and a
candidate for representative in congress,
and for tlie transaction of such otlicr busi
ness as may come-before tlie convention.
It U recouimeniJcd that prinoary and
county conventions in the several counties
be held as follows : Primary conventions
on. Wednesday; April 19th, and county
conventions otv Wednesday. April 2Gth, or
at such other times as the county commit
tees may appoint.
The following fa the apportionment of
delegates lit the said convention upon llio
basis of tlie Republican vote for representa
tive in congress in 1875 :
Baker........... 3 I.tnn .....10
Benton . 0 Marion 13
Clackamas.... :.. 8 Multnomah .....13
Clateop j.. 3 Polk v 4
ColumbU . 1 'iHlatnook.... ... 2
Coos S Union..... 3
Curry S Umatilla ; 4
Douglas ........ .- 7 Wasco.... .... ... 3
Grant 3 Washington 4
Jackson......... 4 Yamhill. 8
Josephine.... i., 2
Lake..... ..z Jiotai ........ ..113
in nuikinz inn can lor a itepubllcan
Convention, tlie State Central Cotn-
In making this cull for a Kepublican
niittee realize the fact that too much impor
tance cannot bd attached to prellinlnarv
operations. This belnpr a "government of
tne people, iy toe people, ror uie people,"
the agents or officers ot the government
should be in aeeord with the people. Ac
cording to tlie general accepted plan of
selecting candidates, the first steps are ta-
Ken in our primary, comity ana state con
ventions. These form the ground work of
political organization upon which tlie whole
superstructure must stand or fall. If lion-
men uesire uonest omctais. is re asktue
too much that tbey lay aside for a day all
' 1 m t - ar . 1 x j . . .
wuiur uusiueas uwira niiu uevoie uie lime
necessary to select proper persons to attend
county and State conventions?
in view or tnese consiuenuions and or the
important interests at stake we earnestly
appeal to all legal voters w!k are in sym-
patliy with tlte principles ot the Renublicau
IKirty, regardless of personal likes and dis
ikes to rally at tlie primaries, and see to it
Must none but true men are entrusted with
the business of preparing for the coming
political campaigu : Select men who are
not only true tliemselves in tlie broadest
sense ot tliat term but men of diaeermnent,
men who can and will clutose wisely for the
good of the people In defiance of "rings"
nd "cliques
It is unneccessary at tliis time to reiterate
in this call the principles ot the Republican
party; its glorious record Is still fresh In
the memory of an enlightened public; it
is sound upon all tlie great principles affect
ing our national existence ; it is tho party
of progress and development ; it exposes
corruption wherever found and Inflicts pun
ishment upon conspirators, tearful and sud
den, without respect of person or position ;
it favors tlie universal enlightenment of Uie
people witlnout trammel of creed or ism ;
and ita banner is found in the van leading
on the hosts of reformers In all that tends
to higher civilization and enlarged freedom.
.. 'JL. S. SOOTT, Chairman.
J. C, Mobelaxd, Secretary pro fe.
post Office begisteb.
.f10 RaUroad (north and south) dally
m. 11.10 P. M , . . n--
f Corvalltf, daily, at 10.30 a. m."
rom Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday.
Wednesday and Fiiday) at 10.30 a. k.
mails depart:
For Railroad (noith and rirat&). dailw
close prompt at 11.1oa. ji. '
For Corvallla, daUy, at MM p. sc.
For Lebanon, tri-weekly, (Monday, Wed
nesday and Friday) at 3 . M.
pffloe hours from TH A. m. to 7X v. sc.
Sunday, from 12 . to 3 p. jc.
Money order office hours from 0 A. x. to
P.M. , p. H SAYMOND, P. M.
Furniture Rooms.
i;SiPftvc to announce to the citizens of this
ed a Tarrtock of K mUnlry' tbat be open
i',aIn8' wely oecnnied by Dr. Plnm-mer'sdraKt-e,
on Viret street, where can be
Parlor Sets, ;
.Bedroom Suits,
Loungei, : V
'. Whatnots,
- and In &ut evi-jthing else needed to
My goods are well made and of the very
Latest and Handaomeat Styles.
sl";.ITURE n""t to order, at
63rFurnitnre nmtml ..d nn i i
on Miort notice.
uive me a call.
Albany, Kor. 26, 1873 10vS
For Sale X
JLfnic, Shingles, Plaster Parla,
iaih, Iluir, etc.,
and for sale low, at the wnn-hnnw of
The IIIirhMt rk Price raM Smw TV1
Aiiiany, May It, iz&ixl
Dress Making !
Millinery Goods J
Ladies' Pirrnfauing Goods !
General Emporium
MRS. S. A. JUitTVft. nt fiMV at mmt, W -a
;.,,cc, ar ;ne comer or second. otters
. .. Dwauava aiva.a VI PTCW
"f erery dtwlpf ion. all of the intest and most
tiishioiialiic styles. Sue also bas a complete as-
lflffesi rad rhilfrns Warnlnttlmg (iooda
of every qoallty and styl, embracing
nmrqtmt, (Tmdded or emfirolderedi
HM UlvvrA,
and all klii'i of ladlea' and children' under
wear, which will bo sold very low.
Call and examine goods.
Alliany, Not. 98. 1875-10 vt
To Man. and Beast
T he re is no sore it will not heal, no lame
ness it will notxmre, noaolie. no pnin, that
nlthct the hnman body, or the body of a
horse or otlier domestic animal,' tlmt does
not yield to its magic touch. A bottle
costing 2.M3. 60c. or 1-00, tias often saved
tlie life of a hnman . bciyg. and restored to
life, and usefoIoRssViany a valtiiible liorse.
roR nea, iT wku cure
RlieumatUm, Burns, Scalds, Bruise, Cuts,
Frost-bites, Swellings, Contracted JCorUs,
Pain in the .Back, Lumbago. Sciatica,
Chilblains, Strains, Sprains, Stiff Joints,
Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds,
Ulcers. .
Spavin, OalU and Sores, Swinnv, Rlne
JBone, VVindgsills, Big Uead, Poll Evil,
f luniors and Sores. . Lameness, Swellings,
Scratcfies, Distemper Stifluess, Strains,
Soreness, Open Sores t 2QvS
at home. SaniDles wort h l
tixwoj.- A Co., Portland, Me.
SEX1 S5c to O. P. COW KLL A CO., New York,
for Pamplilet of 100 nures. containing x.nrm
newspapers, and eatinmtes showing ooet of ad-
vcrtlxing. - - . SSvSy
f4 ty athoote. Agents wantetl. OutHt
W A terms free. TRUE A CO., Augusta, Mo.
. ',. ROTH'S.
THE co-partnership heretofore existing be
tween E. 8. Merrill and L. M. Pntmanrwag
by mutual consent dissolved, March 1Mb. 187l
K. 8. Merrill having sold his interest to Jesse
Merrill. The ttrm will now be known as Put
man A Co., who will continue business at the
okl stand. The amounts of the old arm will
bo setttedhy Mr. Putman, and all those Indebt
ed to Merrill & Putman are earnestly reaaeated
to call and settle without delay. 1
Albany.Aprilsi,18TSw4nai. MI"t"Ali'
C LA HI! 4. D EEDS,'- i
Neatly executed,
vJ the Register OHicc
New Elevatoi !
of wheat and oats. We call the attenin. a. of
farmers to the fact that we have erected the fi
nest warehouse in the a large expense,
and are in position to handle satisfactorily an
immense o nan tit v of srrain. Oar house liu a
capacity for
200,000 bushels of Wheat
nt one time.nnd is located on the tnarg-ln of the
Willamette Kiver, andprovided witlia side tiiick
from the O.iC.B. K., so that shipments mur
be made dally by rail, and as often by water as
boattna facilities offor. We have two large suc
tion fans, in addition to other fens, attached
to the honse. ran by water power, and are
thus prepared to
aU the wheat received. Can take in and clean
uubucis ir any. vioanea wneat is woi
much more in aU foreign markets than fc
wheat, and none should be shirmmt ,
cleaning;. Onrchargeswillbefiveoentsa bnshe
I h furnl?11 hosf forin5 wheat with ns, free to
. . - .... -..! wo fRireiimte, ana at the
lowest casli price to those who sell their vht
irom our house to other buyers. Persons stor
ing with ns are at libertir to anil tn -...
ri"5- T,"?5f J"110 resid, on 1 west side of
.1. '.1: " ;c icrrun iree. will be In
the market as buyers, aud exiiect to be able to
Py the highest possible price. Ilavina nre
paiett ourkelves to do a large business,' we hope
for our share ot the public patronage. 1
n47v6joly Albany, Oregon.
Old Reapers, ,owm nd Threshers
Repaired and made almost as good as new
- Is now prepared to do all kinds of
Tsratag, Snwlns; and Oi-essins;.
AlSO. anv Inmvnrlr nnrl 1 tYt..t 1.
Ins the trade may dinadf.
lencing rickets wiU be n liand at all
For Sale!
A Larg-e Body of Rien Land Tor
Sale Cheap.
'VJV 300 ncrnt in en I r 1 t r v..-.,
ceptible of cultivation well watered. n a
good house, barn, mid out houses tliercon all
JlIL!,elAne "! lyin within miU-n of a rail-
entire tet will bS soldclTeap. eiguir; of
Angao71-48v7 AlbanyOon.
lito friends and the. public generally, that
ne is now Mettled In Ids .
on the old stand nntdnnrMP r-' .
where can be found as great an assortment and
Stoves and Ranges
V.SJ' T t,ra"a ' y one bonse this side of
3 cto JF1ojsi,
Caatlron, Drass & Enameled
in great variety,
Tin, . . .
ueet Iron, i
Galvanized Iron,
f i.wfii"1!t,1Mlf "nt to order, AT 1JV-
Call on
Afltany, October M, It75v9
., And ;:.
3 a.e liin e Shop,
A. 1 CHERRY Proprietor,
Slaiinfaetares Slean Engines.
Flour and Saw Mill Slachin.
And all kin as of f
, Partlenlar attention paid to repairing all
kinds of machinery. 41 vS
Groceries & Provisions,
estahiiHhuiont on oomerof Ellsworth
and First streets, with m fresh stock of
Orocerles, Provisions, Candles, Cigars, To.
tweeo. Ac. to whteh ho invites the atten
. tion of our citizens.
In connection witb the store he will keep
? ""-ko'.v, and will alwava have o hand a
full supply of fresh bread, crackers, Ao.
CsST" Call and see me.
February X-Mv4
'Strnt Isswissl. Kill Eltaa.
Revised and corrected by the author, E. dc F.
,-. Curtis, M. !., Ac, Ac.
A Medleal Essay on the cause and eura of pre
mature decline in man, showing how liealth is
lost, and regained. . It gives a clear synopsis of
the impediments man-tage, the treatment of
nervonsand physical ikjhlrtty, exliansted vital
ity, and another diseases appertain thereto;
the results of twenty years successful practice.
' 0lniKs sf tbsfress.
ClTtTIR ON "MAN HOOD." There is
ber of society bv whom this Iouk will not be
found nsefnf, wliethor h Xm parent, preecptor
or elertrrman. Ijmnttm Ttrrw.
CURllS ON "MANHOOD. "This hook should
be read by tho young for Instruction, and by
theatnioted for relief: it. will injure 110 one.
Mf lvsnl Timnt awl UnsrUe. ,
Price- One Dollar, bv mall or express. Ad
dress the author. Dll. CURTIS, 52! I Sutter Street,
or I. O. liox 17, Pun Francisco, Cal. -
. SvTm4 . ::
ALBANY, VltHii'Mf.
eheck at. Htint.
Interest allowsxt on time denOHitsiaeoin.
Kxchange on JPonbtud, tnoi rnneisw,
dUid Mew York, for nuJe at kiwct rikiwt.
CMIeetioas and pixinm iy remit d.
Kefers to It W. Corbett, lioury laiunt
W. 8. Ladd.
Banking honrs from 8 A, M. to a P. M.
Albany, Feb, 1, U71-33rS
" ' , Dealers in .
vncsicAxs, oiM, faixts,
... .' , . v-i- f.- Ail the popular
y'.sMsk 'ixkitT,''cicJAi, tobacco,
sum! Toilet; gt.
fart leu la r eare and promptness given
: Physicians' prescriptions and Family Koa
Albany, Oregon -4v
Albany Dook Gtorc.
School 1 looks, Iilank Books, Stationer jr
Fanoy Articles, Ac.
Books imported to order, at shortest pos
sible notice. vinM
Meditwl College of Kew York, lata
niemlM-r of fk-llevleu H. .spital Me'J .! Cl
leife, Xew York. Ufkick-Ir A. Carutheiw
A C'o.'s drug store, Albany, Oregon.
Gi"ocerief?, I'ro visions,
Tobneeo, igam, wttery f-l.
ry,anl WimsA Wlllsw War,..
CCbff andsre him. Hi
Attorney Kud Counselor mt, Ivw.
WILL PR.VfTlCfi lf ALL THE Coarf
in the M, 3d and 4th Judicial li.
tricts. in the Snnreino t'ourt of
and 1
I in .heU.8. liti lei nnd Cirenit ourt !
OFPICK In Parrlsh in i t
office occupied by the late . If. Lren'or,
First street, Albany, Oregon. toMvS
boy tree. Thnnkftil for pst fsvom,
and wishing to merit the contlmmme oi
the same, the BAY TEAM will always 1h
rmvly, and easily fonnd, to do unv lumlin
within the city limits, f,r n, tvanai.!
cnmpetiaHffon. tjm Ilvrrx- ff
m Kpeelnltjr. AS. AUNOI.O.
" . ' Pronrietor.
troublesome complaint nnnnt 1
enrod, when so many evi)ences of mireess
nit" T7 inntTn oeiore
lorw vr.n .v.rv
cun or stnnnwed liopriess cae mt
physician Informs yon ibnt the Inrrgrr yntt
allow titeeoiuplalut t exist, von Inwou
your etMnees for reitrf. Ejcuurit nrr Jhi
A. CnroSbesw A me Tilt anl
are all they are rneomnariMToo) t h. Will
cure Chronic, Blind and KlcecKag Piles tut
a very short time, and are eom--ri to uw.
This preparation is sent by mil or tj.
t o aw j poi n t wi t bin t be U wrled t t e
at fl 50 per package.
AdOrae. A. t'AITOTnEItS A CO., t
S7v5 , - BOxSJ, AHwDy,OTVgjs.
The PJrrjjwie firemen are m.tiing nr.
mtzements for a grantl ball at I.-uie'a
llali on CIrfstmsts rvr.
1876. J87G.
Chicago & ficrth-Vcct-
ern RaIIYny
HE rortUI BOCTE otejcijixjis.
Passensers for Chleaoro. Klairara Falls. Pitta.
bnrg. Ihlladelpbm, Mont real, J'ebec,New Y ork
lioston, or any poini jisi, snomu ouy 1 neir -
Tta Ike Ptwaeer Bait,
Its Track Is of 8TEKI. RAILS, and on It 1 -
been mudothoFASTKf time that liei.- -i
MA1K in this conntrj-. Jy tins ronie -gers
forpointseastof Cbtcugo liare cttoice ot
following IUes IrouMJltk-ttjw - .
Bjr (be FMUbsr. fwlwiisf aXfkleuM
and ltSJtf I vumlm KaJlwoys, -
TIlROCfin TRAINS DAILT. with Pullman
Palace cars through to Pbiludelnhta tmi sw
York on each train.
TIIRoroH TRAIN, with Pnll mau Pali.
to Baltimore and Washington. k
By tlie Ms Misn and !:- ' :
era ifaitwwy nmvt t ... , ,.0
t'entral ana Erse KsuUtsmmk;, ....
I lh-awtng Hoom and Silver 1Uimm n ,,,.,,, .
to New York. .,
t y ) Stteliigsiai OmSswI, trmmit Tr-ffn ik."
Uresis Westers SSMI l'jr muni .hew & ,t a.
(nmi Hallways, - . -
3THROlT;iI TRAINS, with Pnlimnn
Drawing Room anil Sleeping ettrs x .riur 1. t
New Vork, to Niagara Falls, liuf. tlo, IkocM-stM
or Now York city. .
- Ky BalUsnor SI Obi nml,twil, '
I'll lace cars for Newark, Kanesvii m. hhrnnv.
Washington and Baltimore without clmugo.' '
This is the SHORTEST, BEST and onlv
running Pullman cwlelinstiti 1"AI.AC,
INt CARS AND COAClirS omi,,,.,, 't.
lrnlon Pneitic Rail pond h h Aai". A n,. , , , '
WkXT, via rand Junction,,. , , L.
Rapids, Clinton, Sterling aud 1iaui, t.r I
CAJUOAND TIIE EAbi.'. u ' " c '
Tli Is popular ronte is t)nsnrpnsed r r i
Comfort and Saftsty. The (on-. " , 4
ed and perfect truck of rii,. tiio 1- ..
eo inuiinnn jauuje dee'"! 4-r 1 i
Tefagraph System of moving i m, t
larity with whk'h they rim, ti. ,1 ,i
rangtment for running throi,,' 1 (. ( ,
from all points West. um i, i,
tlieeomforts in BMKlerx lAiivtuv ? -.i..
clianges or Cars, and no t ihS .uui ,
rtes. ... J
Passengers will Wild
route at the t Sere- i 1 1, . , .
PnHflic R?iio.., j. (.
Tk-kets fr h ti.e ' f
Ccntrnl la.4e Hm- ...rl it- .. 1
"MARVIN lirillillT.sieii..,! i. .
H. P. STAtl), Oenersi A't'r. '
gomcry street, ad Francisco. " ' L' ' '