The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 05, 1876, Image 2

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: i
lion. R. WILLIAMS,
of Multnomah county.
Fob PbesiBkstiai, Electors,
W. H. OPELL, o Lane county.
J. W. WATTS, of VanihUl county.
J. C. CABTWEIGHT, of Wasco oonnty.
amount oi thievery and fraud, charge- inated, uuder protest ot tbe minority,
able to Democracy and Democratic ad- who refused to nominate or vote for a
ministrations, before which the thievery Congressional candidate. .The friends
of to-day looks Insignificant: These of Hons. Geo. R. Helm, ot Linn, and
are but a small number of trie Demo- Witeaker, of Lane, took no part, so we
cratic defaulters and thieves who have are informed, in the selection ot a Con-
..... i i v...l
o-rown fat on public plunder sauce Uie gresKioiau cauutuaie, aim win nou. hjuu
first days ot the Republic, not one of a very cheerful support, In consequence,
whom ever suflered for his crimes, but to Lafe Lane. Indeed, we are led to
on the contrary were shielded and pro- believe that many Democrats will re
tected by Democrats. It is a matter of fuse to vote fur Lane, even if they do
record that while the Democratic paity not vote tor the Republican nomineeJ
Kor State 9enator-G. F. s
For Representatives J. '-HAKT fc. J , ..
BRANDOS, M. A1CIUSON. r .,...,.,,..
For County Judge-I. it- N . BLACKBLKN .
For Co. Commissioners WM. PAVL,MABI
For County Clerk -It. G. CI SICK.
For Sheriff S. A.DAWSOS.
For Treasurer 1. AN DREW f .
For Assessor J. W. CLEAVER
For fichool Superiiiteiidcnt--J. L. GILBLRT.
For Sarvevor J. A. WAKNER.
For Coroner-N. B. HUMPHREY-.
was in power, all kinds ot thievery and
fraud was practiced, without let or hin
drance. Under a Republican adminis
tration, rascality is punished to the full
extent of the law, whenever and wher
ever brought to liaht. These are- facts
that cannot be trnthfully'gainsayed.
This kind of trickery will no longer be
tolerated by honest Democrats, aud
Lane will be a badly beaten man at the
polls this fall. Mark that.
Kinney's new fishery at Astoria has be
gun operations.
The Ashland thin works have a good
custom already and are doing well.
A post route ima been established be
tween Grant's pass and GFallce creek, and
service will be put oh ere long.
'A club la about being started among the
citizens of Jacksonville, with headquarters
iu the Masonic building, up stairs.
A large bear was killed on Salt creek,
Polk county, the other day, by John But
ler and Geo. Coulee, that had been feasting
on the hogs and sheep of the country all
winter. - -
For not having bis light np alter dark,
a fine of $'200 was Imposed by Collector
Webster, at Seattle, upon the master of the
bark Montana, and its payment exacted
last week.
A young roan was arrested in Tilla
mook last week on the charge of stealing a
horse in Folk coantv. 1IU name is El
Tbe Columbia River Fishermen's Benev-
I The Democratic Journals and speak
ers of Oregon and elsewhere are boil
ing over, apparently, with righteous in
dignation at the corruption and rotten-
The Republican State Convention
met in Portland on Wcdi"esday, Slay
3d, placing iu nomination for Congress
Hon. Richard Williams, of Portland;
-for Judge of the 3d ..Judicial District,
Hon. R. P. Boise,-of Marion, and for
The Democrat publishes a list of ap
pointments for the Democratic county
ticket, challenging the Republican can
didates to be present and participate, I olent Aid society lias started the work of
sneeringly remarking : "In view of the constructing a hall firr the society in As-
fact that there isn't one ot the Radical
candidates who can make a stump
speech to a' tree toad, there i& very little
prospect of .their acceptance-' of ' the
The Delegates to the National Re
publican Convention are: H. .W.Scott,
B. C. Van Houten, J. C. Tolman, J. IL
Foster, J. B. David, H. K. Xlines.
Kew TJ)ar ;
"MOTICE Is hereby given that the partnership
irl Heretofore existing between John Foster
and James H. Foster, under t lie firm name of
J. H. Foster A Co.. has this day been dissolved
by tne mutual consent of stud parties, John
Foster retiring from tbe business. James II.
Foster will continue tbe business heretofore
carried on by said J. It. Foster A Co., and , ail
debts due, claims or demands of nnv person or
persons against said J. H. Foster & Co., will be
paid and settled by the sold James H. Foster
anu an moneys, uues, cuum-, acuts or ueuia'iu
dne or owing from any person or persons, or So
become dne or owing to said J. H. Foster &Co.,
nave ueen aoia ana assigned 10 Klin juura n.
Foster, who will collect and receipt for tne
same. J. ii. tosiBit.
April 49, 1870. SnS
Real Estate anl CoiiTeyancins Agent,
New To-Day.
T7 hot
Boot nnd Shoe Maker, 3d door
ga. nf tinrivr'9 warehouse, is always on
band to do work at reasonable rates, neat and
nice. v ....... zi-oma-
Extrator'n Kale of Real Em tale.
rTHB fjNDKHSIGNED- remafilnsr executor of
JL the last will and testHment of DcittiisHeuch,
deceased, late of t ho city of Albany, by author
ity of siiid ill, will sell at private wile certain
real estate belonging to the estate of said de
ceased, consisting of a residence and an undivi
ded one half in the Albany City Flouring Mills,
with the appurtenances ; also, certain real es
tate in the town of Bnena Viata, In the comity
of Polk, constating of a one-third Interest In
the Steam Saw Mill, and several town lots.
Persons wishing to examine the property and
learn the terms of sale, "&&NXER,
Remaining Executor of said Estate.
Albany, Oregon, March 23, 1876-27 v8w4
Executor's Notice.
NOTICE if hereliy Riven ttmt letters testa
mentary have been issued to tbe under-
IEAI-Elt8 IX -
sons havlnjr claims Ktnrnst Ibo estate arc re
onlred to present them, with tbe proper vouch
ers, within six months from the date ot tliis
notice, tot no said exectrtor, at Wa resMcnve
forty miles cast of Alhnny.
Marcn 10, 7870-25 v
Watobos, Glacis,
Silver & Plated Varc,
cliallenge.' As the Itepublicanftkket
District Attorney, Burnett, of Polk,
Of Sir. Williams and Judqe Roise it is of Linn county is composed almost , en-
uess of tlie times, iusisting that the unnecessary to speak both are well and tirely ot farmers, this is simply a sneer
.present administration has produced j tavorablv known throuhout the State, at the entire farming community. Why,
worse aud greater thieves tliau that of arjj both will be elected. Messrs. W. my dear General, there isu't a farmer
any other since th formation of our H. Odelr?of Lane, J. W. Watts, of whose name appears on the Linn county
Government. The changes are wrung
upon these charges daily, aud it maybe Wasco, were elected r'reMdeuVal Elec- discount you, in any respectable com- mining Intereste there, returned a few days k'eoantiy
that now anJ then an uninformed or ig- tors. The delegates to the National munity, for good, practical common tlt sectton inTlavoraWe"1 rerfun
norant irty may be led to believe tlurt Convention are II. W. Scott, J. II. Fos- sense, aud every other attribute of man-
these assertions, told with such an airot I ter, J. C- Tolman, P. Davis, R. C. Van
candor and sincerity, contain at least a J Houten J. Y. Watson was: uominated
toria. - . " .:
The Benton county Republican conven
tion instructed, their delegates lor P. A.
Chenoweth lor strict attorney of the seu-
onu judicial district.
Capt. Hall iuforma the Ptaintleuler that
tlie snow on the niouutians between Ash-
and and Liukville U from four to ten feet
deep aud the roads are lu a horrible con
dition. '
The Jacksonville Times says: "John
Bilger and Jfls.- Wettcrer, who left last
FARSrS of all sizes. Improved and unimprov
ed, in this and adjacent counties, suitable
for g-rum raising;, also timbered land and stoclc
ranches for sale on easy terms.
Also for sale a number of dwelling nouses
ami vacant lota In this city.
Parties desiring to ettuer sen or purcnasc
should call and learn terras and prices before
purchasing elsewhere. svo
ness shop, where be will be pleased to meet all
Vann1ill anA .Tnhn C. f "'ort wrirrlit nf I Rnnnh!i(Ati llVkpt. who Will not doublet wppk for fl.alii mnlc tn loolf flfrpr their I h hravo lw close attention to
' " - . ""r ' . ,:Vi: ".r.r.f tiomp. win
Bartoer Slxop J
T-TAS OPENED a Barber Shop on First street.
11 one door west or rnoiupson .T irvma s nar-
who wish work In his line.
WHEREAS my wife, Anna Klfza.SclvestrT-,
without caus 3 ot provoation,lms left my
bed and board for pnrts unknown, I, tad
Selvcster, hereby notify all with whom she may
deal, that they must deal with berat their own
risk, as 1 will not stand resiwmsible for any of
81- debts, contracts or liabilities.
Btareh 17, 1H7G-Wln2(l
LKrse Finn for Kale or Rent.
AFARM. known as the donation claim . of J
M. Elliott.twelveniileseastof AHny,con
sist Ing of SJ90 acres ; over 20t) acres under culti
vation ; balance at present used as pasture, bnt
aU of it grain land all under fence and well
watered. It is one of the best farms in Linn
county, and will be sold or rented on favorable
terms. Enquire at the farm adjoining alxive
oesenneu on i lie wesT, oi v. a. itajXa.
March 17. 1876-a;ml
mite ' ot truth. Every well informed
person will see through the shallow
demagognery and trickery ot such as
sertions from Democratic authority. The
truth is, official corruption is nothing
new iu this Government, we are sorry
to say. In Benedict Arnold's time,
while he was military governor of Phil-
for tlie Judgeship, and W. 15. Higby
for the Attorneyship in the 2J district.
Iu the 4th district R. Stott recsjved the
nomination for Attorney. Wa haven't
the room or time to "set up" the plat
form adopted,this week, but will attend
to that matter next week.
assayer from Nevada, with his on t fir, was
there at the time, who gives some very
good accounts ot tlie quartz of tliat section.
Ail agree that capital is only lacking to
make Ganee creek one of the greatest
uuumg sections on the coast."
The following is the Democratic ticket
in Douglas county: benators, , M. Dean,
James C. Hutchinson ; representative?,
James II. Bean. Win. D. McGhee, Wm. P.
Day and Wm. R. Smith; county clerk,.las.
M. Dillard; sheriff, I. F. Kiee; treasurer,
Philip Grigfcby, Democratic candi- vfm. T Wright; county commissioners,
date tor bounty 1 reasurer, as a ildier intendent, Geo. Gnibbe; assessor. It. A.
hood and decency. It isn t possible
there is a man on the ticket, who can
succeed in making as irrelevant, fluffy,
nonsensical twaddle as the inkslinger ot
the Democrat writes or harrangues from
the rostrum.
Thankful for post
nHa tn merit n. continuance of tbe same.
on liana a iuu supply oi
Perfumery sod JIatr Otis,
the best assortment in town. Come and see
me. ..
Albany, Or., February 23, ise-zava
Comer First nnd Ferry Sta.,
Opposition is the Life of Trade
. .
DAVE JIIMJAX has openedan office in the
rear of the Post jtllce. on Broadalbin St.,
where he will keep on hand lor sale
Lime, I'lanter, (eincnt,
aud "Sand Banks," of best inalitle, at lowest
Albany, March 17, WSflmS -
Singer;: t
XI ic Best OTacIiine ITIutlc.
'Down South lililiuir DeiaM'ratB,
in the Union army, only a brief period j
jadelphia, the charge was made that he
trafficked in appointments.' As he had A meeting ot the stockholders in the since, was down South engaged in kill-
recently 'married a gay woman (his sec- Astoria Farmers Warehouse Company ing Democrats! Now he is asking Dem-
. . l. Z I. I ..1 I 10 Mllnl t. fhA "Sf I. tint a, ;1 clnno 1 4.v ....n l,m mln thn .111 a-f
money to keep up a stylish mode of fbr the puqxse of selling out the entire comfortable office of County Treasurer
life. Tlie first development of breach property of said corporation, and divid- an office with Jittle or nothing to do,
ot official tiust in this country occurred ing the proceeds among 6aid stockhol- to which a good salary, with fees, is at-
.under Jackson's adrninistratijn, when ders. A largo amount of the above tached. It's rather a bitter pill for some
Jesse Efoyt and Samuel Swart wout stock, approximating one-half of its of .the old liners to swallow, but then,
were favorite leaders in tlie Democratic j capital, is held in Liun county, and out I you know, party discipline must be
party. Doth were, iu turn, collectors peuple therefore have a deep interest in hept up, and a "good" Democrat is
at the port ot iew lork. Secretary the matter, and if there is any jobbery supposed to have no opinion or will of
VY oodbury permitted Swartwout to re- in it, tliey want to bring it to light. To his own that party leaders are bound to
main in office, even after it was known I this end every dollar ot stock represent- j respect ! However, Mr.. Andrews, the
Kaper; surveyor, . S.
las. (jr. uiark.
Haipain; coroner,
April 27th, in Mohawk valley, a yonng
niau named Monroe Zurawalt, was killcJ
by Janies McCabe, a former slieriff 6f Lane
county. Tlie report is tliat during an al
tercation between the two, MeCabe picked
tip a heavy stick aud struck Zumwalt on
the side of tlie head knocking him sense
less, trom the efl'ecls ot wliicli blow he diet!
nine hours afterwards. McCabe came In
and gajve himself up.
Tlie Jacksonville SentineX of April 23th
says : From 3ir. Bichard Ish, mail carrier
between here and Kerbyvtlle, we learn of
a, terrible accident .whicb occurred' near
Kerbyvllle on Friday ; last. The children
ot Mr. Sam, White were engaged iu saw-
Watchos, Clocks, Silver and Plated
Ware, and Jewelry of every description and of
tne ocst manuiacioncs, uu nanu iui- tnnns .
IS3r Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a
jewelry, eic, repairer uuu ihtvi h
short not ice at living rates.
fc35i ve me a call, and see for yoursetr.3
March 3, I70-24va
PROMPT Delivery, at Living
. - , . ltatcn. .'..
HA"ING liousht out the delivsry bnsinoss ol
Mr. Ixfwis St imson, I h'. leave to announce to
t tie citizen" and business men of Albany, that
I have on the streets an express and job wapon
and will be happy to serve all who. may give
me a call.
All orders will be promptly attended, to at
reasonable rates.
Orders may be left at the Drag Store of Cell &
Vllifilt. PAKKEU.
X. X. BI005&E,
House nricl Sijii I'aintei-,
. ALBANY, : : OltEGOX.
JN authority of the last will and testament of .HAIXINti, PAPERnANOINJi, CAI.CKMIN
lemus Beach, deceased, the undersigned will, I VT ina. Glazing, e. Having bud an exnerl-
Incoiporated Feb. 4, 187.3. Capital. 20,000.
Corner First an 'J Washlnston streets,
Albapy, z Oregon.
IresiclciH, S. A. DAWSON.
Superiiitcntlcut, A. J. JOMIX&OZI
N. I0?ffrV. M. nil.LRR.
J. KI.KVIS, - J. .. KKI'.ll,
X. A0, A. I5I.KVI.HS,
m. a. dahmiai
Executor's Sale of Real Estate.
OTICE Is hereby given that, by v:
authority of the last will and test
Knturdny, tbe 2tli day of Slay, 1S70,
at the hour of one o'clock in the Rtlernoon of
that day. at the Court House door in the city of
Aioany, in ine yuuiny wmii v.
efron, sell at pimiic auction to the highest bid
der, all oi me rviii, tiuo, uiibk-bi ouu
the said lKsinus Beach, deceased, in and to the
real propert y liclonftlnir to the late firm of
Bcacb & Monteith of said cit y of Albany.which
Interest of said deceased in said property is an
undivided half, and known as the "Alliany
Citv Mills," and described as follows, to-wit :
Wharf lots number two. three and fonr, and
lots number one and t wo in block number four,
as known and described in the plat of said city
enco of S3 years in the business in tbe East, I
can safely pn:i.rant! satisthctory work to all.
shop on First street, nest door cast of Ciaiic
& Wyatt. v8 -
1,.. n-n f n "5(!, nltn. In nnarF I R t .1 ;.. ntn 1,1 lu I 1 1.1 : :tt I 1. t I . . :" . . ' 1 . , . , I
nt a uHouiiu wiini fcuucvi cu iu tins vuuuiji siiuuiu n jiicKiucu j ke'i!uncaii csiiuiuau:, win ir iuc iic&o ing uOWIl a leaning tree wnicn stood near or Aioany, lose merj j . veyed ong the
754. 31r. Wise, of Virgiuia, publicly at Astoria on the 28th' instant. It par- Countv Treasurer, and a large nnrabcr their housc and Mrs. White was standing mYiirumngand . n,nn,sa,!l JjJ Jj;
charged '"I Secretary Woodbury with ties in this county holding stock in said ot Democrats proposs showing their near by, looking at tlie oieration. Xo SJSS tiJwr5to riveat and tr
Jjeepins in office Mr. Harris, of Golum- n,.r.nV wlMmt B;ilC,r. .i .;n u 4 i.;m danj;er was apprelwnded, as tlie tree had the v iZlif
bus, Mississippi, who was defaulter to
the department in 160,000 and still
Harris was allowed to retain his posi
tion. Joshua Phillips, assistant cashier
at the custom house under Swartwout,
defaulted in the sum of six hundred
thousand dollars. The public cartage,
during Hoyl's collectorship, was given
ward their proxies to the Albany Far
mers Company of this city, with the
bearer left blank, the A. F. Co. will see
that all such proxies are fil'cd out with
tlie name ot reliable parties who will
attend tbe meeting, aud seo that tlieir
interests do not sutler. In this way a
fair and thorough investigation of the
Don't fail to attend to the matter.
to a tool of Hoyt'e, George Shourt, who malter can be reached, and if a job has
was paid the enormous sum of $46,688
for a, cartage bill running for a period
of about three years. One of the most
remarkable frauds during Van Bureu's
Administration was the entire embezzle
ment f t the Smithson bequest, amount
ing to $500,000
Splendid volunteer crops of wheat are
being raised in Utah this year.
The prospects of a big crop of f 1 ult of all
kinds in Utah, were .never better.
Twelve recrtnts from California were
added to tlie garrison at Vancouver on the
27th of April. ,
" Til. tu,oii!a in lii mrli.liiltir of T.rttri flvor
m. m i ; . r t . 1 .... ,1 I 1
oeen pui up u win uei.ippcu i tuC uu. w T are tQ buUj a whart ou that
not been sawed more than half through.
Suddenly the: tree split a the stump, and
the struin forced tlie spreadhisr portion
backwards over the stump, striking the
nntortiumte ladv with stK-h force as to
frightfully lacerate her side and break her
neck, producing instant ueain.
The delegate to the Clatsop county Re-
Mouteith and enters the land claim of Thomas
. ,.nin iltflonifl vnlfirntfni t.ltK Wil
lamette river ; also the rusht of way for said
...... ad ,iii-nu across the land of said
Thomas Monteith from the land of said Walter
Uontenn, 10 anu aero
tua a..ii A limn v Citv Mills " are sitna-
teil as said race runs, together with the appur
tenances, rischt s and privileges thereunto be-
lonjrinsr, wltu tree miiros,
r,.r.nri:mn with liorses.earts.ftnd earn.mes.
.n times, through the land of
KMtMti jms ...rA.tmi ma, n , tiA l.tlIT ' 1 . . : 1. nK.l nlnnn iha hunk, nf ual.l
ftniiouncement. miii-rHou. rii "VJiV,l"Kr.V".?:
C30 loheis !
Iargc unl Valuable Tract ol
Farming Land for Sale.
THREE IIUXnitEI) ACRES of plow land.2:)0
of which is riuii bottom land. On theprein.
1es are fair buililhisrs. house. iNiiii. aranary.
sheds, etc.; also jiood Ijcarinjr oivhard of fruit
trees atXi aci-es of the very-liest, iMisture Iim.l ;
00 acres of tiinlicr land, ash and maple, the liest
of liuTiiinLT land wlwn cleni-ed. A never fsiiiiinr
stream of water runs through the farm. There
is also a snlendi-l ouarrv of lime-rock on Ilie
nlace, pi-onotmced by experts A 1 rock. Four
hundred acres are under tenet1. It is one of t he
most desirable and cheapest forms in Iloulas
countv. lvins 1 H miles from the O. A V. railroad
at Oakland. For particnlars as to price, etc..
apply, in tins cny, to
Albany, May 14. 1S75.
Tlio Democrat man don't like the
Republican ticket for Lion county. The
The money was loan- I reason is plain enough that ticket is
ed to a speculator of political power, 1 composed of farmers there isn't a
and thus this grand donation was thrown I single Brigadier General among them
away. Harris, the defaulter spoken ot j The leaders of the Democratic party
above, was succeeded by G. D. Doyd, don't like the Grange element. They
who, in less than six mouths defaulted j gave evidence of their hatred in refus-
in $55,965 54. The . agent of the j ing to nominate a single Granger iu this
Treasury sent to interview Boyd, actu- J county fur office in which- there is any J .
auj recommendea that lioyd should be I money, at their last cour.ty convention. ( a Chinaman
-retained; in the language ot the agent, J Although professing great love for the
as he had hU hands full now,'' he J Grangers, whenever a Granger has the
would not be bo likely to steal more, j temerity to offer himself as a caiididate,
This man Boyd remained in ofSoa until I say for Sheriff or Clerk (offices in which
lie had entered in his own name 28,000 tI)ere gd pay), they are ruthlessly
acres of land, for which lie never paid slaughtered at once, and given to un
stream. ; - ,
The new bridge on the Owyhee river,
between Boise City and Winncmucca, is
finished. rI
A woman was arrested and fined in Van
couver the other day for severely beating
her own child. . s ;
The plum trees around Walla Walla
reveal a mass of white blossoms, constitut
ing a pretty sight. A heavy yield is pre
dicted. .... , .
A soldier at the Vancouver garrison re-
court room -pursuant to
Thursday, i April 2fith. The following
nominations were made : County Clerk,
Col. It. K. Spedden ; Sheriff, W. H. Twi
light ; Assessor, A; Kijapp ; County Com
missioners, . n Carnaban, J. P. Bannon ;
School Superintendoot, John Gearhart :
Treasurer. I. .rYY Case ; Coronor, A. J.
ICinsey ; delegates to Stiite convention,
and repuirinfr the said race, with litierty to take
stones and earth from the adjacent land of
Thomas Monteith as occasion may require; and
also he following individual property of said
deceased, to-wit : Rlock number flfty-even in
the said city of Al'wuiy, with the dwelling
house thereon together wilb the appurte
nances. . ,, . ,-.
Terms of Ram?. The said partnership nrop
erty which embraces the" Allmny City Mills,"
will be sold for cash. Bold coin, one-third to lie
paid on the day of sale, one-third in six months
and one-third in nine months, with Interest on
the deferred payments ai i no raie oi is per eeni.
ceived a wooden shoe, such as people wear sel in the bay, every one having got to sea
D. It. Warner, John Gearhart and J. Bado- perannum touuw ? ???,,.,,
let. The joint covenfion for the nomina- r eai, Void in h : Seeds win
lion OI a itepuuiicaii ooiin. liepreseniaiive
-to the State legislature for Clatsop and
Tillamook, was.adjourned to May 1J.
' 'The JVew sstys the Coos Bay bar is now
iu bctUir' condition than it has been in a
lone titne For the first time in over nine
months, last Saturday mere was not a ves-
be executed on full payment of tbe pni-chaso
nrioa. JOHN (!OMSEB,
Beuiiiinlnft Executor of tne last win and tes
tament oi vemm wacn, u-ea;;ti
April 47, 187(1.
id some countries, through the mail last
began a row with some
fishermen atBrookfiekl, "VV. 'l on the 18th,
and got badly worsted. Some of ' the
heathen brethren clubbed - together and
sought revenge, but were compelled to re
tire in good order. ' ' '
There ore 118 public schools ia New
Mexico all told, Tlie number of children
one cent, and then was permitted to j derstand that they are only required to in attendance is 4,e&. There is only a
retire, the Government reconking his
title to those laials, without punish- I J-emocrats fail to see why farmers (who them it is partly English and partly Span
ment, with Tiis "hands full." Amos compose the great majority of the Dem-
KendalL Postmaster General under to party in Linn county at least,)
Wo" murnow eoect to have an uninter
rupted season, the blockade of , the b:ir
being virtually "over, ami we hope to see a
brisker prosecution of business this summer.
In Uie Benton county Democratic con
vention, alter the nomination of G. B.
Smith, Esq., tor Representative.' Hint
gentleman is reported to have addressed
tlie convention ; saying in substance : I
"revere tlse principles of Democracy, but I
am an Independent. . I left the old hulk of
rwmiocracv. but not the principles. You
kept me trom tlie polls In 1S72. by nomi
nating II. GreeteV. I thought it anti-
Democratic at ttie time, awl still think so.
public (renerally that, baving bought out
M. S. UePew In the tin anu siove ousiness, ne
will contlnno tne same at me oiu siana, wnere
will be fooml a good assortment of
Stoves & Ranges,
Pumpn, Pipes, Cawtlron, Brass
and Enameled Kettles.
Tin, Kheptlron, :ilvnulxeU Iron una
hand. .
meut of thoeelebrated new style Coinbintxi
lirili anu itrouueast
direct from Ibo factoi--, am now offering extra
inducements to tho faruiers of Oix-pon. Most
of the best fiu-mers in ihe State are now using
Savinjr seed nnd an increased yield of grain
is tne result or aniline. , ..
. Can be used equally well as a
IrIH or Broadcast Seeder.
jfntly improved for this year.
Warerooins at mv Blncksmitli Shop, rornrro:
Second and .Ellsworth, sti-cets, Alliany, Oregon.
FEAxa. wood.
Tllarcn 31, 1H70-3S aJ
WMiolcsulc aud Setail Dealers In
Clothing, Hardware, Croekery,
droeerien, Farm Implement
and Slaclitnery, &c.t &c.
Also, bnv and sell on commission nil kinds "or
(Joods, Marketable Produce, &c.
ic. 3, xBinvmno
Frani this date until further notice, I wiU sell a
Stoves & Ranges !
AT- ''
AHny,Tec, 10, 1674-13
always on
House Spoutin
JTacksou, was charged with receiving
50,000 from a Boston Company to in
fluence the President in his decisions iu
the Chickasaw and Choctaw Indian
laud sales, and the Investigating Com-
xaittee, all Democrats, would not allow
the matter to be investigated. (See ap
jendia. Congressional . Globe, cession
ISCS-lSbiT, vol- 7, pp 3S7.) A promi
nent New York politician, Isaac V.
Fowler, tc4e $75,000 from tbe Govern
ment, .and .was aided by Democratic I m?ATisri:i with tiik wat the
Government ofScials to escape to Mexi- v komsatiox was onrApE.
eo, although it waa their sworn duty to J We are informed by delegates to the
bold and prosecute him. Another 1 te Democratic State Convention, that
Democrat, Lewis Cass, white Secretary I LaFayctte Ijine is not the choice t the
must do tlie voting, pay tho taxes, and
be put off with honorary or non paying
offices, while tlio "professionals" get
away witb all the "fat' or paying offi
ces. I here are a la rare number of Dem
ocrats who begin to see the utter hol-
lowness of tlie professions of the would-
be leaders of Democracy in Linn county,
as their Insincerity and selnVhoess is
made apparent, forced to tlie surface by
current events.
Ish. Iu several of the counties tlwtschools I 1 am no longer a Democrat in name.
are directly supervised by Bomaa Catholic ; j shocking accident ooctirred on vTednes- J
clergymen. ... : , ? - -fju WMfe about eiarlit mUes west of
Mrs. Gilliam, an eWerly lady, , resUlng 1 f . resuUitiir in the instant death of
r . "-x . A. -Wk 1 V A. " . . f
wiwr,..MiTO rant, near wmiaa-uiefci M.tane. a vouna man atred about
with quite a serious -accident on , Wednes
day. She was going about -the room a
usual when she was taken wltn a ralntiug
spell and fell, striking: ber head and taca
o'i tne stove anu sustaining injuries unit
may yet prove ratal.
Port-Orford -has greatly improved dur
ing the past ' year, having quite a number
oi new buildings. - ,
Tbe Plaiwlealer learns trom parties who
live down near tbe mouth of the IJmprrua
river, that daring the freshet last week,
rafts containing more than 1,200 logs were
washed adrift, and probably more than
half tbe log3 .went over the bar into the
ocean. This involves a mosc serious loss
to men who have been toiling for years to
make a stake.
E. Ij. Hussey, who came over from Til
lamook last week. Informs tbe Courier that
f War under Jackson, used. his po- Democracy ot Oregon for Congress. It there is about eight feet of snow, for six
t!iicn io speculate in Government lands,
nd thus got- w&j with $68,000.
Jlichari 51. Johnson, Democratic Vice
lVsUeLt, defrauded the Chickasaw; In-
i r.:r.d out of 4122,243 50, getting
51S,CCa lot tins 'jcbtal' shown by - offi
' .cirrccerdi'iirjdr Tsn .Barents admin.
jitiation. 'Democratic":-Seeretarr ----: of
V,":-', ncja'Et-il of iwarly one mil-'
3 .'c-T'ira, and Doss Tweed's steal o!
'- :v culIi'TS help to figure up an
was anderstood that tlie convention un
der consideration was not to place in
nomination a candidate for Congress,
but that a convention was to be called
later in the season for that especial pur
pose Cut as soon as the Lane men
had bad time to'count noses, and find- through here now with the walking, riCirg
the brake-bar, opening gates and lajin
occurrea vo ixjuj uat ne prebcui, was i passengers travel tne roan now. bus heavy
tbe accepted time to nominate a candi. ZrZVZ
date t-r t ODgress and .Lane was nom- i bung it through."
miles, in the mountains, and there is con
siderable difficulty In traveling. lie says
tout tiie re has oeen an unprecedented
amount of stormy weather in Tillamook
this winter, but that the general health of
the citizens has been very good, v
A letter from Southern Oregon snys, "It
costs one fifteen cents a mile to etfljca
t,aA o nalnrUrr it I the brake-bar, opemns cates
. - down fences, all -thrown in.". Very few
twenty -years, son Of Jiurus Alccianc. a
farmer redding In that neighborhood. It
appears that; voting McClanei hi company
with a little sister aged about eight years,
started last VVetteesday afternoon, the 2.7th
instant, to go some distance from the house
to hrhifl- (n.A lot of- sheen, lie took with
him his gun In esse he should see any game
on tue way- - tv nen some a stance ironi
home, as Ida little sifter states, he wns
standing with tlse stock of the euu on the
ground iind.wa" poundliis on the muzzle of
the piece when it went off, and tlte contents
(bncK sliot). strucK linn unuer the cuin,
literally tearing tlie whole of tlie lower part
ot his race oar ana Riming mm instantly.
Tbe little jarl pave tlie alarm, and tlie
mangled r.i'Ks et hlia Mho but a few
momer.ts b: i sra is-l been so tall of life-
was borne horns to he bouse Lhis-dlsfcraet-
ed parents. .
A letter roi Prineville, Wasco oouiy.
to the Tli'wtothcer, datixl April 18th, says :
"Last n!!tt, tLe 17;h, tho country was
covered wu'i &w. Crooked river is
higher at V ' t!; in ! was ever known
tx.'lore Kv w s run. - t 'ock at ri-'c-nt la
and all kinds of lob woik nnd repnirinsrdone on
short notioe. endive liltn a cull Detore pur
chasing elsewhere, . 31v8
tiosn" v.-iJ 1
went. met i c ' i f
is good. Ii'iavl.
td If ivf.;, r n-.-l
rovere J w h
ih i. ".
t-r at t' t r.
t!.t- (hi o a
"i-i U pleiify; I tt the
1 tf-vf Mat ':. Health
n is coior ictc 3'S'irround-
1 t' o l.y Ut:om3 are
' f Tra Croc z .1 river and
-9"t.s:i la imdsT wa-
Jil;iny eattla buyers are
sy. . rti',-re ore .jfei.Av of
m U'T a.. s.ii-4 mi mn stsecp in me c- n-
WOULD ANNOUNCE to the public that he
is curry Ing on a
iitiguu uuu iaiiiugc uuvi)
at the old stand known as tlie Peters 3c Sneldel
snooe, wnere ne nas on nana tuo nneai 101 01
end and side spring. .
Two Sc Tbree Seated Carriages
ever manufactured in the State. If you don't
believe it,
J use nothing but Knstern Timber, and
Warrant all Worlc
to give s.fmfaf.tloa, white my prices are most
reasonable. .
loo oo not know now your wife and family
would .apprecial ea ride in a well-made, hand
some and stylish hack. Purchase one of Hm
MUlei-M handsome aewcarriage,nd you will
pay losa doctor's bills, jind give your family re
creation for which they will repay you-a thous
and times with their happy smiles.
itui hi my Huops, corner oi jeerry ana eecona
streets, Altiany, Oreou.
Apr ii, 1010 atn mujM
f : SHEHIEFs SAI.5. "
"TY VTRTt'E of a writ of execution isn-(lont
. I of the f ircuit Court of lliestateof i-eaon
for Linn county, to uie directed and delivered,
for the sum of 733 45 in V. Si gold coin, Willi
interest thereon at 1 he rate of one per cent, per
month trom tlie ltth Cny of Jlaivn, 187S, ani
the further sum of V 70. costs and foraoern
ing cost's in favor of JB. II. Knnarts anu naivlnst
K. In. B;'n u, I have leviel nixm and will pro-
ceeci to sell at pnoiio auction to tne ntgncst
bidder, for U. S. trold coin in hand nald on Uiiv
of sale, in front of t he Court Ilouae door, in the
city of Albany, Linn county, Oregon, on
SatitnlnyOie 13th day of May, 1S76, .
at tbe hour of 1 o'clock vi. in. of said dav. all the
following described pieces, puree! a or truets of
land, to-wit : .
Ixt No. 7 iu Kock Xo. 22, in the city of Alba
u v. toatetlier with all and sinaular the tene
ments, hereditamcntsand appurtenances tllere
untr. belonging or in anywise appertaining,
wit (sly saiu execui ion,cota ano wxmins costs.
Dated, Ape 11,178. L. CISICK,
S0w4.-, sheriff of Linn fo,, Oregon.
Tlie Arizona nnl Sew Mexico Express
now rnnning first class coaclics from terminus
Southern Pacific liallroad tltrongb to Prescott,
Tucson, n nil all intermediate points, reaches I lie
newiy uiseovereu.
Iticli Mining Dljitrlcls,
of Arizona, by the Shortest, CHoapest and Vest
Konte. ... l .
FREItinT RITIPMENTS reeeWed by Wells,
Fararo Co.. 8an Franelseo. .
TICK KTS for sale at all principal ticket ofllces
iu ftn r rancisco.
HENR V WKIAA, (of W. F. tV. and Amer
ican fc-xrirewrt io.). rrwwuBni
J. C.ROLASI,No. lii9Coliforulalr.wt,Han
rVnneisenK ice Presttlont.
CIIAS, II. V:U.H. Uenernl Knot.,
, . - . -aucson, Arizona.
Pictures and Piettire Frames.
Woivlct aimnnnM tA nit iuon . j-f Alh7i& v and
vlclnitv.tbatho Is prenarcd to fumiwli ail kinds
of 1'fCTUUli FttA a'KS to order ,t stun-t notice.
Pictures iramed, and old frames renaired.
athlsoftlce on first. ntmBr.o tfior west of
Lebanon Hotel, '
LEBASON, 41Ki038.
from April 5tli to July 13th, with
one of the stallions brought out from tho Knat
the pat winter.
will ue at i ne btiuiiq oi ukiA.i k iaii.-v., v
Sail-in. on Monilny a. iu., I- rtdaya p. tm
and tuaturoa)-. -
At Allinnv Meanaya p. mi wrvmrwnj
and TIiinUny a. mi. of each week during tho
ihaotnlilpof A. II. MARSHALL.
Vr'IllTK PRINCE is in ftood condition, and i
I eenoraUv known as haViug proven IiIuimsU a
No. 1 wlock horse.
riUDE i)r PfcKCflK camooni irom rran -r
to Ohio In 187, and made tlio si-asou of 3 In
Wisconsin, lie isa dark tappitray, wen lorui
cd, fine slyle, (rooil disposition, wil h a gracetnl.
free, easy action nun nave nci
in any horse of his size : will weigh, iu good ,
condition, 1,800 pounds.
It has Jong oeen my urauiiioii i n..jiv.
supply the horse breelers of Oreeon with a ,
oreenoi larje irorw ; y,..,...... .. .... -
ducinjtpowcr9,emanaiiiiKi"'in pu.njf u.v..
front a men eouiu w i... ...
.... - tiiAmtmtnr. nnlfumi
cIhas of horsea-eoroiiact, symmetrh-al in forni.
coupled with style, action and siamina. Io
supply i lie auovn .-.
at ion of the various lurjre brels known, I se
lected tlWrcawnmiiuu").
fi-om White Prince are n w comma; 4 yearsold.
with tho yonnjrer one, show tltat the above
fact ha txn aecovpliMlied, as they are all uni
form in mineral innKc-n hhu niiun
oroliably in a greater dearec than the produce -of
any other borne in the State, whether bred
from tho full-blood, hlarb-gnule i'ereheron jrnod
American or tne lnaiaii pony wares, au hww
thepecnliaritlrsof thoPerclHM-on race-
In OUCm K l"e aen His, w i r. ...
tho breeders of Oretron, it h not an untried
i,i n demonstrated fact of their value.
a it Is 25 years since their. Introduction into
Ohio, anu lw venrs inio iijinum, miu wiiitj.,
, iiv- sm xrlvanir tlie liest of satisfac
tion. The onefonrf h and one-half bloods brlnic
m unit mtni-n.iiir arrives ot e O'CIOCK I, n.
Con voyanees procured for parties wishing to
t-inii tn SndnSorliiirs. - Librarv and readinar-
room, with choice reading matter, for the
gruesta of the house. s - aprauvo
TTOU8E newly furnl1ied throngliont. The l moretlmn double tbeiwiee of the good common
xa. DeiHiiiomarKmsHuuru wwnivi'nuroiBinv. I stock of tne country, anu i iiu 1 " -
The postofilce is next door to this House, from 1 MOB, are unable to supply . tlie demand for
whiuh the stagro leaves for Albauy at 7 o'clock 1 inem. .. .
come, a demand for the colts at good prices fof
stock panoses. Tt;HMMt
30 the seasonfor four mares for 10 in V.
a ,.i.i ivJn. irnt White Prince ttiluss thev
I will b Ured by pecial agreement.
Ashland, C., March SI. lSTB-'i!
; - pprrrr Tr7Tr
ALL PERSON'S knowing thcm-lvc ii bted
by note or aecnnnt to Jimn t are
hereby nolilled that Vie calls lor a wm. tr,
and requests that they will govern t m
aocordniElv. Jv. s i. ; .i. . v
AilNiny, l?ec. 3. IS75-llv8
JL no chair ijoes from my factory without iny i
fiamcuimu it. "AU others are false imitations,
and should hi rpirurdod." All yicrsona arc
herebv wanted airuliiwt attempting any "such
tmposHUon ui.Hu my cusiunit-m. .
Jofierdon.Or., Jan.Si, li. ,