The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, May 05, 1876, Image 1

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ALBANY, OREG ON, MAY 5, 1876. .
NO. 33.
Wholesale and Retail Dealer la
: D3Y G30D3. .
esots & $mz$,
W trac ' Alwiay. . Orn.
Terms : - , - CJa.ali.
St. Charles Hotol,
Matthews & Morrison,
Rows Yjr-irly furnished tbrong-hont. The
W Ik market afford always on the table.
Dealers In '
2 SZT 38r ,
Sold Tery low either for cath, or to prompt poy
na ins customers on time. v7
Ralslna and Moving Bul'dins.
Wk Tine rsrKrKSEn beo leave to
announce to the eltteras of Albany and
surrounding country that, having Hupplhnl our
elves with the nrry machinery for rai-
insr and removing miliums, we are mraysiau
;,.. imiln nnlin for such work. whHh
lilrtaiii short nr lef at lowest rates. We
gnamnfreCMtife satlafitctioa In all work under
iwrn oy on.
Orders Vrrt at the R roister office promptly
au-etea to. Apply to. t
Or. April 23. 1S73- SE7
O. S- S- CO.
thr not lee, freight from
n down freight will be delivered at POBT-
Fre r Dnm etind WliarfU.e
At Reduced Rates.
Boat wUl leave AI.BAJf T for COKVAWLIS or
Foe farther particulars, apply to
Albany, Xov. L T-1S AfMU
Fit AM. m. WCSTAflCS.
J:. stock of
FALL AID mSTEIl 6159155
selected with cars, an bought lor coin at
Scandaloaclr Low Figures
and as we bought low we ean and will sell them
at prices iu, t .
Astonish Everybody
Com and see our selections of
Collars; Cailarete,
for the ladles, and one complete Mnes eff
nondm&d Clothing',
iiumntinai Cnr men and hoys. Also, full
ksaaeieata of
rrhnrii nr:7T ill GIOTET8.
or everybody.
The hest goods,at the lowest rates every time.
jrtsnjow ana see. .
Lebanon, Oregon October SO, 1874.
Furniture .' Vcrcroomo
H AVISO purchased the entire
rK. i .t,- 2eaf A (dollar, in
tnefornusre mitiness, lakes tiis opiiprtu nljy
to return his thnnks to tS eltliwns of Airn
h'nn in tni vnssfc, anl rerw?t fully s k
cxkntiwie.nee of tM twuii t- e "
!,; vrnt on kuii! and iaa.iiuSft.: iwd o orier
at iw!wt rotes. irti,i OUAt.
Aiuany, fcov. Il-v3ng
r - s s
. 4l) tl " ! US
pnii a imn n4 vi
eU imtronaae twwt1"! on
mot i'ittiv'f. Forti'.
lii?ufeRt ttit'wr, ana
i , t-'Hiumerparaof isvn, hm hnaoiino
efi.ortr.cst e.ttnr t 1yiHP ftro".
Md IMaSi Is, Halls, Bpi
Wallpasaier, Wn aa
li.iii. . Joii WEUStR
New York, April 22, 1876.
The death of A. T. Stewart, the
world's greatest merchant, i the eTent
of the week and the one topic of conver
sation. Almost fifty years ago a young
Scotch-Irishman came to New York to
seek employment as a teacher. Not
succeeding, be determined to give up
the profession for which he had been
fitted and embark in trade.-. He had
jast about money enosgh to fill a basket,
odr-iora few weeks hgTpdTLd. his
goods ixom door to dooiv Then he
opened a little ttore down v town. and .
began a career Which Is almost ''rSaan.
tic He 'had a tlseory as to how uusi
ners should be done, and from this Very
first he adhered to it with fidelity that
was wonderful. He bought always tor
cash, and he sold in the same way. To
everything he bought he added a proper
per cent, and the goods were sold at
that price, or they lay cn his counters
(or so many month , after which time
they were marked down to a point
where they would sell." There never
was a . particle of trickery or fraud in
lis establishment. The goods were
carefully bought, and sold at a fair
profit, and the most ignorant, person
could buy to just as good advantage as
the most expert. If a woman in the
country wanted a dress, all she had to
do was to write tlie color, material and
cost, and ber husband could get it just
as well as she- He was a mercantile
genius. It a patera of calico pleased
him, lie bought, not only alt that the
manufacturer had, but he bound himself
to take a?l that could be made ot it, so
that he alone had it. Possessed of
enormous capital, he could take advan
tage of the markets, and, buying always
fur cash, he could outbuy all of his com
There is no oilier such establishment
as his in tlie world. His down-town
store is devoted entirely to wholesaling
and his np-town to retailing. In the
two lie gave employment to over two
thousand people, and in addition he
had various lactone, in which he em.
ployed four thousand more. He dealt
in everything dry goods, carpets, fan
cy goods, brushes, soaps, perfumery;
all under one roof, and this spring be
intended to add boots and shoes. In
that wonderful concern a lady could
buy a dress ready-made. The altera
tions, if any were needed, being made
in the house in a few minutes, and,
witliout going out, she could buy her
children's oufit, or furnish Iter house
throughout. jAnd everthing iu tlie con
cern went as smoothly as clock-work.
Tlie army of clerks were at tlieir posts
precisely at seven, and if one Was late,
lte was charged with the lost time.
Each stood at his own counter and sold
only one kind ot goods. A n army of
boys carried tlie purchases and the
money to a small army of cashiers, who
had the parcels made, and made the
change, and then if desired tlie goods
rere sent home. , It was not an uncom
mon thing for Stewart to sell $3,000 of I
shilling calicos in a single day, and bis
sales ot gloves mounted up into the
millions;''-' . . .
l.ut with all this it cannot be said
that Stewart was either a good or use
ful citizen. He was cold and harsh to
his employees, merciless to his debtors,
and as grasping as a man coulJ' be.
tie lived by rale, and was as inflexible
as a bar of iron. - He never took circum
stances into account, And - 'made " no
allowances. It was the dollar that he
wanted, and tlie dollar lie would have,
at no matter wliat cost to others. Pos
sessed of millions he laasgsven but little
in charities, and has in no way assisted
in advancing tlie interests of this city
or country. He built two very fine
buildings, but they were needed in his
business, or be never would have done
it. Whether lie has left anything to
tlie public remains to be seen.:' nis
estate will foot op ' not lest than $40,.
000,000, of which $6,000,000 is in rea
estate in this city, .
: His name had been so long a word
of strength, and lie bad gone so proudly
through t hundred convulsions of busi
ness, when men were falling around
him, that It seemed &s if lie was exempt
from the troubles of mortality, and that
the common lot of nil could hardly be
his, It did ti seen as if lie could die.
So carefully had his illness been kept
from the world by his trusted - agents,
thsX the news of bis death fell on 'the
city with a dramatic suddenness. lie
must be numbered as one ot the victims
of the sharp inflammatory attacks pecu-
tar to the season. His death was one
of intense Buffering from inflammation of
the bowels, to which he was subject,
but which in this case was the result of
a severe cold. To day the paseant ot
bis funeral has hardly , passed as this is
written. The streets along the line of
the procession were crowded witli the
throng which the city gets up at the
slightest notice. Tlie old church of
St. Mark's, in whose grassy churchyard
ics the dust of- many Kmckerbockers,
Peter Stuy vesantauiong them, was tpo
mill to hold a Ihtrd of those who de-
sired sight of the great millionaire's
last obsequies, and admission was given
to the church as well as to tlie house
by card only, and special police kept a
passage open with difficulty for the car-
riages, three abreast. Mackerel ville
came up to gaze at tlie gilded coffin.
and hearse ; but ladies in India shawls
and cieamy plumes, and well-dressed
men stood among the frowsy, unkempt
crowd, and all gazed, chatted, and
criticised, as if it were a parade they
were out to see. The lower orders jok
ed and laughed, while their betters
speculated about the will, and the gold
plate on the coffin, part of which was
ascertained ,to be gold plated ofi silver
and part solid gold. The hearre, newly
gilt and polislied, was festooned with
heavy gold fringe, but the coffin was
without pall.
With the usual perfusion of scentless
white flowers, callas and camelias, prop
er to funerals, florists now deftly min
gle yellow tea-roses and violets, shades
suitable to mourning, with subdued and
excellent effect. The scent of flowers
was lieavy at the outer door, and the
6oene in tlie chancel, the tall white
obelisks and crosses ot lilies almost fill
ing the space, with tlie rich violet hang
ings, of pulpit and reading desk for Ient
glowing against them was superb. At
the back, the Altar, draped with pur
ple cloth, bore a wide cross, nearly ten
feet ' high, iu front a table of smilax
itnpperted an obelisk of white flowers,
with the word "Remembered" in violets
bedded in the white at its base. In
front a tablet of smiiax upheld a column
six feet high, flanked by a large anchor
and a floral harp, whose chords were
strung with violets, a star of blossoms
in the green at the base. Below, the
coffin rested on a bank ot flowers. The
widow provided that the decorations
be duplicated, so that tlie coffin was
lifted from one company of emblems at
the house to find another bed among
them at the church.
Tlie house was filled with fashion
and respectability, chosen singers cliaut-
ed tlie sweetest music, and outside, in
tlie crowd, each maw hugged himself
that lie was not as the rich one who lay
within. "Ah," said an old Irshwoman
looking on, "perhaps we tl nave as
good a coffin ourselves when tlie time
comes, not so grand mayne, out it n
a '-
answer tlie purpose. He'll mowld as
soon as any of us there." Thousands
of employees escorted the hearse, sal-
low-faced clerks and .burly porters, four
abreast, but there was not room for
them in the church, and without doubt
they were glad to be in the sun, enjoy
ing tlieir unaccustomed holiday. The
retail store has been closed since the day
Mr. Stewart died, the only time except
on legal holidays, it is said, since it was
built. It is also said the other drygoods
firms Lave not enjoyed i such a run of
trade for yean as in the two days that
Stewart's has beep nnopened. Thes
are few signs of grief apparent for the
man, but bis loss seems more like a
business change than anything else. -'
On the same day that Stewart was
buried, another funeral took place,
whose chief object seemed to be to out.
do tlie display of the millionare, onJy
as it was arranged according to the
wishes of the deceased, it was probably
intended only to shew that she could
have as fine a funeral as anybody.
The dead woman . was fifty years old,
daughter of a milkman who drove his
own cart, unless his wife relieved him
in that duty, and the widow of a rich
man, who made his money in ice and
real estate speculations long ago. By
her wish, the corpse was In her wedding
dress with white and red rosea, laid in
a coffin rich with black and violet vel
vet frinired and tasse$d with bullion
and lined v. '.h quilted white .satin,
The cofSn lay in a parlor, backed by
tall monuments of flowers which looke
as if the ornamental sculpture of a stone,
cutter's yard had been transported there.
The hearso was drawn by six black
horses with gilded t: ings, next came
six carriages wiia lour , horses each,
seventy more followed, half ot them
empty, and a large wagon carried the
flowers to tlie grave. Pnde could no
further go.
Tlie finish and yet t&implicty of the
new styles are admirable. A fashion
able polonaise is cut. vhli only one dart,
and tlie back has few cms, butlt Is mar.
velously fitted by gztz node the arms
o that k defines t! -rfre with the
elegance of a tiLt r '.Tt with all tlie
east cfa thre3-q7.a,rt;r CJLj one. This
is the style above all ethers for Summer
traveling. rA- pee;... en hi drab cloth
for Spring has 4arga pocket, -like s
courier's bag, slamr with a quilted strap
of cloth over the right shoulder, a most
convenient notion for carrying the dozen
indispensable things a. woman wants in
traveling. . A new hat that coes well
with this - and promises to be in favor,
the small shepherdess shape bent
over the forehead and curled slightly
above .'the ears, of rough straw to be
trimmed witb black velvet and field
flowers, or with creani' white silk and
bright flowers ot one color under the
brim. This is a .veritable shade hat.
and yet modest enough in sfse for town
wear. Shirred overskirts liare nearly
disappeared. The -new ones are very
long, all round, drawn in slight folds
instead of heavy pleatd, and have com
paratively little trimming. Pietro.
Build Ur A IIomkstkad.- The feel
ing that ycu are settled and fixed will
induce you to work to improve your
farms, to plant orchards, to set out
shade trees, to enc'osepastnre?, to build
comfortable outhouses, and each im
provement is a boud to bind yon still
closer to your homes. This will bring
contentment in the fX roily. Your wive
and daughters will fall in love with the
country, your sons will love home better
than the grog shops, and prefer farming
to measuring tape or professional loafing,
and you . wMl beJhappy. .in eeeiiig tlie
contented and cheerful jaccs of vour
tamilies. M ake your hesne beautiful.
convenient, and pleasant, and your chil
dren will love it above ail other places;
they leave it with regret, think of it
with fondness, come back to it joyfully,
seek their chief happiness around their
home fire-side. Women and children
need more than meat, bread and raiment;
more than acres of corn and cotton
spread out all around them Their love
for the beautiful must be satisfied.
Their tastes must be cultivated ; their
sensibiiities humored, not shocked. To
accomplish this good end, home must
be made lovely, conveinecssfi multiplied,
comforts multiplied, ': 'andu cheerfulness
fostered. There must be both 6uushine
and shade, luscious f rait and fragrant
flowers, as well as com. and cotton,
The mind as well as the field must bo
cultivated ; and then u:tc":gei3ce and
contentment will be the rsle iuetsad of
the exception. Stick to, ; Improve and
beautify your homestead, for with this
good work comes coutentaseiit.
Mr. J. Henry Crown, secretary of the
Pioneer Association ot Oregon, states
that the transactions and addresses of
the reunion of 1875 fiava been printed
and are new in the Lar..'j ct the book
binder. This year's tr&i&ctions make
a pamphlet of 83 pagos, and will be
very interesting, at there ia a great deal
of history contained in the addresses of
J. W. Nesmith and Geo. I. Curry.
The Society is in a rrofiperoits con.
At t.Vi last frran.4 tviTl at Wmnmirtr
Miss wasattirsd in a bul gros
grainea unciisicui ctt mia army
blanket oversku-t, L-otlc-nj looped up
withbuckshiu strir c-it Hair
aressea a la liaa JUisot, is Ki.. was
twined a few sprigs t tg5 Lriu-s, the
wliele secured behind i a . bunch with
a handsome pin is.n-Zs
ter and a ba-llo's csr. '
"You ?et, eiit'.s C '
on" tlie ' pieklo burrtl , -s.ZZ
grocer, w?jo was t i . V,; V
zzl taan
;pf; il.a
t:pct a
cracxer box wuaacir' 9 I
see some pem;h'hs r x.l 1j
some has Lad luck. I,;t, I re
s "you
A-, and
once i was wa t .: - i
witb Toia JeinO., t. 3
on one tMo cf it $t-.l I vc.l
the other. X,"q !, -; '5 - ,S r
way dow a wii ha : 1 a'j'
wiib ! i t, r .1 f
woman's ; , $ f Z ' : r
my j-rc-- t v . , . " .
he. siid fch a fc', '., ' . ;
'WSJ tfcil luck it. t Ei33 1.1 9
.a f'.rect
i on
- o 1 r.It
i n &
Y revt'!!1 11 '
It may safely be averred that three
prettier girls could not have been found
in all England than the trio assembled
under that wide, leafy oak of Querning
Cbace, Cumberland. There was Lettie
Graham, a blonde; lo (iraliam, a rich
brunette; and last, but: sweetest, Milly
Vere, the" Hector's daughter, a happy
medium. The two former reclined on
the grass; the latter leaned against a
tree, her straw bat shadinf her black
eyes; and they talked well, yes upon j
ine recent wouuiijjj vi mutual menu.
. "Tn mv Private orjinion. vou ' know."
remarked LelUe, sagely, l think Kate's
husband just detestable. I wouldn't
Kara tA htm tor urorLla "
-ruer j, " .coincuiea j?io. "jves
berfeclTv. nraf& What -4o you : say,..
MiJly; v.. X ? 'f
" liat I am not going o risk, a mi
nority: I " cast my aye with yours."
laughed the rnrL "No, as ' the sayins
is, Alfred Mills is not the man for my
moneys His head is as empty as this
oak-apple,'? and : she plucked - one.
When I mnrry, it must be a hero."
A hero? Ab! l aser 3
A sort of man each fair
' Should envy being thine, J
laughed Lettie, gaily.
"JSo, that species ot mankind, which
resembles, the waxen bust in a hair
dresser's wjudow never could be a hero.
I would have one not only capable of
appreciating noble deedo, but also ot
performing them." - -
" Where wt(l you find him, iu4juern-
mg, ma cherer" - v
"Here! broke in Flo, with mock
lieroic style. 'We speak of angels,
and lo I tlie lucent glitter of their wings
is in our eyes, lcholu, Alilly, here at
tlie same time, is your lover and your
hero.": -
The girl turned, and a fluiih of an-
ger, but which quickly changed to con
tempt, spread over ber face. -
".Lover ! J hat is his fault, not mine.
slie remarked, disdainfully. "My hero?
Certainly not. M me must at least have
some pretensions to manliness, also to
good looks, not: be a stammering, ner
vous nonemty. Why. he is comimr
this way. Impertinence I I shall go."
"J hen the impertinence will be on
your side, Milly; you had belter stay.
A cat may look at a kins, vou know.
and a curate at his Hector's daughter,"
whispered .Lettie. .
The unfortunate nersonace who had
called forth tliese remarks, was a gen
tleman or about seven-and-twerity, at
tired in a clerical garb; tiis height, over
fi've feet nine, added to a rather, slim
make, "caused an '" uiicertain, nerVous
gait to be yet more painfully observa
ble. His complexion was fair, his hair
of tlie lightest rod gold while his fea
tures devoid ot any great pretensions to
good looks, were rendered still less at
tractive by an evident nervous lack of
self-appreciation. The redeeming points
were a small, firm mouth, and a certain
rare glance that could at time flash
from the dark blue eyes.
Jerrold remarks, "Man has no such
enemy as sensibility." Basil Chevril
was a proof! It was bis bitterest enemy;
a keen sense 'of ridicule increased a nat
url nervousness, - which lie never felt
more than in ladie's society, especially
in Milly Vere's, whose very footprints
he worshipped. Thus, as lie approach,
ed tlie charming trio, aware he was the
object of tlieir inspection, he assuredly
did not look a hero.
Bowing as he came up, he addressed
himself to Milly.
"1 trust I do not intrude, Miss Vere,"
he said; "but I have just returned from
Eppeuhale, and, seeinsc you here, have
brought the book you commissioned.1
He banded it to her, nervously. She,
eonsckus of lier friends' observation,
took it carelessly, as she answered :
"Thanks, Mr. Chevril, Pray, how
much am I indebted to you ? " .
"Do not mention, that, Miss Vere,''
lte rejoined. -".Tlie pleasure of being of
service t more than sufficient payment."
"Pardon roe," said Milly, haughtily;
"but when I ask a favor, X do not ex
pect to place myself under the obliga
tion ot a gitt. , lhe pnee, of tlie- book
"Threend sixpence," : he answered
instantly. ' v " -i' -."-: ;-' ;
He had started, and flushed red at
first; but now his voice; was steady;
the raise liglit was w lii9i yes.r: :
Milly drew out her purse, and, as she
placed tlie Bum in his hand,- paid, -more
gently: - v
"I thank you, Mn Chevril." '
Yoa are welcome, Misa oVere,?' be
answered: then, bowing, passed away
among the tress of the Uhace. k "
"How could you treat bun so un
kind ! v. Mill v ?" cried Flo.- . v
"Itow dare he love rne? w responded
tlie other, wsta some . asperity, "it is
your fault. I saw you two laughing."
"Still, politenesn is politeness," sug.
crested Lettie: "and if the poor man is
not a hero, he is, at least, a perfect gen
tleman. Gracious: curates swarm. , Here
is the then? , -.-. : ' .
- The other, but how different ! - Dr;
Vere's eecond cerate was a tall, hand.
soma man, who wore his clerical attire
with tlie air ot a beau, and talked with
the easy self-assurance of a man ot the
world.' There was no nervousness in
liim. - ,
'Joinins the ladies, who, especially
? ini, welcomed him with a smile, he
ch&tted iiasiy in their company, escorted
tliera to the 1'ectory, where, by the Hec
tor's invitation, he dined. Yes; very
c. ..rsnt torn li&sxi Uiievni.
?7oie- ftanley Carr migJU be a hero,"
V.o ,'ht JVIiHy, that night.- "What a
. i to lit. Chevril 1 It's rather a
C - '-o, however he laughs at hi so,
S ':,,!, 1.9 is tut:b a uouentity,"
How about Basil Chevril? How had
his day been passed t ' : c
un quitting Willy, whose manner had
cut him to the soul, he had flung him
self face downwards among the long
fern of a neighboring copse, and gave
vent to bis misery. i
Oh, heaven!" ho groaned, "how I
love her! how fondly I" And now
she despises me. Oh 1 that I had the
assurance of, and was as well looking as
Carr;.then it might be. different. But
now ft is he who will win the prize-
sweet, pretty, good Milly-Vere; And
he is not worthy of her.- Hfc is selfish ;
he is a coward." - " .-
He. pansed: then proceeded wildly.
despairingly: - r .- Sk
by Brest man liva when live is a
bardeaf Oh I that X were dead
Quickly fcajGcaHed and repented the
words, remembering the aged - motnef.
so food, of whom he waft the cole s'ttp-.i
port. 1 bat . recollection strengthened
him to batllo witb his trial Milly's
z - -
contempt, i
x wo weess elapsed, whenr bad news
readied tlie Rectory. - "- - '
jn the ioor hamlet of -bttendaw.
three rnifes distant, small-pox had bro
ken qb jqv go virulent a form, that hope
less terror had pread rapidly through
the whole community. ' , .
Death. followed quickly on the heels
ot seizure. 'Nothing appeared able to
check it. In some cases children ' quit -
ted tlieir dying parents alarmed of con
tagion; while some too poor to pay
for help were left wholly. uiJattended
in their extremity. "-.1
1 he description brousht sent a shud
der through every - hearer. Millv's.
however, was b'ended with deep com
passion for the sufferers. r
"Oh I papa, can notlnnjr be done tor
them?" rhe cried.-- ' - '
"All tliat is possible, love, is to send
what help we can, said the rector "and
see that these poor people do not die
without the consolatory prayers ot the
church. We-mustdo all that we are
able, at first, to calm the frantic terror
that appears to possess the unfortunate
persons. For that puTxe, I fancy you
had better go over at once, Carr." , ;
"I ? My dear Mr. Vere," exclaimed
the curate, turning absolutely pale.
really, I'm very sorry, but the only
thing mark, the only thing I have
an uncontrolable fear of, is this malady.
aiy sister died ot it- lie looked aw
ful ! " Perhaps, unintentionally, his
eyes wandered to his own handsome re
flection in the mirror as he said that.
"It's very name fills me with horror. I
dare not jjo.! Jndeed, sir, I should be
de5ln week. I would sooner in
deed, I would resign my curacy !
"There is no need for that. Cars. One
will be quite 'enough. I will go, Mr.
ere; i do not tear,'
Tlie speaker was Basil Chevril. He
stood calm, unpresnming as usual; but
not nervous now. lite pure purpoFe of
a noble mind, the tiue charity ot a
Christian man, shone in his dark eyes
and iu every muscle of his face. As
Milly looked in surprise, she wondered
how slie bad ever considered liasil
Chevril plain.
"Ijo yon mean it, my dear fellow?"
asked the Hector. '.
"Assuredly, sir. - Have you any or
ders to give ? for I think, if these poor
people1 are iu such a frantio- stajte of
dread, no time should be lost before I
"You are a brave fellow, Basil,. Come
to the library;"
: As, five minutes after, the young Cu
rate crossed Uie liall to leave the Hec
tory, he encountered Milly.
Tears were in her eyes as she- held
out ber hand.
"Good-bye, Mr. Chevril," she said,
warmly. "Yours is a noble work.
Heaven reward you,' '
It lias already, 5lira vere, he re-
spondeded. meaningly, afjce.x the figst
start at her change of maruiet, . "May
it bless you for giving me this encour
agement." '.
Then he did what he had neves done
before: lie kissed her hand, and 31 illy
did not check bim. -
As she recrossed the bail, she encoun
tered Stanley Carr, in appearance rati ier
shamefaced. ' " .- J -
' "I am very sorry I had to refuse,
Miss- Vere," be said, apologetically.
"But it's the very work for poor old
Chevril: bc is so different frcm me." .
"So I perceive, ,Mr. Carr," retorted
alilly, with a glance, "l ouare mere
ly a man: lie is a Christian."
With that my lady went up stairs,
vouchsafing no other word. Was Basil
Chevril becoming a hero ?
Daily reports reached Milly . of the
fearful scenes and more fearful devasta
tion tlie smalt-pox . was making in the
little village, which, lying in a valley,
held it as if it were a prisoner; and
these reports were. : always accom
panied by high ' laudations of the
Curate's kindly and indefatigable zeal
She listened to the one with sorrow
the other with joy nay pride; while
the more she heard the plainer grew
Man ley Uarr in tier eyas, uptil she won
dered she Iiad ever thought him good,
One moruing, descending to the
breakfast room, bIio found the Rector in
much excitement. s.
"iiad news, Milly, lie said : "poor
Uhevrirs trot the fever."
Milly's heart felt abruptly turned to
"Not very badly, I hope, papa ?" she
murmured, faintly.
"Heaven knows. But, you see, be
would keep oo, though ready to drop.
He would not give up his work until
his strength utterly tailed, and be is now
down with delirium."
"Has he anyone to nurse hira, PP''
" Yes; his mother arrived from Lan
caster last night.. One of the prettiest
most ladylike old ladies" I ever Eaw,
Milly. .You should hear, too, how sho
speaks of her son. He is her sole sup-.
port. The strict economies of which
we have made a jest, the occasional
rusty rim to his hat, have all arisen,
from his striving to live on as Utile as
he could to maintain her comfortably.
And we compared him disadvantage
ously with that fellow Carr! - My love
it is not clerical language,, but Chevril!
is a 'brick'" - :
"Or, papa," smiled , Milly approv,
ingly, "in poller phrase, " lie is a hero."
. 'That he is, to the backbone. Well,'"
proceeded the, Hector, addreesiiig a ser
vaut who eit$red, : "did you -4ke rny
mesge to 51rCaV?3hatMn; Clievrifc
haying tlie fever;"' fer prs na. fcar, , Jie
rorist go witlf me to tlwj hamlet to-day?"
iSMt. Carr sir, went from Qnerniiig;'
this-morning, leaving this letter.."
The Hector took it, read it, and flung;
it on the Boor.-? "V,:V .
"Tlie miserable coward !" he exclaim-.
eu,- mnousiy. . "lie oectares ne nas.
been called away to a dying relation,-
S. " , . tirt. a , ' ,1 ,
and sends rae Jiis resignation.' -
"And this man," , reflected Millv,.
with disgust, because of his self-assur
ance and good looks I believed a hero."'
As if its mission was accomplished!
in striking down the young Curate, the
pmall - pox nowjibated,- but Basil, who
had for long been given oyer, "' wasr the
last to recover, then lie seemed the very
ghost of himself. . -
Moved by . admiration as well a&
gratitude to one to whom they owed so.
much, tlie parishioners subscribed to pay
tor his expenses lo go for awhile to tbe-
seaside, but from the pulpit the follow-.
ing Sunday Basil kindly yet- firmly re
fused it, . ! ' ;
"My cure is only a matter1 of time,"
he said, "and the money is' more necdedl
by the unfortunate . tamilies alxut us
many of whom have been deprived! ofe
husbands and fathers wlio snpportedi
them. "I entreat yon cive it -them:'
while they want 1 cannot except it."
1 hat afternoon, as M illy ere was
about to enter tlie Rectory gate, deep,
in thought, Lettie and Flo Graham,
came up. ' : " .
"A kiss for your meditations, MiIIv,'
laughed tlie brunette. "I'ray have you,
found your hero yet.'
" 1 es," answered Jlilly, boldly. .
"Really! Who is he?"
'Basil aievril." : , ' J
"What? A stammcrins, ' hciiron'Si
nonentity, who has neither '1atili.6s,
nor good looks ! "
l on have a right to shame me wiUi.
my own words," responded Milly, qol
etly, "I deserve it. I was a stupid
"I wager you are in love with him."1
staunchly, "ought I to blush.?- Should
we not all in Querning be in love with,
him after what he has done? . No ikk
bier, grander heart beats among lis..
She will be envied who calls hinx bus-,
"Miiict you. s&ntT us gloves," laughed;
the sisters going on.,
. "Love him .!," murmured Milly, half"
akud, as she-entered; the Rectory gate.
"Yes; and I do not blush to confers.
iN My scfrrow isthaX forever, he with
despise me after, in my ignorant conceit,.
I dared treat him as 1 did I who am,
not worthy to look him in the face."
"Miss, Vere Milly,'- whispered &s:
agitated voice.
, Turning, she found Basil- Chevril's.
dark, eager eyes gazing iiito hen?..
"Oh !. Mr. Chevril; alia eriecr:.
"Then is is it possible you have hearcL
heard what Miss Graham said? I -I"--
What yon said V he smiled; "Yes.
every word, Miss Vere. I was jus.
there by tlie lilacs,.and ventured to lis,
tfiiu. Was 1 wrong?
Wrong? Cau you do anything;
wrong?' she answered, faintly,. "Wilis
you, oven pardon ray foolish ignorance
ot your true natUEP?.' f
She. was so,agitated that he acoepted:
it as an opportupity. to support feet with
his arm, while, he whispered;-
"I will paordou every tiling, M.isaVe,HB,.
if I may be your hero.
, " You are my hero, as evrybody's in,
Querning," she replied, naively.
"Then, Milly, will you also onrer.V
to be," he langlied, "the envied woman,
to call me husband?' , . A V-
Slie must certainly have answered in,
the affirmative, for when last we visited'.
Qneruing, the Rector, whom all his pa
rishioners adored, was Basil Chevrilv
and assuredly the lady seated at his ta-.
ble, and the mother of his happy chiU.
dren, was. that particular young lady
who searched after a hero, and fouudj
himMillicent Chevril, tiee Vero
The Cincinnati Enquirer say3 : All the
dally papers In Pittsburgh having recently
been sued for libel in the sum ' $10,000.
each, nd put under heavy bonda tor trial,,
for inadvertently catllnj: man a thlet
when It was proven that he bad stolen a
larjMi lot of jewelry, tlie newspaper maim.
eew have resolved that on the ist dy of
April they will diselwrge all their ethtors
and reporters and begin the P'lb
the Bible as news mutter for their readers., ,
SiKh stories as that about Airs. li?t,p,,aT;
Soloman and M. Uriah and the HWe will
be totted down as much as possible, and;
the word "alleged" hit-polatl, so that
no direct cluirge will be made. -W hen the.
Bible Is exhausted they will publish; the
Koran and the Book ot Mormon, aiui. n-.
nally, fall baek on the works of .Confucius,
and tlie Chinese Kiicyclopedia. llercr.Uer,.
no positive opinions or jiersonal reft renco
less T than 5,0iK years old Is to. npin ar in a.
Pittsburg newiwir. I-iie hisuhuko
amenta will be able to Oo a l.UKl-c.C;.ve I u
ntM among their suliersbers.
The irou horse l aa but one ear t'-dj
engiu-cer, tafcv tTt-T.-Jy. LVn'tit,. '