The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 21, 1876, Image 3

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    When you wish
Visiting Cards,
Dusiness Cards.
Dill Heads,
Letter Heads
Ball Tickets,
Horse Si.l.s,
or lit fact anything ia tlie
?z?lxatix'G Xjiinc
ca.ll at the
Homoeopathic Physician.
OFFICE with Dr. K. IT. Orifnn, 'First street,
Albany, Oregon. fcifChroiiic. diseases a
specialty. 26v8
Corner First and Ferry fits.,
Watches, Clocks, Silver and Plated
Ware, and Jewelry of every description and of
the beat manufactories, on hund for sale at fair
""ST" Cleaning and repairing Timepieces a
fc-iT" Jewelry, etc., repaired and cleaned on
short notice at living rates.
eSTtii ve me a cu 11, and ace for yonrself.SK3
Al ill-ell 3, lS7iUv3
HAS OPKNKD a TSnrliex Shop on First street
one door west of Thomiison & Irvine's har
ness shop, where he will be pleased to meet all
who wish work in his line. Thankful for ist
patronage, he hojies lv close attention to busi
ness to merit a continuance of the same. Will
keep constantly on hand a full supply of -
Perfumrry and Hair Oils,
the best assortment in town. Come and see
Albany, Or., February Si, 1S7;-23vS .
Corner Ferry and First S'reru.
One copy, one year. $2 50
One copy, six months . 1 50
To clubs of twenty, each copy.... S3 00
Sinirle copies Ten cents.
Subscribers outside of Linn eoljnty wiii lie
charged 20 cents extra fi "o for the year as
that is the amount of posiajje per annum
which we are required to pay on each paper
mailed by us.
.APRIL 21. 1S7G.
Earn Cotters,
WAXTKD.-An afrcnt for thisclty and vicin
ity, for the sale of K. ltntterlck A (o.'s
celebrated and reliable jiattcrns. tiood refer
ence required. Address II. A. DKillNti. Ill
Post ht., Ssiu Francisco, Cal. 2am
nrv the ladies of albanyaxd vktn-
"L. ity : Mrs. Uptain and Mrs, lirnbb liave
opened a dro-smnkins shop, one door west of
Fox's store, and arc now prepared to do any
and all kinds of ladles' work with neatness and
Mrs. Uphaiu is a thorough and accomplished
dressmaker, having lx-eit in the business more
than twenty years. Well, nil we have to say is,
try ns and be convinced. Thankful for past fa
vors, we ask a continuance of the suinc
same place, have a stock of Fancy ;oods, and
useful and ornamental jroods lor ladles' wear,
which they will sell at low rates.
They do all kinds of stamping on short notice
at reasonable terms. Also, asents for the. fHtiii-
tary Corset the most tnshioiiaolc and best in
Use. (iive us a call.
Albany, Feb. IS, "76-22v8
New 3""illiner- Store r
HAS moved into the store recently occupied
by Mrs. C. C Knglish,on First si reel . ad
join ins the City lru Store, where she has
opened out her select slock of
Fashionable Stock Of Millinery Coodw.
Havlns liad v vears of experience in the
milliucrv business iu the East. Mrs. Stevens be
iieves slie Km yive the fullest satisfaction to all i
who jtive her their patroiutfje. and would there-
lore ruspectiaiiy solicit a snaru oi i ne same.
M II..- I. .. 'T' t " 1. V O
Albany, Nov. 13-v8n9ml
Tlie Republicans of this city met in con
vention at tlie Court House last Saturday
afternoon, anil were called to order by
Coll. Van CIee, Chairman ol tlie County
Central Committee.
On motion, Capt. Matthews was elected
Chairman, and X. Baum, Secretary.
. Nomination of delegates to attend the
Republican County Convention being in
order, the following gentlemen were placed
In nomination : Messrs. Ike Froman, II
Ramsey, X B Humphrey, R Conn, G F
Simpson, Chas Wolvertou, D M Thomp
son, J W I'ropsf, Sam Miller, Coll Van
! Cleve, X Bond, David Fronian, R Romiue.
A B Morris, G XV Gray, J II Foster, D T
Wallace, L Fliun, S Froman, X Baum, S
E Young.'
The vote was by ballot, the candidates
receiving the highest number of votes cast
to be declared the choice of the Conven
tion, and resulted in the election of the fol
lowing named delegates :
Ike Froman, X B Humphrey, R Conn,
G F Simpson, C E Wolvertou, D M
Thompson, J AVPropst, X Bond,l Froman
and G W Gray.
On motion, Chas. Wolverton was declared
the choice of the Convention for the office
oi Justice of the Peace, and O. W. War
ren for Constable.
The Convention was largely attended,
and very enthusiastic. Albany pecinct
will give a greatly increased Republican
majority in June lor the Republican ticket.
Remember that. .
Of the nominations made by the Demo
crats, I can say but little, knowing two of
tiiem personally, viz : " A. W. Stanard and
J. K. Weatherford. I can say that they are
men of strict integrity and as honest and
honorable as any with whota it is my good
fortune to be acquainted, and if elected,
although Democrats they will be an honor
to their constituency. .
Judge Johns has tlie reputation of hav
ing made a good County Judge while in
office before, and of being a good judge of
law, but I am" reliably informed that the
books and pnpers of Judge Taud'y (who by
by the way, has been required to step
down and out to make way tor a man who
docs not drink quite so much, and who is
more lavored by 1.1s political friends), are
in far better shape and condition than
those of any one who ha3 ever preceded
him in oflice, and far better than those of
the present nominee during his for.ner
term. But of this I may not be able to
judge, and speak only from hearsay. But,
so it is, they played a bluff game on Judge
Tatdv, and won in the convention, but
whether they will be able to Win before the
people is more than I can say.
In the contest the Republicans propose
to work, and influential men, who, for
years have done nothing, propose to put
on their armor and go forth and fight
valiently to redeem the county from Demo
cratic misrule..
On Saturday evening we had a little
"fisticuff" between some of the good citi
zens of Brownsville, but It was stopped
before any serious damage was done, and
one of the offenders being promptly arrest
ed, the majesty of the law was vindicated
by our worthy magistrate assessing a fine
against him, and bidding him go and din
no more.
The river has been higher here than has
been known before for years, at this season
ot the year ; in fact looked like a minia
ture Hood.
This is enough for the present, but as
the contest waxes warmer, I may give you
more. O. R. EG OX.
. It. . BIAt KBlE.V,
a. business.
22 v a
3. c. poivixL. r. fxrxx.
Attorneys -V Counsellors a Caw and So
licitors in C'tianccry,
Al'nmy, Orcson. Collections made and con
veyances promptly attended to. 1-t
IUO-?JIT Ilelivery, at Living
Kutcs. .
1IAVIXJ louxht out tlie deli vsry business ot
Miv Iewis Si iut-soa, 1 be lea'e to announce to
t r.e citizens an 1 business men of Albany, that
I "nave on the streets an express and job wajfon
mid wit! lie happy to serve all who may jtive
All orders will be promptly attended to at
vuoiia!ic rates.
inters may be left at the IJrtw Store of Hell JS
lias received
nut is oU'crinjT for sale a well selec
ted stock of
. Which lie is determined to sell
ash, or MertotaMe Produce
Please give me a call, and examine
(jrOOfls RFlrt
Pare and Frcsli
the IMacc !
Lebanon, Or.
Tlie Friiun-y nt Lebanon-Tlie Orans
Influence Wcatlier Etc.
Lebanon, April 17, 1370.
Ed. Register: The legal voters of I.eb
anon precinct met on the 15th ln.--t., 42
strong, and were in running order when
we came in, reading up the ballot for dele
gates, the result of which was the election
of Messrs. Wassom, Smith, Pike, Powell
and Marshall, all Xo. one men and sterling
Mr. S. II. Claughton received the nomi
nation' tor J. P., and-Mr. J. O. Roland for
This is the best turnout ever known at a
precinct meeting here, and means business.
Already the Democrats have given up Leb
anon preciuct. We hope that' no pains
will be spared on the part of the delegates
to select the best men in the county, for
we have them, and if they can be placed in
nomination we stand a good show to elect
them. Our meeting was harmonious,
pleasant and satisfactory.
-A marked improvement is noticeable in
the business rpialirluations ol our farmers
iu this vicinity, owing to the education re
ceived 'in the Grange organization. We
are glad to see this, and to know the fact
that, although a farmer, ' a man's a man
for a' that." -
The weather is quite discouraging, and
some are becoming alarmed on that ac
count, and we would be, were it not for the
never failing promise that seed time and
harvest, day and night, shall continue until
the end of time. Let us plead the fulfill
ment of the promise, expecting that it will
come, and use more diligence iu the time
that may be given, and trust the balance.
Respectfully yours, II.
The First Principle.
Uaekisbcko, April 19, 1870.
Ed. Register : By your permission I
will now proceed to give you the first
principle In penmanship, as demonstrated
at Liverpool, by a sweet young sprig -of
law, fresh from the Ilarrisbutg court of
justice. The circumstances are as follows :
The young "sweety," thinking himself
far enough away from Albany that he
need not act dignilied, concluded he would
teach a writing school, being assured that
he was well qualified, having had ten years
practice scratching with the chickens. So,
after due notice, he met the youngsters of
the village for the purpose of organizing
his school. After settling the noisy young
sters so that big "I" could be heard he
grappled a piece ot chalk, and, with a digui
fled air, approached the blackboard with
this declaration : "I will now give you
the first principle." Almost instantly
whiz went the chalk around a halt circle ;
butlo! there was no visible impression.
"Sweety" looked astounded ; but with
revived energy he tried again, without a
satisfactory result, at which all the hood
lums simultaneously roared out, "give us
the first principle." "Sweety," In an
agonizing manner, exclaimed, in accents
sufficiently loud to be heard above the din
of the noisy crowd, " will make tiiat first
principle or bust.'''' With a fixed determi
nation, and a smile indicative pf success,
he once more vigorously applied the chalk,
which was answered only by the deafening
shouts of "give us the llrst principal." a
The simple fact was that one of the hood
Inrus had applied a meat-rind to the black
board. Liverpool ConKEsrONDEXT.
Good Sews from llalscy.
Ed. EEGiSTEfi: llalsey precinct lias de
cided to give an extremely good account of
herself next June, and the shadows of de
feat has already begun to fall upon the old
(don't break the constitution) rebel element,
that leads and controls the Democratic par
ty in this count-; their faces already grow
long; soon their limbs will shake as with
the palsy, and as the time draws nigh,
their knees will knock togetlier and by
my faith iu the intelligence, honesty and
resolution of our people, I believe tliat
next June the old Union lance, iu the firm
grasp of Republicanism and loyalty, will
smite them deep under the fifth rib evpn
unto death. "
The meeting at llalsey on hist Saturday,
was one of the largest and best attended
primaries that I recollect ever having at
tended. The contrast between this and the
Democratic primary held on the previous
Saturday, was painful (to the Democrats) to
contemplate; ami it straws indicate which
way the wind blows, how is it when whole
sheaves of wheat come driving through the
air !
Our precinct meeting was called to order
by B. II. Allen, and Caleb Grey, Esq.,
chosen Chairman.
B. II. Allen. Caleb Grey, C. V. Ilogue,
James Pearl and S. W. Hays were selected
as delegates to the County Convention.
Jas. Pearl and Gee. Davis were chosen
as Republican candidates tor Justices of the
Peace and B. F. Moore and D. M. Worth
as candidates for Constables.
Before adjourning the following resolu
tions were adopted :
Instructing the Delegates to vote for men
known to be both temperate and temper
ance men, and to cast their votes for no
man whose character will not sustain the
strictest scrutiny, and who is not known to
be a true and staunch Republican.
More anon. II
A Close Call. Adrian Comley, aged
about nineteen, son of Mr. J. B. Comley,
of this cityj on Tuesday afternoon attempt
ed to cross tlie Willamette from near the
saw mill in a skiff. When but a tew rods
from the shore one ot the rowlocks broke,
letting the boat drift against tlie boom for
holding the logs belonging to the mill. In
attempting to stop the boat by catching
hold of a rope attached to the boom, the
boat was capsized, throwing Adrian' into
the swift running waters. The young man
caught hold of the rope as soon as he came
to the surface, holding on with a deatlt
gr?p until he whs rescued by parties who
obtained another boat at Pierce's ferry,
some distance above. When taken from
the water Adrian w pretty well exhaust
ed, and it was with some difficulty he was
High Water The Willamette lias
been on the rampage during the week,
overflowing the bottom lauds on the oppo
slde of the river from this city, creating no
little trouble and loss. So fai Mr. Perry
W. Spink seems to be the heaviest loser,
the water having floated off several hun
dred cords of wood he had piled up over
there. The Calipoola , has also been up,
and Dr. Jones and Thos. Monteith report
the loss off quite an amount of cord wood
each. Mr. C. C. Kuhn, who owns a farm
between the Calipooia and Willamette
rivet's, west of the city, reports losing
eighteen head of Angora goats, valued at
about- $200. Others have doubtless lost
stock over Iu the bottoms.
Brownsville, April 17tlu 1S70.
Ed. Register: The Republican prima
ry, which assembled in Bishop's Hall, for
the Brownsville precinct, was the largest
Republican primary ever known to liave
been lield in this place. Heretofore, if
nine or ten Republicans could be possibly
MnmMarl 1 f ,- ,lieii1otAl th v tit VfriT
DRUGS AND MEDICINES I crood turnout, and I heard several leading
Toilet Articles,
65"" Prescriptions carefully filled. 8-15
Pictures and Picture Frames.
E.'T?. PUltDOJI -
Would announce to the citizens of Albany anil
tiinty.ttiat lie Is prepared to famish all kinds
I'lCTUKK FRAS'ES to order,at short, nntlee.
Pic! nre framed, tnil old framea renairml ' Sal'
at bis office on First street, on door et of
Broadai bin. leave yxir oraera.
Xarge- and Valuable Tract ol
Panning Lund Tor Sale.
rpHEEE HUNDRED ACRES of plow land, 200
jl. ot wnidi is ncti bottom iana. on tneprem-
sheds, etc.; also good bearing orcliai-d of fruit
fmes- 200 acres of the very best posture land :
50 acres of timber land, ash and maple, tlie best
men in the party say if they could get out
fifteen or twenty this time they would con
sider that, they were doing well ; but when
the primary met, there were present be
tween fifty and sixty Republicans, and
throughout the whole ot the proceedings
the utmost harmony and good feeling pre
vailed, i
Mr. J. R. Cunningham, one of the best
citizens of this county, 'was nominated by
accl imation for Justice of the Peace, and
should he be elected (and I Ibink probably
lie will), he will make a Justice of whom
the people of. the precinct, may justly bo
proud, and he, too, may consider that he is
highly honored, for our friends on the
other side have also nominated & good man.
There were two candidates for constable,
Mr. J. F. Hyde, and Mr. E. Rcdnour, but,
strange to say, Mr. Hyde, the cripple, '.'got
awav" with the nomination, the vote
Orleans lrecinct.
Orleans, April 15, 1876,
On motion, John McCoy was chosen
chairman, and M. Acheson, Secretary.
On motion, proceeded to elect four dele-
gotes (by ballot) to attend tlie County Con
vention at Albany, on the 2Gth insL, which
resulted In the election of tlie following
D. C. Currie, M. Acheson, J. B. McCoy
and Geo. Riddell. .
The following preciuct nominations were
tlien made : .
For Justice of the Peace, W. L. Coon.
For Constable, A.Y.Smith.
On motion, our delegates were Instruct
ed to vote for temperance men, and to use
their influence to Secure their nomination.
Also, to use their influence to secure the
nomination of Judge Powell for District
Judge. M. ACHESOX, Sec.
dO acres oi umix-r muu, asn nun mapie, uie dcsi i . . tj.,!. aa .i t
of fermlMff lan4 when cleared. A never failing I being : Hyde ZS, and Kednour li.
stream of waterrajiis through the farm. There
is also a splendid ntuirry ot iime-rocK on t lie
place, pronounced, by experts A 1 rock. Four
hnndHtd acres are under fence. It Is one of the
most desi ruble ana cneapest farms in xiougias
county, lytng l in lies rroni tne o. c rauroaa
at Oakland. For particulars as to price, etc,
apply. u tuts etty, to
'.. J. H. BOUGHTOX, M. D,
. Albany, May 14, 1875.
Choice City Property
THE tUTDERSJGSIKD, wishing to emigrate,
is offertrig bis property In Albany for sale,
coronating' of a jjood residence, located handy,
and near the business part of the city, with two
kits, in block 28, fronting to the nort h on Third
street and to the west on Calipooia. The lots
are enclosed by a nice picket fence, and there
is ft good barn and other utbniidings, liesides
a elMiice Sot of bearing fruit trees and grape
vines, with a fence buiit between the two lots,
forming a nice little garden spot, which is tn
extra condit ion for gardening. Possession giv
en soon after sale. -
Anv information snven at the residence of
or as he Is general!' known, Milt. Beach.
Messrs. W. R. Kirk, C. II. Williams,
A. McFerrln and Peter Hume, all good
men and true, were elected as delegates
to the County Convention which meets at
your city on the 2Gth inst. They go whol
ly without instructions except as to the
office of County Judge, antrfor this posi
tlon they are instructed to support D. R
X. Blackburn, Esq., of this place.
lam Informed tliat Mr. C. Sperry will
be a candidate before the Convention for
Sheriff, and there is not a man in the county
who would or could fill tlie office better or
more acceptably than Mr. Sperry. He Is
an able, holiest, honorable and upright
man, and if elected to the office the people
would never have cause ; to regret tlieir
choice or complain of any of his official
Kek Precinct Convention, :
Sao, April 15, 1876.
Ed. Register: The Republicans of
Scio precinct met at the City Hall, in Scio,
ou Saturday, April 15th, and were called to
order by J. B. Ii vine.
On motion, D. Kirk pa trick was : chosen
Chairman, and A. Bond Secretary. ;
The following persons were : selected to
attend the Republican County Convention
to be held at Albany on Wednesday,
April 26:
Everything went off in good order, the
best of feeling prevailing. On motion.
adjourned. D. KIBKPATRICK, Ch.
A. Bond, Sec.
A Complete Scccess. Tlie. session of
the Teachers' Institute of the Third Judi
cial District, which met in this city last
week, w.i3 most successful throughout. A
large attendance of teachers and others in
terested in education was secured, and the
fullest measure of interest maintained
during the entire session. Following are
the names ol teachers and others who were
in attendance : .
From Linn County Mrs. Addie Mans"
field, Mrs. C II Maltoon, Mrs. M C Bow
ersox, Mrs. Lucia n Putman, Mrs. S Currie,
Misses M Brink, Carrie Burton, Marie Lis
ter,Xora Hunsaker,Xellie Plummer, Annie
Powell, Flora Rumbangh, Ellen Sparks,
Helen Gilbert, Libbie McFerron, Jennie
MeKuiiiht and MeSsr3. J XV Mack, J L
Gilbert, J K Weatherford, C P Davis, Jno
Redington, J F Roycc, Geo C Blakely, T.
J Stltes, J B McFiirland, W A Robb, B A
Cathey, J W Weed, B B Henderson, D W
Rnmbaugli, C Hathaway, Chas Williams,
I I McCoy, II H Shields, R W Fisher, G
W Settlcmier, C II Mattoon, W L Steals,
A E Ellis, George Hannon, Rufus Thomp
son, R C Hill, A J Huusaker, L F Hender
son, Josiah Bowersox, Chas E Wolverton,
W R Bishop.
From Marion Connty Mrs E Rowland,
Mrs A Wheeler, Mrs S G Miner, Mrs T II
Crawford, Mrs Mattie Townscnd, Mrs L G
Adair, Misses Ellen J Chamberlain, Zilphia
Raymond, Ann E McKinney.Lydla Miller,
Florence Thomas, Mattie Campbell, Xellie
Taylor, Florence Adair, Clara A Watt, M
C Jory.IIattTe Clark, Mary Powell, Georgie
Carpente r, Bertha Moo res, Ada E. Maj
Althea Moores,LiHiePatton,Estella Owen,
Carrie Cornelius, Ella Middaugh. Xellie
Meaeham and Messrs S F Chad wick, L L
Rowland, P S Knight, James Walton.T II
Crawford,!' M Bewley, Geo W Belt,Lewis
Blcakney, Wm Simpson, J C Campbell, J
L Grfgg, L J Powell, E P Smith, J D
Daly, L W Bates, W U Royal, A W Lock-
hart, G A Peebles, Chas Johns, W Vauder
sol, D P Stouffer, W D AI!en,L O Xelson,
R D Allen, Frauk McCully, J M Duncan.
From Yamhill County Aaron Frazier,
II C Leiscr, Mrs E A Leiser.
Froin Washington county J X Gal-
breath. -
From Benton County Miss Elva
Judges of Election. For judges of
election at the different polls in Linn
county, the County Court has appointed
the followlug named gentlemen : ,
Albany Poll Xo. 1 George Patterson,
Jason Wheeler, D. Froman.
Albany Poll Xo. 2 Milton Houston, C.
O. Kuhn, Milton Hale.
Harrlsburg J. P. Schooling, W. M.
Stevens, Marion Cunningham.
Halsey R. G. Frakes, Jonas Davis, S.
W. Hays.
Brownsville II. J. C. Avenll, James
Blakely, L. Hashbruck.
Orleans Joseph Hamilton, W. II. Mc-
Brlde, John McCoy- ;
Center Lewis Kester, Albert Bales, Al
exander Brandon.
Lebanon J. W. Fronk, Jt. A. Irvine,
John Bell.
Syracuse Chris. Farlow, I. D. Miller,
J. T. Jones.
Scio William Shclton, ' Joseph Bilyeuy
Benj. Redman. '
Franklin Butte John Kelly, R-H.Pol-
lard, E. II. Randall.
Santiam D. F. Crabtree, B. Burten-
shaw, C. L. Jlorris. ...
Waterloo Caleb Burge, Frank Mack,
Oscar Dustlti.
Sweet Home J. XV. Gilliland, Ephraim
Jackson, J. X. Russtil.
Brush Creek J. X. Rice, F. Malone, J
F. Colbert.
Center Precinct. The Republicans of
Center precinct met at the school-house on
Saturday Last a fair attendance. J. ' W.
Cleaver was elected Chairman, and E. P.
McClure Secretary. Messrs. S. Canon, E.
P. McClure and J. W. Cleaver were elected
Delegates to the County Republican Con
vention. Mr. Richardson was placed in
nomination for the office of Justice of the
Peace, and II. E. Tarrish for Constable.
Several speeches were made, all showing
confidence in the success of the Republican
party at the coming election. We are in
debted to Mr. J. II. Scott for the above
Thanks At the last meeting ot the
College Improvement Society, held April
11th, the following resolutions were unani
mously adopted : .
Eesolred, Tliat a vote of tlianks be tend
ered those Iadie3 and gentlemen whoso
kindly assisted us by appearing at the late
entertainment in costume, thus contribut
ing so largely to tlie success ot the evening.
liesolced. That a vote of thanks be ten
dered those ladies who furnished the tables,
and those gentlemen who assisted In deco
rating and preparing the hall.
Grand Worthy Chief Dunbar called' Hoii--day
morning, ne como m laden with
flowers and 6miles he left the flowers.
He left us div tho noon train for Southern?
Oregon. As the water and mud are abonC
waist deep or less all over" tliat' country, I
will be a most elegant time to talk fempeX
ranee to the boys. However, bro. : Dunbar
is insured, sheds water like a duck, and U'
perfectly happy as long as grub is plenty, -and
be has somebody t talk to between
meals. We wish him safe saillng-
has it that the ladies of the Fifst Presby
terian Church of this city will' give a floral?
and strawberry.: festival, at tlie Opera'
House in this city "St an early day. We'
shall look forward to the thno with plcasanff
anticipations, knowing full well that tho
having the matter in charge are just the-'
persons to make It a perfect success. . ,.
Handsome. Friend McFarland lias a'
massive stock of stov3, tin, sheetiron and'
copperware, pumps, etc., always on hand,
to which he lias lately been making large'
additions. Among other novelties justf
rjoive', we notiassome elegiut sp'tt o'tft,
that are just way up really ornamental
as well as useful. Call at Mc's and take a
look at one of the largest and most excell"
ent assortments you ever saw any where. -
Exccrsii a Failure We are Informed'
that tho Odd Fellows have tailed to obtain'
tlie promise of a steamboat with which to
exenreh on the 23th, and therefore will not
probably celebrate the 57th anniversary of
Odd Fellowship in tliat way. This will'
certainly be a great disappointment to a
large number of the membership both here ,
Corvallls and Harrlsburg. Disappointments
is the lot of all.
Eloquent Extract. "It is gratifying'
to trace the clear current of historical tes--timony
from its inspired source down the"
ages, and mark the sweep of its flow, as it
bears to us the hallowed assurance that In
fant Baptism is of God." From tins work
of . Rev., X. Doane on Tnfant BaptUm.
Priee 75 cents. For sale by XV. R. Blaine.-
Splendid Attendance. Our informa--tion
is that the Republican primaries
throughout the county were much more"
largely attended "last Saturday tlian for
years, and the belief seems to prevail all'
over the county that, with a good, sounttf
ticket, we can carry the county in June.
Let all work to tliat end.
Public Schools. Xext Monday tlie'
Spring term of our public scliools com-'
mence. Mr. J. L. Gilbert, one ot the best'
educators in the State, takes charge of the '
Central School, vice T. J. Stites, resigned.-
J. P. Siler takes the place of .T. r . Koyse,
Kesolced, Tliat a vote of thanks be ten- resigned, as principal of the Dix'e s Jiool,-
Bound fob the East. Dr. Geo. W.
Gray now anticipates leaving this city on
a health and business trip to the Eastern
States, on or about the first of Mar next.
Those of his patrons wishing his profession
al services, should call at once, or previous
to the above time. The Dr. expects to be
absent about three montm. . -
Ruffling A, fiup stock. Suitings,
new, beautiful and cheap. Prints, neat.
tasty and attractive. Alio, cash in ex
change for Egg, Butter, Coin, Gold Xotes,
and "other truck," at highest market rates.
A. WHEELER, Shcdd.
Prostectino Pautt. A party is being
made up for the purpose of prospecting for
the precious metals in Southeastern Ore
gon. About half the party Is made up.
There are about twenty-five names sub
scribed, each of whom propose to give
$20, to aid in starting tho party. There ia
to be a meeting at the Court- llouse in this
city on Saturday, May 13th, tor the pur
pose of securing further aid, so as to put
the prospecting party on a good footing
All citizens who have a desire to aid in this
enterprise, and to share la whatever may
be developed, by the party, are invited to
be at tliat meeting and make their desires
known. ' -
Mrs. S. A. Johns is rushed with business.
Call and see her elegant selections n the
way of millinery,! etc.
dered the Aijjany Register and the Daily
Albany Democrat for their courtesy and
liberality in promoting the cause of this
Society. ".'..,-.
Itesolcetf. Tliat a copy of these resolutions
be handed to each of the above named
papers for publication.
By order of the Society.
J. E. Hannon, Tres.
LrcBiE E. Irvine, Sec'y.
. Santiam In the matter of the
petition for a bridge across the S-mtiam
the Court decided not to extend aid at
present. The reasons for withholding
aid were : there were two sites selected.
the friends of each being about equally di
vided, showing that two bridges would
have to be built or endless bitterness would
remit ; Marion county will extend aid to
to but one bridge ; from the showing the
Ccnrt could not decide which site would
accommodate the largest number, therefore
they turn the whole matter over to the
new Board of Commissioners to be electe
for June.
Call and see Him. Mr. D. C." Xelson
1 the gentleman who bought out 31. S.
Depew. and who will hereafter keep a full
stock of stoves, tinware, pumps, etc, at
the stand on First street between Ferry
and Broadalbln. Mr. Xelson is one of the
best in the decte Is a good workman, a
genial, wholesouled gentlemen, who will
be pleaded to see you and sell you goods
just as cheap as tliey can be sold for. Try
him a kubble ob times. See ad In this
Oregon Pioneer Association. By the
kindness of Mr. J. Henry Brown, Record
ing Secretary, we are in receipt of "the
transactions of tlie third annual re-union
of the Oregon Pioneer Association. It Is a
neatly printed pamphlet of 88 pages, and
in addition to the transactions of tlie socie
ty, contains the addresses of Hons. M. P.
Deady, J. XV. Xesmith, Geo. P. Holman,
ex-Gov. Geo. L. Curry, and a biography
of Col. Jos. L. Meek. It is an interesting
and valuable little volume, and we prize it
The Ladies Aid- Society. We learn
from the Treasurer of . the above Society
tliat, during the month of March last, there
was paid Out of the treasury, for the relief
oi those in need of assistance in our midst,
the sura of thirty-seven dollars and seventy
five cents. The Society has a balance on
hand of $144 60. Whenever a case of de
serving need is made know to the officers
of the Society, immediate help is provided.
Many deserving poor are blessing the
thoughtful kindness of the Society.
while E. O. Hyde has secured Mr. SilerV
place. " '
Postponed. Owing to the illness of t).
D. G. P., Bro. Walton, of Eugene, llarris--
burg Encampment Xo. 7, I. O. O. F.,-
was not instituted last Monday as was
the calculation when we issued the lastf
Register. As soon as Bro. Walton re--
covers, the new Encampment will be put"
iu running order.
J. B. Titus, of Titus Bros., took the
morning express for Portland yesterday,
calculating to be in time for the the 'Frisco-'
steamer adervtised to sail yesterday after
noon. Jeems goes to lay in a new stock oP
jewelry, etc. Success, and safe rcturm-
From Indiana. A. Wheeler, Esq.,
from South Bend, Indiana, an old and ex
perienced newspaper man, arrived in Hits
city tlie first ot the week, on a visit to'
relatives. Mr. Wheeler has a brother,-
lmon, at Shedd, and another, Gos at
m -..
Dissolved. Messrs. E. S. Merrill and'
L. M. Putman have dissolved partnership,
Mr. E. S. Merrill having sold Lis Interest
in the business to Jesse Merrill, and the .
firm name will hereafter read Putman &
Co. For particulars read ad. under bead'
of "new to-day."
Md-hap. Our friend Mr: D. C. "5felsoa
while cutting out work for tinware on
Wednesday, unfortunately mashed' ofl tlie'
end of the index finger of the right handt;..
by getting it caught in the machine he-was--
handling-.- '.' -"' - ' . ' .'-', ' -
Tlie steamer Alice took '-quite a lew"of""
of bar citizens up to CorVallis, tb hear Prof.-
White and class in the beautiful oratorio of
Esther,' to be rendered for the benefit of
the M. E. Church of that city last night -Thursday,-April
THe departure ot'PfoK Cathey leaves thV
M. E.Sunday. School without adiorristerc-
' '-- '-" Special Ka-ltcca.- " ...
6"jr Cash paid for Eggs, at Ji Fleiscb
ner's, . corner , of First and Broadalbln'
streets-- ', ::.'...';".. . . ';. em"
tjfT If you, want to buy the latest style
of lady's Rubber Boots, go-to Jake Flelscb--
ncr's, on irst and Broaualbm streets- btF
In Every Town and Villasre nersons mav'
be found who liave been saved from death
from consumption by Hale's Honey or
uorenoutKi ana inr.
Pike's Toothache Drone cure in one;
minute. . . v 20'
Born In this city, April 7th, to the
wife of E. S. Merrill, a daughter.
On the 16th, two miles east of this city.
to the wife of n. Weed, a daughter.
On the 12th, six miles south, to the wife
ot Mr. Hamilton, a daughter.
On the 14th eight miles south, to the
wife of Lafe Smith, a son.
4 On the 15th, six miles northeast, to the
wife ot A. Sharp, a son.
, On the same date, one mile east, to the
wife of Chas, Srultli, a son.
Dragons Out Existence.
The nervous, weakly invalid- docs not
enjoy lifei but merely '"drags out exist
ence," as the phrase is. Unfitted for tlie
active pursuits of life, and Incapable of par--taking
of its pleasures, to which health'
alone can give a zest, disinclined to social
intercourse, and a prey to melancholly, tin
valetudinarian is lud!ed an object Of pity.
Yet tliere Is nothing In all thU that canuoS
be remedied by tliat genial alterative tonle'
and nervine, Hostetter's Stomach Bitter?
which supplies deficient stamina braces
the nervous system, and overcomes tliose"
bodily irregularities to which nervous weak-1-
fronnentlv attributable. Dis-'
eases of the kidney and bladder, imperfect
In this cif v. nn tha ".nth tn tiu dfl rf 1 .)ikHui and uterine troubles are fertile
" ". : '"-" " m.-- -'"TV,,, r,n,5 .-.rllmllnn,
UYiurces oi uruiiuj.
Jno. Foshay, a son
Several precincts yet to bear from.
Fair Tnre. The Leap year party last
Friday evening was an enjoyable occasion
to most of the rjartiulpauu..
however, become a maner oi wruiiuij
when Hostetter's Stomach Bitters are sya--temaiically
used for that purpose. The'
Bitters likewise annihilate and prevent"
fever and ague and other debilitating febrile"
complaints of a malarial nature, sprite