The Albany register. (Albany, Or.) 1868-18??, April 21, 1876, Image 2

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The most cheering and inspiring
news comes up from every precinct in
XJun county. Everywhere, without an
exception, throughout the county ponies
the welcome words : "The attendance
at our Republican primary was the
largest ever known before, and every
thing passed off most harmoniously."
. Republicans are waking up to the d u
ties of the hour, and purpose showing
their strength in the coming battle, and
misrule and corruption in county affairs
will receive a terrible rebuke in J une.
A long-suffering aud patient people,
after looking in vain for even a Mign of
'reform aud retrenchment" in county
affairs at the hands of Democracy, and
receiving no sign, but on the contraiy
perceiving a new determination on the
lart of the Democratic leaders to con
tinue to build up and enrich pat ty fa
vorites, no matter at what cost to the
taxpayer?, have determined in their
sovereign might to cast out the evil
doers forever, and purge the high places
from tlie rottenness and festering corrup
tion with which tliey are reeking. All
over the county men are to be found
woo heretofore nave not attended pri
maries, and scarcely ever voted, who
are now at work with might and main
to secure a Republican triumph in June
Tliere is no other hope for Linn county
but in the success of the Republican
ticket. All true men in the county sec
this now, and are looking with anxious
Iiearts to the results of the Republican
County Convention which assembles in
this city next Wednesday. We are
sure the people will not be disappoint
ed, but that a ticket of good, honest
and true men will be selected for their
suffrages not men who have been
standing with their mouths open at
very convention within the memory of
man, asking for office, but sterling, capa
ble, pure men, men of thepeople.who are
in sympathy with the people, and who
stand well with their neighbors. With
such a ticket we cannot fail.
. The Democratic Party and the tirangcrw.
The Chinese question still agitates
the people of Sau Francisco.
The upper Columbia is slowly ris-
Prof. L. J. Powell, of Salem, is quite
11 with diptheria.
"Ryestraw" aud "Twenty-one" are
in training fur Centennial week at Port
The Emiror of Ilrazil and parly
cit Chicago for California on the 19th.
Grant has vetoed the President's
salary bill.
Victoria Woodhull can't hire a hall
in Boston in which to lecture.
Anna Dickinson will make her de
but before a Boston audience, May 8th,
in the "Crown of Thorns."
The Abyssinniaiis are repot red as
getting the better of recent battles with
the Egyptians.
The Jlurk JLonc Hrprcss sjcaks
. .
encouragingly ot. crop prospects in
The Victory, from Shields to San
Francisco, is reported lost with all on
It is feared that the Winslow extra-
ditiou case will lead to grave conse
quences between this country and Eng
The Mississippi river has broken
through the levee in several places, de
stroying vast sections of country in the
Comprehensive crop reports from
over 1100 points in Ohio, Indiana, Illi
nois and Michigan, rhow a prospect for
good wheat and over average corn
There is a division in the Demo
era lie camp of Salem, aud a portion of
the unterrified have bolted. The cause
is reported to be the desperate methods
resorted to by Governor Grovcr to
further his aims for the U. S. Senate.
The Duty or the Republican Convention.
The earnest cry of the people, not
only in Linn county, but from one end
of the Union to the other, is, "give us
capable, substantial, honest, scber men
for our officials." The people absolute
ly loathe and detest these old party
hacks who have done nothing during
their whole lives but stand with open
mouths demanding "give us oflice."
For swearing great round oaths, and
guzzling immoderate quantities ot tangle-foot,
these persistent office-seekers
have first class diplomas; outside ot
these, bit few of them possess any
claims whatever. The Democratic
party having failed to present a ticket
the people will support, it now becomes
the duty of the Republican County
Convention to place in nomination a
ticket that the honest voter of the
county can conscientiously work and
vote tor. , Place true men, men of char
acter and ability, upon our ticket, and
it will be elected by an overwhelming
The most cheering accounts reach us
from Benton county. The Republi
cans of Benton are at work, and are
confident of a glorious victory in June.
The Republicans all over the State are
in good heart, and it only remains for
the Convention to do its duty to still
further assure and strengthen the party.
Remaining in the Post Office, Albany,
Linn county, Oregon, April nwn, io.
Persons calling for these letterejnust give
the date on which-they were advertised.
New To-Iuy.
EHUTU:. Hoot ftntl Shoe Maker, 3d door
cast of Harper's warehouse, is always on
band to do work at reasonablo rates, neat and
nice. , aT-SinS
Home Interests,
Adams, Chas
Combo, JO
Oox, Morgan V
Davis, I )r G II
Davis, Miss L
iHincan, Miss A
I mucin, Geo V
I Junker, Sarah T
Goetchiiis, Mrs A 2
G raves, Mrs K .
H.ttinon, Arch
Harris, Mrs M 12
Haielian, Wm
Itoyt, Hiram .
Humphreys. Z T
Kiiotts, i; w
Knighton, B
r. ii.
liTrvlrrllfnil. Miss E
Matnertv, II M
Moes, Dr K M
is'ichols. J O V
Owen, EI
Pickcral. Mr? S
Iiteley, .1 ohn M 2
Hook, Mrs L
Sangster. John W
Smith, Xcd
Smith. Frank M
Tickncr. Joel
AVhitniore. J W
Wallace, Mrs M
Wyman. Frank
A Chapter OF Mishaps. Master Stuart
White, youngest son of Rev. T. B. White,
pastor of St. Paul's church ot this clty.has
been very unfortunate of late. Thursday
of last week, while playing, he tell on a
eliinzle he was holding in his hand, the end
of the shingle entering his mouth and
niereinir noArlv throuffh the cheek. Ttt'O
I n c
days after, he fell and broke his collar hone.
A day or two alter while holding a bottle
of strong camphor, he accidentally spilled
the contents in his face, nearly ruining his
eyes. On Wednesday last he was taken
with the chills. Altogether the poor little
fellow has been having a serious time of it.
Mr. J. D. Titus lias returned Irom his
visit to Walla Walla valley,- and reports
matters in that county on the improve.
The people up there have plenty of cattle,
and as cattle are in demand and cash buyers
plentiful, plethoric buckskin purses are
more common than usual.
WOULD ANNOUNCE to tile public that
is carrying on a
Wagon and Carriage Shop,
at the 11 sfnncl known a.-s the Peters 4 Sneidel
shops, whero li; lias on hand tlie lines t lot of
end and side sui'iug,
Two & Three Seated' Carriages
ever maun fiiclured in the State. If yon don't
believe it,
I use nothing trot Eastern Timber, and
."Wiiirimt all Work.
to give satisfaction, while my prices are most
Yon do not know how your wile and family
would appreciate a ride in a well-niude, Imnd-
tsonie nnd stylish back". Purchase one of Sain
Aimer's Handsome new carriages, una you win
pay less doctor's bills, and give your family re
creation for which they will rejiay you a tlious
and times with their happy smiles.
Call at ny shops, corner of Ferry and Second
street. Altmny, Oregon.
Apr 11. 187ti KAS 31ILLER
XelEinoxi Hotel,
5. SJ. t'LAl'USITUA, l-itUA-'it.,
S. C. STONE, M. !.,
Physician and Surgeon,
OFFHE-At tl.e Drue Store.
Iterator's Hale of Real Estate
Corner First Md Ferry. B tree to.
Just "Reoeived X
LEU.4XO??, CS(iOX.
TIorSK newly f urn l-bcii tnrongnotit. xi
A. Lki tlie inarKutsunrnu "ii imb.
he postotllce is next door to in norae, irom
i-hich the s;ue leave for Albany at 7 o'clock
. M. and returning arrives oi b u'oiock r. j.
Vmvevances nrticured for part iCS wishing to
visit the Soda Springs. Library and roudnig
rooni, with choice reading matter, for tlia
guests of the house. aprSOvS
THE rxPERSIGXED, remaining csccntor of
the last will and testament of liemus Beach,
deceased, late ot the city of Alliany, by author
ity of said ill, will sell at private sale certain
real estate oeionging to me esiate 01 saia ao
ceased, conslstinff of a reaidenee and an undivi
ded one half in the Albany City Flouring Mills,
with the appurtenance ; also, certain real es
tate in the town of Buena Vistain the county
of I'olk, consisting of a one-third interest in
the Steam Saw Mill, and several town lots.
Persons wishing to examine the property and
learn the terms of sale, &c. enquire of
Itemninins' Executor of said Estate.
Albany, Oregon, SiarcU 23, 1870-27v8w4
ISOIVTS, all sizes and Iesicrlp
lionx. Sc ccneral S1ICLF I1AICO-
WAItKa fall aud complete as-
Slovcs, Tinware, Pumps, Ilosc.
Tin, Copuer, Zisc M Sbeet Irw,
on nana iwwh
IliglfCMt KXarUct Price,
in exchange, lor all klfids of
Wheat quoted at SOc.
TJead the new ads. this week.
Prof. Geo. M. Taul thinks of opening a
writins school in this city.
Farmers improving this pleasant weath
Business almost entirely at a stand still
in commercial circles during the week.
G us Lay ton, of Corvallis, was in the city
on Wednesday.
Canal Soli. The Albany & Santtam
Canal was sold at auction on Satutday last,
to Mr. John Crawford, for the small sum
uf $33,900. As the property is worth
probably $75,000, Mr. Crawford has found
his bonanza.
We liave the most positive assurance
that the Inni county Democratic ticket
does not give entire satisfaction, and we
have the further assurance that leading
Democrats will not support it cither by
votes or influence.
The Mechanics Brass Baud of this city
has secured the services of Mr. John Evcr-
You can always get a nice cool dritjk of j est as teacher, and are working lire Tro-
Your Democratic politician is alive
to the fact that a Granger is a good
man, and the Democratic papers, al
most as with one voice, commended tlie
Grange and Grangers as long as they
-did nothing but vote and vote tie
Independent or Democratic ticket. But
just as soon as the live Granger (farmer)
uQers himself lor office, these same poli
ticians aud journals give them the cold
bhouliler at once It thus appears that.
seen through Democratic, a
Granger is good enough as a voter and
taxp&yer, but is not good enough to
hold any office i;i which there is money.
As evidence of the truth ot this propo
sition, look at the Democratic ticket in
Iidn county. The only offices in which
there is really any money, are those of
Slieriff and Clerk, and although Gran
gers offered themselves for the position,
men as well qualified, wo are told, to
fill the potations as the two who got
away with the nominations, yet they
were snubbed by the very men who
have all along professed to be warm
admirers and fast friends of the Gran
gers, and their claims for office rldi-
, coled. Two chronic office-seekers asked
for the offices, and beside their claims
the Granger's honest petitions for an
equal share of the spoils of office, al-
' though patting in all the capital, dwin
dles into utter insignificance. And the
Granger will still continue to foist into
office these political hacks that they
may fatten and grow purse-proud at the
public crib, and heap up taxes : on the
heads ot those who made and feed them!
Oh, yes, Democratic Granger, ro mat
ter bow much you . are snubbed and
kicked and cursed and bled, you will
still bow in humble subrnksion to these
lordly non-producers, because, you
know, you are only fit to toil and vote
you must not aspire to office, none
but the aristocratic office-seeker is quali
fied has the "brain" to fill moneyed
. offices in the Democratic party.
A band ot White League ruffians
entered ll court-house, at Clinton,
East Feliciana parish, La., and broke
np the court, then in session. : They
v shot the sheriff, Henry Smith, and
drove off the judge and other officers
ot the court. In this we have another
illustration of the revolutionary policy
of Southern Democracy. It Republi
cans can't be beaten at the polls, they
are killed in the performance of their
duty. Yet these outlaws hope soon to
control the United State Government.
' The British MedicalJonrnal says that
persons with light-colored eyes, make
t!,e most successful sboU both with the
Liii.sxd cue and the rifle. Jnt yon
coo! "t expect ft man to do well with a
Silly. Our cotemporary, as a der
nier resort to secure votes for the Demo
cratic ticket put up in Linn county,
says if you don't vote it the Republi
can ticket will surely be elected, aud
then Ben. Ilolladay will be elected U.
S. Senator to succeed lion. James K.
Kelly ( our wooden man ), present
Democratic Senator ! Bah ! It is
true that the Republicans will get away
with Oregon m June, and having con
trol of the Legislature will elect a Re
publican to the Senate, but even Brown
stands as much chance of getting the
Republican vote for Senator as does
Ilolladay. Ben. Ilolladay has been
a tciror to Brown and his ilk for years,
and they fear him as they . do their fa
ther the devil.
soda at A. Carothers & Co's.
Republican County Convention meets
next Wednesday. April 23th.
The lras3 band are to nave a room in
S. K. Young's new warehouse.
jans to improve their "time" between now
and Centennial week. We shall soon have
the best band in the State.
Markets dull, with no change of impor
tance to note in prices.
Mat Bledsoe is reported to have been
killed in a row in Arizona.
Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Cowan are -both
down with the chills.
Fon BnowjiSviLLE. Prof. B. A. Cath-
ey, we understand, goes to Brownsville to
morrow. The Prof, is a proficient musical
instructor and a way up boy on general
It you want to see something really nice
in they way ot a carriage, call at .Sam
Millers' shop on Ferry street. Those new
vehicles just completed at bis shop are not
excelled anywhere..
Mrs. Annie Harper was taken worse
yesterday, and it was feared she would not
survive till this morning.
County flooded with
very good currency.
trade dollars a
BY VIRTTE of a writ of execution issued out
of tbc t ircuil Court of the State of Oregon
for Linn count)-, to mc directed anl Ucliveivl,
for tlie sum o'f 7a3 13 in V. 8. ftolil coin, wltli
interest thereon at the rate of one percent, per
month from the l tth Oay of March. 1073, ami
the further sum of "5 70, costs and for accru-
Injr costs, in tiivor or K. il. itunarts aim against
K. X. lleacli. 1 have levied unon and will pro
ceed to sell at yiu'-ilic auction to the highest
bidder, for lr. S. Kol'l coin in hand puM on day
offiiile, in front of t he Court House door, in the
city ot Altjany, Linn county, Oregon, on
XaLnrdny, the "th hiy of Mny, 1876,
at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, all tlie
tallowing dcsci-ioeu pieces, parcels or unci oi
land, to-wit: ,
Lot iSo. 111 niocK . o. z, in i ia? enj ii - n".i-
11 V, tO'jet Her wiiu an an i siujjuiur ine irm-
nients,heredituiiicnlsanu appurtenances inere
unto beiorifiini? or in anywise appertain intr, to
satisfy sai-1 execution, costs and aceiniu costs.
J:ateJ, Apr. 11, l. L- - ii--r,,
3Kwl Sheriu of Linn Co., Oregon.
Tlie Arizona Mini "ew Mexico Eipnss
now runiif nir first class coaches from terminus
Southern l'aeiiic Kailron-.l through to l'rescott,
Tucson, and all iiiterineJiate points, reaches the
newly clicoverei
Elit-Ii mining Ristricts,
of Arizona, uy the Shortest, CUeaiiest and Best
Koine. .. . . .... ,,....
HiEliillT SHU'-MbA I f l-eccivea uy iicus,
Furjio .t Co., San Kinncisco.
TICK KTs tor siut'ai an priucuu iicKCLuiiivAjn
in rsin r ran Cisco.
HKNKV WICLLS, (or w. r . co. anu Amei-
is-iin Kxpress Co.). President.
J. ;. UOLANILNo. ln;ilillfornia street, !n
FraiHsiscnj. Vice I'nwidont.
CHAN. II. W1JJ.S AvM-crl f.uit.,
30ni3 Tucson, Arizona.
Hotie and SijriL I'aintor,
in, tiiaxlni;, &c. Having had an expert
ence of vt-ui-s in the business in the Last, I
can sal'el v srnnrantce satisl'ictory work to all.
shop on li-st street, next tuxjr cast oi viuin.
S Wjalt.
The largest and most, complete assortment In
tlie city.
Eiirnrpairf n;r done neatly, at short Hotkey I
ana wakuaxted. . .
Fintt street, Albany, Oxcgon.. n2Tv
For Sale.
, FIUST-CLASS Harness Shop nnd Sto-k, lo-
IS I o iTcl i ai 1 1 ; j 1I e X'x'CkItico- 2
catcd in Lebanon.
For te,rms annlv to
All pei-sons owlni? me on nottjs that are dne.
or dook acconnis, ai-e reg,neno. 10 cu nun mj
........ -i. i , . . - c i - 'l.'l ....
up uy I lie 1ST ox April. ur.
Lcb ion, March 17, ISTGml
WIIEKEAS inv wife, Anna F:iizn Selvestcr,
without caiisd or provocation, lias left uy
bed nnd I ward for iart.s unknown, I. Samuel
Selves! er, hereby notify all with whom Mie may
ri,ii timf iiiv must deal with tier at their own
risk, as 1 will "not stand responsible for any of
her debts, contracts or liabilities.
Mareh 17, 187G-v4n26
Ijirge I'arm for Snle or Kent.
A FARM, known as the donation claim of J.
M. Klliott. twelve miles east of Allnv.con-
sisl n of two acres ; over 200 acres under culti
vation ; balance at present used as pasture, but.
all of if grain laud all nnder fence and well
v-nronl. It is one of the lxist farms in Linn
county, and will lie sold or rented on favorable
terms". Enquire at the farm adioinlnir - aliove
described on the west, of W. A. l'AUL.
March 17, l7G-2!iml i
Jlr?. I.ou. Hamilton, oi Corvallis, came
down yesterday, summoned to tlie bedside
of Mrs. Harper.
Thurlow Weed, in a letter on the
political situation, says, speaking of
Babcock and Belknap : "The Republi
can party will survive the overthrow ol
its unworthy representatives, provided
always that the party is prompt and
thorough in its purifications. We
should be quick to discern, and as ready
to rebuke the dishonesty of officials in
our own party as in the party of our
opponents. In this way only can Re-
publicans hope to maintain their ascen
dancy; for much more is expected of
us than of our opponents.
Alfred Wheeler, Esq., of the XortIi Bend
(Ind) Tribune, gave us a pleasant call yester
Couvallis FniE Boys. The Corvallis
firemen give a ball, atllouck's ball in that
city, on the evening of the 28th.
We suggest that all the canal bridges be
painted green, this giving our city a rural
Ecv. Mr. Cook, Universalis!, of Coqnille,
will preach at the Courthouse on Sunday
at ll,,o'cIock A. M.
A good party, with good principles and
first-class men to carry them out, our ticket
ought to be successful. It will be. if our
friends will come out in their lull strength.
Democracy is the blight that rests on
New York city. Like poison intro
duced into the system, its eflects are
p'aiuly seen in every branch of the city
Government. Unless the tax-payers
combine to rid the city and Slate of the
corrupt party that is adding to their
burdens, they must face inevitable
Protection to American citizens ; a
sound currency; economy "in the ad
ministration of Government, Municipal,
State and National ; free schools, and
protection to borne industry, are among
the leading features of the Republican
party. Are they not worthy of the en
dorsement oi the American people ?
The impeachment trial has -been ad
journed until the 27th inst. In the
meantime the counsel of Belknap and
the board of managers will prepare and
tile the papers necessary for the proper
joining of the issues involved.
Though ther men elected by the
Republican party have not ' always
done tlieir duty with fidelity, yet the
record made by the Republican party
during the past fifteen years challenges
tlie adaptation of patriots. ;y i
The lresidet has nominated E. P.
Ferry as Governor of Washington
Territory. .
. Silver mining at Newburvnort. Mas
sachusetts, revives with the SDrincr. and
Shattuck & Ribble have sold six acres I
of mineral lands for $15,000. Concen
trating works are going up. and all are
jubilant over the prospects.
Jones believes in policemen, and
thinks they are all square men. "At
any rate," he says, "they are never
Bkaxch Shop. Joe Webber, Chief En
gineer of Albany Fire Department, lias
opened a branch barber shop on Firt street,
next to Dr. Plumnier's drug store.
To Teachers. We have just fiuislicd a
lot of blank "Teacliers' Senii-Monthly
Reiiorts," which are just what teacliers
want. Send in 75c and get 1 hundred.
Way Up. On Monday the Willamette
.was higher than we remember to have
seen at this season of the year. Tlie rail
way track along the river Iront was sub
merged in places.
Tlie stockholders in the Orange Union
Store meet at the office of tbe Farmers''
Company, in this city, on Monday, "May
22d, to elect seven directors to serve the
ensuing year.
. Sold Out. Mr. J. M. Watson lias sold
out his milk business to S. -Montgomery,
and hereafter Mr. 8. W. Eddy will run tlie
business, delivering milk as usual. Bully
for Eddy.
Mrs.' Margaret Blain died at tlie resi
dence of her son-in-law, in Eugeney on
Monday night last, in Iter 75th year. Mrs.
Blain liad resided ill Linn county for 21
years. :
Prof. Sox started for tbe Eastern States
yesterday, whether to stay or return, lie
had not determined. Bon voyage, old
boy. -
We have turned out heaps of job work I
during the week, giving tbe fullest satis
faction, and are prepared to do all kiuds of
job printing, in good styie, at ine very
lowest ligurcs.
Makrikd. At the residence of the
bride's fattier, near Hal sey, April 13th,
1876, by J. A. Pearl, J. P, ; Charles Knott
and Miss Melvina Coker nil of Linn
county. ' ,
Everything in tlie line of' school books,
books ot history, science, religion, law,
medicine, etc: ; illustrated newspapers,
pens, ink, paier, and numerous other
things you want, at Jno. Foshay'a in Tar-
iisu orivK. -
Thcksday, April 20, 1S7G
Gold in New York, 113.
Greenbacks, 8
Wheat, 80c per bushel.
Butter, 30310u per lb. -Eggs,
ISc per dozen.
Oats C2lc per busliel.
Portland wlicat market, 1 0 per
cental sacked
Oats are quoted at 7W$7ia per bushel in
Portland ; butter, IS to 45c ier lb ; eggs,
20c ; chickens $1 50 per dozen ; potatoes.
80 to $1 ; onions, 2 to 24'c per ft ; green
apples, $1 tofl 25 per box; lard, 13 to
17c; beef on foot, to 2.c per lb;
hanis, 13 to 17c; sides, 12 to 13c; should
ers, Sc.
San Francisco wheat market 1 75 to
$1 00 per cental lor fair shipping to choice
A Sun Francisco letter received on the
19th says : ''The silver truotation is par
amount to evety thing else at present, touch
ing every man's pocket, and souring every
man's temper, except the. money brokers
They are happy. Silver coin is 8S9 per
cent, discount ; Trade dollars S.'S'SIO per
cent, discount ; Mexican dollars 3(310 per
cent, discount: Legal Tenders 8Sts buy
ing and 80'4 selling.
The Produce Market is quiet. Extra
family Flour is. quotable, in silver, at
f06 50 per bbl. Wheat, $1 75&1 05
Barley, feed, 2031 03; brewers, $1 30
7 35. Oats, 2 5(X33. Potatoes, $3 10
a 20. Onions, $3 253 50. Corn.fl 25
l 50. Bye, $1 75. Strawberries and
new potatoes have made their appearance
In market. The new wool clip is coming
-in."., ...,.1 I.-- ". - .: ' ..... -' . ..:
Liverpool wheat market on the 19th
9s 5dS103 for average ; club 10s(S3d 10s Sd.
, Kcw To-Dar.
D- c. riCLSon,
TAKES THIS OPPORTrxrTY to Inform the
public nenerally that, having benight out
M. 8. DePew in tlio tin and stove business, he
will continue the amine at tho old stand, where
wui be fouua a goou assortment ot
Stoves Ranges, i
Pumps, Pipes, Catlron, XSras
and Enameled Kettles.
. ALSO r.
Tin hbeetiroB, SIvnnlsrd Iron ana
Silver & Plated Ware,
Opposition isthcLife of Trade DIAMOND SPECTACLES.
TV.1VE MlnSA?i 1im opened an ottloe In the
XJ rear of tli l'ost fflw,on Itroadalbin St.,
where he will keep on Hand tor sale
Limp, I'lnster, tenient, .
and "Sand Banks," of best lowest
AUiany, Mareli 17, Te-UGmS
Merchant Tailor,
RKKl'S nlwnvs on bund Doeskins, Cn--simere8
Vertlins. etc.. . loiver and better stock
than ever liefore brought to 111 is market.'
Cuts and makes to order nil styles of Clothing
Tor men and boys, nt reasonable rates, guanm
teciiist sat i tact ion.
Shop on Kirst street, next door to City Mar
ket,, lately occupied by Dr. K. O. Smith. SivS
T T ivivc Tt
H lnciit of theo'Icliralcd new style Combined-
Drill and liiouUiuat
direc t from the factory, am now ofT.M-ins extra
inducements to the fanners of Oreson. Most
of the best farmers in the Slate ure now using
them. " , , , .
Saving seed and an increased yield, of grain
is I he result of drilling.
Can no used canaiiy wc.i as a
Drill or Broadcast Seetlcr.
ereatlv imiHOved tor tins year. .
Waivrootns at nlv I'.Iacksmith Shop, eornerof
Second and Jillswo'rtU streets, Albany,. Oregon.
Jlarcn 31, 1S76-2S
LiveryiPeed Stable
ANS. MARSHALL, Proprietor.
hoi-ses to let on reasonable terms.
Hoi-ses lioarded by tho day or week.
1 will have some of the gayest rigs ever turn
ed out of a livery stable in Altmny.
tT HKAKSK aud carriages furnished for fn.
nei-als. -
Ciive ino a call when you want to ride.
Albany, March 10, 187G-23V8
, Sewing
The Bent Machine 3Iade.
Iitcorporated Feb. 4, li7.. Capital. 120,000.
Corner First and Washington streets,
Albany, : Oregon. .
President, S. A. DAWSOX.
Superintendent, A. JT. JOIIXSOiV
from April 5lh to July l.rtli, wllh
AND '" '
one he stallions brought out from the Kast
1 wffibcat" he irtabhs of BEAN A DAVIDSON,
Salem, on Slonaaya . ritmjn p. .,
and Miturtayn.
At Allmiiy 'i"fIysip- Mnwlnjrit,
and TliurMlnys n. in. of each week duringthe
amMin, at, tne stunie oi v. ji. iiiAtv--'.'-t" .
WHI1U 1'ItlJlCti III Kra Minuiiwiii miy u.
Executor's Xotlce.
TVTOT1CE if hereby' given that letters testa
1I iihva liF-cii issued to the under
signed, npoii the estate of Wm II. Mendenhall, '
iinmsiql. hv ftie Duiit v Court of Linn county.
Oregon, liedring dale Mareli th, 1870. All per
tiona hav ing clainiH against I ho estate are re-
...,i..rl f n nrniil t lifi,. T 1 1 b 1 lie llOiier VOnCll-
era, within ix months from the du(te ot this
notice, to tlie Kaid executor, as 1113 nsiuwiro
forty mucs east oi jvnmiiy- . , T
March 10, 187fi-23v8 Jfixecntor.
jr. bij:vi.
fit. 1AM,
. M. Mlf.I.Rll,
j. a. KF.rn.
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
hbeetiroB CalTanlsrd
always on hand.
House Spouting, Roofin
and all kinds of Job-wotk and repairing done on
cuaslns elsowneiu. . . ; , ai
psitm wnartnershiT heretofore existing be-
A tween K. S. Merrill and L. M. Putinan, was
by mutual consent dissolved, March 10th, 187H,
tc R. Mrri!l havins sold his interest to
Merrill. Xbe firm will now be known as Put
man & Co., who will continne business at t he
old stand. The accounts of the old firm will
he settled bv Mr. Putnmn. and ail those indebt
ed to Merrill & Putman are earnestly requested
to can ana seiue wmiuui aeiay.
E.8. METIK1I.T.,
L.M. l't'TMAX.
Alliaiiy, April 2i, lb7tiwliiai.
eenera'iy Known ax iiuving juwui mu -
S. 1 otock horw. - J '
PISIDK OF l'KBHIBtaiMoni irom r.ui
to Ohio in 1S74. and made the season of 7o In
Wisconsin. He isa dark dapple ray, well form
ed, fine style, jjood disposition, with a graceful.
free, eafy action tnat l nave iievra jam w4.u.v;i.
in i,v horse of his size; will weigh, in good
condition, 1,800 pounds. ';
It has lonir oecn my ai""iiK"
supplv the horse breeders of Oregon with a
breed' of larKe horses and coneentrated repro-
dncins powers, emanaiinitirojii pummuiu.i,
from which couiu iw ureu u ......v. "i-
the common mai-esof the country, a uniform
elivss of horses compact, symmetrical in torm,
coupled with style, action and stamina, lo
Slippiy 1 11C UWVI) wnm, , v . ....... . ..
at ion of t he various mrfre oreens Known, i iw
Iwted the Percherou family. Tho oldest colts
fiv.n White Prince are m w coming 4 years old.
with the vounKer ones, show that the above
fact ha been accomplished, as they are all uni
form in freneml make-up, and show, the stock
probablv in a greater desrec than tho produce
of any other horse In the State, whether bred
from t lie Itlll-Oiooo, mn-siwie rcreirenmjjou
American or the Indian pony mares, all show
1 he peculiarities of the Pereheroii race.
In offe-riiif? the serv ices ot the above horsosto
the breeders ol Oregon, it is not an untried
matter, but a demonstrated fact of their value,
asitis i'i years since their introduction into
Ohio, and 19 years info Illinois, and wherever
introduced they are givmir tlie beat of Rntislao
tion. Tlie one-femrt h and one-lmlf bloods bring
more than double t he price of the good common
stock of the country, and the breeders of this
stock ure unable to supply the demaild for
There Is now, and will be for some time to
JUST OPENED, in the building on First St.,
east of Ferry (lately occupied by II. Yi eedi, j
a new and f:esh stock of ;
Groc?exiess, l?iovisioit.s, Etc.
which 1 offer to the citizens of Albany and sur- &"rfMfSCk
ronndimi country at fair living raies. - 1 O I W bO
I propose keeping a good stock orevervtning
..'..;.. u u uusnn. nnd resneet f ull V ask
tho pati-onago of tue citizens-en AL, A.
city, promising low pricesandfairdealmg with rjRrL. -
nil. " -
Clothln?, Hardware, Crocker-,
Oroceriea, Farm Implements
aud Machinery, &c, Ac.
Also, bnv and sell on commission all kinds of
! Goods, Marketable Produce, Ac
Dec Zt, iw-ivwatt . --:
March 3, lHiO-v
To Man and. Boast
; From this date until further notice, 1 will sell a
choice hei.mtiox or
A9b I
pain Stoves & Ranges !
LlITIMB'lir t. 1X0
YEAKK. ...
There Is no sore It will not lioal, no lame
ness It will not cure, no ache, no pain, that
afflict the human body, or the borly of a
horse or other domestic animal, that does
not yield to its magic tonch. A bottle
costing 25c. 50c. or l 00, has otten saved
the life of a human being, and restored to
life and usefulness many a valuable horse.
ritn mkv. IT 'II.L. t'l'HK
' Rlienmatism, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, i Cuts,
pumps, hose,:jetc.
Albany, Dec, 10, 187-U
come, a demand for the colts at good prices for j Prost-bite. Swelfinws, Contracted Cords,
stock purposes. R PUu Ul Back": Lumbago. .Sciatica,
UllOiatns, strains, oiiaoio, "
8 SO the season, or four mares for 8IOO in U.
fi. gold i-oin. exoiipt While Prince fUlieslhey
will be bi-ed by special agreement.
. v. a as-u. . -Ashland,
Or., March 81, 187&-il - : .
f f fnn per dav at home. Samples worth tl
H3 lu viil fi'ee. &ti;son & Co., Portland, Me..
SEND 25c to G. P. IIOWKLL & CO., Sew York,
for Pamphlet of 10 pages, containing 8,000
newsiiapei-s, aud estimates showing cost of ad
vertising. iMviy
A'nts wanted. Outfit
THL'li iCO., Au3usta,Mc.
t M n day at home,
Sr t a- terms tree
Sore Nipples, Eruptions, Pains, Wounds,
Spavin, Galls and Sores, bwinny. Klrte
Bone, Wintlsil Is, Big Head, Poll Evil,
Humors nnd Sores, Lameness,- Swellings,
Scratches, Distemper Stiffness, Strains,
Soreness, Open Sores
SJotioe TU-Tzztxr&m
no chair goes from tny factory without my
name upon it. All ot atxvm are false Imitations,
and should be so regarded. AH persons ara
hereby warned again&i attampung any sues
tmposinon upuu in y
. - . J. M. MJETZLER.
jenerson, ur., una. si, vsm.
:: ,: POTLwflLTOII 2
ALL PKRSOSS knowing thcmwvlves indebted
by note or account to John Brlggs, are
hereby notified that be cnlis for a settlement,
and requests that they witl-govem thmslves
I according I v. JOilJ? tF.lGGb.
Albany, wc, a, ihs-uvb