I'm VOLUME VIII. ALBANY, OREGON, APRIL 21, 187G. NO. 31. BUSINESS CARDS. SAMUEL. E. YOUNG, Wholesale and Retail Dealer in DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOOTS & SHOE?, THRESHERS, REAPE1S & M0WRS WAG3KS, PLOWS, SEED CHILLS, BROADEST SEED - SOWERS, ETC first street, Albany, Orison. Term.- Cah. uaov7 St.; Charles. Hotel, Corucr Wasltlngtou and First Sts., ALBANY, OREGON, Matthews & Morrison, PROPRIETOnS. Honso newly ftirfcisberl throiv.jhonr. The best the market allonls ul wiij a on the table. 1'ree o;ul to nud tVoiu tiie Houst. V. C. HAKPER & CO Theaters in X 32. "S C3r O O X 3 m C'lolltiu, Kooi nn ft Shoes, ISiits, roee- i-li-s, raarjromb, Notion, Mtoiiiou Had fintoJ, Nails, ISupc, Mirrors, Vinllpoper, Wood and Willow IVare, Trunks roit Valise, IocKet Cutlery, Ae., &-., Sold very low either for tush, or to prompt pnv n33 ins nisiomewon time. v7 Iliitr ami SZovias Ruiidiu;;. 1TTETIIE rSIERSlUNKD BEG I.F.AVK TO S!irrounilin!r eonniry that, -liavinsr tsnwplu!-.! etir- announce to tlie -m::-i 01 AUffliiy ami iMlmwitli tlie ieo.fsirv 'Miaeliimtrr to? rni- jiiL ami removing buildings, we aii reml uf till i times to reeeivo orJer for snch work. w n ieli wo will do in short .uter at lowet ra w. W e j ,kenibvTif"tfa,BSa,l!iIiU!ti0tt ":1 "oriI Un Ier or:leri left at tho llKGisrEa offl-jo promptly aitfiuted to. Apply to. AlUi. BANTY, ALLEN & CO. : Or., April 23. 1S7.1. Skv7 o. ROM AND AFTER DATE, UNTIL FUU- ther noLice, freight from lOSriTL.AK5 to WILL BE OH DOLLAR PES T0. All down freight will be delivered at PORT L.tXI) or ASTUKIA IVcc or Irctyugc and Wimrfiigc, At Reduced Rates. Boats will Vave ALBANY for COUVALLIS or PORTLAND 323-7- to X" y For further parlicnlarM, apply to -i KOt ll A. 3MSXTF.ITII, Albany, Nov. 21, Ti-12 Aar.'nts (HAS. B. M.JNTAGCE. KOBT. MCA.JLKY. MOXTAGUE & SItCALLEY, ABE NOW OPENING A MAGNIFICENT stock of FALL AND YSlSTElt GOODS'! selected with care, and bought for coin at ScundalousSy Low Figures and as we bought low wc can and will sell thciu at prices that will Astonish Everybody. Come and see onr selections of DmM ttooila, fthttwla, Piques, Itrllllante, Marseille -I'opllua, tVnatres, Blbbons, Collar, .'ollttrcttcs, Laces, Ac, , for the ladies, and our complete lines or a w"fcjf v - ----- -, Hosiery, f ottonndes, Cnafn?re Clotha, ' Khea Boots !, , . . HntWf Of all descriptions for men and 1xys. Also, fnll asfsoi'tuients ot" Groceries; CrocSery ni Glassware. or everybody. Thf lcst Koortn.at the lowest ratcaevcry time. fk&rComa and aoe. - - i.-lanon, Oregon. October 30. 1S4. " Furniture; Ware rooms. FRED OJIAF, HAVING prareliasMsd the entire interest of J. Collar in the lute nmi of Graf A tliur. in t he fornltnro bnalnesa, twice tills opportunity to return his tl)nk to Ilia fit beens of Albany and vlttlntty who have so jreneronsly jmtron ized him in tho pst. ami resjK'ytfnliy ftsk a continuance of t became. e-All klndsof Inr nitare kept on band and man ufaet overt to orier at lowest-rate. - i'ilWJ UBAt . . Albany, Nov. 12-V8n8 .;. Eatli House & Barber Shop. Till! UNDERSIGNED WOULD BESPECT ftt'.ly tlianlstliecitu'.onsof Allan ami vl cn'.tv for tbe lllxital patronage bostowo'l on 1, :i 'Sot tlie rwrtt mven vear?, and hopes for t!w f ,!' a crmtinuation of t heir fiivof. For t he f o'liinodatlon of transient customers, and 1 : rals in tiie njirr pwrt of town, lie orwn- I aslant littihli; no-tr loor to Taylor P.ro. ftt fioii, where a grmrl vnrkiiun will always lc rt ofi-i.atuMi to wait upoi jmtroTi. Lc.ll, J;4, - JOE WLUEEn. OUK NEW YORK LETTER. CENTENNIAL iTEM" POLITICAL GOSSIP THE UNEMPLOYED TILTON-I1EK- (11EK FREIGHTS BUSINESS RK LICilOCS HEALTH. New York, March 27, 1S7G. A CENTENNIAL ITEM. A family hi Minnesota wrote to know if a coffee urn bearing date about 1770, would bo of enough interest to send to tho Ccutoiiiiial. It may meet similar questions in other minds to say that articles bearing uo earlier date than the last century, are hardly of value uuless they Lave added interest beeau.se they belonged to eorae person of note, or are so peculiar as to be curiosities in them selves without regard to their age. The Centennial will not have place for half that is offered. It of peculiar model, such things are desired by bric-a-brac collectors, and will increase in value with every decade. I warn my leaders who have old things they hope to part with for profit, not to expect too much for them, as collectors are pretty stingy and shrewd in their dealings. When sold at auction, quaint articles some times run up to handsome figures, as for instance, an inlaid Japanese cabinet, lately sold at Leavitt's began at 40 and was knocked down at $400. An old delt coffee-pot or a pewter one may briug twenty-live dollars, from a col lector, but the fancy prices seldom fall into any hands but the auctioneers. If persons wish their questions answered by letter, I will remark that the method of enclosing a stamped envelope wi I not be out of place. POLITICAL GOSSIP. The bold and uncompromising stand taken by Gen. Win. Curtis, in opposi tion to instructing the Now York dele- ffat;on f.r ("Ymklin moots toUK tl A""" lor voiilv.in, meets Wltll the Ij?artiest approval of the best Kepubli- cans of New Ycrk. It is evident that Conklin did not tall into the hands of the best class, and that tact has turned against htm many who would otherwise have given him a very hearty support. To-day nine-tenths of the Republicans of the city are throwing up their hats for Curtis, and ConkHn is in no" position whatever to carry the delegation. And may I whisper a word of advice to 1 Re publicans everywhere ? Don't instruct. L.'on i go into the national convention with any pets, or with your hands tied for anybody. The party never was made for a man. It has work to do, at.d instead of being used as the means of elevating individuals, it should use individuals to do its work. It is sroin to be close work this year to elect any one, and if there is the slightest forc ing in the convention if the nomi nees cai.tiot carry tlie united strengi h of the party, the jig is up. The nominee must be not only the best man in the party, but the strongest. And wait till we all get together aud compare notes before deciding as to that man. There must be a Tery liberal spirit at that convention, or we are beaten to death. 3Iind, the democray are press ing Tilden vigorously, and with a con siderab'e degree of uiiauimity. . A large sum of money has been raised in this city by his friends, aud a bureau in his interest has been established at Wash ington. A choice lot of bummers are there setting up things for "Slippery Sam," aud they have hopes that lie will sweep the platter. Tilden is the shrewd est wire-puller living, and he stands a good show for the nomination. The only tlung that stands in his way is the forcible enunciation of ; his hard money viewn, which is against him in the west, but he is smart enough to compromise that.-- If the democracy of the west be lieve he can be elected, they will take him, for they do want post-olhces. lie can get more money bchiud hini than any one candidate mentioned. itnkiiployei. The writer of these letters is pleased to find them'of more use to readers than simply for tlie news they give. As to news indeed, it is a sorry task tho cor respondent has who tries to get it up up for papers who have every item nerved by the telegraph a week before his account can reach them. - The most a city correspondent can do ot real value to his patrons is to reflect the opinions of the metropolis, the topics of minor interest and euch details as are hardly worth paying for at five cents a word by telegraph. Then the subjects of most interest ia town are the very ones which the editor sternly forbids to his luckless writer. We correspondents are made aware that readers do not care to bear about theatres, lectures, books, and music4 at ali, but little about tho social, political, or club life so far distant . from theirs, in every way. Writing New York letters under these restrictions is not making bricks with out straw, but making them all of straw, and pretty finely chopped straw at that, so it is a matter of congratula tion to the wiiter when he finds his paragraph on the poor out of work has mored some one in Yates county to send him an application for a servant -girl to help on a larm, offering her a good home for years if sho can suit. The application was handed over to a lady visitor of St John's Guild who will take care that the demand is filled. Persons who make ench requests in fu ture will remember that it is necessary for them to send tatisfactory references from people of standing as to their abili ty to pay and treat a servant well, be fore any one will be willing to ris-k going to them. No one who lias any feeling for the poor can object to aid in the work of helping them to homes aud employment where the benefit is as much on one side as tho other. In the country, where help is scarce, it is pitiful to see the numbers out of work here, yet it is dif ficult to find those willing to leave the city. A sewing machine agent lately sent to New York for an operator to go to a- Western city, oflcring a salary j nearly twice what one could get here, j but not one woman could be induced to i take it, though it was offered to some J whose earnings were hardly enough to j nav their board, and whose chance at ! i best was very precarious. The poor creatures will run the risk ot starving rather than c;o out of town, where-they would ba welcome and comfortable. The fact is, they will not leave the city so long as they can exist in it. To the poor bred here, and accustomed to the city, there is nothing so, terrible as the country. They cling to the city! with all its wretchedness, ignorant that ! there is anything 1 belter for them out side. Half the unemployed girls ij New York are needed in tho country, where they could have good comforta ble homes, but they will not go. , TILTON-tEECIIER. You havn't seen this head-line lately in my letters, and you wouldn't now, only I have something new. It is rumored that the whole matter is to be re-opened early in the spring. Tilton, it is stil, has new evidence that will satisfy the public beyond all doubt; and tj vindicate himself he will com mence a new suit, backed with all the money that may be necessary to fight it out. I give this as a rnmor, for I cannot vouch for Its correctness. It is a curious thing that Iieecher has taken no part whatever in the Moody and Sankey meetings, he being the only clergyman of any note who has not. The other clergymen of the city fight shy of him. FI! EIGHTS. The merchants of New York are making an effort to get back their lost trade. They are sick of fighting Bos ton and Baltimore barehanded, aud are going to protect themselves. They are organizing to do what should have been done years ago, viz : Build a straight air line freight road from the city to the prominent freight gathering points, with proper terminal facilities. They propose to own the roadand have it operated in the interest ot the city and the people of the West, and to do away with all the little swindles and extortions' that have driven the trade away from the city. Tlie matter is in the hands of men who mean business, and who have the money to do it. It is expected to have the survey com menced early in the spring, and the road commenced at once. It will lx? a sttaight road to St. Louis, with branches to the principal poirts, and will lie ex clusively tor freight. Tho trains will make an average of sixteen miles an hour, and it will bo double-tracked its entire length. The road will 6ave the farmers of the West its cost every five years, for when fiuished it will not cost more to get a bushel of wheat to market than the wheat is worth. BUSINESS is dull again, and the weather is averag ing badly. Last week we were treated to a regular hurricane, which blew down buildings, and tore things generally. But the mild weather that followed has brought the country , merchants, and therefore it is hailed with delight. ; HEALTH. The city is fearfully unhealthy. The spring suns are exposing masses ot tilth that have accumulated during the win. ter, and the miasma that is in the air is something frightful. Ague and Biliious Fever is more prevalent than it is in Indiana, and the variety is of the most malignant. Bilious Fever means more here than it does io the country, and when it comes to Typhoid, look out. There is a poison in the air that is ter rible, and children and weak adults are dying at a rate unheard of. Unless steps are taken at once to clean the city, the summer will bring a pestilence. It is a shame that it should bo in such a condition, when the pmount ot money paid each year for the purpose of clean ing it ought to keep it as sweet as a flower-bed. : ' . KELIGlOL'S, : Tlie advent of Moody aud Sankey, and tho enormous audiences they, have attracted, have had the effect to set Christians to thinking of various things. Among others the system of renting pews is being discussed with much feel ing. The more earnest workers insist that the churches shall be free, that the seats shall bo free, and that the system ot "first come, firs! servedj" shall be adopted. They insist that only in this way can the masses be brought into the churches and under gospsl influences. On the other hand the holders ot pews hold that as there are always sittiugs fcr all who come, there is no reason why those who desire it t-hould not have their regular seats,, aud continue the regular family idea of the church. The matter has got into the papers and much is being said pro and con. The preach ers are taking it up, and tho Christian world is being divided into pew and no pew 'parties. I shall not attempt to settle it, but will give my notion in a speech made by an advocate of the pew system. "Talk," said he, "of the neces sity of bringing sinners in to hear preaching. -' Who needs it more than we do? And who needs inducements more than we do?" As he was a pillar in the church his statement was a most candid confi s io v Pietko. A Contrary Mule. A farmer in this county , says a North Carolina paper, has a'mu'e so awfully contrary that he can do nothing with it. Put him in harness and it is hard to say which way he will travel. Put a saddle on him and he appears to doze, but try to mount him, and he will, all of a sudden, begin to kick every way straight out, straddlebug, with all tour legs at once. As to eating, ho will eat anything, from his feed-trough up to a wooden saddle. The owner took a notion to have him shod, but he kicked out the blacksmith shop and returned home. The owner tried to kid him, sometime back, so he tied his ears with a trace cl:ain and rode him for six con secutive days and nights as hard as he could under whip and pur. The fact is, that he killed himself in the effort, and had to be carried np stairs to bed, and his firm belief was that the mule would die that night j but to his aston ishment the next morning he found that the mnle had kicked to death a Chef ter sow weighing 300 pounds, bit a piece out of his horse's shoulder, ate up a saddle, blanket and bridle, tore down the fence, and was splurging abont more duvilitsh than ever to find some thing else meaner to do. Veal Cake. This is a very pretty, tasty dish for supper or breakfast, and uses up any cold veal you do not care to mince. Take away the brown out side of cold roast veal, and cut the white meat into thin slices. - Have also a few thin slices of cold ham, and two hard boiled eggs, which also slice, and two dessert-spoonfuls of finely chopped pars ley. Take an earthenware mould, and lay veal, ham, eggs, and parsely, in alternate layers, with a little pepper be tween each, and a sprinkling ot lemon on the veal. When the mould seems full, fill up with a strong stock, and bake for half an hour. Turn out when cold. If a proper shape be not at hand, use a pie-difh. When turned out, gar nish with a few sprigs of parsely. 'In -the English Parliamentftho other day," says the New York Tribune, "Air. Gathorne Hardy, being question ed as to the overcrowding of soldiers in certain British torts, and the number of men and women in the same room, gravely stated that the quantity of cubic air allotted to each person was in ac cordance with the laws of modern science. The utter iuappropriateness of the an swer is almost as amusing as was the simplicity of tbe Princess Borghese when, having stood to Cauova as what the schools cf art would terra an uu drapod model, and being asked by a lady how she had felt, she replied that she had not been at all cold, as there was a fire iu the room. It also suggests Buffbn's naive answer when reproached by a lacy friend for having dissected the corpse of his sister-in-law, 'Jfon Dieu, madam I tbe woman was dead.' " A man in Indianapolis has invented a new kind of tine-tooth comb, and the citizens say that such, a thing never en tered their header winii nj-j.ow. Sharing mingled joy and sorrow, Hope to-day an3 fear to morrow, Strength of heart we needs must Borrow, While below. Sunshine with the storm is blended; O'er the flood the bow Is bended ; Trusting souls shall be befi tended. Wlille below. 'Mid the tempest blooms the willow; Sings the sailor on the billow ; Hope of Heaven may be our pillow, . .While below. Though tlie wny seem dark before us, Olt the cloud's are rifted o'er lis, A.nd we hear the angel chorus While below. L,ove lias never vainly striven; Needed strength is ever given; Dawns on us the light of heaven, While below. From the Captain of Salvation, Faith shall have its coronation; Shout wo then in exultation, While below. a riiiME 3isMsrrns dkf.asi. A PROPHECY . THAT QUEEN VICTORIA WILL BE EMPRESS OF THE EASTERN HEMISPHERE. London Correspondent of tlie New York v orit, mo. zmit j Here is a 6tory tor which I do not vouch and for which 1 would not wish to make yon responsible, but which is yet so curious, and withal dovetails in to some particulars ot modern history. so ingeniously, that it is at least worth the pains of putting it upon paper. It concerns the maker of Dukes in novels aud in Parliament, and substantiates the club gossip, often heard, that Mr. Disraeli, though belonging to the estab lished Church, is none the less a son of Shem for that ; has, as ho himself often says, the blood of the mystic East in his veins, and is a Hebrew quite as much in his superstitions as in his skepticisms. Where other men would c'aim to be guided by instinct or helped by luck, the true Jew thinks himself following that supernatural leadership which is implied in the name ot Bath kol, "the daughter of a voice" in other words, he implicitly believes in divination. It begins to be clearly seen that. Mr. Disraeli is pursuing a distinctly marked policy in regard to India, aud that this is radically different from any past poli cy followed by British leaders. In making the Queen of England Empress of India, he is treating the Indian Em pire as no longer an appanage of the crown, and simply a conspicuous jewel, that may be lost without more than impairing ornamental perfection, but as a vital part of the crown itself, and more important than any of tho other parts- In other words, the British Em pire, and not England or Great Britain,' is treated as the essential fact iu Dis raeli's Government. Now, the story which "has come to me not at first, but as club gossip cir culates around is this : Some years ago a distinguished gentleman, whose name I must withold, was traveling in Palestine, when he chanced to meet there the venerable Sir Moses Monte fiore on ono of Iub frequent visits to the sacred soil that owes him so much. Sir Moses made the distinguished gentle man join his party, and together they traveled for some weeks. Ono starlit night, lying under a tent pitched on the pleaaut slopes near Bethlehem, the conversation turned npon Mr. Disraeli, and the distinguished gentleman said he had often wondered why the bril liant novelist had virtually given np his literary career with all its splendid promises, and after all its splendid suc cesses, to essay the difficult aud thorny path of politics. After a pause, Sir Moses 6aid,6ubstantially, what follows: Perhaps I can tell you It is difficult to understand men's motives, and not always safe to accept their statement of them, but I once asked Mr. Disraeli the very question which puzzles you, aud I will give you his answer as nearly as I can. We had been dining together, he and I, and were in ; the confidential mood that is apt to succeed a good re past, "Mr. Disraeli,"- said 1, "pray tell ma what made you go into -Parliament and persist, in spite of so many mortifying failures; in aspiring to the leadership you have won ? You had a success of one sort, yet you risked it to win a success of another sort far less agreeable. I can't understand it, but perhaps that is because I am a benight ed Jew. You, who are a Christian, must enlighten me." He laughed. "Because we are both Hebrews," he said' "I believe I can afford to tell you, but you must not publish my secret, for people would not believe and they would laugh at me, and in this country where people think themselves so thick skinned, it is better to be hanged than laughed at. I became a politician from motives ot patriotism, aud I owe the awakening of my patriotic impulse to a dream. Hear mo before you laugh. "A word before I speak of my dream: You have noticed, bave yon not j that all permanent conquest comes from, the East and move3 in a westerly course ? It is the- law of universal progress, and the closer you look into it the more in variable you will find it to be. Action, human action, follows the sun's path inevitably, and tlie maxima of human energies rise and fall in their cylical arcs along the same paths, and just as the maxima of temperature rise and fall in their diurnal arcs. I wish you to note this law; I discovered it early; I have pondered on it deeply, and pfesently you wilt see the application of it. "Yon, Sir Moses, like myself, have, near kin and dear ties in Portugal. We1 love that valiant little kingdom,, and rejoice in its brave deeds. Do yon know what . I consider to be, by long odds, the most heroic and most dra matic event in modern history? It occurred on tho 27th-2Sth of Novem btr, 1S07 ; the scetio waa Lisbon; the spot, that very point from which Vasco de Garua embarked three centuries be fore to discover a new realm in the East. . Junot, with his legions, was within a day's march of Lisbon; all re sistance was broken; the Prince Kegent had disbanded j his' armies, but his haughty Braganza blood would not let him submit to tho control of an iuva dcr. Portugal was piostrate, but the Portuguese Empire still existed. The fleet, badly equipped, was brought into the roads, and hastily, in storm, rain and darkness, the Kegent, '. his family and entire household, embarked, trusted their future to the treacherous sea, and sailed away to Brazil.. A heroic act, but note the prudence and the sagacity of it. That is where the geuius to con trol events so far' outruns precedent and cold calculation. Portugal was pre-1 served, rescued, rehabi'ilated through that heroic embarkation. It the Bo gent had stayed, not only the House of Braganza but the Kingdom of Portu- i gal also would have been extinguished. These are the strokes which show the' force and relevancy of 'genius in states manship. There is an inspiration in politics as in . all things else, and iu perilons times genius must wot kont the rescue of the State. "Now come to my dream. I from the first was resolved to be somebody, and would not be only a solicitor nor a barrister. Yet I did not think of poli tics, for I had no notion that I could speak, cr even if I cculd succeed in doing that, that a career was open for me in the line ot politics. But one night, after my first successes as a nov elist, and when I was a good . deal sought after, and pretty well lagged out with society's demands, I went home late, went to bed tired, and had a dream.- - 'l dreamed that I was Prime Minis ter of England, iu a time of overwhelm ing disaster. I d reamed that another great conqueror like Napoleon, had arisen, had overrun Europe, had de feated our fleets, had invaded England, and destroyed our armies, London was in his hands, his army was advanc ing in three columns towards the west, his fleet held the English channel, and was sailing towards St. George's chan nel. The Queen was at Edinburgh, and we still had an army at Derby, a fleet in the Irish seas, and an immense body ot unarmed vessels in harlxr from the Mersey to the Clyde. I hastened to Liverpool and ordered the instant victualing and equipment of all these vessels. Then I rushed to the Queen : 'Madam,' said I, I have the honor to , announce to you that England, Scot land, Ireland, Wales, will certainly be overrun and prostrated by the invader, ; but the British Empire still survives.; Yoa must save the empire you alone can do it.' - 'How cau I save my King dom, Mr. Disraeli ? ' the Qneen asked. I hope you have no unworthy proposi tion but no you know how venera ble the crown t wear is.' 'JIadam,' I replied, I did not say save your kingdom, for that is lost already. I said save your empire, A fleet awaits you, an escort is ready; there is yet time. Go to India, aud rearing your standard there bid defiance to the world I ' Her Majesty's eyes kindled. 'Let steps be instantly taken to forward our embarkation. We will sail at once. "I dreamed that we did so embark, and though pursued and harassed,made good our voyage around the Cape of Uood llopo to India. I dreamed that there we consolidated a great empire and defied the conqueror's utmost ef forts. We built a fleet that drove his vessels from the Indian seas; we drilled and gave life to a great army; we formed alliances with the swarming Mongul tribes and procured their co operation. The British .Empire in Ca'cutta wa.i greater than "j the British Empire in Loudon had ever dreamed ot being; so great, iu fact, that the con. queror had to come from Europe and attempt to destroy us or bo destroyed himself He marched upon our fron tiers, already extended far into Persia, and we marched to meet him. It was Asia once more advancing westward to the conquest ot Europe coming east ward. There was a battle, the might iest ever fought, somewhere upon the line ot the Euphrates. Ve conquered, and forty days later tho Queen's stand ard waved over the minarets- and domes of Constantinople. She was Empress ot the Eastern Hemisphere. "This was my dream, Sir .Moses. I do not preend to give you any of the details of it, bnt' I know, from the manner in which all the preliminary facts of it, and those which concern my own connection with the event, have been verified, tLat it'was not a dream, but a prophecy and a warning. I de termined to heed it. I determined to become Prime Minister of England, because in the event of the disaster which is sure to -come, I am the only man in those islands who will not mcri-r fiee India in the the hope to save Kng-r land the only man who can saye Eng land by not throwing away Il;dia, rr absolutely esseutial to onr safety. Atx5 I hve firmly resolved, Sir Mopes, it X ever do come to power, to make India the keystone of the empire, and to le the world sec that wc regard it as such." Such is the dream as related. It iff I impossible to speak in regard to tha genuineness aud authenticity of Ihff story. It may be pure invention, etf post facto; it may have been actually told by Mr. Disraeli to Sir Moses Mon tofiore for purposes ot his own; or it may have; been set afloat aa a straw to tell the current. But it is certain that Mr., Disraeli treats- fctx question of Indi from a very different standpoint than that Lis predecessors have occupied". It is certain that he has totally abandoned the policy of concession to Russia, and that he is preparing tor war. . At thof same time he is making, unusual excre tions in the way of enhancing the im portance, developing the resources and fortifying the resources of India. One" of his most significant recent acts has not been interpreted- properly, and hence has been vepy stupidly abased. This was permitting the local Indian Government to impose a tariff duty of 5 per cent upon the import of manufko-' tared cottons. The act itself was, of course, "protection," so far as the in dustries of India are concerned, but. I have heard that Mr. Disraeli ridicules the notion that the Indian Viceroyalty is to give up its free trade policy and go upon a wild goose chase after " the . i ) - . . - . tt. t .i to have remarked that all he wanted to? see was a wider distribution of British capital, in case of a war or an invasion, "If yoa put all your money in a single safe, you will be entirely at the mercy of a single gang of burglars, providing they areab'e to break in. Thes politic capitalist keeps his bonds in one place, his coupons in another, and so insures the safty of both." - : f Looking at the matter in thcse"lights, Mr. Disraeli's proposition to make the -Queen Empress ot India does not seem to be so ridiculous after all. It is s Btroke of keen policy, just such as wa the purchase of the Suez Canal shares f and it proves that Mr. Disraeli not only has an objective point, bat is concentra ting all the energies and resources ot the empire upon it that is, the comer vatioui of India, peaceably if he f can, forcibly if ho must. i'lum 1'uddino i ne aay oetore you wish .to use this pudding, stone and chop fine one pound of rasins ; wash in warm water one pound of currants, pick and dry them, and chop half a pound of beef-suet. Next morning soak - pound loaf ot bread iu a pint of warm, sweet raj k ; beat it fine; add to it the rasins, suet, and currants, with three eggs, well beaten, a grated nutmeg, a tab.'espoonful of sugar, and a -wine-glass of brandy. Put it in a floured bag or pudding-mould, and boil it six hours. When done, serve with brandy sauce. Scotch Brotii Tase four pound of mutton -part of the leg is bes$ j add one gallon water, one teacupful of pearl barley, two carrots slieed, two- turnip sliced, two onions cut small, three car rots grated, the white part of a larger cabbago chopped very k small, and s small quantity of parsley. Season with pepper and salt Let this boil very gent ly for three hours and a half, and at the dinner table it will, most likely, by all who are foHd of soups, be pronounc ed excellent. Many persons in preparing patatoes for cooking pare off a thick slice from tho sur&ee instead of digging out tlie eyes. The skinning process is tdl wrong, as the strength of the vegetable lie near the surface the starch growing less abundant as the center is approxi mated. The best way is to scour theira well aud cither bake or boil them wit hi their skins on. . 1 Sponge ; Oak is. Ono pint flour one pound sugar ; ten eggs. He skulked into a Second-etrect sa loon, leaned over the bar and whisper- ed : "Here's my last tea cents. If vott were me would you put it ont for whisky, or buy candy for the children?" "I'd buy candy," replied the ? bar-keep- cr. J ho man out uo the money, matitt tor the door, but halted as a harmvidpa. struck him; and he returned and said. 1 cuess I'll pay tor tho whisky, a'tid. get trusted for the candy." She waltzed like a Juno at the hop; I vowed the question I would pop j and as her partner tendered her a seat, my throbbing heart with anxious pang did beat. - I tripped beside ray lovely charm, I bowed and gently touched her arm. "Engaged for next?" I said, "My darling Kato ? " "Go 'way," sh eaid, "You hit my vaccinate." " "Madam," said a quack to arr .old1 lady who insisted on knowing what ailed her "the nerves ot yonr, tympa num have fallen oh the cerebellum, causing a tbsarizon, ad it is what we call a scrutinary complaint.' "Good ness me," sho exclaimed, "youVo-tho-first doctor that ever told me exactly what was the matter." - . Offerings of the cents on the dollar. season, Tweaty